2023 August Billboard Japan Interview
First interview with BABYMETAL in their new formation
The 3 talk about the current BABYMETAL
This is an unofficial fan translation of an interview originally featured in Billboard Japan online, posted August 2023.
Billboard posted an official English translation of this interview, which can be found here. There are several parts that were omitted or abbreviated, which will be pointed out for reference
Interview & Text: Tomonori Shiba (Shibanaten)
Photography: Susumu Miyawaki (PROGRESS-M)
――新生BABYMETALの初の楽曲として「メタり!! (feat. Tom Morello)」が完成しました。まず、みなさん、曲ができあがっての手応えはどんな感じでしたか?
The first song as the new BABYMETAL: “Metali!!(feat. Tom Morello)” has been completed. To begin with, what were your thoughts on the finished song?
SU-METAL: I felt it was an interesting yet mature “what the heck is this!?” song that is uniquely BABYMETAL. It’ll definitely be a hit at live concerts, and right now I’m just looking forward to performing it and seeing what kind of reactions we’ll get.
MOAMETAL: I’m also really looking forward to performing this one. It’s been quite a while since we’ve performed such an “up-tune”* song like this, and I’m glad this is the first song in our new formation. Tom Morello-san played on this song for us, so I really want to cherish it.
*NOTE: “Up-tune” is written in katakana, and means to liven up or hype up the atmosphere of a certain time or place
This will your first song as “MOMOMETAL” - how do you feel about it?
MOMOMETAL: As soon as I heard the intro for the first time, I thought “This song is amazing!” I’m really glad that our first song as the new BABYMETAL is one that makes me hyped just listening to it. There are also several interesting points in the choreography, so I’m looking forward to performing it live.
Tom Morello’s guitar has quite a strong presence in this song - what was your impression of his guitar sound?
SU-METAL:「メタり!!」のカオス感にすごい合ってるなって思います。BABYMETALは「なんじゃこりゃ!?」って驚きを届けてきたグループだと思うんですけど、この曲って、「PA PA YA!!」と「メギツネ」のいいとこどりみたいな感覚があって。だから、BABYMETALのファンの方にとっては聴き馴染みがあるような印象もあるんですけど、でも後半になるとガラッと一気に雰囲気が変わって、全然違う蛍光色みたいな色をバケツでバーンって投げたかのような感じになって。BABYMETALの曲を自分たちなりにアップデートしたつもりだったけど、そこにトム・モレロさんのギターが入ったことによって、新たな「なんじゃこりゃ!?」な要素を引っ張り出してくださった。さすがレジェンドなギタリストだなって思います。
SU-METAL: It really fits the chaotic atmosphere of “Metali!!” BABYMETAL’s a group that has been all about creating “what the heck!?”, and this song feels like the best parts of “PAPAYA” and “Megitsune” combined. So I have a feeling that BABYMETAL fans will find it somewhat familiar, but the vibe transforms drastically in the second half, and it’s as if a bucket of completely different fluorescent colors has been tossed into the air. We thought we had already “updated*” BABYMETAL’s songs in our own way, but Morello-san’s guitar brings out a new “what the heck” element. He truly lives up to his reputation as a legendary guitarist.
*NOTE: Su uses the katakana “update” here. It is somewhat interesting to see that they appear to using more and more English-inspired loan words to describe certain concepts.
MOAMETAL: I myself listened to some of *Rage Against The Machine’s albums, and thought Morello’s guitar parts on the tracks were super cool. I’m really happy to have someone like that involved in this song, and I’m also looking forward to seeing our *collaborative circle expand in this way.
*NOTE: The members tend to add the -san honorific indicating respect when referring to other artists. Examples included “Metallica-san”, or “F.HERO-san”. Interestingly, in this paragraph Moa refers to RATM simply as their name, rather than “RATM-san”. This may be that they use -san when referring to *people*, whereas here she’s more talking about the “RATM album” or a “song that Tom Morello played on” which is more of an object rather than the members of RATM themselves, and thus she doesn’t add -san. It is unlikely that not using the honorific is due to a lack of respect!
[the following section was omitted from the official English translation]
What are MOAMETAL’s favorite points about RATM?
MOAMETAL:『The Battle of Los Angeles』のアルバムは聴いていたんですけれど、トム・モレロのギター奏法はYouTubeでも見てたので、そっちから入ったかもしれないですね。DJっぽいスクラッチをやってたり、歯で弾いてたり、面白い変態的なパフォーマンスに惹かれてました。
MOAMETAL: I listened to The Battle of Los Angeles album, but I had also watched Tom Morello’s Guitar Playing on YouTube, so that might have been where I first learned of him. I was attracted to his fascinating metamorphic performances, such as the DJ-like scratching and playing using his teeth.
The song’s melody is quite unique, and has a folk song-like impression. What did you have in mind singing it?
SU-METAL:前回のアルバム(『THE OTHER ONE』)の「METALIZM」とか、最近民謡っぽい節回しみたいな歌い方を歌う機会が増えてきて。そういうのが自分の武器になってきたと思うので、この曲でもそれが使えたのはあるかなと思います。この曲ってアップテンポだけど、ちょっとやんちゃな感じがあるのかなと思ってて。私のイメージとしては、吐き捨てるような歌い方は意識したポイントですね。
SU-METAL: In addition to “Metali!!”, another song where I got to sing in a folk song-like style was “METALIZM” on the most recent album (THE OTHER ONE). I think it’s become another one of my weapons, and I was able to wield it in this song as well. It’s an up-tempo song, but also feels a bit mischievous too. I consciously tried to express the image of a style where each vowel is sung explosively*.
NOTE: This is hard to translate into words, but it’s kind of like the last syllable is expelled in a forceful way, such as 踊ろう / odorou (let’s dance), 歌おう / utaou (let’s sing), 叫べ / sakebe (yell)
Many of the lyrics feature quite drastic phrases, don’t they? Even while recording it in the studio, there’s a sense that you’ve discarded the limiter in your mind.
MOAMETAL:まずブースで一人じゃないですか。「わっしょい! わっしょい!」のパートはMOAMETALとMOMOMETALで言ってるんですけど、あのテンション感で一人でブースに入って、あの声量で出すのが結構恥ずかしくて。だからレコーディング中はどれぐらいテンション上げていいのかとか、ドキドキしながらレコーディングしてました。
MOAMETAL: To begin with, you’re alone in the recording booth. MOMOMETAL and I both sing the “Wasshoi! Wasshoi!” parts, and it was quite embarrassing to be in the booth myself screaming out those lyrics with full hype and volume. So I was rather nervous while recording, wondering how to raise the tension to a suitable level.
MOMOMETAL: As MOAMETAL said, I’d feel somewhat embarrassed if I ever stopped suspending disbelief and returned to being myself. At any rate, my goal was simply to try and make it exciting and festive.
[end of omitted section]
MOMOMETAL appears to be speaking the theatrical monologue part of the song - what was that like?
MOMOMETAL: That’s a good example of something where my goal was to get into character and lose myself in the role. I took my time recording the part, being very conscious of the intonation and trying to make it interesting in order to enhance the image of the song.
[the following section was omitted from the official English translation]
This may have been the first time SU-METAL and MOAMETAL have worked with MOMOMETAL on recording and production. What was it like watching her work?
MOAMETAL: She seemed to have worked extremely hard on her parts - especially the monologue. I think her serious stoicism is quite adorable, and she spent nearly an hour in the booth working on her part.
SU-METAL: MOMOMETALってどんな人なんだろうって、みなさんもまだわかってないと思うんですけど、私たちもまだまだ模索中なんですよ。会うたびに彼女の印象が変わっていって、いいところがどんどん見えてくるような人だと思っていて。この曲の制作を通してMOMOMETALの魅力もわかったし、BABYMETALにとってそれが新たないいスパイスになったなって思ってますね。
SU-METAL: I don’t think everyone has a very clear idea of what kind of person MOMOMETAL is yet, and we’re all in the process of gradually finding out. The impression she gives us changes every time we meet, with her good points becoming more and more apparent. Through creating this song, I’ve come to understand MOMOMETAL’s appeal even more, and I think fans will enjoy the new spice* she brings to BABYMETAL.
NOTE: Su literally uses the katakana “spice” here.
What kind of spectacle do you expect to see when this song is performed live?
MOAMETAL: It’s such a hype song that we get drenched in sweat every time we dance to it, as if all the water in our bodies gets drained. So I think the audience will get quite fired up as well. We now sell fans as merch, and I would like everyone to shake them together.
Looking back upon a furious spring of touring that followed the unveiling of the new formation
――改めて新生BABYMETALのこれまでについての話も聞かせてください。今年4月2日の【BABYMETAL BEGINS - THE OTHER ONE -】“CLEAR NIGHT”のライブはいろんなターニングポイントになったと思いますが、3人でステージに立っての初ライブは振り返ってどんな記憶がありますか?
Please tell us more about the reborn BABYMETAL. I think the “CLEAR NIGHT” concert on April 2 was a turning point in many ways, but looking back on your first live performance as an official trio, what do you remember?
MOAMETAL: We performed quite a few of our older songs so it brought me back to the old days, but that show also showed me that the present was the best, and most enjoyable. I think it was the day when I became even more determined to move forward as the three of us.
SU-METAL:私にとって“CLEAR NIGHT”で印象的だったのが「Road of Resistance」が始まった瞬間のお客さんの歓声ですね。歌ってる途中に「これからこの3人で海外に行くんだな、これから修行が始まるんだな」って思って。大変なこともあるかもしれないけど、みなさんの歓声を聞いて、ここにいるみんなが味方なんだって思えた時に、すごく心強く感じたんです。「行ってらっしゃい。大丈夫だよ、みんなついてるからね」ってお客さんに言ってもらえた感覚があったというか。私はそこがすごく嬉しかったポイントです。
SU-METAL: For me, the most impressive part of “CLEAR NIGHT” was the cheering from the audience when “Road of Resistance” started. While singing, I thought to myself “Our journey of training overseas as a trio is about to begin”*. It may be quite difficult, but when I heard everyone’s cheers and could feel that they were all at our side, I felt very reassured. I could feel the fans telling us “Go out there and do your thing, we’re all here for you.”, and it made me very happy.
NOTE: When talking to the audience during this performance of “RoR” at CLEAR NIGHT, Su said to the crowd: 私たちは、ここから、道なき道を進んで行きます。辛い時(に)、大きな支えとなるのが、皆さんの存在です。みんなの声、もっと聞かせて下さい。
“From here on, we’re going down an uncharted path. When we’re struggling, your existence is a really strong support, so please, let us hear even more of your voices!”
How about you, MOMOMETAL? How did it feel like standing on that stage?
MOMOMETAL:とにかく楽しかったです。ライブの中でも印象に残っている場面がたくさんあるんですけど、一番最後に「We are BABYMETAL!」っていつも言うじゃないですか。その時に胸を張って言えたことが私はすごく嬉しかったです。
MOMOMETAL: A lot of fun, more than anything else. There were many memorable moments in the concert, and at the end of the show, we ended it with “We are BABYMETAL!”, and I was super happy to be able to say that phrase with pride.
――「BABYMETAL DEATH」で一人一人名乗ったところで、MOMOMETALさんの時に一番大きい歓声が上がったのも印象的でした。あの曲を披露している時はどうでしたか?
I was quite impressed that the loudest cheers were given to MOMOMETAL as each person spoke their name in “BABYMETAL DEATH”. How did you feel when performing this song?
MOMOMETAL: I was really happy, and I could feel that the audience had been waiting so long for this song. I will never forget that scene before my eyes.
SU-METAL: It was supposed to be a surprise for the audience, but paradoxically, I think we were the ones that got surprised instead. I could hear the joy in their voices, and being able to finally perform this song once more hearing their straightforward feelings and emotions was a blast.
MOAMETAL: I was still somewhat worried beforehand. But upon hearing the screams of joy from the audience, I realized that there were many people that loved what we had decided to do, and I almost cried as I felt how much love MOMOMETAL was receiving.
[end of omitted section]
Since May, you’ve been on a UK & Europe tour supporting Sabaton, followed by solo shows throughout Asia & Australia that took you to many countries. The schedule alone must have been daunting, but what was this experience like?
MOAMETAL: We’ve never toured so hard in all of our 13 years of activities. I thought it was pretty cool to start up our engines and basically go non-stop. Since the debut of our new formation, we’ve been so busy every day that we haven’t had any time to rest on our laurels. I’m happy about constantly moving forward, and also happy that there are people that want us to go and perform for them. I’ve been feeling really happy these days.
SU-METAL:正直やっぱりツアーはめちゃめちゃ大変ですし、ヨーロッパに関しては毎日国も言語も変わって「私は今どこにいるんだろう? 昨日私はどこにいたんだろう?」みたいな毎日で。体調を整えたりとかもいろいろ大変だけど、でも私は(ライブ活動封印中に)素直にずっと歌いたいなと思ってたから、歌える毎日がめちゃめちゃ楽しいです。それに2人と一緒にいて居心地が悪いときが全然なくて。MOAMETALとはずっと家族のようにツアー回ってきてるけど、MOMOMETALもそこにすっと溶け込んでくれる存在で。この3人だったらやっていけるだろうなって思うし、これからももっとやっていきたいなって思ってますね。
SU-METAL: To be honest, touring is very difficult. When in Europe, countries and languages change every day, and you start to wonder “Where am I now? Where was I yesterday?” every day. There are various other challenges such as the difficulty staying in shape, but while sealed, I had such a desire to sing that right now I’m just really enjoying every opportunity to do so. Also, I never feel uncomfortable around the two of them. I’ve been touring with MOAMETAL like family for all this time, and MOMOMETAL has fit in seamlessly. If it’s the three of us, I think we’ll be alright, and I’m looking forward to continuing to do more in the future.
――MOMOMETALさんはいかがですか? 初体験のことばかりだと思いますが。
What are MOMOMETAL’s thoughts? I know this might be quite new to you.
MOMOMETAL: There were so many shows, and I found many things to improve on throughout this period of time. It was very tough, but the fact that I was able to overcome it built up my confidence, and I feel it was a great start.
I’d like to talk a bit more about these tours. First of all, what do you remember about the Sabaton support tour in the UK & Europe?
SU-METAL: Personally, I was overjoyed to be able to see Sabaton perform live every day. Their shows are something that people really enjoy watching - rather, it’s like a comprehensive art form. I think that’s fairly similar to BABYMETAL in a sense, so I was able to learn a lot from them, and it was a lot of fun touring together.
[Moa’s answer was omitted from the official English translation]
MOAMETAL: 私も楽しかったですね。30公演近くあったんですけど、サバトンさんはSU-METALが言ってた通り、観て楽しむグループだから、パフォーマンスも常にすごいんですよね。だから影響を受けたし、頑張りたいなって思いました。最初のツアーがサバトンと一緒で良かったなってすごく思います。
MOAMETAL: I also had a great time. There were almost 30 performances, and as SU-METAL said, Sabaton is great to watch, and their shows were always amazing. I was really influenced by them and inspired to do my best - I’m really glad our first tour as the new BABYMETAL was with Sabaton.
[end of omitted section]
What about the Asia and Australia solo shows? What left a particularly strong impression on you?
SU-METAL:インドネシアは特にすごかったです。初めてのワンマンだとは思えないくらい熱量がすごくて。みんなが私のパートを全部歌うんですよ。声が枯れてもいいぐらいの声量だし、この瞬間を一瞬でも逃しちゃいけないってぐらい目もバキバキだし、全身でこの空間を楽しもうとしていて。こんなに熱量すごいことある? みんな壊れちゃうんじゃない? 大丈夫?って思うくらいの盛り上がりで。お客さんの層が若かったからエネルギッシュだったのかもしれないんですけど、待ってましたっていうのがすごい伝わってきました。私たちもすごく元気をもらったし、サバトンさんとのツアーが終わってちょっと疲れてたスタッフさんもみんなが元気になって。すごかったですね。
SU-METAL: Indonesia was particularly amazing - I almost couldn’t believe it was our first headlining concert there! Everyone sang all of my vocal parts! Their voices were so loud that they could have gone hoarse, and they were watching us so intently, as if they didn’t want to miss a single moment of the show, like they were trying to enjoy the space with their entire body. They were so hyped that I marveled at their passion and wondered if they’d collapse, and if they’d be OK! Maybe it was the young age of the audience that made them so energetic, but I could really feel that they’d been so eagerly awaiting for our arrival. That energized us as well, and the staff, who had been a bit fatigued after the Sabaton tour was also re-energized too. It was amazing!
MOAMETAL: I was surprised that we were able to fill up such a large venue in Australia! One of the venues had a 6000-person capacity, and since this was our first headlining shows in Australia and we toured 3 arenas, I honestly wasn’t sure if we could get that many people at each concert - but the venues were filled to capacity. To have such a turnout from a country we’d never truly toured before; to have so many people waiting for us, made me think that we’ll be able to meet even more people in other places of the world too. I definitely want to tour Asia and Australia again!
MOMOMETAL: I had a blast performing with F.HERO-san in Thailand! It was really cool that he rapped live, and the audience seemed really overjoyed. It was so exciting and it felt like the song was over in no time. That was definitely memorable.
[the question/answer below regarding the Japanese festivals was omitted from the official English translation]
In sync with the times, what’s for the next stage for BABYMETAL?
――8月には【RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL】【SUMMER SONIC】への出演が決まっています。久しぶりの日本でのフェス出演に関してはどんな意気込みがありますか?
In August, you’re scheduled to perform at the “Rising Sun Rock Festival” and “Summer Sonic”. How excited are you to be performing at festivals in Japan for the first time in a long while?
SU-METAL: I love Japanese festivals, so I’m definitely looking forward to them. This time, we’ve got a festival song “Metali!!”, the kind that really hypes people up, so yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to playing this song at festivals.
MOAMETAL: I’m very happy because the festivals we’ve been invited to attend are all some of my favorites. The timetables are good, and even though it’s been a long time since our last festival appearance, I’m quite happy that they’ve prepared such large stages for us. I feel like I have to do my best since they expect so much from us, and I want to work even harder to reach the goal of being invited as “headliner” at overseas festivals too.
MOMOMETAL: I’m also looking forward to them. It’ll be a great opportunity to see many artists on stage, and it will be a valuable experience for me, because there’s still so much I don’t know. I want to cherish each and every opportunity!
[end of omitted section]
――8月から10月にかけてはDETHKLOKとの北米ツアー【THE BABYKLOK TOUR 2023】、そして北米のフェス出演も決まっています。そこに向けては今どんなことを思っていますか?
From August to October, you’ll be co-headlining a North America tour with DETHKLOK (THE BABYKLOK TOUR 2023), and will also participate at several festivals. What are your thoughts about these activities?
SU-METAL: I think this is the year for the newly reborn BABYMETAL to go and see our fans all over the world. I’m very happy to be able to perform in larger venues compared to last time, and I’m looking forward to meeting the fans on this North American tour. In addition, in terms of timing, we did a collab with Lil Uzi Vert-san recently, and I feel we may have broadened our audience, with a lot of people who are coming to see us for the first time. I hope we’ll be able to show them the good points of BABYMETAL!
The collaboration with Lil Uzi Vert certainly came as a surprise - what were your initial impressions when you heard of this offer?
[the question/answers below regarding Lil Uzi Vert and “The End”, and collaborating with BMTH were significantly abbreviated in the official English translation]
SU-METAL: I couldn’t believe it. “No way!?” When I first heard the demo tape, I totally cracked up laughing because I had no idea what to make of it. “What the heck is this song?”, and “Where are my vocal lines going to go?” I’d never heard this style of song before, so after having a good laugh, I began to work on analyzing it.
MOMOMETAL: It was my first experience with this kind of genre, and there was a really strange feeling to hear our voices on it. I was pretty hyped to have this opportunity to collaborate with such a famous artist to create a song together.
MOAMETAL: Listening to the completed track, I thought it was really stylish, and it felt very fresh to hear our voices singing like that and having so much fun.
I’d say it’s the kind of song that even long-time listeners of Lil Uzi Vert have never heard from him before.
SU-METAL: Lil Uzi Vert-san is a big BABYMETAL fan, and told us he wanted to introduce our music that he really enjoyed to his fans, and that we could do whatever we wanted. It was a new challenge for us, and we were allowed to go totally wild with it.
MOAMETAL:『Pink Tape』のアルバムの中にブリング・ミー(ザ・ホライズン)とのコラボ曲もあったりして、本当にメタル好きなんだなと思って。仲良くしたいです。
MOAMETAL: There was a collaboration with Bring Me The Horizon on the Pink Tape album, and I could tell that he really liked metal, and I hope we can be friends.
――ブリング・ミー・ザ・ホライズンとは、彼らが2020年にリリースした『ポスト・ヒューマン:サバイバル・ホラー』収録の「キングスレイヤー feat. BABYMETAL」でのコラボもありましたね。11月3日にはブリング・ミー・ザ・ホライズン主宰のフェス【NEX_FEST】も開催されます。そこで久々の共演もありますが、どんなことを思っていますか?
You also collaborated with BMTH on their 2020 release Post Human: Survival Horror, with “Kingslayer (feat. BABYMETAL)”. The BMTH-led festival (NEX_FEST) is also coming up on November 3. You’ll be performing together for the first time in a long while - what are your thoughts?
SU-METAL: I listen to “Kingslayer” so often that it doesn’t really feel like we haven’t seen BMTH in such a long time. We’ve been friends for a while now, and during COVID and the seal, “Kingslayer” allowed us to bring new info to the fans. We’re really happy that they perform “Kingslayer” so often at their concerts and how much they value our relationship - we also cherish it very much as well. That’s why we’re really happy to have been invited to this event, and are looking forward to meeting up after all this time. I think it’ll be fun to collaborate in various ways again.
MOAMETAL: They’d proposed the idea of this festival and we’d talked about putting it together for years. Now that it’s finally coming true, I’m really looking forward to meeting them there. BMTH have been very good friends of ours for a long time, and have always been very kind to us every time we have met. I hope we can share the awesomeness of BMTH and expand the circle of music at this festival.
――改めて、今回のインタビューの中で出てきたコラボ相手の名前がトム・モレロであり、リル・ウージー・ヴァートであり、ブリング・ミー・ザ・ホライズンであるわけで。世界中のいろんなジャンルのアーティストと繋がりが生まれている。客観的に見てとても面白い状況だと思いますが 、ご自身の実感はどうですか?
During this interview, we mentioned collaborations with Tom Morello, Lil Uzi Vert, and BMTH. You’ve made connections with artists from all over the world from different genres. Objectively speaking, this is quite an interesting situation - what are your thoughts?
MOAMETAL: It’s true that we’ve collaborated with a lot of artists from all kinds of genres, which has helped people outside the world of metal learn about us. I had the opportunity to see the Backstreet Boys’s live show while overseas, and they already knew who we were - this was the case for the Red Hot Chili Peppers too! I think BABYMETAL is helping build bridges between the metal world, and the world outside, if only a tiny bit. These collabs are helping me gain more confidence little by little.
SU-METAL: Until now, BABYMETAL has mostly been getting recognition from the metal world. We have the utmost respect for metal, but at the same time, we’ve been trying to create a “new wind” within this genre. Ten years have passed since we began, and now I feel that BABYMETAL has begun a journey of exploring even more new genres. Recently, I feel that our circle of related artists has been expanding even further.
I feel the metal genre overall seems to be getting renewed. Various artists are starting to do interesting things and aren’t bound by conventional concepts. BABYMETAL appears to be quite in sync with this new trend! Are you fairly aware of this?
MOAMETAL: It’s true that things are changing with the rise of the new generation, and people that were previously considering up-and-coming youngsters are now moving to the head of the pack. There are legends that recognize and support these young artists, and I think their open-mindedness is very impressive. Something that has made me love metal even more is how accepting it is of various genres.
SU-METAL: When we toured Asia and Australia, we found that the fan base there was really young. Many of them seem to enjoy metal in a “pop” or more casual way, and that is largely what we wanted to do with BABYMETAL when we started, creating a gateway into metal. I hope that our existence has made that tiny bit of difference in this world.
Credits: Capable-Paramedic (proofreading)
This name seems wrong:
ReplyDeleteMOAMETAL: A lot of fun, more than anything else
Much appreciated, fixed!