2014 Hedoban #5 Interview - Takayoshi Ohmura
This is an unofficial fan translation of an interview originally featured in Hedoban Vol.5, issued Oct 2014. The original issue can be purchased here . Please do so if you are able to show your support to the people that made this happen! (if issue is out of print, you can also buy newer issues of Hedoban!) Extreme Technic Meister Series #2 - Takayoshi Ohmura Text: Naoyuki Umezawa 梅沢直幸(Hedoban Magazine Editor-in-Chief) エクストリーム・テクニック・マイスターの第二回に登場していただくのは、今や日本を代表する···いや、日本が世界に誇る速弾き&バカテクギタリストとも言える大村孝佳氏! 一回目のBOH氏の時点で二回目はこの方と心に決めてました! 白塗りのあのバンドやマーティ・フリードマンのソロライヴでの派手なアクション&笑顔とキメ顔連発は、エンターテインメントとピロピロバカテクを融合させた···これぞ速弾き新次元! あのバンドやあのユニットへの激愛も含めて、速弾きの極意とソロギタリストの生き様を紐解きます! Making his appearance in the second installment of “Extreme Technique Meisters” series is none other than Takayoshi Ohmura, a guitarist who might be known as a “representative of Japan”, or even “Japan's pride” when it comes to blazing-fast, mind-blowing guitar techniques! As soon as we featured BOH in the first issue, I k...