2020 Anan Magazine No.2230 BABYMETAL Interview

(This is a fan translation of an interview with BABYMETAL featured in Anan Magazine No.2230. In contrast to most of their past interviews, this magazine is targeted at females in their 20s, covering topics such as fashion, lifestyle, and relationships. This explains why the editor focuses on more personal topics, in comparison to BABYMETAL's typical music magazine interviews which tend to be more music-focused.

The original magazine can be purchased here, in both physical and Kindle versions. Other translated BABYMETAL interviews can be found here.)


The two of them have cut open a path to the world. The secrets of BABYMETAL released in the blink of an eye.

BABYMETAL posing for Anan Magazine 2020


BABYMETAL has taken the world by storm with their unique “Kawaii Metal”. As they celebrate their 10th anniversary, we look back upon the path they’ve traveled, and ask them about “their true sentiment that cannot be shared with the other directly”.



The 10 songs on the best album are the history of BABYMETAL itself.

10周年を記念したベストアルバムを、“ BABYMETALの歴史そのもの”と表現したSU-METAL。そして思い出の曲に、真っ先に「Road of Resistance」を挙げる。この曲にはシング・アロングのバートがあり、一緒に歌う観客の声が、彼女にとって応援歌になるのだそう。

SU-METAL describes the *best album commemorating the band’s 10th anniversary as one that represents the history of BABYMETAL itself. A song that immediately comes to her mind is Road of Resistance, featuring a sing-along section in which the voice of the audience as one seems to be cheering her on.

(*Note: this is referring to a soon-to-be-released album featuring 10 iconic BABYMETAL songs, remastered by Ted Jensen and released in 10 different editions - with the same tracklist. More information can be found here.)


“We performed this song for the first time at a solo show in the UK about half a year after we began touring overseas, and the audience was so passionate. It filled me with a sense of relief, showing that what we’d been doing for the past six months was paying off. It was then that I finally understood the true meaning of this song.”


It was in 2018 that she stopped to reflect upon what she had been doing since the foundation of BABYMETAL, a conversation triggered by the departure of founding member YUIMETAL.


“Up until then, I was just entirely focused on the task at hand (laughs). When we looked back and wondered what kind of group we were, it became clear that we had been more free before. Our founding ethos had been to break stereotypes, but before we knew it, we had found ourselves bound by the concept of BABYMETAL itself. So when we decided to break it down, it felt like we were able to expand our world.”


Also, when she was struggling to confront the music, it was the other girls that helped her break free from her shell. 


“Because I’m the oldest, I tried my best to be someone they could look up to. But I came to realize that MOAMETAL is actually more mature and reliable than me, so I don’t feel like I have to shoulder the entire burden by myself. That’s why I’m enjoying BABYMETAL’s music more than ever now.”

BABYMETAL in 2020 Anan Magazine



I believe only in my music, because these were the songs I grew up with.


“Even when we can’t perform live, someone out there is listening to BABYMETAL’s music and feeling inspired and supported by it. That makes me really happy, and made me realize that music really is a blessing.”


MOAMETAL says she felt a clear sense of helplessness during the six months in which all their activities were put to a halt. But then she smiles and says that the fact people have found hope in BABYMETAL’s music has encouraged her to believe in her own music as well. Although she can assess things calmly and is a pillar of the group, she was only 10 years old when BABYMETAL was first formed.

「10年前は、今とは全く違う未来を想像していて(笑)。自分の中でこんなにもBABYMETALが大切な存在になったことに驚いています。だから結成当時の自分に、 "あなたの歩むべき道はあるからそのまま頑張って" と伝えたい。ダンスを好きで始めたわけではなかったし、今でもダンスはBABYMETALを表現する武器という感覚。でも、“継続は力なり”を意識して頑張ってよかったと思います」

“10 years ago, there was absolutely no way I would have imagined such an unexpected future (laughs). I’m surprised that BABYMETAL has become such an important part of my life. If I had a chance to send a message to myself from that time, I would want to say ‘You have a path to follow, so just keep working hard.’ It’s not as if I joined BABYMETAL specifically because it gave me a chance to dance - even now, dancing is a weapon that I wield to express BABYMETAL’s spirit*. I think that perseverance is a virtue, so I’m glad that I stuck with it.”

(*Translator’s Note: this sentence might be difficult to understand without greater context, which is that BABYMETAL was one of the clubs assigned for her in Sakura Gakuin, rather than something she chose. So at first, BABYMETAL chose Moa - who initially was trying to become an idol - rather than the other way around. It wasn’t until she had multiple opportunities to leave and chose not to do so that we could say with certainty that she truly chose BABYMETAL.)


They’ve released a total of 42 songs over the past 10 years. According to MOAMETAL, “All of them are songs that we grew up with, and that’s why they all feel equally important to me.”

「でも、存在が近すぎてどんなふうに成長したかは自分ではわかリません。ただ、BABYMETALを一番体現しているのは、『 Road of Resistance 』。どんな逆境にも負けないBABYMETALの精神が含まれていて、大好きな曲です」

“It’s hard for us to tell how much we’ve grown by listening to BABYMETAL’s music, because we grew up with it, and are too close to see the difference*. However, the song that represents BABYMETAL the most is Road of Resistance. It’s a song I love very much, because it embodies our spirit to never fail in the face of any adversity.”

(*Translator’s Note: It’s like if you grow up together with someone, it isn’t easy to see how much you each have grown, because your point of reference is changing along with you.)

Message from MOAMETAL to SU-METAL


All I want to say is, “Thank you for being there for me.” Over the past 10 years, I’ve come to know your good points, and your bad points, and I love all of it. So please stay true to yourself. I like SU-METAL as you are, so please rely on me when you can.

MOAMETAL in 2020 Anan Magazine

Message from SU-METAL to MOAMETAL


You’re the one filled with a spirit of adventure, leading the way forward. All the experiences we’ve had in BABYMETAL are thanks to MOAMETAL. Thank you for this journey over the past 10 years - let’s continue to enjoy ourselves from now on.

SU-METAL in 2020 Anan Magazine


Looking back over the past 10 years, please tell us about the turning points in your life.


SU-METAL: For me, it was the 2014 Sonisphere Festival in the UK. We performed in front of 50,000 people, and I got to experience that moment when music transcended borders. It really moved me, and I came to understand that music doesn’t need words.


MOAMETAL: I have too many to narrow down. I guess if I really had to pick one, it would be joining BABYMETAL, because it is BABYMETAL that has influenced my life the most.


Did you have any special conversations about this milestone?

-M お互い気付いたら10周年で。特に何も言葉はなかったから、ずっとそばにいてくれてありがとうって伝えたいです。ふふ。

MOAMETAL: By the time we’d noticed, the 10th anniversary was already here, and we hadn’t really said anything special. So I want to take this opportunity to say, “Thank you for always being there for me.” (smiles)

S: こういうこと、インタューを通して言ってくるんですよ(笑)。

SU-METAL: This is the kind of thing you say to me through an interview (laughs)?

M: もう家族みたいな存在で。だから改めて感謝とかを伝えるのは恥ずかしくて…。

MOAMETAL: You’re already like family. So it feels a little embarrassing to express gratitude formally...

S: ふふ。



Well then, can you tell how the other has grown?

S: ダンスのレベルですね。特にこの2〜3年,いろんなダンサーの方にサポートしていただいているんですけど、普通は誰かに合わせるってしたくないと思うんです。でも、彼女は素直に受け入れてレベルアップしている。元々素直だし、社交性と表現力がある。この部分がずっと変わらないからこそ、成長がみられたのかなって。

SU-METAL: Her skill in dancing. Over the past 2~3 years in particular, we’ve been blessed with the support of various dancers. Usually, people don’t really like to adjust their style in order to match others. But she’s accepted it all earnestly, and has taken it to the next level as a result. She’s naturally honest, sociable, and expressive. Perhaps it’s this consistency that has helped her grow.

M: SU-METALも変わらないよね。礼儀正しいところ、何に対しても一生懸命で好きなものを追求するところとか。でも、曲を聴き直すと進化している。最初からうまいんだけど、声質も、表現の幅も広がって、この10年どれだけ努カしてきたのかと考えると、家族として涙ぐましい(笑)。

MOAMETAL: SU-METAL also hasn’t changed! She’s polite and devotes herself in pursuit of what she loves. But if you re-listen to our songs, you’ll hear her improvement. Of course, she was very good right from the beginning, but now her voice has matured, along with a broadened range of expression. As a family member (laughs), I feel like crying when I think of how much effort she has put into it over the past 10 years.

S: あははは。

SU-METAL: Ahahaha!~ (bursts into laughter)

M: 成長した部分はあるけど、尊敬できる部分が変わらないからこそ、私もずっとSU-METALのことを信じていられるし、好きでいられるのかも。今、すごく恥ずかしくて彼女の目は見られないですけど.

MOAMETAL: Of course, she has grown in some ways, but the parts I respect about her haven’t changed at all. Maybe that’s why I can keep on believing in and loving SU-METAL. I feel too embarrassed to look her in the eyes right now.

BABYMETAL in 2020 Anan Magazine


Have you ever experienced a miracle while performing as BABYMETAL?

S: BABYMETALでいると、次々と奇跡が起こって。で、今に至るんです。

SU-METAL: With BABYMETAL, miracles happen all the time. I mean, here we are.

M: うん。もう、BABYMETALっていう存在自体が奇跡なのかもしれない。

MOAMETAL: Yup. In fact, maybe the very existence of BABYMETAL is a miracle.

S: これが夢だって言われたら、ある意味納得しちゃうくらい。ライブ中も、自分なのに自分じゃない感じがあって。どこか他人事のように、SU-METALはカッコよくいてほしいと思っていたりするし。

SU-METAL: I’d believe it if you told me this was all a dream. During live performances, I feel as if I’m watching someone else, and I'm excited to see what that cool SU-METAL can do.

M: 私、ライブ中は無意識の中にいるかな。でも、リアルとファンタジーの二面を持っているという部分はすごくわかる。BABYMETALの中にいると、自然とMOAMETALとして生きられるから。普段の自分とは全くの別物なのにね。

MOAMETAL: Maybe it feels like I’m performing unconsciously. But I do understand clearly that there are the two sides of reality and fantasy. When I’m part of BABYMETAL, I naturally become MOAMETAL. It’s completely different from my normal self.


What are you like when it’s just the two of you?

M: ライブのときとは違うMOAMETAL。50%のMOAMETALです(笑)。

MOAMETAL: I'm still MOAMETAL, just a bit different from the MOAMETAL on stage. Maybe 50% of that MOAMETAL! (laughs)

S: 確かに普段の自分とも違うし、ライブほど全力でもない。私も50%くらいかも!

SU-METAL: It’s true that I'm not entirely the same as my normal self, but also different from the SU-METAL going full power on stage. Maybe 50% of SU-METAL as well!

M: 二人でちょうどひとつの感覚だよね。

MOAMETAL: When you add that together, we complete each other!


In that case, what is BABYMETAL?

S: チャレンジ精神かな。最初は批判的な意見から始まったのに、不思議と自分たちの音楽をずっと信じてこられた。私たちの曲はひとつとして同じものはないと思うんですけど、それだけ10年間挑戦し続けているんです。それが成功か失敗か、今はわからない。でも、何にも囚われずに "BABYMETAL道、を進むだけ、というか。

SU-METAL: The spirit of challenging ourselves, I think. Although we started off as skeptics, strangely enough, we’ve always believed in our music. I don’t think any of our songs are the same, and that’s a challenge we’ve taken on for the past ten years. At the moment, I don’t know if it’s a success or failure. But most importantly,we’ll continue "the way of BABYMETAL” without overthinking things.

M: 私たち自身がしっかり愛を持っているグループだから、それが "らしさ" になるのかもね。メタルに対するリスぺクトも、出会ってくれた全ての人への感謝も常に持っているから。愛に溢れているからこそ、自分の音楽に自信が持てているし、最善を尽くせるんだと思っています。

MOAMETAL: We’re in a group filled with love, so maybe that’s what makes us unique. I’ve always had a deep respect and appreciation for metal, and all the people we’ve met along the way. Because I’m overflowing with love, I’m confident in our music, and I know I can do my best.

S: だからずっと挑戦し続けたい。メタルって、心に直接響く強いメッセージがあって。存在は知らないけど、実は必要としている人はたくさんいると思う。そんな人にメタルという音楽を届けたいし、ひとりでも誰かの心を音楽で救えられたらなって。

SU-METAL: That’s why I want to keep challenging myself. Metal has a strong message that resonates directly with the heart. I think there are many people that don’t know it exists, but really need it in their lives. I want to deliver metal music to such people, and even if it's just for the sake of one person, I hope I can save their heart with music.

M: うん。待っていてくださる方がいてくれるってことは、私たちが届けなきゃいけない音楽があって、それを託されているんだとも思うんです。紅白も、来年の武道館での10公演も、できること自体が奇跡。

MOAMETAL: Yes. I think the fact that there are people waiting for us means that there is music we have to deliver - this is something they have entrusted us with. Performing at Kouhaku is a dream come true, and if we could successfully complete the 10 performances at the Budokan next year… it would be a miracle!

S: 自分たちがライブを経て学んできたからこそ、ライブはすごく大切な存在で。この環境で10年育ってきちゃったからね。

SU-METAL: We learn so much from live performances, so they’re very important to us. We’ve been nurtured in this environment for 10 years, after all.

M: うん。だからこそ、信じてきた音楽を少しでもみなさんに直接届けたいですね。

MOAMETAL: Yes. That’s why I’m eager to deliver the music I’ve been believing in to as many people as possible through live performances.

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing)


  1. Thanks a ton for the translations. This is the best interview i have read so far - tells us a bit more about Su & Moa as a person.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! Unfortunately, it's true that there hasn't been nearly as many interviews of a personal nature over the past few years. Are you familiar with their Sakura Gakuin diaries? If not, those are also excellent resources for learning more about Yui and Moa in particular!


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