2012 Marquee Vol.91 Interview
The world’s first and only: fusion between complete metal style and illusionary idol
Text.Interview / MMMatsumoto
今年春、渋谷 AX “アイドル横丁祭” で、完璧なる圧倒的ステージを見せつけた BABYMETAL(そのライヴは公式サイト等に一部 UP)。メタルとアイドルの融合をコンセプトにする BABYMETALとは一体何なのか。もちろん、これまた完全なる学校コンセプトに基づくさくら学院の部活動の一つである重音部の3人組ユニット(中3+中1+中1)のことだ。 が、それ以上に解釈されるものは大きい。これは、ウォーホールもビックリなコンセプチュアルアート級。 そしてアイドルでしか絶対為し得ない“発明”だ(詳細後述)。
This spring, BABYMETAL demonstrated a perfect and overwhelming performance at Shibuya AX “Idol Yokocho Festival”. What exactly is BABYMETAL, a group built on the concept of fusing metal and idol? Of course, it is a three-member unit of the heavy music club (one in her 3rd year of junior high school, two in their 1st year of junior high school), one of Sakura Gakuin’s club activities based on a school concept. But it is much more than that. This is a piece of conceptual art that would surprise even Warhol. And it’s an intention that could only be created from the “idol” world. (details to follow)
それにしても彼女達の例えば“いいね!”の曲展開は、メタル / スクリーモがヒップホップに陥り、直後総デス/ヘッドバンギング。パラパラっぽくもなるという有り得なさ。しかもそれら全要素の意味(物語性)が完全脱色された果てのポップ形態(つまりアヴァンギャルド)。ダンス、キレまくりでカッコカワイく、???で、しかも笑える。間違いなくニューアイドル。本当に海外輸出されるべき真性クールジャパンはBABYMETALが筆頭。『ヘドバンギャー!!』、みんなもヘドバンでキツネになろう!
And yet, the girls perform songs like “Iine!”, which goes from a metal/screamo song into hip-hop, and then into a total death/headbanging song. Unbelievably, it even has sort of a disco feel. In addition, the meaning (narrative) of these elements is completely bleached out, and the result is a form of pop (i.e. avant-garde). The dancing is cool, sharp, utterly baffling, and funny. Undoubtedly, it’s a new form of idol. BABYMETAL is a vanguard of “cool Japan” that really needs to be exported overseas! I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Let’s all turn into foxes by headbanging!
What did you think when you first heard about the concept of fusing metal and idol?
-SU-METAL: 重音部をやるよって聞いて「重音? 重い音?ってなんだろう?」と思いました。「難しいものなのかな?」って。でも“ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング”を聴いたら、「これなら出来そう!やってみたい!」って、すごく楽しみになりました。
SU-METAL: When I first heard about the “Heavy Music Club”, I wondered what “Heavy Music” meant. “Maybe it’ll be a difficult assignment?” But when I first heard “Doki Doki ☆ Morning", I thought to myself, "I can do this! I wanna try it!", and really looked forward to it.
-MOAMETAL: メタルって聞いたことなかったから、お母さんが、アースシェイカーを探してくれて聴いたんですよ、“MORE”っていう曲を(笑)。でもやっぱり分かんなくて。
MOAMETAL: I had never heard of metal before, so my Mom helped by finding a band called Earthshaker, and I listened to a song called “More” (laughs because it sounds like “Moa”). But I still didn’t understand it.
YUIMETAL: I didn’t understand it either, but after doing the dance choreography, we figured out what metal was about, and I wanted to give it my best shot.
So it didn’t really make sense until you heard “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”?
-SU-METAL: そうですね。でも最初は結構かわいい感じの曲だったん DEATH。
SU-METAL: That’s right. But actually, it started out as a pretty cute song.*
(*T/N: readers may notice the girls add “DEATH” at the end of their sentences fairly often in this interview. As in the song “BABYMETAL DEATH”, it’s basically a play on the word “desu” used to end a sentence. As such, it didn’t really make sense to translate. Just keep in mind that they’re basically intentionally ending their sentences in a ‘metal’ way.)
-YUIMETAL: BABYMETAL の曲ってレコーディン中どんどん進化していくん DEATH。一番変ったのが“ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング”かもね。
YUIMETAL: BABYMETAL’s songs kept evolving during the recording process. “Doki Doki ☆ Morning” probably changed the most.
そうだったんですね? そもそも、メタルとは何かを分かってなかったと思うんですけど、逆に言うと自分達がアイドルっていう意識はあるんですか?
Ah, that’s how it was? So you didn’t know what metal was at first - in other words, would you think of yourselves more as idols?
-SU-METAL: SU-の場合、歌とダンスが元々すごく好きで入ったんで、さくら学院が学校っていう感じ。だからそんなにアイドルって感じはなくて。
SU-METAL: In SU’s case, I joined because I really like singing and dancing, and Sakura Gakuin feels like a school. So I don’t really feel that much like an idol.
-YUIMETAL: さくら学院は学校でBABYMETALは部活だから、アイドルじゃないってわけじゃないんだけど、YUI の考えでは BABYMETAL は学校の部活っていう。
YUIMETAL: BABYMETAL is a club within the Sakura Gakuin school theme, so it’s not that we aren’t idols - but in YUI’s opinion, BABYMETAL is more like a school club.
(*T/N: in contrast to interviews done when the girls were older, here they often refer to themselves in third person, which is generally only done by young girls because it sounds cute)
-SU-METAL: さくら学院とかでお客さんに笑われたりとかしたら、「あれ?変な事しちゃったかな」って不安になるんですけど、BABYMETAL だと笑われたら、「よっしゃ!笑われた!」みたいな(一同笑)、嬉しい気持ちになるん DEATH。「なんじゃこりゃ!」っていうふうに思われたいからだと思うんですけど。
SU-METAL: When the audience laughs at us when we do Sakura Gakuin stuff, I feel uneasy and wonder if I did something wrong. But when they laugh as we do BABYMETAL, I think “Yes! We got laughed at!”(all three laugh together), and I’m really happy because we’re trying to create the feeling of “What the hell is this?”
-MOAMETAL: うん。 新しい事が色々できて、新しい自分が発見できる場所。
MOAMETAL: Yup. It’s a place where you can do many new things, and discover new things about yourself.
-YUIMETAL: あー、わかる!
YUIMETAL: Ah, I get it!
-MOAMETAL: ね。 BABYMETAL は放課後の部活動なので赤いネイルしてるん DEATH。 そういうところでも、「自分ってネイルしたらこんな感じなのか」とか色々な発見があります。
MOAMETAL: Right? BABYMETAL is an after-school club, so we’re allowed to wear red nail polish. There are many discoveries to be made, like “Oh, so this is what I look like when I do my nails”.
-SU-METAL: ちょっと濃いメイクとかできたりして、大人な気分になれてすごい嬉しい。
SU-METAL: We get to use heavy makeup, and it makes me happy to feel like an adult.
(*T/N: make-up might not be permitted “in school” due to strict Japanese dress codes for young students, which can be seen in Sakura Gakuin “school” themed activities as well. But because the Heavy Music Club/BABYMETAL is “after school”, it’s “allowed”)
I see… it satisfies a desire for transformation! And speaking of BABYMETAL, you have a special pose. Does MIKIKO-sensei choreograph every detail?
-SU-METAL: でもレコーディング中とかになんとなくみんなで踊ってたのを、MIKIKO先生が、「あっ、それいいじゃん!」って採用してくれたりすることも。“いいね!”の「それわたしのおやつ」って言うラップ部分とか。
SU-METAL: Well, there are times when we are recording a song and dancing together, and MIKIKO-sense will say, “Oh, that’s good!” and she will incorporate it into the choreography. An example would be the rap section “that’s my snack!” (sore watashi no oyatsu) part in “Iine!”.
-MOAMETAL: でもMIKIKO先生が考えたダンスはすごく意味があるよ。歌詞に合ってるよね。
MOAMETAL: But MIKIKO-sensei’s dance moves make a lot of sense, and fit with the lyrics, don’t they?
-SU-METAL: うん!それで踊るのがだんだん楽しくなってくるん DEATH。
SU-METAL: Yes! It makes dancing more and more fun.
Coming up with dance moves on your own is nice, isn’t it? Moving on, could you please tell us your favorite parts in “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, “Iine!”, and “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”?
-SU-METAL: まず“ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング”は、間奏の倒れる所と、サビ前の切り替えの所 DEATH。カッコイイかわいいロボットっていう設定になってて、表情とか振り付けがロボットっぽいんDEATH。そこから急に戻る所「っよね!?」が、すごいお気に入り。
SU-METAL: First of all, in “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, there’s an interlude where we collapse on the floor, and a big change-up in the song before the chorus. It’s set-up to be like a cool, cute robot, and our facial expressions and choreography are very robot-like. The part where we suddenly return after “-yone!?” is my favorite part.
-MOAMETAL: 私のオススメポイントは百面相なん DEATH。この1曲の中に色んな曲調があって、曲ごとに顔が変わるっていうことに注目 DEATH。好きな所は「っよね!?」。いきなり切り替わるところが、かわいいなって思ってます。
MOAMETAL: I especially like how we make so many different faces! There are many different styles packed into one song, and our faces change with each part. My favorite is also the “-yone!?” switch. It’s cute how sudden it is.
YUIMETAL: YUIMETAL feels the same way.
All three of you are fond of the “-yone!?” part. Well then, let’s move to “Iine!”
-SU-METAL: これはラップ部分をレコーディング中に話し合ってたら、面白い意見が出過ぎちゃって、2曲分出来ちゃったん DEATH。それで歌詞が(シングルとアルバム収録分)2種類あるんですよ。それと - サビの「いいね!いいね!」の手の振りがポイント(笑)。
SU-METAL: When we were recording the rap section, we had so many interesting ideas that we ended up making two songs out of it. That’s why there are two versions of the lyrics - one for the single, and one for the album. I also really like our thumbs-up gestures in the chorus of “Iine!” (laughs)
-MOAMETAL: おすすめポイントは、「お前のものは俺のもの」で、それを例えば SU- ちゃんに向けて言ったら、SU- ちゃんの綺麗な歌声が貰えたり、YUI に言ったら、キレキレのダンスが貰えたりして、 そこが大好きなん DEATH!
MOAMETAL: The part I like is “what’s yours is mine” (omae no mono wa ore no mono). So if I say this to SU-chan, I get her beautiful voice, or if I say it to YUI, I get her kick-ass dance moves, and so on. That’s what I love!
-YUIMETAL: YUI は「きつねだぉ!! 」でいきなり重い方に変わった時、よく聴くと「メロイックじゃないキツネサイン」って言ってる所 DEATH。
YUIMETAL: YUI likes the part after it suddenly goes super heavy after “Kitsune dao!” Listen carefully and you can hear “It’s not a demon sign, it’s a fox sign!”
あの.... そもそも、なんでキツネ縛りなんでしょうね(笑)?
Ah… well, why do you do fox-related things anyway? (laughs)
-SU-METAL: “ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング”の 最初の振り付けの時に、メタルのポーズを見せられたん DEATH。でもBABYMETALにはキツネに見えたんで・・・。
SU-METAL: When we were first taught the choreography to “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, they showed us how to do a metal pose. But it looked like a fox to BABYMETAL, so...
-YUIMETAL: だから YUI 達の勘違いでキツネサインが生まれたんだよね。
YUIMETAL: Yes, we created the fox sign by mistake.
Oh, so that’s how it started! Well then, now let’s talk about “Ijime, Dame, Zettai!”
-SU-METAL: これは本格的なメタルだから、ほんとにこのカッコいい雰囲気が好きだし、SU- としては、初めの「ルルル~」がお気に入りなん DEATH。あとは二人の格闘シーン。
SU-METAL: It’s a legitimate metal song, and I really like the cool atmosphere. For SU, the favorite part is the beginning “lululu~”, and also the fight scenes between the two girls.
-MOAMETAL: 格闘シーンは最初ギターバトルみたいな感じだったん DEATH。それがまたダンスもどんどん変わっていってバトルシーンになった。 YUIと MOA が「イエェーイ!」って遊びで合わせてたら、MIKIKO 先生が「あぁいいね!」って。格闘ゲームの中で YUI プレイヤーとMOAプレイヤーが戦ってるっぽくてお気に入りなん DEATH。
MOAMETAL: The fight sequence initially started off as a guitar battle. Then the choreography started to change, and it turned into a fight scene. YUI and MOA were just play-fighting with each other, but MIKIKO-sensei saw us and went “Yeah, let’s do that!” I love it, because it’s like we’re real-life characters in a fighting game.
-YUIMETAL: あとバトルの前の場面で、SU- ちゃんがダンスで操ってる感じも。 そこも YUI達は動かされてるんだみたいな面白い感じがして好きなんDEATH。それと聴き所は、SU- ちゃんの魂のこもった歌声!
YUIMETAL: Also, in the scene before the fight, SU-chan manipulates us with her dance moves. I like that part too, because it makes it feel like we’re being controlled by her, which is interesting. And the best part is SU-chan’s soulful singing voice!
-SU-METAL: やっぱり自分の中で一番好きな所は「君を守るから~」って所。叫べるから。 そこでお客さんが「おぉー!」ってなるのが気分爽快! ステージを取ったみたいな気持ちになるん DEATH。
SU-METAL: My favorite line is “Because I will protect you!~” (kimi o mamoru kara), and I get to shout it out at the top of my lungs. It’s quite refreshing to hear the audience cheer at that part, and it makes me feel we’ve taken over the stage.
あと最初、YUIちゃんとMOA ちゃんがステージ左右から走るでしょ?
Also, YUI-chan and MOA-chan run across the stage from the left and right, don’t you?
-生活指導: あれは「ルルル~」でキツネを呼んでるんですよ。
Student Counseling Teacher: The “lululu~” summons the fox!
(*T/N: it’s not 100% clear who this “teacher” is, though it is most likely to be Koba - who may not have officially adopted the “KOBAMETAL” moniker yet, hence being referred to as a “teacher” here, as that has been one of his titles in Sakura Gakuin.)
そういう設定なんですか?!(笑)。 知ってた?この話。
Is that what it means?! (laughs) Did you know this part of the story?
-YUIMETAL: 聞いたことはありました。暗闇の中から二人がダッシュする所も、おすすめポイントなんDEATH。
YUIMETAL: Yes, I had heard of it. The part where we dash out from the darkness is also really great!
-SU-METAL: 出てきたと思ったら「あれ?いない」みたいな(笑)。だからいつもステージの幅によって走り具合も変るっていう(一同笑)。
SU-METAL: Just when I think they’ll appear, I look around, “Huh? Where are they?” (laughs) They have to adjust the speed of their opening dash based on how large the stage is. (they all laugh together)
-MOAMETAL: 渋谷AXはすっごい遠かった。50メートル走を走ってる気分(一同笑)。
MOAMETAL: Shibuya AX was really far. I felt like I was running a 50-meter race! (they all laugh together)
-YUIMETAL: でもなんかBABYMETAL終わってからって、疲れてないよね?
YUIMETAL: But we don’t feel tired after a BABYMETAL performance, do we?
-MOAMETAL: 疲れてない。「楽しかったね~」って終わる。
MOAMETAL: No, not at all! “Oh~ that was so much fun!”
-SU-METAL: なんかみんな妙に笑ってるから大丈夫かなって、本当にネジ飛んでったんじゃないかな?っていっつも思っちゃう(笑)。
SU-METAL: Everyone is just delirious with smiles and laughter, to the point where I wonder if we’ve totally lost it. (laughs)
It’s quite a refreshing feeling?
-MOAMETAL: うん。ストレスを吐き出す感じ。
MOAMETAL: Yes! Very stress-relieving.
-SU-METAL: 中1でそんな溜まってんの?!(一同笑)
SU-METAL: You’ve accumulated that much stress already, even as a 1st-year junior high student?! (they all laugh)
And now, we move on to the new song “Headbanger!!”
-SU-METAL: やっぱりあの間奏前。「あたま、あたま、あたま」の所(笑)。だからそこで、皆さんに頭をバーって振ってもらえればなって、すごい期待でいっぱい DEATH!(笑)。
SU-METAL: Before the interlude, there’s a part where we go “Head, head head!” (atama, atama, atama) (laughs) I’m really looking forward to seeing if everyone will shake their heads along with us! (laughs)
-MOAMETAL: MOAが最初に思ったのは、アンタッチャブルのザキヤマさんの「からの~」が、MOA ツボにハマって大好きなんですよ。この新曲にも、「からの〜」とか入ってるから、そこもツボにハマって大好き DEATH。
MOAMETAL: The first thing that MOA thought of was “karano~” from Zakiyama-san’s comedy routine, which hits the spot perfectly for MOA. This new song also has “karano~”, so I love it too.
(*T/N: Hironari "Zakiyama" Yamazaki is a Japanese comedian who is part of a group called "Untouchable".)
-YUIMETAL: 完成ヴァージョンを聴いたら、「へドバン、ヘドバン」って言ってるところでハモリを録ったはずのハモリが大きくて、メロディがハモリみたくなって面白かった。
YUIMETAL: In the finished version, the part where we go “Hedoban, Hedoban” is funny because we should be harmonizing, but it’s so loud that it seems the main melody becomes the harmony.
-SU-METAL: でも歌詞は悲しい感じなんですよね。だけど二人が「からの〜」とか軽い感じで来るから(笑)。そのギャップも面白いなって。あと初めて「消えろ」って所がウィスパーボイスなん DEATH。「わぁ大人っぽくなったな」って思ってす ごく感動した(笑)。
SU-METAL: But the lyrics are rather sad, aren’t they? Yet somehow, the two of you come in with the lighthearted “karano~” (laughs) The contrast is quite interesting! Also, this is the first time I’ve ever sung in a whispery voice “Get out” (ki-e-ro). I was really impressed at how grown-up it felt! (laughs)
ヴォーカル面も、どんどんランクアップしてると思うんですよ。わかりました。 ありがとうございます。
The vocals have improved together with everything else! I understand a lot more now. Thank you for your time!
-三人: はい、ありがとうございましたー!!
BABYMETAL: Thank you very much!
Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Shrike (transcription)
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