2020 Kadokawa BABYMETAL Interview - Su & Moa - Part 5 (2019-2020)

Spiritual Message 5 | Chapter 8-9 | 2019-2020



We want you to feel that this is a new BABYMETAL

――新たなる覚醒の瞬間と言えるメタルレジスタンス第8章・第9章。現時点での最新章は、SU-METALとMOAMETALの2人で共に振り返ってもらったが、やはり両者が揃うと、それがインタビューの場であっても彼女たちならではのケミストリーが生まれていくことを実感する。まずは、2019年6月に横浜アリーナで開催された「BABYMETAL AWAKENS -THE SUN ALSO RISES-」について。アベンジャーズを迎えて舞台上では3人編成となった、新生BABYMETALとして最初のライヴである。

We enter the 8th and 9th chapters of Metal Resistance, the moment of the new awakening. For our review of their latest chapter, we are joined by both SU-METAL and MOAMETAL. You can feel a unique chemistry when they come together, even if it’s for an interview. We begin by discussing “BABYMETAL Awakens - The Sun Also Rises”, held at Yokohama Arena in June 2019. It was the first show of the reborn BABYMETAL to feature the Avengers in a new 3-person formation.

SU-METAL(以下S) 1年半ぐらいBABYMETALの形がなかなか定まらずにいて、ようやく新たな形で出発するんだという気持ちで迎えたライヴでしたね。ステージに立った瞬間の3人のシルエットを見たお客さんの歓声を聞いて、この場所に帰ってきたなっていう気持ちになったし、この時をみんな待っていてくれたんだなって私たちも絶対に進化していなきゃいけない、新たなBABYMETALを見せなきゃいけないと思ったし、すごくフレッシュな気持ちで新しいスタートが切れたんじゃないかな。

SU-METAL: After a year and a half of uncertainty about how BABYMETAL would proceed, I felt like we were finally entering our new form for this show. The audience’s cheers when they saw three silhouettes standing upon the stage made me feel that we had finally returned, and that everyone had been anticipating this moment. I felt without a doubt that we needed to continue evolving, and to show the new BABYMETAL. It felt like a new fresh start for us.


MOAMETAL(以下M) 第6章から7章までの間に、たくさん試行錯誤した上でライヴを行ってきましたけど、第8章で”3人”という形でライヴをしようと決めたので、この形がどう受け入られるのかが楽しみでしたね。しかも新曲の「Arkadia」で始めたり、“新しいBABYMETALをこう見せたい”って強い気持ちが私たち2人にあったからでしょうね、不安はなかったです。

MOAMETAL: During Chapter 6 and 7, we went through a lot of trial and error in performances. By chapter 8, we had decided to perform as three once more, and I was looking forward to seeing how this formation would be received. Kicking off with the debut of Arkadia, there was no doubt in our mind that we would show the new BABYMETAL to the world.


Including elements such as a new look and a 3-person formation, it is made quite clear that they do not consider it a “return to the old BABYMETAL”, but rather, an evolution.

M 「あのBABYMETALが戻ってきた」とは思われたくなくて......戻ってきたんじゃなくて、「新しいBABYMETALだね」「常に進化してるなかでの今回の編成なんだね」って感じてもらえればうれしいなと思うんです。なので、これからもBABYMETALは進化していくし、そこでどうなるかは正直わからないし(笑)、常に新しい形に進んでいけたらいいなと変わらず思ってますね。

MOAMETAL: We didn’t want to create the impression that “BABYMETAL is back”. Rather, we wanted audiences to feel “this is a new BABYMETAL”, and that this is a new stage in our evolution. BABYMETAL will continue evolving from now on, and I honestly don’t know how it will turn out (laughs). I just hope we can always progress into new forms.

MOAMETAL taking the center during DA DA DANCE

――そして、この時期のメモリアルなライヴが、7月にポートメッセなごやで行われたMOAMETAL聖誕祭「BABYMETAL ARISES -BEYOND THE MOON- LEGEND -M-」(=メタルレジスタンス第9章)だ。前回の聖誕祭である2014年とシンクロするように、この時も移動中の機上で彼女は誕生日を迎えていた。

A special show during this period was MOAMETAL’s birthday celebration “BABYMETAL ARISES - Beyond the Moon - Legend M” (Metal Resistance Chapter 9), held at Port Messe Nagoya in July. Much like her birthday celebration in 2014, she also celebrated this birthday on a plane.

M 飛行機のなかでSU-METALと一緒にいる時に、20歳の誕生日を迎えたんですよね。

MOAMETAL: SU-METAL celebrated my 20th birthday with me on a plane~

S 私も20歳の公演を地元でさせていただいて、その気持ちがわかるからこそ、MOAMETALはもちろん、関わる人みんなにとって絶対に忘れられない日にしたいなっていう想いがありましたね。彼女がやりたいことや、どうやったら彼女をもっとフィーチャーできるのかとか、そういうことをみんなで考えてる時間もすごく楽しくて。ソロで歌ったり、ギターを弾いたり、今まであまり見せてこなかったものにスポットを当てていただけるのがすごくうれしいし、このタイミングだからこそこんなことができるんだっていう......なんか親戚みたいな気分で見守っていて(笑)。

SU-METAL: I had the opportunity to perform my 20th* birthday show in my hometown. Because I knew what it felt and meant to me, I wanted to make it an unforgettable day for MOAMETAL above all, but also everyone involved. We had a lot of fun thinking about what she wanted to do, and how we could feature her more. I was so happy to see her taking over the mic and playing the guitar, highlighting things she hasn’t really shown off before. The timing of this show felt just right… I felt like a proud member of her family (laughs).

(*Translator’s Note: in contrast to “18th birthday” being the most important birthday for kids becoming adults in most Western cultures, the “20th” birthday is the equivalent in Japanese culture)

SU-METAL passing MOAMETAL the microphone for Headbanger at Legend M


We cannot help but smile at SU-METAL’s contented expression, appearing as if she had put on a grand celebration for a beloved niece.

S まさにそういう気持ちなんです!

SU-METAL: That’s exactly how I feel!

M 泣けちゃいますね(微笑)。その気持ちがステージに上がっている時も伝わってきたし、20歳を地元の名古屋でお祝いしてもらえて、本当に幸せだったなぁって思います。「ヘドバンギャー!!」ではリードボーカルも取りましたけど、純粋に楽しかったですね。センターに立ってマイクを持った瞬間、すごく......快感でした(笑)。

MOAMETAL: I was totally overwhelmed with tears of gratitude (smiles). I could sense her feelings for me when standing upon the stage, and I felt so happy to have been able to celebrate my 20th birthday in my hometown of Nagoya. Taking over the mic and singing Headbanger was pure fun! That moment when I stood in the center and held the microphone was… absolutely thrilling (laughs).

MOAMETAL performing Headbanger at Legend M

S ははは。

SU-METAL: Hahaha!

M それと同時に、いつも真ん中に立って全部のパートを歌うSU-METALのすごさも実感しましたし、本当にいろんなことが学べた20歳のライヴだったなぁって今思います。

MOAMETAL: At the same time, I experienced how great SU-METAL is. She always stands in the center and sings the entire song, and now that I think of it, I really learned a lot during this show for my 20th birthday.

S 私も逆にMOAMETALのパートを踊ってみてすごく楽しくて(笑)。「ヘドバンギャー!!」のラストサビぐらいしか踊ってないんですけど、結構ヘロヘロになったので、「ああ、無理だな」って(笑)。だから単純に、すごいなぁと思いましたね。

SU-METAL: I had a lot of fun dancing in MOAMETAL’s position instead of singing (laughs). Though I only danced the last part from Headbanger, that was enough to tire me out, and made me realize it was impossible for me to do what she does (laughs). So I was pretty amazed by that.


In addition, there is another special event that is worth mentioning: the scene where MOAMETAL played the guitar in Shine.

M あれは本当に20歳の時の特別な演出でしたね。ただ、BABYMETALは挑戦し続けているグループなので、いろいろな変化が起こるなかで、また何か挑戦できたらいいなとは心のどこかで思ってます。なので、今後ギターを弾く可能性はキツネの神のみぞ知るというところですね。

MOAMETAL: It was really a special coming-of-age 20th birthday performance. Since BABYMETAL is a group that constantly takes on challenges, I hope to take on some new challenges in the future as we continue to change. So, will I play the guitar again in the future? Only the Fox God knows.

SU-METAL and MOAMETAL performing Shine at Legend M


To put it simply: training and working to improve


After this, the first half of the world tour kicked off in September with North America. Even with extensive international touring experience, this one was particularly challenging.

S 一言で言うと、あれは本当に修行でした。1カ月半という長期ツアーが初めてだったのと、過去にライヴをして、あまりうまくいかなかった場所とかも含まれていたんですよ。自分のなかでもちょっとトラウマみたいに思っていた場所もあって。あとは、寒暖差や標高差だったりで気候も毎日変わるし、さらに会場によって聞こえ方や舞台の床の状態とかがまったく違っているので、パーフェクトなライヴをやり続けることの大変さをすごく感じました。



SU-METAL: To put it simply: training* and working to improve ourselves. It was the first time we’d gone on a tour as long as one and a half months, including some places that we’d visited before, albeit not very successfully. Some places had left rather traumatic memories. Also, we experienced various climates due to the difference in temperature or altitude in some locations, and drastically different acoustics and floor conditions between venues, so keeping every show perfect was quite a challenge.

With the goal of building up towards The Forum for the finale of our tour, we worked to improve our technique and unity as a team. The audience’s reaction varied quite a bit in different regions, and there were quite a few first-timers or entire families at our shows, so it was fun to encounter all sorts of fans.

I felt stronger as the tour progressed. Even in places where we didn’t perform well before - due to climate issues, for example - we overcame them this time around, and I realized how much we‘d grown. It was hard work, but we felt a great sense of accomplishment from completing a one and a half month long tour. Though it was tough, I noticed myself hoping to take on another challenge like that.

(*Translator’s Note: I’m afraid the English word “training” doesn’t do the word chosen by SU-METAL and MOAMETAL in this section justice. 修行 is most often used in the context of spiritual or religious training and discipline (generally with Buddhist connotations, constantly seeking to better oneself not just physically, but mentally). In contrast, the word 修業 has a more secular meaning of studying or learning, and is more like learning a task, rather than the expression of a mindset. So it is interesting that they chose the word that has stronger mental and spiritual meaning.)



Although it is surprising that  - even now - they think of themselves as disciples in training, this demonstrates that it is not mere lip service when BABYMETAL says it is a group that continues to challenge itself.

M 私にとっても修行でしたね。ザ・フォーラム公演のために用意していた曲も練習しながらツアーを廻らなきゃいけなかったですし、大変だなって思うこともあって、本当にSU-METALと一緒じゃなかったら廻れてなかったですね。SU-METALも今一緒に大変な思いをしてくれているから頑張らなきゃな、と思って。だけど、今振り返ると達成感もすごくあるので、やって良かったなと思います。何だかんだ、つらいことも嫌いじゃないのかもしれないです(笑)。バンドもUSツアー仕様だったので、音の変化と共に自分たちの曲の表現の仕方も変化して、こういう別の表現も面白いなって思えるようになって、いろんなことを吸収できました。

MOAMETAL: I also felt that it was training, both physically and mentally. We had to tour while rehearsing songs prepared for the Forum show, and I thought it was quite challenging. Honestly, I wouldn’t have made it through without SU-METAL. Because we were enduring it together, I thought I had to do my best. But looking back now, it was quite an accomplishment, so I definitely don’t regret it. Then again, perhaps I don’t really dislike tough experiences (laughs). As we worked with the Western Kamis for the U.S. tour, there were some variations in sound, through which we became able to express our songs differently. As a result, I became interested in alternative forms of expression, so I absorbed many things from this experience.


We could feel BABYMETAL steadily spreading out over the U.S.

――そして10月、いよいよ「METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR -LIVE AT THE FORUM-」と題したワンマン公演がLAのザ・フォーラムにて開催された。

Finally, after an extensive U.S. tour, October brought us the “Metal Galaxy World Tour - Live at the Forum” performance in Los Angeles.

S まず、アメリカのアリーナクラスの会場でライヴができたことがすごく嬉しかったです。この時の北米ツアーには他にいくつか結構大きな会場もあって、ツアーを廻っていくなかで、その評判が良かったからということで、売り切れていなかった会場が埋まったりして。そうやってライヴを重ねていくことで、BABYMETALがアメリカで少しずつ広まっていった感覚があったんです。たぶん、それがザ・フォーラムまで続いていったんですよね。LA在住の方以外にも、それまでのツアーの効果でライヴを観にきてくださった方もいらっしゃったようですし。しっかりとお客さんを巻き込んでライヴができたと思うし、アメリカの人たちがこんなに集まってくれるグループになったんだっていう喜びが大きかったですね。

SU-METAL: First of all, we were thrilled to have our first arena show in America. There were some other big venues on the tour, and due to good reviews, shows that hadn’t initially sold out were completely filled up by the time we performed. Riding this wave of momentum show after show, we could feel BABYMETAL steadily spreading out over the U.S, leading up to The Forum. Because of the effect of the tour, fans outside of LA also came to see us. I think we were able to get the crowd fully immersed in the show, and we were delighted to find that we had become a group that could gather so many people from across America.

M ザ・フォーラムは「DA DA DANCE (feat. Tak Matsumoto)」が初披露で、ツアー中にみんなで練習していたので、やっと披露できることがうれしかった記憶がありますね。あとは、久しぶりにアリーナクラスの会場となって、客席との距離感を考えると「盛り上がるのかな?」「アメリカでそんなにたくさん人が来てくれるのかな?」っていう想いもあったんです。だけど、いざステージに立ってからは、自分たちがやってきたことは伝わっているんだな、こんなにも愛されるグループになれていたんだなって感じましたね。

MOAMETAL: The debut of DA DA DANCE at The Forum was most memorable to me. We’d been practicing it all throughout the tour, so I was happy to finally perform it for everyone. Because it was the first time we’d performed at an arena-class venue in awhile, and we were relatively far from the audience, I wondered if they would be able to get hyped up, or if we could really fill such a venue in America. But once we stepped onto the stage, I could feel that people understood what we were about, what we’d done until then, and that we were truly loved.


――また、ザ・フォーラム公演と同日に、満を持して3rdアルバム『METAL GALAXY』をリリース。2人はそれぞれ今作について、「個性豊かな曲ばかりで、新しいBABYMETALを引き出してくれているし、自分の歌も新たなところに挑戦できている作品です」(S)、「曲調自体は今までにない形で、最初は本当にBABYMETALらしいのかな?って気持ちもあったけど、ライヴでやっていくうちに、すごくBABYMETALらしいアルバムだなと感じました」(M)と形容する。そして、その『METAL GALAXY』の世界観を存分に表現したのが、2020年1月の幕張メッセ公演「METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN EXTRA SHOW LEGEND - METAL GALAXY」だ。全編が見どころという伝説的2夜となり、そのなかで「Starlight」、「Shine」、「Arkadia」を初めて3曲続けて披露したDAY-2の終盤ブロックは、大きなハイライトのひとつ。連作としてライヴで聴くと、より胸に込み上げるものがある。

Their long awaited third album - Metal Galaxy - was released on the day of The Forum show. SU-METAL describes it as one filled with unique songs, bringing out the new BABYMETAL through new challenges. MOAMETAL says that the songs were quite different from their earlier work, and initially wondered if it really felt like BABYMETAL. But upon performing it live, she was convinced that it was a fitting BABYMETAL album. The spirit of Metal Galaxy was on full display during the “Metal Galaxy World Tour in Japan Extra Show - Legend Metal Galaxy” shows held at Makuhari Messe in January 2020. The “Trilogy of Lights” performance of Starlight, Shine, and Arkadia played consecutively on Day 2 was one of the show’s major highlights. Seeing it performed live as a trilogy made it feel ever more poignant.

S 何かあの部分は、1年の総まとめのような感じがしますね。YUIMETALが正式に脱退することがわかって、「Starlight」という曲を発表して、そこから半年経って「Arkadia」を披露して......新たにこの道を歩むことを決めて進んできたんですね。あと「Shine」は、初めて披露したのはMOAMETALと2人でステージに立った2019年の名古屋公演の時で、あの時の「Shine」をいまだに私は忘れられないんです。何て言うんだろう......実際に手を繋いだわけじゃないんですけど、2人でちゃんと手を取り合って歩んでいくんだっていうような。MOAMETALとの間には、もうここに目に見えない何かがあるので。

SU-METAL: The trilogy felt like a summary of the past year. Starlight was released at the same time as YUIMETAL’s withdrawal announcement. Arkadia was revealed half a year after that, and helped express our determination to continue moving forward down this path. And then Shine made its debut at Legend M, when I performed it together with MOAMETAL, which I still remember vividly. How should I put it… we weren’t literally holding hands, but it was as if we were walking hand in hand. There is something between us in our hearts that goes beyond words.

M (笑顔で頷く)

MOAMETAL: (smiles and nods)

S うまく言えないんですけど、そういう何かをすごく感じていて。あの時に決意を新たにして、それでこのタイミングでまたお客さんに見せることができて、やっぱりこの曲たちを披露しながらもいろいろ考えたんですよね。これが、ある意味BABYMETALのひとつの集大成なのかもしれないし、スタートなのかもしれないし、それともまた別次元の何かの話なのかもしれないし。わからないんですけど、でも、これがたぶん私たちの決意であって、1本の超大作みたいなものをイメージしてましたね。

SU-METAL: I don’t know how to express it clearly using words, but that’s what it felt like. At the time, we renewed our determination and were able to show it to the audience. I had a lot on my mind as we performed these songs. Maybe it’s the culmination of BABYMETAL’s work, or it’s a new beginning that brings us into a different dimension. I don’t know for sure yet, but this series of songs represents our determination, and the imagery in my mind was something epic that could do justice to our story.

SU-METAL and MOAMETAL sharing a moment


MOAMETAL also weighs in.

M 本当にこの部分の重みがすごいなというか......いろんな気持ちが詰まってましたね。ここだけでひとつの物語が書けるんじゃないかっていうぐらい、私たちもいろんな想いを込めている曲たちなので。この3曲でSU-METALとMOAMETALの決意を、これからのBABYMETALはこうしていくんだっていう熱を伝えたかったですね。自分のなかでもグッとくる感覚がありました。

MOAMETAL: This chapter was really overwhelming and filled with meaning… packed with various feelings. We’ve put so much sentiment into these songs, to the point where I feel you could tell a complete story just from the Trilogy. In these three songs, we wanted to convey the determination of SU-METAL and MOAMETAL, and our passion for the future of BABYMETAL. I felt this very strongly.

BABYMETAL greeting the crowd at Legend M


We hope everyone stays healthy, and want to express our gratitude when we meet again


The second half of the world tour took place in Europe between February and March, with a total of 17 shows, including the first visit to Russia. It was an exciting experience spanning many different locations.

S このEUツアーは寒かったですね(笑)。それが大変だったという。あとは国が変わるので、ケータリングの食事も変わったりとか、国ごとにお客さんの好きな曲が全然違ったりしましたし、そういった変化に対応することも必要でしたね。今回、北欧は初めてで、ロシアなんて名物は知ってるって程度の知識しかない遠い国の印象でしたけど、そんな所にもまさかって思うぐらいたくさんのファンがいて、いろんな驚きがありました。イギリスも今回は4カ所も廻ることができましたし。

SU-METAL: It was so cold on the EU tour, which made things pretty tough (laughs). The food and catering was different for each venue, and the audience’s favorite songs also varied from country to country, so there was a lot that we needed to adapt to. It was the first time I’d visited northern Europe, and the only thing I knew about Russia beforehand was its well-known specialties*, and that it was far away. I was pleasantly surprised to see that so many fans came to see us! Also, we were able to visit four places in the UK this time.

(*Translator’s Note: the word Su uses “名物” can be translated as “specialties”, and generally refers to foods that a country is famous for, often bought as souvenirs. So it is likely that Su-metal’s knowledge of Russia was mostly its famous foods such as caviar, vodka…)

M その初めてのロシアも2カ所廻りましたからね。USからEUまでを数えると、50公演近くあるのかな?それぐらいの本数を最初は廻り切れるのか不安があったけど、こうして廻り切れたことは自信でしかないです。ただ私、本当に寒いのが苦手で。

MOAMETAL: We performed two shows in Russia for our first visit. Adding the US and EU together, I think we did nearly 50 shows? I wasn’t confident that we could make it through so many shows at first, so this accomplishment brought us a lot of confidence. But yeah, I’m so weak in cold weather.

S フフフ。


M 夏でも常に長袖でいたいぐらい......それは大げさですけど(笑)。本当に寒いのが苦手なので、行く前はどんな暖かい服を持っていこうかとか不安でいっぱいでしたけど、とにかくライヴの熱がすご過ぎましたね。特にロシアのサンクトペテルブルクとモスクワは初めて行ったのに、あれだけ盛り上がるんだ!っていうすごさで。

MOAMETAL: I even like to wear long sleeves in the summertime! OK, that’s kind of exaggerating (laughs). But I really can’t handle cold weather, so I was worrying about what warm clothing to bring on tour, but as it turns out, it was actually too hot at the shows. Even though we’d never been to St. Petersburg or Moscow before, the audience was so excited to see us perform!

BABYMETAL performing in Russia wearing long sleeves


After hearing their thoughts, we asked the two of them if it was appropriate to summarize the tour as “a very challenging one, but one in which much was accomplished”.

M いや、過酷だったから手応えがあるんです(笑)。

MOAMETAL: No, I’d say we felt a sense of accomplishment precisely because it was very challenging (laughs).

S セットリスト的に、USツアーよりだいぶハードだったしね。

SU-METAL: In terms of the setlist, it was a lot tougher than the US tour.

M それに日程がギュッと詰まっているので、幕張から数えたら19公演連続みたいな感覚だったので、その達成感が今でも忘れられないですね。

MOAMETAL: The schedule was so tightly packed that it felt 19 consecutive shows following Legend Metal Galaxy, so there was definitely a memorable sense of accomplishment.


We’ve taken a retrospective look into BABYMETAL’s journey thus far. As BABYMETAL’s fame, as well as that of SU-METAL and MOAMETAL has grown worldwide, do you feel weighed down by an increased sense of pressure?

S 私自身プレッシャーはそれほど感じないし、そんなに緊張するタイプでもないんですけど、でも大人になっていくにつれて怖いことは増えていくし、大丈夫かなって不安になることはありますね。そういう時に、私一人だけだったら駄目になっていたと思います。やっぱりそこで、これまで関わってくれたメンバーやスタッフさん、仲間がそばにいてくれたので。たとえば、ライヴ中に声が出なくなってきて、もう歌えないなって思っても、後ろを振り向けばバンドさんがいるし、前を向けば2人が踊っている。自分はここにいるんだって気付かせてくれる仲間がいるし、ファンの方に助けていただいた機会もたくさんあったから、私はずっとステージに立ち続けられるんだと思うんです。どういう状況でもやってこれたのは、仲間がいるおかげですね。

SU-METAL: For me, I wouldn’t go so far as to call it pressure. I’ve never really been the nervous type anyway, but as you grow older, there are more things that you may find frightening, so I do sometimes wonder if everything will be okay. If I were alone, I might not make it through such moments. But I have the other girls, staff, friends; everyone involved has been here for me. For example, during a show, I might feel my voice starting to waver and fail me, and I might start to think that I might not be able to finish. I can turn to the Kami Band behind us, and the two girls dancing in front of me. I have companions that help remind me that this is who I am; this is my spot. I can keep standing upon the stage because I have had so many opportunities to be helped by our fans. So it’s thanks to everyone that we’ve been able to make it through every situation.

SU-METAL performing Elevator Girl

M まず私は、BABYMETALがそんなには知られてないと思ってますから(笑)。なので、そういうしんどさはないかな。どこの国に行ってもまだ会えてない人はたくさんいるなって感じるし、求められれば求められるほど、やっぱりうれしいんですよね。あとは、一番初期の段階で掲げていた”世界征服”、っていうものはまだ実現できてないと思うので、それができない限り、たぶんプレッシャーは感じないんじゃないですかね。世界征服ができて初めて感じるものなんだと思います(笑)。

MOAMETAL: First of all, I don’t think BABYMETAL is all that famous yet (laughs), so I don’t get that sense of pressure. Wherever we go, I feel there are many people that I have yet to meet, and the more we’re wanted, the happier I am. Also, I don’t think we have achieved our initial goal of “world domination” yet, so maybe that pressure will only come after we have indeed achieved world domination (laughs).

BABYMETAL successfully completing Legend M performance

――2020年、BABYMETALが結成10周年を迎えるタイミングで世の中はコロナ禍に見舞われ、あらゆることがストップしてしまった。だが、それでも”STAY METAL”の精神を胸に、BABYMETALがその歩みを止めることはない。来たるべきメタルレジスタンス第10章への想いを最後に語ってもらった。

As BABYMETAL prepared to celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2020, the world was hit by the Coronavirus pandemic and everything came to a halt. However, in the spirit of “Stay Metal”, BABYMETAL will never stop its progress. At the end of the interview, we talk about their closing thoughts on the upcoming 10th chapter of Metal Resistance.

S 今後どうなるかまだわからないことも多いですけど、BABYMETALにできることは何なのかを見せ続けていきたいなと思ってるし、今こうして課せられているハードルも、今後のためにとても大切なものなんじゃないかなって思っているんですね。なので、ここを乗り越えて、皆さんにお会いできる日を楽しみにしています。

SU-METAL: There are many unknowns in the future, but I’d like to continue showing what BABYMETAL can do, and I think the challenge* that we’re facing now is very important for our future. So when we overcome this time, I am looking forward to seeing you all again.

(*Translator’s Note: likely referring to the COVID-19 pandemic cancelling many of BABYMETAL’s live performances)

M なかなか思うような活動ができない状況にあったりして残念だな、悲しいなって感じることもあるんですけど、でもやっぱり今は健康が第一というか、みんなが元気でいることが一番だと思うので。あとは、これまで応援してくれた人たちをはじめ、この期間中に音楽に支えられた人も多いはずなので、そこでBABYMETALに出逢ってくれた人とかも含めて、みんなで一緒にまた会えた時には感謝をしっかり伝えて、楽しい環境を創れたらいいなって思ってます。

MOAMETAL: It is very unfortunate that we weren’t able to complete our activities as we originally wanted, but staying healthy is the most important thing right now, and I hope that everyone is doing well. Also, I’m sure that many people have found comfort in music during these times, so when we meet again - including new friends as well - I’ll be able to express my gratitude, and create an enjoyable environment.

BABYMETAL standing out at 2020 Kohaku


It is as they say, so long as we can stay healthy, we will have a chance to meet again.

M そうです。とにかく元気でいましょう!ということです(笑)。

MOAMETAL: That’s right. Anyway, what I meant to say was let’s stay healthy! (laughs)

S うん、本当にそうだね(笑)。

SU-METAL: That’s right (laughs).

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Lenzer (scans)
