2020 Kadokawa BABYMETAL Interview - Su & Moa - Part 1 - Formation and Chapter 1 (2010-2014)

Spiritual Message 1 | Formation and Chapter 1 | 2010-2014



The work of creating BABYMETAL was interesting


SU-METAL has been the main vocalist of BABYMETAL since its formation in 2010. BABYMETAL as we know it would not exist without her clear voice, which has united fans - men, women, young, old, Japanese and international - as one. A super-long interview covering BABYMETAL’s exciting and tumultuous 10 years begins with their creation and the first chapter of Metal Resistance.


The very first time I’d heard of the name “BABYMETAL” was when I listened to the demo of “Doki Doki Morning”. The song was very cute in its original form, so it was quite a shock to hear the version it later became, because I’d never heard of anything like it. “Is this the same song?!” (laughs), and it really made me think “what the hell is this?” However, there was something quite interesting about it, so the three of us danced along to it (laughs). As such, the choreography for “Doki Doki Morning” was born from a lot of ideas we came up with, thinking of ways to make it come alive - it was a really fun atmosphere! You could say that’s when the “Fox God” was born. That’s why “Doki Doki Morning” is such a foundational song, and made the work of creating BABYMETAL very interesting right from the beginning.

Suzuka, Yui, and Moa of BABYMETAL on Kawaii Girl Japan


These early stories of BABYMETAL’s creation, chemistry, and worldview made it obvious that SU-METAL was a natural choice. So what impression did you have of your partners MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL?


My position contrasts strongly with that of MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL. They exude a completely different aura, and could do many things that I can’t, so at first I thought it was rather interesting that we were at such extremes. For example, as we brainstormed together, they could let their imaginations run wild like children, and come up with ideas so freely, saying whatever was on their mind, and I thought their creativity was amazing! After we performed more shows together, I gradually realized more and more that “I would never have made it this far by myself”

Yui and Moa recording BABYMETAL songs


This sentiment that SU-METAL had regarding the two younger girls became more prominent at the bonus show “LEGEND~Corset Festival” at Meguro Rock-May-Kan in July 2012, held for customers who purchased their first independent single “Headbanger!”


I felt how critical their presence was at the Rock-May-Kan performance. As MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL danced desperately, I felt there was no way I could shrink or try and flee from the stage. When I asked them later, MOAMETAL said, “I can do my best because YUIMETAL is with me”, and YUIMETAL said, “I can do my best because MOAMETAL is with me.” - I think this is when BABYMETAL’s triangle was born. After we started talking about these things, we became able to share our difficulties with each other - until then, we had been taking on these challenges as individuals. There’s just something about metal that gives it a very 100% feeling, and that’s why I had to do my best to express this spirit! (laughs)


The next year, we began playing at festivals, and persevered through shows where the scorching sun would blast down directly upon us in the middle of the summer - but we always did our best until the end. That’s because the two of them were with me, and I felt I had to give it my all as well, and I had to keep on singing even if they were to leave the stage. So their presence helped me very much!

Suzuka, Yui, and Moa of BABYMETAL


Being blown away by the memory of performing with a live band


After the Rock-May-Kan show, BABYMETAL finally began to perform solo shows in earnest. October 2012 saw the beginning of the “I, D, Z~LEGEND” series, and in the first show “I, D, Z~LEGEND ‘I’ ” at O-EAST, the SU-METAL solo “Akatsuki” made its premier.

「紅月-アカツキ-」は、ちゃんと歌えるようになるまですごく時間がかかりましたね。それに、O-EASTのリハーサルの時には「紅月-アカツキ-」を全力で歌い過ぎて、本番で声が出なくなってしまって。当時は自分自身でそういう調節もできなかったんですよ。なので、本番は万全ではない状態になってしまい、でも歌い切らなきゃいけないと思って、声もうまく出ていたかわからなかったけど何とか歌い続けて......そんな時にパッとお客さんの方向を見たら、女性の方が号泣していたんです。自分の歌で、こんなふうに人を涙させることができるんだと思って。その時の自分は声が出なくてつらいと思っていたけど、ちゃんとこうやって見てくれている人はいるし、人を感動させられているんだなと。もっと頑張らなきゃいけないなって、何か大切なことに気付かされた瞬間でしたね。それと、「I、D、Z~LEGEND"Z"」(2013年2月@Zepp Tokyo)では、もしかしたらBABYMETALが終わってしまうんじゃないかって思われていて、あの時のライヴはお客さんの歓声がすごかったんです。こんなにもたくさんの人がBABYMETALを望んでいるんだっていう驚きが私たちのなかにありましたね。最後に白い衣装で新たに登場したタイミングで、本当に泣き出しそうな歓声に迎えられて、「ああ、自分たちはこういう人たちに支えられてBABYMETALとして飛び立っていくんだな」って実感したんです。言ってしまえば、どこか最初の頃は、楽しいからやっているという部分が大きかったけど、ここからは遊びじゃなくて本物になるんだ、っていうふうに感じていましたね。あと「I、D、Z~LEGEND"D" SU-METAL聖誕祭」(2012年12月@赤坂BLITZ)は、最後に十字架を覆った炎が想像以上に熱過ぎて、私自身もびっくりした記憶があります(笑)。

It took a lot of time before I was able to sing Akatsuki properly. At the O-EAST rehearsal, I sang Akatsuki at full power, and ended up not being able to sing it properly during the actual show. At the time, I wasn’t able to adjust my voice very well. So, I wasn’t in a perfect state for the show, but I knew I had to keep on going and finish the song, even though I didn’t know if my voice was coming out right… then as I looked out into the audience, I saw that a woman was crying, and thought, “am I really making people cry like that through my song?” At the time, I was having a tough time with producing my voice correctly, but I realized that people were watching me intently, and that my performance was touching them emotionally. It was at that moment that I realized something important; that I had to work even harder. And at “I, D, Z~LEGEND ‘Z’ “ (February 2013, Zepp Tokyo), people thought it might be the end of BABYMETAL, and they cheered so hard for us at the show. We were surprised at how many people wanted BABYMETAL. When we appeared on stage in our new white costumes at the end, we were welcomed by cheers that made me feel like crying, and I felt, “Oh, we’re going to take off as BABYMETAL with fans like these.” In the beginning, it was just something that we were doing for fun, but after this, I felt that it wasn’t just a game, but something that we were taking on seriously. At my birthday show “I, D, Z~LEGEND ‘D’ “ (December 2012, Akasaka BLITZ), I remember being surprised by the heat of the flames covering the cross at the end of the show (laughs).

SU-METAL performing Akatsuki

――また、「I、D、Z~LEGEND」では要所で神バンド(=生バンド)が加わる形でのライヴがお披露目されてきたが、2013年5月の初ツアー「BABYMETAL DEATH MATCH TOUR 2013-五月革命-」からは、ついに全曲を通して神バンドと共にパフォーマンスすることに。果たして、シンガーである彼女にどんな影響を及ぼしていたのか気になるところだ。

The arrival of the Kami Band had been announced at “I, D, Z~LEGEND” through their joining during a few key moments, but it wasn’t until the “BABYMETAL DEATH MATCH TOUR 2013-May Revolution” that BABYMETAL finally began to perform with the Kami Band for all songs. What effect did this have on her as a singer?


The show in Osaka (BIGCAT) on the first day of the festival was the most memorable one. It was the first time I’d ever performed with a live band for an entire show, and I still remember being blown away by those memories. It felt like I was enjoying the show from somewhere above the stage, and it felt great to be able to form the voice I wanted to make, as if someone were controlling me. At some point in time, I knew it was going to be a success, and I just focused on enjoying the show. It was like a new door had opened at that moment. Maybe that’s why I say things like “The Fox God descended upon us”, or something along those lines, because that’s what we experienced at the show.


Megitsune will always be a work in progress for me


After these experiences, BABYMETAL finally released their first self-titled album in February 2014. It was truly a culmination of SU-METAL’s early years, and an album in which you can fully enjoy the charm of their diverse discography.


We’ve now released three albums thus far, but this one is probably still the most “BABYMETAL”. When it comes to metal, we really did start out as “babies”. We experienced and learned so much, challenging many things in music and creating that initial “what the hell is this” BABYMETAL feeling in this album. In terms of songs, “Megitsune” will always be a work in progress for me. It has all the fundamentals, a vocal range where I’m weak at, fast rhythms and flowing melodies, matching breathing, singing, and dancing… so I use this song as fundamental practice, to find out what I need to work on. It’s also my tuning song before shows, and I use it to check my voice and ear monitor before each performance. Although it’s on our first album, I find it interesting that there are still so many things on it that I’m constantly working on, and no matter how many years go by, I think it will be the foundation of BABYMETAL.

(Megitsune sound check at Birmingham)

SU-METAL wearing Megitsune kimono doing the fox sign

――アルバムをリリースし、3月1日・2日に開催された日本武道館2DAYS「赤い夜 LEGEND ”巨大コルセット祭り” ~天下一メタル武道会ファイナル~」&「黒い夜 LEGEND "DOOMSDAY” ~召喚の儀〜」に臨んだBABYMETAL。この公演に関して、彼女は想い出すことがふたつあるという。

After the release of the album, the Budokan 2 DAYS “Red Night LEGEND “Giant Corset Festival” ~Tenkaichi Metal Budokai Final” & “Black Night LEGEND “DOOMSDAY” ~The Summoning Ritual” were held on March 1 and 2. SU-METAL recalls two things about those shows.


I have some personal memories of that day at the Budokan… first of all, it was a dream I’ve had since I was a little girl coming true. I used to see this in my dream -- singing with an audience looking down from above me, and the sensation of light falling from there. I didn’t know what it was, but standing upon the stage at the Budokan, I realized, “Oh, this is the view!” and that was the moment where I felt “Wowww my dream actually came true!”

Nakamoto Suzuka as a child


The other was “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, I think. Somewhere in the middle of the song, I lost track of the rhythm and timing. It was like walking alone in a deep foggy forest, with no idea where the path was - somehow I had to forge forward. But when I found myself lost and unsure of where to go, I think it was the sound of the snare drum that made an easy-to-follow signal, “POW!”, and it felt like the sun lighting up the path as I found my place again. That sound really saved me. I used to feel like I had to lead the other two girls, but now I feel like the band is supporting us, and that together, we are BABYMETAL. I remember that they helped me a lot. I was probably only lost for a short moment, but it felt very long to me, like I had been wandering for an eternity.


Though the episode is one very much like herself, interwoven with adjectives, she confesses that the performance was also quite challenging

実際、ライヴ中はそんなに感慨に浸る暇がなかったんですよ。ちょっと頭のなかが忙し過ぎて(笑)。中音が回っていたりもしたし、ステージは回転するし、捌ける場所もわからなくなるしで、曲中も360度あらゆる方向を見なきゃいけなくて、正面だけ見て歌っていればいいという話でもないので......というか、そもそも正面はどこ?みたいな(笑)。リハーサルの段階でいっぱいいっぱいだったんですよね。演出の段取りをスタッフの方と口頭で確認している時も、「ちょっと頭に入らないです」という感じでしたから(笑)。気を付けなければいけないことが多くて、だから本当に浸れたのは、「We are? 〜」の時ぐらいでした。最後の最後ですね(笑)。でも逆に言えば、それまで浸れなかった分をあそこで浸れたので、あの瞬間はめちゃめちゃ気持ちよかったですよ。

To be honest, I didn’t have time to feel emotional during the show. Maybe there was too much going on in my head (laughs). I had to look in all directions during the song, the stage was rotating, and it was hard to stay on top of everything. You had to look at every direction in all 360 degrees; it wasn’t like we could just perform facing forward. It was more like we couldn’t actually figure out where the front was supposed to be (laughs). We were so busy during rehearsal! Even as I was verbally confirming stage directions with the staff, I was like, “There's now way I can remember all that!” (laughs). I had to be very careful, so the only time I could really immerse myself in the feeling was during “We are?~” at the very end (laughs). But on the other hand, all the emotions that I hadn’t been able to enjoy until then came rushing in all at once, so that moment felt really good.

BABYMETAL performing Catch Me If You Can at the 2014 Budokan Red Night


At the conclusion of the Budokan show, their expansion overseas was announced, which made us feel that “BABYMETAL” was finally spreading its wings to take on the world.


Taking on the world didn’t really feel real to me. To be honest, we didn’t know if we could fill the Budokan, or the birthday celebration at Akasaka BLITZ, so I wondered “are there really that many people coming to see us?” even as we worked hard to prepare. That’s why I almost couldn’t believe my eyes at the Budokan.I’d fulfilled my childhood dream to be a singer, and I’d already overcome all the potential obstacles I could think of, so I found myself at a loss for what to hope for next; this journey that had already grown far beyond my expectations.



I felt anxious at suddenly being called up to the major leagues with the professionals


Next up is MOAMETAL, whose sharp dance is a crucial part of what makes BABYMETAL unique. We started by asking about her early days in the group, and the first thing that came up was her age. I was surprised to hear her “number” when she told me… at the same time, MOAMETAL’s current imposing appearance leaves me in awe of her tremendous growth over the past ten years.

Kikuchi Moa growing over 10 years


BABYMETAL was formed in 2010, so if that’s 10 years ago… I was about 10 years old myself (laughs). As such, I really didn’t have any idea of what to expect when BABYMETAL was formed. I remember hearing that we were going to do “Heavy Music” - and I knew about “Light Music” from the anime “K-ON!”. When I first heard metal music, I thought “it’s so heavy and noisy”... and when I first saw a music video, it was really scary, and there was a lot of shouting, and I was like, “Wow, I’m going to do this metal thing?” But I wasn’t worried about it, because my personality is that of a person who likes to try different things.


She goes on to confess that initially, she had some unexpected feelings about working with her close friends SU-METAL and YUIMETAL.


Of course I was looking forward to the three of us working together, but unlike the other two, I was still an inexperienced dancer at that time. It was like having a newcomer suddenly become a part of a regular club. Because I had very little dance experience, I felt anxious at suddenly being called up to the major leagues with the professionals. So I was both excited yet worried about it at the same time. But it’s not like I suddenly became stoic at dancing or something (laughs). As I said at the beginning, I didn’t overthink things at the time; I just wanted to enjoy BABYMETAL’s music. To be honest, it’s only in recent years that I’ve started to think of various things, like what it means to be stoic, or what defines BABYMETAL’s sound.

BABYMETAL promoting Ijime Dame Zettai with Tower Records CEO Minewaki Ikuo


Starting with the Rock-May-Kan show “LEGEND~Corset Festival” in July 2012, BABYMETAL went on to perform their solo show series “I, D, Z~LEGEND”. The scale up of their activities was truly impressive, and their presence seemed to increase day by day.


First of all, we were thrilled to be able to hold our own solo shows. At first, we didn’t have enough stamina, so it was all about throwing ourselves into the performance. We didn’t pace ourselves at all, and just went all-in for every song, and I was exhausted after every performance. Looking back upon it, I was so young back then (laughs). At the time, I really couldn’t remember what happened after the show was over. That’s why we felt that when we were on the stage, the Fox God had somehow descended upon us. We were just so frantic, and now that I think about it, we really didn’t have much dancing in place. So I guess my selling point at the time was that I was focused on always doing my best.

YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL performing Onedari Daisakusen


Our spirit was to never run away from the stage, no matter what


“I, D, Z~LEGEND ‘I’ “ at O-EAST in October marked the first time the Kami Band joined BABYMETAL for an encore, and the sound of the live band seemed to have shocked MOAMETAL as well


Things were completely different once the Kami Band joined us! During rehearsal, it was quite a shock, “This is the kind of music we have! Is this our sound from now on?” When we played “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, the impact was so strong that at first, I couldn’t begin running (laughs). It was so great, and made me very happy.

あと、ダンスの力強さが断然変わりますね。バンドの音がハードなので、それに負けないようにって思うと自然と力強くなっていって、そこで進化した部分が確実にありましたし。何て言うんだろう......心がシャキッとするんですよね。だから、全曲を生バンドで演奏した最初のツアー(「BABYMETAL DEATH MATCH TOUR 2013 -五月革命-」)がすごく楽しくて、「重たい音ってこれか!」「音楽ってこれなのかぁ!」みたいな感覚になったかな。......だけど、当時のBABYMETALは、まだ全然別モノという感じがするんですよね。映像を観ていても自分がやっていた実感がないんです。自分によく似た、小っちゃい子が踊ってるなぁっていう(笑)。

Also, it definitely changed the power of our dance. I was determined not to be pushed back by the sound of the band, and so I naturally evolved and definitely became more powerful. How should I put it… it makes me want to stand tall. That’s why that first tour with the Kami Band (BABYMETAL DEATH MATCH TOUR 2013-May Revolution) was so much fun, and I thought, “So this is what heavy music is all about?” … but I feel that BABYMETAL at that time was still something completely different. When watching the performances on video, it somehow didn’t feel like that was me; it felt more like a little girl that looked like me was dancing (laughs).

MOAMETAL doing her job as "scream" and dance


She also said that the tour and subsequent festival performances were a time of training for BABYMETAL.


I got really strong, physically as well! I also became able to deal with unexpected problems - I still can’t forget that time an audience member came up on the stage! But at the time, the three of us just kept dancing like normal. Our spirit of never running from the stage no matter what has been a driving force for us since then. Lately at overseas shows, people have been throwing things at us, but we ignore that and keep carrying on with the performance. Of course, it is a little scary, so they should be careful and not throw things! I’d like to take this opportunity to say, “Throwing, Dame, Zettai!” (laughs)

MOAMETAL displeased at audiences throwing things at the stage


By the way, a big topic during the early days of BABYMETAL was a chance to encounter Metallica in 2013. Considering that BABYMETAL went on to open for Metallica’s Korea concert later on, this meeting was an important moment.


We had the privilege of seeing Metallica live when they performed at Summer Sonic 2013. Before then, metal music was kind of scary and noisy, and I didn’t particularly enjoy listening to it, but thanks to Metallica, I realized that metal isn’t just something you listen to with your ears, but with your heart as well. After that, I became more and more aware of the metal aspects of BABYMETAL’s music. It took me two years, but I finally came to understand metal music. The people in Metallica are so kind; they still care and check up on us, “How have you been lately?” To us, they feel more like nice relatives than “metal masters”.

BABYMETAL answering that Metallica is one of their favorite bands on Fine Bros reaction video


The long-awaited first album “BABYMETAL” was released February 2014. How do you view this memorable album now?


After listening to it again, “BABYMETAL” feels very young overall, and SU-METAL’s voice was very cute, which is completely different from what it is now. All of our songs have evolved in live performances. When we’re feeling a bit nostalgic, we play the old CDs and imitate the way we used to sound as we sing along. SU-METAL is quite good at imitating her younger self (laughs).


Song 4 is a song that was improvised by MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL in a moving car, which is a funny episode from those early days


Song 4 was written for fun, and the dance moves were also focused on fun, so it’s interesting to see how it eventually turned out, overflowing with BABYMETAL’s sense of fun. I think of BABYMETAL as a group that “plays with itself”. SU-METAL and I were talking about this the other day - even after 10 years, we want to hold onto this spirit of fun, and avoid pigeonholing ourselves into a “mold” of BABYMETAL. That’s why I want to create another song like Song 4. I’ve always been good at making up lyric replacements! I’d like SU-METAL to give me a prompt, and I’ll improvise a song - I feel it should be a song about food. I’ll leave the metal elements of this “Fried Chicken Song” to the sound guys. Hopefully it’ll take shape in the near future!

YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL in the backseat of a van


Ever since then, I’ve been afraid of the Budokan

――そんな遊び心も詰まった『BABYMETAL』を携え、2014年3月1日・2日に開催された日本武道館公演「赤い夜 LEGEND “巨大コルセット祭り” ~天下一メタル武道会ファイナル~」と「黒い夜 LEGEND "DOOMSDAY" ~召喚の儀~」。そのハイクオリティな内容は第1章を締め括るにふさわしいものとして語り継がれているが、あの2夜は、彼女にとって一体どんなライヴだったのだろうか。

Filled with such a playful spirit, BABYMETAL held the “Red Night LEGEND ‘Giant Corset Festival’ - Tenkaichi Metal Budokai Final” and “Black Night LEGEND ‘DOOMSDAY’ ~Summoning Ceremony” at the Budokan on March 1 and 2, 2014. This high quality performance has been hailed as a fitting conclusion to the first chapter of BABYMETAL, but what kind of shows were those two nights for her?


I can look back and watch videos of the show now, but the Budokan show remains a traumatic experience, so I want to rewrite these memories with new ones.


This is an unexpected statement coming from MOAMETAL. For her, the Budokan show was unforgettable, for reasons unknown to us.


It’s not that I’m traumatized by regrets or mistakes. At the show, I fell when running around the stage… then I had to return to SU-METAL at the center, while I was hurting from the fall. Still, I just ran as fast as I could without thinking about the dance that was to come, and thankfully made it in time for the choreography to begin. But my body was in pain, and I couldn’t move as freely as I wanted… still, I did my best to deliver a great performance to everyone. Even before that, I always gave it my all, but at the Budokan, I elevated my game to the next level. Anyway, no matter what happens, the show must go on.

YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL running during the opening of Ijime Dame Zettai at the 2014 Budokan


Ever since then, I’ve been afraid of the Budokan, because I still have memories of that show. Now that I’m more experienced, if something similar happened and I were unable to return to the right spot, I could improvise and dance right where I was - but at the time, there was just this desperate fighting spirit driving me.


Still, I was elated to see that so many people came to see our Budokan performance, including many visitors from abroad! I felt so loved by everyone that I wanted to continue to do my best. Because I went through such a tough experience, I think it helped prepare me for the hurdles to come. So now, I hope I can stand up at the Budokan once more with happy feelings, and rewrite memories with new ones.

MOAMETAL fighting off tears during the performance of Ijime Dame Zettai at the 2014 Budokan


If a day comes that BABYMETAL takes on the Budokan once more, we hope she can complete the show perfectly. At the end of the Chapter 1 Interview, MOAMETAL added the following.


When we formed BABYMETAL, we said that “World Domination” was our goal, and it’s amazing how that promise has pushed us forward to where we are today. Of course, we haven’t achieved this goal yet, but it’s good to set ambitious goals. I’m surprised that something we said for fun has become an attainable target. Maybe the key is to declare important things out loud… so I’m declaring it now: I’m going to write a song about food!

Kikuchi Moa celebrating her birthday with a cake

Continue reading Part 2 of the interview here!

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Lenzer (scans)


  1. "This is an unexpected statement coming from MOAMETAL. For her, the Budokan show was unforgettable, for reasons unknown to us."
    Oh, well, actually no, I kinda expected such an answer, their shows at Budokan were a challenge that they won in the end, but only after a fierce fight, especially the Red Night. MOA slipped during IDZ and hurt her ankle, she struggled a lot to end IDZ, before that there was the well known incident with YUI who fell from stage during Headbanger. And these are the problems we are aware of, but I guess there were many more, not last, listening carefully to the album, you can tell how already tired they were by Song 4.
    So, to be fair, I'm not surprised at all here, instead listening to MOA being unhappy about her performance at Wembley, well, that was quite shocking indeed! 😅

    1. Sorry, your comment got caught in the moderation queue so I didn't see it until now! Regarding Moa's unhappiness about Wembley, the most recent interview with Mikiko-metal that I posted today should hopefully provide some explanation!

  2. Thank you for including the link to the soundcheck at Birmingham! At 0:13 it sounds like it switches to Moa singing Megistune instead of Su! That's very rare and very cute!

    1. Such "unscripted" moments are always interesting to catch a glimpse of!


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