2023 Hedoban Vol.40 BABYMETAL Interview
This is an unofficial fan translation of an interview originally featured in Hedoban Magazine Vol.40, issued October 26, 2023. The original magazine can be purchased here. Please do so if you are able to show your support to the people that made this happen!
Text: Naoyuki Umezawa 梅沢直幸(Hedoban Magazine Editor-in-Chief)
――『ヘドバン』の10周年記念&Vol.40 到達記念の「ダブル記念特別号」の表紙巻頭は新生BABYMETALしか考えられない!ということで、新生BABYMETALを取材しにやってきました。
The new BABYMETAL is the best possible cover story for this “Double Anniversary Special Issue” commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hedoban magazine (Vol.40)! So here we are today with a very special interview.
BABYMETAL&スタッフ全員 10周年おめでとうございます!!!!!
BABYMETAL (members & staff): Congratulations on your 10th anniversary!!!!
MOAMETAL 『ヘドバン』が新生BABYMETALにとってのマジな初取材ですから!
MOAMETAL: Hedoban is our first real interview as the new BABYMETAL!
What? Hedoban is the first media outlet to interview the new BABYMETAL?
**Note: this issue of Hedoban was significantly delayed several times. Ostensibly, the interview was conducted several months ago in August 2023, despite being released in late October 2023
SU-METAL 本当に初めてです!
SU-METAL: You really are the first!
In other words, MOMOMETAL’s first interview is with Hedoban.
Oh my, that’s both an honor and a challenge!
一同 (笑)。
All: (laughs)
MOAMETAL ウチのMOMOMETALをよろしくお願いします(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Please treat our MOMOMETAL kindly! (laughs)
**NOTE: Moa uses ウチ “our” to refer to Momo here; a word typically used to refer to those very close to you - such as family - and a word she has used for Su on occasion as well
MOMOMETAL よろしくお願いします!
MOMOMETAL: It’s very nice to meet you!
Oh no, the honor is mine! Now that I think about it, it’s been such a long time since I’ve had an interview with three members.
SU-METAL そうですよね···。
SU-METAL: Ah, I suppose so…
MOAMETAL 本当にそう。3人並んで編集長からインタビュー受けるの、いつ以来だろ?6年ぶりとかかな?
MOAMETAL: That’s very true. When was the last time we did an interview with three members sitting side-by-side having a talk with Mr. Editor-in-Chief like this… 6 years ago?
SU-METAL たぶん、そうだよ。
SU-METAL: Probably!
BABYMETAL with Hedoban #1 back in 2013
To begin with, I’m sure many fans have been wondering “What kind of person is MOMOMETAL?”, and “What does MOMOMETAL mean to BABYMETAL?” I’d like to hear SU-METAL and MOAMETAL’s explain who MOMOMETAL is first. What do you think of MOMOMETAL’s personality?
SU-METAL そういうことを聞かれるだろうなと思って、ずっと考えていたんですけど、正直まだ答えは見つからないというか······正解がわからないんですよ。ただ、MOMOMETALを一言で言うと······面白い人なんです(笑)。
SU-METAL: These questions are to be expected, so I’ve been considering my answer for quite some time, but to be honest, I still haven’t found one… or rather, I don’t know if I have a satisfying one yet. That said, if I had to sum up MOMOMETAL in one phrase, it would be… “an interesting person!” (laughs)
An interesting person!
SU-METAL そう。”Funny” のほうじゃなくて、”Interesting” のほうというか。すごく興味深い人だし、私にとって、初めて出会うタイプです。そういう意味でも面白さがあるなと思っていて。ダンスに関しては、ものすごくストイックになっていたりするし、一緒にツアーを回っていても、すごく居心地が良かったりするんです。ただ、突然爆発するように喋り出したり、よくわからない行動をしたりで、「ええーーー!!」って言うようなことが多々あったりするんです(笑)。
SU-METAL: Yup. Not “funny”, but rather “interesting”. She’s a very interesting person, and the type that I’d never really met before. That’s another part of her I find fascinating. She’s very stoic and professional when it comes to dancing, and I’m very comfortable with her when we’re on tour. However, she’ll often burst into some explosive speech or act in a way I don’t understand out of the blue, and I often find myself going “ehhhhh!!” in confusion and surprise.
**Note: Su does something rather fascinating here. After describing Momo as an 面白い person, she then clarifies using the words “funny” and “interesting” in English to explain her precise meaning , as both meanings are covered by the same word in Japanese.
**Note: This is rather amusing, considering Su’s own reputation for suddenly talking a lot about rather random things during the Sakura Gakuin nendo tests.
SU-METAL それがBABYMETALにとっても、すごくいいスパイスになってくれてるというか。本当に新たな風が吹いたなっていうのはありますね。ただ、2ヵ月一緒にツアーを回ってきて、ずっと一緒にいるわけじゃないですか。それでもまだ、私は彼女のことをつかみきれていなくて(笑)。まだ全然わからない。これから「メタり!!」のダンスを作ったりいろいろやっていると、またいろんなMOMOMETALが出てくるかなと思うし、何年かかるかわからないけど、みんなと一緒にゆっくり「MOMOMETALとはどんな人なんだろう?」っていうのを見つけていきたいなって思ってます。
SU-METAL: She really adds a wonderful stimulating spice** to BABYMETAL, and she’s such a breath of fresh air. Still, despite touring and being together every day for 2 months, I still haven’t figured her out yet (laughs). Not one bit, actually. From now on, we’ll continue to do even more things together such as creating the dance for “Metali!!”, and I’m sure that we’ll see even more of what MOMOMETAL has to offer. I don’t know how many years that will take, but I’d like to enjoy this learning period as we all find out together “what kind of person is MOMOMETAL”?
**Note: The loanword スパイス (supaisu / “spice”) is used here, but note that this word doesn’t necessarily have quite the same “Spicy Latin Woman” kind of connotation as it might when used in English to describe someone’s personality. Recall “Spicy Summer Song” in “PA PA YA!!”.
**Note: Since the Sabaton support tour ended in mid-June, we can estimate that this interview was conducted some time in August, around the same time as other interviews released in late August, such as PMC Vol.29.
You and the fans are still finding out who MOMOMETAL is.
SU-METAL そうです!もっともっと面白い人なんじゃないかなって(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s right! She’s an even more interesting person than I could have anticipated (laughs).
Wow, more than even you could have anticipated! (laughs)
SU-METAL そう。何かをまだ持ってそうな感じはするっていう人なんです。
SU-METAL: Yes. She’s a person with a lot of hidden depth.
MOAMETAL (MOMOMETALの)潜在能力は計り知れないんですよ、本当に!
MOAMETAL: MOMOMETAL really has immeasurable potential. I’m serious.
Wow, you too! Well then, I’d like to hear what MOAMETAL thinks now!
MOAMETAL SU-METALが言ったのでハードルが上がってしまった···。
MOAMETAL: SU-METAL’s excellent answer certainly raised the bar…
SU-METAL そんなことない(笑)。
SU-METAL: No it didn’t (laughs).
MOAMETAL まず、私はそんなしっかり者ではないんですね。でも、BABYMETALではしっかりしてないと、大変なんです。そのBABYMETALの中で面倒を見なきゃいけない人が1人増えたので、ちょっと今··· かなり大変です。毎日のようにツッコミまくってます。単純にお世話が2倍になりましたね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: First of all, I’m not particularly reliable and unshakeable by nature. But BABYMETAL is very difficult if you can’t get it together. Now on top of all of that I have another person to take care of. It’s a huge challenge for me. It’s like I’m playing the “straight man” every day**, and now my workload is doubled (laughs).
**NOTE: Moa describes herself as becoming the “tsukkomi” every day. This term is most commonly used in reference to Manzai comedy, which usually involves two performers - the “straight man” character (tsukkomi) and the “funny man” (boke) character trading jokes at great speed. So in this analogy, she describes herself as playing the “straight man” in a comedy routine with two outlandish characters Su and Momo.
A character just as challenging as SU-METAL has appeared before you.
MOAMETAL そうなんですよ。年齢も、私とは4つ離れていて。ということは、SU-METALとは6つも離れてる。これ、結構な年の差なんです。その年の差を忘れてしまうくらい、しっかりしていると思うときもあるんです。たとえば、ライヴ中とかで機転が利いたりとか。でも、(SU-METALと)2人揃って「まだ10代!?」みたいなときもあるしで··· ちょっと大変です。でも、それぐらい可愛いのが増えましたよってことなんです。
MOAMETAL: That’s right. We’re 4 years apart in age, which means she’s 6 years apart from SU-METAL. That’s quite the age gap. But there are cases in which she’s so solid and impressive that I forget how much younger she is. For example, she reacts so quickly to unanticipated incidents on stage. However, at other times the two of them do things that make me feel like they’re still bratty teenagers, so that can be quite the challenge. Anyway, now I’ve got a second bratty but adorable kid to take care of.
SU-METAL よくまとめてる!(笑)
SU-METAL: Very well said! (laughs)
MOAMETAL (笑)。でも、本当に可愛いなと思います。そして、本当にありがたいなと思うのは、13年もBABYMETALを続けてきて、その中に入るっていうのは、めちゃめちゃプレッシャーだと思うんですよ。しかも、私たちとキャリアも違うし、やってきた経験も違う。それこそ話が合わないことだってあると思うし、話についていけないときもあると思うんですね。それをわかった上で、BABYMETALのメンバーになってくれたのは、本当に本当に感謝してますね。そして、どんなプレッシャーを背負ってでも私たちと一緒に音楽をやりたいと思ってくれたことは、すごくすごく嬉しいです。
MOAMETAL: (laughs) But I honestly do think it’s quite endearing. What fills me with gratitude towards her is that joining BABYMETAL after it’s been going on for 13 years must be so nerve-wracking. We’ve had different careers and experiences leading up to this point. There are times when we don’t have the same shared memories to talk about, or times when we don’t really get each other completely. She knew all of this coming in and yet was still willing to become a member regardless, and I’m so thankful about that. And I’m very, very happy that she wanted to create music together with us, no matter how much pressure it would put her under.
(photographer: DUFUDUFU-METAL)
Now then, what does MOMOMETAL think about what the two of them said?
MOMOMETAL 元々、すごく憧れていた存在だったので······。
MOMOMETAL: I’ve always looked up to them…
Ah, it’s something you were yearning for.
MOMOMETAL もちろんありました!本当に憧れの存在だったんです。でも、一緒に活動をして、それこそ一緒にツアーとか回っていくうちに、憧れが尊敬に変わっていきました。2人はいつでもすごく謙虚で、陰の努力を一切見せないというか··· 。そういうところも含めて勉強になることがたくさんあって、良いところは言い出したらキリがないんです。あと、SU-METALは、想像力がぶっ飛んでるというか。
MOMOMETAL: Of course! I really admire them. But as we’ve worked together and toured together, that admiration has transformed into respect. The two of them are always very humble, and never let it show how much effort they’re always putting in behind-the-scenes. I’ve learned a lot from them, and there’s no end to the compliments I can give them. Also, SU-METAL’s imagination is completely untethered and soars freely, I have to say.
In a way, that’s exactly what we imagine SU-METAL to be like.
MOMOMETAL 本当にそうなんですよね。曲のイメージとかを訊いたときにも、想像もできなかったようなイメージや世界観を話してくれて、それで一気にその曲のイメージがわかるというか、理解できるんです。それが本当にすごいなって思うし。
MOMOMETAL: That’s really who she is. When I ask her about a song’s image, she tells me of scenes and worldviews beyond my imagination, and that helps me understand it immediately. I think it’s super amazing.
SU-METAL そんなに無理やり引っ張り出さなくて大丈夫だよ(笑)。
SU-METAL: There’s no need to make up nice things to say (laughs).
MOMOMETAL いや、本当に思っていることなんです!で、MOAMETALは、何でも知ってるし、何でも教えてくれるし、ツアーとかでいろいろな国を回ってきて、〝MOAMETAL=気遣いがすごい人〟というイメージなんです。こんなにも気遣いができる人がいるんだ!っていうほどに、細かいところにも気づくし。
MOMOMETAL: Oh no, I’m not just being nice, that’s what I really believe! And MOAMETAL knows everything, and teaches it all to me. After touring various countries together, my mental image of MOAMETAL is now “the caring one”. She’s the kind of person who notices even the tiniest of details, more than I thought was even humanly possible.
MOAMETAL (照れながら)もういいよ··· 。十分に満足した(笑)。
MOAMETAL: (embarrassed) OK that’s enough praise, I’m already satisfied (laughs).
MOMOMETAL (笑)。とにかく、2人から学ぶことが本当にたくさんあります。
MOMOMETAL: (laughs) Anyway, I really have a lot to learn from the two of them!
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL ありがとうございます。
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Thank you very much.
What do you think of MOMOMETAL’s dance skills?
MOAMETAL めちゃめちゃ高いと思います。
MOAMETAL: I think she’s insanely good.
SU-METAL 私もそう思う。
SU-METAL: Me too.
MOAMETAL まず基礎がすごくしっかりしているんです。私はそれこそBABYMETALで培ったものしかないので、BABYMETALのダンスしか知らないんですけど、MOMOMETALは、いろんなダンスにチャレンジしてきているので、BABYMETALのダンスもできれば、他のダンスもできる。(ダンスの)幅がめちゃめちゃ広いなって見ていて思いますね。だから、MOMOMETALが入ったことによって、ダンスのレパートリーが増えたというか、『THE OTHER ONE』(2023年)に収録されている楽曲の、いい意味でBABYMETALらしくないダンスとかは、MOMOMETALという存在ありきでMIKIKOMETALが振り付けをつけてくれたんじゃないかなって思うぐらいで。
MOAMETAL: First of all, she has great fundamentals. I grew up with BABYMETAL, so my dance has essentially been cultivated through BABYMETAL. In contrast, MOMOMETAL has experience with a variety of different dance styles, so she can do “BABYMETAL-style” dance and other styles too. Because we now have MOMOMETAL, our dance repertoire has been expanded. To illustrate, consider the choreography for the songs from THE OTHER ONE, where much of the dance is not BABYMETAL-like at all, in a good way. I assume that MIKIKOMETAL arranged them quite differently than before, taking special consideration what MOMOMETAL brings to the table.
BABYMETAL performing “Monochrome” on the US Tour, Grand Rapids
(Photographer: Anthony Norkus)
On that topic, how has MOMOMETAL approached BABYMETAL’s dance?
MOMOMETAL 逆に私は、コミカルな感じの動きとか、表現で見せるダンスを習得するのにすごい時間がかかるんです。やっぱり、BABYMETALの曲は〝カワイイ〟だったり、それこそ面白いというか···キャッチーでコミカルな動きが多かったりするので、そういうところをもっと時間をかけてレベルを上げていきたい、スキルアップしていきたいなと思ってます。
MOMOMETAL: Ironically, it takes me more time to learn how to do the more kawaii and expressive - or perhaps, “catchy” and “comical” dance choreography common in many BABYMETAL songs. So I hope to spend more time working on this weakness of mine!
Speaking of which, if you only consider the choreography, what’s your favorite BABYMETAL song? Which is the most fun to dance?
MOMOMETAL ダンスのみですか!?それは難しいですね···。「Shanti Shanti Shanti」とかは、初めてやったときからすごいイメージしやすい動きというか···インド舞踊っぽさも含めて、めちゃくちゃカッコいいなと思ったので、すごく好きですね。
MOMOMETAL: Only considering the choreography? That’s a tough one… I thought “Shanti Shanti Shanti” was very easy to visualize when I first performed it. It’s really cool, particularly the Indian-style dance elements, so I like it a lot.
――SU-METALとMOAMETALの2人にとっても、「Shanti Shanti Shanti」は踊りやすい曲?
Is “Shanti Shanti Shanti” a nice song for SU-METAL and MOAMETAL to dance to?
MOAMETAL 「Shanti Shanti Shanti」は踊りやすいです。逆に、『THE OTHER ONE』の曲は本当に踊るのが難しいんですよ。だから、私から見たら、『THE OTHER ONE』の楽曲のダンスが踊れるというだけでも、MOMOMETALはすごいなって思いますね。伸びやかな踊りとか、ヒップホップやジャズをやってなかったらなかなかできない振りとかもそうだし。『THE OTHER ONE』の楽曲たちは、そういう振りばかりなので。そして、私はMOMOMETALのダンスを見てるのが好きですね。
MOAMETAL: “Shanti Shanti Shanti” is pretty nice. On the flip side, the songs on THE OTHER ONE are fairly challenging, so MOMOMETAL’s ability to dance to them so well in of itself is already quite impressive to me. The choreo of THE OTHER ONE has both seemingly free and easy moves that require some elegance, and also moves that really benefit from experience in hip-hop or jazz, and she handles it all very well. Above all, I guess I just love to watch MOMOMETAL dance.
MOMOMETAL いやいやいや······。逆に、私はMOAMETALの踊りを見て、あ、こういう音のハメ方ができるんだとか、こういう身体の使い方ができたんだとか、勉強させてもらっています。
MOMOMETAL: Ah, I can’t handle all this praise… on the contrary, I actually feel enlightened by watching MOAMETAL dance, seeing how she fits movement to sound and rhythm, or different possibilities for making the best use of each body movement.
(Photographer: 無人 Muto)
——MOMOMETAL自身のことについて聞いたので、次はMOMOMETALお披露目ライヴともなった、ぴあアリーナMMで行われた「BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE -」について聞いていきたいなと。BABYMETALが活動してきた13年の歴史って、激動の歴史でもあると思うのね。メタルそのものの歴史が変わってしまうような革命的な瞬間もあれば、メンバーの脱退で活動が一気にペース・ダウンすることもあったり。その中で、MOMOMETALが加入したという事実は、ここ5~6年で一番いいニュースどころか、BABYMETALの歴史の中でもトップクラスのいいニュース···出来事だなと。その歴史的瞬間がぴあアリーナMMの初日の最後に訪れたわけだけど、まずSU-METALとMOAMETALは初日をどんな気持ちで迎えた?
Now that we’ve talked about MOMOMETAL, I’d like to discuss the “BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE” concert at Pia Arena MM, where MOMOMETAL made her official debut. The 13 years of BABYMETAL’s history have been quite turbulent. There have been revolutionary moments that changed the history of metal music as a genre, and also times where you lost a member and brought activities to a halt. In this context, the fact that MOMOMETAL has joined is not only the best news in the last 5-6 years, but perhaps the best thing to happen in BABYMETAL’s overall history. The historical moment came at the end of Day 1 (Black Night) at Pia Arena MM - how did the two of you feel at the start of that day?
SU-METAL 私の正直な気持ちとしては、ぴあアリーナMMのリハをやっているときは、同時にSABATONとのヨーロッパ・ツアーのリハもやっていたり、それこそ、ぴあアリーナMMの1日目のリハと2日目リハを同時にやっていたので、ライヴが始まる前までは気持ち的に大きな変化はあまりなかったんですね。もちろん、ファンの人はどんな思いで新生BABYMETALを観てくれるんだろう?というワクワク感はあったんですけど。ただ、気持ち的には今までのライヴとそんなに変わらない······あまり考えていなかったんです。だからか、初日のライヴも、すごくスペシャルな気持ちだったっていう感覚は全然なくて。でも、最後に新体制の発表をして、ファンの〝あの反応〟を見たときに、ものすごくグっときました。何も考えてなかったところに、ファンのあの歓声を聞いて一気に気持ちが乗ってきて。
SU-METAL: To be honest, I didn’t really get hit emotionally until the show began, because during rehearsals, we were working on both Day 1 and 2 at Pia Arena MM plus the upcoming European tour with Sabaton simultaneously. Of course, I was excited and curious to see the fan response to the new BABYMETAL. But in my head, I really wasn’t thinking of these shows in a notably special way, compared to our previous concerts. That’s probably why I don’t recall feeling something particularly different at the start of Day 1. But when we announced the new formation at the end of the show and saw the fan reaction to it, I got really emotional. Because I hadn’t really been consciously anticipating anything, hearing huge cheers from the audience hyped me up so much.
At the very end.
SU-METAL そうです!本当に本当にすごい歓声だったので。
SU-METAL: Yes! Because the cheering was soooo amazing!
How about MOAMETAL?
MOAMETAL 私もやることがあまりに多すぎて、正直あまり覚えてないというか······SU-METALと同じで、気持ちとしても、初日のライヴをやる前までは特別な思いはなかったかもしれないです。ただ、今考えると、この先のBABYMETALにとっても一番大事なターニング・ポイントになっているんだろうなとは思いますね。あと、思い返すと若干の心配はありました。
MOAMETAL: I had so much to do that I honestly don’t remember much of it… like SU-METAL, I don’t think I had any special feelings about the show before Day 1. But now that I think about it, it was arguably the most important turning point for BABYMETAL as we move forward. Also, looking back, I was actually slightly worried.
When BABYMETAL became a duo, we received a lot of opinions and feedback. There were times where I felt like a punching bag, but the criticism made my heart stronger and even more resolved. I’d come to think that our ability to exist as a duo was one of our strengths. And we were equally resolute in our desire to transform from a duo into a new three-person group with the addition of MOMOMETAL, and really wanted to make it work. However, there are definitely people that are unhappy with the new formation… so we were worried that MOMOMETAL would get some hate after this announcement.
You were worried more about MOMOMETAL than yourselves.
MOAMETAL そうです。あとは、SU-METALも言っていたけど、〝新たな3人体制〟を発表して、一部の人からは嫌がられても、やっぱり盛り上がってくれるとは思ったんです。ただ、実際は想像以上でしたね。初日の最後の発表で、悲鳴ぐらいの歓声が上がったときに、久しぶりに鳥肌が立ちました。その悲鳴のような歓声を聞いて、すごく安心したし、私たち以上に新たなBABYMETALを認めてくれるファンの人たちがこんなにいっぱいいるんだ!私たちが決めたことを応援してくれる人たちばっかりで本当に幸せだな!と思ってました。
MOAMETAL: That’s right. Also, as SU-METAL said, while I expected some people to take the announcement poorly, I anticipated that it would be well-received overall. And yet the response was even better than we’d imagined, as I got goosebumps in a way I hadn’t in a long time, hearing the audience cheer - no, scream - like that at the end of Day 1. It gave me such a sense of relief to hear those screams of joy, as I realized there were so many fans that appreciated the new BABYMETAL - maybe even more than we did! I thought to myself how blessed we were to have all these fans supporting our decision.
Euphoric, even.
MOAMETAL 本当にそんな感じでした。
MOAMETAL: That’s really what it felt like.
MOAMETAL wasn’t particularly nervous, right?
MOAMETAL 編集長、よくご存じで。緊張はしないんですよね。
MOAMETAL: Mr. Editor-in-Chief, you know me too well. I don’t get nervous.
And you were totally unfazed during the show.
MOAMETAL それもよくご存知で(笑)。そのとおりです。普段もめったに泣かないくらいなんです。
MOAMETAL: You knew that already too (laughs). That’s right. To be honest, I rarely cry in everyday life.
**NOTE: this is rather fascinating, considering how easily Moa cried as a child, based on what we saw in her Sakura Gakuin days. Apparently people change as they grow up.
Wait, so you’ve never felt goosebumps during a show before?
MOAMETAL なかったですね。それなのに、ぴあアリーナMMの初日の最後は本当に鳥肌が立ちまくりでしたから。
MOAMETAL: I don’t think so. And yet, I really felt them at the end of Pia Arena MM Day 1!
**NOTE: It is interesting to consider what specific kind of emotion Moa may be referring to when it comes to goosebumps, as there is a fair amount of footage showing her becoming fairly (happy) emotional during concerts. Perhaps there is a difference between appreciating the love from fans in a place like Tokyo Dome at the peak of fame and popularity where love is more or less expected, and being awestruck by the level of support following a long period of inactivity.
The first aftershow photo with MOMOMETAL
The two rejoiced and got quite emotional at the end of Day 1, but as the star of the concert, how did MOMOMETAL feel?
MOMOMETAL 最初は、本当に不安な気持ちが一番大きかったっていうのが正直なところです。なんだろう······やっぱりBABYMETALの歴史が長い分、ファンの方々も思い入れがたくさんあると思うんですね。だから、〝新たな3人体制〟となって、ファンの方々がどう思うか反応が気になってしまう部分はあったんです。でも、2人も言ってくださったんですけど、初日の最後にキツネ様のお告げで〝MOMOMETAL〟と出たときの歓声を聞いた瞬間に······本当に明日(2日目)が待ち遠しくなったじゃないですけど······早く3人体制になった私たちを見てほしい!っていうワクワクに変わったので、あの歓声は本当に一生忘れないし、絶対に泣いてはダメってわかってたけど······ウルっときちゃいましたね。
MOMOMETAL: I have to admit that I was very anxious at first. I think BABYMETAL fans are very passionate, especially because of its history. That’s why I was concerned about how fans would react to a “new trio”. But as the two of them said, the moment I heard the cheers at the end of Day 1 when “MOMOMETAL” was announced by the Fox God, I couldn’t wait for Day 2 to come! I was so excited to show them our new identity as a trio, and I will remember the cheers that night forever. I knew I wasn’t supposed to cry… but the cheers were just so moving.
So that cheer blasted away any anxiety you had.
MOMOMETAL はい。2日間のテーマ(初日が「BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE - "BLACK NIGHT"」/2日目が「BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE - "CLEAR NIGHT"」)どおり、〝ブラック〟から〝クリア〟になったというか······本当に光が差し込んだかのような気分でした。
MOMOMETAL: Yes. Just like the theme for the concerts, I felt like I went from “Black” to “Clear”... as if a light cut through a darkness filled with anxiety!
It seems that even the theme of the concert was designed for MOMOMETAL!
MOMOMETAL そう思ってしまうような2日間でした。
MOMOMETAL: That’s really what the 2 days felt like!
MOAMETAL しかも、ぴあアリーナMMでやるっていうのがねぇ。
MOAMETAL: And the fact that it was at Pia Arena MM.
SU-METAL: Right!
――ん!? どういうこと?
Hm? What are you referring to?
MOAMETAL ぴあアリーナMMの “MM” とMOMOMETALの “MOMO” の頭文字の ”MM” ということで、そのためにぴあアリーナMMを押さえたんですよ。
MOAMETAL: The “MM” in “Pia Arena MM” matches with “MOMO”, and that’s why we decided to hold the concert there!
Wait, is that really why!?
SU-METAL 本っ当に。これはもう、4月1日と2日にやるしかない!ってなって。
SU-METAL: It’s the truth. There was also the sense that we absolutely had to do these shows on April 1 and 2.
**NOTE: Ostensibly, because April 1 is Fox Day?
MOAMETAL だから、「ぴあアリーナMMでやるっていうことは!?」という伏線を張ってたんですよ、ずっと。
MOAMETAL: So in a sense, we’d been foreshadowing it for some time by announcing the venue as Pia Arena MM.
SU-METAL 張ってたね(笑)。
SU-METAL: It would have been quite an impressive prediction (laughs).
MOAMETAL ”MOMOMETAL” イコール “MM” でしょっていう(笑)。
MOAMETAL: To figure out that “MM” stood for “MOMOMETAL”. (laughs)
SU-METAL 「気づくかな?」って結構言ってたんだよね。わかりそうだけどね。
SU-METAL: We talked a lot about if they’d notice. I thought the fans would figure it out.
Oh no, I don’t think anyone really figured it out (laughs). At least, I didn’t see discussion on social media or elsewhere about it.
MOAMETAL あれ?全然でした?
MOAMETAL: Eh? Not at all?
At least, not from any of the people I follow.
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Oh, really! (laughs)
That kind of foreshadowing is just too subtle (laughs). At any rate, it was an excellent reveal and payoff.
On Day 2, the setlist was changed entirely. There were songs that could only be performed as a trio. “Iine!” finally returned to the setlist, for example.
BABYMETAL performing “Iine!” at Brisbane 2023
(Photographer: DUFUDUFUMETAL)
SU-METAL あー(笑)。
SU-METAL: Ah~ (laughs)
MOAMETAL 編集長のフェイヴァリット・ソングだ(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Mr. Editor-in-Chief’s favorite song (laughs).
**NOTE: In Hedoban #28’s interview with SU-METAL, Editor-in-Chief Umezawa noted that “Iine!” is the BM song he recommends the most, and therefore it’s a pity the song wasn’t included on the 10 BABYMETAL YEARS album. The full interview can be found here!
(laughs) It had been such a long time since “Iine!” was last performed.
SU-METAL 本当にそう。
SU-METAL: That’s true.
MOAMETAL: When was the last time?
The last time it was performed In Japan was Tokyo Dome in 2016.
SU-METAL えっーー!!!
MOAMETAL 約6年半前!こわっ!
MOAMETAL: Almost 6 years ago! So scary!
SU-METAL それはこわい!
SU-METAL: Scary indeed!
After looking it up, I confirmed that you had performed it overseas after Tokyo Dome.
MOAMETAL それは2人になってからですか!?
MOAMETAL: After we became a duo?
Ah no, it was in April 2017 as part of the Red Hot Chili Peppers support tour in America.
MOAMETAL あーー!やったかも!
MOAMETAL: Ah, I think we did!
SU-METAL あのときにやってるのか···。
SU-METAL: Oh, so that was the last time…
MOAMETAL それでも6年経ってる···。
MOAMETAL: 6 years no matter how you count it…
Based on your reaction, I guess you hadn’t noticed it had already been 6 and a half years since its last appearance in Japan?
SU-METAL 久しぶり感はなかったかもしれない······。
SU-METAL: I didn’t realize so much time had passed…
MOAMETAL そう。なんでだろうね?
MOAMETAL: Same. Why is that the case?
SU-METAL 時々リハで「いいね!」を踊っていたからじゃない?
SU-METAL: Probably because we dance to it sometimes during rehearsals, right?
MOAMETAL たしかに、「いいね!」は踊ってはいたからね。
MOAMETAL: That’s true, we do dance to “Iine!” during rehearsal on occasion.
I see, so that’s how it is.
SU-METAL 結構、リハで好きな曲を踊ったりするんですよ。だから、久しぶり感はなかったけど、「いいね!」のコール・アンド・レスポンスのときに「この感じ、久しぶりだ!」っていうのは思った。
SU-METAL: We always dance to our favorite songs during rehearsal. So that’s probably why I didn’t realize it had been such a long time since we last performed it. But when we got to the call and response part in “Iine!”, that’s when I realized “Oh wait, I haven’t felt this way in a long time!”
MOAMETAL それはすごくわかる。
MOAMETAL: I totally get what you mean.
SU-METAL あと、「いいね!」は3人の〝電車〟が久しぶりすぎて、全然上手くできなかった(笑)。「いいね!」を3人でやるとなった瞬間、「この人はここで曲がって...」って、めっちゃ練習しました。
SU-METAL: Also, because we hadn’t done the 3-person “train” for so long, we were bad at it! (laughs) As soon as it was decided to perform “Iine!” once more as a trio, we began practicing furiously, like “So you need to twist and curve here…”
Is it still a lot of fun for SU-METAL and MOAMETAL to perform early songs like “Iine!” as a new trio after such a long time?
MOAMETAL 嬉しいし、めっちゃめちゃやりたかったんです。やっと3人になったから、声も入れられるし、できる曲も増えたと思うんですよ。あと、私はどうしても「Catch me if you can」がやりたいんです。「Catch me if you can」は本当にずっとやりたいと思ってます。
MOAMETAL: So happy! I wanted to do it so much! Now that we’re finally a trio once more, and are all mic’ed up, there are more songs we can do again. I want to perform “Catch Me If You Can” most of all! I’ve wanted to do this song again for so long!
That song has been sealed away for about as long as “Iine!” had been.
MOAMETAL そう!それこそ東京ドーム以来やってないかも。
MOAMETAL: Right! Not since Tokyo Dome!
**NOTE: In fact, the last time “Catch Me If You Can” was performed was the White Fox Festival in 2017.
SU-METAL: (turns towards MOMOMETAL) Sing it with us! (laughs)
MOMOMETAL 練習しておきます(笑)。
MOMOMETAL: I’ll be practicing (laughs).
BABYMETAL performing “Catch Me If You Can”
MOAMETAL 「ウ・キ・ウ・キ★ミッドナイト」とか「あわだまフィーバー」もできるようになるかもしれない。
MOAMETAL: Maybe we can also do “Uki Uki ★ Midnight” or “Awadama Fever” again.
Ah! And “Song 4”, perhaps!
MOAMETAL 「4の歌」もそうか······(笑) 。
MOAMETAL: “Song 4”... well… (laughs)
SU-METAL 私は「4の歌」大好き。でも、あれは大変だな。
SU-METAL: I really do love “Song 4”. But that’s a tough one to bring back.
So, with the new three-person formation, BABYMETAL has more weapons available than ever.
SU-METAL それはありますね。
SU-METAL: For sure.
MOAMETAL (MOMOMETALは)若いし、フレッシュ。それは武器です。そして平均年齢が下がりました(笑)。
MOAMETAL: MOMOMETAL is still young and fresh, and that in of itself is an improvement. Our average age is younger than before! (laughs)
(laughs) It does appear that BABYMETAL overall has become “young and fresh” again, just as MOAMETAL said?
SU-METAL 若返ったというか······それこそ、さっきMOMOMETALが「〝ブラック〟が〝クリア〟になった」って言ってましたけど、私もそんな思いがあって。2人体制がずっと続いて、でも、ライヴではアベンジャーズを加えて3人で踊っていて、「一体どうなってるんだ、これは!?」みたいな、いろんな意見とかも出てきてたりして。
SU-METAL: Well, I don’t think it’s due to youth per se… it’s more that as MOMOMETAL described earlier, “Black” became “Clear”, and those are my thoughts too. We’d been a duo for a long time, but during the live shows, we had been dancing as a three-person group together with the Avengers, so there was a lot of confusion and “what the heck is going on?” during that time, and various opinions about what we were doing.
It was somewhat bewildering.
SU-METAL そうです。みんながモヤモヤして、いろいろ思考が散らばって、憶測がいろいろと飛び交っていて。何て言うんだろうな······混沌とした世界が5年くらい続いていて。でも、「MOMOMETALを加えた〝新たな3人体制〟で行きますよ!」って宣言したことで、私たちもようやく覚悟を決められたんですよね。そう、〝覚悟〟だと思います。「このBABYMETALで行くんで、それでも良かったら応援してください!」っていうぐらいの〝覚悟〟。その〝覚悟〟が言えるようになった。
SU-METAL: Yes. Everyone was confused, and speculation was going wild in all directions. How should I put it… this state of chaos had persisted for about 5 years. But after we finally made the decision to move forward as a new three-person group with the addition of MOMOMETAL, we found a new sense of determination; the determination to say loud and clear that, “This is BABYMETAL moving forward, and if you’re onboard with it, please support us!”
Also, as we went through the hiatus/seal, we asked ourselves what it was we really wanted to do. A certain level of confidence was derived from the fact that we’d been doing it for 10 years already. And this confidence in our past experience led to the confidence that we could do it as a new trio as well. So that’s why I feel very refreshed. Of course, there may be the impression that MOMOMETAL is an addition to BABYMETAL, but my feeling is more that we have to start over and rethink what BABYMETAL is from scratch in our heads. It is because of this feeling that I felt we’d gone from “Black” to “Clear”, like a light was illuminating everything.
What is MOAMETAL’s response to what SU-METAL just said?
MOAMETAL 私も同じです。元気な要素がBABYMETALに入ったから、明るくなった。2人でいると、めちゃめちゃ考えすぎてしまうときもあって。(MOMOMETALは)何より私たちを明るくしてくれるんです。悩んでもしょうがないことで悩んでたときもあるくらいだったけど、MOMOMETALの明るさのおかげで、何か吹っ切れたっていうのは結構大きいかもしれないですね。だから、ぴあアリーナMM2日目になって、MOMOMETALが加入したっていうより、私たちも〝新生〟して急に新しいバンド感が生まれたというか、新しいアーティストになれたなっていう感じはあります。心を一新できたかなっていう。
MOAMETAL: I feel the same. We were all brightened by a new energetic element entering BABYMETAL. When it was just the two of us, I would sometimes overthink things. More than anything else, MOMOMETAL brightens the room. There were times before when I’d worry about rather pointless things, but with MOMOMETAL’s cheerfulness, such things are blown away. So on Day 2 of Pia Arena MM, it wasn’t so much that MOMOMETAL had joined us, but rather that we were “born anew” and had become a “new band”; we felt like "new artists" again. It renewed our spirit.
From the audience’s point of view, there was indeed a drastic change between Day 1 and 2, creating the illusion that it was an entirely different BABYMETAL.
MOAMETAL あと、単純に2日目は楽しかった!
MOAMETAL: Also, Day 2 was just pure fun!
SU-METAL そう。2日目のライヴは、特に楽しんでたっていう感じがするかも。
SU-METAL: Yes. Day 2 did feel more fun.
――久々の披露曲といえば、ついに「BABYMETAL DEATH」も復活したじゃないですか。これがセトリに入ったというのは、「BABYMETAL DEATH」が自己紹介ソング的意味がある··· MOMOMETALを広めていくチャンスということで?
Speaking of songs that hadn’t been performed in a long time, you finally brought back “BABYMETAL DEATH”. This song serves as somewhat of a “self introduction”... so it was the perfect opportunity to showcase MOMOMETAL?
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: That’s right!
SU-METAL 久しぶりに「BABYMETAL DEATH」をやってみて、やっぱり ”MOMOMETAL DEATH!” のところの歓声が本当にすごくて。こっちもニヤニヤしちゃってました(笑)。
SU-METAL: It had been quite a while since we’d performed “BABYMETAL DEATH”, and the cheers after “MOMOMETAL DEATH” were particularly awesome. I was smirking the entire time (laughs).
――MOMOMETALは、自己紹介ソング的な「BABYMETAL DEATH」を初披露して、どうだった?自分の声で “MOMOMETAL DEATH!” と言った瞬間含めて。
How did it feel for MOMOMETAL to perform the self-introductory “BABYMETAL DEATH” for the first time, including the moment you said the words “MOMOMETAL DEATH” for the first time?
MOMOMETAL もう、めっちゃくちゃ嬉しかったです!とにかく「BABYMETAL DEATH」をできるのが本当に嬉しくて。お客さんへのサプライズじゃないですけど、この曲をついにやるよ!みたいな感じで披露したのもあって······待ってました!じゃないですけど、すごい大歓声で伝わってきて、(満面の笑顔で)もう、最っっっ高の瞬間でした!
MOMOMETAL: I was totally overjoyed! Being able to perform “BABYMETAL DEATH” made me super happy. I wouldn’t necessarily say that its appearance in the setlist was a complete surprise to the audience, but we performed it in a way reflecting the fact that this full version hadn’t been played in a very long time. So that huge cheer from the crowd was like them telling us “FINALLY!” and that was totally the best moment for me!
That must have been an amazing feeling. It was a huge rush of adrenaline!?
MOMOMETAL 出まくりました!(笑)
MOMOMETAL: Huge! (laughs)
――そして、あらためての新体制BABYMETALの自己紹介ソングとなったからか、SABATONとのヨーロッパ・ツアーではずっと1曲目で「BABYMETAL DEATH」をやっていて。ツアーの1曲目で「BABYMETAL DEATH」をやるのも、本当に久々でしょ?
And perhaps as the self-introduction song for the new BABYMETAL, you played it as the opener during the European tour with Sabaton. It had been a very long time since you’d opened shows on tour with “BABYMETAL DEATH”, right?
SU-METAL 久々ですね。でも、以前は逆に「BABYMETAL DEATH」が定番だったというか。
SU-METAL: Quite some time. But back in the day, “BABYMETAL DEATH” was in fact a regular in the setlist.
MOAMETAL フェスとかでも常に1曲目だったし。
MOAMETAL: It was the preferred show opener, whether for solo shows or festivals or elsewhere.
SU-METAL そう。フェスで「BABYMETAL DEATH」を1曲目にやると、「あれ?(BABYMETALって)バンドじゃん!」ってなる。
SU-METAL: Right. When “BABYMETAL DEATH” is played first at a festival, people stop and realize that BABYMETAL is an actual band.
I see! That’s why you would use it as an opener at festivals in particular.
MOAMETAL そう。あと、ギターがめちゃめちゃ速弾きだし。
MOAMETAL: Yes. Also, the guitar shredding is totally extreme.
SU-METAL 演奏がめちゃめちゃカッコいいので、メタル・フェスとかで一番最初に演奏すると、「え、バンドじゃん!」ってなって、そこからBABYMETALの世界に引き込むっていうのが、私たちの基本的な戦い方だったんですよ。あとは、演出面としても有効だし。「BABYMETAL DEATH」を1曲目でやっていくことによって、私たちもいいウォーミング・アップになるというか。「ここからライヴが始まるんだぞ!」っていう気持ち的なウォーミング・アップと、身体も適度に動かせるし、いい運動になるしっていう。
SU-METAL: The sound is just so cool that when people hear us open the show with this song, they realize that we're actually a legitimate band. That makes it easier for us to draw them into the world of BABYMETAL. That’s been our basic “battle strategy”. It’s also quite effective in terms of production. By playing it as the first song, it’s a good warm-up opener that really tells us that it’s game time, and allows us to move our bodies moderately as a good workout.
You get to move your neck up, down, left, and right moderately.
SU-METAL そうです。そして、あっち行って、こっち行って、これから始まりますよ!みたいな感じで、みんなに挨拶もできるっていう(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s right. And then we run this way and that way and say hello to everyone! (laughs)
――いろんな意味で「BABYMETAL DEATH」はオープニングにぴったりなんだ。
In many ways, “BABYMETAL DEATH” is the perfect opener.
SU-METAL ちょうどいいんですよね。だから、SABATONとのヨーロッパ・ツアーでも、SABATON目当てのファンにもちょうどいいと思って。
SU-METAL: It really is perfect. So it was an excellent choice for the European tour with Sabaton, targeting the Sabaton fans.
The Europe Tour with Sabaton
Next, let’s discuss the support tour for Sabaton in Europe. A group photo together with Lordi, BABYMETAL, and Sabaton was uploaded on social media, if I recall.
MOAMETAL あの写真ですね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Ah, I remember that photo (laughs).
Looking at that photo, it’s quite a diverse combination of monsters, a metal dance unit, and an army. What was the tour like for you? What was it like mixing all these elements together?
SU-METAL 面白かったです!私たち、ずっとメタルの世界にいて、それこそメタルのいろんな人たちを見てきてるから、ちょっと慣れてたのかもしれない(笑)。
SU-METAL: Quite interesting! That said, we’ve been in the metal world for quite some time now and have seen all kinds of metalheads before, so maybe we were already sort of used to it (laughs).
Nothing surprises you about “odd-looking” metal.
SU-METAL なんか、優しいお兄さんたちだなって(笑)。
SU-METAL: It’s like, I felt they were more like sweet big brothers (laughs).
――優しいお兄さんたち!(笑) SU-METALはSABATONが大好きで、前回のインタビューではSABATONの曲を毎日のように聴いてたりするって言ってたし。一緒にツアーしたら毎日生で聴くレベルでしょ?
Sweet big brothers! (laughs) I know how much SU-METAL loves Sabaton, and during the previous interview, you mentioned that you listen to their music almost every day. Touring with them allowed you to listen to them perform live every day, right?
SU-METAL もうすごかったですね!めちゃめちゃ楽しい空間だなと思いました。BABYMETALのライヴが終わって楽屋にいてもSABATONが聴こえてくるし、それこそSABATONのリハの音も聴こえてくるし、なんならふらっとSABATONのライヴを観に行ったりとかもできたので、こんな贅沢なツアーがあるんだっていうぐらい楽しかったんです。ただ、たまに防音設備があまりない楽屋というか······ステージから音が筒抜けの楽屋があって。そのときに、いきなりバーン!ってすごい音が鳴って。たぶん、ライヴの始まりの爆発音だと思うんですけど、その音が「何か事故が起きた!?」みたいなレベルの音で(笑)。BABYMETALのライヴが終わって休んでいたら、いきなりバーン!って音が鳴って飛び起きたことがありました。
SU-METAL: It was amazing, and I just had a blast on tour. We could listen to Sabaton play all the time; backstage after our set, or during their rehearsals. We could even just casually check out the concert freely whenever we wanted. That was such a luxury tour for me and just so much fun! In some venues, the backstage wasn’t fully soundproofed, so you could hear the sound from the stage pretty clearly. We’d hear this huge blasting noise! It was probably the signal to kick off the show but it was so loud that we instinctively panicked, like “Was there an accident? Did something go wrong?” There was this other time when we were resting after completing our set and the BANG! was so loud we jumped out of bed!
I was reminded once more how Sabaton’s live concerts aren’t meant to just be listened to, but enjoyed in-person by the audience. They’re artists whose songs are completed by the audience. I could appreciate the songs even more compared to just listening to the recording, and it was just so much fun.
How did MOMOMETAL handle the Sabaton tour; getting thrown immediately into such an odd combination of heavy metal artists right after you joined BABYMETAL?
MOMOMETAL なんだろう······メタルってこういう世界なんだ!というか、まだメタルの世界を知らないからか、音を聴くだけでも胸が高まる感じがありました。あとは、SABATONさんの曲をずっと聴いていたからか、もっといろんなメタルのライヴや音楽を知りたい!ってすごく思ったんです。そういうきっかけを作ってくれたツアーでした。
MOMOMETAL: How should I put it… it really opened my eyes to what the world of metal was like! Maybe it’s because I’m still new to this world, but just hearing the music got my blood pumping. Also, maybe it’s because I listened to Sabaton’s music all the time while touring together, but I’ve grown more eager to learn more about different kinds of metal shows and music, so this tour was a great opportunity to do so.
It’s quite inspiring to a newcomer to metal like yourself?
MOMOMETAL そうですね!もうライヴ自体が映画を観てる感じで。とにかく迫力がすごかったです。
MOMOMETAL: That’s right! Each concert was like a movie experience. It’s just so powerful!
First tours in Asia and Australia
You followed up on the European support tour with your first Asian headlining tour soon after. Was touring Asia for the first time a fresh new experience?
SU-METAL ヨーロッパはSABATONさんのサポート・アクトという形で、それこそBABYMETALを知らないお客さんにも観てもらうっていうのが目的だったので、自分たちのツアーとはまたちょっと意味合いとかも違っていて。BABYMETALのファンではない人もたくさんいたし、BABYMETALの曲を知らない人も多かったりしたんですよね。それで、アジアに行ったら、今度はお客さんの年齢層がすごく若かったりとか、BABYMETALのワンマンなのに曲を知らないんだろうなっていう人が、結構いて。
SU-METAL: The goal of the supporting tour for Sabaton in Europe was to introduce new audiences to BABYMETAL, so the goal was slightly different compared to our own headlining tour. Many of the people on the Sabaton tour weren’t BABYMETAL fans, and were therefore unfamiliar with our music. In contrast, when we went to Asia, the audience was a lot younger but they also didn’t seem to be particularly familiar with our songs, despite it being a BABYMETAL solo tour.
They came to see BABYMETAL but didn’t know the songs?
SU-METAL そうです。BABYMETALの存在は知っているけど、たぶん曲は知らないっていう。だけど、熱量はめちゃくちゃ高い!みたいな。そういう方がアジアでは結構いましたね。そのことがとにかく新鮮だったんですよ。あとは、さっきも言いましたけど、年齢が若い方······それこそ本当に小さいキッズとか、私たちのコスプレをして来てくれる女の子がたくさんいたりとか。アジアをワンマンで回るのは初めてだし、アジアに行ったのもすごく久しぶりだったのもあるし、これからまだまだ可能性がありそうだなって思いました。
SU-METAL: Apparently so! It seemed there were quite a few people in Asia that had heard about BABYMETAL, but were unfamiliar with the music - however, they were so enthusiastic! That was quite a new experience. Also, as I mentioned earlier, there were the younger fans… quite a few young kids and girls came dressed up in our costumes. It was our first solo tour in Asia, and it’s been such a long time since our last visit, so I think there’s quite a bit of potential for us in the future.
**NOTE: Anecdotally, I went to the Taipei show with a friend that was a BABYMETAL fan from back in the day, and he hadn’t listened to much of Metal Galaxy or THE OTHER ONE album yet. He had a great time!
So you can actually tell from the stage if the audience doesn’t know the song well.
SU-METAL それがわかるんですよ。何でかというと、ウォール・オブ・デスができているのに、走り出すタイミングがわからない感じなんです(笑)。
SU-METAL: Oh yes, I can tell. Like, they’ve got a Wall of Death ready but they don’t know when to start running (laughs).
I see!
SU-METAL あとは、ノリ方が全然違うんです。他にも、(曲を知らないであろう理由は)いっぱいあるんですけど、一番明確にわかったのが、ウォール・オブ・デスですね。左右に壁を作ったけど。そのままの状態というか。みんなバラードを聴いているような感じで。
SU-METAL: Also, it seems they came hyped up in a completely different way. There are a lot of ways to tell if a crowd doesn’t know a song, but the most obvious one is the Wall of Death, like when the wall has been created but then they just stand there like they’re listening to a ballad.
MOAMETAL 壁を作ってから、突っ込めなかったね。
MOAMETAL: They’ve built the wall but then just stand there waiting
SU-METAL そう。みんなこっちを向いていて。
SU-METAL: Yes. Everyone’s kind of just looking at each other.
MOAMETAL あれは、様子を伺ってたんだと思うな。
MOAMETAL: Like they’re still waiting for someone else to go first.
SU-METAL それぞれが様子を伺って見ていたけど、それぞれが「なんかちょっと違う?」みたいな感じになってた(笑)。あのウォール・オブ・デスはすごい面白かったですね。あと、(アジアは)ファン層がメタルじゃないのかもしれないです。
SU-METAL: They all kind of look our way and at each other hesitantly, and start to realize “Huh it seems like we’re doing something wrong”. (laughs) That kind of Wall of Death is super interesting. Also, the fanbase in Asia isn’t quite so metal-oriented, I think.
There weren’t quite so many metalheads?
MOAMETAL アジアはいなかったかも。それか、私たちがSABATONのツアーで、錯覚起こしてる(笑)。イカついメタラーさんしか見てなかったから。
MOAMETAL: Very few in Asia. But maybe it just felt that way in comparison because we’d just completed the Sabaton tour where it seems like the entire audience was just fierce-looking metalheads (laughs).
SU-METAL 最前にヨアキムさんがたくさんいる!みたいな(笑)。
SU-METAL: Almost as if there were a lot of Joakim-sans in the very front row! (laughs)
(laughs) In our last interview, MOAMETAL mentioned that she wanted to visit Asia on the upcoming BABYMETAL tour, and now that this wish has come true, is there any country in particular that left a strong impression?
MOAMETAL どの国も歓声がすごすぎてめちゃめちゃ印象的だったんですけど、3人で口揃えて、「インドネシアはヤバかったね!」っていう話はしてますね。
MOAMETAL: The cheering in every country was impressive, but the three of us all agree that Indonesia in particular was something else.
Ah, the Jakarta concert. I think you’ve been there before once?
MOAMETAL 行ってます。それこそ何年ぶりだろう?
MOAMETAL: Yes we have. What year was that?
SU-METAL 10年ぶりくらいじゃないかな。アニメ・フェスで行っていて。2013年とかだった気がする。(※2013年9月7日にジャカルタで開催された「ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA 2013 INDONESIA」)
SU-METAL: I think it was about 10 years ago, for an anime festival. (September 7, 2013 for “Anime Festival Asia 2013 Indonesia”)
MOAMETAL やっぱり10年ぶりとかだ。久しぶりだからなのか、めちゃめちゃ盛り上がっていたし、しかも、めちゃめちゃみんな歌ってました。過去イチでお客さんが歌ってたライヴかもしれないですね。
MOAMETAL: I knew it had been about 10 years or so. Maybe it’s because it had been such a long time since our last visit, but the crowd was super excited, and moreover everyone was singing a lot. I think it might have been the best show ever when it comes to audience singing.
Wow, the best ever!?
SU-METAL みんなが私のパートを歌うので、私は歌わなくていいかな?って思うくらいすごかった(笑) 。
SU-METAL: They were all singing my part too, to the point where I thought to myself “I guess I don’t even need to sing, do I?” (laughs)
Singing the chorus together with you?
SU-METAL いやいや、私のパートを全部歌うんですよ!
SU-METAL: Oh no, I mean every single one of my lines!
That’s quite something.
SU-METAL だから、もう歌わなくていいかなって(笑)。
SU-METAL: So I thought they could probably just do the concert themselves even without me (laughs).
In a way, that’s more impressive than what we see from Japanese crowds?
MOAMETAL 全然すごいですよ!ずっと歌ってるから(笑)。
MOAMETAL: They went even further beyond what we see in Japan! They just kept singing non-stop! (laughs)
SU-METAL 「10年間待ってました!」っていう熱量が歌から伝わってくるというか。
SU-METAL: It was like they were unleashing all the passion that had been building up as they waited for 10 years.
MOAMETAL しかも、さっき言ったように、ジャカルタも若い子がすごく多くて。私たちのコスプレをしている若い子たちもすごく多かったし。10年前に来たときと変わらないようなお客さんもいれば、最近BABYMETALを知ったんだろうなっていう子もいて。どこでBABYMETALを知ったんだろ?って不思議になるぐらいに世代が広がっていて、本当にびっくりしたんですよ。それこそ、10年経ったから、お客さんも必然的に年齢層が上がってるのかなって思っていたんですけど。その予想が大ハズレで。
MOAMETAL: And as we talked about earlier, there were a lot of young people in Jakarta, many cosplaying in our costumes. Some of them seemed like fans that we might have even seen there 10 years before, while others were very young and so we assumed they’d only learned of BABYMETAL relatively recently. I wonder how they found out about us? It was quite surprising to see such a wide range of generations at the shows. I thought that since it had been 10 years since the last time, the audience would have all gotten older, but my expectations were certainly mistaken.
SU-METAL エネルギーが若いっていうのもあると思うし、私が感じたのは、「この瞬間をひとつも取りこぼしちゃいけない!次、いつ来てくれるかわからないから一瞬でも逃しちゃだめだ!」っていうくらいの、すっごい目で観てくれていて。
SU-METAL: I think it was partly a youthful energy, but I also felt that they were striving not to miss a single moment, because “who knows when BABYMETAL will come back again”? and that was really something to see.
The fact that SU-METAL can feel that from the crowd is quite something.
SU-METAL とにかく熱量がすごいんです。全身全霊で向き合ってくれているというか、倒れてもいいって思うぐらい楽しんでるのがめちゃめちゃ伝わってきて。こんなライヴ、今まであったかな?っていうレベルでした。
SU-METAL: They were just so passionate! I could tell they were throwing their entire body and spirit into it, and were having so much fun to the point of collapsing from exhaustion. I wonder if I’ve ever seen another show like that before.
MOAMETAL 逆に、SABATONとのツアーがめちゃめちゃアウェーだったんですよ。こんなアウェーなライヴは久しぶりだなっていうくらいにアウェーで(笑)。それこそ、目をつぶって観てない人もいるし、全然楽しそうじゃないけど、とりあえずタオル振ってくれてる人もいるみたいな感じだったからか、アジア・ツアー··· 特にインドネシアのお客さんの反応は余計に嬉しかったんですよね。BABYMETALはこんなにも愛されてるんだ!と安心したっていう。
MOAMETAL: On the flip side, the Sabaton tour was certainly not a home crowd. I haven’t felt so away from home in a long time (laughs). There were some with their eyes closed not even looking at us, and there were others who dutifully waved their towels but without any enthusiasm or sense of having fun, so in comparison, the Asia tour… I was just extraordinarily happy with the reaction from the Indonesian fans in particular. It was such a relief to find out they loved BABYMETAL this much!
It’s somewhat surprising that the Sabaton support tour was such an “away” feeling.
MOAMETAL 場所によってなんですよね。ドイツも5ヵ所くらい回ったんですけど、ミュンヘンとかはすっごい盛り上がるのに、ライプツィヒとかは、「寝てますか?」みたいな(笑)。だから、ちょっと不思議でした。
MOAMETAL: It really depended on the venue. We went to about five different places in Germany, and Munich was very hyped, but at Leipzig it was like “Are you guys seriously falling asleep?” (laughs). So it was rather surreal.
SU-METAL ポルトガル(ポーランド?)やチェコとか、普段あまりアーティストが回らないような場所とかは、たぶん誰が来ても嬉しいというか(笑)。この街でライヴを開催してくれてありがとう!っていう、地域活性的な熱量があって。
SU-METAL: There were some places where artists typically don’t tour, like Portugal** or the Czech Republic, where they seemed overjoyed that anyone was willing to come (laughs). There was a grassroots enthusiasm that seemed to be thanking us for holding a show there.
**NOTE: “Portugal” ポルトガル is written here in the original Japanese, but it seems perhaps “Poland” was meant, considering they didn’t tour in Portugal with Sabaton.
It’s rather interesting how much excitement varies from region to region in Germany.
MOAMETAL そう。こんなにドイツの中でも違うんだなと思って。ミュンヘンで盛り上がったのは、私たちも過去にライヴをやってるからかな?
MOAMETAL: Yes, the response was so different in different parts of Germany. I suppose we were particularly hyped in Munich ourselves because we’ve done shows there before in the past.
SU-METAL もしかしたら、そうかも。それこそ、ミュンヘンとかは現地のBABYMETALファンが大勢来てくれていて。それで、ヨーロッパがアウェーな感じだったから、ジャカルタでライヴしてから、スタッフさんたちや神バンドとか、みんな活性化して。BABYMETALのチーム自体がジャカルタのお客さんから元気をもらったライヴでしたね。
SU-METAL: That might have been part of why there were more local BABYMETAL fans in Munich that came out in support. And so after the “away” feeling in Europe, the Jakarta concert completely revitalized everyone, from the staff to the Kami Band. The audience there re-energized Team BABYMETAL.
How was the Australian tour that followed the Asia tour?
SU-METAL オーストラリアで印象的だったのは、サークル・ピットを作ったんだけど、回るタイミングがわからなかったのが印象的でした(笑)。
SU-METAL: What I remember the most from Australia was when they made circle pits but couldn’t figure out how to get it to rotate (laughs).
So they made a big circle, but it wasn’t going around in circles.
SU-METAL そうです(笑)。それこそ年齢層も若いし、たぶんBABYMETALという名前は知っていてライヴに来たんだろうけど、たぶん、曲を知らない感じなんです。そこはアジアと同じでした。
SU-METAL: That’s right (laughs). The demographics were particularly young, and so although they might have heard of BABYMETAL and came out of curiosity, they didn’t really know the songs. So that was rather similar to Asia.
The fans were also quite young in Australia?
SU-METAL 若かったですね!で、最初「6000人ぐらいのキャパの会場もあるよ」って言われて、「えっ!」ってなったんですよ。オーストラリアは2019年に「GOOD THINGS」っていうフェスで1回行っただけで、BABYMETALとしてワンマン・ライヴなんてやったこともないし、プロモーション的なものをやっているのかもわからなかったので、そういう場所で私たちのためだけに6000人もファンの方が集まるのかな?って最初は思っていて。でも、蓋を開けたら会場は満員になってるし、熱量もすごかったし、それこそコスプレしてるキッズがいっぱいいたりとか、予想外にすごくエネルギッシュで。
SU-METAL: Very young! I was shocked when I first learned we’d be performing at a venue with a capacity of 6000. We’d only been to Australia in 2019 for the Good Things Festival, and had never performed a solo show there before. I didn’t know what kind of marketing and promotion was being done, so I was curious if we could really get 6000 people to come out just to see us. But the venue was absolutely packed, the atmosphere was electric, there were lots of kids in costumes, and it was so energetic beyond my expectations!
The final show of the Australia tour in Melbourne (June 11, 2023) was particularly impressive to me. I was surprised at how enthusiastic of a response we got from the audience, who clearly didn’t really know much about our music and were probably seeing BABYMETAL for the first time. I was really happy that this was the location for the tour finale.
MOMOMETAL, how was Australia?
MOMOMETAL オーストラリアはもともと行ってみたかった国だったので、初めて行けて嬉しかったのと、国自体がすごく暖かいし、お客さんも本当に温かかったし······なんだろう、お客さんからもエネルギーをもらえて、私たちからもエネルギーを出して、みたいな、お客さんと一緒にライヴを作り上げてる感がすごくありましたね。ただ、あっという間に終わっちゃいました(笑)。
MOMOMETAL: I had always wanted to visit Australia, so I was happy to go there for the first time. The country itself is very warm, just like its fans… I don’t know what it was, but it seemed like we were getting energy from the audience, while giving out even more ourselves. It was all over before I knew it! (laughs)
Ah yes, there were only 3 concerts there. Still, to attract 6000 people to your first headlining show in Australia was crazy impressive.
SU-METAL 最初は心配ばかりしていたんですよ。当日に会場に着いて、会場の大きを見て、「え、大丈夫だよね···?」ってなって。お客さんがガラガラスカスカで、「これ、サークル・ピットなんてできないじゃない?」というぐらいの気持ちではいたんですよ。だから余計に嬉しかったというか。他のところ···2日目のシドニー公演(6月9日)も5000人近く入って、初日のブリスベン公演(6月8日)も結構お客さんが入ってたりで、「オーストラリアにBABYMETALを知っている人たちがこんなにいたんだ!」っていう驚きがすごくありましたね。あと、メルボルンでは隣りの会場でBLACKPINKがやっていて。
SU-METAL: I was pretty worried at first, when I arrived at the venue on the day of the event and saw how large it was. Would we even be able to have circle pits with a small audience? So I was really happy with the turnout. The second show in Sydney (June 9) had almost 5000 people, and there were a lot in Brisbane (June 8) as well. I was really surprised to see how many people knew about BABYMETAL in Australia. Also, in Melbourne, Blackpink was playing at the venue next door.
In the same area?
SU-METAL そうです。隣接した会場で。
SU-METAL: Yes, in the adjacent venue.
MOAMETAL BLACKPINKはアリーナでやっていたんですよ。私たちも次は、アリーナのほうでやりたいね。
MOAMETAL: Blackpink did their concert in an arena. We should do it in an arena next time too, ladies.
SU-METAL それは行ける気がするなって、オーストラリア・ツアーをしながら思った。
SU-METAL: After touring Australia, I have a feeling we could do it.
About the new song “Metali!!”
Well then, let’s move on to discuss the new song “Metali!!”.
MOAMETAL 逆に、編集長はどうでしたか?
MOAMETAL: Actually, I’d like to hear the Mr. Editor-in-Chief’s thoughts first?
I thought it was a killer tune in a mood that was a long time coming.
MOAMETAL (ニヤリとしながら)ですね!
MOAMETAL: (while grinning) You knew we were going to do one like this eventually!
What was your impression when you first heard this new song?
SU-METAL ライヴでやったら絶対に盛り上がるだろうなって思ったし、海外のファンの方で、それこそ「メギツネ」とか「KARATE」とか、日本的なテイストが入ってる曲が好きだっていう方がすごく多いので、そういう方たちにもう一度BABYMETALの存在を知ってもらえるような感じの曲だなと。あと、BABYMETALらしい日本的なテイストはあるけど、キャッチーで、覚えやすくて、一緒に歌えてみたいな、とにかくすごく楽しい曲になるだろうとは思いました。あと、ライヴでやるのが楽しみだなっていう気持ちも大きかったですね。
SU-METAL: I could tell it would definitely be a hit during concerts. There are many overseas fans that like songs with a distinct Japanese essence, such as “Megitsune” or “Karate”, so I thought it would be a great song to reintroduce BABYMETAL to those kinds of fans. I also felt it was really catchy, easy to remember, and fun to sing along to, even though it has a BABYMETAL-like Japanese flavor to it. I was really looking forward to performing it live.
MOAMETAL 私は、レコーディングする前日に聴いて。あ、BABYMETALの新曲のレコーディングのときは、前日に音源をいただくんです。その段階では、ほんの数ヵ所、出来上がってない状態でいつも聴いていて。レコーディングを重ねていく中で完成していくっていう流れなんですね。それで、「メタり!!」に関しては、日に日に〝祭り感〟が強くなっていって(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I heard it the day before we recorded; that’s typically what happens before recording a new BABYMETAL song. At that point, there are always a few parts that aren’t quite finished, and I pay particular attention to those sections, as we complete the song through recording it over and over again. “Metali!!” in particular evolved throughout production to have a stronger “festival” sense each day. (laughs).
Ah, it became more and more festive throughout production?
MOAMETAL そうです。歌詞も、最初はもうちょっと落ち着いた歌詞だった気がするし。それで、レコーディングをしていきながら、思いっきり〝祭り〟に寄っていったので、これは絶対に盛り上がるなって思ったし、何より海外の人たちがすごく好きそうで。あと、これだけ日本語ばっかりの歌は久しぶりなんじゃないかな。だからライヴでやるのもすごく楽しみです。
MOAMETAL: Yes. I think the lyrics were a bit more subdued at first. As we began recording work, it turned into a full “festive” style. So I think it became a song that’s much more hyped up and moreover, would be loved by overseas fans. It’s been quite some time since we’ve had a song that’s purely Japanese. So I was looking forward to performing it very much.
A quick listen gives the impression of early BABYMETAL, but SU-METAL’s voice is so much more powerful than it was back then, so it feels more like a grown-up BABYMETAL playing around.
MOAMETAL まさにそうです!初期から比べるとめちゃくちゃパワー・アップはしてる気がする。
MOAMETAL: That’s exactly it! Compared to the earlier days, I think her power has increased tremendously.
SU-METAL たしかに、パワー・アップはしてるかも(笑)。
SU-METAL: Yes, I may have “powered up” somewhat (laughs).
MOAMETAL あと、レコーディング中に1人でブースに入って、「わっしょい!わっしょい!」言いまくるっていうのが······。
MOAMETAL: Also, going “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” all alone in the recording booth was kind of difficult.
MOAMETAL いや、スタジオの中で周りがみんな静かなのに、1人で「わっしょい!わっしょい!」と言うのが、さすがに恥ずかしくて···(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Ah, well, it was just kind of embarrassing to scream “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” in an otherwise quiet studio where everyone else around you is calm. (laughs)
SU-METAL 1人だと一瞬、我に返るんだよね(笑)。
SU-METAL: You suddenly become self-conscious when you’re the only one doing it (laughs).
MOAMETAL そう「私、何やってるんだろうな?でも、みんなそれぞれ『わっしょい!わっしょい!』って言って頑張っているんだろうな」って思って(笑)。SU-METALも、「踊りんちゃい」とか歌ってるんだなと思いながら、頑張って1人で「わっしょい!わっしょい!」って叫んでました。
MOAMETAL: Right! If you stop to think about it, it’s like “what the heck am I doing” but then I figured all three of us must be doing our best to record the perfect “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” scream. (laughs) So I imagined SU-METAL singing “Odorin-chai” or something as I did my best to go “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” alone.
SU-METAL その「わっしょい!わっしょい!」のデモテープのために、私はめっちゃいろんなバリエーションの「わっしょい!わっしょい!」を出してるから(笑)。
SU-METAL: Before the main recording session, they had already recorded me doing so many variations of “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” for the demo tape. (laughs)
MOAMETAL そうなんだよね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: That’s right (laughs).
I see… it must be rather challenging to blast out such energy in a “normal” context…
MOAMETAL こういう機会がないと出せないです(笑)。こんな元気に「わっしょい!わっしょい!」って出せない。
MOAMETAL: You just don’t go around yelling “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” so vigorously unless you have a fitting opportunity like we had this time. (laughs)
It’s like you have to go full throttle as “MOAMETAL” to do it justice.
MOAMETAL この歌でめっちゃアクセル踏んだし、横から踏まれましたね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I have to go full throttle to reach the energy this song deserves, and it helps to have others urging me on. (laughs)
――(笑)。『THE OTHER ONE』が、それこそ〝もうひとつのBABYMETAL〟みたいな形で打ち出して、アルバム全体のトーンもここまでアッパーな感じでは全然ないしね。
(laughs) The high-spirited festive feeling of this song is in stark contrast with THE OTHER ONE, which was released as “another side of BABYMETAL”.
MOAMETAL 『THE OTHER ONE』はめちゃめちゃダークでしたからね。
MOAMETAL: THE OTHER ONE was darker and more serious.
――だから、逆側に思いっきり振りまくったなと。しかも、フィーチャリングがまさかのRAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE(以降RAGE〜)のトム・モレロっていう。そして、このお祭りソングにトム・モレロを持ってくるのが、なんじゃこりゃ!?炸裂で、まさに〝BABYMETALの真骨頂〟ですよ。
And then you swing it all the way to the opposite side of the spectrum with this song. Furthermore, it was rather unexpected to feature Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine (RATM). Bringing him onto such a festival song really helped create that sense of “what the heck is this”, giving us that quintessential BABYMETAL feeling.
MOAMETAL トム・モレロさんには、めちゃくちゃ驚きました。本当に「まさか!?」です。
MOAMETAL: Getting Tom Morello-san was a real surprise. Like, “for real!?”
Before the interview, I overheard that MOAMETAL has a RATM DVD. That surprised me somewhat.
MOAMETAL 持ってますねえ。1枚だけありますよ。
MOAMETAL: I do have one, though that’s the only one.
Did MOAMETAL buy it?
MOAMETAL 買ったのは、親ですね。RAGE〜がどこかのフェスに出ている映像を観て、それで初めてRAGE~の音も聴いて。それまでは、名前は聞いたことはあったけど、曲を聴いたことがなくて。あらためて映像を観て曲を聴いたら、すごくカッコいいバンドだなと思いました。それで、調べたらウチにDVDがあって、それも観たって感じです。
MOAMETAL: Actually, my parents were the ones that bought it; I just happened to stumble across it randomly at home. I saw a video of RATM at some festival so that’s how I first heard of their music. I’d heard of the band before, but hadn’t really listened to their music before. Upon seeing the video and hearing the songs, I thought they were super cool. So after looking them up and getting the DVD, I watched it.
RATM mostly does rap music, which is completely different from the more straightforward metal that Sabaton does.
MOAMETAL ラップ・メタルですからね。だからこそ面白いと思ってます。私はラップの曲自体はあまり聴かないので、まさか自分がラップ・メタルにハマるとは思わなかったんです。まだ有名な曲しか知らないんですけど、RAGE~は本当にカッコよくて。あと、映像を観ていると、トム・モレロさんのギターはカッコいいし、いろいろと想像を超えてます(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Yes, rap metal. That’s why I find it so interesting. I don’t really listen to rap music, so I never thought I’d get into rap metal. I still only know their most famous songs, but I think RATM is really cool. Also, watching the Music Video, Tom Morello-san’s guitar part is super cool as well, exceeding my expectations in many ways (laughs).
He plays in a rather ridiculous way, doesn’t he?
MOAMETAL あれはヤバいですよね!ギターでスクラッチみたいな音を出したり、あと、ギターからシールドを外して手に当てて弾いたりとか、ギターに詳しくない私でさえ、この人は変態的なギターを弾く人だなって思いましたから(笑)。だから、トム・モレロさんがBABYMETALの曲で弾いてくれると知ったときは、本当にびっくりしたんですよね。
MOAMETAL: It’s great, isn’t it? He made scratchy sounds on the guitar, even created some feedback by removing the shield and touching it with his hand. Though I’m by no means a guitar expert, I could tell how ridiculous his playing style is (laughs). So I was quite surprised when I found out he’d play on one of our songs!
Yes, if you knew how legendary Tom Morello is, that certainly would be an extraordinary surprise.
MOAMETAL しかも、MÀNESKINの「GOSSIP」って曲でもフィーチャリングでトム・モレロさんが弾いてるじゃないですか。
MOAMETAL: Moreover, Tom Morello-san is a featured artist on the song “Gossip” by Måneskin, right?
Ah yes, as a Måneskin fan, MOAMETAL would be familiar with Tom Morello’s name from there too.
MOAMETAL そうなんですよ。MÀNESKINとのフィーチャリングもやってたから、そんなすごい人がBABYMETALを知ってくれてる、しかも「メタり!!」で弾いてくれていることに、ただただびっくりです。
MOAMETAL: That’s right. He was recently just featured on a Måneskin song, so I was just really surprised that such an amazing person knew of BABYMETAL, and that we got him on “Metali!!”.
What are SU-METAL’s thoughts regarding “Metali!!” and Tom Morello’s guitar on it?
SU-METAL 私的な感覚での「メタり!!」の印象は······最初に聴いたときは、「メギツネ」っぽさもあって、ちょっと「PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO)」要素も入ってる感じの曲だなっていうのがあって。あと、私はいつも曲を色で例えるタイプの人間なんで、色的な感じで言わせてもらってもいいですか?(笑)
SU-METAL: Personally, the first impression I got when listening to “Metali!!” was that it had elements from both “Megitsune” and “PA PA YA!” Also, I’m the kind of person who compares songs to colors, so could I try and describe it that way? (laughs)
Of course.
SU-METAL 最初に「メタり!!」を聴いたときは、それこそわかりやすい色······黄色とか赤とか、そういう感じの色なのかなって思っていたんですね。どちらかというと濃い目の色を想像してたんです。ただ、そのときはトム・モレロさんのギターがない状態で聴いていたんです。レコーディングも、トム・モレロさんのギターが入っていない曲のままやっていたし。だから、イメージしている色に合わせてというか、結構重めに歌を歌っていたんですよ。そこからトム・モレロさんのギターが入ったことによって、蛍光色が追加されたみたいな感覚があって。
SU-METAL: When I first heard “Metali!!”, rather dense and simpler colors like yellow or red came to mind - but that was before Tom Morello-san’s guitar had been added. His guitar phrases hadn’t been included yet in the version we were using when I was recording my vocal part. So I tried to make it fit with my imagined colors, but my vocal tone felt quite heavy. Then after Tom Morello-san’s guitar phrases were layered on top of that, that seemed to add a sense of fluorescent color to the song.
Ah, that is indeed a very SU-METAL way to express things, but it’s pretty easy to understand what you mean.
SU-METAL ゲームの『スプラトゥーン』みたいというか。蛍光色がパーンパーンパーンって散ってるみたいな感覚があるんです。でも、すごく「メタり!!」の曲に沿ってくれているし、「わっしょい!」のリズムにも合わせてくれてるっていう。だからか、前半と後半で歌の印象が全然違うというか。1番で言ってる「わっしょい!」と比べて、最後の「わっしょい!」がどんどんどんどんカオスな方向になってるっていう。
SU-METAL: It’s like the video game “Splatoon”. There was the feeling of fluorescent colors being splashed around everywhere. But that’s very much in the spirit of the song, and the rhythmic “Wasshoi!” chants. Maybe that’s why the first and second half of the song feels totally different. “Wasshoi!” in the final chorus feels much more chaotic than in the first chorus.
MOAMETAL 最後の盛り上がりはすごいよね。
MOAMETAL: It’s amazing how hyped the song gets towards the end.
SU-METAL そう!最後の盛り上げ方とかが、ギターの音色ひとつで、こんなに曲の印象が変わるんだっていうのが感じられて、とにかくすごい面白いなって思いましたね。
SU-METAL: Yes! The way the song builds up at the end, I could feel how the feeling of a song can be changed through the guitar tone, and that was really interesting to see.
――そして、「メタり!!」ではトム・モレロと並ぶくらいのハイライトが、中間部の〝Japanese Traditional RAPパート〟ともいえる部分で。これをMOMOMETALが担当してい
And there is also a “Japanese Traditional Rap Part” in the middle of the song. It was quite unexpected to see MOMOMETAL take the spotlight in this part.
**NOTE: “Japanese Traditional Rap” is written in English in the original Japanese-language interview. Koba actually used this phrase in katakana for the PMC Vol.29 interview.
MOAMETAL 初めて聴いたときは、気づきました?
MOAMETAL: Did you realize it was her the first time you listened to it?
Oh no, I had no idea at first. So it was even more of a surprise when I realized that it was MOMOMETAL who did it!
MOAMETAL: MOMOMETAL did a great job.
MOMOMETAL いやいやいや······。
MOMOMETAL: Oh nonono…
SU-METAL (MOMOMETALのほうを向きながら)めっちゃ上手ですよね。
SU-METAL: (turns to MOMOMETAL) Such a great job!
MOMOMETAL いやいやいや······。
MOMOMETAL: Oh nonono…
How did it come to be that MOMOMETAL played this part?
MOMOMETAL これは、当初は自分がやると決まっていたわけではなかったんです。レコーディングのスタジオに行ってたら、「ちょっとここやってみて~」みたいな感じで言われて。
MOMOMETAL: It wasn’t something that had been decided from the beginning. While in the recording studio, they just told me “here, give this a shot.”
That seems rather casual (laughs).
MOMOMETAL そうなんです(笑)。で、見本となる資料みたいな音源の真似をして1回やったら、全然できてなくて。頭の中ではイメージしてできてるんですけど、声に出すと、怖い話を読んでるのかな?みたいな感じになってしまって。
MOMOMETAL: It did feel pretty casual, yes (laughs). So I did it once, like I was imitating some stock material, but it didn’t work at all. I could visualize what I wanted to do in my head, but when I said it out loud, it sounded more like I was reading a spooky story.
Ah, like the voice you use when telling a ghost story.
MOMOMETAL はい(笑)。思っていたより全然声が出なかったんです。こんなに難しいんだ!って思いました。それで、何かコツがあるんじゃないかなと思ったんです。そのコツが何かをつかみたいと思って練習していたら1時間ぐらい経っていたらしくて、ストップがかかってしまい。でも、最終的にああいう形でレコーディングができました。
MOMOMETAL: Yes (laughs). I didn’t sound at all like I thought I would. I was surprised how difficult it was, and thought there must be some trick to it, so I practiced for about an hour before I was stopped. But in the end, we were able to get it recorded that way.
I think it’s really impressive that you learned how to do it in 1 hour, or rather that you were able to bring it out in the studio within that time after considerable effort.
MOMOMETAL いやいやいや······。
MOMOMETAL: Oh nonono…
MOAMETAL ここのパート、実はSU-METALも私もレコーディングしてるですよ(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Actually, both SU-METAL and I also tried recording this part (laughs).
SU-METAL 実はね(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s the truth. (laughs)
No way!
MOAMETAL ということは······。
MOAMETAL: In other words…
SU-METAL: MOMOMETAL emerged head and shoulders above us in triumph.
MOMOMETAL いやいやいや······。
MOMOMETAL: Oh nonono…
I see! That’s great! It means that you defeated two others to grab the part.
SU-METAL 自主練もめちゃくちゃしてたし、それはもう勝てないなって。
SU-METAL: And since she’d done a lot of practice on her own accord, I knew we had absolutely no chance of winning.
MOMOMETAL いやいやいや······。
MOMOMETAL: Oh nonono…
When I first heard that part, I actually thought it was using stock voice footage, hence, my astonishment-
MOAMETAL まさかのMOMOMETALでした(笑)。あと、やっぱり新体制だからこそできたっていう曲でもあるし、この3人で初めての曲で、そしてその曲にMOMOMETALのパートがあって良かったなって、私はすごく思ったんです。
MOAMETAL: -when you realized it was MOMOMETAL (laughs). Also, it’s the first song with all three of us, so I’m quite happy that MOMOMETAL has such a prominent part in the song.
Indeed. And since the two of you earnestly tried out for the part too, it’s quite the coincidence - or perhaps miracle - that things turned out the way they did.
MOAMETAL 本当にそう思います。
MOAMETAL: For sure.
SU-METAL (ニヤリとして)これもBABYMETALの新しい武器ですね。
SU-METAL: (with a smirk) BABYMETAL has added yet another weapon to our arsenal.
The ideal BABYMETAL-hosted festival
――そろそろ時間なので、最後の質問を。11月にBRING ME THE HORIZON主催のフェス「NEX_FEST」に出るじゃないですか。今ってバンドやアーティスト主催のフェスがどんどん増えてきていて、それこBABYMETAL主催のフェスがいずれ実現してもおかしくないなと。もしBABYMETAL主催のフェスが実現するとなったら、真っ先に誰に声をかけてみたい?
Here’s the last question. In November, you’ll be participating in the NEX_FEST festival organized by Bring Me The Horizon (BMTH). Nowadays, we’re seeing more and more festivals being organized by bands and artists, and I think it wouldn’t be too surprising to see a BABYMETAL-hosted festival someday in the future. If that were to happen, who would you like to invite first?
MOAMETAL BABYMETAL主催フェスはやりたいね〜とは言ってるんです。
MOAMETAL: Ooh, I have said that I want to do a BABYMETAL-hosted festival before.
SU-METAL そう。私は、もっともっと有名になってからというか、日本のカルチャーを紹介できるようなアーティストになってから、BABYMETAL主催のフェスはやりたいなって思いますね。BABYMETALを通して、日本のカルチャーだったり、もちろんメタルもそうだし、そういうのを知ってもらった人に対して··· たとえば吉田兄弟さんだったりとか、そういう日本のカルチャーを背負っている方々を呼ぶようなフェスができたら面白いんじゃないかなっていうのは考えてます。
SU-METAL: Yes. After we become more famous - or rather, after we become artists that are worthy of introducing Japanese culture, I’d like BABYMETAL to host a festival to share Japanese culture with the world. It would include metal, of course. I think it would be quite interesting to have a festival for those who learned of Japanese culture and metal through BABYMETAL… a festival with artists that are representatives of Japanese culture, such as the Yoshida Brothers.
**NOTE: If you enjoy the shamisen portion of “Metali!!”, then you are likely to enjoy the Yoshida Brothers very much! For people of my generation, you may have first heard their sound in the amazing Nintendo Wii launch commercial.
MOAMETAL 私は、めちゃめちゃ頑張ってMETALLICAを呼びたいです。
MOAMETAL: I’d actually want to do my best to invite Metallica.
一同 おおー!!!
All: Ohhh~!!!
MOAMETAL めちゃめちゃ頑張らないとそんなことはできないというのは、わかっているんですけど··· METALLICAを呼びたいんです。なぜかというと、今、めちゃめちゃMETALLICAにハマってて。
MOAMETAL: I know we’d have to work very hard to achieve that, but… I really want to invite them, because I’ve been really into them recently.
You’re finally getting into their music!
MOAMETAL 最新アルバム(『72 Seasons』)がすごい好きで、めちゃめちゃ聴いてますね。しかも、あれだけ年齢を重ねても最新が最強でい続けられるグループって、本当にいないと思うんですよ。編集長はあのアルバムの収録時間見ました?1時間17分ですよ!
MOAMETAL: I really like the latest album (72 Seasons) and listen to it all the time. And I really don’t think there’s any other group that’s been able to stay so on top of their game even as they’ve aged so much. Mr. Editor-in-Chief, did you see how long the album is? 1 hour and 17 minutes!
**NOTE: Yes, Moa doesn’t say something indirect like “after being around for so long”, but pretty directly “after getting older”. To be clear, we do not think she is making an “old” joke, but rather that typically a certain level of decline is inevitable as artists age but Moa feels that they’re still just as good, hence her admiration.
**NOTE: as the maximum length of one CD is 80 minutes, 1 hour 17 minutes (77 minutes) is basically filling it up to the brim.
That’s basically the maximum capacity of a CD.
MOAMETAL そうなんですよ!それもすごいなと思って。そういうところも含めて、ずっとレジェンドでい続けられるMETALLICAが本当に尊敬できると思ったので、BABYMETALがフェスでMETALLICAを呼べるくらいになるまで頑張りたいです。
MOAMETAL: That’s right! Aren’t they amazing? I really respect Metallica’s ability to continue being legends, and so I want to work hard so BABYMETAL is worthy of inviting Metallica to our festival.
Honestly, it’s not a total pipe dream. I think BABYMETAL may very well be the key that could bring Metallica to Japan.
MOAMETAL ん? どういう意味ですか?
MOAMETAL: Hm? What do you mean?
To get Metallica to come over, you’d have to do it in Tokyo Dome. So together with BABYMETAL, it would be easy!
MOAMETAL それはプレッシャーが··· 。
MOAMETAL: That’s a lot of pressure…
SU-METAL 逆に、レジェンドを集めたライヴをする?最強メンツで。
SU-METAL: On the other hand, what about a show together with the legends? With the best of the best…
MOAMETAL ビッグ4を呼んで!?それ、やりたいな。
MOAMETAL: Call in the Big 4? I’d love to do that.
SU-METAL Tシャツ復刻版も出して。
SU-METAL: Get reprints of retro T-shirts.
You mean the Big 4 tribute T-shirts from 2014?
“THE BIG FOX” T-shirt from August 15 2014
SU-METAL そうです。そのTシャツをまた作って。
SU-METAL: That’s right, reprint that T-shirt.
MOAMETAL ああ、いいな···やってみたい··· 。
MOAMETAL: Ah, that sounds nice… I want to do it…
――SLAYERは解散というか活動終了になってしまっているから、そこはJUDAS PRIESTとかでどう?
Since Slayer has disbanded - or rather, discontinued activities, how about Judas Priest instead?
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: That sounds great too!
But I honestly think that BABYMETAL is the only Japanese metal artist that could possibly unite such a combination of artists and invite them to Japan.
MOAMETAL それ、本当にやりたくなってきた。頑張らないと!
MOAMETAL: Now I really want to do it. Time to get to work!
Well then, I’d like MOMOMETAL to conclude our meeting today.
MOAMETAL: MOMOMETAL, close out today’s interview!
MOMOMETAL えっ!待って待って待って!その質問の最後が私ですか!?
MOMOMETAL: Eh?! Wait wait wait! I get the last question?
That’s right. What artists would MOMOMETAL like to invite to a BABYMETAL festival?
MOMOMETAL あーどうしよう······。
MOAMETAL (小声でMOMOMETALに向かって)好きなグループを言えば大丈夫。
MOAMETAL: (whispers to MOMOMETAL) just say a group you like.
MOMOMETAL (しばしの沈黙のあとに)まだ発掘中ということで!!!
MOMOMETAL: (pauses for a moment) Let me say that I’m still finding out what kind of metal is my favorite!!!
(End of interview)
『ヘドバン』が10年間貫いてきたもの。それは、メタルを信じること。 BABYMETALを信じること。
“Hedoban” magazine has carried on for 10 years, because we believe in metal, and we believe in BABYMETAL.
Additional Credits: Capable-Paramedic (Transcription & Editing)
Thank you, as always, for this! Long live the new Babymetal 🤘🏻🦊🤘🏻
ReplyDeleteThank you for your hard work translating this and other interviews, I just read ir in one sitting with the hugest smile