2014 Hedoban #3 BABYMETAL Interview
The most recommended songs from the album BABYMETAL (2014)
SU-METAL: Ijime, Dame, Zettai
YUIMETAL: Doki Doki ☆ Morning
We got an opportunity to catch up with the 3 girls as they were in the middle of recording their debut album!
Interviewer: Hedoban Editor-in-Chief Umezawa
First of all please tell us your favorite song from the album. Let’s start with SU-METAL.
-SU-METAL: 私は「イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ」ですね。 BABYMETAL を始めたときに最初に聴いたのが「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」だったんですけど...どちらかっていうと、アイドルの曲に近かったじゃないですか。だけど、「イジメ~」を聴いたときの衝撃が未だに残っていて。あとは歌い方が ’’メタル" な方向に、だんだん寄るきっかけになったのが「イジメ~」だと思うんDEATH! ライヴを重ねていくうちに、歌い慣れていった意味でもそうですし。盛り上がりとかで、ダンスとかも「こういう風にやったらいいんだな」って。あと、ライヴで最後の方に持ってくる曲なので、「イジメ~」を歌う度にお客さんとの団結力や、私たち自身も団結力が固まるというか...BABYMETALっていったら「イジメ~」になるんじゃないかなって思います。
SU-METAL: My favorite is “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”. When BABYMETAL first started, the first song I heard was “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, and it’s more like an idol song, isn’t it? But it was quite a shock to hear “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” for the first time. Also, I think it was this song that compelled me to sing in a more “metal” direction. By performing it over and over again in live shows, I gradually got more and more accustomed to it. It’s a lot of fun. I think about how to liven up a performance, like “It’ll be better to move like this” when it comes to dance, for example. Also, since it’s often the closer for our shows, every time we sing it, we become more united with the audience, and with each other. When people talk about BABYMETAL, “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” might be the first song that comes to mind.
What do the two of you think of SU-METAL’s selection of “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”?
-MOAMETAL: 幕張の聖誕祭のときもそうだったんですけど、裏でみんな出捌けが違ったりして、あまり会うことが出来なかったんですよ。でも、「イジメ~」を歌うことによってSU-METALが「君を守るから」と歌って、うなずいた瞬間に心が合った気がして...。
MOAMETAL: As was also the case for SU-METAL’s birthday show at Makuhari Messe (Legend 1997), the three of us appeared or left the stage at different timings and locations, so we were rarely together backstage between songs. But when SU-METAL nodded her head and sang, “because I will protect you”, I felt like in that moment, our hearts were one.
There’s some distance between you on stage.
-MOAMETAL: 寂しくないなって。
MOAMETAL: It doesn’t feel lonely.
How about YUIMETAL?
YUIMETAL: “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” is a song we sing at every festival. When we sing this song, even audiences at “away” shows that aren’t familiar with BABYMETAL jump along with us in the “dame” section. It’s a very important song for us, so I understand why SU-METAL chose this song.
What song does MOAMETAL recommend?
-MOAMETAL:「4の歌」DEATH! シンガポールの移動中にバスの中でYUIMETALとMOAMETALが暇過ぎて、SU-METALに「適当に歌作るからアイデア出して」って言ったらSU-METALが [4!4!」って ’’数字の4’’ って言葉が出てきて。
MOAMETAL: “Song 4”! While riding the tour bus in Singapore, YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL had too much time on our hands, so we asked SU-METAL to come up with a good idea for a song, and SU-METAL said, “4!4!” (yonyon). So we came up with words relating to the number 4.
数字の4? 突然?
The number 4? Just like that?
MOAMETAL: Just like that. And then YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL took this inspiration and wrote the song!
You wrote the lyrics?
And the melody?
ええっ?(絶句)。作詞作曲YUIMETAL & MOAMETAL...それは衝撃的にニュースDEATH ! それは、自分たちで作詞して曲も作ったから、今までの、いろんな曲の中からでも推し曲?
Ehhhh-?! (speechless) Lyrics and melody written by YUIMETAL & MOAMETAL… that’s shocking news! So you recommend it above all the other songs because the lyrics and melody were of your own creation?
MOAMETAL: It’s just a really good song!
満面の笑み!(笑) まだ、聴いてないのでイメージが湧かないのですが、どういうジャンルの曲なの? 泣ける曲とか楽しい曲とかあると思うけど。
Look at that smile! (laughs) I haven’t listened to it yet, so I can’t imagine what kind of song it is. What kind of genre is it? A song that makes you cry, or a song that makes you happy...
-MOAMETAL: なんだろ? ...ひたすら数字の4ばかり言ってます。4に掛けて「よろしくの4」とか...。
MOAMETAL: What genre, huh…? We just keep saying the number 4. Like, “Yoroshiku no Yon” (4 for hello).
ああ! 韻を踏んでる感じなのね?
Ah, it rhymes, doesn’t it!
-MOAMETAL: そうDEATH! 韻を踏んでます!
MOAMETAL: That’s right, it rhymes!
You’re certainly growing up!
-全員: (笑)。
All: (laughs)
How about the melody?
-MOAMETAL: メイクさん、スタイリストさんとかにもよく言われるんですけど、一回歌ったら頭から消えないメロディーで、頭の中で無限ループしているんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: Most people, like our makeup artists and stylists said that once we started singing the melody, they couldn’t get it out of their heads, and it would just loop infinitely!
Did the two of you come up with the melody together?
-MOAMETAL: ホントに、バスの移動中に遊びで考えてた曲なので、まさかアルバムに入るとは思わなくて。
MOAMETAL: It’s really just a song we came up with for fun while traveling on the bus, so we never expected it would end up on the album.
Did you start by humming it?
-MOAMETAL: ちゃんと歌ってたんDEATH! (笑)「4の歌」の前に「バナナの歌」とか「木の歌」とかあったんですけど、SU-METAL からもらったアイデアを歌って、いろいろと曲を作っていった中から「4の歌」が一番いい感じにシックリくるみたいになって。
MOAMETAL: We just started singing it! (laughs) Before “Song 4”, there were songs like “Banana Song”, and “Tree Song”, but as we sang using the idea from SU-METAL and made various songs, “Song 4” seemed to fit the best of all
You had no idea it would eventually be included on the album.
YUIMETAL & MOAMETAL: We had no idea!!
I see. And so, the No.1 song in BABYMETAL’s history was born!
-MOAMETAL: そうです! いろんな意味で凄い歌DEATH!
MOAMETAL: That’s right! It’s an amazing song no matter how you look at it!
What impression does SU-METAL have of “Song 4”?
-SU-METAL: まさか、ホントにこんなんなると思ってなかった(笑)。シンガポールのときに、いろんな歌を作って2人とも歌ってたんですけど、2人とも気に入って「こうしようよ!」って凄いノリノリだったんですね。それで、ずっと歌いながら作るみたいな感じだったから、バスの移動中に何回も聴かされて。帰ってきてからもツボっていて、ホントに消えなくて。ボケーっとしてたら無意識に歌っちゃうというか...そんな曲なんDEATH!
SU-METAL: I really didn’t think it would turn out this way (laughs). When we were in Singapore, the two of them wrote and sang various songs, and they were like, “Let’s do this!” and they were very excited about it. They were singing and writing all day, so I had to listen to it over and over again on the bus. It was stuck in my head even after I got home. Whenever I was idle, I’d find myself unconsciously singing along… it’s that catchy of a song!
魔法の曲だ! 最後にYUIMETALの推し曲は?
A magical song! Finally, what’s YUIMETAL’s most recommended song from the album?
-YUIMETAL: YUIMETAL も「4の歌」なんですけど、他のほうがいいですか?
YUIMETAL: For YUIMETAL, it’s also “Song 4”, but is another answer better?
Well, from the magazine’s perspective, yes. (laughs)
-全員: (笑)。
All: (laughs)
-YUIMETAL: じゃ、「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」DEATH! 「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」ってBABYMETALの一番最初に出来た曲で、この曲がYouTubeとかにアップされて、海外のお客さんとかにもBABYMETALを広げられた特別な曲なので、この3年間で海外に行ったり、たくさんのフェスにも出れたのは、この「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」があったからかなって思うので、聴いてもらいたい DEATH!
YUIMETAL: Well then, I’ll say “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”! It’s BABYMETAL’s very first song, and after it was uploaded to YouTube, it was a special song that helped spread BABYMETAL to overseas audiences. Over the past three years, we’ve traveled abroad and participated in many festivals because of this song, so I’d like you to listen to it!
Does “Doki Doki ☆ Morning” also have a special place in SU-METAL’s heart?
-SU-METAL: そうですね。「イジメ~」とかも「おお!」ってなるんですけど、「ド・キ・ド・キ〜」は海外に行っても同じ反応なんですよ。海外のお客さんも「リンリンリン」って一緒に歌って下さるし。そういう意味ではYouTubeとかも凄いなって思うんですけど。なんだろ...私の中では一番最初に披露したときに会場が、ざわついて「なんだ? なんだ? 大丈夫? 大丈夫?」みたいな感じになった、っていう印象が一番強いDEATH!
SU-METAL: It does. “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” gets loud cheers overseas, but so does “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”. Overseas audiences also sing along with the “Rin Rin Rin” part. In that sense, I think YouTube is really great. Hm… the first time we performed the song, the audience was buzzing with excitement, like “What? What’s going on? Are you okay?” (NOTE: probably referring to the part where they fall down) That’s the strongest impression I have of it!
I see. Not like “Ohhhh!”, but more like a buzz.
-SU-METAL: そうDEATH! そのときに嬉しかったんDEATH!「よっっしゃー!」みたいな。
SU-METAL: Yes! I’m so happy when it happens, like “Hell yes!”
You’ve captured the audience at that point.
-SU-METAL: ありました! でも、歌う前まではホントに心配してて。
SU-METAL: Yes! But I was worried before singing it.
- YUIMETAL: ライヴ中に事件があったんじゃないか?ってくらい本気で心配してて。だから、逆に嬉しかったけど。
YUIMETAL: Before a show, we always worry if something will go wrong. So we’re really happy when everything works out perfectly.
MOAMETAL にとって「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」は?
What does MOAMETAL think of “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”?
-MOAMETAL: 「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」は凄い好きな曲DEATH! けっこう、英語の要素が入っているから、海外のお客さんとかもノリやすいのかな?って最近思います。この曲が無かったら海外にも行けてないしフェスも出れてないなって思います。
MOAMETAL: It’s a song I like very much! I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s easier for international fans to enjoy because it has English elements in it. Maybe if it weren’t for this song, we wouldn’t have been able to go abroad or attend festivals.
でも、MOAMETAL は「4の歌」の方がいいんだ?(笑)
But MOAMETAL still thinks “Song 4” is better? (laughs)
-MOAMETAL: (満面の笑みで)もちろんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: (with a beaming smile) Of course!
Two days at the Budokan
You’ll be performing two nights at the Budokan. It’s quite a big deal… what are your thoughts?
-SU-METAL: まさか武道館で出来ると思わなかったんで、正直ビックリした気持ちの方が大きかったDEATH!
SU-METAL: I never thought we’d make it to the Budokan, so to be honest, I’m more surprised than anything else!
How about MOAMETAL?
-MOAMETAL: やっぱり、好きなアーティストさんのライヴで武道館に行ったりするんですけど。基本...スタンドで座ってる席が多いんですけど...意外と小さくて遠くて...あまり見えなくて。
MOAMETAL: I’ve gone to the Budokan to see my favorite artists perform before. Basically… I mostly sit in the stands… and they’re surprisingly small and far away… you really can’t see much.
That’s true. The performers can seem small from the stands.
-MOAMETAL: BABYMETALの武道館の時では、そういう風に寂しいなって思う人がいなければいいなって。おいてけぼりになる人が少ない...みんなをBABYMETALの世界観に引き込めればいいなって思います。
MOAMETAL: When we perform at the Budokan, I hope no one will feel lonely like that, or left behind. I hope we can bring everyone into the world of BABYMETAL.
Did you feel nervous when you heard about the Budokan shows?
-MOAMETAL: 全然。何も決まってないんDEATH!
MOAMETAL: Not at all. Nothing’s set in stone!
-全員: (笑)。
All: (laughs)
-マネージャー: キツネ様からのお告げがまだ来てないですよ(笑)。
Manager: We haven’t received the details from the Fox God yet. (laughs)
What are YUIMETAL’s thoughts regarding the Budokan?
-YUIMETAL: やるって言われても実感がなくて心配だったんですけど...聖誕祭で、最後のときに ‘’BABYMETAL武道館2DAYS決定’’ って発表したとき、お客さんの反応が「ウォーー!」ていうのを裏で3人でいたときに凄く聴こえて。
YUIMETAL: Even though I was told we were going to do it, it didn’t really feel real, which worried me… when it was announced at the birthday show that “BABYMETAL will perform 2 nights at the Budokan”, the fans were like, “OHHHHH!!” and the three of us could hear it from backstage.
It was announced just after the three of you left the stage.
-YUIMETAL: そのときに凄く元気を貰って。まだ、心配してるけど...その時のお客さんの反応のおかげで、ちょっと心配が縮まりました。
YUIMETAL: It cheered me up a lot. I was still worried, but… thanks to the reaction of the fans to this news, I felt less worried.
I suppose that one day is imaginable, but two days is something different, isn’t it?
-SU-METAL: まあ、そうですね。でも、ホントにライヴが楽しかったときは、「あれ? ホントにライヴやったの?」ってぐらいに元気に走り回ってて。前の聖誕祭のときも、ライヴが終わったときに一回みんな「ハァー」ってなるんですけど、そっから復活するんDEATH!
SU-METAL: Well, yes. But after a really enjoyable performance, we remain so hyped and run around afterwards energetically to the point where you’d wonder if we’d really just completed a show. This was also the case for the previous birthday show, where we were totally exhausted after it ended, but recovered our energy quickly!
-SU-METAL: それから、「もう一回ライヴやりたい! やりたい!」って言い出すので。
SU-METAL: And then, we’d go, “Let’s do another show! Again, again!”
Unlimited stamina!
-全員: (笑)。
All: (laughs)
-SUMETAL: 2日間あれば流石に、それが消化されるかな?って。フフフ。
SU-METAL: Shows don’t tire us out at all. Even so, when it comes to a two-day show, maybe it’ll satiate our desire to enjoy a performance? Heh heh~
じゃ、逆に2日間どーんと来い! って感じなんだ!
You might in fact relish a two-day performance!
SU-METAL: We’ll have fun!
SU-METAL’s Birthday show at Makuhari (Legend 1997)
Lastly, I’d like to hear your impressions of the most recent birthday show… it left a huge impact on us, and was highly acclaimed. How do the three of you feel about it looking back?
-SU-METAL: 今回は最初から出が違って、全然2人にも会えなかったりしたので...。そういう意味では舞台の上で、いろいろやっていくなかで、みんなでアイコンタクトで気持ちの確認を出来たので、お互いの団結力とか、そういうのが高まったなっていうのと...あとは、「紅月 -アカツキ- 」を1人で歌わせてもらったんですけど、ホントに最初、そういう曲を歌ったことがなかったので、私にとっては、凄く挑戦、で。そして凄く難しくて...間奏の間に拍手が起こったりとか、こういう風になるんだ!って驚きもあったりして。そのなかで新しい発見と、課題も見つかったんですけど。でも、一番大きかったのは、ホントに楽し過ぎて「BABYMETAL DEATH」をやってるときに、ようやく気が付いたんDEATH! 「あ! ライヴやってた! 終わっちゃうし!」って。
SU-METAL: This time, we made our entrances separately, so I didn’t see the two of them at all… in that sense, we were able to make eye contact with each other and reaffirm our feelings while performing on stage, which increased our unity and strength. I also sang “Akatsuki” (Unfinished) by myself, which was quite challenging for me, because I’d never sung such a song before. It really was very difficult… during the interlude, there was applause, and I was surprised at how well it turned out. I made some new discoveries, and uncovered new challenges. But the biggest thing was that I was having so much fun that when I came to, we were already playing “BABYMETAL DEATH”, and I was like, “Oh, the show is coming to an end!”
SU-METAL恐ろしい存在ですね! 面白い!
SU-METAL really scares me sometimes! Very interesting!
-SU-METAL: フフフフフ。で、「BABYMETAL DEATH」から全力で踊りだしたんDEATH! (笑)。
SU-METAL: Heh heh! And then I started dancing “BABYMETAL DEATH” with all my might to make up for it! (laughs)
-SU-METAL: なんだろうな...気持ちが...なんて言ったらいいんだろ?
SU-METAL: I wonder… my feelings were… how should I put it?
-MOAMETAL: 自然に終わってたよね? 気付いたら終わってた。
MOAMETAL: It just flowed naturally, didn’t it? It was over before we knew it.
-SU-METAL: ホント、気付いたら終わってて。気付いたら十字架に吊るされてた (笑)。
SU-METAL: It really was. And then I found myself hanging from a cross (laughs).
気付いたら十字架に吊るされてた! (笑) 名言DEATH!
By the time you realize what’s going on, you’re hanging from a cross! (laughs) That’s quite a quote!
-SU-METAL: ビックリしちゃった。フフフ。
SU-METAL: It was quite a surprise, heh heh.
MOAMETAL は幕張どうだった?
What were MOAMETAL’s thoughts on Makuhari?
-MOAMETAL: さっきも言ったとおり、みんな出捌けも違ったし。マリア様から衣装に着替えるのが凄い大変で。そのときとかも、みんなと全然顔を合わせられなくて...。
MOAMETAL: As mentioned before, we appeared at different times and spots. Changing costumes after Ave Maria was quite difficult. At the time, I couldn’t see the others at all...
Did that make you uneasy?
-MOAMETAL: 不安はあったんですけど...舞台上で目が合うときが結構あって。 そのときに「1人じゃないんだな」って思えてよかったし。「おねだり大作戦」のときにブラックサンタさんを着れて凄く楽しかったので、また、ああいうのを着たいDEATH!
MOAMETAL: It did, but… there were many times our eyes met on stage, and it made me feel glad that I wasn’t alone. I had a lot of fun wearing the black Santa Claus coat during “Onedari Daisakusen”, and I want to wear something like that again!
How about YUIMETAL?
-YUIMETAL: 幕張は凄くステージも大きくて、お客さんが集まるか不安だったんですけど...半年ぶりのワンマン・ライヴで凄く楽しみにしていたので、気合い満々でやったんですけど...最初の曲で出て行ったとき、お客さんが凄くたくさんいるし...いままでフェスに出てたのって、最初はアウェーな空気だったから...久しぶりで凄くビックリして。いままでフェスに行って旅に出てた、とするじゃないですか?
YUIMETAL: The stage at Makuhari was very large, and I was worried about if enough fans would show up… it was our first solo show in six months, and I was really looking forward to it, so I was full of energy. When we walked out for the first song, there were so many people in the audience! For a while, we’d been on tour attending various festivals, most of which with an “away-from-home” atmosphere. So coming back home to our fans after all this time was quite astonishing. Until then, it was as if we’d been on a festival tour-
I see, I see-
-YUIMETAL: お家に帰ってきたって感じで。凄くホッとした。安心した気持ちになって。
YUIMETAL: -so it felt like coming home, and it was such a relief.
It brought you a sense of warmth?
-YUIMETAL: はい。だから、緊張してたけど、それも吹っ飛んで。気付いたらSU-METAL が言うように、あっという間に終わってました(笑)。
YUIMETAL: Yes it did. So I was nervous at first, but I got over it quickly. Like SU-METAL said, it was over in a flash (laughs).
Time at BABYMETAL concerts seems to pass very quickly; I think that speaks to your greatness.
YUIMETAL: Really~?
-SU-METAL: ホントに「BABYMETAL DEATH」で終わってほしくないって凄く思ってて。最後の方とか何もしてなかったので考えることしか出来なかったというか...(笑)。
SU-METAL: When performing “BABYMETAL DEATH”, I really didn’t want it to end. All I could do while hanging from the cross was think … (laughs)
Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Shrike (transcription)
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