2021 Rolling Stone Japan Vol.13

This is an unofficial fan translation of an interview originally featured in Rolling Stone Japan Vol.13, issued Dec 25, 2020, and later online for free.


"Lessons Learned from Heavy Metal: As Told by BABYMETAL"

Interviewer: Takuro Ueno

Photography: OGATA

Hair and Make-up: aya watanabe

Styling: Shohei Kashima <W INC.>


Becoming a “bridge” between the world and Japan


What do the two of you make of the fact that after 10 years of activities as BABYMETAL, you’ve become one of the flag bearers of heavy metal?


SU-METAL: I think BABYMETAL is an evolution of metal music, in a sense. When I myself listened to BABYMETAL’s music for the first time, it immediately piqued my interest. We knew absolutely nothing about metal before that, but it somehow sounded quite welcoming and familiar. Since that was how we were introduced to the world of metal, our hope from the very beginning was to become a bridge between the metal of the world and Japan, and serve as a gateway into metal for new people. As it turns out, as we’ve continued to perform overseas, people have told us that the sound of the Japanese language is interesting, and they’ve consequently become interested in Japanese culture. So over the past 10 years of performing, we’ve been able to become that kind of bridge, at least a little bit. Even in Japan, there are people from our own generation and even young children that find our costumes and dance to be cool, and now listen to metal because of us. I think we still have a long way to go, but my feeling is we’ve been able to build bridges bit by bit, and I’m very happy about that.


MOAMETAL: I feel that BABYMETAL doesn’t necessarily work as a gateway to metal for every person or that we’re “leading the way” per se. But I have confidence in our music, and of course I have deep respect for metal music. And so with that in mind, I hope we will continue to carve a way through the future of metal music.


In a (recent) interview reflecting on the first chapter of Metal Resistance (2013-2014), SU-METAL once said “My mental image of heavy metal is something where you give it everything you have, so I felt we had to do our best to show this to the audience!”. Where did you get this image of “giving it your all” ?


SU-METAL: My image of metal is “fiery”. It’s something where you give 100%, and there’s a really cool feeling live that you don’t get from CDs. I’d describe it like a passion that emerges from exhaustion. That’s just how I baselessly imagined it ought to be, so I danced to the point of exhaustion every time at our concerts, even though the choreography was difficult and demanding for us in the early days. It was quite reckless!


In an interview about those days, MOAMETAL once recalled that “We just worked as hard as we could”, and “I don’t remember anything after the show”. It must have been tough to go all-out without knowing exactly what metal music was all about - what was the source of your power back then?


MOAMETAL: I wonder… back in the day, it’s not that I thought doing things recklessly was inherently “metal”, but it was more that in the heart of my mind, I felt I “had” to be reckless in order to convey the spirit of BABYMETAL’s music effectively. That must be because I believed in our music so much and passionately I wanted many people from all walks of life to hear it!


Was it not due to a desire to become famous as BABYMETAL, reach some lofty goal, or something like that?


MOAMETAL: No, not particularly. At the time, I wasn’t even interested in appearing on TV. The bar before us was always set very high, some place beyond our comprehension, and I would become so preoccupied with achieving that goal without really considering fame or things like that at all.


After meeting Metallica at Summer Sonic in 2013, SU-METAL said “Metal isn’t something you listen to with your ears, but rather with your heart.” What do you think it was about Metallica’s music and live performance that moved you so much?

SU-METAL:なんだったんですかね。メタルという音楽を聴くことはあっても、ライブで観る機会があまりなかったんです。その時のメタリカさんのライブは、シンプルに音がズサズサ心に刺さってくる感覚があって。目が離せない、一歩も動けなくなるみたいな。 自分が考える前に音が体中に入ってくるっていうか、そういう感覚が初めてだったんです。「なるほど! これがメタルっていう音楽の力なのか!」って。何を歌ってるか分からないはずなのに、ステージとの距離感も近くて通じ合ってるというか、すごく不思議な感覚だったんですよね。その時にメタルっていう音楽を一瞬で教えてもらった感じがしました。今でもその感覚は、言葉では説明できてないですけど、私の中に染み付いてるものです。BABYMETALとしてメタルをやっていく中で、あのライブがあったからこうやってライブができてるなって思ってますね。

SU-METAL: Hm, let me think… I’d listened to metal music before that, but really didn’t have opportunities to experience it live. Metallica-san's live performance simply felt like the sound pierced straight through my heart. I couldn’t take my eyes off the stage, and felt frozen in place. It was the first time I had that feeling of having sound enter my body before I could even make sense of it logically. “So this is the power of metal music!” I couldn’t understand the lyrics, but the distance to the stage felt so close, and we really felt connected. It was quite an extraordinary feeling; like an instant introduction to metal music. Even now I can’t explain it well using words, but it’s something deeply ingrained in me. As we continue to perform metal music as BABYMETAL, I feel that we’re able to do so in part because of seeing that concert.


MOAMETAL: It left a very strong impression on me as well. It might have simply been how loud the sound was, but the audience was also super into it. The moment I saw Metallica-san’s live performance made me understand how cool metal music was. Until then, I had been afraid of people with faces painted all white, singing about things I didn’t understand. But through Metallica-san’s music, I was introduced to the coolness of metal. I still don’t know exactly why it felt so cool, but it’s music that resonated with my heart.


You also met them backstage.

Note: BABYMETAL has met and taken photos with Metallica several times at this point.

with Kirk Hammett at Summer Sonic 2013 (Source: Official Twitter)

with Kirk Hammett at Heavy Montreal 2014 (Source: Official Twitter)

With Ross Halfin at Summer Sonic 2013 (Source: Official Twitter)

from BABYMETAL’s support tour of Metallica in Seoul (2017)

from BABYMETAL’s support tour of Metallica in Seoul (2017)

with Lars Ulrich in 2017

with Robert Trujillo’s family at Los Angeles during the 2013 US Tour (Source: Official Twitter)


MOAMETAL: Yes. They are really kind people, and I guess I fell in love with their personalities. I didn’t think such big names would take the time to take photos with us while we were still unknown kids, and they were all very nice.


Boldness and performance cultivated overseas

ー2014年、BABYMETALの初めてのワールドツアーについてSU-METALさんは「雰囲気的にドイツのゴリゴリのメタル感に圧倒された」と語っていましたよね。ヨーロッパのメタルファンって「これはメタル! これはメタルじゃない!」というジャッジが厳しそうな感じがしますけど、本物のメタルファンが何万人もいるようなフェスの舞台を通して、2人が気づいたことや学んだことは何かありますか?

In 2014, SU-METAL described BABYMETAL’s first world tour, “Atmospherically, we were overwhelmed by the diehard metal feel of Germany.” It seems European metal fans are very strict in judging what is and isn’t metal. What did the two of you notice or learn from your experience at a festival, facing tens of thousands of hardcore metal fans?

SU-METAL:それまで海外に行くことが全然なかったので、身体にいろんな絵を彫った人を見るのも初めてでしたし(笑)、しかもそういう人が大勢いる中でライブをする。そういうところに戸惑うところから私たちの海外ツアーはスタートしたんです。フランス、ドイツとまわって、イギリスのソニスフィア・フェスティバルにも出演して、フランスは日本のカルチャーが大好きな女の子たちが多くて、私たちをカワイイって目線で見てくれて、ドイツの人はメタル寄りで見ていたから、短い期間でも私たちの見られ方が全く違うということにまず驚いて。そして、ソニスフィアでは、みんなBABYMETALを知らない状態。「誰だろう? この子たち」っていう、すごくアウェーな環境でした。むしろ、私たちのことを嫌ってた人もいっぱいいたんじゃないかなって。


SU-METAL: I had never been abroad before, so it was the first time I’d seen so many people with artwork sculpted into their bodies (laughs), and I’d certainly never performed in front of so many of these kinds of people. And so we started our overseas tour quite perplexed by the situation. In France, there were many girls that loved Japanese culture and viewed us as Kawaii, whereas people in Germany viewed us from a metal-oriented perspective. I was surprised at how differently we were perceived, especially over a short period of time. And then at Sonisphere, no one knew who BABYMETAL was. They were like “Wait, who are these girls?” It was quite an “away” environment. I think there must have been quite a few people who were hostile towards us.

But I also think their reaction was very honest. In Japan, if you’re watching a live show and no one else puts their hands up, you might feel embarrassed to do it by yourself. But overseas, people will react naturally when they’re having fun, and I could visually see it happening. I was really moved to see that our music was gradually spreading like a wave, particularly overseas at a metal festival, of all places.

MOAMETAL:ドイツのメタラーの人たちは正直最初怖かったです。ステージから見ててもすごい怖い顔してるし……って思ってたんですけど、次第に彼らは本当にメタルを愛してるんだなってことに気づいたんですよね。自分が好きな音楽を愛しているから、私たちを品定めするような感じで「本当にコイツらメタルを愛してるのか? 俺たちと同類なのか?」っていう目でチェックされてるんだなって。私たちも愛を持ってメタルをやってるし、この音楽を信じてメタルをやってるから、ちゃんと自分たちの信じてる音楽を届けるしかないと分かって、それを体現してたらどんどんキツネサインが広がって、「伝わるってこういうことなんだな」ってうれしくなりました。

MOAMETAL: To be honest, German metalheads frightened me at first. I thought they looked very scary… but as I watched them from the stage, I gradually realized that they really love metal music very much. Because they care so much for their music, it’s like they were judging us and evaluating us, “Do these little princesses really love metal? Are they serious about being one of us?” We also perform metal with sincere love just like them, and we believe in our music, so we knew we had to deliver this music in which we had put our faith. As we embodied that through our performance, the fox signs began to spread, and I was happy to know that our message was being understood and accepted.


Were there some shows where the atmosphere in the venue felt tense all the way through?


MOAMETAL: We definitely feel an unfamiliar “away” atmosphere when we first step on stage.


SU-METAL: We discovered that it’s quite commonplace for the audience to film the concert with their phones during the show, so the first surprise was seeing the crowd of phone screens rather than faces. But as the show progressed and the moshing started getting intense, the number of raised phones gradually disappeared from our sight. That amused me quite a bit (laughs).


MOAMETAL: Festival grounds overseas are really huge, so you can see people leaving while the show is still going on. At first it was a shock to see people leaving during our show. But through the tour, we began to think, “Well, that person just blew a chance to listen to the second half of BABYMETAL’s performance”, and didn’t feel upset anymore. Conversely, as we started to see people coming to watch us in the middle of the show, I began to enjoy performing in an away environment and proving ourselves in this way.


That’s what toughened you up.


MOAMETAL: It was like we were being toughened up day by day. Also, our innocence might have helped. Things that might frighten us now didn’t really bother our naive selves back then. Every time we were on stage was “training”, but we very much enjoyed it.


SU-METAL: I think it was possible because no one guided us in a conventional way, and we knew nothing beforehand. Thus, we learned from each experience; through doing. Normally, it might seem unbelievable to utilize shows of such magnitude as “training”, but that was routine for us.


MOAMETAL: And we didn’t go after studying a lot of things in theory, but rather as a blank sheet of paper. We had to learn on-the-spot.


SU-METAL: Haha. We were quite absorbent.

MOAMETAL それが当たり前だと思って勉強するから、どんどんいろんなことを覚えていきました。

MOAMETAL: As we got accustomed to studying things in this way, we learned more and more.

ブリクストンで披露した「Road of Resistance」

The debut of “Road of Resistance” at Brixton


Andy Copping, the founder and main booker of the Download Festival once told me that “Japanese metal fans are loyal and respectful (compared to those from other countries)”. What are your thoughts on this?

SU-METAL:海外のライブってすごい自由なんですよ。国にもよるんですけど、ファンの人が曲のノリを生み出すというか。今まで私たちのライブで一回もやったことがなかったのに、気づいたらお客さんが座って一斉にジャンプしてたり、みたいな。お客さんとライブのノリ方を毎回作っていってるみたいな感覚が多いんですけど、日本のファンの方は私たちがやりたいことをやらせてくれる気がします。私たちがここで見たいと思った景色をちゃんと見せてくれるというか。そして、みんなで音楽を楽しんでる。私たちのパフォーマンスだけじゃなくてみんなで作る「場」っていうものを楽しんでるんじゃないのかなっていう印象があって。海外で盛り上がっているBABYMETALのライブの様子ってYouTubeでも見れるじゃないですか。だから「日本のファンも負けてられないぞ!」っていう感じで、日本に帰ってくるとすごい熱量なんですよね! 闘志を燃やしてる感じが伝わってくる。

SU-METAL: At shows overseas, it’s like anything goes. It depends on the country, but it’s as if the fans lead the way to hype each song we perform. For instance, we’d notice the audience squatting down and then jumping up in unison together, which hadn’t happened before. Overseas, it feels as if each time we’re creating a new way to enjoy the show together, whereas in Japan, it’s more that they let us do what we want to do. In other words, it’s like the Japanese fans showcase the exact fan response we might be looking for. Also, I have the impression that the overseas fans enjoy the show in a way that goes beyond our performance, but rather this “field of energy” we’ve created together. You can see how hyped up BABYMETAL concerts are overseas on YouTube, and I think that makes our Japanese fans think, 'We can't lose to them!' So when we come back to Japan, there's this incredible energy and passion. You can really feel their fighting spirit burning.


MOAMETAL: Hearing the way SU-METAL describes the Japanese fanbase, I do feel like it could indeed be a reflection of their loyalty to the band. I also think that while there are a number of famous metal festivals overseas which makes festival tours possible, there are still very few in Japan. I hope there will be more festivals and events where many metal fans can gather together.

ー2014年11月の英ロンドン・ブリクストンアカデミーのステージで初披露した「Road of Resistance」についてMOAMETALさんは「初めて聴いたときに自分なりに“めちゃめちゃメタルだな”って思った」と回想しています。この頃になると「メタルは耳で聴くのではなく、心で聴く」ということも、すごく実感を伴ったものとして自分たちの中にあったのでは?

MOAMETAL mentioned that when performing “Road of Resistance” for the first time on stage at Brixton Academy in London (November 2014), she said “When I heard it for the first time, I thought this was so metal”. By that time, you must have experienced for yourself that “metal isn’t listened to with the ears, but with the heart”?

SU-METAL:ブリクストンのライブはお客さんの熱量が本当にすごくて、私たちのことを知ってくれて、BABYMETALが観たくて来てくださった方たちばかりで。そんななかで「Road of Resistance」を披露した時に、この曲の意味が理解できたんです。それまで1年間、海外をまわってきて正直アウェーみたいな状況だったわけですけど、会場のお客さんがみんなで私たちの歌を歌って後押ししてくれた。そして、私たちがこれから進むべき道は道なき道なんだ、っていう歌詞の意味までしっかり入ってきたんです。メタルの曲って、ライブでこそ意味がわかるというか。耳で聴く音楽じゃなくて、自分の心と体で体感できるものなんだなって。私たちが何を託されているか、自分たちが今後やらなきゃいけないこと、いろんなことを瞬時に吸収しましたね。

SU-METAL: The audience at the Brixton concert was really enthusiastic, since all of them had come specifically to see BABYMETAL perform live. I realized what “Road of Resistance” meant when we performed it live in front of such an audience. Over the past year, we’d been touring overseas feeling quite away from home, but the fans at Brixton supported us by singing the song all together as one. And in that way, we truly learned what the lyrics proclaiming that the road before us was a “path without a trail” meant. I think that the meaning of metal music can only be truly understood at a live show. It’s not music that you listen with your ears, but something experienced with the mind and body. We instantly absorbed that which we had been entrusted with, what we had to do in the future, and many other things.

MOAMETAL:私もブリクストンでの「Road of Resistance」は本当に記憶に残ってますね。初披露なのに盛り上がって、しかもみんなで肩を組み合って体をぶつけ合って楽しんでる様子を見て、メタルって耳じゃなくて心で聴いて、心でぶつかり合って楽しむ音楽なんだなってことに気がつきました。「Road of Resistance」の間奏の部分、みんなで歌うところがあるんですけど、別々の国の人たちが一緒に楽しめることがすごく楽しいって思ったし、みんなで一つになりたい、みんなで一つの曲を作ろうっていう感覚がすごく快感で、幸せな瞬間でした。

MOAMETAL:  I'll never forget the first performance of “Road of Resistance” at Brixton. Though it was the song’s debut, everyone was so hyped, enjoying the song with arms draped over each other’s shoulders, or moshing about bumping into one another. Seeing this, I realized that metal isn't just something you listen to with your ears, but it's music that you experience with your heart, enjoying the emotional impact it has. When everyone sings along during the instrumental break, it's so much fun to see people from different countries coming together. The feeling of wanting to be one, of creating a song together, was incredibly exhilarating and made me so happy.


The narrative power of metal music


From a technical perspective, I think "speed" is an important element in metal music. But that only matters when combined with various other elements. Eddie Van Halen, the guitarist of Van Halen who passed away in October and who greatly influenced hard rock from the late '70s onward, revolutionized what we call "shredding." According to him, "Rock 'n' roll guitar should have melody, speed, and taste, just like blues guitar, but above all, it must have emotion." I feel that BABYMETAL’s music also has melody, speed, and taste.

SU-METAL:「Road of Resistance」の堂々としたカッコよさっていうのは速さから出ているものだと思うんですけど、その演奏に合わせて私が歌うメロディは速いというより、どっしりと流れるような感じなんですよね。速さと遅さってミスマッチな感じがするのに、「Road of Resistance」はすごくマッチしている。それが美しいと思ったんです。私たちはメタルの音楽の楽器演奏に関して細かい部分までは理解できていないのかもしれないけど、一曲の中にいろんな要素が詰まってるからこそいろんな物語を引き出せる。そういう魅力がメタルにはあるんじゃないかなと思います。

SU-METAL: I think the bold coolness of "Road of Resistance" comes from its speed, but the vocal melody I sing feels more like a steady, flowing pace rather than fast. Even though the contrast between fast and slow might seem mismatched, "Road of Resistance" manages to fit together perfectly. It’s beautiful. We may not fully understand all the intricate details of metal instrumentals, but because so many different elements are packed into a single song, it can bring out a range of stories. I think that’s one of the things that makes metal music so captivating.


What about you, MOAMETAL? From a dancer’s perspective, I imagine it’s rare to dance to such a fast two-beat rhythm, isn’t it?

MOAMETAL:BABYMETALのダンスってどんなジャンルなのかなって考えた時、ヒップホップでもないしなんだろうなって思うんですよね。だから人に説明する時も「どんなダンスなの?」って聞かれても「“BABYMETAL”っていうダンス……?」っていう感じになってしまう。でもそうやって一からBABYMETALのダンスとして学んできたから、意外と大変じゃなかったというか、そういうものとして練習してきたからそこまで苦戦はしなかったんです。逆に、最近になって3rdアルバム(『METAL GALAXY』)に入ってる「BxMxC」とか「Brand New Day」とか、ちゃんとしたダンスの要素が入った曲には苦戦して。私はBABYMETALのダンスが得意なんだなって気づきました!

MOAMETAL: When I think about what genre BABYMETAL’s choreography falls into, I realize it's not hip-hop or any easily defined genre. So when people ask me, “What kind of dance is it?” I end up saying something like, “It’s… ‘BABYMETAL’ dance?” Since I learned it as BABYMETAL’s own unique style from the beginning, it surprisingly wasn’t that challenging - I practiced it as its own thing, so I didn’t struggle much. On the other hand, I’ve had a harder time recently with songs from our third album METAL GALAXY, like “BxMxC” and “Brand New Day,” which include more conventional dance elements. That’s when I realized - what I’m best at is “BABYMETAL-style” dancing!

ーちなみに音楽以外でメタルの「カルチャー感」を感じるところって何かあります? 僕は20年くらい前にイギリスのオズフェストに初めて行った時、家族連れがたくさんいることに驚き、若者のファッションが「ヘヴィメタル!」というよりはゴス系の人も結構多くて、そういうのを見て「文化として溶け込んでるんだなぁ」と思ったのですが。

Are there any places outside of music where you feel that “metal culture” vibe? About 20 years ago, when I first went to Ozzfest in the UK, I was surprised to see so many families there. And a lot of young people’s fashion wasn’t strictly “heavy metal!” - there were plenty of goth-style fans too. Seeing that made me realize, “Wow, it’s really become a part of normal culture”.


SU-METAL: There are young people who go to metal festivals as casually as those attending a rock festival in Japan, and dads watching alongside tiny babies, making you wonder if the volume is okay for them… it's such a curious mix. In Japan, the image of metal fans tends to skew older, but overseas, it feels like a family-friendly culture. At our concerts, people come with a relaxed vibe, almost like they’re heading to a movie theater. They might even come just because it's happening nearby, like, “Why not check it out?” It’s so interesting to see how casually people enjoy metal in that way.


MOAMETAL: That’s true; overseas, metal really feels like it’s embedded in the culture. I wish it could be like that in Japan too.


On Collaborations with BMTH and Rob Halford

ーメタル界の仲間であり盟友という意味で、ブリング・ミー・ザ・ホライズン(以下BMTH)の存在も大きいですよね。BMTHのEP『POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR』収録の「キングスレイヤー」ではついに共演が実現。ヴォーカルのオリヴァー・サイクスはこの曲について「まず、彼女たちには日本語で歌ってほしかったんだよ。スペシャルなものにしたかったからね。僕は彼女たちが日本語で歌うのが好きだし、それがキャッチーだと思うから」と語っていました。実際、すごくキャッチーな仕上がりでBABYMETALらしさが出たコラボになりましたよね。

In the sense of being an ally or camaraderie in the metal world, Bring Me the Horizon (BMTH) has been quite important for BABYMETAL. In their EP POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR you finally got to collaborate on the track “Kingslayer”. Vocalist Oli Sykes said about the song, 'I wanted them to sing in Japanese. I wanted to make it something special. I love it when they sing in Japanese, I think it's really catchy.' The result is a very catchy song that is truly BABYMETAL. It's a great collaboration.


SU-METAL: Since we hadn't joined in on other artist’s songs before, I was worried that incorporating our style might be inconsistent with their own concept. But we found that they were very clear on how they wanted to utilize our strengths, as they asked us to sing in Japanese, and the chorus was composed much like a BABYMETAL song would. I was so grateful that they’d built a song that truly incorporated elements of both BMTH x BABYMETAL so effectively. When I heard the song for the first time, I found it somewhat challenging to sing due to the amount of English lyrics, but I wanted to sing it very much nevertheless. What both our groups experienced and achieved was now connected to create a fantastic combination; perhaps “marriage” would be a suitable word to describe what we created together. It was like, “So this is what a full collaboration can be!” I'm so grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow.


MOAMETAL: They provided us with such a wonderful song, and it's so BABYMETAL that I’m still surprised we were able to get involved in a BMTH song to this extent. It reaffirmed for me just how kind and open-minded they are. The fact that we were able to create a song together with such people is truly a treasure. We met about 5 years ago and talked about wanting to create a song together, and now that dream has finally come true. I truly believe that this song was born out of the mutual respect and awareness we've had for each other over these past 5 years. We often say to one another how lucky it was that our first featured collaboration was with BMTH.

ーBMTHは仲間って感じだけど、BABYMETALの「STAY METAL」の由来でもあるジューダス・プリーストのロブ・ハルフォードは正に「メタル・ゴッド」ですよね。そんな神様とは2016年のオルタナティヴ・プレス・アワードで共演しているわけですが、どんな方でしたか?

While we could describe BMTH as your “mates”, someone like Rob Halford of Judas Priest, who entrusted BABYMETAL with the spirit of ‘STAY METAL' is none other than a 'metal god.' You had the honor of performing with him at the Alternative Press Music Awards in 2016. What was he like?


SU-METAL: Like someone who had mastered a discipline after years of hard work…?

MOAMETAL:仙人みたいな? わかる!

MOAMETAL: Ah, like a wise sage? I got that feeling too!

(NOTE: to illustrate, someone like Master Roshi from Dragonball or Gandalf from Lord of the Rings may serve as examples)

SU-METAL:そう! 仙人感がオーラから出ていて。裏では本当に優しい方なんですよ。ロブさんと共演した時はジューダス・プリーストさんの曲だったので、私があんまり前に出ちゃいけないんじゃないかなと思ってちょっと引いてたんですけど、「ガンガン来ていいよ! もっと一緒にやろうよ!」って、私たちの音楽を認めてくださってるのもすごくうれしかったし、新しいものに対して柔軟に反応してるんだなって。ただでさえ纏ってるものがレジェンドで、私はその時代に生きてないから実際に何がどうなってたのかとかその時の人たちのことは全然わからないけど、すごいことは分かりました。そういう方なのに、まだ進化し続けようとしている姿とか、すごく尊敬できるなと思いましたね。

SU-METAL: That's right! He had such an aura of a sage about him. Behind the scenes, he's such a kind person. When we performed with Rob-san, I thought I shouldn't stand out too much since we were playing Judas Priest songs  (NOTE: “Painkiller” and “Breaking the Law”), so I kind of held back. But he said, “Come on, let's do more together!” I was so happy that he acknowledged our music, and I realized that he's very open to new things. Just his presence is legendary, and since I wasn't alive during his heyday, I don't really know the details or the people involved, but I know he's amazing. Even though he's already a legend, I admire how he's still trying to evolve.


MOAMETAL: The first time we met him was at a festival overseas, but to be honest, at the time, I didn't fully understand how legendary of a man Rob-san was yet. But there was this aura around him, like a halo. It was almost like a sage-like aura. I finally understood why everyone revered him as a metal god. I think it's because of his personality and the unwavering spirit he exudes, no matter what. I thought he was so cool, and even as a child, I realized that this was what a metal god was like.


You should check out Rob's Instagram. He's always posting the coolest stuff, like himself wearing a cat T-shirt.


MOAMETAL: That’s so cute! (laughs). When we performed together, he prepared really sparkly and cute bracelets for us. He's a great mix of cool and cute.


The collaboration with Skrillex was decided on the day before

ーメタルにまつわる話をしてきましたけど、Apple Music 1のDJでもあるゼイン・ロウに取材した時に「BABYMETALはオルタナティブなグループの中で、最もエキサイティングなライブアクトの一つ」と語っていたのですが、メタルの未来を担うグループという見方もされつつ、そうじゃない面白がられ方をしているのもBABYMETALの特徴ですよね。レディー・ガガやレッチリとの共演も然り。

We've been talking about metal, but when I interviewed Zane Lowe for Apple Music 1, he said, "BABYMETAL is one of the most exciting live acts in alternative music." While BABYMETAL is seen as a group that will carry the future of metal, it's also interesting that you’re being appreciated in different ways. The same goes for teaming up with Lady Gaga and the Red Hot Chili Peppers as support.


SU-METAL: In a way, BABYMETAL might be considered its own genre. This is because we of course have the utmost respect for metal, but we're also creating new, evolved music. When we supported Lady Gaga, the audience was mainly made up of people who listen to pop music. However, they started liking BABYMETAL for different reasons, like our cute costumes or interesting choreography. Even though music is categorized into genres, I don't think it really matters that much. Depending on how you look at it, we might be considered pop, or we might be something completely different. It’s totally fine if people think, “This isn't metal”.


MOAMETAL: I totally agree. BABYMETAL definitely challenges people's expectations. Even now, people still argue that we're not a metal band. Remember Glastonbury? Some people loved it, and some people left halfway through. That's what makes BABYMETAL interesting, right? It's cool that we can inspire such strong reactions either way. I'd love for BABYMETAL to be like a bridge between different genres. Imagine if we could connect all kinds of music together, that would be amazing.

ーそういう意味で僕が印象深かったのは、2015年のULTRA JAPANのスクリレックスのステージにサプライズで登場したことです。その時現場にいてめちゃくちゃビビったんですけど……。

I'll never forget when you surprised everyone by joining Skrillex on stage at ULTRA JAPAN 2015. I was at that show, and it blew my mind!


MOAMETAL: It was a surprise for us too!


Do you have any fun memories from the collaboration that day?

MOAMETAL あれは、イベント前日にお話があって。ステージに立っていても私たちが出ていいのか分からないというか(笑)、メタルとは畑が全然違うところじゃないですか。すごく不思議な感覚でしたね。

MOAMETAL: It was literally the day before the event when they reached out and invited us to join their show. Even as we were standing on stage, it still felt like “Uh, do we even belong here?” (laughs) Skrillex’s music is worlds apart from metal, after all. It was quite an extraordinary feeling.

SU-METAL:EDMのフェスってBABYMETALからしたら普通はアウェーになると思うんです。でもスクリレックスさんがミックスしてくれた「ギミチョコ!!」だったから、お客さんも自然とノッてくれて、BABYMETALの曲ってそういう力も持ってるんだなって。私たちは出るまで大丈夫なのかな?って不安だったんですけど、出たらすごくアットホームな感じで。「いいよ! おいで!」って感じだし、お客さんも盛り上がってるし。そういう音楽にも化けるんだなって思いました。

SU-METAL: I think an EDM festival is usually considered an “away game” for BABYMETAL. But because Skrillex remixed "Gimme Chocolate!!", the audience naturally got into it. I realized that BABYMETAL’s music can have an effect even on people unfamiliar with us. Before going on stage, we were worried about whether it would work out, but when we performed, it felt so natural. It was like, "Come on in! Everyone's welcome!" and the audience was really into it. I realized that our music can transform into any genre.


Supportive friends by their side during the past decade of their formative years


Looking back on the past ten years, I truly feel the weight of "time," "memories," and "growth." Time shapes memories, and memories fuel growth. I'm sure you've done many interviews reflecting on your career, but in those interviews, have you ever realized or organized anything new?


SU-METAL: Looking back, BABYMETAL has basically been my life, in a sense. It has been a cycle of repetition, learning through countless concerts in the various countries we’ve toured. The number of things I’ve experienced in these 10 years exceeds what most people might ordinarily experience in their entire life. Having supportive friends by my side during my formative years, I've seen the world from a perspective I never thought I would. I've learned so much through music, more than I could have imagined. I was just a regular girl who loved to sing, but being part of BABYMETAL as SU-METAL has enriched my life beyond measure. There isn’t anything that we haven’t been able to overcome so far, and I’ve always enjoyed challenges that make me work for it. That remains true today! It's incredible to be able to grow as a person while enjoying the journey.

MOAMETAL 10年を振り返るとめちゃくちゃつらいこともいっぱいあったし、もちろん楽しいこともあったし、いろんな思い出があるんですけど、ここまで続けられたのは、BABYMETALに出会ってくれた人たち、支えてくれてる人たちがいたからで。そうやってBABYMETALを愛してくれてる人がたくさんいるっていうことを再確認して、あらためて幸せ者だなって思いました。今はこういう状況でライブがなかなかできなくてもどかしいなっていう気持ちもあったんですけど、誰かがどこかでBABYMETALの音楽を聴いてくれて、誰かの中でBABYMETALが生きてくれてるってことは本当に幸せだなって。そんな人たちにこれからも恩返しをしていきたいなと思いましたね。

MOAMETAL: The past ten years have been a rollercoaster of emotions up and down. There were tough times, but there were also so many incredible memories. I believe we never would  have made it this far without the amazing people who have supported BABYMETAL. Knowing that so many people love our music makes me feel blessed and filled with gratitude. Even though I’ve been somewhat frustrated at being unable to perform due to the pandemic, I've come to think that it’s a privilege for us to continue living within someone that’s enjoying our music somewhere. In return for this support, I want to give all I can.

ー今回のベスト盤『10 BABYMETAL YEARS』には、選りすぐりの10曲が収録されていますよね。テッド・ジェンセンのマスタリングで新たな輝きを帯びた10曲になっていますけど、2人はこの10曲を聴いているとどういう情景が思い浮かんで来ますか?

With the release of the '10 BABYMETAL YEARS' best album, you’ve given us a collection of 10 meticulously chosen tracks, with a fresh and vibrant sound from Ted Jensen's masterful touch. As you listen to these 10 tracks, what images and memories does it bring to mind?

SU-METAL この10曲を通して聴いた時に「これこそBABYMETALの歴史だな」って思うんです。ただの曲ではなく、一曲一曲にすごく物語がある。それだけBABYMETALはライブで生きてきたし、ライブで曲を披露していく中でその曲にどんどん感情が積み重なっていくというか。もちろん初めて聴いた人はこれがBABYMETALなんだっていう一枚になると思うし、応援してくださっているファンの方にとっては10年間をこの一枚に凝縮したもの。一曲一曲に込められたBABYMETALの歴史だったりストーリーだったり、そういうものを感じていただけるんじゃないかなと思いました。

SU-METAL: When I listen through these 10 tracks, I feel like they truly represent the history of BABYMETAL. Each song tells a piece of our story. That's because BABYMETAL has grown through live performances, and with each performance, more and more emotions have been layered onto each song. For new listeners, this album will serve as an introduction to BABYMETAL. For our dedicated fans, it's a condensed version of our 10-year journey. I hope you can feel the history and stories behind each song


MOAMETAL: When I listened to the album in full, I was instantly reminded of the first performances of each song and the memorable live shows. It's like all of BABYMETAL's 10-year history is condensed into this album. Every song brought back a flood of memories.


Wanting to express feelings of gratitude


Following your appearance on NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen, you’ll be taking on 10 performances at the Nippon Budokan in 2021. This is a very impactful way to conclude your 10th anniversary year.



SU-METAL: This year, many of our planned activities, including the Asia tour, were canceled. It left me feeling really unmotivated. I wanted to express my gratitude for the past 10 years this year, so at first, I was frustrated that I couldn't. But now, I'm so happy that we're finally able to get started. Being able to give back by performing at places like Rock-May-Kan and the Budokan, which were turning points for us on our journey is a way to say “thank you”.

Kohaku is a historic music program in Japan, and I think many people watching don't know about metal music. During the pandemic, metal music saved me; I was really encouraged by its strong power. I think there might be people who need metal music right now. I hope people will be introduced to metal through our music, and it’ll support them through rough times. It’d be nice if we could do that for someone.


MOAMETAL: I'm so glad that this miracle happened. During the pandemic, there were so many things we couldn't do, and I often felt powerless as BABYMETAL. But I'm truly happy that we've been given this opportunity to deliver something to everyone. Since we've been given this chance, I hope we can convey what BABYMETAL is through the screen, and I hope that even a little bit of our gratitude and desire to see everyone smile can get across.

BABYMETAL at Kohaku 2021

Credits: capable-paramedic (proofreading)
