2023 Nikkei Entertainment Magazine April

This is an unofficial fan translation of a Japanese-language interview originally featured in Nikkei Entertainment Magazine April, issued March 3, 2023. The original magazine can be purchased here; please purchase a copy to support the original creators if you're able!

 “封印”を解くコンセプトアルバム 4月のライブでの新たな動きにも注目
Concept Album breaking the “Seal” - A new beginning at the April concerts!

BABYMETAL Nikkei Entertainment Magazine April

Text: 岸野惠加
Makeup: Aya Watanabe

2023年1月28日~29日に幕張メッセで1年9カ月ぶりにライブを再開。3年5カ月ぶりの新作は 「4th」ではなくコンセプトアルバムとして発売する。4月1日、2日のライブでは新たな動きも予感され、再始動早々目が離せない。
On January 28-29, 2023, BABYMETAL resumed its live performances for the first time in 1 year and 9 months at Makuhari Messe. They will be releasing their first new album in 3 years and 5 months - not as a “4th” album, but rather as a “Concept Album”. The upcoming April 1 and 2 shows are expected to bring new developments, and we’re absolutely engrossed!

海外でも絶大な人気を誇り、2016年には英ウェンブリー・アリーナでワンマンライブを行うなど、数々の “日本人初” を打ち立ててきたメタルダンスユニット・BABYMETAL。10周年イヤーを終えて以降は1年超にわたる “封印” 期間を送っていた彼女たちが、ついにまた動き出した。新作「THE OTHER ONE」はコンセプトアルバムと位置付けられ、それぞれ異なるパラレルワールドをテーマにした楽曲10曲が収められる。全て新曲で構成されるアルバムとしては実に約3年半ぶりとなる今作を、SU-METAL、MOAMETALは “外伝” 的な1枚だと説明した。

BABYMETAL is a metal dance unit with immense popularity even overseas, accomplishing a number of “firsts” for a Japanese artist, including a solo performance at Wembley Arena in the UK in 2016. After their 10th anniversary, they have been “sealed” for over a year, but are now finally on the move once more. Their new album “THE OTHER ONE” is positioned as a concept album, containing 10 songs, each based on a different theme in a parallel world. SU-METAL and MOAMETAL described this album - their first new one in 3 and a half years - as a kind of “gaiden” (side story) album.

SU-METAL (以下、SU) オリジナルアルバムとはひと味違う、外伝だからこそ挑戦できた内容になっています。ちゃんとBABYMETALらしさも残っているけど、こんなにダークな曲を集めたアルバムは、今までになかったし、新たなトライも詰まっていて。

SU-METAL: This album is quite different from our original albums. There are things we’re able to challenge precisely because it’s “another story”. It still has BABYMETAL’s originality, but we’ve never had an album with such a dark collection of songs, which brings its own challenges with it.

MOAMETAL (以下、MOA)「THE OTHER ONE」専用というか、BABYMETALじゃないBABYMETALだからこそできる世界観だなと思いました。でも今までの経験ももちろん無駄になってないし、これから先のBABYMETALにとっても大事な作品になる予感がします。

MOAMETAL: There are some concepts in “THE OTHER ONE” that can explore “a BABYMETAL that is not BABYMETAL”. But I have a sense that our experiences up until now have not been in vain, and that this will be quite an important work for BABYMETAL moving forward.

SU 哲学的というか、考えさせられる曲がすごく多くて、何回聴いてもつかみきれないんですよね。私はアルバムの中で「Mirror Mirror」が1番好きなんですけど、この曲は日本語と英語の歌詞が半々で。個人的な見解では、鏡の中の自分とリアルの自分が言語で分けて表現されているのかなと。「鏡に写る自分は本当の自分なのか? では、本当の自分はどこにいるんだろう? 本当に信じるべきものって?」と考え出すと奥深い。聴いた人にも色々と考えてみてもらえたらうれしいです。

SU-METAL: We have some philosophical or thought-provoking songs that may be difficult to grasp clearly no matter how many times I listen to them. Personally, my favorite from the album is “Mirror Mirror”. The lyrics are half in Japanese and half in English. The way I interpret it is that this split in language helps express the separation between my real self, and my other self in the mirror. “Is the person I see in the mirror really me? Where even is the real me? What do I really need to put my faith in?” Once I start wondering about such things, I find them hard to answer. I would be quite happy if listeners could think about these questions in various ways.

BABYMETAL Mirror Mirror
Official imagery for "Mirror Mirror"

定期的にレコーディングを行いじっくりと曲作りを進めるBABYMETAL。「THE OTHER ONE」収録曲の中には5年以上前から準備していた曲もあるそうだ。

BABYMETAL’s music is written and recorded on a regular basis rather than all at once. Some of the songs in “THE OTHER ONE” have been in the making for over 5 years.

MOA 「Believing」が1番古い曲ですね。「Monochrome」も4、5年前からレコーディングしていました。

MOAMETAL: I think “Believing” is the oldest song. We also started recording “Monochrome” a while back; maybe 4 or 5 years ago.

SU 今回は写真や神話をモチーフにしているので、いつもと曲の作り方が根本的に違うんです。私の中では美術館みたいなイメージ。同じ絵でも、見る人によって、また見る時の自分の状態によっても見え方が変わりますよね。「Monochrome」は最初に聴いたとき、とても軽やかな印象を持ったんです。でもリリックビデオが公開されたら、ファンの方は「悲しい曲」「メッセージ性が強い」と受け止めていたようで。どこに集中して聴くかによって大きく印象が変わると思うので、1度頭の中を空っぽにして、何回も聴いてみてほしいですね。

SU-METAL: The songwriting process was fundamentally different from usual this time around, since its motifs were inspired by photography and mythology. In my mind, it’s like a museum. The same thing might appear different depending on the person, or even on your state of mind when you’re viewing it. When I first heard “Monochrome”, my impression was that it sounded rather “light”. But when the lyric video was released, fans seemed to perceive it as a “sad” song with a “powerful message”. I think your impression of the song will change greatly depending on where you focus your attention, so I’d like you to empty your mind and listen to the song many times.

MOA うん。あと、このアルバムはパフォーマンス面でも難しい曲が多いんです。コーラスでもすごく苦戦したので、ボーカルはかなり大変だろうなって。

MOAMETAL: Yup. Also, many of the songs on this album are quite difficult to perform. The choruses were already quite challenging for me, so the main vocal lines must have been even harder for her.

SU 1曲歌うだけでも大変な曲も多いですね(笑)。歌いこなせるようにならなきゃ。

SU-METAL: Some of the songs are quite difficult to sing perfectly (laughs). I have to work hard to master all of them.

MOA ダンスも楽曲に合わせて大人っぽくなっていて、全部新鮮で楽しいです。特に「METAL KINGDOM」はすごく歌詞にマッチした振り付けで、MIKIKOMETAL(振付家)にも「すごくカッコいい」って言ってもらえたほどなので、早くライブで披露したいですね。

MOAMETAL: The choreography has also matured to match the music, and all the songs are fresh and fun. In particular, the choreo for “METAL KINGDOM” matches the lyrics so well that even MIKIKOMETAL said “it’s really cool”, so I can’t wait to show it off in our live performance.

BABYMETAL Monochrome Makuhari Messe
BABYMETAL performing "Monochrome" at Makuhari Messe 2023. (Photo credit: Fujii Taku)

SU-METALは収録曲「Divine Attack - 神撃 - 」で作詞に初挑戦。突き進んでいく騎馬隊を奮い立たせるような力強い歌詞が印象的だ。

SU-METAL took on the challenge of lyric-writing for the first time in the song “Divine Attack”. The powerful lyrics are quite impressive, as if inspiring cavalry to push forward.


Lyrics from SU-METAL’s heart

SU ボーカルラインだけが乗った状態の音源を聴いてすごく好きだと思い、立候補しました。チーㇺBABYMETALを引っ張っていく存在として、ステージでお客さんにどんな言葉を投げ掛けたいかを考えながら歌詞を書きましたね。

SU-METAL: The song only had a vocal line when I first heard it, and I liked it so much that I immediately decided it was a prospect. I wrote the lyrics while thinking about what I wanted to say to the audience on stage as a leader of team BABYMETAL.

MOA メンバーが作った曲ということで私も思い入れが強いです。SU-METALらしい強めの歌詞が多くて奮い立たせられるし、ライブでやるたびに力をもらえそう。「断たれた逃げ道は」のところは、常に前だけ見て突き進んできたBABYMETALの姿に重なるし、「儚い願いでも 運命に背いても」も、これまで「メタルじない」とか色々なことを言われてきたなかでも自分たちの音楽に価値があると信じてやってきた自負が言葉で表されているようで、すごくうれしいです。

MOAMETAL: I have a particular attachment to this song because it was written by one of us. Its lyrics are strong and very much like SU-METAL, giving me courage when performing it live. “Retreat has been cut off” overlaps with BABYMETAL’s image, which has always pushed forward, and “Even if your hope is fleeting; even if it’s against your fate” seems to express our pride and faith in our music’s value, even though we’ve been criticized for being “not metal”, among other criticisms. This song makes me very happy.

SU そう言ってもらえてよかった。作詞は初めてだったので大丈夫かどうか不安で。

SU-METAL: I’m glad you said that. I’ve never written lyrics before, so I wasn’t sure how well I’d do.

MOA めちゃめちゃ誇らしいよ!私も挑戦してみたいけど、多分「4の歌」(作詞に参加した14年発表曲)みたいな曲しか作れないから(笑)。キツネ様に選ばれたら、またやってみたいです。

MOAMETAL: I’m super proud of you! I’d like to do it too, but I can probably only write songs like “Song 4” (laughs). If the Fox God chooses me, I’d like to try writing something again.

10周年記念のベストアルバムリリースや日本武道館での怒涛の10公演を走り切って以降、表舞台に立つことはなかった2人。1年余りの “封印” 期間はどのように過ごしていたのだろうか。

After the release of their 10th anniversary Best Album and 10 performances at the Budokan, the two had not made an appearance in public. How did they spend over a year “sealed” away?

SU もともとBABYMETALは「10年は走ろう」という目標を掲げて走り続けてきたので、コロナ禍の21年に武道館10公演を無事達成できたのも相まって、達成感がすごかったんです。だから封印中は、ずっと着てきた「SU-METAL」というよろいを1度下ろしてリフレッシュできる、すごくいい時間でした。

SU-METAL: Since BABYMETAL has strived towards our goal of “complete at least 10 years” from the very beginning, with the successful completion of 10 Budokan concerts in 2021 even in the midst of COVID, there was a great sense of accomplishment. So during the seal, it was nice to leave behind the identity of “SU-METAL” that I’d been wearing for so long, and to fully refresh myself. It was a great time.

MOA しばらくは自分の時間が取れました。何も気にせず過ごせたのは初めてで新鮮だったし、逆に、自分はBABYMETALがとても好きだということにも気付けて、これから頑張る糧になったと思います。

MOAMETAL: I was able to focus on myself for a while. It was the first chance I’d had to spend time without worrying about anything, which was refreshing. On the other hand, I realized once more how much I loved BABYMETAL, and this has renewed my motivation to work even harder from now on.

SU BABYMETALのことを忘れて生活しようと思っても、人生の半分くらい一緒にいるから、当たり前の存在なんですよね。絶対どこかにいるんです。

SU-METAL: Even if I try to forget about BABYMETAL, it’s been over half of my life, and it’s now just a natural part of me, always somewhere inside.

MOA そう。思い出しちゃうんだよね。封印することも解くことも随分前から決めていたので、「活動再開できないかもしれない」という不安は全くなかったです。

MOAMETAL: Yes. It just never leaves my mind. Since we’d planned both the sealing and unsealing of the project at an early stage, I never even considered the possibility that we would not become active once more.

1月には幕張メッセにて “封印” 宣言後1年3カ月ぶりとなるライブを開催。折よく前日にイベント開催ガイドラインが改訂され、歓声やオーディエンスの盛り上がりなどコロナ禍前のような光景が広がった。SNSを通じてアーティストとファンの交流が頻繁に行われている昨今だが、BABYMETALがファンと接する場はライブのみ。それゆえ2人にとってもファンにとっても、ライブは神聖で特別な場だ。

In January, the group performed at Makuhari Messe, its first live performance in a year and 3 months since the “seal” on activities was announced. Health and safety guidelines had been revised the day before the concert, and the cheers and excitement from the audience finally felt like the days before COVID. While artists frequently interact with fans through social media nowadays, BABYMETAL’s only contact with fans is through their live shows. Therefore, concerts are a sacred and special place both for the two members and their fans.

MOA 私たちは本当にライブの中で生きてるし、メディアに出る機会もかなり少ないから、自分たちの感情を唯一直接伝えられる場所。ライブで伝えきらなきゃと思っていますね。今はAIでいろいろできちゃう時代だし、SNSも進化してフェイクニュースとかもあって。だからこそリアルで見るものが本物で、これからライブの価値ってすごく上がっていくと思うんです。生で披露できる場を大切にしていきたいですね。

MOAMETAL: We really do live through our concerts. Since we make very few media appearances, concerts are the only place where we directly convey our feelings. I believe it’s essential for us to do so through our shows. Nowadays, A(rtificial) I(ntelligence) can do a lot of things, and with the evolution of social media, there is a lot of fake news and other complications. That is why something you can see for yourself in real life is so important, and I think the value of such shows will increase dramatically in the future. I’d like to make the most out of every opportunity to perform live.

SU 2人とも口下手なので、音楽を通して思いを伝えようとしているのかもしれないね。久々のライブは、最初は本当に実感が湧かなくて。初日はお客さんも「どれくらい声を出していいんだろう」と戸惑っていた部分があったと思うんですけど、2日目はコロナ禍前のようなBABYMETALのライブでした。ムービングステージだったから、お客さんの顔が全部ちゃんと見えて。「BABYMETALのライブが帰ってきた!」って、最後はお客さんと一緒に楽しんでいました。

SU-METAL: Maybe we are both trying to convey our thoughts through music, since neither of us are very eloquent speakers. It’s been a while since we had a concert, and it didn’t feel quite real at first. I think some of the audience was still feeling somewhat disoriented on Day 1, wondering how loud they could shout, but on Day 2, it felt just like a BABYMETAL concert from before COVID. The stage moved us around, so we could see our fans directly and up close. “Finally, this is what a real BABYMETAL concert should be!” We enjoyed ourselves to the very end together with all of them.

MOA 私も「これぞBABYMETALのライブ」と思いました。21年の武道館はまだ声援とかが制限されていたから、楽しみきれなかった人もいたと思うんです。今回は体をぶつけ合って声を出して、みんな笑顔で。すごくうれしかったですね。

MOAMETAL: I also thought to myself, “Now this is a BABYMETAL concert”. I think fans couldn’t fully enjoy themselves at the Budokan in 2021 with their voices sealed away. This time, it was also smiles and shouts as they moshed. I was very happy.

SU ステージ演出にもこだわっていますが、やっぱりメタルバンドなので、お客さんの声があることで「私たちも負けられない」って自然と高まっていくんです。BABYMETALのライブはお客さんあってこそですね。

SU-METAL: We are quite particular about the directions and details of our shows, but ultimately, we’re a metal band, and the shouts and cheers from the audience compel us to get hyped and compete with them. BABYMETAL’s concerts are only possible because of our fans.

MOA 印象的だったのは、ライブの最後に私たちが棺に入った後のざわめき。歓声を聞きたくてイヤモニを外したら、みんな拍手もせずどよめいていて(笑)。正解を見せずお客さんに考えさせるのがBABYMETALだけど、あの反応は予想してなかったのでうれしかったです。

MOAMETAL: What impressed me was the perplexed buzz after we got into coffins at the end of the concert. When I pulled off my IEMs so I could listen to their reaction, I could hear their confused commotion, to the point where they’d even forgotten to clap! (laughs) It’s typical of BABYMETAL to not reveal the answer so quickly and to let the fans think about it for a bit, but I was quite pleasantly surprised at their reaction.


At the end of the Makuhari Concert, three coffins appeared on stage, prompting various speculation among fans, such as the arrival of a new member. The truth will be revealed at the Pia Arena MM concert in April.

3 coffins appear at the end of Day 2 of Makuhari Messe 2023 (Photo credit: Fujii Taku)

SU ”Only The FOX GOD Knows です”(笑)。幕張メッセが復元計画の前編だったとして、ぴあアリーナMMが後編にあたります。

SU-METAL: “Only the FOX GOD Knows” (laughs). If we consider Makuhari to be the opening part of the restoration, Pia Arena MM will be the conclusion.

MOA 2日間で完成するようなライブなので、絶対両方来たほうがいいですよ!と言っておきます。

MOAMETAL: It’s something that will take 2 days to complete, so you should definitely come to both days!

SU その後はSabatonさんのヨーロッパツアーに帯同します。海外も3年ぶりで楽しみですね。

SU-METAL: After that, we’ll be supporting Sabaton on their European tour. It’s been 3 years since we toured overseas, and I’m very much looking forward to it.

MOA 夏フェスにも何年も出れてないので出たいですし、国内ツアーはもちろん、封印前に中止になってしまったツアーも絶対にやりたいです。

MOAMETAL: I want to attend summer festivals that BABYMETAL hasn’t been able to go to for years now, and I definitely want to go on a tour of Japan, and also the tours that had been cancelled before the sealing!

Fan photo at Makuhari Messe 2023

Additional Credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), anonymous Kitsune (scans)
