2020 Hedoban #28 SU-METAL Interview

(Hedoban magazine has been one of BABYMETAL's strongest supporters over the past 10 years, and has consistently provided insightful long-form interviews. This is a fan translation of Issue 28 featuring SU-METAL and MOAMETAL done in late 2020, in the lead-up to the release of their 10 BABYMETAL YEARS Best Album.)

Other recommended translated BABYMETAL interviews:

2020 Kadokawa (Su & Moa)

2020 Anan Magazine No. 2230

2020 Kadokawa (Mikikometal)

ヘドバン Hedoban Magazine Vol.28

SU-METAL Interview

SU-METAL in Hedoban Magazine

(*Translator’s Note: regarding “This is SU-METAL, the manifestation of our burning metal spirit”, the the original Japanese text here is a play on lyrics from Road of Resistance, which go “燃える鋼鉄魂 それが僕らのResistance”. The second half means “this is our Resistance”. In this interview, the tagline is changed very slightly to “燃える鋼鉄魂 俺たちの......SU-METAL” The first half is the same, but the second half is changed to “this is our SU-METAL”)


“In my opinion, our passionate live performances are on par with any other metal band, and this is something I want to continue. That’s why I’m very happy to see people who didn’t like BABYMETAL at first grow to like us after seeing our shows.”

Text: Naoyuki Umezawa 梅沢直幸(Hedoban Magazine Editor-in-Chief)

ー SU-METAL、約1年ぶりくらいの「ヘドバン」です。

-- SU-METAL, it’s been a year since you last appeared in Hedoban Magazine!


SU-METAL: It’s really been a long time! About a year… is that a long or short time… I don’t know, haha.

ー (笑)。そして、BABYMETALが今年の10月で10周年を迎えて、改めておめでとうございます!

(Interviewer laughs) And congratulations again to BABYMETAL for celebrating your 10th anniversary this October!


SU-METAL: Thank you very much!



ベスト盤『10 BABYMETAL YEARS』について

About the “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” Best Album

ー まず、10月で10周年で、12月には『10 BABYMETAL YEARS』と題した10曲入りのリマスターされたベスト盤も発売になるわけだけど、リマスター音源は聴いた?

-- First of all, October marks the 10 year anniversary of BABYMETAL. To mark the occasion, you’re going to be releasing a remastered best-of album with 10 songs, titled “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” in December. Have you listened to the remastered tracks yet?


SU-METAL: Hmm… I feel like the band is more noticeable than before. When I compared the remastered version to the original, I felt like the original sound felt softer, as if it was coming through some sort of stifling filter. On the remastered tracks, the muffled feeling is completely removed, and each sound can be heard more clearly.

ー 今回のベスト盤、2011年に発表したシングル「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」から2019年に発表したアルバム『METAL GALAXY』の曲まで入っていて。約9年に及ぶBABYMETALの楽曲が収録されているわけだけど、それこそ活動ン10年をまとめたベスト盤は普通にあるけど、全員が中学生時代から20代前半までの活動をまとめたベスト盤は最近はあまり見かけないかなと。

-- This best-of album contains songs from their first single Doki Doki ☆ Morning (released in 2011) to songs from their latest album Metal Galaxy (released in 2019), spanning about 9 years worth of BABYMETAL songs. Covering 10 years of activities is fairly typical for best-of albums*, but what’s less common is a best-of album that reflects the members’ activities from their junior high school days to their early 20s.

(*Editorial Note: an implication here is that for long-running bands, a “best album” might cover several decades, so “10 years” may arguably be the minimum length needed for a “best album”. What makes BABYMETAL rather unique is how early they started their careers, to the point where they’re worthy of a Best Album despite being in their early twenties.)


SU-METAL: That’s right! I found it interesting how our voices are completely different now (laughs). I think I was 12 or 13 years old when we did Doki Doki ☆ Morning.

Doki Doki Morning

ー リマスターされたとはいえ、今改めて「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」を聴いてみてどうだった?当時の声とか。

-- Even though it’s a remastered version, what was it like to listen to Doki Doki ☆ Morning again? For example, what do you think of your voices from back then?


SU-METAL: Most importantly, MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL’s voices are really cute.

ー 間違いなく可愛い(笑)。

-- They are definitely very cute (laughs).


SU-METAL: Right?~

ー それこそ、2人のあの声は、もうあの曲でしか聴けないわけで。

-- That’s why their voices stand out to you in this song?


SU-METAL: Indeed! When it comes to Doki Doki ☆ Morning, the most important thing really is how cute their voices are. As for my own voice… I hadn’t really noticed the change, but now that I listen to it again, I realize that my voice was also really young.

ー いやいや、SU-METALの声質もめちゃくちゃ変わってるでしょ!(笑)

-- Oh no, SU-METAL’s voice quality has definitely also changed a lot too! (laughs)


SU-METAL: I hadn’t really noticed until yesterday, haha.

ー えっ⁉(笑)

-- Seriously? (laughs)


SU-METAL: I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed before. Maybe it’s because I don’t usually listen to our studio tracks that often. But that aside, it’s really obvious that MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL’s voices are clearly different. Maybe that’s why it drew my attention immediately.

ー 今、「普段はBABYMETALの音源は聴くことがない」って言っていたけど、逆にどんなときにBABYMETALの音源を聴く?

-- A moment ago, you just said, “I don’t usually listen to our studio tracks”. If so, when do you listen to them?


SU-METAL: Before performances, I listen to the studio tracks for reference, but after that, I listen to my live recordings. Maybe that’s why listening to the best album felt quite nostalgic.

Doki Doki Morning Music Video

ー SU-METAL自身がデビュー当時から比べて歌い方を意識的に変えてきたのはいつ頃?

-- Have you consciously changed the way you sing, compared to when you made your debut?


SU-METAL: Hmm… I don’t know… I think the most noticeable change came after we began performing with the band.

ー 神バンドが付いてから?

-- Oh, when the Kami Band joined you?


SU-METAL: That’s right, it’s pretty noticeable to me. I think the biggest change is when I started to sing with ear monitors, with the Kami Band backing us up. Also, my voice has been changing little by little. Regarding a time when I consciously changed my singing style… I think it was around the release of Megitsune, that I found that my old way of singing wouldn’t work anymore. It was probably around that time.

ー 通用しなくなったっていうのは、具体的に言うとどんな感じ?

-- What do you mean when you say it wouldn’t work anymore?


SU-METAL: It might have been due to my voice changing in puberty, but before then, I had been singing 100% using my throat. That’s because I only knew how to sing with all my might. If I kept singing that way, my throat would fail on me, and I would lose to the sound of the Kami Band. When I found I couldn’t complete a single solo show singing like that, I started to think about getting creative.

SU-METAL performing Megitsune

ー ヴォーカリストとして、常に注意してることや意識してることはあったりする?

-- As a vocalist, is there anything you normally pay particular attention to or are conscious of?


SU-METAL: I don’t really consciously concentrate on one thing in particular, but rather think about how I can enjoy myself the most. If you perform the same songs over and over again on tour, it’s easy for things to feel a bit stale, and I think it’s important to reduce the feeling of boredom. So I try to change the way I sing songs, if only a little bit. If it gets too out of control, I can dial it back. By changing it up a little bit each time, I have more fun and avoid boredom.


The best technique for singing BABYMETAL is to sing with your feelings in a straightforward way.



Advice for people who want to sing like SU-METAL

ー 10年も経つと、それこそ当時SU-METALが誰々のようなヴォーカリストになりたいって思ってたように、今は「SU-METALになりたい」っていうヴォーカリスト志望の子が出てきてると思うのよ。そういう人に、どうやったらSUMETALのように歌えるかっていうアドバイスをしてもらえればと。

-- 10 years have passed, and just as a young SU-METAL may have dreamed of evolving into a particular vocalist, I think there are now aspiring vocalists who want to sing like SU-METAL.  I’d like to ask you to give some advice on how to sing like SU-METAL!


SU-METAL: My advice… well, the most important thing to pay attention to when singing is what I said before. You have to be able to enjoy yourself. I want to continue to enjoy singing, and this joy for singing is what I value the most. Also, BABYMETAL’s songs are fast and loud, so if you use vibrato or other singing techniques, it can be difficult to keep up.

ー なるほど!

-- I see!


SU-METAL: That’s just what comes to mind, haha. Well, maybe I’m just making excuses because I don’t know how to do complicated techniques (laughs). I think the best technique for singing BABYMETAL is to sing with your feelings in a straightforward way.

ー 技術よりも心意気…ハート的な問題というか。

-- It’s more about the heart and spirit rather than technique


SU-METAL: That’s exactly it! Well, that’s what I wanted to say, at least (laughs).

SU-METAL performing Akatsuki

ー (笑)。では、10年の間で、SU-METAL独自の歌い方を身につけていったって感じなのかな。

-- (Interviewer laughs) So I guess you have developed your own singing style over the past 10 years?


SU-METAL: That’s right. Of course, I’ve learned various techniques while doing vocal training, but every time I study the lyrics and think, “maybe this time, I should sing the song like this?” and then I just do it that way.

ー ベスト盤に入ってる10曲もそうだけど、BABYMETALの楽曲って速い曲だけではないどころか、むしろ世界中のメタル系アーティストの中でも群を抜いてバラエティーに富んでると思うのよ。

-- This definitely applies to not just the 10 songs on the Best Album - BABYMETAL’s music isn’t simply fast, but more varied than any other metal artist in the world.


SU-METAL: I think so too! (laughs)

ー 「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」があれば「Road of Resistance」があったり、「THE ONE」があったり、それこそ「PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO)」とかがあったり。ここまで振り幅のある楽曲に対して、SU-METALの歌い方やさっき言っていたハート的にはどう切り替えていくのかなと。

-- You have Doki Doki☆Morning, Road of Resistance, The One, PA PA YA, and so on. How does SU-METAL switch between songs that are so drastically different, in terms of singing style and the spirit you mentioned earlier?


SU-METAL: I think switching between genres for each song is one of the things I enjoy a lot. It’s like being a different character for each song. When the audience listens to the song at a show, they might think, “Oh, I can tell it’s her singing”, or they might assume that the artist’s style is always like this. I’d really hate for that to happen. That’s why I try to change the character of each song, so it’s as if the audience hears a different singer for each one.

SU-METAL performing PA PA YA

ー ある意味、曲ごとにキャラを憑依させる感じ?

-- In a way, it’s as if you’re possessed by a different character for each song?


SU-METAL: It’s not that I necessarily have a story in mind, but it’s like there’s some kind of character… maybe it’s something like being possessed (laughs).



10 years in a word

ー BABYMETALが活動してきた10年間をSU-METALなりにひと言で表すと?

-- If SU-METAL were to describe the past 10 years of BABYMETAL in a word, what would it be?

SU-METAL:ひと言⁉ ひと言か…何だろうな…でも、ある意味〝自分の人生そのもの〟にはなるのかな。

SU-METAL: In a word?! In a word… um… well, in a way, it’ll end up being “the story of my life”.

ー まさに、そのとおりだ。

-- That’s exactly what I’m asking.


SU-METAL: Ah… it’s so difficult. SU-METAL is of course the same person as me, but we’re also not really the same person. That’s why I feel like I’ve raised SU-METAL over the past 10 years, and I’ve been able to do a lot of things with SU-METAL that I wouldn’t have been able to as a normal teenager, such as going abroad and experiencing various kinds of music, so my life experience has become more fulfilling. In addition, I feel like I’m becoming more of a complete person as SU-METAL.



SU-METAL’s recommended song from the Best Album

ー ベスト盤に収録されている10曲の中で、SU-METALが一番好きな曲...推し曲は?

-- Among the 10 songs on the Best Album, which is SU-METAL’s favorite… or a song you would recommend the most?

SU-METAL:推し曲!難しいなあ...。でも、一番好きな曲となると「Road of Resistance」かな。やっばり、どこの国や街でライヴしてもセットリストで最後のほうにくることが多い曲というのもあるし、初めての場所に行っても、たとえ言葉が通じなくても、「Road~」をやれば絶対につながれるし。

SU-METAL: Ah, recommending a single song is difficult! But… if it’s just my personal favorite, I think it would have to be Road of Resistance. It often comes last in the setlist no matter what country or city we perform in, and even if it’s our first time visiting a venue, we can always connect through RoR even if we don’t speak the same language.

ー 確かに、「Road~」やらないライヴってあまりないもんね。

-- It’s true that there are very few shows where you don’t perform Road of Resistance.


SU-METAL: I think the only time we don’t perform RoR is when we’re doing a two-day setlist and thus don’t repeat songs. Also, before we perform RoR, I have a strong determination in my mind to show people what BABYMETAL is through this song.


-- RoR is a song with quite a strong meaning, isn’t it?


SU-METAL: Yes it is! That’s the thing I love the most about RoR.

SU-METAL in Hedoban Magazine

ー 今までのライヴの中で「Road~」をやった場面で印象に残ったライヴというと?

-- What was the most memorable RoR performance that you can remember?


SU-METAL: It would have to be the first time we performed it at Brixton (London, November 8th 2014). It was that show that helped me understand the true meaning of RoR.

ー それはフロアの雰囲気も含めて?

-- This includes the atmosphere of the crowd?


SU-METAL: Yes, it does. Of course, we’d listened to the song countless times before Brixton, and we had prepared extensively for that performance. But when we saw the audience’s reaction, that’s the moment it felt like the song came together for the first time. “Ah, so this is how the song is meant to be performed!” That’s something we found out at Brixton.

ー 確かに、ブリクストンで初披露した時点から「Road~」はBABYMETALの最強の武器になったもんね。

-- Indeed, ever since its debut at Brixton, RoR has become BABYMETAL’s strongest weapon.


SU-METAL: It really was. Also, up until that point, we’d been touring overseas, but didn’t really know what we were doing, like at Sonisphere (July 5th, 2014). It was like, “where even if this?!” (laughs) as we started from a place of ignorance. But I knew I was having fun (laughs).

ー (笑)。

-- (Interviewer laughs)


SU-METAL: Until then, I had always felt like I was away from home. Of course, we had done solo shows before, and there were warm and friendly venues, but there was always a sense of being ‘away’.


ー ロンドンの初ワンマン(2014年7月7日)もアウェーな雰囲気を感じてた?

-- The first solo show in London (July 7th, 2014) also felt like you were far from home?


SU-METAL: We definitely could feel everyone’s enthusiasm. I guess it’s more that we didn’t really know how much it would come to mean, haha.

ー (笑)。あまりの展開の速さにね。

-- (Interviewer laughs) I guess everything felt like it was a blur.


SU-METAL: Yes, I suppose! We were, obviously, performing here, but we didn’t realize yet what it really meant, that we were in the UK and in front of a UK audience. We had toured overseas for a year before going to Brixton. That’s why when we performed RoR, it was the first time we felt at home while overseas.

ー あのブリクストンは、想像以上にBABYMETALにとって大きな意味があったんだ。

-- That Brixton show meant a lot more to BABYMETAL than we had imagined!


SU-METAL: When we performed RoR for the first time, we made Brixton our home. The audience urged us onward, and we found the answer to why we had been touring overseas. It was also the place where I discovered what BABYMETAL should do in the future.

ー そこまで!「Road~」を披露したことで、BABYMETALが進むべき道が開けた...目指す景色が見えてきたってことなんだろうね。

-- Ah, it influenced you to that extent! With the release of RoR, the path that BABYMETAL would take had opened up… I guess this means you could see the way forward more clearly?


SU-METAL: That’s right. Until then, I hadn’t realized what those places meant to us. Furthermore, we came to understand other things at the Brixton show, and the debut of RoR. We saw the results of the past year’s work, what we should do in the future, and the meaning of RoR. In addition, we gained more power from the audience at Brixton. It was like a switch had been turned on, and I felt, “Okay, let’s hit the road!”

ー その歌詞の意味も含めて。

-- That includes the meaning of the lyrics.


SU-METAL: Yes, it did. It was then that I personally experienced what the lyrics of Road of Resistance were about; it’s about moving forward. Also, if we perform RoR at a home festival, we and the audience are both filled with expectant anticipation. When we perform RoR ‘away’, our feeling is that we need to really show them what BABYMETAL can do. And at the end of the song, we sing together with the audience as one. When it’s over, you know that you’ve been accepted, whether home and away.



SU-METAL’s other song recommendations

― ベスト盤が厳選して絞り込んだ10曲なので漏れた代表曲も結構あるんだけど、漏れた曲の中でSU-METALの推し曲というと?

-- There are quite a few iconic songs that didn’t make their way onto the Best Album, after the careful selection process narrowed it down to 10 songs. Among the songs that didn’t make it, which is SU-METAL’s favorite?


SU-METAL: Hmm… if you’re asking me if this song ought to be part of the top 10, I’m not entirely certain. But personally, a song that I really like is Onedari Daisakusen.

ー まさかの「おねだり~」!

-- Wow, Onedari Daisakusen?


SU-METAL: How can I describe MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL in it... of course, their voices are cute, the choreography is ridiculously cute, and the lyrics are quite piercing in many ways (laughs). When I listened to it for the first time, the contrast between their cute choreography and the provocative lyrics somehow really meshed together quite well, and in a way, it was very BABYMETAL. It’s so interesting, and definitely creates a “what the hell is this” feeling.

Yui and Moa performing Onedari Daisakusen

ー SU-METALが歌っている曲で、ベスト盤以外の推し曲だとどう?

-- What is the favorite song that you’ve sung, other than those on the Best Album?


SU-METAL: Honestly, there are so many songs I like, so I can’t really choose one. But recently, it would be BxMxC.

ー それはまた意外だ。

-- Well, that’s another surprise!


SU-METAL: There are many difficult songs on the 3rd album… it’s very diverse, but the most challenging one for me is BxMxC. In a way, that challenging spirit is also very BABYMETAL.

ー 「BxMxC」は、今年1月の幕張で初披露したけど、「BxMxC」って、今までBABYMETALがやってきたラップが入った曲とも全然違う...完全にヒップホップ側に寄った曲ではあるじゃない。

-- BxMxC was performed live for the first time at Makuhari Messe (Legend Metal Galaxy) in January 2020, but it’s totally different from the BABYMETAL songs that had featured rapping before… it’s completely on the hip-hop side.


SU-METAL: It sure is!

― あそこまで本格的なラップはSU-METALにとってかなり強敵な感じだった?

-- Was full-fledged rap a difficult challenge for SU-METAL?


SU-METAL: A difficult challenge, huh… well, I wasn’t confident whether I’d chosen the most suitable way to sing BxMxC. Rap itself was unfamiliar to me, so I tried to find the right feeling while recording. But it was the Legend Metal Galaxy show that showed me how cool the song was, and I finally came to understand it.

SU-METAL performing BxMxC

― あ、あの幕張でそう感じたんだ。

-- Ah, so you came to this realization at Makuhari.


SU-METAL: That’s right. The first thing that struck me was hearing the band live, and I felt “ah, I get it now!” And then there’s the performance. The choreography was much more hip-hop, and MOAMETAL and the Avengers were brimming with passion. When we showed the audience the combination of the band’s sound and our performance, their reaction was amazing, and gave me chills. 

ー 幕張の「BxMxC」って、観てる側も「BABYMETAL、またとんでもない武器を出してきたな」っていうライヴだったんだよね。

-- BxMxC at Legend Metal Galaxy was something that made people feel that BABYMETAL was coming out with yet another incredibly powerful weapon.


SU-METAL: I’m sure the audience had all listened to the studio version already. But as you’ve said before, Mr. Editor-in-Chief, “I didn’t know this song was going to be like this!” so I guess that was the reaction. In a way, I think this song was transformed completely by the live performance. I also rediscovered various charms of BxMxC after seeing the reaction of the audience, just like I did for RoR.



The country that left the strongest impression on her

ー 10年間で、訪れた国で一番印象に残った国は?

-- Over the past 10 years, what country has left the strongest impression on you?


SU-METAL: Country!

― アジア、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ...結構いろんな土地に行ったよね。

-- Asia, Europe, America… you’ve been all over!


SU-METAL: (a far-off look in her eyes) We’ve really been to so many places… (after thinking for a bit) I think it would be Mexico.

ー 2015年5月のメキシコシティでのライヴのときだ。

-- That would be the Mexico City show in May 2015?


SU-METAL: Yes. The reaction of the audience to our performance was very interesting, and I remember it quite clearly.

ー 自分もあの場にいたけど、サッカーの応援みたいなやつでしょ。

-- I was there too. It was like cheering at a soccer match.


SU-METAL: Yes! It’s interesting to see how they brought a unique groove to the show. BABYMETAL’s live shows often derive something special from performances abroad, but Mexico was a bit unique (laughs). Also, what I found most interesting was how everyone was so free. They were so free that I wondered if they were even listening to the songs, haha.

ー (笑)。

-- (Interviewer laughs)


SU-METAL: Of course, there were people that were really hyped up, but there were also people who were so relaxed that you’d think they were listening to a ballad. Some appeared to be quite chilled out, others were energetically air drumming.

― エアドラム⁉

-- Air drumming?!


SU-METAL: That’s right! (laughs) Some people were air drumming like crazy! And there were some who were doing their own creative dances, with their backs to the stage instead of watching the show (laughs). But it’s not like a bad thing - they were just enjoying the music in their own way. That’s why I felt at the Mexico show that uniformity is not necessarily the correct way to live. I learned that there are different ways to enjoy music!

BABYMETAL in Italy with Kami Band

― そこを感じとった時点で、メキシコのライヴは大収穫でしょ。

-- I’m sure you got a lot out of the Mexico show when you came to this realization.


SU-METAL: Oh, most definitely. When the show first began, I thought “this is utter chaos”. As the show progressed, I kept thinking how I might put this chaos in order, but I finally found that the answer was: there is definitely more than one way to enjoy music, and it’s not something I can force together, or tell someone you have to do it this way. When I thought about it, I realized that this kind of groove is a lot of fun, in its own way.

― 素晴らしい。っていうか、SU-METALはライヴ中に凄まじく冷静に客席を見てるよね。

-- That’s wonderful! One could say that SU-METAL was able to observe the audience incredibly calmly during the show.


(SU-METAL laughs)


-- I felt the same when we talked about RoR, but I am so impressed that you really grasped the mood of the audience in Mexico.


SU-METAL: Especially in Mexico (laughs). The reaction of the audience was very interesting, so I guess I was indeed observing them.

― (笑)。しかもメキシコのライヴがSU-METALの音楽観にまで影響を与えたライヴだったとは。

-- Haha! I hadn’t known that the Mexico show was one that had affected the way SU-METAL viewed music so much.


SU-METAL: Mexico was the first day of that year’s tour, right? In that sense, it left quite an impression on me.



The most memorable festival

ー BABYMETALは日本でも海外でもたくさんのフェスに出て、なおかつフェスで大きな爪痕を残してきたと思うんだけど、SU-METALの中で一番印象に残ってるフェスというと?

-- BABYMETAL has participated in many festivals both in Japan and abroad, and you’ve left quite a mark everywhere you’ve gone. What is the most memorable festival for SU-METAL?


SU-METAL: We’ve appeared at quite a few festivals, haven’t we? Which one… well, I suppose the 2016 Download Festival comes to mind.

― 初めてBABYMETALとしてダウンロードのステージに立ったときだ。

-- It was the first time you stood on the Download stage as BABYMETAL.


SU-METAL: At the time, the rain was absolutely pouring. It was raining like crazy before we began! So although the festival staff told us to get started, it was obvious that we weren’t ready to go.

ー あ、ステージがズブ濡れで?

-- Ah, the stage was soaking wet?


SU-METAL: Yes, it was. Moreover, even ordinary bands would have some difficulty if they get wet, but BABYMETAL dances. That’s why the staff was talking about waiting until it stopped raining, cutting songs, and so on, taking into consideration that we would be dancing on that stage. So we started the show in quite a flurry, despite everything. First of all, I was elated to see the audience waiting to see BABYMETAL even in the heavy rain, and we had to perform in a very tense situation, where we didn’t know if we might have to cut it short.

Our feet were slipping all over the place, and we were in no real condition to perform, but we just had to concentrate very hard, and make sure the audience would receive our best effort. The three of us reminded one another to step carefully - even so, the biggest priority was to deliver a proper show to the fans. Anyway, we were thinking about many things while performing. Maybe that’s why, after the show, I was so relieved that we were able to complete it safely. In a sense, the rain might have actually strengthened the dramatic feeling of the stage, resulting in an even more passionate audience!

BABYMETAL performing in the rain

ー フェスのお客さんがどんな反応するのかっていう不安は今でもある?

-- Do you still worry about how festival audiences might react?


SU-METAL: If it’s a metal festival, many more people know about BABYMETAL now compared to when we first started. So I’m less worried nowadays. However, I still think that many people are seeing us for the first time at festivals, so I always want to perform to the best of my ability.



The biggest highlight in BABYMETAL history

ー BABYMETALが10年間やってきた中で、〝最大のハイライト〟を挙げるとすると?「その時BABYMETALの歴史が動いた」的なキーポイントというか。

-- If you had to pick the “biggest highlight” in BABYMETAL’s 10-year history, what would it be? A key point that changed the course of history for you?


SU-METAL: When it comes to biggest highlight… the first thing that comes to mind is Sonisphere.

― やっばり。

-- As expected!


SU-METAL: I guess that’s what I always say, huh? But I think it’s no exaggeration to say that all the UK shows have been highlights for us. Brixton was definitely one as well, and not just because of RoR that I was talking about before. Wembley too! Each show we've played in the UK has helped BABYMETAL evolve in various ways.

ー 〝イギリスは第二の故郷〟という表現は、そういう意味もあって出てきたと。

-- I think that’s why it’s been said that the UK is your second home.


SU-METAL: Yes, I think so. We probably thought that the UK would be a place that could change us, now that I think about it.

BABYMETAL at Sonisphere

ー イギリスで数多くやったライヴの中でも、ひとつ挙げるとするとソニスフィアなんだ。

-- If you really had to pick one performance among all the shows you performed in the UK, it would definitely be Sonisphere.


SU-METAL: Without a doubt! At the time, we had performed before 10,000 people at most in Japanese solo shows. Festivals were also about 10,000 people. For kids like us to suddenly find ourselves standing in front of 50,000 at a metal festival, so far away from home… I can now say that us being there was rather funny and absurd, though neither we nor the audience may have fully grasped it yet. (laughs)

― そう言えるようになったことが感慨深い(笑)。

-- It makes me feel so proud of you, to hear you say that (laughs)


(SU-METAL laughs)

ー ソニスフィアはもうさ、マンガだよね。マンガの中の出来事。

-- Sonisphere was like something from a manga storyline, wasn’t it?


SU-METAL: It really was! (laughs) So that’s exactly what I was referring to earlier, how in the beginning we were just thinking, “We’re overseas! Yay! It’s so fun!” when we set out on this wild ride (laughs).

― (笑)。

-- (Interviewer laughs)

BABYMETAL enjoying a magic trick at a festival


SU-METAL: “Ohhh this is scary!” we felt as we stood upon the stage. We hadn’t realized what it would be like until the show started.

ー やっぱりそうだったか(笑)。

-- I knew it, haha.


SU-METAL: Before we knew it, the song had begun. We could hear the roar from the audience, and I felt like there was nothing else but to just go for it.

ー あの5万人の観客をステージの真ん中に立って見た瞬間に、「あ、ちょっとこれ大変なことだ」って気付いたと。

-- The moment you stood in the middle of the stage and saw 50,000 people was when you realized that this was kind of a big deal.


SU-METAL: Yes! (laughs) It suddenly hit me at that moment, and I was like, “Oh Crap Oh Crap Oh Crap!” In a way, the ability to think about various things on stage, or during live performances, is something that we picked up at that time.

ー なるほど!ライヴ中に歌いながらもお客さんの反応を冷静に見ていたり、いろいろと思考していたりする能力が、ソニスフィアがきっかけで生まれたと。

-- I see! The ability to calmly observe the audience’s reaction and to think about various things while performing live was born at Sonisphere.


SU-METAL: I think so. At the time, it was necessary to take various things into consideration on your own. That’s why I think the things I’ve learned on stage… and the things I’ve experienced… are being utilized in so many ways now. I think we’ve been able to cope with anything that has happened onstage. In that sense, Sonisphere was a big deal for me.



About Iine!

ー 僕はBABYMETALの曲の中で「いいね!」推しなんですよ。

-- Iine! is the BABYMETAL song that I recommend the most!


SU-METAL: Yes! (laughs)

ー なので、ベスト盤の中に「いいね!」が入っていないのが残念で仕方なくて。なので、番外編として「いいね!」に対して、今のSUMETALがどう思っているかを聞かせて欲しいなと。

-- Therefore it’s quite a pity that Iine! wasn’t included on the Best Album. So as an extra feature, I’d like to hear what SU-METAL thinks about Iine!


SU-METAL: Iine! gets the crowd super hyped up in America.

ー それは意外だ。何でだろ?

-- That’s surprising. How so?


SU-METAL: That may be because they enjoy the club-like atmosphere in Iine!. When I first saw the American audience's response to the song, I thought, "Oh, so they respond to the song this way!"

ー 確かに、「いいね!」は日本ではクラブっぽいノリにはならないよね。

You’re right, the audience in Japan doesn’t really show a club-like response to Iine! In the same way.


SU-METAL: In Japan, people seem to focus on the heavier, band-like elements. But in the U.S., they're more fond of the club-like atmosphere. That was another aspect of Iine! that I discovered there.

BABYMETAL Iine! Music Video



The MV that she remembers most vividly

ー 今回のベスト盤に収録されている曲でも結構、MVを作ってるじゃないですか。印象に残ってるMVや撮影はありますか。それこそ、初期は凝りまくった感じで撮ってるよね。

-- You filmed quite a few music videos for the songs included in the Best Album. Is there a particular MV or shoot that left a strong impression on you? In the early days, you shot a lot of elaborate videos!


SU-METAL: We certainly did! In the early days, the MVs used to tell a story from the song through various imagery. Which one is the most memorable… hm… I think it’s Ijime, Dame, Zettai.

― 確かに「イジメ~」は凝ってる。

-It’s true that IDZ is quite elaborate.


SU-METAL: We were surrounded by flying V guitars standing around us. Unlike other BABYMETAL MVs, this is the only one in which another story is developed in parallel with our performance.

ー あ、ロンゲの人が髪を切られたりするっていう。懐かしいな。

-- Oh, the scene where the man gets his long hair cut off. That brings back memories.


SU-METAL: That’s right! The “bully” part of IDZ is well-illustrated in the video, and our performance harmonizes with it quite well.

Small BABYMETAL shooting the Ijime Dame Zettai music video



Rammstein, and her changing feelings about metal over the past 10 years

ー BABYMETALに初めてインタビューしたのが2013年で。その頃って、それこそSU-METALは15歳前後で、メタルについて真正面から向き合える感じではなかったと思うのね。メタルってどんな音楽なんだろう?とか、まだ掴めない感じだったと思うんだけど、10年の年月が流れていく中で、メタルへの意識って日々変化していったのかな?

-- The first time I interviewed BABYMETAL was back in 2013. At that time, SU-METAL was around 15 years old, and I don’t think you were ready to face metal head-on yet. Perhaps you were still uncertain as to what kind of music metal was. Has your attitude towards metal changed day-by-day over the course of 10 years?


SU-METAL: I’ve definitely changed a lot. I’ve learned so much from observing the other metal bands we’ve performed with at festivals. Of course, you can do things like listen to metal CDs, but you can’t understand metal just from CDs… I think it’s the same for BABYMETAL… that’s what I think metal is. It’s only in live performances that its strength really shines - it’s music that you need to experience live. That’s why I want to see many metal shows if I’m allowed the opportunity. I absorb metal in my own way by doing that.

ー ヘドバンの前号で「人生最高のライヴ」アンケートを取った際に、SU-METALはラムシュタインのライヴを挙げてたじゃないですか。それが凄く意外だったんだよね。あのラムシュタインがSU-METALに刺さったんだと(笑)。

-- In the latest issue of Hedoban, when we did a survey on “the best show of your life”, SU-METAL mentioned the Rammstein show, didn’t you? That was quite surprising to me. I suppose Rammstein is really stuck in your mind, isn’t it? (laughs)


SU-METAL: It’s thoroughly stuck in my mind! First of all, we were allowed to view the show from very close to the stage. So it was really powerful.

ー 火も含めて?

-- Lots of fire?


SU-METAL: Of course, there was plenty of fire! And the staff was quite busy behind-the-scenes, haha.

ー なるほど(笑)。

-- Of course (laughs).


SU-METAL: The staff came out and tossed the microphone to the vocalist at just the right time, who took it and went straight to the stage. That kind of teamwork was amazing, and more importantly, I realized that this stage was made possible through such thorough preparation. Normally, it would be dangerous to use fire and other things like that. But they took all of it into consideration, and calculated it all out. I was also impressed with how they used fire as a way to express the music. We use dance to express metal, but Rammstein’s way of expression is just amazing. The show itself is like riding a theme park attraction! Rammstein draws you into their world immediately, and there is a thrill in wondering what’s going to happen next, that makes you feel all kinds of emotions. When the intense music comes on, your heart begins pounding. It wasn’t exactly “total metal entertainment”, but I felt I had seen something amazing. Also, I think the show we saw was probably not in Germany.

ー 確かオーストリアのフェスだよね。

-- It was in Austria, I believe.


SU-METAL: That’s right, it was Austria. I was surprised that they sang in German, and could generate such enthusiasm, even though they weren’t in Germany. I thought, “wait, this is a festival, right?!” The crowd was so passionate that you might have thought it was a solo show for Rammstein. Also, after seeing the show, I felt that we were so insignificant.

ー そこまで⁉

-- Wow, really?


SU-METAL: Yes, I really did. That’s how great they were. It was like an epic story was being told, and with the fire and everything, I just kept going “Oh! Wow!” (laughs)

BABYMETAL with Rammstein



Thoughts on the metal masters, Metallica

ー メタリカはSU-METALの中ではラムシュタインとはまた違う存在?

-- For SU-METAL, how does Metallica differ from Rammstein?


SU-METAL: They have a different place in my heart. Metallica are really metal gods to me. I will always remember the first time I saw Metallica live.

ー それは大阪の?

-- That was in Osaka, right?


SU-METAL: That was the Summer Sonic show in Osaka in 2013. For me, that was really “live metal”. It’s like they let me experience what metal music was really about. Personally, I think of Metallica as my teacher of metal. At the time, I had a vague understanding of metal, but I hadn’t actually experienced it. The Metallica show in Osaka was the first metal show I’d ever experienced; that’s why I still remember the feelings from then. Metallica really is both master and god to me.

BABYMETAL with Metallica

ー その師匠のスペシャル・ゲストでライヴをやっているんだから、大変なことですよ。

-- Performing as a special guest for metal masters must have been quite a big deal!


SU-METAL: We were blessed with this opportunity in Korea!

ー いやー、日本のアーティストがメタリカのライヴのスペシャル・ゲストに出るなんて初めてのことだし、今や海外のバンドでもなかなかそこには出られないからね。もの凄いことですよ。メタリカの単独公演のス ベシャル・ゲストって、どうだった? 

-- Actually, it was the first time a Japanese artist had featured as a special guest at a Metallica show. Even foreign bands don’t have this opportunity anymore. It’s quite a big deal! What was it like to be a special guest at a Metallica show?

SU-METAL:BABYMETAL としても韓国は初めてだったので、 お客さんのノリ的にもどういう感じなんだろう?みたいな手探り感はありましたね。ただ、自分のライヴももちろんちゃんとやりつつも、 終わったあとに「メタリカさんのライヴを観れる!!!」っていうのが大きくて(笑)。

SU-METAL: It was the first time BABYMETAL had performed in Korea, so I wondered what the atmosphere of the audience would be like, sort of reaching around for it. Of course, we performed our own show diligently, but even as we did so, I couldn’t rid my mind of a sense of excitement, like, “we get to see Metallica-san live!” That was a big part of it.

ー 自分たちのライヴよりも、メタリカのライヴを観れることに対しての喜びが強かったと(笑)。

-- You seem more excited about getting to watch Metallica than your own show (laughs).

SU-METAL はい(笑)。

SU-METAL: Yes! (laughs)

ー メタリカのメンバーそれぞれには、どんなイメージがある? 

-- What kind of image do you have of Metallica’s members?


SU-METAL: I had a lot of opportunities to talk with Kirk Hammett-san, and he let us take a photo with him at the 2013 Summer Sonic. After that, I don’t remember which festival it was, but I had a chance to talk with him again. At that time, Kirk-san found us and said, “BABYMETAL, right? Hey, look at me dance, I can do it too!” as he danced a little for us!

ー 非常に貴重な姿というか...レアな話だ(笑)。

-- That must have been a sight… it’s quite a rare story, haha.


SU-METAL: I thought he was very funny, and it really made us feel a lot closer (laughs).

BABYMETAL with Kirk Hammett of Metallica



Metal fans that dislike BABYMETAL

ー 「別冊カドカワ」のインタビューでSU-METALが、「メタルが凄く好きな人から見たらBABYMETALは敵に見える」とか「デビュー当時はBABYMETALって非難を浴びる存在だったと思うんですよ」っていう発言をしていたのが印象的で。そういう気持ちは今でも残ってたりするのかな。BABYMETALが苦手なメタル・ファンや、アンチな人に対しての今の思いも聞かせてもらえたらと。

-- In the special Kadokawa interview, SU-METAL said that “for some metalheads, BABYMETAL looks like the enemy”. Your statement, “We just took it for granted that BABYMETAL would be targeted for criticism when we made our debut” left a strong impression on me. I wonder if you still feel the same way - could you tell us about your thoughts regarding metal fans who are anti-BABYMETAL?


SU-METAL: We often performed with metal bands at overseas metal festivals, and they were all very kind to us. For even so-called Metal Legends to accept our music so graciously is something I deeply appreciate. We perform a “new” kind of metal that’s respectful of the spirit of metal - so compared to when we first started, I think many more people accept us now. But of course, some metal fans have very strong and distinct preferences for what metal subgenres they like and dislike, and it’s natural to reject metal that you don’t like. So if you still don’t like us, it is what it is. I’m more than happy to be recognized by metal legends, so it doesn’t really bother me now.

Rob Zombie standing up for BABYMETAL against haters on Facebook

ー BABYMETALの凄いとこは、それまで徹底してアンチだったメタル・ファンを突然大ファンにさせてしまうとこなんだよね。しかも、そういうメタル・ファンが結構いるというさ。それはなぜだと思う?

-- What is fantastic about BABYMETAL is that you can suddenly turn metal fans who may have been haters into your biggest supporters. And this is fairly common - why do you think that is?


SU-METAL: I don’t actually know why (laughs). I wouldn’t really consider myself a devoted metal listener, so if you’re asking if I can understand these people’s feelings, I’m not so sure… I think that the passion we display in our live shows is unrivaled by any other metal band, and I intend to keep it that way. So it brings me great joy if people who disliked BABYMETAL happened to stick around for a live show, and end up becoming fond of us afterwards. I also believe that we perform metal with strong feeling and ambition, so I hope that metal fans can acknowledge this part of us. The same goes to people who continue to dislike BABYMETAL now.

ー メタル=強い音楽、強い心ってことだよね。

-- Metal=strong music and strong will, isn’t it?

SU-METAL (力強い表情で)そう思います。

SU-METAL: (with a strong expression on her face) I believe so.

SU-METAL in Hedoban Magazine

Through BABYMETAL, I learned to enjoy the fun of metal, the joy of metal, and the breadth of metal. So now I want to convey this to the audience as well.



About Kingslayer

ー ブリング・ミー・ザ・ホライズンの楽曲「Kingslayers」で、初めて他人の楽曲にコラボ参加したけど、どんな気持ちであの楽曲と向き合ったの?

-- Kingslayer with Bring Me The Horizon was the first time you’d collaborated on someone else’s song. How did you feel, facing this song?

SU-METAL:「そういうことをやりたいね」っていうのはブリング・ミー~とも以前から話させていただいていたんですけど、実際にブリング・ミー~から音源が送られて聴いたらめちゃめちゃブリング・ミー~で(笑) 。コラボできる嬉しさとともに。大丈夫かな?っていう不安な思いがあって。

SU-METAL: We’d been talking about doing something like this with BMTH for some time. But when they sent us the original track, it felt really BMTH (laughs). I really enjoyed collaborating with them! But at the same time, I wondered if it would be okay.

ー 自分がこの曲を歌って大丈夫かなと?

-- You wondered if you’d be able to sing this song?


SU-METAL: Yes. I wondered if I’d be interfering with BMTH’s world by entering it.

ー そんな、妨害だなんて。

-- Interfering? You?


SU-METAL: Well, that’s a fear I had at first. But when we sent our recording to BMTH, they told us “this is awesome!” and I felt very relieved.

ー 「Kingslayer」の楽曲にはBABYMETALの要素も多分に入っている感じはするしね。

-- I feel like there’s a lot of BABYMETAL in Kingslayer


SU-METAL: I suppose so! They understand our music very well, so the music did contain some BABYMETAL in it. It’s really a “Bring Me x BABYMETAL” song, so in that sense, it was very easy to work on, and I’m glad that BMTH was the first group we were invited to have a collaboration with.

ー SU-METALとしてもかなり刺激になったコラボだったと。

-- This collaboration was quite inspiring for SU-METAL, it seems.


SU-METAL: It really was. Hm… we collaborated with many people on the 3rd album, and I felt like that added a lot of spice to it. When artists collaborate with one another, the charm of a new artist appears, and the song becomes more interesting.

BABYMETAL playing games with Bring Me The Horizon



BABYMETAL moving forward

ー 結成10周年を経て、今後どんなメタルな活動をしていきたいですか。

-- After the 10th anniversary, what kind of metal activities do you want to do in the future?


SU-METAL: I don’t know what the future has in store for us… but first of all, I think that we’ve constantly challenged ourselves over the past 10 years.

ー 確かに、し続けっばなしだ。

-- You’re right, it’s been quite a long journey


SU-METAL: It’s really a never-ending struggle (laughs). Every time a wall appears before us, we have to think of a way to get over it. And before you know it, the show has already started. I truly want to stay consistent - for better or for worse. Or rather, I want to hold on to this spirit of taking on challenges. Through BABYMETAL, I learned to enjoy music more, to understand what makes metal interesting, and the breadth of metal. So now I want to convey this to the audience as well.

SU-METAL in Hedoban Magazine

ー 「Road~」の歌詞じゃないけど、道なき道を突き進む…チャレンジし続けるBABYMETALは変わらないと。

-- This is the spirit expressed by RoR’s lyrics, is it not? For BABYMETAL to continue to push forward on this road without a path, and keep on challenging yourselves.


SU-METAL: (with confidence) Yes!

ー それこそ、BABYMETALがきっかけでメタルを聴くようになった人が結構多いもんね。

-- There are a lot of people who began listening to metal because of BABYMETAL


SU-METAL: I appreciate that very very much!

ー メタルというジャンルの門の前にBABYMETALが立って手招きするような状況...BABYMETALがメタルのゲートウェイとなってるのはどう思う?

-- A situation in which BABYMETAL stands before the gate of the metal genre, beckoning to you… how do you feel about BABYMETAL being a gateway to metal?


SU-METAL: I think that’s what I prefer. “I started listening to metal because of BABYMETAL” - it’s quite amazing that BABYMETAL has been able to do that, isn’t it, Mr. Editor-in-Chief?

ー いや、それは本当に凄いことだし、BABYMETALが10年間、メタルの中で挑戦し続けてきた結果であり証だと思う。

-- Oh, it’s really great. I think it’s the result and proof of BABYMETAL’s efforts to continuously challenge metal over the past 10 years.


SU-METAL: Thank you very much. Also, putting metal aside, I’ve heard that people from overseas have started to learn about Japanese culture, Japanese as a language, and about J-pop from their exposure to BABYMETAL. It brings me great joy that BABYMETAL has played such a role for international fans. This is my everlasting dream, or goal - to become a bridge between Japan and other countries, including but not limited to the music industry. I used to say that I wanted to create a new genre called BABYMETAL, but now, this is the role I want BABYMETAL to play, and it’s one that includes metal.

SU-METAL being a queen



Kouhaku and a return to the Budokan

ー 結成10年を経て、まずNHK『紅白歌合戦』への出場が決定したけど、〝紅白出場決定〟の一報を聞いたときはどう思った?

-- After 10 years, you’ve been invited to participate in NHK’s Kouhaku Uta Gassen (Red vs White Song Contest). What did you think when you first heard the news?


SU-METAL: I was so surprised! After a year of not being able to perform live, I was very honored to have this opportunity to make a long-awaited live appearance to fans in Japan and abroad.

ー 紅白にメタルのアーティストが出るのは、聖飢魔Ⅱ、X JAPANに次いで3組目ですよ。「ヘドバン」を筆頭としたBABYMETALをメタル側から応援してる日本のファンに向けて、紅白出場の意気込みを聞かせてくださいませ。

-- You are the 3rd metal artist to appear at Kouhaku, after Seikima-II and X Japan. To the fans in Japan coming from a metal background who support BABYMETAL - especially those led by Hedoban, please share your enthusiasm about performing at Kouhaku!


SU-METAL: I don’t think that Japan is very familiar with metal music yet. However, over the past year, I’ve definitely been saved by the strength of metal. That’s why I hope I can bring metal music to those who need support now. For that purpose, BABYMETAL will definitely perform as BABYMETAL, even if people think “what the hell is this?”

ー SU-METAL、泣かせるなぁ。そんな言葉を聞いたらメタル・ファンは胸熱だよ。本当に期待してますよ!そして、ついに武道館10公演が発表になりました。これはSU-METALにとって待ち望んでいた武道館ということなのかな?

-- You’re making me tear up, SU-METAL! Metal fans must be so excited to hear such words. I’m really looking forward to it! And finally, 10 shows at the Budokan have been announced. Is this a long-awaited Budokan show for SU-METAL?


SU-METAL: It was the same for the online show at the Rock-May-Kan. Maybe I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a pilgrimage to a sacred place, but I’ve always wanted to do something like this.

ー 国内の聖地巡礼?

-- A pilgrimage to sacred places in Japan?


SU-METAL: Well, maybe it’s because of the 10th anniversary, but I’ve been looking back at the past a lot. It’s not that I want “revenge” on the Rock-May-Kan (sic)* per se, as it was a turning point for BABYMETAL. But I’ve wondered how we might be able to rewrite our tough memories from back then, if we tried again now. I think it might be able to show us how we’ve grown. When we toured the U.S. last year, I felt we were able to wipe away bitter memories by doing the show again at the same place. At the same time, I was able to feel that I’d grown up, so I want to do the same thing in Japan. That’s why we chose to perform at the Rock-May-Kan and Budokan.

(*Translator’s Note: this answer seemed odd at first glance, because the girls have said on several occasions that the Budokan was a difficult show, so we wondered if this was a mistake. However, after E-mailing the magazine publisher for clarification, they responded that “Rock-May-Kan” was indeed correct)

ー なるほど。2014年の武道館公演2デイズ...「赤い夜」と「黒い夜」。今振り返ると、どんな印象があるかな?そしてSU-METALにとってあの武道館2デイズはどんな意味合いがあった?

-- I see! You performed two nights at the Budokan in 2014… the Red Night and Black Night. Looking back now, what impression do you have about those shows? And what was the significance of those two days at the Budokan for SU-METAL?


SU-METAL: The two days at the Budokan in 2014 were a major turning point for us. The 360-degree stage was different from our previous shows, in terms of what we could see, hear, and feel. That’s why it felt so confusing while we were performing. But since there wasn’t anything to do but believe in ourselves, it was a show that strengthened our unity, and sharpened my personal senses as well.

ー 武道館10公演...同じ場所で10公演もやるのはBABYMETALにとって初だし、日本の音楽シーンにとっても女性アーティストが武道館で10日間をやるのも初であれば、海外のメタル・アーティストも武道館を10公演もやったことがないという状態。武道館を10日間やると最初に聞いたときはどう思った?

-- 10 Budokan shows… it’s the first time BABYMETAL will be performing 10 shows at the same place, and it’s also a first for the Japanese music scene, to have female artist(s) performing 10 days at the Budokan. No foreign metal artist has ever done so either. What did you think when you first heard the news?


SU-METAL: The Budokan is a very important place to us, where we were seen off by the audience before heading overseas. We are so grateful to be able to return to the Budokan, and perform 10 shows there.

ー 最後に、前人未到の武道館10公演への意気込みを聞かせてくださいませ。

-- Last of all, please share your enthusiasm about the unprecedented 10 shows at the Budokan.


SU-METAL: I’m really looking forward to seeing you all soon. I want to bring all the energy I’ve accumulated over the past year to the Budokan! It’s the first time for us to perform 10 shows at one venue, and we want to create a completely different show for each performance.

(read other BABYMETAL long-form interviews here!)

BABYMETAL performing Catch Me If You Can at the 2014 Budokan

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing)
