2020 Hedoban #28 MOAMETAL Interview

 (This is an unofficial fan translation of Hedoban Magazine’s 2020 interview with MOAMETAL. If you have not read the interview with SU-METAL, please read it first, as it was conducted chronologically before the MOAMETAL interview.)

ヘドバン Hedoban Magazine Vol.28

MOAMETAL Interview Part 1

MOAMETAL in Hedoban Magazine

(*Translator’s Note: regarding “This is MOAMETAL, the manifestation of our burning metal spirit”, the the original Japanese text here is a play on lyrics from Road of Resistance, which go “燃える鋼鉄魂 それが僕らのResistance”. The second half means “this is our Resistance”. In this interview, the tagline is changed very slightly to “燃える鋼鉄魂 俺たちの......MOAMETAL” The first half is the same, but the second half is changed to “this is our MOAMETAL”)


I think there are many metal fans who dislike BABYMETAL. But as a metal band, it’s important to say “I don’t care if they hate on us. We believe in our music, and that’s why we do it!” I love this spirit, and I think that’s the heart of what draws me to metal.”

Text: Naoyuki Umezawa 梅沢直幸(Hedoban Magazine Editor-in-Chief)

― 約1年ぶりの『ヘドバン』登場でございます。 

-- It’s been about a year since you last appeared in Hedoban Magazine!


MOAMETAL: It’s been quite a while!

ー 今回は古いお付き合いの『ヘドバン』なりに、BABYMETALの10年をMOAMETALに振り返ってもらえればと。 

-- I’d like to ask MOAMETAL to look back upon the 10 years of BABYMETAL as an old friend of Hedoban.

MOAMETAL: 何だか緊張します…。

MOAMETAL: Somehow, I’m a bit nervous...



ベスト盤『10 BABYMETAL YEARS』について

About the “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” Best Album

ー まず、12月に発売されるベスト盤『10 BABYMETAL YEARS』 についていろいろと聞いていきたいなと。

-- First of all, I’d like you to talk about the best-of album “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” that will be released in December.


MOAMETAL: I’m very grateful for the release of the best-of album.

― 今回のベスト盤に収録されている10曲って、それこそ2011年の「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」から、最後の「PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO)」まで9年の歴史が詰まってるじゃないですか。まずは、「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」の頃を思い出してもらえればと。「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」の頃はまだ小学生?

-- This best-of album contains songs from your first single Doki Doki ☆ Morning (released in 2011) to the album Metal Galaxy (released in 2019), spanning about 9 years worth of BABYMETAL songs. I’d like to talk about your thoughts on Doki Doki ☆ Morning - you were still in elementary school back then, right?


MOAMETAL: I think I was still in 6th grade.

ー ベスト盤を聴いて、1曲目の「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」が流れてきて、どう感じた?

-- How did you feel when you first listened to the Best Album, and the first song Doki Doki ☆ Morning came on?


MOAMETAL: It’s been such a long time since I’ve listened to BABYMETAL’s studio tracks, so my first thought was that we were so very young.

― 小学6年だもんね。

-- 6th grade students indeed!


MOAMETAL: Moreover, it wasn’t just mine - SU-METAL’s voice seemed particularly young. I think SU-METAL’s voice evolves more and more every year, so I was actually a bit surprised at how her voice sounded in the recording. Also, the track was surprisingly calm. Maybe it’s because I haven’t listened to it in awhile, but I thought the level of energy was lower than I’d expected.

Suzuka and Moa in Sakura Gakuin

― なぜにテンションが低いと?

-- Why do you think you felt that way?


MOAMETAL: I find that BABYMETAL’s songs evolve as we perform them live. That’s why our latest performance of Doki Doki Morning was so energetic and exciting. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to listening to SU-METAL’s current voice, which incorporates various elements now, so I kept thinking “she sounds so young, cute, and early in her evolution” as I listened.

― なるほど。普段はBABYMETALの音源はあまり聴かない?

-- I see. So you normally don’t listen to BABYMETAL’s studio tracks often?


MOAMETAL: Actually, I don’t listen to the CD recordings at all. I often listen to the latest live recordings during rehearsals. I’m pretty sure SU-METAL doesn’t listen to the studio tracks either.

― 確かに、SU-METALもさっきのインタビューでそんなこと言ってたな。ということは、本当に久しぶりに昔の音源を聴いた感じだ。

--Indeed, SU-METAL did say that in an interview before. So I guess it’s been quite some time since you’ve listened to these studio tracks!


MOAMETAL: It sure has! It’s been quite a long time, and it feels quite different now. It feels like it’s the sound of another person singing. And the voices are so young, and quite cute (laughs).

― 「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」のレコーディングの記憶とかは残ってる?

-- Do you have any memories of recording Doki Doki Morning?


MOAMETAL: Oh, I have so many!

― 結構鮮明?

-- You remember it quite clearly?


MOAMETAL: I remember it quite vividly. At the time, YUIMETAL and I would go and record our lines together. As we recorded more and more songs, we started going into separate booths, but early songs like Doki Doki Morning and Headbanger were recorded in the same booth. And we would hold hands while doing so (laughs).

― (笑)。ブースの中で2人で手をつないでレコーディングしたのは、MOAMETALの提案?

-- (interviewer laughs) was it MOAMETAL’s suggestion for you two to hold hands in the recording booth?


MOAMETAL: Not really, it kind of just happened naturally. Since we were always close and quite in sync, we were able to match the timing of our breaths and voices together. It may have just been some sort of childish ingenuity that the two of us came up with.

Yui and Moa in the recording studio



MOAMETAL’s recommended song on the Best Album

― ベスト盤10曲の中で、MOAMETALの推し曲はズバリ?

-- Which song out of the 10 featured on the Best Album does MOAMETAL recommend the most?

MOAMETAL:これ、凄い悩むんですよね...。日によって変わるし(笑)。本当に1曲1曲に思い出がありすぎて...。「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」に関して言うと、もう一番最初の曲じゃないですか。だから、もちろん推せるんですよ。「PA PA YA !! (feat. F. HERO)」とかになると、最新の曲で凄い楽しい曲だから当然、推せるじゃないですか。

MOAMETAL: Oh no, this is hard… it changes every day (laughs). I really have so many memories for each song… well, Doki Doki Morning was our first song, so of course I recommend it. Out of the newer songs, PA PA YA is quite fun, so of course I like it very much.

― つまり、10曲全部推せるってことだ(笑)。

-- In other words, you recommend all 10 songs (laughs)


MOAMETAL: Yes! They’re all absolute bangers!

― まあ、その中でも特に印象に残ってるっていう意味でも選んでもいいし。

-- Well, you can also choose a song that left the strongest impression on you.

MOAMETAL:んー…...「Road of Resistance」にします。

MOAMETAL: Hmm… Road of Resistance, then!

― うわっ、SU-METALと一緒だ。

-- Wow, that’s the same as SU-METAL.


MOAMETAL: Ah, our spirits are united. (laughs)

― (笑)。

-- (Interviewer laughs too)


MOAMETAL: It’s a song that asserts, “This is BABYMETAL!” It’s a symbol of BABYMETAL, cutting through a road without a path, and it’s a song that’s cheered me up in many ways, so I recommend it the most.

― 歌詞も含めてだ。

-- That includes the lyrics too.


MOAMETAL: I especially like the lyrics. Also, the thumping fast beat and the sense of running are typical of BABYMETAL, rushing forward without looking back. I think it’s a song that contains many great BABYMETAL qualities.

MOAMETAL in Hedoban Magazine

― 「Road of Resistance」をやったライヴの中で印象に残っているライヴというと。

-- What was the most memorable show where you performed Road of Resistance?


MOAMETAL: Now that you mention it, it would definitely be the show at Brixton.

ー またまたSU-METALと一緒だ(笑)。

-- This is also what SU-METAL said (laughs)


MOAMETAL: (laughs) I still remember the scene vividly, from when we performed RoR for the first time at Brixton.

― お客さんが「Road~」でどんなリアクションをするのかがまだわからなかったから、余計に印象深かったりするのかな。

-- The audience reaction to RoR was yet to be seen, so I guess it was even more impressive.


MOAMETAL: That might be part of it. I did wonder how the audience might react to the song. I actually liked it a lot even before we performed it live; the lyrics in particular. That’s why I was eager to give people a chance to listen to it. Also, the cheers from the crowd were unforgettable.

― 初披露なのに凄まじい大合唱が起きたもんね。

-- There was a huge chorus even though it was the debut performance.


MOAMETAL: Yeah, that was amazing! We hadn’t even released the soundtrack, and it was the song’s first appearance, but people were so excited! And I was really happy that they understood the song, so I like RoR very much.



MOAMETAL’s recommended song other than that found on the Best Album

― 逆にベスト盤に入ってない曲の中で、MOAMETALの推し曲というと。

-- Conversely, among the songs that didn’t make it onto the Best Album, which is MOAMETAL’s favorite?


MOAMETAL: Oh dear...

ー ちなみに、SU-METALは同じ質問で意外な曲を言ってましたよ。

-- By the way, SU-METAL’s answer to this was quite unexpected.

MOAMETAL:私、「Catch me if you can」にします。

MOAMETAL: I’ll go with Catch Me If You Can.

ー それもまた意外だ。

-- Well, that is rather surprising.


MOAMETAL: What did SU-METAL pick?

ー 「おねだり(大作戦)」。

-- Onedari Daisakusen.

MOAMETAL:「おねだり(大作戦)」!そうなんだ(笑)。そうなると「紅月 - アカツキ - 」もいいんですよね。でも私は、「Catch me~」で。単純に曲として大好きなんですよ。

MOAMETAL: Really? Onedari Daisakusen? (laughs) Well if that’s the case, I can go with Akatsuki as well. But seriously, I do like Catch Me If You Can a lot as a song.

― もう少し詳しく好きな理由を言うと?

-- Can you explain in more detail what you like about it?


MOAMETAL: Well, it’s quite cute. Since it’s a song on the first album, I think it clearly demonstrates the fusion of cute and metal. Packed with a lot of “kawaii-ness”, it really illustrates the BABYMETAL feeling from our early days.

MOAMETAL doing the "Moa Slide" in Catch Me If You Can at the 2014 Budokan



Songs that are easy and difficult to dance to

― BABYMETALって、異常に速い曲があったり、グルーヴがある曲があったり、それこそ完全にヒップホップな曲があったりと、世界中のメタルを見回しても唯一無二ってくらいに曲のバラエティー感があるんだけど、この幅広い楽曲の中で、MOAMETALが一番踊りやすい曲というと?

-- BABYMETAL has songs that are unusually fast, songs that have their own groove, songs that dive completely into hip-hop… there is a lot of variety, which is very unique in the metal world. Among this diverse discography, which is the most danceable song for MOAMETAL?

MOAMETAL:踊りやすさで言うと...結構「PA PA YA !! (feat. F. HERO)」とかは踊りやすいんですよね。あとは何だろうな...どちらかというと、ポップな曲のほうがノリがいいし楽しめるので、私は踊りやすいです。逆に『METAL GALAXY』(2019年)は、相当踊りにくい曲が詰め込まれいて。本っっっ当に踊るのが凄く大変でした。

MOAMETAL: A song that’s relatively easy to dance to… that would be PA PA YA. I don’t know if there are any other easy ones. If anything, the more poppy songs are easier to dance to, because they’re lively and enjoyable. On the other hand, a lot of songs on Metal Galaxy feature rather challenging choreography. It was *really* hard for me to learn the dances.

ー (笑)。

-- (laughs)


MOAMETAL: In contrast, the choreography for the songs on the first album was a lot easier.

― 確かに、1stはポップな曲が多いしね。速い曲はどう?

-- It’s true that the first album has a lot more pop in it. What about fast-paced songs?


MOAMETAL: Actually, faster songs aren’t necessarily more difficult to dance to. I think RoR is rather fast, but I have no problems with its choreography. I think the speed is more of a challenge for the Kami Band than for us, haha.

― 逆に、全楽曲の中でダンスが一番難しいと思う曲となると?

-- Conversely, which song is the most difficult to dance to?

MOAMETAL:毎回踊る度に「わー、これ難しい...」ってなるのは、「Brand New Day (feat. Tim Henson and Scott LePage)」です。個人リハーサルとかでも毎回踊るんですけど、上手く踊れなさすぎて...。あの曲には悩まされますね。『METAL GALAXY』は難しい曲が多くて。あ、でも意外と「Oh! MAJINAI (feat. Joakim Broden)」とかは踊りやすかったりするんですよ。

MOAMETAL: The song that makes me think “wow, this is tough” every time is Brand New Day. I work on it every rehearsal, but I still can’t do it very well; it still gives me trouble. There are many difficult songs on Metal Galaxy. Contrary to what people might think, Oh! Majinai isn’t actually that hard to dance to.

MOAMETAL performing Oh! MAJINAI at Legend Metal Galaxy

― あの曲は端から見たら大変そうだけどなぁ。

-- As a viewer, that song looks like quite a workout, though.

MOAMETAL:そう思われがちですけど、そうでもなく。「Brand New~」と、「Night Night Burn!」、あと「BxMxC」も意外と難しいですね。その中でも特に難しいのが「Brand New~」かな。

MOAMETAL: You would think so, but it’s really not the case. Brand New Day, Night Night Burn, and BxMxC are surprisingly difficult. Among them, Brand New Day definitely gives me the biggest challenge.

― それは、曲自体が今までのBABYMETALにないタイプの曲だから?

-- Is it because the song itself is a type that BABYMETAL hasn’t really done before?


MOAMETAL: It’s definitely never been done before.

― (笑)。

-- (laughs)


MOAMETAL: First of all, I’d never experienced that style of dance before. Also, as you can tell, SU-METAL holds notes all the way without cutting them short. So I have to follow all of those notes while dancing, and that makes it hard for me to prepare the transition to the next move in advance. As someone with a tendency to jump the gun sometimes, I struggled with it at first. I want to move forward but I can’t, because my movements will fall out of sync with SU-METAL’s voice. That’s why this song was such a challenge for me.



Advice for people who want to dance like MOAMETAL

― 10年が経つと、それこそBABYMETALになりたい、BABYMETALに憧れるっていう、10代の女の子や幼い子とか結構多いと思うのね。

-- Over the course of 10 years, I’m sure there are many young girls and teenagers who want to be like BABYMETAL.


MOAMETAL: Oh, that makes me so happy.

― そういう人たちがBABYMETALを踊りたいときに、踊るコツみたいなものをMOAMETALから何かアドバイスしてもらえたらと。

-- I was hoping MOAMETAL could give some advice to people who would like to dance like BABYMETAL.


MOAMETAL: Tips, huh?

― 例えば、この曲から始めていったらいいよっていう曲は?

-- For example, is there a song you think would be a good one to start with?


MOAMETAL: I’d recommend starting with Doki Doki☆Morning. It seems better to start with BABYMETAL’s first song and work up from there, since the choreography is relatively easy. Also, songs released in later years grew more and more complicated when it came to choreography (laughs)

― ということは、やはり今の曲が一番難しいんだ。

-- In other words, the newer songs are the hardest!


MOAMETAL: Oh, definitely, the newer songs are harder. But I guess it really comes down to practice. I myself started with relatively little dance experience. SU-METAL and YUIMETAL had taken dance lessons before, so there was a big gap between us at first.

― MOAMETALはダンス経験はゼロだったの?

-- MOAMETAL had almost no dance experience?


MOAMETAL: Well, it wasn’t exactly zero experience. It was more like I just knew how to move with the rhythm. To put it another way, I felt like I was the only amateur in a group of professionals.

― それはさすがに大げさでしょ。

-- I think you’re overexaggerating!


MOAMETAL: No, no, honestly, it’s no exaggeration to say that I really didn’t know how to dance properly at all, when we first started. So it’s really due to practice that I’ve been able to keep up with everyone until now.

― コロナでライヴができない現在もダンスの練習は欠かさない?

-- Even now that COVID has curtailed your performance, do you keep practicing?


MOAMETAL: I’m a worrier, so I practice a lot. No matter the situation, I always make sure to keep practicing.

MOAMETAL in Hedoban Magazine


My attitude towards dance changed after the Hiroshima performance (Legend S)



Changes in dance over the past 10 years

― BABYMETALをスタートした当時と21歳になった今では、同じ曲でも踊り方や踊りへの向き合い方もかなり変化してきてる?

-- Now that you’re 21 years old, how has your approach to dancing the same song changed compared to when you danced to it as a child?


MOAMETAL: At first, it was just about having a good time… well, I guess that’s still the case (laughs). But the most important thing was having fun, so I didn’t actually practice *that* much. I just wanted to express the world of BABYMETAL through our songs. So you could say I was dancing in a lighthearted, casual way. But over the last 5 years? My attitude towards dance changed after Legend S.

― 初めて2人でステージに立ったときだ。

-- It was the first time you took to the stage as a duo


MOAMETAL: Yes, it was. After Legend S, I started to think more seriously about dance, and realized that I was still lacking an important element that was needed to convey the imagery and perspective of the songs. Also, during the Dark Side, we were supported by several dancers, and they allowed me to absorb various dancing skills from them.

― ダークサイドは曲によって人数も変わったしね。

-- The number of performers changed during the Dark Side, depending on the song.


MOAMETAL: That’s right. For example, when there were 7 of us on stage, rather than focus on our individuality, we concentrated on synchronicity with one another. On the other hand, with the Avengers, each of them has a different style of dancing, and all of us had to figure out how to dance in a way that’s unique to BABYMETAL, while retaining their individuality. I’ve really thought about a lot of things over the past few years, and I think my approach to dance has really shifted drastically.

― ということは、3人から2人になって、今までやったことのないダンサーの人たちと一緒にダンスをして...ダークサイドってMOAMETALにとっては、ダンサーとして成長する上で凄く重要な時期でもあったっていうことだよね。

-- So going from 3 to 2, and working with unfamiliar dancers… the Dark Side was very important to MOAMETAL’s progression as a dancer, wasn’t it?


MOAMETAL: The Dark Side was definitely an important time for me, but I thought it was pretty painful at the time. I was so scared when the tour first started, but looking back, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without that experience, so I think the Dark Side helped me grow. Also, before then, I’d never needed to act as an instructor to others.

― そうか、3人以外はダンスには関わらなかったしね。

-- Ah, dancing was something that only involved the three of you.


MOAMETAL: I used to learn MIKIKOMETAL’s choreography by watching and imitating her, but since the Dark Side, I found myself in a position of teaching for the first time. It helped me realize, “oh, this song has this kind of choreography?” I had been dancing some parts pretty roughly before, and in the course of teaching, I was able to affirm how the choreography should be. I realized how important the process of teaching is.

― 今までと立場が逆になったわけだ。

-- So the positions are reversed now!


MOAMETAL: It’s really been turned around. By instructing each support dancer individually “this is why the lyrics are like this, and why the choreography is designed this way”, I myself was able to understand BABYMETAL’s dance at a deeper level.


― アヴェンジャーズのときもそうだけど、ダークサイドのダンサーが何人も増えた時期も、結果としてMOAMETALにかなり影響を与えていたってことだよね。

-- As with the Avengers era, the Dark Side period where MOAMETAL worked with several more dancers must have been quite influential.


MOAMETAL: It was quite a difficult time, but it left quite an influence on me.

― アヴェンジャーズはアヴェンジャーズで、MOAMETALがまた違った部分で教える立場になるわけだしね。

-- When it came to the Avengers, MOAMETAL now played a different role as an instructor. 


MOAMETAL: Until then, all of us had been trying to fill the gap left by YUIMETAL’s absence in various ways. But with the Avengers, it was one person filling in by herself. We didn’t want to give them a hard time because we knew the 3 Avengers would be under a lot of pressure. And because they were supporting the two of us, it was our responsibility to properly support them in return. So there was a bit of psychological pressure for me as well.

― そのプレッシャーは観てる側の想像を遥かに超えてるね。ちなみに、確かMOAMETALって緊張とかはしないタイプだよね?

-- The pressure must be unimaginable to the audience. By the way, MOAMETAL doesn’t get nervous easily, do you?


MOAMETAL: I’m the type that doesn’t get nervous at all.

― 緊張しないのは昔から?

-- You’ve always been like this?


MOAMETAL: Ever since I was a child. However, I did get nervous for the very first BABYMETAL show. And the Rock-May-Kan show, actually. But I wasn’t nervous at the first Summer Sonic performance! As we stepped out onto the stage, I just thought “oh, this is so fun!”

BABYMETAL at Summer Sonic

― MOAMETALのハートの強さ、恐ろしいな(笑)。

-- It is rather frightening how strong MOAMETAL’s heart must be (laughs)


MOAMETAL: Well, to be fair, I didn’t know how important Summer Sonic was at the time.

― SU-METALもソニスフィアに対して同じようなことを言ってた。

-- SU-METAL said the same thing about Sonisphere.


MOAMETAL: Oh, really? I didn’t know all that, so I just enjoyed it innocently. Now that I’m more mature, I’ve experienced some scary things as I’ve learned more and more… I might feel some fear now. But at Makuhari in January (Legend Metal Galaxy), the three Avengers each performed a different section, and each of them dance a bit differently, so I had to concentrate on this part a lot… I was so focused on checking their choreography to be aware of myself, so maybe that’s why I didn’t have time to feel nervous.

― アヴェンジャーズの3人に対しては、2人の中ではMOAMETALがダンスの指揮をとる感じになってたのかな。

-- Facing 3 Avengers, taking charge of dance seems to be MOAMETAL’s responsibility, rather than SU-METAL’s.


MOAMETAL: I think SU-METAL was trying to make me take the lead in this area. Now that there are two of us, SU-METAL needs to devote her attention to the most important part of the song, so that sort of implied that the dancing was left to MOAMETAL...

― 無言の?

-- Implied?


MOAMETAL: An unsaid pressure, I suppose (laughs). It was like an unsaid understanding. I think she was giving me the chance, and allowing me to take responsibility for it. Or maybe she just kind of did it without thinking deeply about it.

― (笑)。

-- (laughs)


MOAMETAL: Actually, now that I think about it, that seems quite likely (laughs).

― ある意味、そっちのほうがSU-METALらしいというか(笑)。

-- In a way, that feels quite like SU-METAL (laughs).


MOAMETAL: Yup! But BABYMETAL is a group that everyone creates together, so sometimes I say something to her about her singing, and she also points it out when my dancing is off. I think that’s a good thing. We’ve created an atmosphere where even though I’m in charge, all 3 Avengers can speak freely to me in this way, and I think this is very BABYMETAL. I’m glad our culture is that in which everyone can talk to one another.



A memorable live performance

― 10年間やってきた中で、MOAMETALが一番印象に残ってるライヴというと。

-- Over the past 10 years of performing, what show was most memorable to you?


MOAMETAL: That’s a tough one! A memorable show, huh… basically, I don’t remember. Past memories are gradually fading away. 

― (笑)。つまり、過去を振り返らないと。

--  (interviewer laughs) In other words, don’t dwell on the past.


MOAMETAL: Well, I suppose memories fade when you don’t look back upon them much (laughs). So I guess the most recent shows are the most memorable, is that okay?

― 全然大丈夫。

-- Of course, that’s fine.


MOAMETAL: If so, then it would be Russia.

― ロシア!確かに現時点での最後のライヴはロシアのモスクワ公演だよね。

-- Russia! I’m pretty sure the latest show at this point was indeed in Russia.


MOAMETAL: It’s still stuck in my mind. Russia was such a shock that I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

― あ、そこまでだったんだ。

-- Wow, to that extent?


MOAMETAL: That’s right. I mean, Mr. Editor-in-Chief, it’s Russia. Do we really have fans there? That’s what I had been thinking.

BABYMETAL performing in Moscow with long sleeves

― それはサンクトペテルブルク?それとも最後のモスクワ?

-- Was it St. Petersburg, or the last show in Moscow?


MOAMETAL: Both in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Both venues were very cold, and I was worried about whether I could perform in such extreme cold - and Moscow’s venue was rather large.

― 確か幕張メッセみたいな感じのところでしょ。

-- It did feel a bit like Makuhari Messe


MOAMETAL: Yes, it was pretty big. That’s why I thought it was impossible to fill such a large venue.

― またまた。

-- You’re being too modest.


MOAMETAL: No no, I’m completely serious.

― 世界中にBABYMETALのファンがたくさんいるっていう認識は、MOAMETALの中にはまだない?

-- Are you really unaware how many fans of BABYMETAL there are around the world?


MOAMETAL: Well, you don’t really feel it until you go there.

― あーなるほど。

-- Ah, I see.


MOAMETAL: So, I know that there are people waiting for us in Asia and other places, and I know that many of them were disappointed that the shows scheduled for this year were cancelled. But I haven’t actually met them yet, so it’s sort of an imaginary world.

― 実感ができないんだ。

-- It doesn’t feel quite real yet.


MOAMETAL: That’s right, and it’s why I dream of enormous crowds. On the other hand, I worry that in reality, only two or three fans might show up.

― ロシアがその最たる例なんだ。

-- Russia is a perfect example.


MOAMETAL: Indeed, that’s because it’s my latest memory (laughs).

― (笑)。

-- (Interviewer laughs)


MOAMETAL: That, and other aspects of Russia left a huge impression on me.

― ロシアでのライヴ自体はどんな印象があった?お客さんのノリとか。

-- What was your impression of the shows ? How did you feel about the audience?


MOAMETAL: The fans were some of the most hyped up I'd ever seen, probably in the top 3!

― そこまで⁉

-- Wow, really?


MOAMETAL: I think it’s partly because I hadn’t expected it to be so exciting, or that it surpassed my expectations. So I definitely want to return there.

― しかし、10年間で様々な国に行っている中で最新のロシアが一番印象深いって、ガチで昔の記憶が薄れているんだね(笑)。

-- However, you’ve been to quite a few countries over the past 10 years. And among them, only Russia is most impressive. I suppose that means your memories really are fading (laughs).


MOAMETAL: I’ve really forgotten a lot about the past (laughs). We went to many places on the European tour, but Europe… well, I only remember Russia.

MOAMETAL in Hedoban Magazine



The most memorable festival

― 10年間やってきた中で、印象深いフェスはどう?

-- Over the past 10 years, what festival was the most memorable?


MOAMETAL: That would be Summer Sonic.

― それは最初にフードエリアでやったときの?

-- Would that be your first time there, when you performed in the food court?


MOAMETAL: That time also left a strong impression on me, but I think I just like the overall Summer Sonic event. It’s a very important festival to me, not only because of the live performances, but because it’s a place where I’ve met so many people.

― メタリカ然り。

-- Including Metallica.


MOAMETAL: That’s right. Speaking of last year, we got to meet up with Bring Me The Horizon again, though we were friends already. I look forward to Summer Sonic each year, because it has allowed me to meet many foreign musicians even in Japan. We’ve missed one year, but other than that, we’ve performed every year since 2012. It’s the festival that believed in BABYMETAL when we were still unknown, so I have a lot of feelings for it.

― サマソニの中でもっとも印象深いライヴをひとつ挙げるとすると?

-- If you had to pick one of the most memorable Summer Sonic shows, which would it be?


MOAMETAL: The most memorable Summer Sonic was the year when we performed at many Japanese festivals, like Fuji Rock, Rock in Japan, and Rising Sun. Until then, it was more like a musical. I was proud of the fact that we were BABYMETAL, and that we would prepare elaborate stages and everything, but it was our experiences performing at Summer Sonic that gave me confidence that we could also compete purely with our sound, dance, and singing.

― いつものBABYMETALのライヴのような大掛かりな仕掛けはないもんね。

-- There aren’t any big theatrics like usual BABYMETAL shows


MOAMETAL: It was as if we had to fight with just our bare hands, and this is the show that gave us the confidence to do so.

BABYMETAL spelling Summer Sonic with their hands

Yui and Su making “S” for “Summer Sonic” with their hands

― 海外のフェスも結構出てるけど...やっぱり記憶にない?(笑)

-- You’ve been to a lot of festivals overseas, but… you still can’t remember them clearly, can you? (laughs)


MOAMETAL: You’re right, we’ve certainly been to many of them, but… (laughs) Ah, I remember Sonisphere because I often talk with SU-METAL about it.

― SU-METAL、ソニスフィアはBABYMETALのハイライトと言ってましたよ

-- SU-METAL said that Sonisphere is one of BABYMETAL’s important highlights


MOAMETAL: As expected. Well, my most memorable overseas festival is Glastonbury.

― あ、それも現時点での一番直近に出演した海外フェスだ(笑)。

-- Oh, because that’s also the most recent overseas festival you performed at (laughs).


MOAMETAL: (laughs) There weren’t any metal artists at Glastonbury, and we flew there in the middle of the night immediately after the Yokohama Arena show (The Sun Also Rises), so I was worried about whether we’d make the flight in time. I was also low-key freaking out about what would happen if we didn’t arrive at the venue in time for the performance, and I was so pumped up with adrenaline from the Yokohama show that I just kept thinking, “Heyyy! What if we can’t make it?” (laughs)

― 飛行機の中にいながらも(笑)。

--  As you were on the plane (laughs)


MOAMETAL: Yeah, haha. We traveled there still riding the high of the previous performance and had a lot of fun, so I remember it very well. Also, as I said before, there weren’t other metal artists at all, so I was a bit worried if BABYMETAL would be accepted by pop fans. But somehow, we managed to pull off quite an exciting show through our high spirits (laughs).

― やっぱりライヴが終わった直後ってアドレナリンがドバドバと出ている状態になる?

-- Do you feel your adrenaline pumping right after a show?


MOAMETAL: Oh, absolutely. It’s like it just goes on and on. I’m a night owl by nature, so I’m the type that can stay awake at night. Also, I really like the time after a show, when we get together with the band to reflect upon the show and talk about how things went. After sharing a fun experience with everyone there, I can stay so pumped up that I might be unable to fall asleep.

― 反省会をやりつつ楽しさが倍増していくわけだ。

-- So you enjoy the show even more through your after-show discussion sessions.


MOAMETAL: Yes! We talk about how the audience may have reacted, and stuff like that. I have many opportunities to observe the crowd, and I enjoy talking about this with them.



The biggest highlight in BABYMETAL’s history

― BABYMETALを10年間やってきた中で、MOAMETALが思う最大のハイライトは?

-- If you had to pick the “biggest highlight” in BABYMETAL’s 10-year history, what would it be?


MOAMETAL: “Right now”.

― 記憶がないからなのかはわからないけど(笑)、本当に過去を振り返らないなぁ。

-- I don’t know if it’s because you don’t remember them (laughs), but it seems you don’t really look back upon the past very much.


MOAMETAL: (laughs) I don’t dwell upon the past! But seriously, when it comes to BABYMETAL, we really believe in becoming “stronger than ever”, so even though we haven’t been able to do anything during the pandemic, we are trying to move forward, and I hope the audience will focus on the “now” rather than stay stuck in the past. So in that sense, my answer is still “right now”.

― 〝今〟なんだ。

-- “Right now.”


MOAMETAL: “Right now!”


-- That’s absolutely splendid!


MOAMETAL: Ah ha ha! (laughs)

MOAMETAL enjoying a Hengao



The most memorable tour abroad

― ライヴじゃなくて海外のツアーだと、いつのツアーが印象に残ってる?ヨーロッパやアメリカだけでも何度もツアーしているでしょ。

-- If not a performance, what was your most memorable international tour? Just Europe and America alone have seen many tours from BABYMETAL.


MOAMETAL: We’ve certainly made our way around, haven’t we?

― レッチリ(レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ)のスペシャル・ゲストでも回ったし、レディー・ガガのスペシャル・ゲストでも回ったし。

-- You’ve also performed as a special guest for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Lady Gaga.


MOAMETAL: A tour that left an impression on me… it would be last year’s U.S. tour, that started around June*.

(*T/N: The 2019 U.S. tour in fact kicked off in September, at Orlando)

― 最後のほうにロサンゼルスのフォーラム公演があったツアーだ。凄い長かったツアーでしょ。

-- That tour pretty much culminated with The Forum in Los Angeles. It was quite long, wasn’t it?


MOAMETAL: It was quite long indeed! Even before the tour started, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to complete it, but it was such a great feeling of accomplishment to pull it off. That definitely made it memorable.

― ツアー・バスに乗って回る生活っていうのは慣れた?

-- Have you gotten accustomed to riding around on a tour bus?


MOAMETAL: Though this may come as a surprise, I don’t have a problem with it at all. In fact, I actually enjoy it quite a bit. But it is quite tiring, and as I get older, it gets harder to shake off fatigue (laughs).

― 21才なのにオバチャンみたいなこと言ってますが(笑)。

-- 21 years old, and you’re already talking like an old lady (laughs).


MOAMETAL: No, really (laughs). Especially during last year’s U.S. tour, it was like we had shows every day, and the Avengers changed constantly too, so SU-METAL and I were exhausted. If it had been just me, I would have been tempted to just give up, but when I felt if I was tired, SU-METAL was tired too. If anything, she’s 2 years older than me, so she was probably even more exhausted, and thinking of it like that stopped me from giving up.

― SU-METALのことを褒めてるんだか、よくわからない表現だ(笑)。

-- I don’t know if you’re complimenting SU-METAL or not (laughs).


MOAMETAL: (laughs)

― 海外に初めて行った15歳前後の頃と今とでは、疲れ方も全然違ってきてるんだ。

-- The fatigue you feel must be quite different from when you first started touring abroad at the age of 15.


MOAMETAL: Oh, it’s totally different. But I hardly break a sweat now when performing, because I’ve gotten better at pacing myself.

― いい意味で力を抜く術を覚えてきたと。

-- So you’ve learned to relax, in a sense


MOAMETAL: Yes, I have. I try to work hard on the key points I want to emphasize, and try to keep up my energy each day. I probably wouldn’t have been able to complete the U.S. tour if I performed the way I did in the past..

― なるほど。今年1月の最後にロシアまで回ったヨーロッパ・ツアーはどうだった?

-- I see. How was the Europe tour that kicked off in late January*, closing in Russia?


MOAMETAL: First of all, it was freezing! I’m so weak in cold weather, so I remember it quite clearly. It was cold no matter where we went, so I couldn’t let go of my body warmers and hot water bottles (laughs).

(*T/N: Although the first show of the European tour was on February 3rd in Stockholm Sweden, the BABYMETAL team undoubtedly left Japan for Europe in preparation for the tour in late January)

BABYMETAL performing Gimme Choco

(Photo Credit: Alex Vanhee)



Korn and her changing feelings towards metal over the past 10 years

― 『ヘドバン』の前号で「人生最高のライヴ」アンケートを取った際に、MOAMETALは「人生最高のライヴ」でKoЯnって答えてくれたじゃないですか。そのことをもうちょっと詳しく聞きたいなと。いろんなアーティストさんと一緒にツアーをしている中でも、KoЯnとのツアー中に観た彼らのライヴが「人生最高のライヴ」だったというのが凄く興味深くて。

-- In the previous issue of Hedoban, we asked MOAMETAL about your favorite live performances, and you answered that it was touring with Korn. I’d be interested in hearing more about that! You’ve toured with many artists, so I’m curious to see why you think those shows were the best.


MOAMETAL: We watched Korn from the wings of the stage, and after each song, the vocalist(s) would put on a respirator with an oxygen tank, and once he could breathe again, they’d jump into the next song. To deliver the music he believed in, even though it must have been painful - it’s such an inspiring metal spirit, and I was deeply touched by that. And of course, their sound is very cool.

― なるほど。

-- I see.


MOAMETAL: It was really amazing and moving. Touring in such huge venues in America would have been impossible if it had just been BABYMETAL. So I remember the echoing cheers quite clearly. I remember the shows I saw more than our own performances, haha.

― 今、KoЯnの話が出たけど、10年前はメタルが何なのかも全然わからなかった状態だったのが、今こうやって、KoЯnのライヴがカッコいい、KoЯnの音もカッコいいって言えるのは、やっぱMOAMETALの身体とハートの中にメタルが染み付いているってことだよね。

-- We’ve been discussing Korn, but 10 years ago, you didn’t even know what metal was. The fact that you can now say that Korn’s shows are cool, and their sound is great must mean that metal has become a part of MOAMETAL.


MOAMETAL: Without a doubt. Compared to when I started 10 years ago, I’ve learned so much about metal that I can’t imagine myself listening to nearly as much 10 years from now. I’ve come to understand its charm, and I can’t escape from metal now.

― それを言えるって凄いことですよ。(笑)。

-- It’s great to hear you say that (laughs).


MOAMETAL: I can’t get away from it, and I can’t escape it (laughs).

― (笑)。普段もメタルを聴くことはある?

-- (laughs) Do you usually listen to metal?


MOAMETAL: I do listen to particular songs I like. For example, I listen to Bring Me The Horizon normally. Recently, I’ve been listening to a band with female vocals called Frozen Crown. They were recommended to me by BMTH, and when I listened to their song Neverending, I thought they were so cool, and the song was really great. Also, what I love about metal goes beyond the music itself, but the spiritual aspect of it… that is to say, the rebellious spirit. That’s what I enjoy about metal.

― おお!

-- Ohhh!


MOAMETAL: The people who don’t like metal *really* dislike it, don’t they? The same goes for BABYMETAL. Even in the world of metal, I think there are many metalheads who dislike BABYMETAL. But as a metal band, it’s important to say “I don’t care if they hate on us. We believe in our music, and that’s why we do it!” I love this spirit, and I think that’s the heart of what draws me to metal.”

MOAMETAL playing guitar at the APMA

― いやいや、10年の間にここまで言うようになりましたね。

-- Ah, you’ve come quite a long way over the past 10 years!


MOAMETAL: I never would have imagined it when we first started.

― それはしょうがない(笑)。

-- Well, that’s how things work out (laughs)


MOAMETAL: “What makes metal good?” I wondered to myself.

― メタルって、わりと音から入ってる人が多いと思うのよ。ヘヴィなギターとか。そうではなくて、メタルの精神性を突き詰められるって、やっばりBABYMETALとして世界のメタルを体感してきた証だと思うな。

-- I think a lot of people first get into metal because of the sound - heavy guitars and so on. But in your case, I think that being able to penetrate the spirituality of metal means that you have experienced the world of metal as BABYMETAL.


MOAMETAL: Thank you very much. I may have learned a little bit about metal in my time (laughs).

― それに、名だたる偉大なメタル・レジェントたちと接してるのも大きいよね。

-- Also, you’ve been able to meet some of the greatest metal legends of all time.


MOAMETAL: That’s right! These legends have all been such kind people, and they’re not at all like their scary appearance and faces. It’s such a cute contrast!

― ギャップ萌え!(笑)

-- A cute contrast! (laughs)


MOAMETAL: (with a smile) That’s something I love about metal. Everyone I’ve met has been so nice.

― 今までいろんなメタル・レジェンドに会ってきたと思うけど、印象深い人は誰になる?日本のアーティストの中でも、あれだけのメタル・レジェンドたちと出会っているのって、それこそBABYMETALだけだと思うんだよね。そんな中でMOAMETALが選ぶベスト・メタル・レジェンドを。

-- I know you’ve met many metal legends, but who has left the strongest impression on you? Among Japanese artists, I think it’s safe to say that BABYMETAL is the only one that’s met with so many metal legends. So who’s MOAMETAL’s best metal legend?

MOAMETAL:やっぱりジューダス・ブリーストのロブ(・ハルフォード)さん。フェスで2、3回お会いしてるし、それこそ共演もさせていただいてます。やっぱりロブさんから「君たちの音楽を貫いてくれ」みたいな意味で〝STAY METAL〟って言ってくださったことは本当に大きかったですね。この言葉は、私たちの財産だなって思います。

MOAMETAL: Rob Halford-san of Judas Priest! We’ve met him several times at music festivals, and also performed together too. It meant a lot to me when Rob-san told us to “Stay Metal”, as if he was encouraging us to stay true to our music. I consider those words our treasure.

― 財産!そこまでなんだ⁉

--  Treasure?

MOAMETAL:はい。間違いなく財産です、「STAY METAL」は。

MOAMETAL: Yes! “Stay Metal” is undoubtedly a blessing to treasure.

MOAMETAL in Hedoban Magazine

I believe BABYMETAL is metal, so therefore it is metal.



Metal fans that dislike BABYMETAL

― さっきも、BABYMETALを嫌いな人が多いみたいなこと言ってたじゃない。特に初期はガチのメタル・ファンからも、「あんなのメタルじゃない」って言われてきた歴史もあって。メタルとして認めないとか。今もそれは少なからずあるじゃない。

-- Earlier, you mentioned that there are many people that dislike BABYMETAL. Especially in the early days, there were quite a few people saying that you weren’t real metal; even serious metalheads. They saw you as a gimmick. This is still the case, to a lesser extent.


MOAMETAL: Yes, that’s true. But I’ve personally listened to a lot of metal, and seen many metal bands live. So I guess what I’d want to ask people is, “Well, what is your idea of metal?” I believe BABYMETAL is metal, so therefore it is metal. To begin with, there are many elements in metal. Some people think metal has to be fast. Others think it’s metal if it relieves stress, others insist it needs screaming, and so on. In other words, ask 100 people, and you will get 100 different responses about what metal is. It would be boring if it only fit one person’s idea of metal.

― 本当にそのとおり。

-- That’s very true.


MOAMETAL: So I’m just going to move forward with the belief that we’re metal. Even if people tell me “BABYMETAL isn’t metal”, I don’t care what they think anymore.

― 素晴らしい。それこそ、〝STAY METAL〟の精神だ。

-- Excellent! That’s the spirit of “Stay Metal”.


MOAMETAL: We believe in this, and will carry it through.

― そして、10年でそこの境地に立ったっていうのは、それこそ財産だよね。

-- The fact that you’ve been able to make it 10 years may be due to this spirit.


MOAMETAL: It really is. After all, if you’d asked me 10 years ago, there’s no way I would have thought I’d still be doing BABYMETAL after all this time. I wouldn’t have been able to perform so much metal and BABYMETAL without the people cheering us on. That’s why I’m so happy that we have fans that have supported us for all this time. It’s really the end once you’re unwanted, and I want to continue to be an artist that creates fun metal.

SECTION13 10年間をひと言で表すと

― BABYMETALの10年間をひと言で表すと。

-- How would you describe BABYMETAL’s past ten years in one word?


MOAMETAL: I’d describe it as love.

― 愛⁉

-- Love! Really?

MOAMETAL:愛!私はBABYMETALって愛が溢れてるグループだなと思うんです。それは私自身がお客さんを愛してるし、もちろんSU-METALも愛してるし。あ、ちょっと恥ずかしかった(笑) 。

MOAMETAL: Yes, love! I think BABYMETAL is a group overflowing with love. That is because I myself love the audience, and of course, I love SU-METAL too. Oh, that felt a bit embarrassing (laughs).

― でも本音でしょ。

-- But that’s what you really feel, isn’t it?


MOAMETAL: Yes, it is. And why I can think I love them is because of their love for us. As I said, BABYMETAL wouldn't have survived if it weren’t for those who'd loved BABYMETAL for these past ten years. We've received so much love on every occasion...maybe that's why I can say it's “love”.

The many faces of MOAMETAL

― 愛し愛される10年間だ。

-- Ten years of love and being loved.


MOAMETAL: I'm awfully happy.

― 結婚するみたいな感じだ(笑) 。

-- It’s as if you're going to get married (laughs).

MOAMETAL:本当ですね(笑) 。みなさんと結婚です。

MOAMETAL: You're right (laughs). To everyone.

― (笑) 。そこまで言えるって、ファンからもらった愛が本当に大きいというか。

-- (laughs) It must be because of the huge amount of love received from the fans that you can say that.


MOAMETAL: We’ve received so much! Even now, we're supported by the fans. In this period where no live shows were allowed, many people told us that they've been encouraged by our songs. But if they quit listening to our songs for encouragement, we wouldn't be here any longer.

― 愛だなぁ。

-- Indeed, that is love.


MOAMETAL: It makes us so happy that they keep loving us even though they cannot see us during this period.

― 遠距離恋愛みたいだ。

-- Just like a long-distance relationship!


MOAMETAL: Yes...(smiles) For the time being, the fans and us are in a long-distance relationship (laughs).

― MOAMETALはSU-METALに対しても、ある種の愛があるしね。お互いにね。

-- MOAMETAL also has a kind of love for SU-METAL. Or perhaps the feeling’s mutual?


MOAMETAL: I do, but I don't know for sure what she thinks. It might be one-sided (laughs).

SU-METAL and MOAMETAL sharing a moment



Kouhaku and the Budokan

― 大晦日にNHK『紅白歌合戦』への出場が決定したけど、MOAMETALは〝紅白出場決定〟を聞いたときはどう思った?

-- BABYMETAL has been invited to participate in NHK’s Kouhaku Uta Gassen (Red White Song Battle). What was your reaction upon hearing the news?


MOAMETAL: “Hahaha!” I thought to myself (laughs) It’s the first time I’ll be spending New Year’s eve with the other members, so that makes me happy.

― 紅白にメタルのアーティストが出るのは、聖飢魔Ⅱ、X JAPANに次いで3組目。BABYMETALをメタル側から応援してる日本のファンも大歓喜して31日を待っていると思うので、日本のメタル代表として紅白出場の意気込みを聞かせてくださいませ。

-- BABYMETAL will be the 3rd metal artist to perform on Kouhaku, after Seikima-II and X JAPAN. I’m sure Japanese metal fans will be supporting you and awaiting the 31st with joy and anticipation. So please share your enthusiasm for Kouhaku, as a representative of Japanese metal.


MOAMETAL: I hope that our appearance on this year’s Kouhaku will spur a new wave of interest in metal music! I think BABYMETAL’s music will be a good introduction to metal, so I hope it will have a strong impact on everyone from little kids to grandparents. I hope that all metal fans will illuminate the path of metal with us with their metal spirit!

SU-METAL and MOAMETAL performing at Kohaku

(SU-METAL and MOAMETAL would perform Endless Rain with Yoshiki and other legends like Queen, Sarah Brightman to close the 2020 Kouhaku celebration)

― 本当に期待してますよ。そして、ついに武道館10公演が発表になったけど、BABYMETALにとっての初めての武道館...2014年の武道館公演2デイズ...「赤い夜」と「黒い夜」。今振り返ると、MOAMETALにとってはどんな武道館2デイズだった?

-- I’m really looking forward to it! And finally, 10 shows at the Budokan have been announced. BABYMETAL’s first appearance at the Budokan was in 2014; the Red Night and Black Night shows. Looking back, what were those two days like for MOAMETAL?


MOAMETAL: Looking back now… those performances were very painful. At the time, I was much smaller than I am now, had less physical strength, and was still quite inexperienced. I remember dancing with all my heart for every song at the Budokan. But I believe I’m standing here today because of those growing pains, and I consider those two days a necessary experience for my personal growth.

― 武道館10公演。MOAMETALの今の率直な気持ちを。

-- And now, how about MOAMETAL’s honest feelings about 10 Budokan shows?


MOAMETAL: I was filled with joy at the announcement. We wanted to let the audience see us after our 10th anniversary in any way possible, and I’m really happy that my wish to see people I desperately want to see has a chance to come true.

― 前人未到の武道館10公演への意気込みを聞かせてくださいませ。

-- Well then, please share your enthusiasm for the unprecedented 10 Budokan shows!


MOAMETAL: Through 10 shows, I’d like to express my gratitude and love to all the people that have met BABYMETAL thus far. We wouldn’t have been able to continue this far without your support. I really hope you can feel the gratitude coming from the bottom of our hearts.

― 最後に、このコロナの状況の中ではあるけど、今BABYMETALとして、一番やってみたいことは?

-- Lastly, despite COVID, what would you like to do the most as BABYMETAL?


MOAMETAL: To perform live like we used to. We’re a group that lives and breathes through live performances, and it’s why we do what we do. We want to give something back to our audience through music, so we need to see them live. First of all, I can’t wait to see you at the Budokan, no matter what form the show may take. The other thing is, of course, difficult during a pandemic. But to be honest, I’d really like to see a Wall of Death again someday. Isn’t that such a cool part of metal?

― 確かに。

-- It is indeed!


MOAMETAL: So anyway, I hope everyone can stay safe until we can perform a Wall of Death again.

Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing)


  1. this is an amazing interview. thank you very much.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! Drop back in for more!


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