10 BABYMETAL Legends - Legend VII


Shedding of the self

December 2 & 3, 2017 「LEGEND - S - Baptism XX」(Hiroshima Green Arena)

ウェンブリー・アリーナ、東京ドームと、大きな節目を経たBABYMETALは、レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ、ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズ、メタリカといったレジェンドバンドのワールドツアー帯同やゲスト出演、「BABYMETAL 5大キツネ祭り in JAPAN」を経て、とどまることなくどんどん大きくなっていった。躍進の年を締めくくる2017年12月2・3日に開催された「LEGEND - S - 洗礼の儀 -」。SU-METALにとって、そしてBABYMETALにとっても節目となるライブであった。

今回の公演は、これまでメンバー全員が10代で周りに支えられて歩んできた BABYMETAL が、積み重ねてきた経験と実績をもって、「次世代のリーダーとなるような存在へと変化していく」というテーマを掲げたライブとしても考えていた。BABYMETALとしてもちょうど転換期に入り、己を超え、次の新しい表現を目指していたタイミングである。演出のストーリーを組み立てる中で、より深い視点から掘り下げ、二面性をテーマに据えた。







この LEGENDは SU-METALにとってもBABYMETALにとっても、過去の己から脱皮する儀式でもあった。これまで作り上げてきたBABYMETAL像というものを一度壊し、改めて新しい BABYMETALを構築していく、といったイメージだ。これまでのBABYMETALのファンタジーのストーリーと、SU-METALの聖誕の地に刻まれたシリアスな内容も含んだリアルなストーリーが融合し、メモリアルな儀式は執り行われるのだ。


この儀式にはたくさんのハイライトがあるのだが、そのいくつかをお伝えしていこう。この地に絶望の光が落ちたあと、DYSTOPIAと化した世界を舞台に物語はスタートした。DYSTOPIAの世界に舞い降りた勇者・SU-METALが、この地に光を取り戻すために立ち上がるのだ。オープニングの「IN THE NAME OF」では、近未来の荒廃した世界観の中で、キツネの戦士とともに壮大な儀式が繰り広げられた。ここまでの大掛かりなステージ演出は BABYMETALの中で1、2を争うものであった。後半、SU-METALがメシア(救世主)となり、みずからが DYSTOPIA に希望の光をもたらす存在へと昇華する。「BABYMETAL DEATH」からラスト「THE ONE」へつながるシーンである。

SU-METALは、絶望の光によって崩壊した世界の中で、希望の光を照らすためにある決意をする。「BABYMETAL DEATH」の中で始まった儀式で、巨大魔法陣の形をした十字架に磔になり、炎の中へと消えていったのだ。SU-METALは昇天し、みずからが希望の光となって、人々を照らす存在へと進化し、DYSTOPIAに希望の光をもたらしたのだ。「THE ONE」へと続くその途中では、長いランウェイのようなステージ全てが白煙に覆われ、SU-METALとMOAMETALは雲の道を歩いていきながら、雲の階段を天に向かって上っていくような光景であった。この「LEGEND - S - 洗礼の儀 -」は、壮大なステージとストーリーの世界観、そしてメンバーのパフォーマンスが見事に融合して、これまでの BABYMETALの殻を破り、さらなるステージへと踏み出す一歩となった。


本番当日1秒前まで、どうなるかわからない状況の中、ギリギリまでメンバーパフォーマンスや演出の調整&変更に追われた中、どうにか1日目を終えることができた。当初「Distortion」も初披露される予定であったが、ステージ構成の変更に伴い、1日目が終わったあとで2日目に急きょ変更した演出もあった。このように、状況が混沌を極める中でも、メンバーと THE FOX GOD CREWはみずからを信じて、決してブレることなく、メタルのハートで一心一丸となっていた。結果的には、儀式に参加していただいた参列者ともに、その場にいた全員で作り上げたLEGENDとして、本当にすばらしく、生涯忘れることのない経験であったと思うのだ。

After passing through major milestones such as Wembley Arena and Tokyo Dome, BABYMETAL continuously grew without pause, accompanying legendary bands such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Guns N’ Roses, and Metallica on their world tours, making guests appearances, and holding the “BABYMETAL Five Fox Festivals in Japan”. “Legend S” was held on December 2 & 3, 2017, to conclude this breakthrough year. For both SU-METAL herself and BABYMETAL as a whole, it was a milestone performance. 

This show was considered a concert with the theme of “becoming a leader of the next generation”. The girls had accumulated many experiences and achievements while in their teen years, with support from those around them. The timing was just right for BABYMETAL to enter a turning point, going beyond their original limits and aiming for new forms of expression. In constructing the story for this performance, I delved into it from a deeper perspective, setting “duality” as the theme. 

Duality is something that has always been part of BABYMETAL, and the name of the group itself is a duality, creating new metal by combining two opposites - BABY and METAL. Previous works have depicted “light and darkness”, “life and death”; the idea that everything is two sides of the same coin. Though it’s a theme that’s been there since the beginning, if you were to describe the next era of BABYMETAL, what would it be? The keyword “light” came to mind.

A story of Light of Hope, and Light of Despair

This concert in Hiroshima was, in my opinion, one of BABYMETAL’s best shows.

(NOTE: In Part 4 of the Kadokawa Mook released in 2020, Koba also remarks that he would rank Legend S as one of his top 3 shows, possibly even 1st or 2nd)

Because it was a special baptismal ceremony event, the atmosphere was distinctly different from previous shows. Three sacred items (mask, cape, and necklace) were distributed at the entrance, and all attendees were asked to wear them. The solemn stage with the motif of an altar, the moving stage with a huge fox statue - these kinds of elements made the whole venue seem like a huge theme park, like the world of a movie, creating a space where the audience could immerse themselves in the ritual, as we went all-in to build the most theatrical BABYMETAL performance to date.

Is it the beginning? Is it the end?

A new legend came with the light.

This Legend was also a ritual for both SU-METAL and BABYMETAL to break free from and shed their past selves. Our intent was to break down the previously built-up image of BABYMETAL, and reconstruct a new one. The memorial ceremony was held by fusing the fantasy story of BABYMETAL, and the real story including more serious content, engraved here in the city where SU-METAL was born. 

Light can be a light of hope that illuminates people, or a light that drives them to despair. This concert fully expressed this duality.

There were many highlights in this ritual, but I’ll just talk about a few of them. The story began in a world where the light of despair had fallen upon this land. Landing in this world, the hero SU-METAL stands up to bring light back into this land. In the opening song “IN THE NAME OF”, a grand ritual was performed together with fox warriors in a devastated world of the near future. This was one of BABYMETAL’s biggest stage performances by far. In the second half, SU-METAL became a messiah, sublimating herself to bring light of hope to Dystopia. This scene led from “BABYMETAL DEATH” to the last song “THE ONE”.

SU-METAL made the decision to shine a light of hope in the world collapsed by the light of despair. In a ritual that started in “BABYMETAL DEATH”, she was nailed to a cross in the shape of a giant magic circle, disappearing into the flames. SU-METAL ascended to the heavens and became a light of hope, evolving into a being that illuminated people and brought the light of hope to Dystopia. As we were led into the next and final song “THE ONE”, the whole stage was a long runway covered in white smoke, and it was like SU-METAL and MOAMETAL were walking on a cloud path, climbing up cloud stairs to the sky. “Legend S” was the first step for BABYMETAL to break out of the shell, and step onto the next stage, with a magnificent setup, the world view of the story, and the girls’ performance fusing together beautifully.

BABYMETAL Legend S Hiroshima Green Arena
BABYMETAL Legend S Hiroshima Green Arena

I remember that the concert itself was magnificent, moving, and wonderful - but due to YUIMETAL’s sudden absence, another story was born. SU-METAL, the main performer of the ritual, MOAMETAL, who supported her, and YUIMETAL, who was unable to be there - three stories were created. 

We didn’t know what was going to happen until the very last moment before the day of the show, and we were busy adjusting and changing the girls’ performance and direction, but somehow we managed to finish the first day. Actually, “Distortion” was originally scheduled to make its debut at this show. Due to changes in the show, some hasty changes needed to be made to the performance for the second day, after the conclusion of the first. Despite the chaos of the situation, the girls and the Fox God Crew believed in themselves, never wavered, and were united in the heart of metal. In the end, it was a truly wonderful and unforgettable experience; a Legend created by everyone present, including the audience that participated in the ceremony. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.



DARK SIDEと呼ばれるMETAL RESISTANCE 第7章(METAL RESISTANCE EPISODE VII - APOCRYPHA - THE CHOSEN SEVEN」)は、二面性をテーマにした「LEGEND - S - 洗礼の儀 -」 の流れをくんだ、BABYMETALという世界観をさらに押し広げるための、あらかじめ予定されていた物語であった。今までに我々が見てきたBABYMETALがLIGHT SIDEの BABYMETALであるならば、我々が知らなかったアナザーワールドには DARK SIDEの BABYMETALが存在した、というパラレルワールドのストーリーである。BABYとMETALという名の通り、どちらかだけに偏ることなく、「両方の世界があっての BABYMETAL」であるのだと。「LEGEND - S - 洗礼の儀 -」で初披露するはずだった、DYSTOPIAの世界観を描いた「Distortion」も、過去の己から脱皮し、次なるステージへと向かうBABYMETALのDARK SIDE を代表する楽曲であった。

METAL RESISTANCE第7章は、「THE CHOSEN SEVEN」(選ばれし7人)という「七人の侍」のようなイメージで、メンバー3人を含む7人編成のコンセプトで作られた。YUIMETAL欠場が続く中、変則的なフォーメーションでスタートしたワールドツアーは、 BABYMETALにとって大きな試練となった。BABYMETALの変化に戸惑う反応もある中、SU-METALとMOAMETALは強靭なメタルのハートで立ち向かい、ライブを重ねるたびにどんどんオーデイエンスの反応もよくなっていった。

日本凱旋ツアーとなる「BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN」を前に、結果的にはYUIMETALはBABYMETALを離れることになったのであるが、7人編成の「THE CHOSEN SEVEN」は、最後にこの日本ツアーで完成したのである。

その舞台となったステージは、小さな三つの三角形があり、SU-METAL、YUIMETAL、MOAMETAL、それぞれが三角形の頂点に立ち、メンバーそれぞれがリーダーとなってダンサーを従えるというスタイルを想定していた。その三つの三角形が重なり合うと、ひとつの巨大な三角形へと進化し、パワーアップしたこれまでに誰も見たことのない、DARK SIDE・BABYMETALが出現する、というストーリーになっていた。

「BABYMETAL とはなんぞや?」

こうした変化は、メンバーも THE FOX GOD CREWもファンも含めて、改めてBABYMETALという概念を再確認するきっかけとなった。

そもそも BABYMETALは、「新しいメタルの誕生」をテーマに、既成概念をぶち壊し「道なき道」を突き進んでいくグループであった。時は流れ、本来のBABYMETALという概念は、メタルエリートが説くガチガチなメタル論のような既成概念へと陳腐化され、本当の意味でのBABYMETALはいつの間にか形骸化してしまったのかもしれない。しかし、BABYMETALは、そのBABYMETALという型を自らぶち破り、第3形態から脱皮を繰り返し、形を変えながら成長する生き物のように、さらなる“シン化”を遂げるのであった。

のちのMETAL RESISTANCE第8章に登場するアベンジャーズシリーズも、「LEGEND - METAL GALAXY」で実現した大団円も、このDARK SIDEにおける「THE CHOSEN SEVEN」の進化がなければ生まれていなかっただろう。



Chapter 7 of Metal Resistance (Apocrypha - The Chosen Seven), also called the “Dark Side”, was a story planned in advance to expand the world view of BABYMETAL further, following the flow of Legend S, which was based on the theme of duality. If the BABYMETAL we had seen thus far was the BABYMETAL of the Light Side, this was a story of a parallel world that we hadn’t seen before - the BABYMETAL of the Dark Side. As the name “BABY” and “METAL” would suggest, BABYMETAL is something that belongs to more than one world, without being biased towards one or the other. “Distortion”, which was supposed to make its debut at Legend S - and which depicted the world of Dystopia - was also a song representing the Dark Side of BABYMETAL, which was now breaking from the past, heading for the next stage.

Metal Resistance Chapter 7 was created with the concept of “The Chosen Seven” in mind, to create a seven-member group (including the 3 girls), evoking imagery of the “Seven Samurai”. Due to YUIMETAL’s continued absence, the world tour - which would thus start with an irregular formation - became a big test for BABYMETAL. While some people were perplexed at this changed BABYMETAL, SU-METAL and MOAMETAL faced the challenge with resilient metal hearts, and the audience response grew better and better with each show. 

Ultimately, YUIMETAL left BABYMETAL before the triumphant “BABYMETAL World Tour 2018 in Japan”, but the seven-member “The Chosen Seven” formation was finally completed during this leg of the Japan tour.

(NOTE: Seven Samurai (1954) was a technical and creative watershed film that set new standard for the industry. It is largely touted as what made the "assembling the team" trope popular in movies and other media.)

The BABYMETAL Chosen Seven

The stage was designed to have three small triangles, with SU-METAL, YUIMETAL, and MOAMETAL standing at the tip of each one, each acting as a leader with dancers in tow. When the three triangles overlapped, they evolved into one huge triangle, telling the story of a powered-up “Dark Side BABYMETAL” that had never been seen before.

We had to ask ourselves: “What is BABYMETAL”?

These changes led the girls, the Fox God Crew, and fans alike to reaffirm the concept of BABYMETAL. 

In the beginning, BABYMETAL was a group that broke through stereotypes, and pushed forward on the “road without a path”, with the theme of “birth of new metal”. Time had passed, and the original concept of BABYMETAL had become obsolete, like stubborn metal theory preached by metal elitists, and in a sense, BABYMETAL may have become a mere skeleton before we realized it. However, BABYMETAL broke the mold of BABYMETAL by themselves, achieving further renewal like a living being repeatedly shedding its skin from the third form, growing and changing in shape.

The Avengers series that would appear next in Chapter 8 of Metal Resistance, and the grand finale realized in “Legend Metal Galaxy” would not have been possible without the evolution of “The Chosen Seven” in the Dark Side. 

Yes, the worldview of BABYMETAL is a fantasy story, but it’s also a story in the real world that evolves as the girls change and mature.

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Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (Editing), Velox (Photos)
