10 BABYMETAL Legends - Legend IV


Third Impact “Trilogy”


2014年、METAL RESISTANCE 第2章で海外武者修行の旅に出ていた BABYMETALは、海外で数々のLEGEND をリアルに生み出し、新章の幕開けとともに、再び、日出ずる国へと舞い戻った。2015年、次なるMETAL RESISTANCEの舞台となるのは日本。ワタクシは、「I、D、Z~LEGEND」以来となるシン・3部作を「TRILOGY」と名付け、次のステップとして考えた。



「I、D、Z~LEGEND」のころのBABYMETALはとにかく前に突き進む姿勢で戦っていた。その後、日本武道館2DAYSでライブの中での緩急をマスターし、さらに2014年のワールドツアーで、アウェーで戦うことにより、臨機応変に戦える術を身につけていたが、2015年の TRILOGY 3部作は、ストロングスタイルとシアトリカルの二刀流を使いわけながら、さらに進化したBABYMETALを見せることができるライブとなった。


METAL RESISTANCEが真剣勝負で本格化していく中、1stアルバムに続く2ndアルバムへの待望論がちらほら聞こえてくるようになっていた。ワタクシ的には1stアルバムを出したときも「1stアルバムであり、ベストアルバム。そして内心はラストアルバム」と考えていたくらいで、先々のことは考えず、今を生きることに重きを置いて、毎回すべてを出し切ってやってきたのである。正直なところ、どこまで2ndアルバムが求められるものか?と思っていた時期もあったが、海外武者修行の旅を重ね、新しい刺激を受けて大きくなっていくBABYMETALと比例して、新しい楽曲のアイデアも膨らんでいったのだ。BABYMETALは「リアルとファンタジーの融合」をテーマに、METAL RESISTANCEのストーリーとリアルな海外活動がシンクロしながら未知なる世界を切り開いていったように、その当時の「今のBABYMETAL」を象徴する歌として生まれたのが「Road of Resistance」だった。


TRILOGY 3部作は、METAL RESISTANCE 第3章、および、2ndアルバムのテーマとなった、「Road of Resistance」からスタートして全体を構成していった。

1本目は、1月10日に開催された「BABYMETAL LEGEND “2015" ~新春キツネ祭り~」(さいたまスーパーアリーナ)。


この会場でアリーナスタンディングとスタンド席の約2万人。フェス以外では、初めてとなる大規模なライブとなったが、この日は、「Road of Resistance」を日本で初披露する機会でもあった。前年11月8日のロンドン公演(O2アカデミーブリクストン)で初披露し、その後音源のみ配信限定で公開されていたのだが、日本初披露ながらも数年前から演奏してきたような、一体感のある熱量の高い盛り上がりとなった。その熱狂の様子は、その年の5月に「Road of Resistance」のミュージックビデオとして公開された。ブリクストンでの初演から格段に進化し、広大な会場とスペクタクルな演出も相まって、特にセンターステージで360度オーディエンスに囲まれながら繰り広げるチャントのパートは、BABYMETALを代表するメタルアンセムとして十分な存在感を放っていた。

In 2014, BABYMETAL created a number of Legends through overseas performances as part of the training trip, returning to the land of the Rising Sun to open a new chapter. In 2015, Japan became the next stage of Metal Resistance, and this series of shows was named the “Trilogy” as the sequel to “I, D, Z~LEGEND”. 

The venues were Saitama Super Arena, Makuhari Messe, and Yokohama Arena. 

A trilogy of shows was planned to be held at these three major Japanese arenas in January, June, and December. 

In the days of “I, D, Z~LEGEND”, BABYMETAL was fighting with a forward-thinking attitude. As they mastered tempo at the 2-day Budokan performance, BABYMETAL also learned how to fight flexibly on the road during the 2014 World Tour. Through the Trilogy performances of 2015, we were able to show a more evolved BABYMETAL, using both Strong Style and Theatrical Style.

Towards the 3rd chapter of Metal Resistance

As Metal Resistance began getting serious, we started to hear calls for a 2nd album to follow the 1st. Personally, when the debut album was released, I considered it as both a first album and a Best-of Album. Honestly, I thought it would be our last album too. We didn’t really think about the future, but rather focused on living in the present, and giving it all at every moment. To be frank, there was a time when I wondered, “How many people are actually looking forward to a 2nd album?” But the ideas for new songs increased as BABYMETAL grew, as we received new stimuli from the many overseas training trips. With the theme of “fusion of reality and fantasy”, BABYMETAL had opened up an unknown world by synchronizing the story of Metal Resistance with real-life overseas activities. “Road of Resistance” was born as a song that symbolized the “current” BABYMETAL of the time. 

Blazing forward on a path without a road!

The construction of the Trilogy began with “Road of Resistance”, setting the overall theme for both Chapter 3 of Metal Resistance, and the 2nd album Metal Resistance

The first show was “BABYMETAL Legend ‘2015’ New Year’s Fox Festival” (Saitama Super Arena), held on January 10.

The coffin that had departed from this place after the Budokan to travel to a foreign land had returned, to Saitama Super Arena. The concept for the stage was a blend of Japanese and Western styles, with elements of a triumphant return from overseas training, and opening a new chapter in the New Year. The path connecting the main stage to the center stage was made of a large suspension bridge in red - almost vermillion - that descended from the ceiling, and the bridge connecting to the side stages had the silhouette of a taiko drum bridge. In the scene following the opening movie, the girls dressed in kimono-like costumes while wearing fox masks, appearing on stage for “Megitsune”.

BABYMETAL opening “New Year’s Fox Festival” at Saitama Super Arena with “Megitsune”

(Opening “New Year’s Fox Festival” at Saitama Super Arena with “Megitsune”)

Combining seated and standing areas, the arena fit about 20,000 people in total. This was the first non-festival large-scale live performance, and it was the first time “Road of Resistance” was performed in Japan. It had debuted at the London show (O2 Academy Brixton) on November 8 the previous year, and the studio track had only seen a limited release at this point. But even though it was the first time the song was performed in Japan, it was done with a high level of enthusiasm and unity, as if we’d been playing it for several years. This passion was captured and released as a music video for “Road of Resistance” in May of that year. The performance had evolved dramatically since the first performance in Brixton, and combined with the vast venue and spectacular staging, particularly the “Wow wow” chant that unfolded on the center stage surrounded by the audience on all sides, gave it enough presence to become the metal anthem representing BABYMETAL.

(NOTE: to be clear, when “Road of Resistance” was performed at Saitama Super Arena, which is the performance posted on the official BABYMETAL Youtube channel, it had only been released digitally as a single, performed live at Brixton, and at a special fan-club member only 'Apocrypha S' event. Thus it is likely that access to the song for most Japanese fans was relatively limited, yet the fans somehow knew exactly what to do, in terms of call & response and circle pits. This may be an excellent demonstration of what the girls mean when they say “we create the live performance together with the fans”. They give fans commands and guidance for what to do, and everyone plays along happily, making for a breathtaking and more exhilarating group experience.)

BABYMETAL performing Road of Resistance at Saitama Super Arena

(Road of Resistance at Saitama Super Arena)

6月21日 「BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 ~巨大天下一メタル武道会~」 (幕張メッセ国際展示場1~3ホール)

June 21 - BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 ~Tenkaichi Metal Budokai~ (Makuhari Messe Exhibition Halls 1−3)

TRILOGY 1本目は、比較的シアトリカルな内容のライブだったが、2本目の幕張メッセは、目黒鹿鳴館や日本武道館にも冠した「天下一メタル武道会」というシリーズで、ストロングスタイルのライブだった。


METAL RESISTANCE 第3章にちなんだ、三角形のステージ上に魔法陣柄の巨大ピラミッドがステージを覆った。そのピラミッドが瞬間的に消え去ると、メンバーが登場するというオープニングだった。



この日の「Road of Resistance」は間奏部分でタケノコのように空高く昇っていく装置に乗って、メンバーが上にグイーンとあがっていく場面があった。あがったところで音が止まり、アカペラで「Wow wow」と歌うのであるが、会場中が海外のメタルフェスのように大合唱になっていた。いわゆるメタルマナーのサークルモッシュやウォールオブデスも起きていたが、ビジュアル的にはかなり強烈なものがあった。


Triangle stage of “Tenkaichi Metal Budokai” at Makuhari Messe

(Triangle stage of “Tenkaichi Metal Budokai” at Makuhari Messe)

The first Trilogy show was quite theatrical, but the second show, held at Makuhari Messe, was titled the “Tenkaichi Metal Budokai” (Strongest Under The Heavens Metal Martial Arts Tournament), continuing the series started by the Rock-May-Kan and Budokan shows before, done as a “Strong Style” performance. 

The stage was a triangle, inspired by the Trilogy theme. 

A huge pyramid with a magic circle pattern covered the triangular stage, in accordance with the 3rd chapter of Metal Resistance. The girls appeared on stage the moment the pyramid disappeared.

The venue at Makuhari Messe was flat, with no seating area, which was the key to success for this show. The theme was to convey the same sense of excitement to each and every single member of the audience wherever they were in the venue, united because all were standing and no one was seated and relaxed. Therefore the songs came one after another without pause, with minimal storytelling. 

However, in contrast to all-standing live music venues, the scale was immense. I peeked at the floor from a high place at the side of the venue, and the view of 25,000 people gathered in a huge space was something I had never seen before; a world beyond my imagination. 

During the interlude of “Road of Resistance”, there was a scene where the girls rode on a device that rose high in the sky like bamboo shoots, climbing to the top. When they reached the peak, the music stopped, and they sang “Wow wow” acapella, as the whole venue broke into a huge chorus like an overseas metal festival.  Circle moshing and wall-of-death in accordance with metal manners occurred as well, but visually, the whole thing was quite intense. 

The sight in front of the girls from the stage must have been spectacular.

Black BABYMETAL performing Onedari Daisakusen

(“Onedari Daisakusen” at Makuhari Messe)

December 12 & 13 「BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 in JAPAN -THE FINAL CHAPTER OF TRILOGY-」(Yokohama Arena)

TRILOGY3部作を締める横浜アリーナは、METAL RESISTANCE 第4章へつながるストーリーとして、重要でメモリアルなライブになった。ステージ背面には、3体のスフィンクス調の巨大キツネが、さらにはピラミッド形のゴンドラが巨大キツネの上に鎮座している。3部作を通すと、さいたまスーパーアリーナがシアトリカル寄りで、幕張メッセは完全なるストロングスタイル、最後の横浜アリーナは一大スペクタクルというコンセプトがあった。

BABYMETALにとって初となる、ミディアムテンポ曲「THE ONE」を初めて披露した公演でもあった。この曲はさいたまスーパーアリーナや幕張メッセでも、曲の一部をアレンジしたSEや紙芝居の楽曲として使用したり、THE ONEというキーワードが登場したり、ちょこちょこと、におわせ的なアクションはあったのだが、全編初披露となるこの日は特別な演出も用意していた。



いわゆる一般的なフライングと呼ばれるミュージカルやコンサートの演出は、体にハーネスをつけて飛ぶというものだが、そうではない乗り物みたいなものに乗って飛んでいくことができないかと考えた。2014年の日本武道館で、日本を離れ、海外武者修行の旅に出るというストーリーでは棺桶が空へ飛んでいく演出だったが、あれのセルフオマージュのイメージだ。このMETAL RESISTANCE第3章を終え、第4章、そして、ウェンブリー・アリーナに向かっていくのだと。その空飛ぶピラミッドに乗って、再び日本を離れて、メンバーが海外へと旅立っていくストーリーを形にしたかったのである。

ワタクシとしては、空を飛ぶのと同時にゴンドラで会場をぐるりと一周したかった。オーディエンスの近くまで行き、これから旅立っていくごあいさつをしながら、会場をひとつに “THE ONE" にするイメージであった。これは、THE FOX GOD CREW が安全面も含め、実現に向けて試行錯誤したたまものである。天井にレールをはわせ、一周できるよう計算して作り上げられたのである。

ちなみに、ゴンドラが客席を一周したのは「THE ONE」をラストに披露した2日目のみ。初日はゴンドラに乗って登場したオープニングだけである。他アーティストであれば、せっかくセットを設置したのであれば、普通は両日ともに会場を一周させると思うのだが、このあたりは、BABYMETALならではの一点豪華主義のぜいたくな使い方だ。BABYMETALのLEGENDはストーリーに基づいており、一度あることは二度ないのであった。

TRILOGY 3部作は、METAL RESISTANCE 第3章、メンバーの3人など、「3」をひとつのキーワードにしていた。幕張メッセのステージもそうだったが、三角形も意識して、三辺が折り重なり、それがまた新しい奇跡を導いていく物語という、まさにメンバー3人が、次々と新しい奇跡を生み出していくという意味もあった。そして、TRILOGY3部作の会場は、さいたまスーパーアリーナ、幕張メッセ、横浜アリーナ。地図上でつなぐと、三角形になり、真ん中がちょうど東京になるのである。




・4月1日を FOX DAY として、その日に2ndアルバムが全世界同時発売


・「BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2016」ワールドツアーが始まる





Foxes and Gondola at Yokohama Arena

(Foxes and Gondola at Yokohama Arena)

Yokohama Arena, which concluded the Trilogy, was an important and memorable show, as a story that would lead into the 4th chapter of Metal Resistance. At the back of the stage, three giant sphinx-like foxes and a pyramid-shaped gondola sat on top of the giant foxes. Throughout the trilogy, the concept was that Saitama Super Arena was theatrical, Makumari Messe was Strong Style, and the last one, Yokohama Arena, was a huge spectacle. 

This was also the first time BABYMETAL performed “THE ONE” - a medium tempo song - in full. This song had been used at Saitama Super Arena and Makuhari Messe as a partial arrangement and story movie music, while the keyword “THE ONE” appeared here and there. On this day, which was the first time the song was performed in its entirety, we prepared something special.

We had a pyramid-shaped gondola. Gondolas that go around on the ground are relatively common, but ours had an extra trick. We’ve tried out various different kinds of staging, but what had BABYMETAL never done before? 

“We want to fly”

So-called flying in musicals and concerts is usually done with harnesses attached to the body. But I wondered if it would be possible to fly in something that looked different, like a vehicle. At the 2014 Budokan, the storyline of leaving Japan and going overseas was expressed using a coffin flying into the sky, and this imagery was a self-homage to that. After finishing the 3rd chapter of Metal Resistance, we headed towards the 4th chapter and Wembley Arena. We wanted to provide visual imagery to go with the story of the members leaving Japan once again on a flying pyramid to go abroad. 

I wanted to send the gondola all over the venue in the sky, to get close to the audience and greet them as we were leaving, and make the audience “THE ONE”. It took a lot of trial and error on the part of the Fox God Crew to make this happen, including safety. The rails on the ceiling were designed to facilitate a full circle.

Incidentally, the gondola only circled the audience on the 2nd day, when the last song “THE ONE” was performed. On the 1st day, the gondola was only used to open the show. Normally, other artists might have circled the venue on both days since they already took the effort to build such an elaborate set, but this was an extravagant use of a single-purpose luxury that only BABYMETAL would do. BABYMETAL’s Legend follows a story, and what happens once doesn’t happen twice.

Flying gondola during BABYMETAL's performance of “THE ONE”

(Flying gondola during “THE ONE”)

The Trilogy had “3” as a keyword, including the 3rd chapter of Metal Resistance, and three girls. As was the case for the Makuhari Messe stage, the triangle was something we were conscious of, with the story from three sides overlapping and leading to a new miracle, meaning that the three girls would create new miracles one after another. The venues for the Trilogy were Saitama Super Arena, Makuhari Messe, and Yokohama Arena. If you were to connect them on a map, they’d form a triangle with Tokyo in the middle. 

The Tokyo Dome is at the center of a triangle connecting Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa! 

Furthermore, the first letter of each venue’s name also matched the initials drawn on the foreheads of the fox masks worn by the girls. It was like coincidence or fate - a very BABYMETAL-like story. After the performance at Yokohama Arena, the ending storyboard became the most surprise-filled preview for the next episode.

  • Chapter 4 of Metal Resistance is beginning

  • April 1st will be Fox Day, and the 2nd album will be released simultaneously worldwide on that day

  • A Wembley Arena show in England will be held on the day after the release of the 2nd album

  • BABYMETAL World Tour 2016 is beginning, and the World Tour Final will be held at Tokyo Dome

On a single day, we announced enough content that might have taken 5-10 years to announce normally. 

The audience might not have been able to keep track of everything in their heads! 

Looking back at the video footage from that time, the story movie was very emotional and moving, but I think the momentum and fearlessness of that era was captured very well.

Tokyo Dome at the center of Saitama Super Arena, Makuhari Messe, and Yokohama Arena

(Tokyo Dome at the center of Saitama Super Arena, Makuhari Messe, and Yokohama Arena)

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Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (Editing), Velox (Photos)
