2013 Hedoban #2 BABYMETAL Interview
Everyone, here we go~! BABYMETAL’s Summer Festival Report
世間が冬支度をしようとも、俺たちは BABYMETAL Tシャツを着てまだまだ夏が続いてる
まだまだ終わらないBABYMETAL のメタル・レジスタンス
Our never-ending summer
Even as the world is getting ready for winter, summer continues for those of us still wearing BABYMETAL T-shirts
That frenzied summer we fought together with BABYMETAL continues
That blazing summer with BABYMETAL continues
BABYMETAL’s metal resistance is not over yet, and therefore neither is ours!
発売前から大名作とわかっているDVD『LEGEND I.D.Z APOCALYPSE』の発売を 記念して、そしてそして約一ヶ月後に迫った幕張メッセ・イベントホールで行われる「LEGEND "1997" SU-METAL聖誕祭」の前夜祭も含めてーーBABYMETALと共に闘った夏の続き、今年の夏フェスの台風の目とも呼ばれ幾多の伝説を作ったBABYMETALの夏フェス後夜祭、 俺たちのBABYMETAL後夜祭、いよいよスタート!
To commemorate the release of the “Legend I.D.Z Apocalypse” DVD, which is highly anticipated to be a great masterpiece, and on the eve of the “Legend 1997 SU-METAL Birthday” performance to be held at Makuhari Messe in about a month… continuing from the summer when we fought together with BABYMETAL, the post-summer festival of BABYMETAL - who were called the eye of the typhoon during this year’s summer festivals as they created many legends - has begun!
初の野外フェスのメトロック!北の大地初上陸のジョイン・アライヴ! 日本最大級フェスのロッキン初見参!すでに伝説となったサマソニ! 海外第二弾なジャカルタ!夏の終わりなイナズマ! そして遂に来たガチなメタルフェスのラウパ!!!
Metrock, the first outdoor festival! Join Alive, the first time in northern Japan! First visit to Rockin’, one of the biggest festivals in Japan! The already legendary Summer Sonic! Jakarta, the second overseas festival! Inazuma at the end of the summer! And finally, the serious metal festival Loud Park!
Retrospective Interview about Summer Festivals
Text: Hedoban Editor-in-Chief Umezawa
今年の夏~秋の日本(インドネシアも)のフェスを行脚し、しかもアニメ系フェスからガチなメタルフェスまでと、今これだけ振り幅のあるフェスに出られるのはもしかしたらBABYMETALだけでは?とも言えるぐらいに、様々なジャンルのフェスに出演し、初見の人の度肝を抜き、ときに賛否両論を巻き起こし、そして最後にはガッツリとキツネの爪痕を残してきた3人にあの激戦の記憶冷めやらぬラウパニ日後に直撃! 夏フェスを経験して驚くほどに成長した3人の姿がそこにはあった!
They toured Japan (and Indonesia) from summer to autumn this year, performing in a wide range of festivals - from anime to serious metal. I wonder if BABYMETAL is the only group that could possibly perform in such a wide range of festivals? We interviewed BABYMETAL directly after Loud Park, while memories of their fierce battles were still fresh. These three girls appeared at festivals of so many different genres, struck a chord with first-timers, sometimes causing controversy, always leaving a solid mark of the fox. The three of them have grown remarkably after experiencing their summer festivals!
Saitama Super Arena (Saitama)
October 20, 2013
Setlist (Kami Band)
Kimi to Anime ga Mitai
Catch Me If You Can
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
Today, I’d like to ask the three of you to look back on the festivals you performed at this year, starting with Loud Park, which you just completed. (two days ago) What was the atmosphere like?
-SU-METAL: 最初、アウェイな感じを想像してステージに立っていたので、アリーナが盛り上がっていたのが凄く驚いたのと、ステージが左右に半分になっていたので隣のステージを覗き込んだりしたのが楽しかった DEATH!
SU-METAL: At first, I’d imagined that standing on the stage would feel very away from home, so I was very surprised at how lively the arena was. Since the stage was split in half on both sides, it was fun to peek at the stage next to us!
Did KOBAMETAL tell you it was going to be an “away show”?
-SU-METAL: そうですね。メタルのイベントだったので最初はやっぱり怖かった…。
SU-METAL: That’s right. It was a metal event, so I was scared at first...
-YUIMETAL: YUIMETALも「初めてのお客さんがほとんどだよ」って聞いていたから凄い ’’頑張らなきゃ’’ って気持ちでやっていて。そうしたら予想以上に盛り上がってくれたので嬉しかったのと...あと対談させてもらったトリヴィアムさんが実際に会ってみたら...普通に優しい方だなって。でも、BABYMETALのライヴが終わってトリヴィアムさんのステージを観たら凄いロックになってて。舌を出してベェーっ!てやってたり(笑)。そのギャップが凄いなって思いました。
YUIMETAL: YUIMETAL was also told that “most of the audience has never heard of BABYMETAL before”, so I felt like I had to do my best. I was happy that they were more excited than expected! Also, we got to meet Trivium in person… they were normal and very nice. But when I saw them perform on stage after our show, they were really rocking! They’d stick out their tongue and going “behhhh!~” (laughs) I thought that contrast was amazing.
Did all three of you see Trivium perform?
-全員: 観ました!
All: Yes we did!
-MOAMETAL: しかもステージ袖で!
MOAMETAL: In fact, we got to see them from the side of the stage!
-YUIMETAL: 頭の振り付けで...。
YUIMETAL: WIth head choreography...
ん? 頭の振り付け!?(笑)
Hm? Head choreography? (laughs)
-YUIMETAL: ヘドバンが扇風機みたいにクルクルしてるのがあって...あっ! 扇風機ヘドバン! その扇風機ヘドバンが髪が長かったから本当に扇風機みたいで。BABYMETALも「メギツネ」でやっているので、もっと扇風機ヘドバンを極めたいDEATH!
YUIMETAL: There was a part where they would headbang, with their heads spinning like a fan! It really looked like a fan going round and round, because their hair was long. BABYMETAL also does it in “Megitsune”, so I want to master the fan headbang more!
-MOAMETAL: 前日にKOBAMETALがラウドパークを観に行っていて、「音が大きいから耳栓を持ってくるように」って言われたんDEATH。耳栓を持ってくるほど大きい音でやったことって無いし、そんな大きいってことは本当に鼓膜が破れるんじゃないかと思っていて。ちゃんとした耳栓を買って行ったんですけど...出番がなかった(笑)。意外と大丈夫!
MOAMETAL: KOBAMETAL had gone to visit Loud Park the previous day, and told us to bring earplugs because the sound was so deafening. I’d never performed with sound so loud that it needed earplugs, and I was afraid that if it were really that loud, my eardrums would break. I brought some proper earplugs, but… I didn’t have to use them (laughs). Surprisingly, I’m fine!
いろんなバンドがたくさん出演していて、BABYMETALもいろんなバンド のメンバー...トリヴィアムのキイチやスピリチュアル・ベガーズのマイケル・アモットとかとフォト・セッションをやったけど、刺青がたくさん入ってる人がいて、怖かったりとかはなかった?
In addition to BABYMETAL, there were many other bands performing as well... you did a photo session with Matt Kiichi Heafy of Trivium, and Michael Amott of Spiritual Beggars, but were you initially scared of people with lots of tattoos?
-SU-METAL: 最初はちょっとありました(笑)。でも、一緒にインタビューしているときに言葉が分からないのに一生懸命聞いてくれるんですよ。インタビュアーの人が訳したらそれに対して「こうなの?」って感じで質問してくれたりとかして。それでイメージが変わっていきました。
SU-METAL: A little bit, at first (laughs). But when we were interviewed together, they listened very intently to what we said, and when the interviewer translated our answers into English for them, they’d ask the interviewer, “Ah, this is what the girls said?” That experience changed the impression I had of them from before.
Everyone was nice to you?
-MOAMETAL: 優しかった!トリヴィアムのマシューさんが凄くたくさん刺青をしていたんですよ。それが凄く気になって見せてもらったんですけど、怒られなかった DEATH!
MOAMETAL: Very nice! Matthew-san from Trivium has lots of tattoos. I was very curious and asked him to show me, but he didn’t get mad at all!
How about YUIMETAL?
-YUIMETAL: BABYMETAL の最初の頃は本当に神バンドさんのメイクも怖かったくらいなんで、刺青ももちろん恐くて...。ですけど、この夏でいろんな国の方と会うようになって外国の方と話すのって楽しいな、いつかはその国の言葉で話したいなって思うようになってきたんDEATH!
YUIMETAL: When BABYMETAL first started, the Kami Band’s makeup scared me a bit, and of course, I was afraid of tattoos… but this summer, I’ve come to find it quite fun to meet and talk to people from different countries, and I’d like to be able to speak in their language someday!
ラウドパークで感じたのが、「ヘドバンギャー!!」のときに2人がジャンプをするじゃない? あのジャンプが最近凄く高くなっているんじゃないかなと。そこは意識してたりする?
At Loud Park, when you jump around during “Headbanger!!”, I felt that the two of you have been jumping higher and higher lately. Is that something you’ve noticed?
-MOAMETAL: 昔は全力でやりすぎていて「ヘドバンギャー!!」まで体力が残ってないことがあったんです。最近はペース配分をして最初の4回は軽めにやって最後の2回で高く飛んでお客さんをビックリさせようって変えてみたんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: I used to give it all I had, and sometimes didn’t have enough energy when performing “Headbanger!!”. Recently, we’ve been trying to change the pacing so that we jump lightly the first four times, and the last two are really high, to surprise the audience!
-YUIMETAL: 最後の2回で貯めてた分を見たのかな?
YUIMETAL: I bet what you saw was our last two jumps, where we charged up our jumps to the max?
By the way, do you have a name for the jumps in “Headbanger!!”?
-MOAMETAL: 決める?(笑)
MOAMETAL: Did we decide on one yet? (laughs)
-YUIMETAL: どうする?(笑)
YUIMETAL: What should we do? (laughs)
-SU-METAL: (笑)私はLEGEND ‘’D’’ のときに一緒にジャンプやったんですよ。そこで凄い大変なんだなって実感しました。最初2人に「こんな感じ?」って飛んでみたら「全然違う!」って凄い笑われました(笑)。
SU-METAL: (laughs) I jumped together with them for Legend D. That’s when I realized how hard it is! At first, I asked them if I was doing it right, and they laughed at me and said, “It’s totally different!” (laughs)
ラウドパークのような沢山のお客さんの前でパフォーマンスして、次の日に急に世を忍ぶ仮の姿に戻るじゃない? 違和感とかはあったりする?
You performed in front of a large audience like at Loud Park, and then the next day, you suddenly go back to your temporary form of hiding from the world. Is that contrast strange or discomforting?
-MOAMETAL: なんか凄く寂しい気がする。今までずっとお客さんや神バンドさんたちとも会っていたし。
MOAMETAL: Somehow, it’s kind of lonely, after getting accustomed to the audience and the Kami Band’s presence.
-SU-METAL: 授業中とか考え事をしているときにここら辺で(自分の頭を指しながら) BABYMETALの音楽が流れてます(笑)。
SU-METAL: When I’m in class or thinking about stuff, BABYMETAL’s music is playing in here (points to her head). (laughs)
-YUIMETAL: ライヴDVDを観たときに...本当に自分の中で変身しているんじゃないかな?って思って。だから学校での世を忍ぶ仮の姿とBABYMETALのYUIMETALになる切り替え...変身出来る感じが楽しくなりました。
YUIMETAL: When I watch DVDs of our live shows… I think, “Something’s transforming inside me, isn’t it?” That’s why I’ve been enjoying the feeling of being able to switch between my temporary appearances at school, and becoming YUIMETAL of BABYMETAL… I’m enjoying the feeling of being able to change back and forth.
Wakasu Seaside Park (Shin-Kiba, Tokyo)
May 26, 2013
SETLIST (Babybones)
Doki Doki ☆ Morning
Catch Me If You Can
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
Well then, let’s return to festivals. First up was Metrock in Shin-Kiba.
-全員: (メンバー全員あれこれ思い出すために会場のケータリング、風景、特徴などを挙げて話し合う)
All: (they begin discussing the catering, scenery, and features of the venue, to remind themselves of the performance)
-YUIMETAL: あ、思い出した!
YUIMETAL: Ah, I remember!
MOAMETAL: We partied!
You partied?
-MOAMETAL: ケータリングが沢山あったので、みんなとたくさん食べました (笑)。
MOAMETAL: There was plenty of catering, so I ate a lot with everyone (laughs).
That’s something that you can only experience at a festival, right?
-全員: はい!
All: Yes!
思い出した? (笑)
Do you remember anything else? (laughs)
-全員: (また特徴を話し合う)
All: (continue discussing features amongst themselves)
-MOAMETAL: あ、この間、学校の作文で書いたんですよ!去年はサマソニについて書いて。今年は音楽の素晴らしさについて書いて。それでフェスのことを書いたんですけど...思い出せないDEATH!(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Oh, I wrote an essay for school the other day! Last year, I wrote about Summer Sonic. This year, I wrote about the beauty of music. And I wrote about the festival too, but… I can’t remember what I wrote! (laughs)
As was the case in our previous interview, MOAMETAL’s memory continues to be rather poor… (laughs)
-SU-METAL: そういえばメトロックで初めて大きいWOD(ウォール・オブ・デス)起きたんだ!はじめは「なんじゃこれ?」って思って。
SU-METAL: Oh, we got to experience our first Wall of Death at Metrock! At first I was like, “what the heck is this?”
SU-METAL observes the audience rather calmly, don’t you?
-SU-METAL: このときのフェスが凄く盛り上がっていて、フェスってあまり盛り上がらない...初めて観る人も多いから「あれ?」って雰囲気になるのが当たり前みたいな感じだと思ってました。でも、メトロックは最初から凄く盛り上がっていたんですよ。そしたらその次のフェスではそこまでではなくて...寂しい気持ちになって......。 ‘’フェスってこういうもんだよ’’ って教えられました。
SU-METAL: The festival this time was exciting beyond my expectations! I had thought that for festivals in general, the crowds wouldn’t be as hyped, because most of the audience would be confused since they hadn’t seen us perform before. But the Metrock audience was incredibly hyped right from the beginning. Then, at the next festival, it wasn’t the case for the following festival, which made me feel a bit down and sad. So these experiences taught us this lesson about festivals.
-MOAMETAL: 前の方はお客さんが結構いてくれたんですけど、うしろの方はまだ入れるって感じで。でも曲を重ねていくごとにお客さんがどんどん増えていったのを覚えてます。
MOAMETAL: There were a lot of people in the front, but the people in the back could still join in. As we played more and more songs, I remember the audience growing larger and larger.
-YUIMETAL: お客さんの「イジメ~」のダメジャンプが凄くよく見えたのがこのフェスだったと思います。お立ち台に登って一番うしろの人までジャンプしてるのが見えたので。
YUIMETAL: At this festival, we could see the audience’s “Dame jumping” during “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” very clearly. From the stage, I could see people all the way in the back jumping up and down.
As SU-METAL said just now, a big Wall of Death was formed - I’m guessing you two were calm enough to notice it forming.
-SU-METAL: はい。でも 2人は走ってるから見えないんDEATH!
SU-METAL: Yes. But the two of them couldn’t see it because they were running!
MOAMETAL & YUIMETAL: That’s right!
-SU-METAL: WODのときに、お客さんがSU-METALに向かって’’ドヤっ’’! って顔してくるん DEATH(笑)。あと、最近は2人が走り出す直前の「あーーっ!」って叫ぶ手前くらいで、突然WODの真ん中くらいでOKのサインを出して(笑)。その瞬間にダッーーーって走って。それはラウドパークだったんですけど。
SU-METAL: During the Wall of Death, the audience would look towards SU-METAL, with faces full of triumph! (laughs) Also, recently, people in the midst of the Wall of Death would give an OK signal to the people around them when I shouted “Ahhhhhh!” right before the two of them start to run, and then people begin dashing towards the center. It was at Loud Park that this happened.
-YUIMETAL: 凄い! なにそれ!
YUIMETAL: Wow! What the heck is that?
-MOAMETAL: 見たい!でも絶対に見れない!(笑)
MOAMETAL: I wanted to see it! But I couldn’t see it at all! (laughs)
メトロックのときは骨バンドでラウドパークのときは神バンドだったじゃない? 3人にとって骨と神で気持ちの部分で違いとかはあったりする?
You had the Babybones for Metrock, and the Kami Band for Loud Park, right? Did the 3 of you feel a difference between the two?
-MOAMETAL: 骨バンドさんはシンガポールもジャカルタも一緒に行ってるんですよ。
MOAMETAL: The Babybones accompanied us to both Singapore and Jakarta (Indonesia).
You’ve worked with the Kami Band many times, so you have good communication, right?
-YUIMETAL: 最近は話す機会も多くなってきてるん DEATH!
YUIMETAL: We’ve been talking more and more lately!
-MOAMETAL: 神様によって...例えばギターの神が変わると、ちょっとずつ音が違うって言うか...
MOAMETAL: It depends on the Kami… for example, when the Guitar Kami switches out, the sound is slightly different.
-YUIMETAL: それあるある!
YUIMETAL: Ah yes, that’s right!
You can tell the difference!?
-MOAMETAL: ギターソロのときに音がちょっと違ったりするので面白いDEATH!
MOAMETAL: The sound is a little different during the guitar solo, which is interesting!
-YUIMETAL: YUIMETALはギターじゃなくて音が変わるとドラムに気付いて。いつも同じ神様がやってくれていて。 で、いきなりコロっと変わると違うなって思う。それに慣れてきたりもするんDEATH!
YUIMETAL: YUIMETAL notices the difference in drumming, rather than the guitar. It’s always the same Kami, so when it suddenly changes, I can tell the difference. But you can get used to it!
-MOAMETAL: SU-METALはイヤモニで聴いているから直接神バンドの音は聴けていないですけど YUIMETALとMOAMETALは直接バンドの生音が聴けるので、凄いパワーが伝わってきて。それが凄い力になります。
MOAMETAL: SU-METAL listens using ear monitors, so she can’t hear the sound of the Kami Band directly, but for YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL, we can hear the great power of the Kami Band’s live sound directly. It gives us the strength to perform.
What does SU-METAL think of the difference between the Babybones and the Kami Band?
-SU-METAL: 神バンドさんとは5月から本格的に一緒にやり始めたんですけど。それまでは、イヤモニの使い方もそうですけど、音楽のことがよく分かっていなかったんですね。でも、神バンドさんたちと話すようになって音楽のことを教えてもらったりして。あとPAさんと話すようになったり。そういう幅が広がったなって思うのと、あとは...ライヴ中にうしろから音が出てるじゃないですか。そういうので共に頑張ってるというか...共にやってるんだ!っていう感じが出てきて、それが凄く嬉しいDEATH! 骨さんは骨さんでライヴ中、うしろを見たときに神バンドさんだったら表情が見えるけど骨さんだと見えないから(笑)、 「イジメ~」のときはずっとドラムの人と向き合っている状態なんですけど、お互いに「よし!頑張ろう!」ってエールを送りあっている感じが凄い嬉しいですね。だから、どっちも大切な存在 DEATH!
SU-METAL: We started working with the Kami Band in earnest in May. Before that, I didn’t really know how to use ear monitors, or anything about this aspect of performing music. But when I started talking to the Kami Band, they taught me a lot about music. I’ve also begun talking to the PA person in charge of the sound. I’ve broadened my horizons in that way, and also… when the Kamis played for us, the sound came from behind. That made me feel as if we were working hard together - or rather, cooperating. I was very delighted at this! On the other hand, when I looked back during the show, I could see the Kami Band’s facial expressions, but couldn’t see them when it came to the Babybones (laughs). In “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, I was facing the Babybone drummer, and we were both like, “OK! Go for it!” I’m really happy that we could send each other encouragement. That’s why both the Kamis and the Babybones are important to me!
Hokkaido (Iwamizawa)
July 21, 2013
SETLIST (Kami Band)
Doki Doki ☆ Morning
Catch Me If You Can
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
Photo posted on BABYMETAL official Twitter
次に、初の北海道でのライヴとなるJOIN ALIVEはどうだった?
Next, how was your first show in Hokkaido - Join Alive?
-MOAMETAL: SU-METALは神バンドさんやPAさんやマニピュレーターさんとお話していたんですけど、YUIMETALとMOAMETALは宿題やってました。夏休み中に宿題が終わる気がしなくて超一生懸命宿題やってたんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: While SU-METAL was talking with the Kami Band, PA, and stage technicians, YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL were doing homework. I didn’t feel like finishing my homework during summer vacation, so I was working super hard on getting it done here!
-SU-METAL: JOIN ALIVEが一番戸感ったかも...。メトロックとかNHKホールのワンマンの盛り上がりを想像してやっていたからか凄く寂しくて...。それで3人とも落ち込んでいたら「フェスって初めて見る人も多いからこういうもんなんだよ」って言われて。盛り上げなきゃ! ってやっていたのが...。
SU-METAL: Join Alive was the most confusing… we’d anticipated the excitement of a solo show at Metrock or NHK Hall, so we were really disappointed at the lackluster response… they told us, “there are many people who are attending a festival for the first time, so this is normal”. We worked really hard to try and get them hyped up, but...
-YUIMETAL: 空回りしちゃったんだよね。
YUIMETAL: It’s like we were spinning our wheels.
-SU-METAL: そんな感じでしたね。
SU-METAL: That’s how it felt.
JOIN ALIVE直後のSNSでのお客さんの反応を見ると「WODが起きたりして凄い凄い!」って書かれていたから、ちゃんとお客さんに刺さってるんだなって思っていたんだけどね。SU-METALからWODは見えた?
When I saw the reactions from the audience on social media after JOIN ALIVE, they wrote that “A Wall of Death happened! Amazing!” So I thought it must have really left an impression on the audience. Did you see the Wall of Death?
-SU-METAL: 見えました!やっぱり「イジメ~」はいつもどの曲よりも盛り上がるから安心するんDEATH! 「イジメ~」の最初でSU-METALが1人で歌っているときとか、お客さんが見守ってくれている感じもあるんですよ。これから闘いに挑むぞ!的な雰囲気で輪を作ってくれて。みなさん暖かい目で見守ってくれるので。やっぱり、それは凄くありがたいですね。
SU-METAL: I could see it! The audience got more hyped at “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” than any other song, which brought us a sense of relief. When I sang alone at the beginning, I could feel the audience watching over me. The atmosphere created was like one where we would fight alongside each other, with caring eyes. I’m very grateful for that.
「あれ? 反応が違うぞ?」っていうのはYUIMETALもMOAMETALも思った?
It was YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL that felt, “Huh? The reaction is different from what we expected?”
-MOAMETAL: 自分たちだけが盛り上がっているっていうか...お客さんを引き込めてないのかな? まだちょっと足りないのかな?って思いました。自分たちだけが盛り上がっていて、お客さんは置いてけぼりになってしまっているんじゃないかな?って感じました。
MOAMETAL: It’s like we were the only ones getting excited… I couldn’t figure out if we weren’t doing enough to draw the audience in? It felt like we were the only ones getting hyped, and the audience was left behind.
-YUIMETAL: だから逆に、掛け声とか自分たちで言える部分は、もう、めっちゃ頑張ったのを覚えてます。
YUIMETAL: For that reason, we tried harder than ever for the parts where we could express ourselves through call & response and shouting - that’s what I remember.
じゃ、JOIN ALIVEはちょっとアウェイな雰囲気も感じつつ...。
So, the atmosphere at Join Alive was a bit away-from-home...
-SU-METAL: あとでスタッフさんに言われて「あ、そういうものなんだ!」って学べたのが逆に良かったですね。自分たちが焦り過ぎていたせいでそうなったのかな?って考えさせられるところもあり...。だから、ある意味JOIN ALIVEのライヴがあったからこそ、この夏のフェスも乗り切れたんじゃないかな?って思います。
SU-METAL: In a sense, it was a good learning experience for us, because the staff taught us that sometimes, that’s just how things are. I wondered if it was because we were too anxious? So in a way, I think we were able to get through the summer’s festivals because of the Join Alive shows. At least, that’s what I think.
-MOAMETAL: でも、また行きたいDEATH!
MOAMETAL: But, I still want to go again!
北海道は食べ物も美味しいしね (笑)。
Hokkaido has great food, after all (laughs).
-全員: そうなんDEATH(笑)。
All: That’s right! (laughs)
National Hitachi Seaside Park (Ibaraki)
August 4, 2013
SETLIST (Babybones)
Catch Me If You Can
Doki Doki ☆ Morning
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
Do you remember the next festival, Rock In Japan?
-全員: (思い出すためにしばし話し合う)
All: (they begin discussing amongst themselves)
-SU-METAL: このときはライヴしながら「え? もう『イジメ~』?」「もう終わり?」って感じになって。あまりに暑くてリアルに2曲目くらいから記憶が飛びました。あと、お客さんが凄い若い人が多かったなって。本当に高校生くらいの人とか。
SU-METAL: At the time, while performing, I wondered, “Huh? We’re at ‘Ijime, Dame, Zettai’ already? The show’s ending?” It was so hot that I actually don’t remember anything after the 2nd song. Also, there were a lot of young people in the audience, such as high school students.
-MOAMETAL: 金髪の人が多かったかも?(笑)
MOAMETAL: There were a lot of people with their hair dyed blonde, I feel. (laughs)
NOTE: while dyeing hair isn’t necessarily rare in Japan, it is viewed in a potentially negative way in certain more conforming environments such as school. As such, Moa’s sentence here could possibly be interpreted to mean that she saw a lot of people that were different from what she might see in “normal life”.
-YUIMETAL: あとテントからはみ出てチラっと見てるお客さんもいて。お立ち台に登ったときとかは、その人たちにも「わぁー!」ってやりました。
YUIMETAL: There were also people emerging from their tents to see us. When we climbed up on the platforms, we called out to those people as well.
-SU-METAL: 本当にお客さんも暑くて大変な感じになっていたので。前の方の人とか大丈夫かな?って思ったのを凄く覚えていますね。
SU-METAL: It was getting really hot, and the audience was having a tough time. I remember wondering if the people in front of us were okay.
例えばロック・イン・ジャパンだったらPerfumeとかいろんな先輩のアーティストが出るじゃない? フェスで他のアーティストのライヴは観たりする?
At Rock in Japan, there are a lot of experienced artists like Perfume, right? Do you ever see other artists’ performances at festivals?
-全員: Perfume さんを観ました!
All: We went to see Perfume-san perform!
Perfume’s performance was on a big stage that could hold 50,000 people - how did the three of you feel when you saw such a massive stage?
-SU-METAL: 客席からちょっと離れたステージを観やすいところで観ていたんですけど、そこから観ていてもどこまでいるか分からないくらいお客さんが多くて。 しかも、ちゃんと 1人 1人に向き合っている感じだったので、それが凄いなと思いましたね。
SU-METAL: We were watching from a place further from the audience, where we could see the stage more easily. The crowd was so large that I couldn’t tell how many were there. Moreover, it seemed Perfume-san was paying attention to each and every single person. I thought that was amazing!
-YUIMETAL: SU-METAL の言うとおり凄いうしろまでお客さんがいたんですよ。で、一番うしろの人まで最前列にいるみたいなテンションで盛り上がってて。 Perfumeさんも一番うしろの人にまで届けてたっていうところが本当に伝わってて凄いなって思いました。
YUIMETAL: As SU-METAL said, there were people all the way to the back, and they were just as hyped as the fans in the front row. I thought it was great that Perfume-san was able to reach the people way in the back.
-MOAMETAL: BABYMETALが観ていたところからステージはけっこう遠かったんですけど、ステージ上の人って遠くから観ると小さいじゃないですか。それなのに、3人の振りが一緒に揃って一緒に音をダンスで出すと言うか。1人1人は小さいのに3人で揃ったらこんなに大きいものになるのだな!って思いました。BABYMETALももっと振りとか揃えてうしろの方の方にもたくさんBABYMETALの良さを知ってもらいたいなって思います。
MOAMETAL: The stage was quite far away from where we were, so the people on stage were quite small from a distance. And yet we could see that the choreography of the three matched perfectly, as if making sound through their dance moves. Each one might be small if seen individually - but viewed together in synchronization, their moves became large and powerful! That’s what I thought. I’d like to see BABYMETAL align our choreography more, so the people in the back can get to know BABYMETAL’s qualities more.
Tokyo & Osaka
August 10 & 11, 2013
SETLIST (Tokyo) (Kami Band)
Catch Me If You Can
Doki Doki ☆ Morning
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
SETLIST (Osaka) (Kami Band)
Catch Me If You Can
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
次はいよいよサマソニ DEATH!
And next, we have Summer Sonic!
-SU-METAL: 一言で言うと暑かったDEATH!(笑)。
SU-METAL: In a word, it was HOT! (laughs)
First of all, in Tokyo, you performed on a larger stage than last year. Was that special for the three of you?
-MOAMETAL: 自分たちが昨年サマソニに出たときに「来年はあのステージに出たいね!」って話しをしていたステージだったので、たった1年で大きいところに出させて頂いたのは嬉しかったDEATH! そんなに直ぐに出来るものじゃないと思っていたから...去年出たいと思っていたステージに出れることになって...なんか夢みたいでした。
MOAMETAL: When we performed at Summer Sonic last year, we had talked about how we wanted to perform at this large stage next year! I was so happy that we were allowed to perform at a bigger stage just one year later! I didn’t think it would be possible so soon… so to be able to achieve our goal from last year was like a dream come true.
-SU-METAL: 本当に出られると思っていなかったのでステージに立ちながらも去年あそこで観てたのかな?って思って。去年自分が観ていた客席からステージまでの距離って凄い遠くて、本当に凄く小さくしか見えなかったんだけど...今こうやってそのステージに立てているんだな!って凄い感激だった。同じステージに立っている感じがしなかったDEATH!
SU-METAL: I really didn’t think we’d be able to perform on that stage, so when we stood there, I wondered where in the crowd I was standing last year. Last year, our position in the audience was so far from the stage that it was tiny… I was thrilled to be able to stand on that very stage now. It didn’t feel like we were performing on the same stage!
We saw the show in Tokyo, and it was packed all the way to the back. Did the three of you see that?
-MOAMETAL: BABYMETAL の振り付けをして下さっているMIKIKOMETALと一緒に振り固めをして下さってる先生がいるんですけど...その先生のお友達も観てて下さってて。その方が先生に「本当に凄かった!」って言ってくれたみたいで。そのときに、そんなにたくさんの人に観てもらえているんだな! BABYMETALって浸透しているんだな!って思いました。
MOAMETAL: There is an instructor that works with BABYMETAL to refine MIKIKOMETAL‘s choreography to completion... some of her friends were watching us perform. Her friend told our instructor, “It was awesome!” That’s when I realized that so many people were watching us! BABYMETAL’s spreading all over!
-SU-METAL: もうWODが凄かった! 最初お客さんがいなくなったのか?ってビックリしちゃって。空洞になってたから「どうしたの? どうしたの?」って思った瞬間にブワァーって走り出して! 今までとは大きさが全然違うし。あれは本当に凄かったDEATH!!
SU-METAL: The Wall of Death was amazing! At first, I was surprised to see that the audience had disappeared! There was an empty space, so I wondered, “What’s going on? What’s going on?” And then they started running at each other! The scale was totally different from before. It was really awesome!
As we watched you perform, SU-METAL’s expressions could be seen on the big screens on both sides… it felt like SU-METAL’s awakening, and it was really awesome! Everyone said it was amazing, but I wanted to hear your thoughts.
-SU-METAL: えぇー! (微笑みながら)フフフフ。
SU-METAL: Ehhhh! (while smiling) Hahahaha!
-マネージャー: あのときって、SU-METALが「凄い楽しくてなんかいつもと違った」って言ってたじゃない?
Manager: At the time, SU-METAL said, “That was different, and even more fun than usual”, right?
-SU-METAL: 神バンドさんと一緒にやりはじめて、最初は生バンドで歌ったことがなかったからなかなか環境に慣れなくて、自分の歌にあまり自信がなくなってた時期があって...。だけど、それを気にせず楽しめたのがサマソニ東京のときでした。
SU-METAL: I had some difficulty when I first started performing with the Kami Band, because it was my first experience singing with a live band behind me, so I lost confidence in my singing for a while. But at Summer Sonic Tokyo, I became able to enjoy singing without worrying about this sort of thing.
How about Summer Sonic Osaka?
-MOAMETAL: 初めて水を頭から被りました。
MOAMETAL: We got water dumped on our heads for the first time!
-YUIMETAL: 最後ね! スタッフさんに掛けてもらって。
YUIMETAL: At the end of the show, the staff dumped water on us!
-SU-METAL: ステージに直射日光が当たって。しかもステージが鉄板みたいな感じになっていたので「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」で寝っ転がるとことか熱くて。
SU-METAL: The stage was directly exposed to the sun. Moreover, the stage was like a steel plate, so it was really hot when we lay down on it during “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”!
-YUIMETAL: 最後の「イジメ~」のときMOAMETALと目が合って、その表情が「ヤバイ! いつものMOAMETALじゃない!」って思うくらいで。暑さで耐えられなくなってる感じがして、頑張らなきゃ!って思いました。
YUIMETAL: During “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” towards the end of the show, MOAMETAL’s eyes met mine, and seeing her expression, I was thinking, “Oh no! It’s not like the normal MOAMETAL!” I felt like she couldn’t stand the heat anymore, and I thought that I had to do my best.
MOAMETAL was struggling that much?
-MOAMETAL: ヤバかったDEATH…。とにかく暑かったっていうイメージがあります。SU-METALは髪の毛から汗が垂れている感じだし。お客さんも暑いのに盛り上がってくれてるから自分たちだけじゃなくて一緒に楽しんでるって感じが凄いしました。
MOAMETAL: It was really tough… I just remember that it was really hot. SU-METAL’s sweat was dripping from her hair. The audience was also excited even though it was hot, so I felt like we were all enjoying the show together.
After that, it was time to meet Metallica. Did the three of you know of them before?
-YUIMETAL: 知らなかったんですけど、KOBAMETAL から「メタリカさんはメタルの神様だ」って聞いていたんで凄い人たちなんだ!って(笑)。
YUIMETAL: We didn’t know them, but KOBAMETAL had said “Metallica are metal gods”, so I thought they must be awesome people! (laughs)
-KOBAMETAL: 3人ともそんな感じなんですよ。基本的に分からない(笑)。
KOBAMETAL: That’s how it was for all 3 of them. Basically, they had no idea. (laughs)
As expected (laughs). Did you see Metallica on stage?
-MOAMETAL: ステージ横から観させてもらいました! もう凄かった! あの...やっぱりメタルってストレス発散出来るじゃないですか。そういう音楽がメタルだって思ってるんですけど。正直、自分たちのライヴでバテていた部分はあったんですけど、メタリカさんを観たら凄くカッコいいし、ストレス発散と言うか...また盛り上がりたい!って思ったし、BABYMETALのお客さんもこういうふうに引き込めたらなって思いました。
MOAMETAL: We were allowed to watch them from the side of their stage, and that was amazing! Metal is music that helps release stress, isn’t it? That’s what defines metal music, in my opinion. Honestly, I was exhausted after our show, but once I saw Metallica-san’s show, it was so cool that I felt hyped up all over again rather than de-stressed. Also, I wished we could mesmerize BABYMETAL’s audience the way that they did.
How did SU-METAL feel after watching Metallica?
-SU-METAL: バックステージで会ったときは優しい感じで...ステージに立ってるなんて信じられないくらいに思っていたんですけど。ステージに立っている姿を観たら同じ人物!?って思うくらいで。1人1人が神懸かってるというか...存在してるというか...ちゃんと1人1人にスポットライトが当たってるような雰囲気なん DEATH! 自ら光を出してる感じがしました!
SU-METAL: When we met them backstage, I felt they were just nice people, and couldn’t imagine their appearance on stage. But once I saw them perform, I couldn’t believe they were the same people we’d just met backstage. It was as if each of them were possessed by the divine, standing out with an immense presence, as if there was a spotlight beaming down on each of them. Each looked as if they were glowing, somehow!
Was there some kind of aura?
-SU-METAL: そうDEATH! 本当にオーラが伝わってきて。メタリカさんがステージに出る前に会ったんですよ。もうステージ衣装とかも着ていたんですけど、ステージを観てあんなに凄い人たちに会ってたんだな!って改めて気付きました。
SU-METAL: Exactly! I could really feel their aura. We met Metallica before they went on stage. They were already wearing their costumes, but when we saw them perform, I realized once again what amazing people we had just met.
-YUIMETAL: KOBAMETALから凄い人たちなんだって聞いてて。う~ん...そんなに凄い人たちなのかな?って最初にバックステージで会ったときは分からなかったDEATH!
YUIMETAL: KOBAMETAL had told us they were great musicians, and I wondered if this was really true, and I couldn’t really tell if they were great or not when we first met them backstage.
I suppose it can’t be helped (laughs).
-YUIMETAL: けど、実際にライヴを観てみたらKOBAMETALが言ってることが分かった。会ったときはSU-METALが言ってたように...親戚のおじさんみたいで...(笑)。
YUIMETAL: But when I actually saw them perform, I understood what KOBAMETAL meant. When we met them, it was like SU-METAL was saying - like meeting some cool uncles. (laughs)
Uncles! (laughs)
-YUIMETAL: もう、そのギャップが凄くて。メタリカさんこそ、ライヴでは神が降臨してるんだなって。
YUIMETAL: The contrast was so striking. I felt like Metallica was the one that has the gods descending upon them at their shows, more than us.
BABYMETAL with Kirk Hammett, wearing their Metallica-inspired “Justice for BABYMETAL” T-shirts
-MOAMETAL: あとメタリカさんのライブが凄い押したんですよ。やっぱメタルは押すのが当然と言うか...。
MOAMETAL: Also, Metallica’s show started way behind schedule. I guess it’s natural for metal bands to prolong their time on stage, after all.
That’s, uh... (laughs)
-マネージャー: KOBAMETALの悪影響(笑)。
Manager: KOBAMETAL’s a bad influence on them (laughs).
That’s a great punch line (laughs).
AFA : Anime Festival Asia 2013
Jakarta, Indonesia
September 7, 2013
SETLIST (Babybones)
Catch Me If You Can
Doki Doki ☆ Morning
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
The next stop is Jakarta. This was the second overseas show as BABYMETAL - I’m guessing your feelings were quite different from last year?
-SU-METAL: そうですね。昨年のシンガポールでのライヴに来てくれた方がジャカルタに来てくれて手紙を貰ったんですよ! ビックリして。一年も経っているのに覚えてくれていたというか...わざわざジャカルタまで来てくれたんだってことが凄く嬉しかった DEATH!
SU-METAL: Yes, rather different. One of the fans who came to our show in Singapore last year came to Jakarta and gave us a letter! I was so surprised! It had been a year, but they still remembered us… I was so happy that they came all the way to Jakarta to see us!
-MOAMETAL: シンガポールはペンライトを振って下さったお客さんが結構いたんですね。ペンライトを振っているってことはBABYMETALをちゃんと冷静に観てくれてるって思ったんですけど、ジャカルタのときはペンライトを振ってくれてるお客さんよりも暴れてるお客さんのほうが多くて(笑)。
MOAMETAL: There were a lot of people waving penlights at Singapore. I had thought that if they were waving lights, they’d be watching BABYMETAL perform rather calmly, but in Jakarta, it felt more like more people were rioting than waving lights (laughs).
They felt more like a Japanese audience?
-MOAMETAL: はい。それだけBABYMETALも受け入れられたっていうか...一緒に盛り上がって楽しむ存在になったんだなって嬉しかったDEATH!
MOAMETAL: Yes! That’s how much BABYMETAL has been accepted...or maybe it’s just that they’re a group of people who get excited and have fun together!
-YUIMETAL: 海外の人が日本語で「ありがとう」とか「頑張ってね」って言ってくれたのももちろん嬉しかったし、今回のジャカルタのほうが3人ともインドネシア語に興味を持って現地の方とかに言葉を紙に書いて教えてもらったのが楽しかったDEATH!
YUIMETAL: Of course it was great to hear people from overseas tell us “thank you” and “good luck” in Japanese, but it was more fun in Jakarta this time, because all three of us were interested in the Indonesian language, and asked local people to teach us the language by writing on paper.
-SU-METAL:「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」の「リン!リン!リン!」が流れた瞬間に「ウォォーー!」ってなったんですよ! 日本のフェスと盛り上がり方が一緒じゃん!みたいな。だから海外にいる感じがしなくて。それがビックリしました。
SU-METAL: When we got to the “Rin! Rin! Rin!” part of “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, there was a huge cheer, and it suddenly felt like we were at a festival in Japan. I didn’t feel like we were overseas. That was rather surprising!
Would you like to try and tour abroad?
-全員: 行きたい!
All: Yes we do!
-SU-METAL: やりたいDEATH! でも、日本でもまだそんなに行ってないし(笑)。
SU-METAL: Very much! But we haven’t even really toured in Japan yet (laughs).
Would you like to try and tour Japan?
-全員: やってみたい!
All: Yes we do!
-YUIMETAL: 大阪と北海道と...大きな都市しか行ったことないから。四国に行ってみたい DEATH!
YUIMETAL: Osaka, Hokkaido… I’ve only ever been to big cities. I want to go to Shikoku!
-SU-METAL: 出身地の広島には行きたいDEATH! でも、胸を張って帰って来たよ!と言える日までは我慢します。
SU-METAL: I want to go to my hometown of Hiroshima! But I’ll wait until the day I can say with pride, “I’m back!”
おお! 凱旋公演!
Ohhh, a victorious performance!
-SU-METAL: 広島出身のアーティストさんが広島でライヴをやるのを観たときに「帰ってきた〜」と言ってるのを聞いて、自分もいつかは行ってみたいなって。
SU-METAL: When I saw artists from Hiroshima saying “I’m back” when they returned, I thought that I’d like to do the same someday.
-MOAMETAL: 九州に行ってみたいDEATH! 沖縄も行ってみたいって話すんですけど、沖縄は冬に行ってみたくて。
MOAMETAL: I want to go to Kyushu! We’ve talked about wanting to go to Okinawa as well, but I want to go in the winter.
Is it because it’s warmer there? (laughs)
-MOAMETAL: そう DEATH (笑)。夏って言うと沖縄で冬って言うと北海道ってイメージがあるんですよ。だから冬の沖縄も見てみたいなって。
MOAMETAL: That’s right (laughs). In my mind, summer is Okinawa, and winter is Hokkaido. So I want to visit Okinawa in the winter.
You’re only thinking as a tourist (laughs).
Karasuma Peninsula - Lawn Square (Shiga)
September 22, 2013
SETLIST (Kami Band)
Catch Me If You Can
Doki Doki ☆ Morning
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
The last one is Inazuma Rock Festival. It was rather hot, wasn’t it?
-MOAMETAL: 暑くなかったですね。サマソニを超えてから野外とかでもサマソニの暑さに比べたら全然暑くなくて。室内とかでも「涼しくない?」みたいになっちゃうくらいで。イナズマのときは涼しくて体力とかも関係なしに楽しみました。
MOAMETAL: It wasn’t too hot, actually. We’d survived Summer Sonic, so heat from any outdoor stage was nothing in comparison. We even said to each other, “Isn’t it rather cool?” in the case of indoor stages. So at Inazuma, it was so cool for us that we could enjoy performing the show without worrying about physical hardship.
-SU-METAL: イナズマがこの夏のフェスをやった中で一番お客さんが多いステージだったんですよ。2万人くらいかな? イナズマも最初はワンマン・ライヴみたいには盛り上がってなくて。だけど「落ち着いていこうね」って冷静になれました。ジャカルタのときも「落ち着 こう落ち着こう。焦らないようにしよう」ってみんなで声を掛けてきたので北海道の経験がイナズマにも役立ちました。いい感じに盛り上がりながらも落ち着いた感じでっていうのが実現できて。夏フェスでは最後だったので良い締めくくりになったんじゃないかと思います。
SU-METAL: Inazuma featured the biggest audience among the festivals we’d attended this summer. The audience of about 20,000 people wasn’t hyped from the beginning like they might be if this was one of our solo shows. But we were able to stay calm enough to say to each other, “let’s keep it steady”. So the experience in Hokkaido was useful for Inazuma as well. We were able to enter a state of excitement, while staying calm and in control at the same time. It was the last summer festival performance, so I think that was a good way to end it.
-MOAMETAL: イナズマは広い会場で後ろの方は音もあまり大きくないはずなんですけど、自分たちの踊ってる姿を観て楽しんで下さっていて。自分たちだけでもお客さんを楽しませることが出来るんだって、凄く嬉しくなりました。あと、ライヴが終わったときにみんなで琵琶湖の前で写真を撮ったんですよ。それが今年のBABYMETALがやった夏フェスの本当の締めくくりの写真って言うか。
MOAMETAL: Inazuma is a large venue, and the sound probably isn’t that loud in the back, but the audience seemed to enjoy watching us dance. It made me very happy that we could entertain the audience by ourselves. Also, when the show was over, we all took a photo in front of Lake Biwa. That was the real closing photo of this year’s BABYMETAL summer festivals.
-YUIMETAL: 夕暮れでね。
YUIMETAL: It was at dusk!
-MOAMETAL: そう。みんなで「いっせいのせっ!」でジャンプして撮った写真なんですけど、それが感動的で。
MOAMETAL: Yes. We took a picture of us all jumping together in the air - it was very moving.
Photo posted on BABYMETAL Official Twitter
You participated in various festivals this summer - do you feel the three of you have grown?
-SU-METAL: それは凄く感じますね。
SU-METAL: Oh, very much.
-YUIMETAL: 体力もついたし。フェスより前なんですけど五月革命のツアーしたときに、’’がむしゃらに踊りだけをしたら駄目。全部全力でやり過ぎたら最後まで体力が持たない’’ って反省になって。そこから、ペース配分を自分たちで考えてライヴに挑もうって決めたんDEATH! 「ここは落ち着こう」「ここはキレッキレで振り付けも揃えて頑張ろう」ってライヴ前とかにノートに書いたりして。だから、中身の部分は成長したんじゃないかなって思います。
YUIMETAL: I got stronger, physically. It was before the festival, but when we did the May Revolution tour, I reflected on the fact that we couldn’t just keep dancing frantically. If we did everything with too much energy, we would run out of gas before the finish line. We’d write down in our notebooks before each show, “let’s settle down here”, and “let’s try our best to keep the choreography sharp and in sync here”. So I think we’ve grown on the inside as well.
-SU-METAL: 神バンドさんや骨バンドさんと交互にやっていたりして自分がどういうふうに歌っていけば良いか?っていうのが、いろんな会場のフェスでやったからこそ身に付いたものがたくさんありましたね。歌い方一つとってもそうで。さっきYUIMETALが言ってたように、踊りは慣れてきたからアレンジして自分たちでライヴを楽しもうっていう考え方に変わって。例えば「ド・キ・ド・キ~」とかちょっと振りをアレンジしてみたり。「イジメ~」の闘いも2人が変えていったんだよね。
SU-METAL: I learned more about how I should sing, as we alternated between performing with the Kami Band and the Babybones, and a lot of things from playing festivals in various venues. It’s the same with how I sing - like YUIMETAL just said, we’ve gotten used to the choreography, so now we’re changing our approach, to arrange and enjoy the performance more. For example, we adjusted the choreography in “Doki Doki ☆ Morning” slightly, and also the fight scene between the two of them in “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”.
-MOAMETAL: フェスで武器を使うようになったんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: I got to use my weapons at the festivals!
-MOAMETAL: 手裏剣とか...(手裏剣を投げる真似をしながら)
MOAMETAL: Shuriken! (pretends to throw a shuriken)
ああ! エアーでね!
Ah, imaginary shuriken!
-SU-METAL: 本物だったら大変 DEATH(笑)。そういうふうにライヴを楽しむ余裕が出てきた。個人的にはいろんなアーティストさんのライヴを観させていただく機会が増えて。知らない曲は最初はなかなかノれないじゃないですか。だけど、知らず知らずのうちに「ああ、楽しいな」ってなっていって。そこから徐々にノっていって手がついてって感じになる...そこに行くまで凄く時間が掛かるんだなって自分がお客さんになったからこそ感じたし。自分たちの曲を知らない人に自分たちの曲の魅力を伝えるのって大変だなって。今までは「盛り上がって下さい!」って言えば盛り上がるのかなって思ってて。フェスに出てみて、それは違うんだなって。だから、盛り上がり続けるって凄いなって、お客さんの目線になって感じられたので凄い勉強になりました。
SU-METAL: It would be quite a disaster if they were real (laughs). We can afford to have some fun with our live performances like this now. Personally, I’ve enjoyed more opportunities to see various artists perform live. It’s hard to get into a song you don’t know, at first. But before you know it, you start to think, “ah, this is fun!” Gradually, you get into the groove, and your hands start to follow. It takes some time to get to that point, and I could understand it because I was part of the audience. I realized how difficult it is to convey the appeal of our songs to people who don’t know them. Until then, I thought that we could hype people up by basically telling them “get excited please!” But after participating in festivals, I realized that’s not the case. So I learned a lot about how important it is to keep the audience hyped up, because I was able to see it from their point of view.
I interviewed you back in May, and I’m surprised at how much you’ve grown since then, as a result of the festivals.
-全員: えぇーー(笑)。
All: Ohhh~ (laughs)
-MOAMETAL: でも、フェスとかで泊まりが多くなって寝る前に真面目な話しとかもするようになったんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: But because we stay overnight together at festivals, we’ve started to have more serious conversations before going to bed!
-SU-METAL: 人と触れ合うと言うか...スタッフさんとかとも話す機会も増えた気がしますね。チームで泊まったりするから夜ご飯も一緒に食べたり。それは今までやったことなかったんで。
SU-METAL: I feel more in touch with people… with more opportunities to talk with the staff. We stay together as a team, and eat dinner together. We hadn’t done that before.
Your bond is growing stronger?
-MOAMETAL: もっと話したいと思いました。
MOAMETAL: I want to talk to them more.
YUIMETAL: Same here.
-SU-METAL: ライヴ中に踊りながら2人のうしろ姿を見てるじゃないですか? それだけでも何となく「今ちょっと疲れてきたのかな?」とか感じられるようになりました。アイコンタクトだけで意思表示出来るようになったのは凄いなって。
SU-METAL: During the show, I see them dancing from behind, and just from that, I can tell if they’re feeling a bit tired today. It’s amazing how we can express feelings just through eye contact.
The two of you also feel the same?
-YUIMETAL: サマソニ大阪でMOAMETALと目が合ったときも「頑張ろう」「うん」っていうのもありました。
YUIMETAL: When my eyes met MOAMETAL’s at Summer Sonic Osaka, they said, “let’s do our best - OK!”
MOAMETAL: During “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, I definitely make clear eye contact with both of them. It’s a reassuring confirmation!
Do the three of you also have review meetings?
-全員: やったね。
All: Yes we do.
-MOAMETAL: フェスで泊まりで寝る前に話したりするときとか、フェスを重ねる度に、’’この3人で良かったな’’ って凄い感じて。それがスタッフさんにも届いて。何だろう...もっと知りたい! もっと話したい!って思いました。
MOAMETAL: When we stay over at festivals and talk before bed, I feel so happy that it’s the three of us. Those feelings also apply to the staff as well. I wonder… there’s so much more I want to learn, and talk about!
Released November 20th
最後に、11月20日に発売になった初のライヴBlu-rayの見所を1人ずつ 教えて下さい。
Last of all, please tell us about the highlights from your first Blu-ray performance, to be released on November 20th.
-SU-METAL: 客席とかステージうしろ正面とかいろんな角度から撮っているし、ライヴが始まる前の緊張する私たちとかも見れるので自分たちでも新鮮だなって思いました。そういうところも凄い楽しめるんじゃないかなって思います。
SU-METAL: There are photos taken from various angles, including the audience and the back of the stage, and you can see us getting nervous before the show starts, which I thought was refreshing. Those might be parts you would really enjoy watching!
-MOAMETAL: 今SU-METALが言ってたとおり自分たちはステージに立っているので、お客さんの顔を見てるんですけど。お客さん側から見たのは初めてで。いつもこんな顔してるんだ?って見たり。I、D、Zでどんどん成長もしていくんですよ。Iのときは身長も含めて全然、小さくて。だから、I、D、Zと成長していく姿も見所DEATH!
MOAMETAL: As SU-METAL said, we’re standing on the stage, so we normally look at the audience. This was the first time we could see things from their perspective. “Is this what we look like?” We grew up gradually through the “I”, “D”, “Z” shows. At Legend “I”, I was still very small. So watching us grow as you watch them in order is a highlight!
-YUIMETAL: YUIMETALはライヴ中は神が降臨してるからライヴの細かい出来事はわからないんDEATH! だけど、改めて映像で見ると、お客さんがこういうところでこういうことをしてたんだ!とかここの掛け声は一緒にやってくれてたんだ!って細かいところまで見ることが出来て。こんなにお客さんが一緒に楽しんでくれているんだな!って嬉しくなりました。あとは...やっぱり幼いなって思ったし。踊り方とかも今とはちょっと違うとこもあるし。そういう意味でも細かいところまで見てほしいDEATH!
YUIMETAL: During live shows, the Fox God descends upon YUIMETAL, so I don’t know the details of the show. But when watching the video again, I realize that the audience is doing different things at different parts of the show, and how they’re shouting together with us! You can see all those details. It made me happy to know the audience was having so much fun with us. Also… I felt that we really were babies. The dancing is a little different compared to now. In that sense, I want you to explore everything in detail!
Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Shrike (transcription)
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