2022 PMC Vol.23 KOBAMETAL Interview
This is an unofficial fan translation of a Japanese-language interview originally featured in PMC Magazine Vol.23, issued Jun. 21th, 2022, discussing BABYMETAL’s “THE OTHER ONE” and the “METALVERSE”. The original magazine can be purchased here; please purchase a copy to support the original creators if you're able!
Text and interview: Daishi “DA” Ato
昨年10月10日、BABYMETAL はすべてのライブ活動を〈封印〉し、世界中のファンに大きな衝撃を与えた。そして、今後の活動がまったく見えない中、今年4月1日の〈FOXDAY〉に突如として誕生したのが 〈METALVERSE (メタルバース)〉 だった。このバーチャルワールドを通じて、「我々の知らなかった BABYMETAL を復元させる計画 “THE OTHER ONE” 」が始まるという。しかし、多くのファンはこの突然の展開に戸惑った。メタバースや NFT といった最近の流行に乗ろうとしているだけなのか、それとも何か大きな思惑があるのか。そこで今回、BABYMETAL のプロデューサー KOBAMETAL に話を聞いたのだが、彼の口から語られたのは、BABYMETAL と彼女たちのファンが一つになってコロナ禍以降の不安定な未来を生き抜くための長期計画だった――。
On October 10 last year, BABYMETAL shocked fans all over the world as they sealed all live activities. The <METALVERSE> was announced on Fox Day, April 1 of this year, as fans wondered about future plans. Through this virtual world “THE OTHER ONE”, a plan to “restore a BABYMETAL that had never been seen before” will begin. However, many are puzzled by this sudden development. Is BABYMETAL just trying to get in on the latest fads like the Metaverse and NFTs, or do they have a bigger plan in mind? We spoke to BABYMETAL’s producer KOBAMETAL, who told us about this long-term method for uniting BABYMETAL and its fans to survive the unstable future that has resulted from the COVID disaster.
― 昨年9月に発売された「10 BABYMETAL LEGENDS」(KOBAMETAL著)のその後と言いますか、BABYMETAL がライブ活動を〈封印〉したあとのことを聞かせてください。
We’d like to ask you about what happened after the release of your “10 BABYMETAL LEGENDS” book released September last year, after BABYMETAL announced a “seal” of its live activities.
KOBAMETAL:BABYMETAL が始まって10年という節目を迎えて、次の物語へ向けて一旦幕を閉じて今に至っているわけなんですけど、その中で BABYMETAL という存在が何なのか、BABYMETAL の世の中における役割は何なのかをもう一度見つめ直してみました。
KOBAMETAL: As BABYMETAL reached its 10-year anniversary, we closed the curtain on this chapter and stopped to take a new fresh look at what BABYMETAL is, and its role in the world.
And what do you foresee?
KOBAMETAL:BABYMETAL には「これまでの世になかった新しいメタルの誕生」という意味合いもあって、オンリーワンをテーマに活動をしていきました。国内外のさまざまな場所を訪れて、楽曲、パフォーマンス、ライブを含めて、常識や型にとらわれずにいろんなことにチャレンジして、毎回人を驚かすようなことをやってきたのがこの10年の BABYMETAL だったと思ったんですね。
KOBAMETAL: BABYMETAL’s purpose has been to “create new metal that has never existed before”, as something unique in the world - “The Only One”. We’ve been challenging ourselves to do many different things, including various tours in Japan and abroad, surprising people with our music, performances, and live shows, without being bound by so-called common sense or conventionality.
― 僕もずっと追いかけていましたが、非常に濃密な時間でした。
Having followed for all this time, it has been quite an intense experience.
KOBAMETAL:ただ、これはいいことでもあるんですけど、BABYMETAL の型というものをこの10年で作り上げていく中で、「BABYMETAL ってこうだよね」というものが固まり過ぎたところもあって。もともとは、今までになかったもの、常識の範疇を超えていくものにチャレンジしていくことを目指していたので、いま改めてそういう要素が必要なのかなと考えました。
KOBAMETAL: However, although this is a good thing, over the course of creating a BABYMETAL style over the past decade, there reached a point where the idea of “This is what BABYMETAL should be” had become too firmly established. Our original goal was to challenge something that had never been done before; something that went beyond the norm, and we felt again that such an element remained necessary now.
― たしかに、BABYMETAL としての型が完成したところはありますね。
Indeed, BABYMETAL had reached somewhat of a completed form.
KOBAMETAL:この前、たまたまメタリカとアイアン・メイデンの話になって、メタリカってあれだけのキャリアがあるレジェンドであるにもかかわらず、たまに「おや?」と思うようなことをやるじゃないですか。ルー・リードさんとコラボしたり、50組を超えるアーティストが参加したトリビュートアルバム「The Metallica Blacklist」を出したり。そんなメタリカとすごく対照的なレジェンドがアイアン・メイデンで。彼らはあれだけのキャリアがあるのに絶対に枠をはみ出さないと言いますか、エディというキャラクターが必ずいて、新曲も聴けばすぐにアイアン・メイデンとわかる上に、過去の曲ともちょっと違う絶妙なさじ加減で切っても切っても常にアイアン・メイデンが出てくるという安心感がある。そこがメタリカと対照的だし、面白いと思っているんですよ。それで、BABYMETAL はどちらのタイプかというとメタリカタイプだと思っていて。楽曲、コラボ、ステージ演出などにも通じるんですけど、キャリアを重ねても常に新しいことにチャレンジする姿勢は失わないようにしたいなと。そういう気持ちが改めて芽生えてきました。
KOBAMETAL: I happened to be talking about Metallica and Iron Maiden the other day, and how Metallica collaborated with Lou Reed, and also did something like release “The Metallica Blacklist”, a tribute album featuring over 50 artists. Iron Maiden is also a legendary band, but in very stark contrast to Metallica. Over the course of their long career, they’ve never gone outside the box. Eddie (Iron Maiden’s mascot) will always be there, and if you listen to a new Iron Maiden song, you’ll immediately recognize it as one of theirs, no matter what. This contrast with Metallica is rather interesting. I think of BABYMETAL as more similar to Metallica in this regard, when it comes to things such as music, collaborations, and stage direction. We want to renew our determined attitude to always challenge things, even as the group grows more established in its career.
*NOTE: see Koba’s interview with Hedoban Magazine Vol.34 released around the same time as this interview for more about this discussion re: Iron Maiden and Metallica
― そこから新しい動きを始めるにあたって、どんなことを考えたんでしょうか。
What were things you took into account when creating something new?
KOBAMETAL:まず、2014年に海外活動を本格的に始めて、メンバーとともに海外を回る中で「世界は広い」ということを実感したんですね。それまではネット上でのリアクションでしかわからなかったものが、実際にライブ会場に足を運ぶと「何をきっかけにチケットを買って BABYMETAL のライブに来てくれたんだろう?」と感じるほど、さまざまなタイプの人がいました。そこからあれよあれよと海外でもアリーナクラスのライブをさせていただくようになったり、フェスに出演させていただいたり、レジェンドクラスのアーティストさんのツアーサポートをさせていただくようになりました。そこで「まだまだ世界は広いな」と感じたのと同時に、世の中のさまざまな変化に伴って、時間的なことや物理的なこと、それぞれに限りがあるのを感じたんですね。つまり、「こうやってライブ活動をできることは当たり前ではないんじゃないか」と。
KOBAMETAL: When we began our overseas activities in earnest starting in 2014, we quickly realized how large the world was. Previously, it had only been possible to gauge reactions to the group via the internet, but upon actually going to live venues, we encountered so many different types of people that we began to wonder what it was that compelled people to buy tickets and come to see BABYMETAL’s live shows. It was surprising how diverse the crowds were. Before we knew it, we found ourselves performing in arena-class shows even overseas, at festivals, and supporting legendary artists on their tours. These experiences helped teach us that there were still many things we had to learn about the world. At the same time, we felt there were both temporal and physical limits to what we could achieve, due to various changes in the world. To put it simply, we couldn’t take it for granted that we’d always be able to conduct live performances like we always had.
I see. What was the turning point?
KOBAMETAL:やはり2020年だと思っています。海外ツアーを行っていく中で、いずれはいろいろなものがデジタルに移行していくんだろうなという感覚はありました。BABYMETAL が活動しはじめた2010年ぐらいからYouTubeが日本でも本格的に普及しだして、その前の2007年に iPhone が初めて発表されたり。それから10年が経った2020年あたりには、もう YouTube は当たり前、iPhone はみんな持っているという状態でした。でも、10年前にその状況を予想できていたかというと、YouTube に対してはレーベルもちょっと否定的だったと思うんです。でも、そんな状況が激変して、デジタルへの移行が急激に加速し、より鮮明になったのがコロナ禍のタイミングだったと思うんですね。
KOBAMETAL: I would say it was ultimately 2020. As we toured overseas, we could sense that more and more things were inevitably going to shift to digital in the long run. Around 2010, when BABYMETAL first began its activities, YouTube had started growing popular in Japan. And before that, in 2007, the iPhone was first released. Ten years later in 2020, YouTube is even more commonplace, and everyone has an iPhone. I suspect no one saw this coming 10 years ago, and so labels viewed YouTube rather negatively at the time. However, I think the timing of the COVID pandemic was the point where the entire situation changed drastically, and the shift to digital rapidly accelerated and became highlighted more clearly.
― 2020年は、1月に「METAL GALAXY」のツアーファイナルが幕張メッセでありましたね。
In 2020, the “Metal Galaxy” tour finale was held at Makuhari Messe in January, wasn’t it.
KOBAMETAL: Japan had just started becoming affected by COVID, but we were able to finish that tour without any cancellations. In February, we went on a European tour that lasted until March, with the final show in Russia.
That’s right.
KOBAMETAL: We were able to return to Japan safely after the Moscow concert, but in the meantime, several Asian countries had entered lockdown, and Europe also began lockdowns shortly after our return, and I thought, “Oh, this is going to be bad.” People’s sense of values change in this kind of situation. Because the real thing had come to a halt, digitalization, which had been proceeding and evolving at a slower pace, rapidly advanced in all aspects of life, while “real things” became increasingly scarce. In recent times, I think we’ve been gradually returning to a pre-COVID world, but not when it comes to concerts. To simplify, concert productions involve hundreds and thousands of staff members, but it’s not possible to attract part-time workers like we used to, and many skilled technical workers such as sound, lighting, and stage technicians lost their jobs due to COVID. Even if we were to return to normal operations within this year or the next, it might not be possible for these professionals to return to the field. For example, a very real problem is that an expert engineer may have started a different job, and these pieces needed to put together a live performance may be missing. Therefore, what had been possible before 2020 might no longer be possible. Of course, there is hope, but realistically speaking, I don’t think we’ll be able to recreate things as they were before 2020. Moreover, it does not appear that festivals and concerts have returned to 100% of their previous attendance level. The situation is still ongoing, and I think it may very well repeat itself in the future.
What do you mean by that?
KOBAMETAL:つまり、我々にはどうにも制御できない自然災害やアクシデントによって急にいろんなことがストップしたり激変したりするという可能性は今後もあると思うんです。2021年に行った BABYMETAL の武道館公演では、「〈リアルワールド〉が〈ディストピア〉になってしまった」というストーリームービーがありましたけど、こういう状況はまだまだ続くんだろうなと。しかも、コロナに加えてロシアとウクライナの戦争が始まって、また新たな衝撃が走った。
KOBAMETAL: To put it another way, it’s possible that various things may come to a sudden stop or change drastically due to natural disasters or accidents, over which we have no control. At the BABYMETAL Budokan concerts in 2021, there was a story movie in which the “real world” had turned into “dystopia”, and I think this kind of thing will in fact continue to happen. In addition to COVID, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine created yet another new shock wave.
― 今回の戦争の影響としてガソリン価格の高騰がよく挙げられますよね。
The war has often been cited as a cause for soaring gas prices.
KOBAMETAL: The price of gasoline, combined with the effects of inflation, increases the cost of trucks, buses, and airplanes needed for world tours, making it impossible to tour with the same budget and cost as before. Organizers and artists may not be able to cover these costs. Labor costs are also rising rapidly, and it’s not easy to ask them to control this - the concert staff needs to be able to make a living. As these difficulties accumulate, “real world” things may become increasingly scarce, and accordingly, unless we can create value that offsets its cost, I think the world will be unable to make things work.
That does seem to be the case.
KOBAMETAL:あと、BABYMETAL が最後に海外公演を行った国はロシアですけど、そこでお世話になった方々はみなさん温かかったですし、会場に集まっていただいたファンの方々とも BABYMETAL を通じて一つになれた。それに、もしかしたら近隣国やウクライナのファンの方もロシアの会場まで来ていたかもしれない。でも、たった2年でリアルワールドがディストピアに激変してしまったことで、再びロシアでライブをすることは不可能かもしれない。
KOBAMETAL: BABYMETAL’s last overseas performance was in Russia, receiving a warm welcome from everyone there. We were able to unite with the fans who had gathered there through BABYMETAL. And perhaps fans from neighboring countries and even Ukraine had also gathered in that venue in Moscow as well. However, it may not be possible to perform in Russia ever again as the real world has transformed so drastically into a dystopia in just 2 years.
一今のところ、 その可能性は高いです。
Thus far, it seems that is quite likely.
KOBAMETAL:では、あの日ロシアの会場に集まってくれた BABYMETAL のファンの人たちと今後どうやってコミュニケーションを取ればいいのか。今、そのことをリアルに考えています。数年後に、また別の何かが、別の場所で起こるかもしれない。そうなったときに BABYMETAL とファンが生き続けるためにはどうしたらいいのか。そんなことを考えた末に、〈リアルワールド〉や〈ディストピア〉に代わる〈ユートピア〉的なもの、〈BABYMETAL ワールド〉みたいなものを創っていく必要があるんじゃないかと思ったんです。そこで浮かんだのが〈METALVERSE〉というコンセプト、概念だったんですよね。
KOBAMETAL: So how can we communicate once more with the BABYMETAL fans who had gathered at the venue in Russia that day? It’s something I think about seriously and practically. A few years from now, some other calamity may occur in a different place. What can we do to keep BABYMETAL and its fans active and connected when that happens? Thinking upon this, we decided on the need to create a utopian alternative to the “real world” and “dystopia” - something like a “BABYMETAL World”. That’s how the concept of the <METALVERSE> came to be.
I see.
KOBAMETAL: And while events such as COVID or wars may be a factor to worry about, in today’s chaotic world of social division and conflict, slander and libel on the internet as well as fake news, we need to revisit the importance of having our own values and perspectives to determine what is actually true, what to believe, and how to protect what we really love. Who are the people, and where do they gather? Even if such disasters do not occur in the “real world”, as the wave of digitalization accelerates, it is inevitable that the “real world” and the “virtual world” will coexist simultaneously, wouldn’t you say? Considering our last overseas performance was in Russia, the members and staff have, in a certain way, been feeling the effects of the real world, perhaps even more than your average person.
NOTE: My personal interpretation is that there is unsaid implication behind Koba’s words, that might be read more completely as "Considering how joyous our last overseas performance was in Russia compared to how terrible the situation is now between the warring countries and people, the members and staff have, in a certain way, been feeling the effects of the real world emotionally, perhaps even more than your average person." It should be fairly clear that Koba's intent is to explain why the war hit even harder for them emotionally, though of course it is not to minimize the suffering of others.
――たしかに、僕の感覚からすると「なぜ今〈METALVERSE〉なんだろう?」というのが正直なところでした。最近の盛り上がりを受けて流行りに乗ったのかな、とか。でも、話を伺っているうちに考えを改めました。でも、聞くところによると、KOBAMETAL さんはアナログ人間だそうですね。
I must admit, I was curious at why the <METALVERSE> had been announced. Why now? Was it to jump on the bandwagon of the new booming thing? But after hearing your perspective, I’ve changed my mind. That said, according to what I’ve heard, KOBAMETAL is more of an analog person.
KOBAMETAL:おっしゃるように、ワタクシはファミコン禁止の家庭で育ったこともあって根っこはアナログタイプではあります。でも、NFT やメタバースがやりたいということではないんですよね。それはあくまでも手段であって、〈METALVERSE〉という BABYMETAL ワールド、コミュニティ、ユニバース......呼び方はいろいろあると思うんですけど、それを通じて BABYMETAL とファンが新たなスタイルで共に生き続けることを目指していきたいんです。
KOBAMETAL: It’s as you said. Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to have even a Famicon/NES, so I am an analog type at heart. It’s not that I want to go into NFTs or the metaverse. It’s just a means to an end. The BABYMETAL “World”, “Community”, “Universe” known as the <METALVERSE>... there are many different ways to call it, but we would like to use it as a means to keep BABYMETAL and its fans connected and survive in a new way.
However, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome in creating a metaverse, right? What do you have in mind as a first step?
KOBAMETAL:一気にメタバースに持っていこうとは考えていません。iPhone もそうだったと思うんですけど、最初に出てきたときは「これってどうやって使うんだ?」とか「ガラケーで十分じゃないか」みたいに言われてましたよね。でも、あれはたった10年前の話です。
KOBAMETAL: I don’t think we’d want to move everything into the metaverse all at once. I think something similar happened with the iPhone - when it first came out, people wondered how it would work, or how it would be useful. That was just 10 years ago.
And nowadays, smartphones have become a life necessity.
KOBAMETAL: Similarly, not everyone has VR goggles, and wearing them for hours on end is tiring, so I don’t think it’s realistic to think of a virtual project in terms of the span of just a few years. It’ll be interesting to figure out how to make it so even an old fart like myself would be able to enjoy and make good use of it easily.
I see. Little by little, I’m beginning to see what <METALVERSE> is trying to achieve.
KOBAMETAL:めちゃめちゃ最先端なことだけを目指しているわけじゃなくて、小さいお子さんからおじいちゃんおばあちゃんまで楽しめるもの、 BABYMETAL の〈METALVERSE〉はある意味の「概念」なので。今は NFT などを取り扱う際には、暗号資産やブロックチェーンの技術を使って、MetaMask や OpenSea を利用しますが、まだまだ一般的にはなじみが薄くて、手間がかかる印象が強いと思うんですけど、技術の進歩によって今後 iPhone で簡単にタッチして買い物をするような感覚になっていくと思うので、その将来的に到来するタイミングを目指して今からスタートさせようという考えです。
KOBAMETAL: The goal isn’t something absolutely cutting-edge, but rather something that can be enjoyed by everyone young and old. In that sense, BABYMETAL’s <METALVERSE> is more like a “concept”. Currently, when dealing with NFTs, you have to use MetaMask or OpenSea, which use crypto assets and blockchain technology, but it’s not something the general public’s familiar with, and the feeling is that they’re time consuming and labor intensive to use. However, as technology advances, in the future, it may very well be as easy as shopping online using an iPhone. So the idea is to start now, and be ready when the future arrives.
Recent online games have often been used to introduce the concept of a metaverse.
KOBAMETAL:「あつまれ どうぶつの森」とか「フォートナイト」ですよね。ああいうものでゲームを飛び越えた新しいコミュニケーションやエンタテインメントが生まれていたりもしますので、アーティストとファンの関係性においてもまた違った形が生まれてくるのかもしれないですし、そういうところに興味がありますね。
KOBAMETAL: Yes, something like “Animal Crossing” or “Fortnite”. These games have created new forms of communication and entertainment that transcend the boundaries of being merely games. I am interested to see how the relationship between artists and fans may take on a new form.
I feel that pop culture has often played a role as the catalyst for the spread of new technologies.
KOBAMETAL: Yes, that may be true. The barrier to entry is lower for users that are motivated to do something even if it’s difficult, because it’s for something they like.
―BABYMETAL がそういう存在になってくれたらいいですね。
It would be nice if BABYMETAL could become such a thing.
KOBAMETAL:今後、BABYMETAL がリアルだけでなく、その先を見据えたバーチャルワールドでも並行してマルチバース的な活動していくとかも可能性があると思うんですよね。そこで新たな BABYMETAL のストーリーが展開を見せていったり。
KOBAMETAL: Moving forward, I think it’s possible that BABYMETAL will be active not only in the real world, but also expand into the virtual world in parallel, like a multiverse. In this way, a new BABYMETAL story can be developed.
What comes to mind at this time?
KOBAMETAL: We believe that a new style of performance will emerge - one that is different from the traditional “live” or “online stream” performance. Perhaps something that we wouldn’t have imagined before, that might be thought of in a different way using a different name. I think it’s possible there will be a new entertainment experience that combines technology and imagination, free from physical limitations, taking on a whole new dimension of ideas. Possibilities from various perspectives such as communities, games, and creators may be found. I believe the <METALVERSE> could start as an experimental challenge; something that eventually develops into a more complete metaverse society. It’s not something we’d intend to move into all at once, as we’d hope people like me - analog types - would be able to grow accustomed to it, experiencing it little by little. I think it would be great if we could create a situation where new approaches are accepted into our minds after 5 or 10 years.
You certainly shared many interesting things with me today.
KOBAMETAL:最後に、コロナ禍になったり、最後のワールドツアーがロシアで終わったということもあり、珍しくシリアスなことをお話しさせていただくと、ワタクシの好きなミュージカルで『レント』という作品があるんですけど、ジョナサン・ラーソンという方が書かれた「戦争の反対は平和ではない、創造だ」というセリフがすごく好きなんです。リアルなものが壊されてしまうという対義として新しいものを創造していく、という解釈をしているのですが、その意味合いに加えて言葉のチョイスやセンスもすてきだなと思っています。〈METALVERSE〉もそのような発想に通ずる部分があって、〈METALVERSE〉で BABYMETAL と共に、 BABYMETAL をサポートし、共に歩んでいく人々と、既存の世界から新しい世界を創っていく、そんな想いがあります。
KOBAMETAL: Lastly, considering COVID and the fact that our last world tour ended in Russia, I’d like to take the opportunity to say something a bit more serious for once. There’s a musical I enjoy called “Rent”, written by Jonathan Larson. There’s a wonderful line in it that goes, “The opposite of war isn’t peace. It’s creation”. My interpretation is that the opposite of the destruction of something real is the creation of something new. This thought really inspires me, and his choice of words and its sense of meaning is rather wonderful. <METALVERSE> is similar to this idea, where we hope to create a new world that emerges from the existing one with BABYMETAL, together with the people who support and walk alongside us.
Additional Credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing), anonymous Kitsune (scans, transcription)
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