2014 Hedoban #3 Kobametal Interview
Hedoban Magazine talks with KOBAMETAL about their debut album, and their three new songs!
Interviewer: Hedoban Editor-in-Chief Umezawa
First of all, how long have you had the idea of making a full album?
-KOBAMETAL: なんとなくイメージはあったのですが、具体的に決まったのは2013年の冬です。
KOBAMETAL: I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do, but it wasn’t until the winter of 2013 that I made a concrete decision to do it.
It’s not an album with all-new songs, but rather a “best of” album. It is quite fitting to describe it that way, considering that BABYMETAL tends to spend a long time polishing and refining each song.
(NOTE: prior to the release of the album, BABYMETAL had already been regularly performing most of the songs on the album, distributed via singles. Only “Rondo of Nightmare” and “Song 4” had not been heard/performed before)
-KOBAMETAL: フェスやメディアなどを通じて初めてBABYMETALに興味を持っていただいた方が、「ちょっと聴いてみよう」とBABYMETALの楽曲に触れる機会はシングルCDやYouTubeしかなかったと思うので、今回のベスト盤的な選曲のアルバムがリリースされることによって「これ1枚あればOK」みたいな名刺代わりのCDになればいいなと思っています。自分も気になったアーティストがいると「まず最初にどのアルバムを聴けば良いのか?」と悩んだときはベスト盤から聴いてみることが多いので。
KOBAMETAL: For people interested in checking out more of BABYMETAL’s music after seeing us at festivals or media, the only options have been CD singles or YouTube. With the release of this best-of album, we hope it’ll become a CD that can be used as a business card, that tells you what we’re all about. Whenever I find an artist I’m interested in, I ask myself, “Which album should I listen to first?” and I tend to choose the Best Album.
An album that’s both a debut album and a best-of album. Did Perfume’s debut album come to mind?
-KOBAMETAL: それは考えていませんでした(笑)。
KOBAMETAL: That hadn’t come to mind, actually (laughs).
ベスト・アルバムということで、選曲には悩みましたか? またあの曲順にこだわりとかはありますか?
Since this is your Best Album, did you have any trouble choosing the songs? Were you particular about the song order?
-KOBAMETAL: もともと曲数が限られていたので選曲には悩みませんでした。曲順はメンバーやスタッフからアンケートを募って、ライヴのセットリスト的なイメージで作っています。アルバム用に曲順をいろいろ考えていましたが、BABYMETALは楽曲制作に関しては常に全力投球というか箸休め的な曲を作っていなかったので、どの曲順にしても箸休めができないのが苦労しました(笑)。それくらい中身の濃い楽曲が揃っていると思います。
KOBAMETAL: We don’t really have that many songs, so song selection wasn’t a problem. I collected questionnaires from the girls and staff, and set up the song order as if it were a set list from a live performance. I considered various song orders, but BABYMETAL always throws everything we have into the production of each song - or rather, there’s no real song that can serve as a placeholder or filler, so I had a hard time finding lulls in the setlist (laughs). I think that speaks to how rich the songs are.
The 3 new songs leave quite an impact. First of all, I’d like to ask you about “Gimme Choco!!”. What made you decide to ask Ueda-san of AA= to compose the song?
(NOTE: Besides “Gimme Choco!!”, Mr. Ueda would also go on to compose “Awadama Fever” on Metal Resistance (2016))
-KOBAMETAL: 以前からBABYMETALの楽曲の中にはザ・マッド・カプセル・マーケッツをイメージして制作していた楽曲もあったので作っていただけたらいいなとは思っていたのですが、ご縁があってご本人にBABYMETALのライヴに来ていただいたり、お話させていただいたりするなかでBABYMETALに興味を持っていただいて、という流れです。
KOBAMETAL: Some of BABYMETAL’s songs had been written with the image of The Mad Capsule Markets (Ueda’s group) in mind, so I was hoping he could make one for us. He came to see one of our concerts, we talked for a bit, and he was interested.
(NOTE: the grammar structure Koba uses here is the “extra polite” version, when talking about Ueda)
What kind of image did you give Ueda-san when you asked him to compose “Gimme Choco!!”?
-KOBAMETAL: ザ・マッド・カプセル・マーケッツやAA=の楽曲の中から、BABYMETAL が必要とするタイプの楽曲を何パターンかリストアップしてイメージを伝えました。
KOBAMETAL: To create the image, I made a list of several patterns of the type of music that BABYMETAL needed from songs by The Mad Capsule Markets and AA=.
Have you listened to a lot of The Mad Capsule Markets and AA=?
-KOBAMETAL: 以前から楽曲を聞いたりライヴを観に行ったりしていました。BABYMETAL のライヴのBGMでもよく流しています。日本のラウドシーンの中でもいち早く海外で活躍していたアーティストなのでリスペクトしています。
KOBAMETAL: I’ve been listening to their songs and going to their concerts for a long time - I often play it as background music at BABYMETAL shows! I respect them very much, because they were one of the first artists from Japan’s “loud music” scene to become active overseas.
The other 2 new songs are solos. Why did you choose to have them as solos, and not performed by the entire group?
(NOTE: By “solo”, Umezawa means Su by herself, or Black Babymetal without Su)
-KOBAMETAL: SU-METALは「-紅月-」、YUIMETALとMOAMETALのユニット・BLACK BABYMETALは「おねだり大作戦」がありますが、ライヴの構成を考えたときにそれぞれもっと曲があったらいいなと思ったからです。
KOBAMETAL: SU-METAL has “Akatsuki”, and Black Babymetal - comprised of YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL together - have “Onedari Daisakusen”. When I thought about the structure of a live show, I thought it would be good if each of these units had more songs.
(Photo credit: Ted Jensen)
“Rondo of Nightmare” breaches a completely new frontier for BABYMETAL.
-KOBAMETAL: おそらくバンド演奏が相当大変だと思います(笑)
KOBAMETAL: It’s probably quite a challenge for the Kami Band to play live (laughs).
I can’t really put “Rondo of Nightmare” into a well-defined genre. How did the idea for this song come to you?
-KOBAMETAL: 最初は個人的に好きなドリーム・シアターなどプログレ系のメタル曲があったらいいなと思っていたのですが、さらにエクストリームなメシュガーとかペリフェリーのようなジェントと呼ばれるアプローチのリクエストをお願いしました。今回作ってくれたゆ よゆっぺくんの渾身の一作だと思います。破壊的なリズムと相対するSU-METALの歌とピアノの旋律が混在しているバランスが個人的には好きです。
KOBAMETAL: At first, I thought it would be nice to have a progressive metal song inspired by Dream Theater, who I enjoy - but I decided to request a more extreme djenty approach reminiscent of Meshuggah or Periphery. I think this is one of Yuyoyuppe-kun’s best pieces of work. Personally, I like the balance between SU-METAL’s singing and piano melody mixed with destructive rhythm.
(NOTE: in contrast to “Ueda-san”, Koba and Umezawa refer to Yuyoyuppe with the “-kun”, perhaps in reference to his young age.)
(Yuyoyuppe is one of BABYMETAL’s most prolific songwriters, with credits for: “Babymetal Death", "Megitsune", "Uki Uki ★ Midnight", "Rondo of Nightmare" (also lyricist and composer),"Karate" (also lyricist and composer), "Yava!", "From Dusk Till Dawn", "GJ!" (also lyricist and composer), "Sis. Anger", "↑↓←→BBAB", "Night Night Burn!", "In the Name Of", "Kagerou" (also composer)
編曲はゆよゆっぺ君ですか? 凄まじいダブステップというか...ちょっと取り入れてしまいました! レベルではないですよね。
Ah, Yuyoyuppe-kun arranged it? He added a bit of his amazing dubstep into this song! It’s not quite in his normal style, is it?
(NOTE: While oftentimes thought of more as “wub wub”, Dubstep can more completely be characterized as "a kind of music stripped down to slowish and minimal atmospheric drums and heavy bass," or "characterized by sparse, syncopated rhythmic patterns with prominent sub-bass frequencies." Chief Umezawa is likely using the description “dubstep” in this way, and not the way many of us international fans are accustomed to)
-KOBAMETAL: ゆよゆっぺくんはメタルコアやエモ、デス・メタルなどエクストリーム系の引き出しが多い方なので、細かいフレーズなどは大体お任せしていて、いつもどんなフレーズが出てくるのか楽しみにしています。この曲はタイトルにも入っている「輪舞曲」のように、三拍子のリズムをベースにしたフレーズがループしているのですが、変化しながらループしているので、一度聴いた限りでは雰囲気を掴むのが難しい曲だと思います。
KOBAMETAL: Yuyoyuppe-kun has a lot of experience in extreme music, such as metalcore, emo, and death metal, so I leave most of the details of phrases to him, and always look forward to seeing what he comes up with. As the title “Rondo” suggests, this song has a looping phrase based on a three-beat rhythm, but it keeps changing and looping, so I think it’s difficult to grasp the atmosphere of the song after just one listen.
Dubstep is now being used as an accent in pop songs. What are KOBAMETAL’s thoughts about dubstep and Electronic Dance Music (EDM)?
-KOBAMETAL: ラウド・ミュージック・シーン、特に日本のラウド系のバンドの中では決して珍しいものではないのかなと思います。昔だと「JUDGMENT NIGHT」のサントラみたいにメタルとHIPHOPのコラボもありましたが、今はダブステップやEDM以外にもレゲエや演歌、うまくハマればどんな組み合わせでもOKですね。
KOBAMETAL: It’s not particularly rare in the “loud music” scene, especially among Japanese bands. In the past, there were collaborations between metal and hip-hop, like the soundtrack of “Judgment Night”. Nowadays, in addition to dubstep and EDM, reggae, and enka, any combination works as long as it fits well.
When I listen to “Rondo of Nightmare”, I feel like the bar for SU-METAL is being raised higher and higher (laughs).
-KOBAMETAL: リズムが複雑なので曲に慣れるまで大変だったかもしれませんが、意外と自然に歌っていたのかもしれません。歌に関しては「『不思議の国のアリス』のあのシーンをイメージしてみて歌って」とかいつくかアドバイスをしました。
KOBAMETAL: It may have been hard for her to get used to the song at first because of the complicated rhythm, but she sings it more naturally than expected. I gave her some advice about singing it, such as “Try to imagine that scene from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ as you sing”.
From your point of view, can you feel the growth in her singing?
-KOBAMETAL: 声質の変化もありますが、以前より表現の幅が広がったというか、声のバリエーションが増えたと思います。本人にも例え話として話したことがあったのですが、昔は「白い服」一着しか持っていなかったのが、今は「黒い服」「赤い服」など曲によって着替えることができるようになったというイメージです。
KOBAMETAL: Her voice has changed, but in addition, she’s got a wider range of expression and variation than before. As I once told her as an analogy, she used to only have a “white dress”, but now she can change into a “black” or “red” dress, depending on the song.
What do you think is the appeal of her singing and voice?
-KOBAMETAL: SU-METAL にもよく話しているのは、本人がもともと持っている声質に特徴があって、それが魅力の一つだということです。 技術的な上手さは努力次第で変えられることはあっても、声質を変えるのは難しいので。
KOBAMETAL: What I often tell her is that she possesses a distinctive and unique voice quality, and that’s part of her charm. You can improve technical skill with effort, but it’s difficult to change the quality of your voice.
The next new song is “Song 4”. This song is quite highly rated by writers, which is where I first heard it as a sample. Apparently, it was written by YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL - please tell us how “Song 4” came to be!
-KOBAMETAL: 元々はメンバーが移動中に遊びで作っていて。小学生とか中学生が遊びで替え歌を作っているようなノリで。移動中にことあるごとに歌い出すんでみんなウンザリしていたんですよ。でも自分的には「いい歌だな」と思って(笑)。それで「その歌教えてよ」ってボイスレコーダーに録って、それを元に曲を作っていきました。
KOBAMETAL: Originally, they were just having fun while traveling, like school children making up lyrics for fun. They’d sing it all the time when we were traveling, and everyone else got sick of it. I thought it was a really great song (laughs). So I told them, “Teach me this song!”, recorded it on my voice recorder, and worked on the song based on that.
(Photo credit: Dana Distortion)
Among BABYMETAL’s songs, I think it’s by far the most intense in terms of development. What kind of image did you have in mind?
-KOBAMETAL: 「アオリ曲」と呼ばれるライヴで盛り上がる曲にしたいなと思っていました。X JAPANだと「Stab Me In The Back」的なイメージです。とにかくお客さんに声を出して欲しいためにあるような曲です。
KOBAMETAL: I wanted to be an “agitating song”, one that would serve to hype people up at shows. It’s a bit like X JAPAN’s “Stab Me In The Back” in that way. Basically, I wanted the audience to shout along with the song.
(NOTE: X JAPAN was formed by Yoshiki, and Su and Moa participated in an ensemble performance of X JAPAN’s song “Endless Rain” at the 2020 Kouhaku)
I feel like you’ve finally found a way to make the most of YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL’s voices (laughs).
-KOBAMETAL: 2人の声も変わってきてますし、どの辺りにテンションを持っていくか何パターンか考えました。あとはあえてバックのオケから浮いた感じにしようとか。
KOBAMETAL: Their voices are also changing, and I had to think of a few patterns that would ramp up the intensity. I also tried to make it so their voices wouldn’t get absorbed by the instrumentals.
When writing the song, did YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL have any specific requests or image in mind?
-KOBAMETAL: サウンドに関しては特にはありませんでしたが、何となくの歌割りとか振り付けは自分たちで作っていましたね(笑)
KOBAMETAL: There wasn’t a specific sound in mind, but they decided how to organize each section, as well as the choreography by themselves (laughs).
間奏部のお祭り感にハロープロジェクトの匂いがする! と言ったライターがいたのですが(笑)、意識はしましたか?
One of the writers said that the festive atmosphere of the interlude reminds them of Hello Project! (laughs) Was this on your mind?
-KOBAMETAL: 特には意識はしていませんね(笑)
KOBAMETAL: Not in particular (laughs).
It’s seemingly a jumble of disjointed individual parts, but somehow it feels connected. Do you have any tips on how to put a song like this together cohesively?
-KOBAMETAL: 曲展開に悩んだ部分もありましたが個人的にはあっさりしている方かなと思っています。「いいね!」や「メギツネ」の方が練り上げていったイメージがありますね。
KOBAMETAL: I had some difficulty developing the song, but personally, I think it was relatively simple to complete. In contrast, songs like “Iine!” and “Megitsune” took a lot more work to put together and refine.
Did the composer work on other BABYMETAL songs before?
-KOBAMETAL: アレンジはゴールデンボンバーさんなどのトラックを制作されているtatsuoさんと自分とで相談しながら作っています。tatsuoさんもメタルに詳しくて楽器のレベルも高い方なので話が膨らみます。今回はメタル・マスター・オマージュですね。
KOBAMETAL: The arrangement was done in consultation with tatsuo-san, who has produced tracks for Golden Bomber. tatsuo-san is very knowledgeable about metal and is highly skilled with instruments, so there’s a lot we can talk about. This time it’s a “metal master homage”.
(NOTE: Many of the guitar riffs in “Song 4” are notably similar to Metallica’s “Master of Puppets”)
(NOTE: tatsuo is also credited as arrangement for “Onedari Daisakusen”)
What kind of people do you hope will pick up this album?
-KOBAMETAL: BABYMETALに興味を持っていただいたより多くの方に聞いて欲しい、10代の学生さんとかでなかなかCDを買うお金がないという人にも届いて欲しいという願いから、メーカーさんに無理を言って通常盤の価格を抑えてもらいました。今のアイドル・シーンはコアファンを中心とした握手会などのイベントを重ねて発売週にセールスを積み上げる短期集中型が主流だと思うのですが、BABYMETALの場合はCDショップの視聴機やライヴがきっかけでBABYMETALの作品に興味を持って購入していただいた方が多かったそうで、発売後から数週間経ってもセールスが動いていたらしいです。そのような方にもBABYMETALと分かりやすいように、通常盤のジャケットはあえてベタな感じというか、これを聴けば大丈夫! というイメージが伝わればいいなと思って作ってもらいました。
KOBAMETAL: I want people that are interested and curious about BABYMETAL to listen to it, but I also wanted it to reach teenage students and other people who don’t have enough money to buy CDs, so I asked the manufacturer to keep the price of the regular edition affordable. I think the mainstream idol scene nowadays is based on a short-term intensive model, where sales are built up during release week through a series of events such as handshake sessions targeted at core fans - but in the case of BABYMETAL, there were many people who became interested in the group because of viewing machines at CD stores, and live concerts, and sales continue to move even a few weeks after release. In order to make it easy for those people to recognize BABYMETAL, the cover of the regular edition is purposely plain, to convey the image that “it’s OK to listen to this!”
What would you like people to focus on in this album?
-KOBAMETAL: このアルバムには様式美、ミクスチャー、ピコリーモ、スラッシュ、デスなど様々なスタイルのメタルが集約されています。おそらく一般的なメタル・バンドだったらできないことでもBABYMETALだからできるのかなと思っています。一番最初にできた曲「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」から最新曲まで約3年の年月があって、1曲ごとにサウンドもクリエイターも違うし、メンバーの声も変化しているけど、どの曲もBABYMETALとして成立していて、このアルバム全てがBABYMETALなんだと思います。
KOBAMETAL: This album brings together various styles of metal, such as stylistic beauty, mash-ups, picolimo, thrash, and death. BABYMETAL is able to do things that ordinary metal bands cannot do. Three years have passed between the very first song “Doki Doki Morning” to our latest song, and each song has a different sound, a different creator, and a different voice quality, but each song is still BABYMETAL, and I think this whole album feels very BABYMETAL.
(NOTE: “picolimo” refers to music that is a combination of electronica and screamo. It’s not an official term - more like slang - and is sometimes referred to as “electrolimo”. Examples include Rise and Victory)
最後に2点ほど。年末の幕張、やはりメタリカのアレを意識しましたか? (笑)
Two final points. At the Makuhari show at the end of the year, were you intentionally referencing Metallica’s legendary Lady Justice statue? (laughs)
-KOBAMETAL: 2013年は「五月革命」ツアーでのメタル・マスター・オマージュから始まって、「サマーソニック」でのまさかのメタルマスターとの遭遇、そして映画『メタリカ・スルー・ザ・ネヴァー』のPRを担当させていただいたこともあって何かとご縁があったので、幕張は今までの集大成的な演出をしたかったので自然な流れで女神像や十字架の演出になりました。
KOBAMETAL: In 2013, we started the Metal Master Tribute through the “May Revolution” tour, and had an unexpected encounter with Metallica at Summer Sonic. BABYMETAL actually helped promote the movie “Metallica Through the Never”, so there was a connection with them from before. For Makuhari, we wanted to create a culmination of everything we’d done thus far, so the statue of the goddess and the cross came naturally.
(NOTE: BABYMETAL did a commercial promoting “Metallica Through the Never”)
(NOTE: for more information about the 2013 “May Revolution” tour, please reference the Kobametal interview in the previous issue of Hedoban)
You performed with ChthoniC in Taiwan. This was the first time you’d performed with a full-fledged metal band overseas, and I wanted to hear your thoughts.
-KOBAMETAL: 昨年もラウドパークで海外のメタル・バンドの方とご一緒する機会はあったのですが、今回のChthoniCさんとの共演はもっと近い距離感で感じられました。ChthoniC のメンバーもフレンドリーな方々でメンバーも一緒にお話したりと、見ている感じだと良い 意味で日本でのライヴと変わらないというか堂々としているなと感じました。
KOBAMETAL: Last year, we had a chance to meet a lot of foreign metal bands at Loud Park, but this time with ChthoniC felt a lot closer. ChthoniC was very friendly, and the girls enjoyed talking with them. So that gave us extra confidence, as if we were performing at a domestic show in Japan, in a good way.
(BABYMETAL performing Megitsune with ChthoniC in Taiwan, 2014)
Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), Shrike (transcription)
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