2023 PMC Vol.29 BABYMETAL Interview
This interview was originally featured in PMC Magazine Vol.29, issued August 30th, 2023. The original magazine can be purchased here.
Unexpected changing variables starting with “METALI!!”
Photographer: 宮脇進 Susumu Miyawaki (PROGRESS-M)
Text and interview: Daishi “DA” Ato 阿刀大志
Photo: 宮脇進 Susumu Miyawaki (PROGRESS-M)
It’s been a furious half a year since BABYMETAL’s last interview with PMC. Before we begin, let me start by saying that it’s so good to meet you, MOMOMETAL!
*Note: the interviewer consistently adds -san to the end of all 3 member’s names throughout this interview as a sign of respect, but we have omitted it for smoothness*
MOMOMETAL: Nice to meet you!
――「BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE-」も含め、レポートしてきましたが、今、こうしてBABYMETALのメンバーとしてインタビューの場にいることについてどう感じていますか。
We reported on MOMOMETAL being named the 3rd member in our show report for “BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE”, but we’d like to hear from you directly! How does it feel to participate in this interview as an official member of BABYMETAL?
*NOTE: PMC reported on MOMOMETAL’s inauguration in the Vol.28 show report for the Pia Arena MM concerts
MOMOMETAL なんかもう、「ついにきたか······!」というか、めっちゃくちゃ緊張しています。正直、しゃべるのは苦手なので。
MOMOMETAL: Hm, “the time has finally come…!” or something like that. I’m really nervous! To be honest, I’m not particularly good with words.
MOAMETAL ······え、めっちゃしゃべってるよ?
MOAMETAL: … eh, no way? You’re certainly being quite eloquent right now!
一同 あはは!
All Three: Ahaha!
SU-METAL だから大丈夫!(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s why you’ll be fine! (laughs)
MOAMETAL 大丈夫大丈夫!
MOAMETAL: Totally fine!
MOMOMETAL (笑)。だから、先輩が話しているところを見て勉強しながら······。
MOMOMETAL: (laughs) I mean, I want to learn to talk more professionally from my distinguished elders-
MOAMETAL 本当か?(笑)。
MOAMETAL: -for real? (laughs)
MOMOMETAL はい!(笑)。学んでいきたいなと!
MOMOMETAL: Yes! (laughs) I want to keep learning!
Now that MOMOMETAL has begun participating in interviews like this one, how do SU-METAL and MOAMETAL think she’s been doing?
SU-METAL めちゃめちゃ緊張してるのが横から見ててもわかるのが面白くて(笑)。
SU-METAL: It's really funny that I can feel how nervous she is just sitting next to her (laughs).
MOAMETAL 今日が3人での初取材なんですよ。だから、(MOMOMETALを見つめながら)ずっと見守ってるよ。「大丈夫かな?大丈夫かな?」って。
MOAMETAL: Today’s the first interview with all 3 of us together. So (while staring at MOMOMETAL) I’ll be watching over you the entire time to make sure you’re doing alright.
MOMOMETAL あはは!心強い。
MOMOMETAL: Ahaha! So reassuring.
SU-METAL もう、親目線だよね(笑)。
SU-METAL: It’s almost like you’re her Mom (laughs).
Although it’s only been a few months since you began activities as a member of BABYMETAL, I’d like to ask what becoming an official member has meant to MOMOMETAL?
MOMOMETAL 私にとってはもう、第2の人生のはじまりみたいな感じなので、新しい世界が開いたというか。これまで自分がやってきたことも活かしつつ、新たに吸収することや学ぶことが毎日のようにあって、今は本当に充実しているし、幸せだし、楽しくて仕方がないです。
MOMOMETAL: For me, it’s like beginning a second life; like a new world has opened up. I’ve been making use of everything I’ve accumulated thus far, while learning and absorbing new things every day, and I’ve just been feeling really fulfilled, happy, and having a blast!
This year’s world tour seems like quite the challenge; are you feeling fatigue from the heavy schedule?
MOMOMETAL 全然!健康です!
MOMOMETAL: Not a bit! I feel great!
What were SU-METAL and MOAMETAL’s feelings when the decision was made to change into this new trio formation?
SU-METAL 「決まった」というよりも自分たちで「決めた」という感じに近いです。それまでは2人体制なのにステージには3人いるし、ファンの方々にとっても「何が起こってるんだろう?」ってよくわからない状態で、いろんな疑念が出てきたり混沌としていたと思うんですけど、私たちとしてもそういった状況をどうにかしたかったし、しっかり体制を固めて、また世界と勝負していけるようなBABYMETALでありたいと思っていたので、そのためにはMOMOMETALの力が必要だったんです。新生BABYMETALとしてやっていくにあたってMOAMETALとも「この先もBABYMETALをやっていこう」ということ、そして「MOMOMETALと一緒にやっていこう」というお互いの意志を確認しました。そうすることで私としては「BABYMETALはこういう形でいきます」という強い決断ができたし、「それでも応援してくれるならついてきてください」とファンの人に提示することができたと思います。それぐらい強い自信を持って今の新体制をはじめることができたと思ってますね。
SU-METAL: It’s much more accurate to say that we made this decision ourselves, rather than claim that the decision was foisted upon us. We’d been a two-person group for some time now, yet there were three of us on stage, so fans wondered what was going on, and there was a lot of doubt and chaos. We wanted to do something about this situation, and also wanted to create a stronger, more permanent formation, becoming a BABYMETAL that would be able to take on the world once more. For that purpose, MOMOMETAL’s strength was vital. I confirmed with MOAMETAL that we wanted to continue doing BABYMETAL, but in a reborn way, and that it would be together with MOMOMETAL. By doing so, I think we were finally able to make clear once and for all how we wanted the reborn BABYMETAL to continue, and we invite everyone to come along if they can accept it. We believe in our fans, and that is why we have the confidence to ask for their support like this.
(Photographer: Taku Fujii)
I could feel your determination as I attended the Pia Arena MM performance on April 2. I clearly noticed how completely relieved I felt seeing the sight of BABYMETAL perform as a trio once more, and how comforting it was. Did the two of you also feel this way?
SU-METAL BABYMETALがこの3人になって臨んだ2日目は素直に楽しかったよね。
SU-METAL: After officially becoming a trio, we just enjoyed ourselves naturally on Day 2, right?
SU-METAL それがファンの方が清々しい思いで観てくださっていたからなのか、自分たちが清々しいと思っていたからなのか、受け入れてもらえたっていう安堵感があったからなのか、理由はわからないんですけど、やっぱりMOMOMETALが輝いていたということは大きいと思っていて。「今、すごく楽しいんだろうな」って感じられるぐらい気持ちが伝わってきて(笑)、それに引っ張られたというのもあるかもしれない。とにかく、シンプルに楽しかったです。
SU-METAL: I don’t know if it was because the fans felt reinvigorated, if it was because we ourselves felt refreshed, or if it was relief due to feeling accepted? I think it was because MOMOMETAL was absolutely dazzling. I could vividly feel how much she was enjoying herself (laughs), and that may have pulled everyone along. Anyway, it was so much fun.
MOAMETAL わたしも2日目はすごく楽しかったかな。いま思い返しても歓声がすごかった記憶があって。歓声というより、むしろ悲鳴でしたね。
MOAMETAL: I also really enjoyed myself on Day 2. I can still remember how deafening the cheering was! Well… more “screaming” than cheering.
MOAMETAL あんな悲鳴がBABYMETALのライブで聞こえてきたのは初めてかもしれない。もちろん、応援してくれている声はこれまでも何度もライブで聞いていたし、そこから元気をもらうこともいっぱいあったけど、あの日はそれを軽々と超えてきて。それだけMOMOMETALがみんなに愛されて認められたってことが本当にうれしかったです。私たちはMOMOMETALをこちらの世界に連れ込んだ側なので······。
MOAMETAL: It was probably the first time I’d ever heard screams like that at a BABYMETAL concert! Of course, I’d heard plenty of cheering at shows before and that always made us feel loved and supported, but that day took it to a whole new level. I was really happy that MOMOMETAL was so loved and acknowledged by everyone, considering we were the ones responsible for dragging her into this world of ours...
MOAMETAL だから、MOMOMETALがBABYMETALを続けたいって思ってくれるような空間をお客さんが作ってくれて本当に幸せだなって思いました。
MOAMETAL: So I felt we were all really happy that our fans had created a space that made MOMOMETAL want to continue forward together with us as BABYMETAL.
Was Day 2 so much fun because you felt so accepted by the audience?
SU-METAL それが大きい気はしますね。
SU-METAL: I’d say that was a big part of it, yes.
MOAMETAL いろいろあったけど、いろんな雰囲気を経て「やっぱり3人って落ち着くよね」って。振付も含めてBABYMETALは3人がいいバランスだと思っていて、その上でライブの封印期間を経てやっとあの日に披露できるうれしさもあったし、あとは安堵感もけっこうあった気がします。
MOAMETAL: We’ve been through a lot, and after experiencing various different things, we ultimately felt most comfortable as three on-stage. I think BABYMETAL is most well-balanced as a trio - especially when it comes to the choreography - and I was happy to finally reveal it on that day after sealing ourselves away, and was definitely quite a relief.
MOMOMETAL in particular must have felt particularly relieved.
MOMOMETAL そうですね(笑)。やっぱり、ライブ前日までは不安でいっぱいでした。でも、お客さんの歓声を聞いたらその不安が一気にサーっと楽しみやワクワクに変わりました。
MOMOMETAL: That’s right (laughs). I was filled with anxiety until the day of the concert, but when I heard the audience’s cheers, that anxiety quickly transformed into excitement and fun!
All the anxiety melted away and vanished.
MOMOMETAL 本当にそんな感じでした!「······あれっ⁉」みたいな。雨から晴れ(笑)。
MOMOMETAL: That’s really what it felt like! “... eh, where’d it go!?” Like clear skies after the rain (laughs).
Ah, you were so anxious that you thought of it like “rain”. Well, there was certainly a lot of pressure on you, wasn’t there?
MOMOMETAL: Yes indeed.
MOAMETAL やっぱり、うちらはここで10年やっているから経験が違うし、やってきたことも違うから、MOMOMETALは絶対不安だったとは思うんですよね。それに、こういった取材でも1人だけついていけない話があるのも不安じゃないですか。それだけ覚悟を背負ってきてくれてるんだから、私たちはそれをサポートしなきゃいけないし、MOMOMETAL1人だけが背負うような状況は嫌だから「みんなで新しいグループになろう!」って決めたけど······やっぱり絶対に不安だから本当によく入ってきてくれたなって思いますね。
MOAMETAL: The two of us have been doing this for 10 years, so the difference in experience and what we’ve been through is stark, and I’m sure MOMOMETAL was quite anxious about it. Also, she’d understandably feel uneasy about being out of the loop when it came to events like this interview. MOMOMETAL was willing and determined to accept the burden of becoming a member, and it was therefore our responsibility to support her by making clear that we were creating a “new trio” together, as opposed to a situation where MOMOMETAL was being invited as a “replacement” for someone else… even so, she must have been very apprehensive, so I really appreciate her decision to join us.
*NOTE: my personal interpretation is that this largely explains the decision to update the BABYMETAL logo, where elements symbolizing specific members: Su (wings), Yui (skull), Moa (heart) have each been modified or removed
Oh, it was a very brave decision indeed!
3人 あはは!
All Three: Ahaha!
MOAMETAL ほらあ!(笑)。
MOAMETAL: See, he agreed! (laughs)
It's not enough to have technical skill; a strong spirit is also essential, and one of the main reasons why MOMOMETAL has been able to keep up with the two of them must be your similar strength of spirit and ironclad determination.
MOMOMETAL それは、この2人だからついていこうと思えたというか、2人とも心強いから、私としては自分を招いてくれて、受け入れてくれたことに対して2人に恩返しをしたいという気持ちがすごくあるんです。
MOMOMETAL: Well, about that… I felt that I could keep up because it was the two of them… or rather, they’re both so encouraging, and I really want to repay their faith in inviting and accepting me.
Perhaps it is precisely because the two of you have experienced so many things - hardship and all - that you’re able to be so accepting and supportive of MOMOMETAL as a new member. Simply put, you’re all grown-up now.
SU-METAL なんか最近、MOAMETALの母性がすごいことになっていて(笑)。
SU-METAL: MOAMETAL has really unleashed her maternal side recently. (laughs)
I can kind of feel it too (laughs).
SU-METAL ぴあアリーナMMのときも、自分のことよりも「MOMOMETALが······」みたいな。「なんであなたが心配してるの?」って(笑)。
SU-METAL: Even during the Pia Arena MM concert, it felt like she was focusing more on MOMOMETAL than herself. I marveled at how she even had the spare time and energy during the show to worry about how MOMOMETAL was doing! (laughs)
MOAMETAL 愛がどんどん芽生えきて······(笑)。
MOAMETAL: That’s because my love for her just kept on growing naturally… (laughs)
SU-METAL ツアーのときもお母さんなんじゃないかなって思うぐらい心配してて。
SU-METAL: She worried so much during the tour that I thought she was becoming MOMOMETAL’s mother.
MOAMETAL 「大丈夫かな······?」って。
MOAMETAL: I was constantly worrying if she was doing OK.
SU-METAL そうそう(笑)。
SU-METAL: Yes yes (laughs).
(Photo: Official BABYMETAL Account)
Towards the biggest World Tour ever
This tour is the most challenging in BABYMETAL’s history, as you’ve already gone through Europe, Asia, Australia - and starting in September, the United States. What’s the tour been like so far, challenges and all?
*NOTE: technically, although the interviewer said “アメリカ / America”, the World Tour does include 2 shows in Canada; Toronto and Vancouver
SU-METAL すごく大変なツアーではあるんですけど、ライブの封印期間も長かったですし、コロナ禍でファンの方々と会えなかった期間も含めて、BABYMETALのことを忘れられていてもしょうがないという気持ちでツアーをスタートさせたんですね。なので、今年は「新しいBABYMETALをはじめました!」というご挨拶の年という感覚があるんです。スタートは、Sabatonさんのツアーのスペシャルゲストではあったんですけど、ヨーロッパでは現地のBABYMETALファンの方々がたくさん観に来てくださったり、アジアとか初めて行く場所でもみなさんがものすごい熱量で迎え入れてくださったので、もちろん体力面でのハードさはあるけど、行く土地土地でお客さんから元気をもらっています。だから、このツアーをまだまだ続けられるということもそうですし、これからどんな出会いがあるのかなってすごく楽しみではありますね。
SU-METAL: It’s been really difficult, but we went into it with the attitude that of course people would have forgotten about BABYMETAL after COVID and the seal on live activities, so this was going to be a year of greetings, as we meet everyone as the new BABYMETAL! We started the tour as Sabaton-san’s special guests, but many local BABYMETAL fans came to see us in Europe as well, and we were also welcomed with great enthusiasm in Asia and other places we visited for the first time, so although it has been of course physically demanding, we’ve been energized by the audience wherever we go. So I’m really looking forward to continuing with the rest of the tour, and seeing what kind of encounters await us in the future.
How about MOAMETAL?
MOAMETAL 今年のライブの本数を数えたらざっと100本近くあったんですよ。まだそのうちの30本しか終わってないんですよ。3分の1!
MOAMETAL: I’ve counted up the number of shows we’re doing this year, and it’s nearly 100. Thus far we’ve only done about 30. One third of the way there!
MOAMETAL そういうことを考え出しちゃうと、「うわ!まだまだだな······!」って思うけど、ライブの雰囲気を思い浮かべると、これだけの本数のライブが用意されてることってめちゃめちゃ幸せなんですよね。だって、3日に1回ライブをやってることになるんだよ?
MOAMETAL: When I stop and think about it, it’s like “Wow! We’re not even close yet…!” but when I imagine the concert atmosphere, I’m so happy that we have so many shows to look forward to. We’re averaging a show every 3 days, right?
MOMOMETAL そうだね。ものすごい。
MOMOMETAL: That’s right. It’s amazing.
MOAMETAL コロナ禍の状況もあったし、ライブ活動の封印期間が明けてからも応援してくれているファンの方がいてくれるとは限らないのに、私たちのためにステージを用意してくれている人たちがいて、当たり前のように待っててくれてる人がいて。そんな状況で活動できている私たちってすごいと思うし、待っていてくださるファンの人たちに対しても本当にありがたいなと思うので、ハードだけど幸せでいっぱいです。
MOAMETAL: There was the pandemic, and then the seal, so fans didn’t have many opportunities to support us. Despite all that, there have been people preparing the stage and waiting for us with full confidence that we would come someday. I think it’s amazing to perform under such circumstances, and I’m very grateful to all the fans that have been waiting so patiently, and that’s why even though it’s been hard, I am really overwhelmed with joy.
After kicking off the tour with Sabaton, the first stop was your second home in the UK, where you haven’t visited in a long while. Sabaton was the main act so the demographics of the crowd must have been different from what you’re used to, but were there any other differences you observed?
SU-METAL ちょっと待ってください、記憶を呼び起こしますね(笑)。
SU-METAL: Wait a minute, let me jog my memory (laughs).
MOAMETAL たしかにすっごい遠い記憶。
MOAMETAL: It is a very distant memory, after all.
It was only 3 months ago…
3人 えっ⁉
All Three: Eh!?
SU-METAL そんな最近だったか······。
SU-METAL: That recent, huh…
MOAMETAL イギリスはアウェイ感をそんなに感じてなかった気がする。
MOAMETAL: I don’t think the UK shows felt very “away”.
SU-METAL うん、イギリスはファンの方もけっこう多く観に来てくださってました。
SU-METAL: Yes, quite a few of our fans came to see us in the UK.
MOAMETAL EUになった瞬間、若干アウェイになったんだよね。
MOAMETAL: As soon as we got to the EU, it definitely felt more like an “away” show.
SU-METAL そうそう。急にちょっと寂しくなって。
SU-METAL: Yes, yes. It suddenly felt less familiar.
MOAMETAL UKは変わらずめちゃめちゃアットホームだったかも。
MOAMETAL: The UK still makes us feel very much at home.
SU-METAL 日本から来てくださってる方もけっこういらっしゃって、シンプルに楽しいツアーだなって思いながら。でも、リハができないまま本番がはじまることもあったりして、Sabatonさんとのツアーは、やりながらライブを作っていく感覚でした。あと、私たち自身海外ツアーが久しぶりなので、3日連続でライブが続くときとか、自分の体をどういうふうに持っていくか、どういうふうに休めるか、いろいろとバランスを見なきゃいけなかったりしたので、イギリスはそういう意味ではちょっとハードなタイミングではありましたね。でも、ライブはすごく盛り上がったし、待っていてくださった方もたくさんいた印象があります。
SU-METAL: There were quite a few fans that had come from Japan too. It was all in all just a fun tour. However, there were times when we couldn’t rehearse properly before the show, so touring with Sabaton felt like we were creating the concert in real time as we went along. Also, it had been a while since we’d last performed overseas, so for example, when we had those sections of performing 3 days in a row, we had to figure out how to keep ourselves healthy and how to rest properly, and find a balance. So the UK was pretty challenging in that way. But the concerts were a lot of fun, and I could tell how many people had been waiting for this.
*NOTE: April 14 Leeds, April 15 London, April 16 Cardiff, April 18 Glasgow
In that sense, it’s good that you started in the UK.
SU-METAL よかったかもしれないですね。後半になってからSabatonファンの方々もBABYMETALのことを受け入れてくださってる感じが出てきて、何度もBABYMETALも観ているうちに好きになったという方もいらっしゃったので、みなさんのおかげでそういういい流れを作れたのかなって。自分たちのファンがいないような状態でツアーがはじまっていたら、まず、心が折れるところからはじまっていたと思うので(笑)、最初に元気をもらって自分たちのパフォーマンスをしっかり見せることができてよかったと思います。
SU-METAL: Probably! Towards the latter half of the tour, I started to get the feeling that Sabaton fans were beginning to warm up to BABYMETAL, as they saw us so many times that they gradually became fans of us as well, so it was thanks to them plus the presence of our own fans that we were able to have such good vibes. If we had started the tour without any BABYMETAL fans, I think we would have been heartbroken (laughs). So I’m glad that we were able to start things off there, as their hype and vigor helped inspire us to give high-energy performances.
Even BABYMETAL can suffer from heartbreak?
SU-METAL ありますよ(笑)。全然ありますね。「ごめんね」って気持ちになる(笑)。
SU-METAL: It definitely happens (laughs), and I feel like apologizing to the others for wallowing in sadness for a bit (laughs).
SU-METAL やっぱり、みなさんSabatonさんのことを待っているので。
SU-METAL: I mean yeah, it makes sense that most of the fans were there to see Sabaton-san, after all.
MOAMETAL 「今、すっごい眠いよね、君?」みたいなね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: It’s like “Ah, you’re falling asleep, aren’t you?” (laughs)
SU-METAL ああ、そうそうそう!(笑)
SU-METAL: Ah yeah, I noticed that too! (laughs)
How about you, MOMOMETAL?
MOMOMETAL なんか······今振り返ると長いようであっという間だったというか。ありがたいことにすごい数の公演をさせていただいて、毎回お客さんの反応が違ったりするのがすごく楽しくて新鮮だし、公演ごとに見つかる次への課題を知れることもよくて。
MOMOMETAL: Well… looking back now, the tour was pretty long, but it was also over before I knew it. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to perform so much, and it was fun and refreshing to see the different reactions of the audience at each show, and we always found things each night to improve on for the next upcoming show.
What kind of challenges did you encounter?
MOMOMETAL けっこう細かいところなんですけど、たとえば、ツアーの最初はSabatonさんのツアーのスペシャルゲストだったこともあって、BABYMETALのファンじゃない方を盛り上げることに対して、最初は「どうしたらいいんだろう······⁉」となって。でも、アウェイな状態ではどうしたらお客さんを盛り上げられるかということを学べたので、次に行くときはツアーを経てスキルアップした姿をお見せできるんじゃないかと思います。
MOMOMETAL: It’s a pretty minor detail, but for example, at the beginning of the tour, since we were special guests on Sabaton-san’s tour, I was wondering what we needed to do in order to get non-BABYMETAL fans hyped up. I was able to learn how to do so even in an “away” situation, so I think I’ll be able to show them how much my skills have improved by touring next time we visit.
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: (stares intensely at MOMOMETAL’s face while she’s speaking)
The two of them have been fixated on MOMOMETAL for quite some time now (laughs).
MOMOMETAL: Ahahahaha!
SU-METAL しっかり見ちゃった(笑)。
SU-METAL: I’m taking a good hard look (laughs).
MOAMETAL 圧だったね(笑)。ごめんね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I’m giving you pressure (laughs), sorry (laughs some more).
As SU-METAL mentioned earlier, I think there were many things you had to take care of properly in order to get through such a packed schedule. What did you keep in mind on a daily basis?
MOAMETAL 何してんのやろな······でも、普段3人でいるときはめちゃめちゃ笑ってます。「笑いに勝る良薬なし」っていうじゃないですか。本当にそれなんじゃないかと思ってて。もちろん、風邪をひくこともあるし、「テンション低いな、大丈夫かな」って思う日もあるけど、最低1日2回は爆笑してるから、それでメンタルは復活してます。
MOAMETAL: What did we get up to… well, usually when the three of us are left to our own devices, we laugh a lot. They say “laughter is the best medicine”, after all. I really think that’s true. Of course, there were times when some of us would catch a cold or feel somewhat dispirited, which worried the others, but we make sure to burst out laughing at least twice a day, and that keeps our spirits up.
*NOTE: Moa says “What did we get up to…” in a rather casual/informal way, which she didn’t really do in past interviews. A more “standard/polite” way of saying this might be “何してるんだろう” rather than “何してんのやろな”. This occurs several times throughout this interview, and speculate that the presence of her junior Momo may have allowed Moa to feel more relaxed and comfortable and begin using more casual speech patterns rather than the more polite “interview-ese” that she typically uses when in public.
SU-METAL そういう意味でもすごく支え合ってるし、バランスがちょうどいいと思うんですよね。MOAMETALとは一緒にツアーを回ってる回数がすごく多いので、「なんとなく今は話しかけないほうがいいのかな」みたいな空気感はわかるんですけど、MOMOMETALはそういうことも含めて空気を察知するのがすごく上手というか、同じ空間にいてもすごく居心地がいいので、それが不思議で。だから、このメンバーだからここまで回ってこられている感がすごくあるというか、MOMOMETALがポジティブにしてくれてる部分は大きいかもしれない。
SU-METAL: In that sense, we support each other very well, and I think we balance each other out. Since I’ve toured with MOAMETAL so many times, I can tell from the vibes surrounding her when it’s not a good time to talk, but MOMOMETAL is also very good at reading the room and knowing what to say or when to do it, so it’s really comfortable being in the same space as her; it really is quite remarkable. I feel we’ve managed to tour successfully so far because of the synergy between the three of us, and MOMOMETAL is a big part of what keeps us positive.
(speaking to Momo) They’re quite complimentary about you.
MOMOMETAL ちょっと恥ずかしい······照れる(笑)。でも、逆に2人が笑ってくれるから、温かいから、自分も明るくいられるし、どんなトラブルがあっても落ち着いて冷静でいられるので、毎日楽しく過ごせているんです。
MOMOMETAL: I’m slightly embarrassed… (laughs) But if you flip it around, because the two of them laugh so much, and they’re so warm and kind, I can stay cheerful too no matter what kind of trouble I find myself getting into, I’m able to stay calm and just enjoy myself every day!
Revenge on the Asia tour!
After touring with Sabaton, you continued with the Asia and Australia tour, which had been canceled due to COVID. How was it?
SU-METAL 楽しかったです······なんか「楽しかった」しか言ってないね(笑)。
SU-METAL: Fun! I feel like I’ve just been saying “It was fun” over and over again (laughs).
MOAMETAL 小学生みたい(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Like a little kid (laughs).
SU-METAL 「たーのーしーかったでーす!」(笑)。でも、本当に「待っていてくれたんだな······!」っていう空気がすごく伝わってきました。どこの会場でもそれをすごく感じて。特にみんなと言ってるのが「インドネシアはすごかったね!」っていうことで。
SU-METAL: It~ was~ fun~~~!” (laughs) But seriously, you could feel it in the air how much the audience had been eagerly awaiting our return, and it was the case for every venue. Everyone talked about how amazing Indonesia was in particular.
Amazing in what way?
SU-METAL 「私、歌わなくてもいいんじゃないかな······?」って思うくらい、みんなが歌ってくれるんですよ。だからもう「マイクあげようかな」って(笑)。それぐらい曲を聴き込んでこの日を楽しみにしてきたんだろうなって。実際、声がかれてもいいってくらい大きな声を出していたし、「このライブは一瞬も見逃しちゃダメだ!」っていうくらい熱心にステージを観ている上に、ずっと飛び跳ねてて。これはもう明日は倒れちゃうんじゃないかっていうくらい盛り上がっているし、ものすごいエネルギーにあふれてて、「全身全霊」という言葉が本当にふさわしい光景でした。
SU-METAL: They were singing along so hard to everything that I thought to myself “I guess I don’t even need to sing, do I? Maybe I should just give them the mic!” (laughs). They must have been listening to our songs a LOT and had been looking forward to this day for a long time. They were singing so loudly, like they didn’t care if they went hoarse, and watching the stage with such enthusiasm while jumping up and down non-stop, not wanting to miss even a single moment. They were so excited that I thought they’d probably collapse tomorrow, and it was a spectacle that really deserves to be described as “wholehearted”!
It sounds amazing just hearing you describe it!
SU-METAL ヨーロッパからそのままアジアに入って、ツアー前半戦の終盤へと移っていって、スタッフさんも私たちも疲れてないと言ったら嘘になるような状況ではあったんですけど、アジアのファンの方々のおかげでみんな元気になりました。スタッフも含めてみんなが、「よし、これからまた行くぞ!」って新たなツアーがはじまったと思えるようなツアー初日をインドネシア・ジャカルタで迎えることができました。「これからどんな国に行くんだろう」「どんなリアクションがあるんだろう」ってその先がすごく楽しみになるような公演だったので、本当に楽しかったですね。また行きたいです。
SU-METAL: We had traveled straight to Asia from Europe, and by the latter portion of the Sabaton tour, I would be lying if I claimed we and the staff weren’t tired, but it was thanks to the enthusiasm of our Asian fans that everyone recovered their high spirits. The first day of the Asia-Australia tour in Jakarta (Indonesia) completely recharged everyone’s batteries, and it was a really fun experience that made us look forward to the next leg, wondering what countries we’d visit and what kind of reactions we’d get. I want to go back again!
You’ve mentioned before that Mexico City was also up there in terms of hype, but was it a different type of enthusiasm?
SU-METAL メキシコシティの場合は、楽しいことが好きな人が集まって、それぞれが独特なノリ方で楽しんでいたという印象で、声を出したいから出す、踊りたいから踊る、ドラム叩きたくなったからエアドラムをする、みたいな本当にカオスな空間でしたね。あれはあれでものすごい盛り上がりでした。インドネシアは「この一瞬を楽しみにしてました」っていう枯渇感・団結力みたいなものがあったような感じがしました。そういう意味では、お客さんから投げられる巨大なエネルギーボールを受け取って、こっちもそれを返す、みたいなラリーが行われて、それがどんどん積み重なっていくようなライブでした。
SU-METAL: For Mexico City, I got the impression that a lot of fun-loving people had gathered together and were just enjoying themselves in their own unique ways. It was truly chaotic, with people shouting however they liked, dancing however they liked, and playing air drums however they liked. So it was an unusual kind of hyped up atmosphere, in its own way. In Indonesia, I felt a sort of hunger and thirst uniting them, as if people were telling us how much they’d been looking forward to this moment. In that sense, the concert was like a rally where we received huge balls of energy thrown at us by the fans and we’d throw them back, and they just kept piling up bigger and bigger.
It seems there’s an inherent power when it comes to Asia. It’s attracting more attention now than it did before COVID, and there’s a sense that Asia is becoming an important hub that’s extending out as far as Europe and the United States.
MOAMETAL たしかにハブになってる感じはすごくあったし、客層が若いことにびっくりして。BABYMETALが若い世代にも受け入れられているということをアジアに行ったことでやっと実感できた気がします。そうやってアジア各国がハブになってくれていたり、若い子たちが音楽に興味を持ってくれているというのはすごくうれしかったですね。
MOAMETAL: Asia does seem to be becoming a hub from which new things are emerging. I was surprised at how young the audience was, and it was going to Asia that helped me finally realize how BABYMETAL is being accepted by the younger generation. I was very happy to see how Asian countries are becoming hubs for us, and that young people are also interested in our music.
(Young fans in Taipei)
Do you know why there were so many children in the crowd?
SU-METAL えー、なんでなんですかね。
SU-METAL: Eh~ I wonder…?
MOAMETAL 本当に最近知ったような感じだったよね。何でBABYMETALのこと知ったんだろうね。オーストラリアでも小さな女の子が私たちのコスプレをしてめちゃめちゃ盛り上がってるのを見たし。
MOAMETAL: It seems that a lot of younger fans there have learned about BABYMETAL fairly recently. I wonder how they found out about us? I saw little girls who were super excited cosplaying as us even in Australia!
SU-METAL 本当にわからないんですよ。オーストラリアは6000人キャパの大きい会場だったんですけど、「なんでみんなここにいるの?」ってインタビューして回りたくなるぐらい不思議でした(笑)。
SU-METAL: I really have no idea! Australia had a large venue with a capacity of 6000, and the demographics were so alien to us that I wanted to go around interviewing people asking them why they were here? (laughs)
MOAMETAL メタルがはやってるのかな?
MOAMETAL: Perhaps metal is growing more popular?
SU-METAL インドネシアはけっこうメタルが熱い国だよね。
SU-METAL: Indonesia is getting more interested in metal, it seems.
MOAMETAL フェスもあるしね。
MOAMETAL: They’re even hosting festivals regularly now.
SU-METAL でも、年齢層が若かったのは本当に不思議だったな。
SU-METAL: But it was really strange how young the fans were.
(Photographer: Taku Fujii)
――タイ・バンコクではF. HEROさんと久しぶりの共演を果たしましたね。
You and F.HERO had a long-awaited appearance together in Bangkok (Thailand).
MOMOMETAL 生であのラップを聴けたのがすごくうれしくて。
MOMOMETAL: I was so happy to hear the rap live!
MOAMETAL 「本物だ!」みたいな。
MOAMETAL: “It’s the real thing!”
MOMOMETAL 本当にそう!あと、3人のBABYMETALの中に、1人で入ってくるのにものすごいエネルギーが出ていて、あっという間に終わっちゃったというか。F. HEROさんとー緒に撮った写真があるんですけど、めっちゃ記念の1枚になりました(笑)。それくらいうれしかったです。
MOMOMETAL: Seriously! Joining the three of us on stage, he brought such amazing energy and it was all over too quickly. I got a photo with F.HERO-san, and it’s become quite a memorable one (laughs). That’s how happy I was!
His presence can already be felt even when it’s just a video on the screen, but it’s even more amazing when it’s for real. He was wearing a long bright red coat!
MOAMETAL あれは私たちのことを意識してくれたって言ってました。
MOAMETAL: He said he did that intentionally to match our style better.
*NOTE: Recall that in an interview with Rolling Stone, Rob Halford mentions doing something very similar.
“Once I knew I was going to do it, I thought about their outfits and went to the vintage store and got a black and red pseudo leather jacket, a black and red t-shirt from Amazon and I bought some black and red sneakers as well. So, I actually put together an outfit exclusively for Babymetal. It’s in my closet still somewhere.”
MOMOMETAL 本当に優しい方でした。
MOMOMETAL: He really is so nice.
MOAMETAL 私たちのパフォーマンスにすごく気を遣ってくれて、「空いてるスペースに行くよ」ってダンスの邪魔にならないように常に動いてくれました。私たちのことをリスペクトしてくれてないとそんなことは言えないじゃないですか。その気持ちがすごくうれしかったです。あと、F. HEROさんはステージ裏だとゆったり歩いてるんですけど、ステージだとすごい気迫に満ちあふれているんですよ。
MOAMETAL: He was very concerned about interfering with our performance, and said he’d find open space and make sure he didn’t get in the way of the choreo. That’s not something you consider unless you really respect us, and I was very happy to hear that. Also, F.HERO walks around slowly when backstage, but on stage he is filled with spirit.
SU-METAL すごく謙虚な方で、リハーサルでも「こんな感じで大丈夫ですか······?」みたいな感じだったんですけど本番では「バーン!」って感じだったので、私たちも全力で楽しめました。
SU-METAL: He was very humble, and even during rehearsal he was constantly asking us “Is it alright if I do this or that…?” but on the day of the show, he was like “BOOM!” and we were all able to enjoy the show to the max.
So I think that wraps up the first half of the world tour, so to say. You did say it was “one third” earlier.
MOAMETAL (間髪入れずに)3分の1です。
MOAMETAL: (without pause) One third!
Ahaha! Now that we are one third of the way through, do you feel any change or evolution in the new formation?
SU-METAL 日に日に変わってるんじゃないかなって思います。ツアー1本を回り切れたことで自信もついたし、ツアーを回る中で「このメンバーだったら大丈夫だ」っていう確信が持ててきてるし。あと、やっぱりMOMOMETALは私たちにとっては本当に新しい風だと思っていて。ずっとツアーを回っていてもまだ私たちが見つけられていない秘めた何かを持っているんじゃないかって。なんか定期的に面白いところが出てくるんですよね(笑)。それがすごく興味深くて。だから、そういう今後の可能性も含めてこれからも楽しみだし、楽屋はすごくハッピーだし、ステージ上でもハッピーで自由にやっています(笑)。もちろん、ライブはしっかりとやるし、踊る回数が増えていくことによって、「パワーアップしました!」と言い切れるかどうかはわからないけど、ちょっとずつ積み重ねられているものがあったらいいなと思ってます。
SU-METAL: I think there are changes every day. Our confidence grows each time we complete a tour, and as we accumulate experience from each show, our confidence that everything will work out grows as the unity between the three of us strengthens more and more. Also, I think MOMOMETAL has really brought a new wind to us. Even though we’ve technically been touring together for a long time already, I think there are still hidden things about her we haven’t discovered yet, and we’re unearthing more and more amusing aspects about her on a regular basis (laughs). That’s what I find so fascinating, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for us. We’re very happy backstage, and also happy and free onstage (laughs). Of course, we take every performance seriously and as we perform more and more, I wouldn’t necessarily say we’ve become more powerful per se, but I hope we’re building on what we have achieved, bit by bit.
The happy atmosphere backstage affects what we see on stage, doesn’t it?
MOAMETAL うん、じゃないと13年もやっとらん。
MOAMETAL: Yeah, no way I would’ve kept doing this for 13 years otherwise.
*NOTE: this is another notable example of Moa using a very casual/informal speech pattern. The “standard” way would be “やってない” rather than “やっとらん”
全員 あはは!
All Three: Ahaha!
SU-METAL 確かにそうだ(笑)。
SU-METAL: That really is the truth. (laughs)
(laughs) So are there any songs - including the older ones - that you feel have changed or grown throughout this tour?
SU-METAL 過去曲も含めてか······。
SU-METAL: Including the older ones…
MOAMETAL どうしても言いたい曲があるけど······変化したかどうかわかんない······。
MOAMETAL: There’s a song I really want to say, but… well, I don’t know if it’s “changed” per se…
SU-METAL 言いたいだけの曲だ(笑)。
SU-METAL: You just want to say its name (laughs).
Please, go ahead.
MOAMETAL 「BxMxC」ですねえ······!
SU-METAL それは言いたくなっちゃうねえ!(笑)。
SU-METAL: It’s so tempting! (laughs)
MOMOMETAL 言いたいねえ(笑)。
MOMOMETAL: She really wanted to say it (laughs).
MOAMETAL PMCではいつも言いたくなっちゃう、「BxMxC」。でも、アジアでもオーストラリアでも「BxMxC」はやったし、めっちゃ盛り上がりました!
MOAMETAL: So long as it’s an interview with PMC I always feel like answering “BxMxC”. Seriously though, "BxMxC” was so much fun in both Asia and Australia, for us and the audience!
SU-METAL: Indeed.
MOAMETAL この話をPMCでするためにセトリに入れました!
MOAMETAL: It was included in the setlist just so we could talk to PMC about it.
SU-METAL 実は(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s totally the truth (laughs).
Ahaha! But I do enjoy “BxMxC” so much that I’d love a concert where you only perform this one song over and over again.
SU-METAL (手を叩きながら)あはははは!
SU-METAL: (clapping her hands) Ahahahaha!
MOAMETAL しんどくてうちらは耐えられないですね(笑)。「BxMxC」をやったのは「10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN」以来だったんですけど、3人体制でやったのは初めてなんですよね。なのですごく新鮮です。ほかの曲も新しく塗り替えてるというか、新しいバンドになったという気持ちが強いので、1曲1曲を新曲としてやれてるのがすごく楽しいです。そういう気持ちの変化は大きいかもしれない······(満面の笑みで)「BxMxC」も。
MOAMETAL: That would probably kill us (laughs). We hadn’t performed “BxMxC” since “10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN”, and it was the first time we’d done so as a trio, so it was quite fresh. I feel like we’ve really been reborn, and I really enjoy performing each song in an updated way. That kind of change in feeling may be a big part of… (smiles widely) “BxMxC”.
(Photographer: Jose L Serrato Jr)
Ah, so even older songs have a new feel to them.
SU-METAL 私が進化を感じるのは「MAYA」と「Monochrome」です。『THE OTHER ONE』に収録されていて、まだ披露する機会が少ない曲だったんですけど、ツアーをしていく中でバンドサウンドと組み合わさったり、お客さんとの掛け合いが生まれていったりすることでどんどん進化していると思っていて、特に「MAYA」はだんだんハマっていく人が多い気がします。
SU-METAL: The songs I feel have evolved are “MAYA” and “Monochrome”. They are part of THE OTHER ONE and we haven’t had many chances to perform them yet, but I think they’re evolving more and more when performed live with the sound of the band and audience interaction. I feel that many people are gradually getting hooked on “MAYA” in particular.
MOAMETAL: I think so too.
SU-METAL この曲はダンスパートがすごくカッコいいんですけど、大人になってカッコいいダンスができるようになってきた私たちと重たい音がだんだんシンクロするようになってきたのかなと思います。
SU-METAL: The choreo is awesome, and I think that as we’ve grown older and have become more capable of pulling off cooler dance moves, we’ve gotten more in sync with the heavy sound.
What songs does MOMOMETAL enjoy performing?
MOMOMETAL 私は「Road of Resistance」が好きです。まさにBABYMETALらしい曲ですっごいカッコいいし、お客さんと私たちでエネルギーを出し合えている感じが実感できるんですよね。この曲はライブでは欠かせないし、パフォーマンスしていて楽しいです。
MOMOMETAL: I like “Road of Resistance”. It’s a very BABYMETAL-like song, it’s super cool, and you can really feel the energy that both we and the audience are pouring into the song. It’s indispensable in our concerts, and I enjoy performing it.
Is there any part in particular you like the most?
MOMOMETAL ギターソロのパートの、(両手を掲げながら)「ウォォォォ!」っていう感じの、なんて言ったらいいんだろう⁉
MOMOMETAL: The guitar solo part, where it makes me feel like (holds up her hands) “OHHHHH!” or something, I can’t really explain it in words!
SU-METAL (膝をパシパシ叩きながら)あはははは!
SU-METAL: (slaps her knee) Ahahahaha!
MOMOMETAL とにかく、胸が高まるし熱くなります!
MOMOMETAL: Anyway, it really hypes me up!
(Moa vs Flag at Taipei)
衝擊的新曲「メタり!!(feat. Tom Morello)」
Impulsive new song “METALI!!”
――8月18日、新曲「メタり!!(feat. Tom Morello)」が発表されましたが、Tom Morelloとのかなり衝撃的なコラボです。本当にびっくりしました。
On August 18, you released the new song “METALI!!”, and it is quite a shocking collaboration with Tom Morello. That really took us all by surprise.
MOAMETAL そりゃそうだ(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Indeed (laughs).
What are everyone’s thoughts?
SU-METAL びっくりしました!「まさか弾いてもらえるとは!」というか、「BABYMETAL、すごい!」というか(笑)。この曲はデモの段階からずっとレコーディングで歌っていて、その中でいろんな形に変わっていったんですけど、最初に聴いたときは「メギツネ」とか「PAPAYA!!」っぽい感じもありつつ、自分たちが大人になったことでもっとブラッシュアップされた曲だと思っていました。ライブでも絶対盛り上がるだろうし、BABYMETALファンはこういう曲を待っているだろうなってすごくワクワクしてたんですけど、Tom Morelloさんのギターが入ったことによってまた全然違うものになって。私の感覚では、バケツに入った蛍光色のペンキをパーンってぶちまけたくらいの感覚で。
SU-METAL: Quite surprised! “No way, we got him to play for us?” or “This is so great for BABYMETAL!” (laughs). We’d been singing this song in recording since the demo stage, and it has changed in various ways during the process. When I first heard the song, I felt it had a “Megitsune” or “PAPAYA!!” feeling to it, but it also felt like a song that had been updated to fit us more as adults. I was already really excited about it because I knew it would be a lot of fun when performed live, and I knew that BABYMETAL fans have been waiting for this kind of song, but the addition of Tom Morello-san’s guitar made it something completely different. To me, it felt as if a bucket of completely different fluorescent colors had been tossed into the air.
It’s true, his guitar gave it a completely different color.
SU-METAL そうですそうです。ただ、新しいものになっているんだけど、ベースは「なんだこれは⁉」っていうBABYMETAL印という。これまでの楽曲とも、全然印象が違うので、それは本当にTom Morelloさんの力だなって思うし、こういうコラボを実現できたことがすごくうれしいですね。後半にかけて盛り上がっていく流れに対してもすごくうまくリズムをつくってくださったこともうれしくて、「本当にありがとうございます!」という気持ちでいっぱいです。
SU-METAL: Right, right. It’s new, but at its core is the BABYMETAL-like “what the heck is this!?” It feels completely different from songs we’ve done in the past, and I think that’s really due to Tom Morello-san’s wizardry, and I’m very happy we were able to pull off this kind of collaboration. I am also happy that he created the rhythm so well for the flow that builds up in the latter half of the song, and I’m so grateful!
――MOAMETALさんは (Tom Morelloが在籍する) RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE (以下、レイジ) の音楽は通ってたりするんですか。
Has Rage Against The Machine been one of the groups playing a role in MOAMETAL's musical journey?
MOAMETAL 3年前ぐらいかな?米・「コーチェラ・フェスティバル」のヘッドライナーとしてレイジさんがアナウンスされたときに「そういえば、名前は聞いたことあったけど曲は聴いたことないな······」と思って聴きだしました。そこから、わりと聴いてるほうだと思います。私はギターを弾いていることもあって、Tom Morelloさんの名前はもちろん知っていたから、今回コラボすることになって「あのTom Morelloさんですか!? 本当にいいんですか?」ってなったし、彼が最近若手のアーティストとコラボしていることは知っていたので、「自分たちもその一員になっていいんだ!」ってすごくうれしかったですね。レイジさんのファンの方にも聴いてほしいです。
MOAMETAL: I think it was about 3 years ago? RATM had been announced as the headliner for the Coachella Festival in the United States, and I thought “well, I’ve heard the name before but I’ve never actually listened to their music…” so I started listening to them back then, and ever since then, I’ve listened to them quite a bit. Of course I knew Tom Morello-san’s name already because I play guitar, so when I learned of the collaboration, I was like “Wait, that Tom Morello-san? Are you for real?” I knew he’d been collaborating with a lot of young artists recently, so I was very happy that we could be a part of it. I hope RATM fans will listen to this song!
I first started listening to them in the 90s, and I’m curious to hear what the impressions of people who first started listening to them in the 2020s might be.
MOAMETAL もともと、私はあまりラップミュージックを聴いてこなかったので刺さらないんじゃないかと思ったんですけど、実際は演奏がめちゃめちゃカッコよくて、初めて聴いたときは鳥肌が立ちましたね。たしか、そのときに聴いたのは「Guerrilla Radio」だったと思います。あと、Måneskinの「GOSSIP feat. Tom Morello」を聴いたときも「Tom Morelloさんのギターが入るだけで違うな!」と思ったし、本当にすごい方だと思います。
MOAMETAL: I hadn’t listened to much rap music before, so I thought it wouldn’t really stick with me, but in fact, the performance was so cool that I got goosebumps the first time I heard it. I think it was “Guerilla Radio” that I heard at the time. Also, when I listened to Måneskin’s “GOSSIP feat. Tom Morello”, I thought it was amazing how just adding his guitar made such a big difference.
Over the past 30 years, no followers of his style have emerged yet, so that’s probably why it still resonates, whether you heard it back then or are hearing it now for the first time.
MOAMETAL そうかもしれない。
MOAMETAL: That may be the case.
――そして、コンセプトアルバム『THE OTHER ONE』(2023.3.24)というシリアスな作品の次の曲ということもあって、SU-METALさんのボーカルの明るい響きにすごく驚きました。
Also, I was very surprised at hearing how bright SU-METAL’s vocals were, considering how serious of a tone we got on the concept album THE OTHER ONE.
SU-METAL ふふふ、やった!褒められた(と手を叩く)。
SU-METAL: Heh heh heh, yes! I’ve been complimented. (clapping her hands)
(laughs). What did you have in mind while recording the song?
SU-METAL 祭り曲というか、わっしょいわっしょいしてる感じなので、ポップにもっていくことを意識しながらも、どういう雰囲気が合うのか何度もレコーディングで試させてもらいました。かわいすぎるのではなくてちょっとやんちゃな感じなんだろうな、とか。
SU-METAL: It’s a festival song; or rather, a “wasshoi wasshoi” kind of song, so I consciously tried to make it more “poppy”, but I made many attempts during the recording sessions to try out different styles to see what would fit the song best. A little mischievous, not too cute; stuff like that.
I see!
SU-METAL あと、Bメロの〈踊らないんじゃ歌いんちゃい 歌わないんじゃ踊りんちゃい〉はもともと違う方言が入っていたんですけど、私は広島弁のほうが歌いやすいので広島の方言に変えてもらいました。それによって歌いやすくなりましたね。ほかにも、『THE OTHER ONE』でいろいろな歌い方にトライをしたことで、今回もこれまで自分が習得した技術をはめ込めました。あと、本当にいろんな種類の〈わっしょい〉を録ったんですけど、レコーディングブースで1人で〈わっしょい!わっしょい!〉ずっとやっていました(笑)。そういう意味でもまた新たな声の扉が開いたのかなと。
SU-METAL: Also, in the “dance if you won’t sing, sing if you won’t dance” section of the bridge, it was originally in a different dialect, but I found it easier to sing Hiroshima-style, so we changed it to use that dialect. In addition, I had experimented with various ways of singing in THE OTHER ONE, so I was able to incorporate the techniques I’d mastered in the past into this song as well. Also, I recorded many different ways of shouting “wasshoi!”, just going “wasshoi! wasshoi! wasshoi!” by myself in the booth (laughs). In that sense, I think it opened the door to a new voice for me.
You mentioned that you recorded it many times. Were there other patterns?
SU-METAL リズム重視でばばばばばと歌ってみたり、もうちょっとかわいらしい感じを出してみたり、逆に悪い感じにしてみたり。私はいつも「この曲の主人公はどんな人なんだろう?」って想像しながら歌うんですけど、今回もそういうことを考えながら歌いました。
SU-METAL: I try to sing with an emphasis on rhythm, or try to make it sound a little cuter, or try to sound more mischievous. When I sing, I always try to imagine what kind of person this character might be, and it was the same this time around as well.
――歌の方向性こそ違うものの、『THE OTHER ONE』での経験はここでもしっかり活きているんですね。
Although the direction of the songs is different, the experience accumulated through THE OTHER ONE is alive and well here.
SU-METAL 活きてますね。特に『THE OTHER ONE』は10曲同時に制作するっていう今までにないパターンで録っていて、1曲1曲の差別化をサウンドだけでなく歌でも行うことを心がけていたので、そういう意味でもより新たな扉を開けたアルバムだったと思います。
SU-METAL: Very much so. When it comes to THE OTHER ONE in particular, we recorded and completed all 10 songs at the same time, which is something we’d never really done before, and we tried to differentiate each song not only in sound but also in singing style, so in that sense, I’d say the album opened up new doors for us.
And of course, there was the surprising J-RAP section by MOMOMETAL.
MOMOMETAL 今回、まさか自分のボーカルが使われるとは思っていなかったのでびっくりしました。しかも、このパートはコツが必要だったので、すごく難しくて。頭の中では声に出せている自分が想像できているのに、実際に声に出してみると全然違って、「これは練習が必要だな」って。
MOMOMETAL: I was surprised because I didn’t expect my vocals to be used for the song. Moreover, this part was quite difficult, requiring a bit of technique. In my head, I could imagine myself being able to do it, but when I actually tried, it felt completely different, and I thought to myself “I really need to practice this.”
Did you have any experience performing monologues with this kind of intonation before?
MOMOMETAL ないです。あはは!ただ、ものまねをするような感覚で、我を捨てて憑依させるような感覚でした。
MOMOMETAL: Nope, haha! It was kind of like doing an impression, like getting into character and letting myself feel possessed by something!
What are MOAMETAL’s thoughts on the release of such a festive song at this point in time?
MOAMETAL 新体制になって1発目がこのお祭りソングで、BABYMETALの止まらない感じがすごく面白いと思いましたね。あと、最近はダークで聴かせるような曲とか踊りまくる曲が多かったので、ここで急に新生BABYMETALにとって要になるようなキラーチューンが出てきてうれしいし、お客さんも絶対盛り上がると思うので披露するのがすごく楽しみです。
MOAMETAL: I thought it was very interesting that BABYMETAL’s first song as a new trio was a festival song, expressing our unstoppable spirit. Also, recently there have been a lot of darker songs that make you listen closely and want to dance like crazy, and I’m happy to have a killer tune that will immediately become the cornerstone for the new BABYMETAL. I’m really looking forward to performing it live, and I’m sure the audience will get a kick out of it.
I’m sure MOMOMETAL will have a different feeling, since this is the first song with her direct participation.
MOMOMETAL この曲は最初に聴いたときからずっとメロディが頭から離れなくて、盛り上がること間違いなしだと思うし、個人的に明るい曲が好きなので、聴いてるだけで気分が上がるようなこの曲が3人体制になって初めて出す曲になってすごくうれしいです。
MOMOMETAL: The melody of the song has been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it, and I’m sure it’ll hype people up! I personally love cheerful songs, so I get happy listening to it, and I’m glad that this song which lifts my spirits each time is our first as a trio.
You probably never dreamed of hearing your own voice feature so prominently.
MOMOMETAL びっくりです(笑)。でも、聴いてる方はけっこう気づかないかもしれない。
MOMOMETAL: It was quite a surprise! (laughs) But listeners might not know it was me.
That’s true, I wasn’t certain at first either.
MOMOMETAL だから、ライブで知る方も多いかなと思っているので、それが楽しみですね。
MOMOMETAL: So I’m looking forward to showing it to people at live shows, and it’s gonna be a lot of fun.
(It is, apparently, very fun live!)
Creating new variables through collabs!?
――この曲はBABYMETALが Tom Morello さんを招いたコラボ曲ですが、みなさんが日本を離れているワールドツアー中に Lil Uzi Vert から招かれてコラボした「The End (feat. BABYMETAL)」も発表されました。まさに、現在のアメリカのトップラッパーとのコラボということで、これもまたかなり驚きました。
This song was a collaboration in which BABYMETAL invited Tom Morello-san. There’s also “The End” where you were invited to participate by Lil Uzi Vert, which was released while you were away from Japan on tour. This collaboration with one of America’s top contemporary rappers also caught us all by surprise!
SU-METAL 私自身、初めて話を聞いたときはびっくりしました。全米ナンバー1のラッパーの方がBABYMETALとコラボしたがってるって「なんだそれは!?」って(笑)。本当なのかどうかもよくわからなかったし、楽曲の制作においても Lil Uzi Vert さんがメタルや日本のカルチャーがすごく好きだったみたいで、「BABYMETALを自分のファンに紹介したいから好きなようにやってくれ!」って言ってくださって、「いや、さすがにそれはヤバいでしょう······」みたいな(笑)。だから最初はどんな感じでやればいいのかわからなかったんですけど、出来上がった曲を聴いたときに、私たちにとっても新しい風が吹いたように感じました。なんなら、私は仕上がった曲を初めて聴いたときによくわからなすぎて、一度笑って。
SU-METAL: I was really surprised when I first heard about it! Like, the #1 rapper in the U.S. wants to collaborate with BABYMETAL? What the heck!? (laughs) I’m not entirely sure how much this is fact, but Lil Uzi Vert really loves metal and Japanese culture and during production, and supposedly, he said that his goal was to introduce BABYMETAL to his fans, so we could do whatever we wanted, though I wondered if he might say “Yeah, that’s going a bit too far” (laughs). At first, I wasn’t really sure what we’d do with this opportunity, but the end result was like a completely new wind for us. If anything, I was so confused upon first hearing the completed song that I laughed out loud.
SU-METAL 「なんだこれは!?」って。でも、その笑っちゃう感じがBABYMETALだと思うんですよね。「そういえばいつもそうだったな」って。だから、そういう新しいタイプの曲ができたことがすごくうれしいし、反響もかなり大きかったので本当に感謝してますね。
SU-METAL: “What the heck is this!?” But I think making songs that make you laugh is the BABYMETAL way. Come to think of it, we always do things like this. So I’m very happy we were able to create a new song like this, and grateful for the great response it’s received.
――実際、「The End (feat. BABYMETAL)」が収録されているアルバム『Pink Tape』は、米・ビルボードのアルバムチャート「Billboard 200」にて3作連続となる1位を獲得しています。驚異的な人気ですよね。
As a matter of fact, the Pink Tape album on which “The End” is included has been #1 on the U.S. Billboard 200 album chart for 3 consecutive releases; it’s phenomenally popular.
SU-METAL こんなにBABYMETAL色を出しても大丈夫だったのかって思うぐらいメタルを持ってきちゃって。でも、同じアルバムにブリングミー (BRING ME THE HORIZON) さんもいたから、そういう意味では安心だったかもしれないですね。
SU-METAL: I wondered if it was OK for BABYMETAL to be so prominent on the song, and to bring so much metal. However, Bring Me The Horizon was also on the album, so in that sense, their presence was quite reassuring.
After these experiences, I wonder what kind of changes you will bring that Japanese fans can enjoy at the live concerts this summer?
SU-METAL 今年はいろんなフェスに出させてもらいますけど、好きなジャンルが違う人たちが観に来てくださったりするんですかね。
SU-METAL: We’ll be performing at various festivals this year, and I think fans of different music genres will come to see us there.
MOAMETAL 今回は全然違うジャンルのラインナップの中に入ってるもんね。
MOAMETAL: We’re mixed with completely different genres this time as far as lineups are concerned.
SU-METAL そうそうそう。「SUMMER SONIC 2023」も「あ、こっちなんだ!」っていう日に入っていたり。でも、今回のようなコラボがきっかけで「ちょっと聴いてみようかな」って思ってくださった方には気軽に観に来ていただきたいですね。フェスはどんな出会いがあるかわからない場所で、いざ蓋を開けてみるまではゴリゴリのメタルなのか、ポップなノリなのか、アウェイなのかホームなのかとか何もわからないので、それが私たちにとっても楽しみなポイントです。
SU-METAL: Yes indeed. I’m a bit surprised at our time slot and stage for Summer Sonic 2023. However, I’d like to encourage those who have decided to give us a shot at a festival after finding out about us through a collaboration like this one. You never know what kind of encounters may occur at a festival, and until you go through the door, you don’t know if you’re going to see a heavy metal band or a pop group, an away band or home band, etc. That’s what we’re looking forward to.
――秋にはブリングミーがキュレーションするフェス「NEX_FEST 2023」(東京・兵庫・愛知)も開催されます。これもすごいですね。
There’s also the “NEX_FEST 2023” (Tokyo, Hyogo, Aichi) festival curated by BMTH this fall. That’s also quite amazing.
SU-METAL もともとブリングミーさんから「こういうことやりたいんだけど」っていう話があったんですけど、ちょうどコロナのタイミングだったりして延期になっちゃっていたので、ようやく開催できるっていう気持ちがあります。私がボーカルとして参加させていただいた「Kingslayer」はブリングミーさんの曲のはずなのに「こんなに歌っちゃって大丈夫!?」って
SU-METAL: BMTH had talked to us about doing this for some time now, but it had been postponed due to COVID, so now it feels like it’s finally time to do it. I participated in the vocal parts of “Kingslayer”, and they’re so prominent that I thought to myself, “Is it really OK that I have so many parts?” since it was supposed to be a BMTH song, after all. They really respect BABYMETAL very much, and created a really great song.
For sure.
SU-METAL そんな感じでブリングミーさんとは以前から仲がいいというか、いろんなフェスでお会いしたり、曲を一緒に出したりしているので、彼らの新たな取り組みに呼んでもらえることがすごくうれしいです。また何か化学変化を起こせたらいいなと思ってます。
SU-METAL: We’ve been good friends with BMTH for some time now, and have met up at various festivals and even released a song together, so I’m very happy to be invited to their novel attempt at creating something new. I hope we can create some kind of chemical reaction together once more!
It’s quite a unique lineup for a festival held in Japan; the November 3 Tokyo show at Makuhari Messe in Chiba in particular, including Paledusk, HANABIE., and even YOASOBI. What are MOAMETAL’s thoughts?
MOAMETAL 全然違う界隈の人たちもいるし、これは本当にブリングミーさんだから集められたメンツだと思います。ブリングミーさんがリスペクトしてる人たち、ブリングミーさんのことを好きな人たちが集まっているし。そうやってジャンルの垣根を越えて音楽を愛していたり、若手のバンドをまとめて一緒にライブができる環境を作ってくれる彼らの姿勢が好き。日本にはあまりメタル文化が根付いていないので、今回BABYMETALが出ることによってブリングミーさんのよさを伝えていけたらいいなと思ってます。
MOAMETAL: We’re groups from completely different circles brought together here, sharing a respect and fondness for BMTH! I appreciate their attitude of loving music in such a way that transcends the boundaries of genres, and their willingness to bring young bands together and create an environment where we can all perform together. Since metal culture isn’t very mainstream in Japan, I hope that BABYMETAL’s appearance at this event will help bring more interest and appreciation to BMTH as well!
What are their highlights from the first half of 2023?
――では、最後に、今年に入って、BABYMETALは1月28・29日に「BABYMETAL RETURNS - THE OTHER ONE-」で封印解除して以降、MOMOMETALさんが爆誕したぴあアリーナから、ワールドツアーまで、さまざまなライブがあったと思います。その中で、オンステージ・オフステージ問わず特に印象的なエピソードを1人一つずつ挙げてもらえますか。あ、MOAMETALさんは「あのスイーツがおいしかった」とかでもいいですよ。
Well then, to finish off, ever since BABYMETAL unsealed with the “BABYMETAL RETURNS - THE OTHER ONE” concerts on January 28 and 29, there have been various other concerts, starting with Pia Arena MM where MOMOMETAL made her explosive debut as you blasted off towards the world tour. Can you name one particularly memorable episode, whether on or off-stage? Ah, MOAMETAL, you are of course allowed to say “those sweets were delicious” or something like that if you wish.
MOAMETAL: Ah~ (laughs)
SU-METAL じゃあ、先に私が真面目なエピソードを話します。
SU-METAL: Alright, I’m going to start with something serious then.
OK then (laughs).
SU-METAL 私はオーストラリアのメルボルン公演が特に印象に残っています。まず、会場の大きさを見たときに「こんなに人が入るのか?大丈夫なのか?」って不安に感じるところからはじまったんですけど、実際BABYMETALのことは知っているけどBABYMETALの曲はそんなに知らないという方が多かったんです。でも、すごく楽しんでる様子はこっちにも伝わってきていて、ライブ中ほぼ全ての曲でウォールオブデスができたんです。でも、走るタイミングがよくわかっていなかったりするので、「Monochrome」の前にウォールオブデスを作っちゃったりして。みんな一生懸命円を作りながら「あ、バラードだ、どうしよう······」みたいな感じになってて(笑)。「イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ」でも「ああ、そこじゃない!」っていうタイミングで走り出しちゃったり(笑)、そういうのが見ててすごく面白くて。でも、熱量は本当にすごかったんですよ。なので、メルボルンがアジア・オーストラリアツアーの最終公演で個人的にはよかったし、オーストラリアも年齢層が若かったのでこれからもっと開拓していきたいなって思いました。
SU-METAL: The Melbourne, Australia concert left a particularly strong impression on me. First of all, when I saw the size of the venue, I wondered if we could really fill it up. It turns out that there were quite a few fans that knew about BABYMETAL, but didn’t necessarily know our songs very well. But I could tell they were still having a lot of fun, and created the Wall of Death for almost every song during this show. However, since they didn’t know the songs well, they didn’t know which songs required circle pits or when the “GO” timing was for them, and even made a WoD before “Monochrome”, and as they did their best to create a big circle and were totally ready to go, it was suddenly like “Oh wait it’s a ballad, what should we do…?” (laughs) Even for “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, they started running at the wrong timing and I was like, “No, not that part!” (laughs) It was really interesting to observe. But yeah, their enthusiasm was great to see. Melbourne was the final show of the Asia-Australia segment, which I personally found nice. The crowd in Australia was quite young, so I’d like to develop there more in the future.
MOAMETAL 真面目だなー。
MOAMETAL: So serious~
MOMOMETAL じゃあ、私も真面目で続きます(笑)。私はやっぱり、ぴあアリーナMM公演初日にキツネ様のお告げがあったときに起こった歓声。あれは本当に忘れられないし、今思い出してもウルっとくるし、鳥肌が立つぐらい印象的でした。あと、2日目の最後、「We are BABYMETAL!」のところで、自分も胸を張って大きな声で「BABYMETAL!」と叫べたことは最高にうれしい瞬間でした。
MOMOMETAL: Well then, I’ll also answer seriously (laughs). I’ll always remember the audience’s cheers after the Fox God’s announcement on Day 1 at Pia Arena MM. It’s something I’ll remember for the rest of my life, and even thinking back on it now, it was such an impressive scene that still gives me goosebumps. Also, at the end of Day 2, I was so happy to be able to shout “We are? BABYMETAL!” with all my might.
Ah, that’s a lovely story. Well then MOAMETAL, please send us off with your story.
MOMOMETAL キタッ!(笑)。
MOMOMETAL: The time has come! (laughs)
MOAMETAL ライブ中とか、ライブの話でもめちゃめちゃいい思い出はいっぱいあるんですよ!それでも、今回のツアーで一番おいしかったのは······。
MOAMETAL: I had a lot of crazy good stories and memories about the concerts! Still… the most delicious thing we ate on tour was…
MOMOMETAL: It’s stayed with you!
SU-METAL: What was it?
MOAMETAL 一番おいしかったのは、タイです。でも、タイ料理じゃないんですよ。
MOAMETAL: The most delicious meal was in Thailand, but it wasn’t Thai food!
MOAMETAL なぜか、イタリアンを食べに行って、それが本当においしかったんです。あと、私たち、大人になってトリュフというもののおいしさを知って、4月からずっとトリュフばっかり食べていたんですよ。
MOAMETAL: For some reason, we actually went out for Italian food, and it was super delicious. Also, after becoming an adult, we’ve grown to really enjoy truffles, and have just been eating truffles all the time since April.
Isn’t that since the tour started? (laughs)
SU-METAL ね。トリュフと名のつくものは全部食べてたよね(笑)。
SU-METAL: Right? We ate anything that had the name “truffle” in it (laughs).
MOMOMETAL: Yeah yeah, we did!
MOAMETAL もともとフライドポテトが大好きなんですけど、それにトリュフが乗ったらおいしくないわけないじゃないですか。そういう感じで、ずっとトリュフを食べていたよね。
MOAMETAL: I’ve loved french fries since forever, but combined with truffles, how could they be anything but even more delicious? So it was something like that, where we enjoyed truffles with everything.
MOMOMETAL ね。しかも、海外だと特にトリュフを使った料理が多くて。
MOMOMETAL: True. I do think that there are quite a lot of foreign dishes that use truffles, especially overseas.
MOAMETAL 特にタイでトリュフを食べまくったなと。今回の私たちのツアーはトリュフとともにありました。
MOAMETAL: We ate a ton of truffles, especially in Thailand. It was a truffle tour!
SU-METAL ステーキがめっちゃおいしいっていうお店に連れていってもらったのに、トリュフフライにハマるっていう。
SU-METAL: We went to a restaurant that had really delicious steak, but fell in love with the truffle fries.
MOMOMETAL トリュフ愛、止まらなかったよね(笑)。
MOMOMETAL: Truly a never-ending love for truffles (laughs).
Ahaha! Well, what I’ve learned today is that Italian restaurants in Thailand are really good.
MOMOMETAL 結局、そっちだったね。
MOMOMETAL: So we ended up talking about the restaurant after all.
MOAMETAL そっちだったなあ······。なんか食べもののことばっかだね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I suppose so. Food always becomes a topic, doesn’t it? (laughs)
Well, please continue to eat a lot, take care of yourselves, and do your best on the U.S. tour starting in September!
3人 がんばります!
All Three: We’ll do our best!
(Photographer: DUFUDUFU-METAL)
(They of course did a great job on the US tour)
Additional Credits: Liffy, Lenzer (scans), Capable-Paramedic (transcription, editing)
Awesome to read this. Thanks so much.