Christina's Legacy
下午運動時,司令台時常撥放美國的流行樂,大多數都是去東區或西門町逛街的時候常聽到的,沒什麼特別。但我記得某天下午突然感到一陣懷念、感傷、和愉悅;因為我聽到的是Sam Tsui、Kurt Hugo Schneider、和Christina Grimmie翻唱"Just a Dream"。對此特別有感,因為他們都不是大唱片公司培養生產的大巨星,而純粹就是對音樂有熱情的幾位年輕人,在Youtube上面分享自己的才能。
During our afternoon workouts, we're often accompanied by American Pop Music blaring cheerfully upbeat tunes from the speakers on our assembly grounds. Stuff by The Chainsmokers and Bruno Mars is commonplace and rather unsurprising as that's also the kind of music you hear when out shopping. But I distinctly recall one afternoon, spontaneously feeling a wave of mixed nostalgia, sadness, and happiness upon hearing Sam Tsui, Kurt Hugo Schneider, and Christina Grimmie's (RIP) lovely rendition of "Just a Dream". It just felt particularly striking to me because they weren't big stars groomed and manufactured by big record labels - just some talented and passionate kids with instruments and a Youtube channel.
And while it's still painful to think of Christina (I'll just say that there's something to be said about strengthening the "well regulated" portion of the 2nd Amendment and leave it at that), it never fails to bring a smile to my face upon hearing her shining throughout a Special Forces Battalion in northern Taiwan. I doubt she would have imagined her voice would travel so far! It goes to show that her legacy lives on another day halfway across the world, something the shooter could never take away.
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