10 BABYMETAL Legends - Legend VIII

Odyssey to the METAL GALAXY

June 28 & 29, 2019 「BABYMETAL AWAKENS - THE SUN ALSO RISES」 (Yokohama Arena)

METAL RESISTANCE第8章の幕開けとして「BABYMETAL AWAKENS - THE SUN ALSO RISES」はスタートした。SU-METALとMOAMETALの2人を中心に、初めてアベンジャーズシステムが導入されたライブである。一見これまでの3人編成のフォーマットに見えるが、そこには3人のアベンジャーズが入れ替わり立ち替わり加わるという新たなフォーメーションがプラスされ、楽曲や公演ごとに異なるバリエーションを見せていくという、この辺りの想定外なサプライズも相まったBABYMETALらしい進化を遂げていくのであった。

この横浜公演を終えてすぐ、BABYMETALはイギリスに飛び、6月30日には世界最高峰の音楽フェス「Glastonbury Festival」に出演。さらに、イギリスから戻った、7月6・7日には、「BABYMETAL ARISES - BEYOND THE MOON - LEGEND - M・」という、MOAMETALの洗礼の儀を、聖地・ポートメッセなごやで開催する、激動の展開でスタートした。

「BABYMETAL ARISES - BEYOND THE MOON - LEGEND - M -」は「LEGEND - S - 洗礼の儀 -」のSU-METALに続き、MOAMETALが成人となる洗礼を受ける儀式であった。こちらも入場時に三種の神器(腕甲冑など)を配布し、参列者全員はそれらを着用して式に参加した。

MOAMETALも成人を迎え、BABYMETALは新しい扉を開けて、新しい表現を身につけることになった。メンバーの進化とともに、楽曲やダンスパフォーマンスも歩みを同じくして、最新の BABYMETALへとアップデートされていった。


“BABYMETAL Awakens - The Sun Also Rises” raised the curtain for the 8th chapter of Metal Resistance, the first performances that would feature the Avenger system, with SU-METAL and MOAMETAL as the core. At first glance, it seemed to be the same three-member format as before, but a new formation was added in which three Avengers would take turns supporting, and different variations were shown in each song and performance. In this way, they evolved in a way unique to BABYMETAL. 

Immediately after the Yokohama concert, BABYMETAL flew to the UK and performed at the world’s top music festival “Glastonbury Festival” on June 30. After returning from the UK, we performed “BABYMETAL Arises - Beyond the Moon - Legend M” on July 6 and 7; the baptismal ceremony for MOAMETAL, at the sacred ground of Port Messe Nagoya. 

Legend M was a ceremony for MOAMETAL to be baptized as an adult, following SU-METAL’s ceremony in Legend S. The three sacred treasures (mask, necklace, and cape serving as a form of “armor”) were distributed at the entrance, and all attendees wore them to participate in the ceremony. 

With MOAMETAL also coming of age, BABYMETAL opened a new door, and gained a new form of expression. As the girls have evolved, their songs and dance performances have been updated in the same way to become the newest BABYMETAL. 

As this was a milestone show for MOAMETAL, the special performance that we had held back from the Yokohama performance became a highlight of the show. At that time, BABYMETAL had just started its journey in a new formation, so even rebuilding the basic performance must have been quite difficult. In addition to that, they were able to accomplish this memorial event even with an overpacked schedule.

BABYMETAL performing at Yokohama Arena with Avenger Fujihira Kano


予兆が見えたのは、2017年6月16日、ロサンゼルスで行った5000キャパの HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUMがSOLD OUTしたとき だ。「次はアリーナ、次はThe Forum」とさらに大きな山が見えてきた。海外で次のステージへと駒を進めるには、小さなライブハウスからスタートし、さらに大きなライブハウス、そしてさらに大きく、といった感じで、地道に階段を上っていくしかない。その時、2016年4月のウェンブリーアリーナ公演のことが頭に浮かんだ。



2018年は BABYMETALにとって起承転結にあてはめると「転」のタイミングであった。BABYMETAL自体が変化の渦の中心にいる中、新しく生まれてくる新曲のバリエーションも多種多様な広がりを見せていった。それは BABYMETALのグローバルな活動を通じて、 さまざまなカルチャーに触れてきた影響が、アイデアとなって形になっていった。

それらの新曲は、まるで宇宙に輝く無数の星たちのように、無限の広がりと可能性を秘めていた。そして、新たなコンセプトとして「メタルの銀河=METAL GALAXY」が誕生するのだ。

NEW ALBUMがまさかの2枚組!

3rdアルバム『METAL GALAXY』は、プログレメタルバンドのコンセプトアルバムのような、自身初となる2枚組アルバムとなった。メタルの銀河を彩る「太陽と月(SUN & MOON)」「光と闇」といった、それぞれ異なるテーマをコンセプトにした2部構成で、各アルバムのセットリストも、相撲の番付の「東の横綱、西の横綱」のような対になった構成になっている。DISC-1は「FUTURE METAL」に始まり「Night Night Burn!」で終わり、DISC-2は「IN THE NAME OF」に始まって「Arkadia」で終わる。そこにはSU-METALとMOAMETALの2人を中心とした新たな体制を象徴するような「SUN & MOON」という二つのストーリーがあるのだ。

2019年10月11日、BABYMETAL史上初のアメリカ単独アリーナ公演、「METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR LIVE AT THE FORUM」(ロサンゼルス・The Forum)。



2014年の初めての海外ツアー以降、数々の海外公演をこなしてきた BABYMETALは、海外ツアーにおいても確実にステップアップを遂げていった。

2019年のアメリカツアーのときには、PA、照明など、ほぼ現地のツアークルーがサポートしており、メンバーも英語でやりとりをしていたほどだ。彼らの仕事に対するプロフェッショナルな姿勢や、家族やプライベートを大切にする考え方など、日本人にはない感覚、また日本人にしかない感覚にも改めて気づく時間となり、知見を広げ、さまざまな考え方を学ぶ良い機会で あった。



「I、D、Z ~LEGEND」のころから骨バンドと神バンドが交互に降臨し、それ以来しばらくの間(東の)神バンドが降臨してMETAL RESISTANCEは続いていた。本書LEGEND VIIでも述べたが、脱皮を重ねるBABYMETALの進化の過程の中で、西の神バンド降臨というアナザーインパクトは、我々に刺激と学びを与えてくれるとても大きな変化でもあった。

骨バンド、東の神バンド、それぞれに求められる役割は異なるのだが、西の神バンドは、キツネ様から与えられた BABYMETALにおける神バンドの使命を担い、サウンドメイクやアレンジにも研究に研究を重ね、忠実に使命を果たしてくれた。彼らはBABYMETALに新たな解釈をもたらし、BABYMETALをアナザーワールドへと導いてくれたと感じている。

The first sign of things to come came on June 16, 2017, when we sold out the 5,000-capacity Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles. “Next, we’re going to take on an Arena - The Forum”. That was the goal at the top of the mountain. The only way to advance to the next stage overseas is to start with a small live music venue, then a bigger one, and so on up the stairs steadily. That’s when the Wembley Arena concert from April 2016 came to my mind. 

BABYMETAL has had a pair of milestone Legends with each album release. For the second album in 2016, we performed overseas at Wembley Arena and in Japan at Tokyo Dome. The next arena performance overseas would inevitably go together with the release of the third album.

So when would this day come? The question was one of timing. 

2018 was a “turning point” in the story of BABYMETAL. While BABYMETAL itself was at the center of a whirlpool of change, the variations of new songs that were released showcased a wide variety of expansion. It was the influence of being exposed to different cultures through BABYMETAL’s global activities that gave shape to these ideas. 

The new songs, like the countless stars shining in the universe, had infinite expansion and possibilities. And so, the new concept of “Metal Galaxy” was born. 

The new album would be a 2-disc set!

The 3rd album Metal Galaxy is our first 2-disc album, like a concept album from a progressive metal band. The setlist for each disc is arranged like a sumo wrestler ranking chart. “This song and that song are the Yokozuna (note: highest rank in sumo) of the East, and the Yokozuna of the West”, with each set consisting of two parts based on a different theme, such as “Sun and Moon”, “Light and Darkness”, which color the metal galaxy. Disc 1 starts with “FUTURE METAL”, and ends with “Night Night Burn”, while Disc 2 starts with “IN THE NAME OF” and ends with “Arkadia”. There are two stories, with “Sun & Moon” symbolizing the new lineup with SU-METAL and MOAMETAL as the core.

Japan 2-disc version of Metal Galaxy

(Japan 2-disc version of Metal Galaxy)

 “Metal Galaxy World Tour Live at The Forum” on October 11, 2019 was BABYMETAL’s first ever solo arena performance in the United States. 

The third album was nearing completion, and the first big mountain to climb since Wembley Arena was finally coming into sight. 

In 2016, the plan was to perform at Wembley Arena the day after the release of the second album, which was quite an impactful and daring plan, but this time, we came up with a plan to tour the U.S. for about a month as if we were gradually climbing stairs, building up our strength during that time in preparation for the final peak. 

Since the first overseas tour in 2014, BABYMETAL has performed abroad numerous times, stepping up their game each time.

During the U.S. tour in 2019, we were supported almost entirely by local tour crew, including PA and lighting, and the girls even communicated with them in English. It was a good opportunity for us to broaden our knowledge and learn various ways of thinking from the local crew, as we learned from their professional attitude towards work, while still emphasizing the importance of family and private life - this is something that Japanese people tend not to have. At the same time, we also observed the sensibilities that only Japanese people have.

The Kami Band of the West descended upon us!

Starting from this U.S. tour, BABYMETAL’s first foray with the “Western Kamis” also brought about a big change. 

From the time of “I, D, Z~LEGEND”, the Babybones and the Kami Band descended upon us alternately, and since then, the (Eastern) Kami Band had remained with us for some time, while the Metal Resistance continued. As mentioned in Legend VII of this book, as BABYMETAL shed its skin in the process of evolution, the other impact was the coming of the Kami Band from the West - a huge change that gave us stimulation and learning.

The Babybones and the Eastern Kamis played significant yet different roles, but the Western Kamis took on the same mission as the Eastern Kamis, given by the Fox God, and faithfully fulfilled their task by studying and researching sound makeup and arrangements diligently. I felt that they brought a new interpretation to BABYMETAL, leading us into another world.

Western Kami of BABYMETAL performing solos before Kagerou

(Western Kamis performing solos)


Like various stars floating in the Metal Galaxy

The Forumという大一番に向けての準備は進み、BABYMETAL史上もっとも長い海外ツアーに突入した。The Forumで開催する初めてのアメリカでの単独アリーナ公演は、3rdアルバム『METAL GALAXY』発売日当日の10月11日でもあり、「初めて演奏する曲」 を「初めて聴くオーディエンス」という図式は、再びウェンブリー・アリーナ公演がよみがえってくるのであった。

3rdアルバム『METAL GALAXY』は「メタルの銀河」というテーマのもとに、前作のメタルのサブジャンルを広げていくアプローチから、ヒップホップ、エレクトロ、ラテン、民族音楽などさまざまなジャンルの音楽とメタルの融合をテーマに、バラエティー色が豊かなアルバムとなった。



今回のThe Forumでは、これまでのシアトリカルな演出から一変して、「FUTURE METAL」という新たに加わったオープニング曲のイメージから、「未来のメタル」をテーマにしたフューチャリスティックな映像とともにライブをスタートさせることにした。

また、The Forumは大掛かりなステージセットのため、日本からTHE FOX GOD CREWも加わり、力強いサポートを得ながらローカルクルーとの共同作業でライブに臨むことになった。The Forum公演当日を迎えるにあたり、発注していたステージ機材と違うものが届いたりと、海外あるあるなハプニングもありはしたのだが、 2014年から積み重ねた海外ツアーの経験から蓄積された適応力で、 急きょのトラブルにも対応できるようになっていた。

ステージ演出に関わる重大な変更もあったが、メンバーもスタッフも余裕を持って臨機応変に対応できたのは、「Sonisphere Festival UK」からウェンブリー・アリーナから、海外での数々の試練を乗り越え、キャリアを積んできた証しなのだと感じるところである。


SU-METAL and MOAMETAL in the Galaxy Ark during Future Metal

Preparations for the decisive show at The Forum were underway, as well as the longest overseas tour in BABYMETAL’s history. The date of the first solo arena show in the U.S. (October 11) was the day of the release of the 3rd album Metal Galaxy, and the “performing songs for the first time” combined with “the audience hearing songs for the first time” model first used at Wembley Arena was brought back. 

Metal Galaxy is based on the theme of a “galaxy of metal music”, a fusion of metal and various genres of music such as hip-hop, electro, Latin, and ethnic music, compared to the previous album Metal Resistance’s approach of expanding the metal subgenre.

With such a wide variety of music, we wanted to change the scenery as if the stage were changing with each song, rather than constructing the stage with one fixed theme, so we utilized a huge LED screen in the center of the stage.

I believe that live entertainment is largely based on a combination of auditory and visual elements - but in recent years, with the development of video technology and stage sets, I feel that visual elements have grown in importance. Although a good performance will always be necessary, large venues in particular combine this with visuals, and I think it’s becoming more and more difficult to put on a performance without visuals. 

At The Forum this time, we decided to start the show with a futuristic video based on the theme of “FUTURE METAL”, which was the newly added opening song - a complete change from the previous theatrical performances.

Due to the large scale of The Forum’s stage set, the Fox God Crew from Japan joined us, and with their strong support, the Japanese and local crew worked on this show together. As the day of the show approached, there were some incidents that are common overseas, such as the delivery of stage equipment that was different from what we had ordered, but we were able to cope with any sudden problems thanks to the adaptability accumulated through experiences touring overseas since 2014. 

The fact that the girls and staff were able to cope with some serious changes to the stage direction in a timely manner is a testament to the fact that they’ve overcome many other challenges overseas, from shows like Sonisphere Festival UK or Wembley Arena, as they’ve built up their careers.

Indeed, “Metal is not built in a day.”

Building of the BABYMETAL logo in Future Metal

The Forum 公演は中間地点

The Forum performance was the halfway point

The Forum公演は、BABYMETALにとって初のアメリカでのアリーナワンマン公演でもあり、長期にわたるアメリカツアーの天王山でもあった。もちろん十分な達成感はあったが、The Forumが終わった翌々日からアメリカツアーに戻り、翌年1月には日本での幕張メッセ2DAYS公演や、2月からのヨーロッパツアー、3月からのアジアツアーも決まっていたので、大きな節目ではあるものの、中間地点のように感じられたのであった。


The Forum後も、アメリカ、日本、ヨーロッパと続くワールドツアー。The Forum単独公演とは、普通に考えれば「アーティスト人生を 一生分つぎ込んで、このフォーラムにかける!」くらいの大一番ではあるのだろうが、ワールドツアーの流れの中で、数あるうちのワンステージでもあり......本当ならば数日、数週間は余韻に浸りたいところなのだが、ライブが終わればすぐさま次の街へ移動して、 次のステージが待っている。もはや、我々も感覚がまひしてしまったのかもしれないし、また「普通にできる」底力も無意識のうちに身についていたのかもしれない。

The Forum was BABYMETAL’s first solo arena show in the U.S., and also the watershed of the long U.S. tour. Of course, there was a sense of accomplishment, but two days after The Forum, we continued our U.S. tour, and in the following year, BABYMETAL was scheduled to hold a 2-day concert at Makuhari Messe in Japan in January, a European tour starting in February, and an Asian tour starting in March. The Forum felt like a halfway point.

“This is not the end goal.”

A solo show at The Forum would normally be a really big deal for an artist; something you’d build your entire career towards. After The Forum performance, we continued the world tour in the U.S., Japan, and Europe. However, it was also just one of many stages in the flow of the world tour...we would have liked to stay for a few days or weeks to soak up the atmosphere in the days after, but as soon as a concert was over, we were off to the next city, and the next stage awaiting us. We might have grown too accustomed to doing things this way, or we may have unconsciously acquired the strength to “act like it’s no big deal”.

BABYMETAL greeting the crowd at The Forum

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Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (Editing), Velox (Photos)
