2019 Hedoban #24 Interview
(Photo: 山下陽子/Yoko Yamashita)
BABYMETAL breaks through the limits of metal.
ダークサイドの先に広がっていたのは…『METAL GALAXY』という名のメタル超新次元。
What was spreading beyond the Dark Side… was a new metal dimension called the “Metal Galaxy”.
A new dimension of metal called BABYMETAL “METAL GALAXY”
『ヘドバン』に・・・おかえり! BABYMETAL!!!!
ダークサイドから見事に抜け出し、「メタル超新次元」への突入を示した 衝撃的3rdアルバム『METAL GALAXY』を携え、新体制BABYMETALの2人... SU-METALとMOAMETALが、約3年半ぶりに『ヘドバン』に帰ってきた!
At last, BABYMETAL returns to Hedoban Magazine!!!!!
With their shocking new 3rd album Metal Galaxy marking a departure from the “Dark Side” era and leading us into a new metal dimension, the two members of the reborn BABYMETAL: SU-METAL and MOAMETAL return to “Hedoban” magazine for the first time in three and a half years!
The two of them will lead “Japanese metal” into the future.
The two of them will continue to illuminate the path of “World metal”.
Text: Hedoban Magazine Editor-in-Chief Naoyuki Umezawa
ご無沙汰でした! 『ヘドバン』のインタビューです!
It’s been quite a while since your last interview with Hedoban magazine!
-SM: (満面の笑みで) お久しぶりです!
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: (with beaming smiles) Long time no see!
It’s actually been three and a half years!
-S: えーっ! そんな経ってます⁉
SU-METAL: Wha-? It’s been that long!?
-M: (ニヤニヤしながら)編集長、『METAL GALAXY』で「DA DA DANCE (feat. Tak Matsumoto)」が一番好きらしいですねぇ。
MOAMETAL: (with a smirk) Mr. Editor-in-Chief, I heard that “DA DA DANCE” is your favorite song on Metal Galaxy!
いきなり! 何でそんな情報を知ってるのよ(笑)。
That came out of nowhere! How did you find out this piece of information? (laughs)
-M: まあまあまあ(笑)。
MOAMETAL: OK OK, calm down~ (laughs)
-S: フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Heh heh! (laughs)
(笑)。『METAL GALAXY』の話は追って聞くとして、まずは、遂に新体制での第8章がスタートして序盤戦が終わったけど、どうですか、感触は。
(Interviewer laughs) I’ll ask you more about Metal Galaxy later, but first of all, you’re kicking off the 8th chapter with a new structure. How do you feel now that the first round is drawing to a conclusion?
-S: とにかく新しい形でスタートできたことが凄く嬉しいなっていう思いがありますね。BABYMETALって今までずっと3人の形でやってきた…それこそ8年ぐらいの年月をかけてずっと作ってきたものなので、新体制になっていきなり、「これが新しいBABYMETALの完成形です!」とはまだ言えない感じはしていて。今はスタートの段階だし、これからどんどんアヴェンジャーズの方にも手伝っていただきながら進んでいきますけど、今は〝進化した新しいBABYMETAL〟っていうものを作っていく段階なんじゃないかなって思ってます。
SU-METAL: To begin with, I’m very happy to make a fresh new start in this way. BABYMETAL had always existed as the three of us, and we worked on this together as a group for about 8 years, so even though we have a new structure, I don’t feel I can suddenly say, “This is the new BABYMETAL’s final form!” or something like that yet. We’re at a new beginning, and will be moving forward gradually with help from the Avengers, but I think our current stage is one in which we’re still creating “the next evolution of BABYMETAL”.
-M: 私もまだ完成形だとは思っていなくて。それこそアメリカ・ツアーが終わった頃に完成してるのかどうかもわからないぐらいで。BABYMETALって、日々変化し続けて進化し続けていくグループだと思っているので、いつ正解が出るのかわからないですけど... そこは常に向き合っていかなきゃいけない課題だなとは思ってます。しかも横浜、イギリス、名古屋、あとフェスに出させてもらえて、どんな形になっても応援して下さるファンの人がいて... それが本当に嬉しいなって改めて思いました。去年のダークサイドで「嫌だな~」って思った人とかも戻って来て下さったり。
MOAMETAL: I also feel we’re still a work-in-progress. I don’t even know if we’ll be complete yet when the U.S. tour wraps up. I think of BABYMETAL as a group that keeps changing and evolving day by day, so I don’t think there will ever be a definitive answer… but I think it’s an issue that we’ll always have to face. Nevertheless, we’ve had the opportunity to perform in Yokohama, the UK, Nagoya, and various festivals, and have fans that support us no matter what. When I think about it that way, it makes me quite happy! Also, we’re honored that many people who disliked the Dark Side last year returned.
Ah… I was afraid to talk about anything relating to the Dark Side (laughs).
-S: フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Heh heh (laughs).
-M: 本当にいろんな人に支えられてるなって実感してます。
MOAMETAL: I really feel that we’ve received support from all sorts of people.
(Interview Chapter 1: 2019年6月28~29日「BABYMETAL AWAKENS -THE SUN ALSO RISES-」神奈川・横浜アリーナ)
( Interview Chapter 1: June 28-29, 2019: BABYMETAL Awakens - The Sun Also Rises - Yokohama Arena, Kanagawa Prefecture)
I’d like to ask you to look back on the concert at Yokohama Arena. It had been quite a while since you last played in front of a Japanese audience, going back to last October (2018) Was there anything that felt different from your previous shows?.
-S: 自分たちとしては、横浜公演に向けて〝新体制でのBABYMETAL〟っていう一つの作品を作るような感覚で、ずっとリハーサルだったりをやってきたんですね。だから、ステージに出る前はあまり緊張とかなかったんです。
SU-METAL: We didn’t feel particularly nervous before going onto the stage, because we’d already been rehearsing extensively for the Yokohama performance as if it were an entirely new piece of work - one that would show the world what the “Newest iteration of BABYMETAL” would look like.
SU-METAL doesn’t really get nervous anyway?
-S: そうなんです。それで今回は、お客さんの歓声が本当に凄くて。
SU-METAL: That’s true! And this time, the audience’s cheers were very impressive.
Did it feel very different compared to your previous shows?
-S: 違ってました!それとライヴの空気感も全然違っていたんです。自分としては、〝新体制でのBABYMETAL〟という作品を作っていて、それをお客さんに見せることはわかっていたんですけど…こんなにもたくさんの方が私たちを待っていて下さったんだなっていう思いが、何よりも先に押し寄せてきて。もう、本当にあの歓声が凄かったんですよね。
SU-METAL: Yes indeed! The atmosphere of the show itself was also completely different. For me, I knew that we would be establishing BABYMETAL’s new identity and showing it off to the audience for the first time… but more than anything else, it just hit me that so many people had been waiting for our return. The cheering really was quite something!
What are MOAMETAL’s thoughts?
-M: 横アリは…やっぱりダークサイドを経てからの最初の日本での公演だったから…それを踏まえて、アヴェンジャーズを加えての新体制で出られたことに安心したし、何よりお客さんの笑顔がめちゃくちゃ嬉しかったです。
MOAMETAL: Yokohama Arena… well, it was the first performance in Japan following the Dark Side, so with that in mind, I was relieved to be able to perform with the new Avengers system - and more than anything else, I was really happy to see the fan’s smiling faces.
BABYMETAL’s appearance was quite different during the Dark Side. Did any of that worry you?
-M: ダークサイドのときにもの凄く不安を感じていたというか…あれを超える不安はたぶんもうないっていう気がしていたので、そこは大丈夫でした。
MOAMETAL: I felt very uneasy during the Dark Side… but I felt that it couldn’t get any worse than that, so we’d make it through.
Rather, the Dark Side gave you fortitude, I suppose.
-M: もう完全に腹が据わってましたね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: It really strengthened our resolve (laughs).
横アリで初めて F.HERO と共演があったけど、どうでしたか? 観ている側からすると、曲も含めて凄く新鮮に映ったんですが。
How was the first performance with F.HERO at Yokohama Arena? From a spectator’s point of view, everything - including the songs - felt very fresh.
-M: F.HEROさんが可愛かったです(笑)。
MOAMETAL: F.HERO-san is really kawaii (laughs).
Um… like, a cuteness created by the stark sense of contrast? (laughs)
-M: そう!もうあの可愛さ(笑)。でも、今まで日本の大きな会場でライヴをやったことがなかったから、たぶん F.HEROさんに凄いプレッシャーを与えていたと思うし、私たち自身も申し訳ないなっていう気持ちとかあったんですけど、ライヴが終わったあとに「本当に出られて良かった!」と言ってくれたり、凄く楽しんでくれていたの安心しました。あと、BABYMETALの新体制がスタートするときに F.HEROさんがそばにいてくれて、本当に良かったなって思いましたね。
MOAMETAL: Exactly! So very kawaii (laughs). But since he’d never performed in such a large Japanese venue before, we probably put a lot of pressure on F.HERO-san, and felt rather apologetic about it. But after the show, he said “I’m so glad I got to perform with you!” and we were glad to hear that he enjoyed the show so much. Also, I was really happy to have F.HERO-san by our side when we established BABYMETAL’s new presence and identity.
Because it felt reassuring?
-M: ありました!しかも「PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO)」って、前日に音源は公開されていたんですけど、どんな風に盛り上がるんだろう?って思っていて。F.HEROさんがいたからこそ、お客さんがタオルを回して盛り上がってくれたし。F.HEROさんと一緒に「PA PA YA!!」の生の音をしっかり届けることができて良かったなって思いました。
MOAMETAL: It did! “PA PA YA!!” had been released the previous day, but I was wondering how it would go. Because of F.HERO-san’s presence, the audience was spinning their towels, and getting so hyped. I’m really glad we were able to deliver the live version of “PA PA YA!!” together.
「PA PA YA!!」のあの盛り上がり方は、2人の想像どおりだった?お客さんがタオルを回してくれたりとか。
Did you expect “PA PA YA!!” to be so full of hype, with fans spinning towels and all that?
-S: いや、全っ然です!
SU-METAL: Oh no, not at all!
えっ、本当に!? 完全に想像を超えてた?
Oh, really!? It completely exceeded your expectations?
-S: はい。横浜で初めて披露したときに、曲のイメージがガラっと変わったんですよね。それまで自分が思っていた「PA PA YA!!」のイメージと、お客さんを通してライヴでの「PA PA YA!!」のイメージが全然違っていて。
SU-METAL: Yes! The image of the song completely changed with its debut at Yokohama. It was completely different from what I had imagined before, after the audience’s reactions to our live performance was added.
SU-METALは、最初は「PA PA YA!!」にどんなイメージを抱いていた?
What kind of imagery did SU-METAL initially have in mind regarding “PA PA YA!!”?
-S: どんなイメージだったんだろう…でも、何かそこまでお祭り的な感じじゃなかったんです。何て言ったらいいんだろう…色とかで言ってもいいですか?(笑)。
SU-METAL: How should I put it... well, it wasn’t so festive. I don’t know how to describe it… can I talk about it using colors or something like that? (laughs)
Please, go ahead (laughs).
-S: 最初「PA PA YA!!」は、イメージとして黄色とかオレンジ系だったんですよ。騒がしいといえば騒がしいけど、ちょっとふつふつしているぐらいというか。
SU-METAL: At first, my mental image of “PA PA YA!!” was yellow or orange in color. Something noisy, and also on the verge of bubbling up.
Like something about to boil over?
-S: そうです。何かそういうイメージだったものが、ライヴでやったら急にジャングル化して!
SU-METAL: That’s right. That’s what I had envisioned in my head, but when we played it live, it suddenly felt like we were in a jungle!
Jungle!? (laughs)
-S: ジャングルです(笑)。あと、日本のお祭りみたいな要素が曲に入っているから、ちょっとお祭りっぽくなるのかなって思ったら、どちらかというと結構なジャングルなイメージで。
SU-METAL: Yeah, a jungle (laughs). Also, since the song has elements of a Japanese festival, I thought it would have a festive feeling, but it ended up being a much more raw jungle feeling.
When it comes to colors, you say it turned from orange into…?
-S: 何か…いろんな色が混在している感じで。だからなのか、もの凄く面白かったです!
SU-METAL: Well… I feel it was a mixture of colors. Maybe that’s why it was so interesting!
-M: 私もあんなに盛り上がるとは思わなかったです。何だろうな…「ヘドバンギャー!!」とかで髪の毛を回すフリはあったんですけど、実際にタオルを回して、「ああ、めっちゃ楽しい!!!」って思ったし、お客さんが凄くタオル回してくれるのも嬉しかったし。横浜アリーナだけじゃなく、イギリスや台湾でも「PA PA YA!!」はやってるんですけど、国によって全然盛り上がり方も違うし、それも面白いなと思ったんです。9月からのアメリカ・ツアーでも「PA PA YA!!」は地域によって全然違う盛り上がり方をするんだろうなって思うと、凄い楽しみだし。ライヴを通してどんどん成長していく曲なんだなって思いました。
MOAMETAL: I didn’t expect it to be that hype either. How should I put it… in “Headbanger!!”, I get to twirl my hair around, but seeing people spinning their towels felt like so much fun, and made me really happy to see. We didn’t just do it in Yokohama Arena - we also performed “PA PA YA!!” in the UK and Taiwan, and I thought it was interesting to see how the audience demonstrated their excitement in different countries. “PA PA YA!!” will also be performed in the U.S. tour starting in September, and I wonder if the reaction will be completely different in each region. I’m really looking forward to it! I think it’s a song that will continue to mature through live performances.
(Interview Chapter 2: 2019年6月30日 グラストンベリー・フェスティバル/2019年7月2日 O2アカデミー・ブリクストン)
(Interview Chapter 2: June 30, 2019: Glastonbury Festival / July 2, 2019: O2 Brixton Academy)
Immediately following the Yokohama show, you left for the UK to perform at Glastonbury Festival, which is said to be the best festival in the world. The only metal artists were Bring Me The Horizon (BMTH) and BABYMETAL. Did you feel it was an ‘away’ show*?
(*T/N: describing places as ‘home’ or ‘away’ is fairly common in Japanese, in the manner of a sports team that enjoys a welcoming home crowd, and visits the stadium of a rival team and thus faces more of a challenge.)
-S: ポップ・フェスなのは行く前から言われていたのでわかっていたんです。なので、まあアウェーだろうなっていう予想はしつつ。
SU-METAL: We had been told beforehand that it was a pop festival, so we already expected that it would feel like it was away from home.
Well then, what happened when you got on stage?
-SM: むちゃくちゃアウェー!!(笑)
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: It was extremely ‘away’! (laughs)
(Interviewer laughs)
-M: あそこまでアウェーなのは久しぶりだったね。
MOAMETAL: It’s been a long time since we’d performed at that kind of away show.
-S: 本当に。想像以上にアウェーだった。
SU-METAL: Yeah. It really was even more than we’d imagined.
What part of the show made you feel like you were really far from home?
-S: もうステージに出た瞬間からアウェーを感じました(笑)。
SU-METAL: We probably felt it as soon as we stepped onto the stage (laughs).
-M: そもそも私たちが出演することが発表されたのが、チケットが売り切れたあとだったんで、BABYMETALのためだけに来て下さる方はいないだろうなと。そこの不安点があったのと、BMTHさんはいたんですけど、私たちのほうが出番は先だったし。いざステージに立ってみたらメタラーっぽい人はいないしっていう。それこそ、どちらかというと女の子とか、ちっちゃい子供とかいましたから。
MOAMETAL: To begin with, by the time it was announced that we would be performing, the tickets were already sold out, so I thought there wouldn’t be anyone that came specifically for BABYMETAL. I was worried about that, and although BMTH was there also, we performed ahead of them. When we got on stage, no one in the crowd looked like a metalhead - it was predominately girls and little kids.
-S: ああー、確かに!
SU-METAL: Ah, that’s right!
-M: あとは、若い人が多かったイメージかも。
MOAMETAL: I also remember there were a lot of young people there.
-S: たぶん、メタルとかロックのフェスで、アウェーな雰囲気はもう慣れてきたんですよ。
SU-METAL: I guess I’m used to the atmosphere at away shows for metal and rock festivals.
-M: そうそう、その辺のフェスは慣れてきました。
MOAMETAL: Oh yeah, I’ve grown pretty accustomed to those kinds of festivals.
-S: 慣れてきたからか、メタルとかロックのフェスでのアウェー感は、何かちょっと燃えるんですよ。
SU-METAL: Maybe it’s because there’s a familiarity to it, but there’s something about the feeling of being away from home at a metal or rock festival that lights a fire in me.
“Bring it on!”, or something like that?
-S: そうです。自分たちの音楽がそういうフェスに来る人たちに楽しまれることを知ってるから、「よしっ!」って思うんですけど、グラストンベリーは何かまたちょっと違うアウェー感で…。
SU-METAL: Yes! We know that people who come to these festivals enjoy our music, so we think “Let’s do this!” But Glastonbury was a different kind of away show.
-M: 全体的になんかポップだったもんね。
MOAMETAL: The whole thing was kind of poppy.
-S: そう、なんかポップだった。で、私たちは「この曲はこういう風に魅せよう」みたいなことを考えてステージに上がるんですね。横アリで「PA PA YA!!」が凄く盛り上がったから、その感じでグラストンベリーでも盛り上がると思って、「PA PA YA!!」でみんな凄く頑張ったんですよ。
SU-METAL: Yeah, it definitely was poppy. So we went onto stage thinking, “let’s highlight the charm of the song in this way!”. The audience was so hyped by “PA PA YA!!” at Yokohama Arena, and we wanted to do the same at Glastonbury, so we worked very hard on it.
-M: お客さんは見よう見まねでやってはくれてるけど、まだ全然ついていけてない樣子で。
MOAMETAL: The audience kept trying to follow along with the dancing, but they couldn’t really keep up at all.
-S: そうそう。そのときに、「これはちょっとノリが違うな」って思って。でも、「KARATE」とかは凄いわかりやすくてノリやすい曲だったのかなっていう印象でしたね。最後のほうは、よくわからないけど手を挙げてみたりとか、そういう反応をして下さる方はいたので。
SU-METAL: Oh, yeah! At the time, I thought, “Well, this is a bit different.” But “KARATE” was easy to understand, and easy to groove to. By the end of the song, there were people that raised their fists with us even if they didn’t totally get what was going on.
(photo: Jon Mo)
The day after Glastonbury, BABYMETAL performed at O2 Academy Brixton, which was in many ways the opposite of an away show. Did you feel like you were at home at the London show?
-M: そうですね。イギリスは本当に〝第二の故郷〟って言わせてもらってるぐらい慣れ親しんだというか…温かく迎えて下さっている場所なので…しかも「ROAD OF RESISTANCE」を初披露した場所で、そこでまたライヴができることが凄い嬉しかったですし、グラストンベリーのあとで凄く盛り上がったので、そこも含めて本当に安心しました。
MOAMETAL: Yes, we did. The UK really is our “second home”... it’s a place where we’ve been warmly welcomed, and the place where we performed “Road of Resistance” for the first time, so I was overjoyed to have a chance to perform there again. After the lackluster response at Glastonbury, we were relieved to see an audience that got so excited*.
(*T/N: Readers may remember Moa talking about crying together with Yui in frustration after the Wembley show. It is speculated that this was due to a somewhat ‘less than expected’ audience response during parts of the concert - and as ‘scream and dance’, Moa and Yui saw this as their responsibility and fault. Here, we have an example that demonstrates Moa’s growing maturity - after a lackluster response at Glastonbury, they just figuratively shrugged and moved onto the next show, rather than dwelling in disappointment like they did 3 years ago.)
-S: 結構みなさん、日本語で一緒に歌って下さるんですよね。その雰囲気も凄く久しぶりだったし、ブリクストン規模になると声援も凄く聞こえてくるし、やっぱり嬉しかったですね。一番ビックリしたのは、「シンコペーション」をブリクストンで海外初披露したときですね。あの曲は海外盤の『METAL RESISTANCE』(2016年) には入ってないんですよ。
SU-METAL: Quite a few fans sang along with us in Japanese, and it had been awhile since the last time we were in such an atmosphere. We were able to hear the cheers from the audience quite clearly at a venue the size of Brixton. The most surprising moment was when we performed “Syncopation” for the first time overseas - the song isn’t included in the international version of Metal Resistance (2016).
“Syncopation” is exclusive to the Japanese version, isn’t it?
-S: そうですよね。それなのに、みなさん普通に知っていて。その様子に、「あれ?『シンコペーション』知ってるんだ!?」みたいになりましたね。初めて聴く人も絶対いるはずなのに、全員が知っていそうな雰囲気で。そういう部分も含めて、凄くホームな温かさを感じました。
SU-METAL: That’s right. And yet, they seemed to all know the song! I was like, “What? You know ‘Syncopation’?” I’m sure there were some people who’d never heard the song before, but almost everyone seemed to know it. So that definitely made us feel at home.
「THE ONE」も、お客さんみんなが歌ってくれたみたいで。
The fans also sang along together during “THE ONE”.
-S: はい。大合唱みたいになってましたね。そして、みなさんめちゃめちゃ発音が綺麗で。当たり前なんですけど(笑)。「凄い発音が綺麗だな~」って思いながら歌ってました。
SU-METAL: Yes, it felt like a big chorus. And everyone’s pronunciation was so perfect! Of course, that’s to be expected (laughs). But yeah, as I was singing, I just kept thinking, “Oh, their pronunciation is great”.
(photo: Corrine Cumming)
I wonder if you’ve always thought of London as your “second home”?
-M: ありますね。(SU-METALに向かって) 何でなんだろうね?
MOAMETAL: I think so. (turning to SU-METAL) Why do you think this is?
-S: やっぱりロンドンというか、イギリスっていう括りにすると、本当にいろんなことが生まれた場所だからかなぁ。BABYMETALの海外フェスもソニスフィアから始まっているわけで、BABYMETALの歴史って、そもそもイギリスがないと語れないと思うんです。で、やっぱりそれができてるのって、イギリスのファンの方のおかげだから、それぐらい熱狂的に今も応援して下さってるのかなとも思うし。毎回イギリスに行くと何かを更新している感覚があるんですよ。
SU-METAL: I guess it’s because London, or the UK as a whole, is a place that gave birth to many special moments for us. BABYMETAL’s overseas festivals also started at Sonisphere, and I think you can’t talk about the history of BABYMETAL without mentioning the UK. It’s thanks to the fans there that we’ve been able to do all this, and even now they still support us so passionately. Every time I go to the UK, I feel rejuvenated.
-M: やっぱりロンドンはホッとするんですよね。凄く落ち着きます。アワードとかもロンドンで出させていただいてるし、いろんなことを乗り越えてきた場所でもあるし。あとは、滞在期間が単純に長かったりするのもあるかもです(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I really do feel quite at home in London. We’ve won awards there, and it’s a place where we’ve overcome a lot. Also, maybe it’s as simple as the fact that we’ve been there many times (laughs).
-S: 行きつけのお店とかできたりして(笑)。
SU-METAL: We might even have our favorite shops to visit now (laughs).
-M: そうそう。ちょっとした庭みたいな感じです(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Yes! It’s somewhat of a comfort zone for us (laughs).
(Interview Chapter 3: 2019年7月6日~7日「BABYMETAL ARISES - BEYOND THE MOON- LEGEND - M -」 愛知・ポートメッセなごや)
(Interview Chapter 3: July 6-7, 2019: BABYMETAL Arises - Beyond the Moon - Legend M, Port Messe Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture)
-IT: ブリクストン公演が終わって、今度は名古屋で行われた「LEGEND-M-」…MOAMETALの生まれた土地で初めて行われた聖誕祭です。MOAMETAL、率直な感想を。
After the Brixton concert, we now arrive at “Legend M” in Nagoya… the first birthday celebration to be held in the land where MOAMETAL was born. I’d like to hear your thoughts!
-M: もう単純に嬉しかったです。名古屋公演って、ツアーで回ってきてはいたので初めてではなかったんですけど、今回は大きいステージで、いろんな方に、いろんなところから集まっていただいて…それこそ海外のお客さんとかもたくさん来て下さっていたので、自分の聖誕祭ということはもちろん嬉しいんですけど、それよりもこんなにたくさんの方が応援をしてくれる環境にいられることが、凄い幸せだなって思いました。でも、私の中では、名古屋公演と同じくらいに横アリのほうも思い入れがあるんですよね。やっぱり新体制を初めて披露する公演だったので。もちろん、イギリスのグラストンベリー初出演やブリクストンも思い入れが強くて。何だろう…横浜から名古屋までのあの8日間は、本当に密な8日間だったんですよね。1年分を8日間ぐらいで経験した感じはあります。
MOAMETAL: Just pure joy. It wasn’t the first time I’d performed in Nagoya, since we’d toured here before. But this time it was a bigger stage, and many people came from all over the world. Of course, I was happy that it was my birthday celebration, but more than that, I was happy to be in an environment where so many people were supporting me. However, I feel similarly about Yokohama Arena as well, since it was the first time we’d showed our new lineup. Of course, the first appearance at Glastonbury, and the Brixton show were also very special to me. Overall, those 8 days from Yokohama to Nagoya were 8 really intense days! I felt like I experienced a whole year over the course of 8 days.
How did SU-METAL feel about the Nagoya concert, considering it was “LEGEND M” in MOAMETAL’s hometown?
-S: 単純にまず、MOAMETALの聖誕祭ができたことが凄く嬉しくて…。それこそ私の二十歳の聖誕祭のときに思ったのが、今まではいろいろやってもらう側だったけど、自分が二十歳…大人になったので、今度は自分から発信していきたいっていう思いに変わったということなんですね。いろんなものを自ら進んで発信していこうと考えていた頃だったので、正直私は自分のことで頭がいっぱいいっぱいだったんです。それをMOAMETALはそばで見ていて、凄くサポートしてくれて、無事に聖誕祭を成功させることができたんです。MOAMETALはずっと私の聖誕祭を気にかけてくれていたから、同じようにMOAMETALにお返しできたらいいなっていうことは思っていて。だから、名古屋の「LEGEND-M-」ではどうしたらいいかって、自分なりにもいろいろ考えていたんです。
SU-METAL: First of all, I’m simply overjoyed that we were able to perform a birthday celebration for MOAMETAL. Thinking back to my 20th birthday, my thoughts were that I was on the receiving end of a lot of things, but now that I was officially an adult, I wanted to send out something special to the audience. To be honest, I was so occupied with myself at the time, with so many things going on in my head. MOAMETAL saw this and supported me very much, and we were able to make my birthday celebration a success. She’s always cared about my birthday very much, so I thought it would be nice if I could return the favor. That’s why I’d been thinking a lot about what we could do for Legend M in Nagoya.
-M: 嬉しい…。本当に取材のときぐらいしか、こういうことを聞けないんですよ。お互いをあんまり褒めないので(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I’m so happy… I only get to hear these things when we do interviews. We don’t really praise each other like this in private very often (laughs).
MOAMETAL flew through the sky in the opening, didn’t you?
-M: はい。凄く綺麗でした。お客さんの腕(神器)が光っていたんですよね。だから…いつもは星を見上げる側ですけど、名古屋では星を上から見下ろしてる感じでした。
MOAMETAL: Yes, it was so beautiful. The sacred instruments on the fans’ arms were all shining, weren’t they? So… I’m usually the one looking up at the stars, but at Nagoya, I felt like I was looking down upon stars from above.
That’s quite a romantic quote.
-M: おっ!(笑)それがもう凄い素敵な景色だったし、あの光景はSU-METALの聖誕祭では見れてないんだよね?
MOAMETAL: Whoa! (laughs) It was such a wonderful view, and SU-METAL didn’t see anything like that for her birthday show, did she?
-S: 見れてない!(笑)
SU-METAL: No, I didn’t! (laughs)
-M: だから私だけの自慢ですね!(笑)
MOAMETAL: So it’s an exclusive source of pride for me! (laughs)
And at Legend M in Nagoya, we got to see MOAMETAL perform “Headbanger!!” as well for the first time in 5 years!
-M: そうか、前に歌ったときは15歳のときだったので、もう5年も経つんですよね。
MOAMETAL: Oh, that’s right. The last time I sang it was for my 15th birthday, so 5 years have passed indeed.
How did it feel to sing again after such a long time?
-M: 編集長は逆にどうでした?
MOAMETAL: I’d actually want to know the Editor-in-Chief’s thoughts first!
To be honest, I thought your singing improved. Your voice was a little young five years ago, but it’s matured now, while keeping that unique “MOAMETAL-like” quality.
-M: 本当ですか!?(笑)
MOAMETAL: Oh, really!? (laughs)
本当に!’’ダンス・アンド・スクリーム’’ っていうサイドのポジションから、1曲の半分以上でセンターに代わるとなると、やっぱり気持ちの入れ方とかも全然違ってくる?
Yes! When you moved from the side position “Scream and Dance” to the center position for more than half of the song, did you put your heart into it differently?
-M: そんなには緊張してなかったですね。普段からSU-METALの歌を口ずさみながら踊るタイプなのと、SU-METALの声を聴いて慣れ親しんでいるのもありますし。だから、「ヘドバンギャー!!」を歌った時も、普段どおりというか…頭の中ではSU-METALの声が流れてたような感覚で。ただ、大きな会場で反響というか音の跳ね返りが凄くて、私の歌にSU-METALもアヴェンジャーズの方も合わせてもらう形になるので、そこは結構プレッシャーがありました。ちょっとでも遅れたら、すべてを壊してしまうんじゃないかなっていう。だから、センターで歌うプレッシャーよりも、そっちのプレッシャーが大きかったです。
MOAMETAL: I didn’t feel particularly nervous. I normally hum SU-METAL’s parts while dancing, and I’m accustomed to hearing her voice. So when I sang “Headbanger!!”, I felt as if SU-METAL’s voice was playing in my head. However, because the arena was so large, there were a lot of echoes and bouncing sound, and both SU-METAL and the Avenger had to match their dancing with my voice, so I felt a lot of pressure to stay on beat. This pressure was much bigger than taking the center as lead singer.
After the Nagoya show, does your desire to sing increase each day?
-M: 歌は好きですよ。でもBABYMETAL的に、私が歌う担当ではないなと思ってるので、そこに歌いたいという欲はないです。何より自分が歌うよりは、SU-METALの歌を聴いてるのが好きなので。BABYMETALを歌で引っ張ってくれるのはSU-METALしかいないって思ってますから。
MOAMETAL: I do enjoy singing. But when it comes to BABYMETAL, I don’t think that’s my role, so I have no particular desire to sing here. Instead of singing myself, I love listening to SU-METAL’s singing, more than anything else. I think that SU-METAL is the only one who can lead BABYMETAL with her voice.
-S: おおっ!今度はこっちが褒められた(笑)。
SU-METAL: Oh! Now it’s my turn to be praised (laughs)!
Another impressive thing that happened in Nagoya was that MOAMETAL played the guitar during the opening of “Shine”.
-M: ギターを弾きましたねぇ。
MOAMETAL: I did play the guitar.*
(*T/N: lest people complain that Moa wasn’t actually playing: the general consensus in the fanbase is that she did in fact play the guitar as she says - her fingers were literally strumming the strings - but the sound that was played from the speakers at the arena and on the Blu-ray was not the sound from her guitar, for reasons unknown. So both things are true: she did play, but we also didn't actually hear her play. A possible explanation is that she could only bar the strings due to long fingernails)
It was the first time since the time you played with Rob Halford… but can we say that you really played during that APMA performance...
-M: あれは弾いていたって言っていいのか…(KOBAMETALを見ながら)どうなんでしょう?(笑)
MOAMETAL: Should I say that I played... (while looking over at KOBAMETAL) what do you think? (laughs)
-Koba: Only the FOX GOD knows!
KOBAMETAL: Only The Fox God Knows!
-IT: 出ましたね(笑)。わかりました。では、改めて初めてBABYMETALのステージでギターを弾いた感想を。しかも、オープニングは完全にソロ状態ですよね。
There it is (laughs). Okay, I get it. Now, please tell us about playing the guitar on a BABYMETAL stage for the first time. The opening is completely solo, isn’t it?
-M: 実は、私は小さい頃からギターをずっと習っているので、名古屋という場所で初披露できて、やっぱり嬉しかったですね。グッズも考えて、名古屋の会場限定でピックも発売したんですよ。だから、たぶんお客さんも、今日は弾くんじゃないかなって気付いてくれたような気がするんですよね。編集長さんは気付きました?
MOAMETAL: Actually, I’ve been learning guitar since I was a little girl, so I was delighted that my first guitar performance was in my hometown of Nagoya. We celebrated this occasion by adding a guitar pick as one of the exclusive merch items for Legend M, so I’m guessing the audience had a hunch that I was going to play that day. Did you notice, Mr. Editor-in-Chief?
I totally missed it! Even though you sold guitar picks, I don’t think the audience expected MOAMETAL to play the guitar.
-M: 本当ですか?じゃあサプライズ感が出せて良かったです!そもそも私がギターを弾けるっていうことさえ知らないお客さんのほうが多いとは思うし。もちろん、弾けると言っていいレベルかはわからないですが…これからも地道に練習していきます。
MOAMETAL: Oh, is that so? Well, then I’m glad we were able to at least surprise people! I don’t think many people even know that I can play the guitar. Of course, I don’t know if I’m good enough to really call myself a guitarist yet, but I’m going to keep practicing.
How did SU-METAL feel, watching the scene where MOAMETAL was playing the guitar?
-S: 彼女一人にスポットが当たるっていう場面は、今まではなかったので、何て言うんだろう…観ていて凄く新鮮だったし、やっぱりお客さんの歓声も本当に凄くて。だから、あの場面は普通にお客さんと同じ目線で楽しんで観てました。
SU-METAL: I had never seen her standing in the spotlight by herself before, so I don’t know how to describe it… it was very refreshing to watch, and the cheers from the audience were really great. It was really enjoyable watching it as if I were part of the audience.
(Interview Chapter 4: 2019年8月17日 サマーソニック2019)
(Interview Chapter 4: August 17, 2019: Summer Sonic 2019)
The next thing I’d like to ask you about is Summer Sonic, which concluded just a little while ago. You headlined on the Mountain Stage this year - do you remember the first time you performed there in 2012?
-M: サイド・ショーのライヴですよね!それ、この間も2人で話していたんですよ。それくらいフードコートのライヴが印象深いんですよ。
MOAMETAL: The sideshow performance, right? The two of us were talking about it just the other day - that’s how memorable the food court show was.
-S: 今、逆にフードコートでやりたいよねっていう話をしていて。
SU-METAL: We were actually talking about how we wanted to perform in the food court again.
Oh! A secret show in the food court!
-M: そうです。やりたかったなぁ。サマソニは2012年から2017年までずっと連続で出させてもらっていたんですけど、去年だけ出られなかったんです。それが悔しいんですよね。
MOAMETAL: Yes, I really wish we could have done it~ We’ve been invited to Summer Sonic every year between 2012 and 2017, but we couldn’t make it last year. That was really frustrating.
-S: 初めてサマソニのフードコートのステージに上がったときは、本当に申し訳ないんですけど…サマソニが凄いフェスだっていうことを全然わかっていなくて。だから、サマソニ自体を正直あまりよくわかってなかったんです。その翌年の2013年のサマソニでは、メタリカさんのライヴを初めて観たんですよね。で、これはいつも言っていることなんですけど、そのときにメタルっていう音楽を教えてもらったっていう思いがあるんです。あとメタリカさんもそうだし、やっぱりサマソニではいろんな人に会ってきましたからね。
SU-METAL: I’m really sorry to say that the first time we performed at the Summer Sonic food court stage, I had no idea it was such a great festival. To be honest, I didn’t know much about Summer Sonic at all. The following year, in 2013, we got to see Metallica live for the first time at Summer Sonic! I always talk about this, but I think that’s when I was truly introduced to metal music. Other than Metallica, we’ve met so many other people at Summer Sonic too.
-M: マリリン・マンソンさんもサマソニだったかな。
MOAMETAL: I think Marilyn Manson-san was there as well.
-S: そう。フー・ファイターズさんもそうだし。
SU-METAL: Yes, and also the Foo Fighters.
So, for BABYMETAL, Summer Sonic is also a place where you get to meet famous foreign artists, right?
-SM: そうです!
-S: お友達になった場所ですね。
SU-METAL: It’s a place where you can make friends with some awesome groups!
-M: 今回もBMTHさんがBABYMETALの一つ前に出ていて、BMTHさんには本当に仲良くしてもらってるので嬉しかったです。
MOAMETAL: I was happy that Bring Me The Horizon performed right before us this time too, as they’ve been so friendly and kind to us.
-S: あと、今年はレッチリさんとも再会できて。
SU-METAL: Also, this year, we got to meet the Red Hot Chili Peppers (RHCP) again.
-M: 大阪の会場の楽屋がレッチリさんと近かったので、久しぶりにお話しして。私たちの新体制についてもたくさん聞いてくれて(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Our dressing room at the venue in Osaka was close to the RHCP, so we chatted for the first time in a while. They asked us a lot of questions about our new style (laughs).
-S: そう!(笑)
SU-METAL: They did! (laughs)
-M: レッチリさん、凄い調べてくれてるんだなって思った(笑)。優しい親戚の人みたいな感じで。
MOAMETAL: I thought, “Wow, the RHCP have really done their research” (laughs) They were like caring relatives.
You guys are the only ones who can call RHCP your relatives. (laughs)
-SM: (笑)。
-M: レッチリさんは本当にみんな優しいんですよ。
MOAMETAL: Everyone in the RHCP is very nice to us.
-S: 「おお、久しぶり~」みたいな感じだったね。
SU-METAL: It’s like, “Long time no see!”
-M: そうそう。「元気してたか~?」みたいなテンションで。
MOAMETAL: Oh, yeah. “Hey, how’ve you been?” that kind of thing.
Indeed, from the way the two of you look now, you totally look related. (laughs) Incidentally, looking back upon the stages you’ve performed at since 2012, which year would you say was the most memorable?
-M: んー…最初のフードコートのライヴが相当に衝撃的だったんで、ほかの年はそんなに覚えていないんですよ。私、本当に記憶力がなくて。
MOAMETAL: Hmm... the first show at the food court had quite the impact on me, and I don’t remember much about the other years that reached the same level. I really don’t have a good memory.
(interviewer laughs)
-M: でも一昨日くらいの記憶はありますよ(笑)。そんな感じなので…私はSU-METALのあとに言います。SU-METALが話しているときに思い出します!
MOAMETAL: I mean, of course I can remember something if it happened a couple days ago! (laughs) But yeah, my memory is pretty bad, so... I’ll let SU-METAL go first, and I’ll think while she talks!
-S: (笑)。気持ち的には、2017年のマリン・ステージって言いたいんですけど…。
SU-METAL: (laughs) My first instinct is to say the Marine Stage in 2017...
-M: ああー!マリンってあの大きいとこだ!
MOAMETAL: Ahhh~ The huge Marine Stage!
-S: そう、幕張の一番大きいところの会場。でも印象に残っているのは、2013年の大阪かな。昼間のステージで、直射日光でステージが鉄板になってて…。
SU-METAL: Yes, the biggest venue at Makuhari. But actually, the one that left the strongest impression on me might be the Osaka venue in 2013. It was a daytime stage, and the sun shining directly on it turned the stage into a steel plate...
-M: あっ!鉄板が熱くて、膝をつくと〝ジュッ〟って音がしたっていうやつでしょ?
MOAMETAL: Ah! It was so hot that when we kneeled down, it was like you could hear the sizzling sound of a griddle!
-S: そう!ステージの鉄板があまりに熱くなっていて。あのときはもう、何度捌けたいと思ったことかっていう。暑さで本当に立っているのがやっとという状況で、しかも下は鉄板で熱が跳ね返って、靴まで熱くて。でもそのときに、自分は絶対に2人が捌けるまで捌けないって思ったんですよ。どんなに大変なライヴでも絶対に2人より先に捌けないって。隣にはまだちっちゃい2人が踊ってるから、2人が頑張ってるなら頑張んなきゃいけないと思って一生懸命やりましたね。で、ライヴが終わって話を聞いたら、2人ともお互いが「この人が捌けるまで捌けない!」って思っていたという。あのときのサマソニ大阪のステージが、初めてBABYMETALのチームワークが生まれた瞬間だったと思います。前を見てライヴをしていて、前にエネルギーを発信してるはずなのに、メンバーのそういう空気を感じられて。凄く大変なライヴだったからこそ生まれたものなのかなって思います。どんなステージでも逃げない…逃げないというか、どんなにくじけそうになっても負けないっていう強い気持ちは、2013年のサマソニ大阪で教えてもらったことですね。
SU-METAL: Yeah! The steel plates on the stage were so hot. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to run from that stage. It was so hot I could barely stand, and my shoes were also hot from the heat radiating from the steel plates underneath. But at the time, I thought to myself, “I’m not going to leave without the two of them.” No matter how difficult the show gets, I’ll never run away before them. The two little ones were still dancing next to me, so I thought that if they were giving it their all, I had to as well, and did my best. After the show, I asked them about it, and they told me that they were both thinking of each other: “If she doesn’t run away, neither will I!” I think that stage at Summer Sonic Osaka was the moment when BABYMETAL’s teamwork truly blossomed and came to fruition for the first time. We were performing with our eyes forward, and even though we were supposed to be sending out energy towards the front, I could feel it emanating from the other members. I think it was born from the fact that it was a very difficult show. The strong feeling of not running away no matter what happens on the stage… or rather, not losing no matter how much you feel like it’s inevitable… that’s something I learned from 2013 Summer Sonic Osaka.
Well then, what about MOAMETAL’s best Summer Sonic?
-M: アメリカ・ツアーか何かから帰ってきたときに出演したサマソニなんですよ。ただ、いつだったかがわからない…。フェスって本当に実力勝負じゃないですか。いつもだったら私たちのライヴって演出込みのライヴなんですけど、フェスになると本当に身体一つで戦わなきゃいけないんですよ。しかもライヴを観ているお客さんが、途中で他のステージのライヴを観に出ていってしまうっていうのがフェスのいいところでもあるし、悲しいところでもあると思うんです。でも、さっき言った海外ツアーのあとの公演がサマソニだったときは、本当に海外のツアーを経て成長して、その姿を表現できて、身体一つでも負けない!っていう気持ちを持ちながらライヴをしたなっていう記憶があるんです。ステージから見て、途中で離れるお客さんもいなかったですし。
MOAMETAL: It was the Summer Sonic following our U.S. tour, or something like that. I just don’t remember exactly which year it was... festivals really are a test of strength. Normally, our shows are elaborate theatrical productions, but at festivals, that’s all stripped away, and the only weapons we have to battle with are ourselves. Moreover, I think the fact that audience members might leave in the middle of a show to watch other bands is both a good, yet sad thing about festivals. But when we performed at Summer Sonic after the overseas tour I mentioned earlier, we had really grown from the tour, and were able to express it on stage. I remember that we performed this show with the mindset that we wouldn’t be defeated even if it was just ourselves! From the stage, I didn’t see a single person leave in the middle of the show.
Even though you don’t remember which year it was.
-M: いつだったかが全然わからないんです(笑)。ただ、凄く印象的でした。凄く暑かったし、大変だったんですけど、アメリカ・ツアーを経て成長しているから大丈夫っていう自信があって。いや、それがアメリカ・ツアーだったかどうかも、ちょっとあやふやです(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I really don’t remember which year it was at all. (laughs) But it really left an impression on me! It was very hot and grueling, but I was confident I could handle it, because I’d grown up through the U.S. tour. Well actually, now I’m not even sure if it was after the American tour or not. (laughs)
When we ask MOAMETAL about Summer Sonic, the only thing you remember vividly is the side show in 2012. (laughs)
-M: そうです(笑)。2012年はお客さんの顔まで凄くよく覚えてますから。フードを食べてるお客さんが途中で「何じゃこりゃ!?」っていう顔をしてこっちを観ていて。お客さんってこういう顔をするんだ!って思って嬉しかったんですよ。で、徐々に人が集まってくる状況も初めてだったので。何だこれは!?って感じで、どんどん人が増えてくという。
MOAMETAL: That’s right. (laughs) In 2012, I remembered the faces of the audience at the food court very well, and their “what the hell is this!?” expressions they had. I was so happy to see that kind of look on their faces! It was also the first time we saw the size of the crowd gradually growing. “Hey, what’s going on?” as more and more people were drawn in.
-S: あとフードコートだったから、食べる人の手が止まるんです(笑)。
SU-METAL: Also, it was a food court, so people would stop eating mid-meal. (laughs)
-M: そうそう。
MOAMETAL: Yes, yes.
Even though it was 7 years ago, you remember it very clearly.
-M: 凄い覚えてます!
-S: 本当にわかりやすく、〝ポカン!〟って顔なんですよね。
SU-METAL: It was really easy to tell how dumbfounded they were.
-M: 「ねえ、見てみてアレ」みたいな。
MOAMETAL: It was like, “Hey, what’s going on over there? Let’s check it out!”
-S: それで、「あ!」みたいな様子の顔をしていて。
SU-METAL: And then, their faces would light up in surprise and interest like “Ohhh!”
Well then, please come down to the food court as a secret performer at Summer Sonic someday. (laughs)
Interview Chapter 5: about the 3rd Album Metal Galaxy
新作『METAL GALAXY』のことを聞いていきたいなと。前作『METAL RESISTANCE』が発売されたのが2016年の春だから、3年半ぶりですよ。
I want to ask you about your new album Metal Galaxy. It’s been three and a half years since your previous album Metal Resistance, which was released in the spring of 2016.
-S: (遠くを見ながら)3年半かあ…。
SU-METAL: (looking off into the distance) Three and a half years, huh...
Is that a long time ago for you?
-M: (満面の笑みで)「お待たせしました」ですね!
MOAMETAL: (with a beaming smile) “Sorry to keep you waiting!”
-S: 本当にそう。
SU-METAL: That’s really how it is.
-M: ただ、体感的には結構あっという間だったんです。気付いたら3年半経ってました。SU-METALもそうでしょ?
MOAMETAL: But it felt like a blink of an eye, and by the time we realized it, three and a half years had passed… SU-METAL feels the same as well?
-S: うん。あっという間だった。
SU-METAL: Yes, it all happened so quickly.
Was it more like, “It’s finally out!”, or more like, “Oh, it’s being released already?”
-SM: どうだろう…。
--SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Hm, which is it...
-S: まあでも、曲はようやく出来たなっていう印象ですね。レコーディング期間が凄く長くて…それは私たちの特徴でもあるんですけど…長いのは、それだけ1曲に対する熱量だったり、作品を作る思いが大きいからなんですけど。あ、一番長く時間がかかった曲は「Night Night Burn」で、6年ぐらいかけてやっと完成した…ようやく形になったっていう。そういう意味でも、アルバムに関しては〝ようやく〟っていう思いもありますね。
SU-METAL: For me, every song feels like “at last, it’s finally ready” by the time we release it, because we spend such a long time working on and recording each one... well, taking a long time on each album is one of our characteristics, but the reason why it takes so long is because we’re very passionate about each song, and really want to make every single one a work of art. The song that took the longest time to complete was “Night Night Burn”, which took about 6 years to finally come to fruition. So in that sense, I feel that the album is “finally” being released.
2人が思う2ndアルバム『METAL RESISTANCE』と3rdアルバム『METAL GALAXY』の大きな違い、そして変化とは?
What do you think are the major differences between the 2nd album Metal Resistance, and the 3rd album Metal Galaxy?
-M: 何かもう全然違いすぎて(笑)。『METAL RESISTANCE』のときって、正直1stの『BABYMETAL』(2014年) を超えられるかなっていう不安があったんです。だけど、今回の場合はわりと吹っ切れてるというか…もう『METAL RESISTANCE』とは全然違う作品なので、「前作を超えられるかな?」っていう不安とかは全然ないです。むしろ、めっちゃ笑われるんじゃないかなって楽しみです(笑)。
MOAMETAL: It’s completely different! (laughs) When we released Metal Resistance, I was honestly worried we wouldn’t be able to surpass our debut album BABYMETAL (2014). But in this case, I think I’ve gotten over that fear… and it’s a completely different work from Metal Resistance, so I don’t need to worry about comparing the two or surpassing the previous one. Rather, I’m looking forward to being laughed at. (laughs).
-S: フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Heh heh! (laughs)
I don’t think it’ll be laughed at; rather, I expect that they’ll be laughing because it’s a ridiculously awesome piece of work?
-M: いや、笑われてしまうと思いますよ(笑)。しかも、「これ本当にBABYMETAL?」っていう声も絶対あると思ってて。そこは覚悟してます。それこそ「これメタルじゃないじゃん」「BABYMETALって何やねん」みたいな声とかも覚悟してるんですけど、私たちは去年のダークサイドで叩かれているので、そんなことでは全然負けないです。そういった反応をどう返せるか、みたいなことを考えるのが楽しみです。
MOAMETAL: No, I’m pretty sure people will be laughing at us. (laughs) And I’m sure there will be people who say, “Is this really BABYMETAL?” We’re prepared for that. We’re also prepared for voices complaining that “this isn’t metal”, and “what is BABYMETAL even doing now”. But even the Dark Side last year couldn’t take us down, so we won’t back down to this kind of challenge either. I’m looking forward to thinking about how we can respond to such reactions.
I hadn’t thought you would have anticipated such reactions… how about SU-METAL?
-S: 今回のアルバムの意識としては、一度BABYMETALを壊すということがありますね。
SU-METAL: The core philosophy of the album is to destroy BABYMETAL once and for all.
-S: はい。BABYMETALが今まで作り上げてきたものに対してというか…BABYMETALって、そもそもメタルっていう音楽に対するレジスタンスをずっとやってきてたわけじゃないですか。そしたら、今度は「BABYMETALはこうじゃなきゃいけない」というものが広まり始めて、BABYMETALって凄く自由にメタルを楽しくやってたのに、それが確立されてしまっていて。それって、私たちが今までやってきたことではないよねっていう思いになってきたんです。そこから「もっと面白いものができるはずだよね?」っていう話をしていて、そういう意味で「BABYMETALはこうじゃなきゃいけない」という部分を壊すということですね。あとは、まさに前作の『METAL RESISTANCE』がBABYMETALからメタルへのレジスタンスだとしたら、今回のアルバムは今のBABYMETALからそれまでのBABYMETALへのレジスタンスという意味もあると思うんです。
SU-METAL: Absolutely. I’m talking about going against what BABYMETAL has been building up to now… from the beginning, BABYMETAL has been leading a resistance against the definition of metal music. Then, the idea that “this is what BABYMETAL should be” started to spread, and even though we’ve been doing metal music in our own way freely and happily, the framework was gradually established, and I began to think that something had changed. That’s when we started wondering if we couldn’t make it more interesting - in that sense, we’re trying to break down the perception that “BABYMETAL must do things this way”. Also, if the previous album Metal Resistance was about BABYMETAL’s resistance to metal rules, I think this album is also about the current BABYMETAL’s resistance to the previous BABYMETAL rules.
-M: 編集長、凄く驚いた顔をしてますが…。
MOAMETAL: Mr. Editor-in-Chief, you have quite a flabbergasted expression on your face...
No, well, I was just surprised that SU-METAL has become able to say something like that...
-S: フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: (smiles with satisfaction)
自分も先に『METAL GALAXY』の音源をもらってかなり聴き込んでいるんだけど、今SU-METALが言ったようなことと同じ印象を抱いていたんだよね。
I received the studio tracks for Metal Galaxy earlier, and have been listening to it a lot - it did in fact give me the same impression that SU-METAL said.
-S: それは嬉しいです!
SU-METAL: Oh, I’m so happy!
-M: 私たち自身も、みなさんが抱いている〝BABYMETAL像〟みたいなものを少し守りすぎていた感があって。もちろん、自然と出来上がってきたものが正解だと思っていたし、それで「このメンバーとなら戦える」という自信もついてきたんですけど、いつの間にか自分たち自身がそれを守りすぎてしまっていたんです。
MOAMETAL: We had become a little too protective of the “BABYMETAL image” that people had of us. Of course, we thought that what came naturally to us was the right answer, and that gave us confidence to believe that we could take on any challenge, so long as we were together. But before we knew it, it had become something that constrained us.
-S: 自分たちが自分たちを縛ってるみたいな感じですね。
SU-METAL: It’s like we were trying ourselves up in knots.
-M: そうそう。
MOAMETAL: Yes, yes.
When did you start to feel constrained - that you were somehow tied down by this thing called BABYMETAL that you had created?
-M: 去年ですね。ダークサイドのときに、今までは前だけ進んでいればどうにかなっていたグループだったのに、どうしても振り返らなきゃいけないタイミングがきて。自分たちのあり方とか、自分たちの存在とか。
MOAMETAL: Last year, during the Dark Side. The time had come for a reckoning - we had been a group that had somehow managed to survive by stubbornly pushing forward, but ultimately we had to stop and look back, at how we should be, and the reason for our existence.
-S: それこそ「BABYMETALとは」みたいなことを考えて。
SU-METAL: That’s when we began to really consider, “What is BABYMETAL”?
-M: そう。「BABYMETALって何?」とか思うようになってきて。それをSU-METALとも話し合ったりもしましたし。自分たちの中でもお互いが凄い悩んだりして、たどり着いた結果が、「自分たちが自分たちを縛ってたんだね。本来はメタルっていう音楽を楽しんでやっていたのがBABYMETALだったよね」ということだったんです。去年やっと、それを見つけました。
MOAMETAL: Yes. I thought to myself, “What does BABYMETAL mean?” I also discussed it a lot with SU-METAL as well. We both struggled a lot with it, and came to the conclusion that we really were limiting ourselves, weren’t we? We realized that ultimately, BABYMETAL was about having fun performing metal music, but we didn’t truly understand this until last year.
その思いが形になったのがこのアルバムというわけだ。自分はそれこそデビュー時からずっとBABYMETALの音源を聴いているけど、『METAL GALAXY』が一番BABYMETALらしいというか…BABYMETALが本来持っていた〝何じゃこりゃ⁉〟な部分をもっとも出しているアルバムだと思ったんだよね。
This album is a result of those feelings, isn’t it... I’ve been listening to BABYMETAL’s CDs since your debut, and I think Metal Galaxy is the most “BABYMETAL-like” album of all… the one that really re-creates that “what the hell is this!?” feeling that BABYMETAL originally possessed.
-SM: おおーーーー!!!!
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Ohhhhhh~~!!
BABYMETALの最初の頃って、ハチャメチャだったと思うんだよね。何じゃこりゃ⁉ がどんどん押し寄せてきて。既存の凝り固まったメタル観みたいなものをBABYMETALが笑顔で壊してくれてるな、っていう印象が自分の中にあって。そして、2人と同じようにBABYMETALが大きくなるにつれて、ファンの間で〝BABYMETALかくあるべし〟というか…「BABYMETALはこうじゃなきゃいけない!」っていうものが固まってきてしまっている気がしていて。だから、『METAL GALAXY』を聴いたら、これはもう作られてきたイメージを崩しにかかったなって。2人から話を聞くと、それは完全に望むところというか、あえてなんだね。
I think BABYMETAL’s early days were pretty crazy. “What the hell is this!?” just kept hitting us one blow after another, in rapid succession. I had the impression that BABYMETAL was destroying the existing, elitist view of metal - doing it with a charming smile. And as BABYMETAL grew bigger and bigger, fans began to say things like, “BABYMETAL should be this way”, or “BABYMETAL must do things that way”. So when I listened to Metal Galaxy, I felt like you were trying to break down the image that you’d created. Listening to the two of you, it seems this is exactly what you want, or rather, what you’re daring to do.
-S: はい!
-M: めちゃくちゃ望むところです!全然違う想定外の方向の曲が飛んでくるので、本当に聴いていて面白いですね。
MOAMETAL: I really hope so! It’s really interesting to listen to songs that swoop in from completely unexpected and unanticipated directions.
Very reassuring! If you put it that way, it’s only natural if fans listen to the album and think to themselves “what in the world is this?”
-M: そう思っていただいて全然大丈夫なんです。私たちも出来上がった音を聴いて、実際に「何だコレ?」って思っているので(笑)。
MOAMETAL: It’s totally okay if they think that way. When we heard the completed version, we also thought “what is this?” ourselves. (laughs)
-S: フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Ahaha! (laughs)
-M: ちょっとこれは変な歌だな!?みたいな。一緒の気持ちだから安心して下さい(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Like, “oh, this song is really weird!” and stuff like that. Don’t worry, I also feel the same way. (laughs)
-S: そう、同じ気持ちだから安心して欲しいです。
SU-METAL: Yes, we want to reassure you that we feel the same.
When I listen to the album, I laugh - in a good way.
-M: おおーーー!!
As I listen to it, a smile spreads across my face, and I think, “this is absolutely absurd.” And when it comes to BABYMETAL? That is the biggest compliment I can think of.
-SM: ありがとうございます!
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Thank you very much!
That’s okay, right? (laughs)
-M: 全然大丈夫ですし、凄く嬉しいです。もう、どんどん笑って下さい(笑)。
MOAMETAL: It’s totally okay, and makes me really happy. Please, laugh all you like. (laughs)
(interviewer laughs) So the two of you have had a chance to listen to the completed album, right? What do you think?
-M: 楽しいです。不思議な感じがしますね。
MOAMETAL: It’s very fun. It feels quite extraordinary.
-S: Disc-1とDisc-2で全然イメージが違うなって思っていて、そのバリエーションの広さも私たちらしいし、あとは、いろんな方向から曲がぼんぼん飛んでくる印象ですよね。
SU-METAL: Disc 1 and Disc 2 feel completely different, and this variation in styles is what we’re known for. I also get the impression that the songs are coming at us from all directions.
-S: 「この曲が来たら、次はこの曲が来るだろうな」っていうものでは全くない曲というか…全然違う想定外の方向の曲が飛んでくるので、本当に聴いていて面白いですね。
SU-METAL: It’s really interesting to have an album where you have no idea what will come next, filled with songs that are completely different and unexpected.
Interview Chapter 6: about the songs on Metal Galaxy
インタビュー前にMOAMETALが言ったように、自分は「DA DA DANCE」にもの凄い衝撃を受けて。クレジットでは2曲目だけど、実質1曲目みたいなものじゃない?この曲を最初に持ってくるんだ!っていう衝撃があって。それこそ「いいね!」の続編みたいな部分もあると思うんだけど、2人は「DA DA DANCE」についてはどう感じた?
As MOAMETAL said before the interview, “DA DA DANCE” left quite a shocking impression on me. It’s technically the second song, but practically speaking, it’s the first one, isn’t it? I was so surprised that you’d put a song like this first! It was totally unexpected. It feels like a sequel to “Iine!” to me - how do the two of you feel about it?
-S: 最初は結構、拍子抜けしました(笑)。
SU-METAL: At first, it threw me off quite a bit. (laughs)
(interview laughs)
-S: 「お、おおー?」って、ちょっとなった曲ではありますね(笑)。
SU-METAL: It kind of made me go “...eh?” because I hadn’t expected a song like this. (laughs)
SU-METALは年月が経つにつれて英語が上手くなってきてると思うんだけど、「DA DA DANCE」の英語って、完全にあえての日本語英語みたいな感じじゃない?
I think SU-METAL has gotten quite fluent in English over the years - but the English in “DA DA DANCE” is “Japanese-style English” on purpose, isn’t it?
-S: 確かにそうですね(笑)。
SU-METAL: That is indeed the case. (laughs)
Does it feel odd to sing it that way?
-S: それもいろいろと試してみた結果なんですよ。英語っぽくやってみたものと、日本語英語っぽくやってみたものを聴いてみて、どっちが曲の雰囲気にフィットするかを検証した結果、英語っぽいものはちょっと違うよねっていう話になったんですよね。だから今回のアルバムの中で、「DA DA DANCE」もそうなんですけど、英語っぽい発音でいく曲と、そうじゃない日本語英語でいく曲というのを分けて作ってます。声のバリエーションもそうなんですけど、そういう意味でも表現方法が広がったのがかなり面白くて。
SU-METAL: It was the result of a lot of experimentation. We tried doing it in “standard” English, and in Japanese-style English, and thought about which style fit the song better. Ultimately, we decided that there was just something odd about the standard English version. That’s why on this album, as in the case of “DA DA DANCE”, we divided songs into those with English-like pronunciations, and those with Japanese-style English pronunciation. Just as I can vary the tone of my vocals, it’s interesting to me that I’ve expanded my options for how to express each song.
(T/N: to give examples of what “Japanese-style” English is, think of “supaishi sama song” rather than “spicy summer song”, or “kureiji sama dance” rather than “crazy summer dance” in “PA PA YA!!”)
I see. On this album, the versatility of SU-METAL’s expression really jumps all over the place between different songs.
-S: 今回は特にそうですね(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s definitely the case this time around. (laughs)
I wonder if switching things up so drastically throughout the album makes it a rather difficult challenge for SU-METAL?
-S: やっぱり今までとは曲の作り方とかも全然違ったんですね。今までは私の声を中心にできていたものが、今回は私の声の重心をいろんな方向に置いてみてっていうことをやっていたので、大変といえば大変だったんですけど、それよりも「自分はこんな声も出せるんだ!」という新たな発見が凄くあって。あとは、さっきの英語の発音の話じゃないですけど、発音が良すぎてもこの曲にはフィットしないし、こっちに寄せすぎたらまた違うしみたいな、そういう作業も凄く面白くて。
SU-METAL: The way we write songs now is completely different from how we did it in the past. This time, I tried to center the gravity of my voice in various directions, which was a lot of work - but more importantly, I came to discover that I could in fact do all sorts of things with my voice! Also, as I mentioned earlier regarding English pronunciation, if my pronunciation was too proper, it wouldn’t necessarily fit some songs. But if the accent was too strong, it might not fit for another song.
So to the contrary, you relish these challenges.
-S: そうです。
「DA DA DANCE」でMOAMETALに聞きたいことがあって。途中のラップをやっているのはMOAMETAL?
I have a question for MOAMETAL regarding “DA DA DANCE” - is that you doing the rapping in the middle of the song?
-M: (ニヤニヤしながら) どうなんでしょう(笑)。
MOAMETAL: (with a grin) How should I answer (laughs)?
(Interviewer laughs)
-M: (KOBAMETALを見ながら)言ってしまっていいのかな?
MOAMETAL: (while looking at KOBAMETAL) Is it OK if I tell them?
-K: Only the FOX GOD knows!
KOBAMETAL: Only the FOX GOD knows!
やっぱり(笑)。あのラップ含めて、MOAMETALは「DA DA DANCE」についてはどういう印象を?
As expected (laughs). Including the rap section, what kind of impression does “DA DA DANCE” leave on MOAMETAL?
-M: 面白かったです。90年代とか80年代な雰囲気の曲ですよね。
MOAMETAL: It’s quite interesting! It gives me an 80s or 90s vibe.
Early 90s, I think. Of course, the two of you weren’t even born yet.
-M: そうですよね。だからなのかもしれないですけど、新しい感じがしました。EDMの雰囲気とかもあったり。
MOAMETAL: That’s right. Maybe that’s why it felt new to me, with an EDM feel.
Ah, I see!
-M: あとは、メタルの未来って、こういう未来も広がってるんじゃないかなと思ったりもして。だから、「DA DA DANCE」がメタルの未来を象徴してたら面白いなって思いましたね。ただ、現時点ではフリが付いていないんですよ。だから、どんなフリがくるのかも凄く楽しみです。
MOAMETAL: I think that this is what metal might expand to in the future, so it’ll be interesting if “DA DA DANCE” symbolizes the future of metal. However, the choreography for the song hasn’t been done yet, so I’m really eager to see what it’ll be like.
-S: 私は、「DA DA DANCE」の前の「FUTURE METAL」が凄い面白いなって思ったんですよね。”Disc-1” っていうテーマパークがあったら、そこの入り口のような印象があって。さっきMOAMETALが言ってたようなことでもあるんですけど、「FUTURE METAL」もタイトルからして〝メタルの未来〟で。だから、自分たちは本当に次世代にそういうものを伝えていく…メタルの面白さを伝えていく世代だと思うし、メタルって一口にいっても、いろいろなサブジャンルがあって凄く自由な音楽だったりもするじゃないですか。だから、そういう意味で1曲目の「FUTURE METAL」は、BABYMETALが伝えたいメタルの入り口感があると思うし、その次に来る「DA DA DANCE」で結構斬新なメタルに振り切ったなっていう部分が出ているしで、この2曲の流れが凄く面白いです。
SU-METAL: I thought that “FUTURE METAL” that comes before “DA DA DANCE” was very interesting. If there was a theme park called “Disc 1”, it felt like the entrance. As MOAMETAL said earlier, the title of “Future Metal” also means “the future of metal*.” We really may be the generation that will pass on the appeal of metal to the next, and if I had to summarize metal in one word, I’d say that it’s “free”, with many subgenres and styles. So in that sense, I think the first song “FUTURE METAL” is a gateway to the metal that BABYMETAL wants to convey, and the following song “DA DA DANCE” shows that we’ve swung into a pretty innovative metal style, and the flow of both songs is quite interesting.
(*T/N: obviously, this sentence means more in Japanese as she translates it from English)
『METAL GALAXY』の中で、メタル好きの人が聴くとニヤニヤしそうな曲が「Oh! MAJINAI (feat. Joakim Brodén)」だと思うんですよ。
I think one of the songs in Metal Galaxy that will make metalheads grin when they hear it is “Oh! MAJINAI”.
-M: へえー!
It’s a song in a subgenre of metal called folk metal. What was your impression of the song when you first heard it?
-S: 実は私、この曲が一番好きなんですよ。
SU-METAL: To be honest, this is my favorite.
That is quite the surprise!
-S: 最初聴いたときは、”NAI NANA NAI NAI NAI” がずっとリピートしちゃって(笑)。
SU-METAL: When I first listened to it, I just kept on hearing “NAI NANA NAI NAI NAI” on repeat (laughs).
-M: あのフレーズは確かに消えないよね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: That phrase is really hard to get out of your head (laughs).
-S: 会話の中に「ない」とか出てくると、頭の中で “NAI NANA NAI NAI NAI” って鳴るというぐらいで(笑)。
SU-METAL: Whenever someone says “nai” in a conversation, “NAI NANA NAI NAI NAI” immediately pops up in my head (laughs).
It’s that catchy!
-S: はい(笑)。あと、何か懐かしい感じがするんですよね。
SU-METAL: Yes (laughs). Also, there’s something rather nostalgic about it, isn’t there?
It’s like a nursery rhyme. Also, Joakim Broden from Sabaton is featured on this song - what do you think of his voice?
-M: 去年の11月の公演で、ヨアキムさんと初めてお会いして、それを経て一緒にやってくれるってなったことが凄く嬉しかったですね。あと、ヨアキムさんの声が入ると急に曲のカッコ良さが増すというか…私たちが最初聴いてた「Oh! MAJINAI」って、ヨアキムさんの声が入ってないヴァージョンだったんですね。だから、ヨアキムさんさんの声が入ったヴァージョンを聴くと、急に曲のテンションが上がるし、曲の雰囲気も一気に変わった感じがして。その変化が凄く面白かったです。
MOAMETAL: The first time we met Joakim-san was at our show last November (Note: Dark Night Carnival Extra Show), and maybe that’s what convinced him to join us on this song - I was very happy he agreed! His voice actually wasn’t on the first version of “Oh! MAJINAI”. So when we listened to the updated version with him, the mood and atmosphere of the song changed completely - it was really interesting to see.
そして、『METAL GALAXY』を聴いた人が「DA DA DANCE」と同じくらいにびっくりするであろう曲が「Brand New Day (feat. Tim Henson and Scott LePage)」かなと。驚くというか、意外性がありすぎて。これは今までにない新たな歌い方を披露したSU-METALに解説してもらえたらと。
I think another song that might surprise listeners of Metal Galaxy as much as “DA DA DANCE” is “Brand New Day”. Perhaps it’s more that it feels completely unexpected, rather than just surprise per se. I was hoping SU-METAL, who performs this song in such a new and unprecedented way, could explain it to us.
-S: まず最初に「Brand New Day」を聴いたときに、「これはメタルなんだろうか?」という疑間が私の中にあったんです。
SU-METAL: First of all, when I heard “Brand New Day” for the first time, I had my own doubts as to whether or not this was metal.
That’s probably something that every listener may think to themselves.
-S: そうですかね(笑)。もちろん、カッコいい曲だなっていう印象はあったんですけど、これが果たしてメタルなのか?そして果たしてBABYMETALの曲なのか?という思いが最初はあって。だから、それこそ歌い方とかもいろいろと試行錯誤して、どうやったら曲にフィットして、そしてBABYMETALでもあり、SU-METALでもありっていうところを、どうやったらいい感じで出せるようになるかを凄く考えていて。この曲、最初は間奏のギター・ソロが入っていない状態でレコーディングをしていたんですね。で、ギター・ソロが入った完成したヴァージョンを聴いたら、めちゃめちゃカッコ良くて。BABYMETALがやっている高速の音楽や爆音の中で聴くギターの雰囲気と全然違うというか…何か凄くメロディアスで…本当にギターが歌ってる感じがしたんです。それが凄くカッコいいんですよね。さっきMOAMETALが言ってたみたいに、「Oh! MAJINAI」はヨアキムさんの声が入って雰囲気が変化したってありましたけど、「Brand New Day」も、ギター・ソロが入ることによって曲の雰囲気が全然違う…凄く締まった気がするんですよ。
SU-METAL: Maybe so! (laughs) Of course, my impression is that although it was a very cool song, was it actually “metal”, and was it a “BABYMETAL” song? I definitely had my doubts at first. That’s why I went through a lot of trial and error in terms of singing, and worked very hard trying to figure out how to make it work and sound like a BABYMETAL and SU-METAL song. We initially recorded the song without the guitar solo in the interlude, so when I heard the finished version with the solo, that was very cool. It’s totally different from the high-speed music that BABYMETAL normally does, or the explosive guitars we’re accustomed to… it’s very melodious, and feels like the guitars are really singing. It’s pretty awesome! As MOAMETAL said earlier, the atmosphere of “Oh! MAJINAI” changed after Joakim-san’s voice was added, and “Brand New Day” changed similarly after the guitars were added, so now I think it feels much more complete.
Now that you’re 21 years old, are there any vocalists that SU-METAL admires?
-S: えーー、誰になるんだろうな…。私ってたぶん、目標とかを作るのが苦手だなって思っているんです。それに、例えば誰かになろうとすることによって成長するのは、それはSU-METALではないですし。だから、最近は誰かに憧れるとか、誰かのように歌いたいとかは考えていなかったと思います。
SU-METAL: Hmm, who do I look up to... honestly, I’m not particularly good at setting goals. Besides, I don’t think it feels like SU-METAL to try to grow up trying to be someone else, I guess. That’s why I haven’t really been thinking about aspiring to be like or sing like someone else.
I’d say you’ve overcome a hurdle, and taken it to the next level as a vocalist.
-S: あー、そうなのかもしれないですね。「あんなヴォーカリストさんになりたいな」って思ってやってみたけど、結局はなれないというか…まるっきり同じ人間ではないから無理じゃないですか。もちろん、そう思ったことによって伸びていく人もいるけど、自分はたぶんそういうタイプではないと思うんですよ。今思うのは…自分はもちろん歌が武器だと思うんですけど、それよりも今はSU-METALっていう存在を高めていきたいっていう意識が強くて。そうすることによって自然と歌もカッコ良くなってくるのかもしれないですし。SU-METALの存在感を高めることができれば、声にも存在感を持たせられると思うんです。
SU-METAL: Ah, perhaps you’re right. I tried to imitate another vocalist before, but I came to the conclusion that I just couldn’t do it, because we’re different people. Of course, some people grow by using this mindset, but I don’t think I’m that kind of person. What I’m thinking now is… of course, singing is my primary weapon, but I’ve become more conscious about wanting to strengthen and improve my presence as SU-METAL. Maybe as SU-METAL’s existence grows, the songs will naturally become cooler, and it will be reflected in my voice.
Interview Chapter 7: Metal Gods
In the 3 and a half years since the release of your previous album, you’ve performed with many different metal artists around the world, including legends like Metallica and Judas Priest. Have you come across any new artists that you might consider to be “Metal Gods”?
-S: 私たちにとっての〝メタルの神〟みたいな存在は、やっぱりメタリカさんなんですよね。たぶん、そこはずっと変わらないと思います。
SU-METAL: For us, Metallica will always be the “God of Metal”. I don’t think that will ever change!
-M: メタリカさんは、たぶんいつになっても揺るがない存在だなと思ってるし、だからこそ私たちも次世代にとってそんな存在になれたらいいなって思ってますね。あとはロブさんに…
MOAMETAL: I think Metallica will always be a solid presence, and I hope we can be something like that for the next generation. And of course, there’s Rob-san…
Rob-san is referring to Rob Halford?
-M: そうです。ロブさん(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Of course, Rob-san. (laughs)
(Interviewer laughs)
-M: ロブさんにお会いしたときに、「Stay Metal」っていう言葉をいただいて。それと同時に、「君たちが未来のメタルを背負ってくれ」という言葉も託していただいているので、その言葉を受けて、私たちはそういう存在になりたいなっていう思いが強くなりました。だから、いろいろなことがあっても、ここまで来れたのはロブさんのおかげでもあると思ってます。
MOAMETAL: When we met Rob-san, he told us “Stay Metal”. At the time, he also entrusted us with the words, “You will carry the future of metal on your shoulders” and those words have motivated us to be a group that lives up to these expectations. So even though we’ve been through a lot, I think we’ve been able to make it this far thanks to his blessing.
What kind of impression does SU-METAL have of Rob Halford from Judas Priest? You’ve sung together with him on stage.
-S: やっぱりステージに上がった瞬間のオーラが凄かったです。急に20歳ぐらい若くなった感じがするというか…あの声のパワーもそうだし。本当に生きるレジェンドっているんだなって思いました。一緒にライヴをやらせてもらったとき、正直遠慮してたんですけど、「全然いいよ!ガンガン来なさい!」みたいなことをおっしゃっていただいたんです。最初はほとんどロブさんに歌っていただいて、私はどちらかというとダンスをしたり、盛り上げるほうでと思ってたんですけど、「全然かぶせてきて大丈夫だから!」っておっしゃって。突然だったから、私も「えっ、どうしたらいいんだろう!?」みたいになって。それで最終的に一緒に歌ったんです。
SU-METAL: His aura really becomes amazing as soon as he steps onto the stage. It felt like he had suddenly become 20 years younger, including the power of his voice. I came to realize that there really are Living Legends. To be honest, I was a little hesitant when we were first invited to perform with him, but he said, “No problem at all! Come on over!” At first, Rob-san sang most of the songs, and I figured I’d be more of a backup dancer and liven things up. But he said, “Don’t worry about me, go ahead and try to overshadow my voice!” It was such a sudden paradigm shift that I was at a loss, like “Uh, what am I supposed to do then?” but eventually, we ended up singing together.
Meeting and performing with the “Metal God” Rob Halford definitely left its mark in the BABYMETAL’s DNA.
-SM: はい!
Interview Chapter 8: BABYMETAL’s dreams and future endeavors
最後に、『METAL GALAXY』が発売になって、またこれからBABYMETALの新たな旅が始まると思うんだけど、SU-METALが21歳、MOAMETALが20歳になって、大人の階段を上がってきて、2人はこれからBABYMETALをどうしていきたいですか。BABYMETALとしての夢でもいいし、目標でもいいし。あ、「Only the FOX GOD knows」はなしで答えて下さい(笑)。
Finally, as Metal Galaxy has finally been released, we begin the next stage of BABYMETAL’s journey. SU-METAL is now 21 years old, and MOAMETAL is 20 years old - as you begin your first steps as adults, what do you want to do with BABYMETAL moving forward? It can be your dream or goal as BABYMETAL. Oh, and please try to answer without using, “Only the FOX GOD knows”. (laughs)
-SM: (笑)。
-S: 夢という言葉で言うならば、やっぱりメタルの未来を作っていきたいなっていう思いがあるんです。ただ、自分たちはずっと挑戦者だと思っていて。メタルに対するレジスタンスでBABYMETALっていうものを作って、今度は自分たちがBABYMETALさえも壊してというか…越えて進化していくので、ずっと真っ直ぐ自分たちの道を突き進むのみかなって思っています。だから、正直ゴールみたいなものは今は見えてないし、ある意味それがないのが自分たちらしさなのかもしれないですし。そういう型に縛られるのは違うかなと思っていて。今は『METAL GALAXY』っていうアルバムができて、新しい体制になって、これから新しいBABYMETALを2人で作っていくと思うんですけど、また新たな壁が必ず現れると思うんです。でも、その都度壁を壊して、もしくは壁を乗り越えて、前に前に進み続けていく、前に進むしかない、前に進ませていきたいです。それこそがBABYMETALなんだろうなって思います。
SU-METAL: If I were to describe my dream, it would be to create the future of metal. However, I’ve always thought of ourselves as challengers. We created BABYMETAL as something that resisted against the rules of metal, and now we’re going so far as to destroy BABYMETAL… or rather, we’re going to evolve beyond it, so I think we’re just going to continue full speed down our own path. So to be honest, we don’t have a clear goal at the moment, and in a way, that’s rather rare for us not to have one in mind. I don’t think it’s good for us to be bound by something so concrete. Now that we’ve released Metal Galaxy in our new form, the two of us will create a new BABYMETAL, but I’m sure new obstacles will appear before us. But each time, we break down and overcome walls - there’s no choice but to move forward. To me, that’s what BABYMETAL is all about.
Now that SU-METAL has set the stage with such strong determination, I’d like MOAMETAL to give us a great conclusion.
-M: それは困る…(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Uh… that might be difficult. (laughs)
-S: フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Ahaha! (laughs)
-M: やっぱりメタルの未来を切り開いていくのもそうですし、ここ最近ずっと言ってるのは、次世代にこの音楽…メタルの良さを伝えることだったりが、私たちがしなければならないことだとは思っていますね。あと、私たちはたぶん満足することがないというか…常に模索し続けてるし、常に正解がわからず、あえて〝いばらの道〟を選ぶグループなので…。
MOAMETAL: We’re going to open up the future of metal, and recently, I’ve been emphasizing that we need to convey the awesomeness of metal music to the next generation. Also, we’re never satisfied - always searching, unsure if there’s ever a “perfect” answer, daring to walk down a path full of thorns.
Well, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say it’s filled with thorns...
-M: いや、〝いばらの道〟なんですよ!
MOAMETAL: No, it really is thorny!
-S: 〝いばらの道〟がないよね?って思ったら…。
SU-METAL: I once thought there wasn’t such a thing as a “thorny path”...
-M: 出てくるんです。そして、あえて〝いばらの道〟に行くんです。
MOAMETAL: It certainly exists, and that’s the path we’re going down.
This is the path you’ve chosen, and continue to choose for yourselves.
-S: そうなんです(笑)。
SU-METAL: Yup! (laughs)
-M: めちゃくちゃ切り開かれている道があるのに、あえて〝いばらの道〟を選んでしまうという。
MOAMETAL: There is a more open path we could follow, but we’ve chosen the one filled with thorns.
I guess this is your destiny!
-SM: そうなんです。
-S: まあでも、そういう刺激がないと面白くないかもしれないですけどね。
SU-METAL: Well, things might not be as interesting without this kind of excitement anyway.
-M: そう。〝いばらの道〟を楽しめてるから良かったなって思います。
MOAMETAL: Yup! I think we enjoy taking on challenges this way.
-S: 常に何かを課され続けてきたおかげなのかな(笑)。
SU-METAL: Maybe it’s because I'm used to always having tasks assigned to me. (laughs)
-M: 苦しいのが好きなのかな?(笑)
MOAMETAL: You seem to enjoy suffering? (laughs)
-S: どういうこと?(笑)でも、〝いばらの道〟を通り抜けたあとに見える景色を知ってるからっていうことなのかもしれないです。
SU-METAL: What in the world are you talking about? (laughs) But maybe it’s because we know what the view looks like, after making it through a path of thorns.
-M: きっとそうだよね。だから、たとえこれから凄い〝いばらの道〟が出てきても、このチームなら大丈夫っていう自信はあるので、それを胸に突き進んでいくしかないなって思っています。
MOAMETAL: That’s so true. That’s why I’m confident that we’re going to make it through as a team, blazing our way through this thorny path. We’ll make it regardless of how tough the road ahead of us may be.
Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Shrike (transcription)
We'd be missing out a whole lot of the story of BABYMETAL if we weren`t able to read these translations. It`s great to hear SU and MOA speak about their work.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you! And yeah, it really surprised me to find out that this interview had never been translated yet (as far as I know), because it really is key to understanding the Metal Galaxy era. The next part of the interview to come gives us even more information in that regard! (plus there's like 20 pages from Koba, which - at least from a musical perspective - should be promising)
DeleteThank You 🦊 for this labor of Love.
ReplyDeleteAs a devoted fan since the very YouTube beginning, this has been a treasure to read. Have been aware of interview translations a long time, but this is the first i’ve seen.
This past year i’ve experienced four concerts in the 5 to 6000 seat auditoriums each of those four was total front and center.
Also experienced 2 early BABYMETAL concerts.
The absolute highlights of my long life. (Birth year 1954)
The fox God is very good to me.
BABYMETAL is the greatest motivation for my continued existence in this realm.
Thank You 🦊
Glad you've able to see them live; there truly is nothing else like them!