2023 Yahoo Japan Special
This is an unofficial fan translation of a Japanese-language interview originally featured in Yahoo Japan.
BABYMETAL looks back on the “sealing”
Trying to stay away from music, yet finding themselves drawn to it
Interview: Shiba Tomonori 柴 那典
Makeup: aya watanabe
Styling: Shohei Kashima (W INC.)
Photography: 宮脇進
Even during the seal, BABYMETAL was still somewhere within
今年1月、BABYMETALは幕張メッセで単独公演「BABYMETAL RETURNS - THE OTHER ONE -」を行った。動員は2日で約3万人。イベント開催制限の緩和を受けて声出しが解禁された会場では、大きな歓声が沸き起こり、コール・アンド・レスポンスや観客の大合唱が巻き起こっていた。コロナ禍では久しく見られなかったライブの熱狂を、メンバーも肌身で感じていた。
This January, BABYMETAL held their comeback concert “BABYMETAL RETURNS - THE OTHER ONE” at Makuhari Messe, drawing about 30,000 fans over the course of 2 days. With the repeal of restrictions on shouting and moshing at events, the venue was filled with loud cheering, call-and-response, and choruses from the audience. The members could feel firsthand the frenzied live feeling that hadn’t been experienced since COVID began.
SU-METAL: I grew more and more hyped together with the audience, and this synergy between us electrified the venue! I truly experienced how this is what a BABYMETAL concert is all about, and that it had finally returned to us.
「『Road of Resistance』という曲の間奏にお客さんも一緒に歌うところがあるんですけれど、みんなが歌ってくれる声を聴いた瞬間に、久しぶりに鳥肌が立ちました」(MOAMETAL)
MOAMETAL: During the interlude in “Road of Resistance”, there’s a part where the audience sings together with us, and hearing everyone’s voices as one, I got goosebumps I hadn’t felt for a long time.
This concert - their first in about 1 year and 9 months - was also an announcement of the group’s resurrection and relaunch. BABYMETAL had announced a “seal” on live activities in October of 2021, following a final performance at the Budokan in April of the same year. Since their major debut in 2013, BABYMETAL had frequently appeared at major festivals in Japan and abroad, performed with Metallica and other big-name bands, and expanded their fanbase around the world through frequent world tours - but now, they had stopped in their steps for the first time.
What were the thoughts and feelings of the 2 members during this period?
SU-METAL: It was like taking off the armor of “SU-METAL” that I’d been wearing for so long. Without an important routine, at first I felt like I had no idea how to go about daily life. But even as I was in my “temporary human form to hide from the world”, SU-METAL was still there, somewhere deep in my heart. It was quite a peculiar feeling.
(NOTE: the phrase “世を忍ぶ仮の姿 - temporary form to hide from the world” is used fairly frequently in the Japanese community to describe “casual” photos of the girls out-of-costume. It can be thought of as “secret identity” or “alter ego”, except in this case, the “secret identity” is as “everyday students”. In these interviews, SU-METAL also refers to her life as an everyday student using this phrase.)
MOAMETAL: The intention was to create some distance, reset my mindset, and consider what to do next. But this time away actually proved to me how deeply I loved this team known as BABYMETAL, and it was therefore a very meaningful experience for me.
Watch past performances and listening to CDs
SU-METAL: Before the sealing, even when we were on break from touring, my mind was always driven by the thought that once the tour started, I’d have to put my utmost effort into making it as good as possible, or that I would have to constantly listen and learn all sorts of music. This feeling of pressure disappeared once we were sealed away. But I came to realize how much I really wanted to do BABYMETAL. It was busy and hard work while we were doing it, but relistening to our music, I was struck by how much I really love what we create.
MOAMETAL: I would watch footage from our shows in preparation for the next one, hoping to keep improving on the previous concert, so I had a tendency to find problems in my performance to the point where it was like blaming myself. But even watching tape in this way was something I craved for during the sealing period.
On a mission to continue, even if only 2 remain
It had been decided for some time that the group would bring its activities to a temporary halt after their 10 year anniversary.
In 2016, BABYMETAL successfully completed a solo show at the Tokyo Dome, which drew a total of 110,000 people over 2 days. After completing the last show of their world tour that year, which spanned 22 performances in 8 countries, they were already looking forward to the next goal - reaching their 10-year anniversary.
But in 2018, founding member YUIMETAL left the group. With 2 members remaining, BABYMETAL’s concerts now featured support dancers later known as “Avengers”. During this period, they discussed many times what they should be and what they should do as BABYMETAL.
SU-METAL: I was driven by a sense of mission and purpose; that we had to continue in whatever way we could.
MOAMETAL: I knew there would definitely be a lot of opposition to us continuing as a duo, and I wasn’t sure I could withstand the pressure. But SU-METAL has a very strong will, and I was also determined to keep BABYMETAL going no matter what. I really didn’t want to lose it. I think this combination of will and determination is what motivated me to keep going forward.
The Asia and Europe tours of 2020 were canceled due to the spread of COVID. In the midst of restrictions on concerts, BABYMETAL held 10 shows at the Budokan in 2021, which gave them some conflicted feelings.
MOAMETAL: We were very worried before the Budokan shows. Was it appropriate to hold such big concerts and gather so many people together at this point in the pandemic? How would it work if the crowd was prohibited from shouting and making noise? Would they be able to actually enjoy BABYMETAL’s shows with such restrictions in place? But these shows were a goal we’d set for ourselves, and I felt like I absolutely had to see it through and make it happen.
SU-METAL: Finishing the Budokan shows felt like crossing the finish line. In that moment, we weren’t really thinking about the future.
Inspired by bands of the same generation
How did the two spend their time in this period of inactivity?
SU-METAL: I didn’t have to worry about my throat, so I’d sing by myself for 8 or 10 hours straight. I think I just really wanted to sing.
MOAMETAL: I went to several concerts together with SU-METAL, and I became a fan of the rock band “Maneskin”. (Maneskin is a four-member rock band formed in Italy in 2016, performing in Japan for the first time in 2022) When I looked up their ages, I found that only the vocalist Damiano was the same age as me, and everyone else was younger than me! Young people these days are quite amazing, aren’t they (laughs). Maneskin’s lyrics are about social issues and various other things, and I’m sure they get their share of criticism - but they’ve also won awards and performed all over the place, and it lit a competitive fire in me. So during the seal when we didn’t perform, I derived a lot of power from Maneskin.
Even away from their stage, their minds cannot leave the music behind
MOAMETAL: I really wanted to get away from music for a while, but I actually found myself getting drawn even closer. I realized that I’d never be able to say goodbye to it no matter how much I tried.
SU-METAL: I also made an intentional effort to leave music behind, and found myself drawn back - but now, more as a pure “fan”. I spent my time just enjoying music for what it is.
Writing lyrics with live concerts in mind
3月には初のコンセプトアルバム『THE OTHER ONE』がリリースされる。収録曲「Divine Attack - 神撃 -」はSU-METALが初めて作詞を手掛けた。
Their first concept album “THE OTHER ONE” will be released in March. “Shingeki” features lyrics written by SU-METAL for the first time.
「もともとこの曲のデモを聴いた時に私の大好きな『Road of Resistance』みたいな曲だなと思って。それで『この曲は私が書きたいです』って言って、書かせてもらったんです」(SU-METAL)
SU-METAL: When I first heard the demo track for “Shingeki”, it reminded me of “Road of Resistance”, which I love very much. So I said, “I want to write lyrics for this”, and they let me do it.
歌詞には「共に誓い 共に叫び ここから旅を始めよう」という一節がある。グループの再始動を前にした思いが、そのまま言葉になった。
The lyrics include the line, “Pledge together, yell together, let’s start our journey from here”. These are a direct representation of BABYMETAL’s thoughts as they prepared to unseal once more.
SU-METAL: I’ve found myself as a leader of the BABYMETAL team; most noticeably when singing. If I were to convey something to the audience at that moment, what would I want to say to them? I wrote this song with memories of past shows in mind, thinking of the faces of our fans and many other things.
MOAMETAL: This is the song I feel the most strongly about on this album. Because it was one of us that wrote the lyrics, I feel inspired and empowered by SU-METAL’s lyrics as I dance. That’s a new sensation.
Now in their 20s, the two were 10 and 12 when the group was first formed
When BABYMETAL was formed in 2010, SU-METAL was 12 years old, and MOAMETAL was 10. At the time, they were young girls who had no understanding of metal. On one hand, the novel concept of pretty girls singing and dancing to heavy music drew attention, popularity, and success. At the same time, the punishing schedule of their world tours took up most of their teenage years, and it was a grueling “shuraba-like” experience.
(NOTE: The term “shuraba / 修羅場” is typically translated as a “scene of carnage”. Imagine a bloody field after a massive battle; devastating even to the victors who pay a heavy price for their success.)
Now in their 20s, the two say that it was because they stopped and put things on hold that they were able to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings. Their next shows are scheduled for April 1 and 2, and after that, they will join the Swedish metal band “Sabaton” on their UK and European tour as special guests. It seems that they’re ready to take the world by storm once again.
SU-METAL: Although BABYMETAL is now over 10 years old, I feel like we’re a newly formed rookie band once more. Now that I remember once again how pure and fun music can be, I think it’s time to create a new BABYMETAL. I’d like to go to various countries again and show people what we’re all about!
MOAMETAL: The year 2023 will mark the birth of the new BABYMETAL, so I think it will be the most important turning point for us in the long years to come. This is why we can’t stop moving forward - I’m really fired up to run full throttle from now on this year!

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing)
Anyone brave enough to tell SU-METAL she's not allowed to write some lyrics? No, I didn`t think there would be. Sometimes Suzuka forgets she just has to flick the switch and she can have anything.
ReplyDeleteWell, based on how some people imagine Koba as a controlling dictator... :)
DeleteSu and Moa going to concerts together is so wholesome. Also I love Su again referring to herself as "a leader of team BABYMETAL". It's nice that she's mostly very humble, But I also like to see her taking a little bit of credit for how amazing she is and how important she is to BM
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed nice to see. I would say though, that I think she's talking about this specifically on context of writing the lyrics to "Shingeki" - when writing, the mood she was channeling was that of "a leader on BABYMETAL's stage", which also might mean that this *isn't* her normal feeling.