2020 Kadokawa BABYMETAL Interview - Su & Moa - Part 3 (2016-2017)

Spiritual Message 3 | Chapter 4-5 | 2016-2017



At first, the choreography felt embarrassing

―メタルレジスタンス第4章の軸となるのは、やはり2016年4月リリースの2ndアルバム『METAL RESISTANCE』だろう。本作を携え、彼女たちは再び全世界を席巻していくことになった。

BABYMETAL’s second album “METAL RESISTANCE” was released in April 2016, and marked the beginning of their fourth chapter. With this album, the girls would begin taking over the world.

『METAL RESISTANCE』はさらに幅が広がった作品で、私たちが年齢を重ねていくに伴って、音楽もより大人っぽいものになっていきましたよね。メタルを学んできたことが音に表れているし、自分たちの経験も音楽に活きていると思います。それに、ライヴをやりながら曲の本質がわかっていったかもしれないですね。BABYMETALの曲は私たちへの挑戦状みたいなものなので(笑)、そのミッションをどうクリアしていくかっていうところもあったのかな。


We expanded our discography with Metal Resistance; as we grew older, our music matured with us. Its sound shows what we’ve learned about metal, and how we’ve incorporated our experiences into the music. Also, we came to understand the essence of the songs more clearly through live performances. We see each song as a challenge, so I guess we have to find a way to conquer it (laughs).

If I were to choose a song that evokes the strongest emotions, it would be Karate. It has evolved with the presence of the audience, and becomes more meaningful when performed live. The lyrics have become more and more heartfelt to me as we perform in different environments - it’s often played in the second half of the show, when we are somewhat fatigued. Helping each other to our feet, we affirm “Let’s go!” as we step towards the audience. And as we make eye contact, our emotions and the lyrics become one fighting spirit. When the choreography was first written, it felt a little embarrassing and theatrical, but as we performed the song live, it became real.

BABYMETAL performing Karate


After the album’s release, the group began their third world tour in April, kicking off with the SSE Arena Wembley in the UK. BABYMETAL was the first Japanese band to stand upon this world renowned stage - but it seems that something unexpected happened for SU-METAL here.


At the end of the first song, I don’t know if it was caused by a problem with the stage or acoustics, but it felt as if I were on an exercise machine - the stage seemed to be vibrating tremendously, and my legs were shaking so much that I couldn’t stand properly. It was as if the vibration from the floor synchronized with the trembling in my mind. It made me feel that I’d truly come to an amazing place! Every time I perform in the UK, I can feel how warm and welcoming the crowds are. Even so, I had never imagined that we would be able to hold an arena show, or that so many people were willing to come see us perform. So I don’t know if it was a combination of the feelings or the stage physically vibrating… but I remember that performance very clearly.

BABYMETAL performing at Wembley Arena in the UK


Also, even though it was our solo show, it somehow felt like we were far from a friendly and familiar crowd. It was a big venue after all, and there were so many people who had come out of curiosity just based on our name. It was different from what I had imagined, so it was a little confusing at first. As the performance went on, I could see that the audience was enjoying the show, but for the first three songs or so, I was a bit scared.


In addition, there was another memorable scene after the show.


After the show, MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL hugged each other and cried. At first, I thought they were overwhelmed by a great sense of accomplishment, like they were scared at first yet powered through, but it was in fact the opposite - they were crying from regret. After they had exhausted their tears and began talking, it became clear that both felt exactly the same way. “Wow, they really are like twins” I thought to myself in surprise.

Yui and Moa having fun before a show

いまだに”STAY METAL”は大切な言葉です

The phrase “STAY METAL” is still important to me today


The third world tour saw an expansion of BABYMETAL’s activities, with 13 solo shows and 7 festivals. At this point, a different emotion had begun to grow in SU-METAL’s heart.


For a long time, BABYMETAL was still relatively unknown. “These little girls can’t possibly perform metal” was how the audience saw us, so we had a low bar to clear at first. After awhile, people came to realize that we could really sing and dance - far beyond their expectations - and that our music was interesting. So now that people have accepted BABYMETAL as a group of kids that make interesting music, the bar is raised when we stand upon the stage. I’m grateful for this, and I think our efforts have paid off thus far. Still, when there are no expectations, you can stand on the stage without overthinking, but now your mind is filled with the conscious desire and pressure to surpass what you’ve done so far.

BABYMETAL performing Catch Me If You Can

――彼女の言葉どおり、まさにBABYMETALが世界に認知された証しとして、2016年7月にアメリカで開催の「Alternative Press Music Awards」において、なんとジューダス・プリーストのロブ・ハルフォード(Vo)とのセッションが実現している。

As proof that BABYMETAL had been recognized around the world, they shared the stage in a special performance with Rob Halford of Judas Priest at the “Alternative Press Music Awards” held in the United States in July 2016.


It was the first time I’d ever sang a cover song with the legend himself performing by my side, so I wasn’t really sure what I was supposed to do on stage. It’s Rob Halford-san’s song after all, so I didn’t sing it too much at rehearsals, and tried to keep it low key. Eventually, he told me to go ahead and sing, to “bring it”, and we’d make some music together. That’s what allowed me to really enjoy myself at the show, and he was really nice to us.

SU-METAL performing with Rob Halford at the APMA


It was at this time that Rob Halford presented BABYMETAL with the phrase, “STAY METAL”.

ロブさんは私たちの曲について、「面白い新しい音楽だ」とも言ってくださったんですね。それに、こういう若い子たちがメタルに興味を持ったり、新たな音楽として発信してくれていることがうれしいって。だから、”STAY METAL”だと――「これからも自分たちの音楽を信じてやり続けてほしい」って言ってくださって。


Rob-san said that our sound was fresh and interesting, and he was glad to know that such young kids were interested in metal music, and that we were introducing people to something new. He told us to “Stay Metal”, and to keep believing in our music.

I’ve wondered what hardcore metalheads think of BABYMETAL. It’s not hostility per se, but the accusation that we’re not really metal. We’ve expressed ourselves in various ways with our songs and T-shirts, but we’re never entirely sure if it’s a good idea or not. But to have such a legend compliment your music, and also to have… well, I don’t know if we inherited something, but we like to think that we did, so I was happy to hear Rob-san say that, and I feel that music should be enjoyed freely, free from stereotypes. That’s why “Stay Metal” continues to inspire us, even today.

BABYMETAL enjoying a laugh

――奇跡の邂逅を経て、9月には第4章のクライマックスとなる2日間の東京ドーム公演「BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2016 LEGEND -METAL RESISTANCE- RED NIGHT & BLACK NIGHT」を完遂、まさに大成功のうちに幕を閉じたのだった。

After this miraculous encounter, BABYMETAL completed the 2-day “BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2016 LEGEND - METAL RESISTANCE - RED NIGHT & BLACK NIGHT” at Tokyo Dome in September, which was the climax of the fourth chapter, and a smashing success.

思い出すことはいろいろありますけど、まず初日の「Road of Resistance」で私たちが登場した時に、お客さんが全然気付いていなかったという(笑)。まさかあんな所から?って思ったんでしょうね、そういうキョトンとした顔を見るのは好きですけど。



There are many things I remember from those shows! First of all, when we made our appearance in Road of Resistance on the first day, the audience didn’t notice us at all (laughs). They didn’t expect us to come up from there, I guess. I loved seeing their confused expressions!

For me, the biggest difference between when the Tokyo Dome concert was announced, and when I actually stood on the stage, was - as I said before - the way we were viewed by people from abroad. At this point, I was brimming with confidence.

Originally, Tokyo Dome was something I didn’t even dare to dream of, or maybe it was just too far away for me to even consider. But as I realized that BABYMETAL was making a name for itself abroad, that sense of distance began to shrink, and I started to feel closer to the Dome. So when I actually stood on the stage… it had been everything we’d been working for over the past half year, but I wondered if it was the end goal. If we could make it to this point, could we possibly go even further? So that’s what Tokyo Dome was to me personally, at the time.

BABYMETAL at Tokyo Dome
Photo Credit: Tsukasa Miyoshi


I lost track of the sound about 10 seconds into the song

――その揺るぎない自信もまた東京ドーム公演を成功に導いたのだろう。また同公演のなかから、鮮烈な衝撃を与えた初披露のナンバー「Tales of The Destinies」についても尋ねてみる。

Their unshakable confidence must have led to the success of the Tokyo Dome show. We ask SU-METAL about the first and only performance of Tales of the Destinies, which left a strong impact on everyone.


That song has no rhythm at all… well it’s there, but it’s not there (laughs). As such, the dance choreography was very difficult, and we spent a lot of time on it. As we practiced it over and over again I wondered if we could really perform it. And then… I can say this now, but I lost track of the sound about 10 seconds into the song, so I was completely lost for the first section, and it was a real source of regret. Tales is a really difficult song to perform, and I don’t know if I can perform it right now. I’m afraid to try because there’s a high possibility of failure, but at the same time, I still feel regrets and want to get my vengeance on it.


The fact that they are able to speak so openly about the inner workings shows their current confidence as artists. What was more impressive about the Tokyo Dome concert was their bright smiles as they walked together after the final song “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”. Was there a sense of accomplishment, or a sigh of relief from finally releasing months of pressure?



Of course, there was something special about performing at Tokyo Dome. There were a lot of songs to memorize, and the setlist was entirely different. We had to do two completely different shows on each day, so there was definitely a big sense of accomplishment.

That said, the thing that I was happiest about was the fact that the three of us did it together. First of all, I always feel liberated when we finish a show. At the end of the last song in the setlist, when the band plays us out, there’s something in me that’s released. On top of that, as for Tokyo Dome… until then, I’d never set such a goal and worked so hard towards it. With this target in mind, we trained extensively while overseas, so at that moment, it was as if we passed the finish line together.

BABYMETAL ending the Tokyo Dome show


In 2017, Metal Resistance entered its fifth chapter, and BABYMETAL made their first Summer Sonic main stage appearance in August. Moreover, they appeared as the second billing in a magnificent return.


Yeah, that was amazing! Not only were we standing upon the main Marine stage, but I also heard that we would be the second headliner. As a matter of fact, after our performance on the Marine Stage, we said to each other that we wanted to perform at the food court again; starting again from square one. I remember the first food court show very well, where it all started. I’d done some shows before then, of course, but it was our first time at a rock festival, so I wanted to go back there again… I don’t know what it is. It just felt like home, I guess? (laughs)

BABYMETAL at Summer Sonic

――そのサマーソニックの前後に決行されたのが、「BABYMETAL 5大キツネ祭り in JAPAN」。なかでも10代限定の「金キツネ祭り」について、「自分よりも若い世代の子たちが、BABYMETALの音楽を楽しんでる姿を見られたのがすごくうれしかったんです」とSU-METALは語っていた。また、9月と10月には、さいたまスーパーアリーナと大阪城ホールにて「BABYMETAL 巨大キツネ祭り in JAPAN」を開催。結果的にはこれがYUIMETALを含むラインナップでの最後のライヴとなったが、それ故に本公演の持つ意味が、後に自身のなかで変化していくような感覚もあったのだろうか。

Before and after Summer Sonic, BABYMETAL held the Five Fox Festival in Japan. Regarding the teenager-only “Gold Fox Festival”, SU-METAL said, “I was so happy to see kids younger than me enjoying BABYMETAL’s music.” September and October saw the “BABYMETAL Big Fox Festival in Japan”, held at Saitama Super Arena and Osaka Castle Hall. Ultimately, this would be YUIMETAL’s last show. Therefore, the meaning of this show may have changed in retrospect?


I remember feeling very happy that we were able to pull off such large shows in Osaka, and that BABYMETAL’s circle of fans had expanded to various places beyond Tokyo. That was the main thing I felt at the time. Looking back upon it now, that was the last show with the three of us, but for me, it was the final show of the Fox Festival, and of the broadening horizons we were just talking about. I don’t think new implications can be added afterwards.*

(*Translator’s Note: I feel I should provide some context for SU-METAL’s statement. While it may feel short and unsatisfying, it should be noted that she and MOAMETAL have both said on many occasions that YUIMETAL is family in other interviews for over a year, and thus it may not be necessary to repeat the sentiment again in this interview too. I do not think they are interested in providing sound bites, even if it would be easy to say “Oh yes, it became much more special special since it was YUIMETAL’s last show”.)

BABYMETAL wearing T-shirts and jackets offstage



I didn’t really understand it until about three years later.

――前作から大きな進化を遂げた2ndアルバム『METAL RESISTANCE』は、今彼女たちにとってどう映るのか。MOAMETALにも、まずは濃密な本作についての印象から訊いていく。

Their second album METAL RESISTANCE was a major evolution over their debut album. How do the girls view it now? We ask MOAMETAL her impressions of the album, starting with the parts that left the strongest impression on her.

いろんな賞なども頂いて、BABYMETALの顔が広く知れ渡ってきた頃に、『METAL RESISTANCE』がリリースになったんですよね。1stアルバムの存在が大き過ぎて、あの作品を超えられるのか本当に不安だったんですけど、今思えば余裕だったなって(笑)。......いや、余裕というのとは違うかな、本当に全然別モノだったんだなと思いますね。3枚のアルバムを出してきて全部色が違うから、その色の違いがBABYMETALらしさだったんだなって。「Road of Resistance」とかにあるBABYMETALの芯の強さや、「KARATE」のように負けない心、あとはメタルの精神などが詰まっているアルバムだなって感じてます。

存在感を増していった曲は、「THE ONE」ですね。英語と日本語の2種類のバージョンがあって、国によって歌い分けたり、あえて日本でも英語バージョンで歌ったりしてきたんですけど、BABYMETALの曲で丸ごと英語で歌った曲がそれまでなかったので、海外のお客さんと一緒に英語で歌えたことがすごく楽しかったんですよね。今までの曲では日本語の良さを伝えていたけど、音だけじゃなく言語を通じてもひとつになれたのがこの曲だったので、そういう意味でもうれしかった1曲です。ラグビーで流行った”One For AII, All For One”の精神性も込められていると思うのと、歌詞も日本らしさを感じるし、それこそ日本で何かの代表のテーマ曲とかになればいいなって思っているぐらいなんです。

We had received various awards, and METAL RESISTANCE was released In the midst of our growing fame. The first album felt so quintessential that I was really worried about how we could surpass it, but now that I think about it, the second album definitely made its own mark (laughs)... not really, but the album was indeed something completely different. All three of our albums have their own essence, and it’s this difference that makes BABYMETAL unique. The core strength of BABYMETAL can be seen in Road of Resistance, as well as our unbeatable spirit in Karate - it really contains the spirit of metal.

The One is a song that grew in importance. There are English and Japanese versions of the song, and we’ve sung different versions in different countries, even intentionally singing the English version in Japan. Until now, we’d never had a song entirely in English, so I was very happy to sing it in English with the foreign audience. In our older songs, we conveyed the beauty of the Japanese language, but this song brought us together not only through sound but language as well, so that’s something else I like about it. I think it embodies the “One For All, All For One” mentality that’s popular in Rugby. The lyrics of the song still have a Japanese feel to it, and I’m hoping that it will become the theme song for something that represents Japan.


Continuing, she confessed that one song in particular was actually a major challenge for quite some time. This song was…?


In terms of choreography, Syncopation is definitely one of the most difficult. It’s hard to catch the notes, and to be quite honest, it took me about 3 years before I could get it perfectly. The dance MIKIKOMETAL designed for us was quite complicated and difficult to understand, and it was hard for the three of us to put it together. It often starts with a series of laser lights, and includes a sequence in the beginning of the song where the lights dim and brighten. It’s a song I’ve grown to love more and more as we perform it.



As we talk about their third world tour with the new album, she talks unprompted about the scene that SU-METAL witnessed at Wembley on the first day of the tour.



The Wembley show was the longest setlist we’d performed at that point, with 17 songs, I think. We really packed it all in there. We were a bit anxious about performing new songs overseas for the first time, and the thrill of presenting something completely new coupled with various other feelings created a strong sense of elation.

Honestly, the show at Wembley was far from satisfying for me, and I hugged and cried with YUIMETAL afterwards. It wasn’t out of joy, but rather because we were both frustrated. We’d practiced so hard leading up to the show, but… there was just something missing, where we failed to achieve what we really wanted. I don’t know exactly why, but YUIMETAL and myself both felt the same way, and we were both just so filled with regret… so we cried. That’s what I remember.

BABYMETAL hugging before a show


We performed fearlessly

――それほどまでに悔しい想いを初日に経験したからこそ、その後のツアーには良い影響を及ぼしたと彼女は言う。また同公演後、アメリカの有名なテレビ番組『The Late Show with Stephen Colbert』への出演により「世界中の人に知ってもらえるきっかけになった」とのことで、世界的に追い風ムードのなか、7月にはジューダス・プリーストのロブ・ハルフォードとの共演まで実現。国境も世代も超えたコラボは、往年のメタルファンからすれば、なかなか現実離れした出来事だった。

She says that experiencing such a frustrating first day had a positive influence on the rest of the tour. After the show, they appeared on the famous American TV show “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”, which increased their worldwide profile. And in July, they even performed with Rob Halford of Judas Priest. This collaboration transcended borders and generations, and was likely quite unthinkable for old school metal fans.

本当ですよね(笑)。ロブさんはリハーサルからずっと一緒にいてくださって、楽屋でも歌を合わせたりして......優しいお父さんが楽屋にいてくれた感じです(笑)。さらにブレスレットのプレゼントを頂いたり、一緒に過ごす時間が思っていたより長かったんですよね。それで話している最中に、「キミたちの音楽を貫いてくれ」っていう意味で”STAY METAL”って言ってもらったんです。

That’s true, huh? (laughs) Rob-san was always with us during rehearsals, and we also sang together in the dressing room… it was like having a kind father with us (laughs). He gave me a bracelet as a gift, and we were able to spend more time together than I would have anticipated. As we talked, he told us to “STAY METAL”, which to me, meant “Stay true to your own music.”

MOAMETAL leaving the APMA stage holding a guitar

――MOAMETALがエレクトリックギターを手にする貴重な一幕も見られたロブとのセッションだったが、BABYMETALが描く夢はまだまだ終わらず、メタルレジスタンス第4章のハイライトは「BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2016 LEGEND -METAL RESISTANCE- RED NIGHT & BLACK NIGHT」と銘打った東京ドーム2daysであった。

Their collaboration included a memorable scene where MOAMETAL had the chance to play with an electric guitar. But BABYMETAL wasn’t done - the highlight of Metal Resistance Chapter 4 was the 2-day “BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2016 LEGEND - METAL RESISTANCE - RED NIGHT & BLACK NIGHT” show at Tokyo Dome.



I’m not a nervous person by nature, but before it started, I thought, “Being nervous is normal... it’s Tokyo Dome, after all” but as it turns out, I was actually surprisingly calm. In fact, I was rather optimistic. Because our starting position was close to the roof, when I looked down at the audience and saw so many people, I thought, “Wow, this is amazing!” Yet I didn’t think it was too big and intimidating. We performed our entire discography over the course of two days - the strength of our performance had improved together with the size of our fanbase after our tours abroad, and this show was a battle with ourselves to see how much we could convey on stage.

I remember that moment when the neck braces worn by the audience all lit up at the same time, and it was so beautiful! I was so happy to feel that every one of their hearts were shining - or rather, all of our hearts were gathered together to make such a beautiful light. It was a privilege that only those of us standing on the stage got to enjoy.

Corsets / neck braces lighting up at Tokyo Dome

――また、MOAMETALにも難易度の高い「Tales of The Destinies」の記憶を訊いてみた。

We also asked MOAMETAL what she remembers of the challenging “Tales of the Destinies”



It still makes me laugh to remember that performance (laughs). While we were doing the choreography, I just kept thinking “this is so interesting”. The tune and rhythm changes many times, and it’s hard to figure out if you’re on point while performing. It was easier to figure out in a smaller space during rehearsal, but the sound bounces back and forth in Tokyo Dome because of its immense size. I didn’t know what I was listening to, what everyone else was listening to, and what the others were dancing to. We just had to keep practicing until it was ingrained into our bodies; there’s no other way besides practice.

I was talking about this song with SU-METAL recently, and sometimes try to dance to it for a bit, and laugh as I give up (laughs). Tales is such a difficult song, and though I was able to memorize it, it took a long time to learn. In addition, there were several choreography patterns, and we had to figure out which one worked best for the stage at the Dome. To be honest, I can’t remember which one was the “real” choreography; it’s such an interesting song.


Even with such backstories revealed to us, the three of them completed absolutely amazing performances over the course of two nights on a truly massive stage set. For example, the dash at the beginning of Ijime, Dame, Zettai must have been the longest one ever, and it was at the end of a two-day show where the band truly displayed its strength. The performance made you feel as if you could achieve something that had once felt beyond reach.


The dash at the beginning of Ijime, Dame, Zettai might really have been the longest one. Physically speaking, I was in good condition. I didn’t feel tired at all until the last song, and I could feel that I’d become stronger through the experiences we’d accumulated. At Tokyo Dome, I was at my most fearless.

MOAMETAL enjoying call and response at Tokyo Dome
Photo Credit: Miyaaki Shingo


These words from MOAMETAL are really moving. When asked if their experiences touring the world has made her strong and resilient, she answered with a smile, “Yes, I’m getting stronger and stronger (laughs)”. Speaking of smiles, she also talked about the unforgettable final scene at Tokyo Dome.


That moment was one of accomplishment and euphoria. I was so overjoyed because I felt like we had successfully displayed the spirit of BABYMETAL. There was the joy of having completed the world tour, the joy of knowing that we were able to overcome all these challenges as a team, and many other things. We were so grateful to have been able to meet the audience, and for their support. All of that was why we smiled.

BABYMETAL greeting the crowd at Tokyo Dome


It was like welcoming New Year’s Eve with relatives (laughs)


After Tokyo Dome, BABYMETAL entered their next dimension. December 2016 to June 2017 saw them supporting eminent bands including the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Guns N’ Roses, and Korn as guest performers.


It’s really great to see all those names, isn’t it? Our support tour started at end of the year, so it was like we were welcoming New Year’s Eve with visiting relatives (laughs).

BABYMETAL supporting Red Hot Chili Peppers


As BABYMETAL’s relatives and friends around the world steadily increased, they shared multiple shows with the aforementioned artists, including 8 UK shows and 10 U.S. shows with the Red Hot Chili Peppers.


We’re really good friends with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. In particular, Flea-san talked to me all the time, and Chad-san, the drummer, always came to play with us in the dressing room (laughs). They were all so kind to us! We were initially planning to end the tour in the UK, but they suggested touring America as well, and at first we thought they were joking. I thought they were just being nice, and didn’t think they were so serious about it. I was so overjoyed that they liked BABYMETAL so much, and we were happy to continue touring with them. I was also surprised that the Red Hot Chili Peppers even went as far as to dress like the Kami Band!

Chad of Red Hot Chili Peppers with BABYMETAL and Kami Band

――7月からは、公演ごとにテーマを設けた「BABYMETAL 5大キツネ祭り in JAPAN」を東名阪で開催。この時のライヴもまた彼女たちにとって、すこぶる良い思い出になっているようである。

From July, the “BABYMETAL Five Fox Festival in JAPAN” was held in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, each with its own theme. They seem to look back upon these performances fondly.


I was soooo happy! I especially enjoyed the women-only “Red Fox Festival”. At large venues, the female audience is usually at the back of the venue, for safety reasons. So at this show that we were able to create for women only, all of them were wearing perfume, so they smelled so nice, it was like dancing in a flower garden (laughs).

MOAMETAL enjoying the crowd

――一方で、その対極(?)とも言える「白キツネ祭り」に関しては、「コープスペイントをファンの方同士でやっているのを想像すると、かわいくてしょうがないです(笑)。本当にBABYMETAL愛がないとできないことだなと思う」と話していたMOAMETAL。そして、9月と10月にアリーナ規模で展開された「BABYMETAL 巨大キツネ祭り in JAPAN」について、また歴史を振り返った際に、同公演がYUIMETALを含む編成での最後のライヴとなったことなどについても、彼女に今ある想いを訊いた。

The “White Fox Festival” could be described as the opposite of that. “I can’t help but think it’s cute when thinking of the fans dressed up in corpse paint.” she says. “You have to really love BABYMETAL to go that far.” We proceeded to ask her about the “BABYMETAL Big Fox Festival in Japan” held in September and October at the arena, and also about the fact that this was the last performance of the band featuring YUIMETAL.


That’s true, it did turn out to be our last show together. But even if that’s the case, the meaning of the show doesn’t change. I believe BABYMETAL is an ever-evolving group, and has had to continuously evolve to protect its essence. So every moment is a passage point for evolution and growth*.

(Translator’s Note: as mentioned during the SU-METAL interview, both girls have expressed their deep friendship with YUIMETAL multiple times in other interviews. So the statement from MOAMETAL that the meaning of a show does not change in hindsight should not be taken as a minimization of YUIMETAL’s importance, but rather a reflection of how they view performances.)

Black BABYMETAL performing Song 4


Listening to their stories, you can feel that SU-METAL and MOAMETAL aren’t sentimental about the past - but at the same time, they cherish all the steps taken thus far even as they move forward.


It felt like the “Big Fox Festival” didn’t have a stage setup at all. It was just five screens on a simple stage, onto which we were projected, so it was really up to the performance to deliver something different. It was a chance to show off all the skills we’d cultivated up to that point, and to display our music and performance. We hadn’t had such a minimalist stage in such a large venue, so I remember that we were very enthusiastic about the fact that this show was a test of our abilities!

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Lenzer (scans)
