2021 Rockin'on Japan February Interview
A 10-year record of BABYMETAL’s fiery battles
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL tell us about their 6 turning points
正直、かつてはBABYMETALの本質にこのROCKIN'ON JAPANのインタビューのスタイルで切り込むのは難しいのではないかと思っていた。それはあまりにも、その音楽そのものが画期的な発明であり、本人たちでさえもそれを言葉で説明するのは難しいのではないかと勝手に思い込んでいたのだ。しかし、それははっきりと間違いだった。BABYMETALは、まさにこのROCKIN'ON JAPANでその音楽に貫かれている精神性、そしてそれをステージに立って体現し続けている自分たちの物語を語るに相応しい、この国を代表するロックアスリートだと今は断言できる。結成から10年、ベストアルバム『10 BABYMETAL YEARS』を世に放つ今こそ、それを証明する決定的インタビューを「BABYMETAL十年読本」として形にしたいと思った。その誕生から未来まで、未だに「最新のライブが最強」を更新し続ける、メタルのハートを宿命として持っているとしか思えないBABYMETALの軌跡をここに威風堂々、届けたいと思う。
To be honest, before conducting this interview, I thought it might be difficult to understand the essence of BABYMETAL using Rockin’on Japan’s in-depth interview style, because their music is so unprecedented and groundbreaking that I presumed it would be too difficult even for the artists themselves to describe it using words. But clearly, I was wrong! I can say with confidence that BABYMETAL are representative rock athletes of this country, and the persistent spirit behind their music and its embodiment on stage is a story very worth telling in Rockin’on Japan.
Ten years have passed since their formation, and on this occasion of the “10 BABYMETAL YEARS” Best Album release, we thought it would be a suitable time to issue a definitive interview that would serve as a “guide to the past decade”. From its birth to its future, BABYMETAL continues to strive to be “stronger than ever”, and it’s our honor to chronicle their trajectory towards destiny with proper respect, sharing in their metal spirit.
古河晋 (Editor)
Interview: 古河晋
Photography: Miyawaki Susumu 宮脇進 (PROGRESS-M)
Hair & Makeup: aya watanabe
Styling: Shohei Kashima (W INC.)
The birth of BABYMETAL, becoming established as a group, and building the live performance format
Let’s kick things off by discussing your first solo show at the Rock-May-Kan. What memories do you have about that time?
SU-METAL: The beginning of what would become BABYMETAL’s music was hearing the demo track for “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”. It was the first time I’d ever listened to metal music! “What the heck is this?” I don’t know if it was a good or bad kind of shock, but it was undoubtedly surprising, and this understanding helped us accept the considerable criticism we received in the early days. However, because no one had ever seen such a song before, for some reason I was confident that something interesting would definitely come from it. When we performed “Doki Doki ☆ Morning” prior to our first solo show, there was a buzz in the audience when we collapsed during the interlude. They were all worried that we’d actually fallen by accident! That was quite an unexpected response, since it wasn’t our intention. Moreover, normally I would have felt embarrassed about the situation, but at the time, I found myself smirking inside about their confusion. That may have been the moment that SU-METAL was born within me.
MOAMETAL: I didn’t really think about it deeply. At the time, I didn’t think BABYMETAL would become this big, and I never imagined it would become my life, so I just focused on having a good time. I remember that I had almost no dance experience compared to SU-METAL and YUIMETAL. I didn’t feel a sense of pressure at the time, but in hindsight, I wonder how I even made it. I’m glad I was able to approach things without fear, and I’m glad that the Fox God chose me for BABYMETAL.
Was it because it was BABYMETAL that you felt fearless? Or was it due to your personality or age?
NOTE: Rockin’on Japan’s interviews have a rather distinctive style, where it appears that the interviewer will summarize and draw out the girls’ thoughts using leading questions. It should be noted that the completed written interview is likely the result of back-and-forth exchange and edited for clarity. Thus we would suggest that people refrain from assuming that the interviewer is putting words in the girl’s mouths and depriving them of agency by only asking leading questions.
Rockin’on Japan hasn’t conducted as many interviews with BABYMETAL compared to magazines such as “Hedoban” or “Young Guitar” but their interviews are generally rather special and worth reading!
Nov 2019: Su interview, Moa interview (credit: Capable-Paramedic)
Feb 2017: Su & Yui & Moa interview (credit: Thomas Malone)
May 2016: Su & Yui & Moa interview (credit: Thomas Malone)
MOAMETAL「年齢と、自分の性格です。私も”ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング”を聴いて、初めてメタルっていうものに出会ったんですけど、MOAMETALっていうものも、ちゃんと認識してはいなかったですね。ライブを通しても、MOAMETALっていう存在に至ってはいなくて、グループの最初の頃は、ただひとりの人間として音楽を表現していたと思います。でも、SUMMER SONICとか鹿鳴館とか、いろんなライブを経験していく中で、少しずつBABYMETALっていうものを認識できるようになっていったし、MOAMETALにも出会えていった気がします」
MOAMETAL: My age and personality. My first encounter with metal was also “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, and I hadn’t fully learned how to become MOAMETAL yet. Even though we had performed on stage a few times, I was far from what would become MOAMETAL, and in the early days, I was just expressing music as a human. But as I experienced various live performances such as Summer Sonic and Rock-May-Kan, I gradually came to learn a bit more about the meaning of BABYMETAL, and became more acquainted with MOAMETAL as well.
The Kami Band hadn’t joined you yet at Rock-May-Kan, right?
SU-METAL: That’s right.
But rewatching the performance on video, it feels like you’d already become BABYMETAL at the time, though the addition of the Kami Band did add more physicality. Would it be correct to say that you’d already become BABYMETAL by that point?
SU-METAL: Until that point, most of our audience was made up of idol culture fans, or people who liked “kawaii culture”, but after the Rock-May-Kan, we gained more metal fans. The place was so packed that the doors couldn’t close! The atmosphere was very metal, and the size of the venue was perfect. We only played five songs (which was our entire discography at the time), but we gave it 120% effort, and were totally exhausted after the show was over (laughs).
(NOTE: not necessarily related to the interview per se, but when Su says “idol culture”, she uses the kanji for “culture” (pronounced “bunka”), but when she says “Kawaii culture”, she uses the katakana for “culture” (pronounced “karucha”) instead. Perhaps this implies that this aspect of Japanese culture is popular overseas as well.)
MOAMETAL 「うん(笑)」
MOAMETAL: Yup! (laughs)
SU-METAL: I clearly remember thinking to myself, “So this is a metal concert!” I felt that we’d become proper metal artists after performing at this venue. Before then, it felt like we were trying to imitate metal artists, but standing in the Rock-May-Kan, it was like we’d made it through the door properly. I guess something possessed me (laughs).
MOAMETAL: Ahahaha!
SU-METAL: I felt like I was able to absorb something from legends of the past.
MOAMETAL: We may have finally reached the entrance.
・ふたりの関係性はどうでしたか? 当時この2歳差って大きかったと思うんですが。
How was the relationship between the two of you? At the time, the 2-year age difference must have felt immense.
SU-METAL 「MOAMETALは本当にちっちゃかったので、面倒を見なきゃいけないって思っていました(笑)」
SU-METAL: MOAMETAL was really small, so I knew I had to take care of her (laughs).
MOAMETAL: That’s right! (laughs)
SU-METAL 「ライブ中に倒れないかなあとか、大丈夫かなあと思っていましたね。それこそ鹿鳴館なんか、ふたりとも倒れそうな感じでやっていたから、もし何かあったら」
SU-METAL: I was worried they might not make it through the concert! At the Rock-May-Kan, the two of them looked like they were going to collapse from exhaustion.
MOAMETAL: It felt like we needed help?
SU-METAL: Yes. I might have, in a sense, felt that you were in danger (laughs).
MOAMETAL: Now that I think about it, we weren’t particularly close at first. I can say I thought of her as a senior girl who was good at singing… at that point in time, it wasn’t a familial relationship, but more like an acquaintance whom I looked up to. It’s completely different now!
And then you began performing with the Kami Band. What did they bring to the group?
SU-METAL: Before then, I hadn’t had many opportunities to hear live guitars. That’s why “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” with the Kami Band felt new to me, even though I already knew the song. I could hear every single note clearly, and of course the pressure of sound was different, so it felt really fresh. Although it came a bit later, the tour in 2013 that we performed in full with the Kami Band is the one I remember the most. It really awakened something in me, and my adrenaline was pumping throughout the concerts. I don’t know how to put it into words very well. I’m here, yet there’s something else hidden within me that tells me if I do things a certain way, I’ll succeed. I followed this impulse, and it worked out - it was the first time I’d felt this way. I didn’t know what was happening with the audience or the band - it truly felt as if the Fox God had descended upon me.
MOAMETAL: I felt a bit dazed the first time I listened to the Kami Band practice during rehearsal. I had never imagined that a song could feel so different, and it expanded the world of each song. The first time was “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, which started with me and YUIMETAL running out from the side of the stage. It was such a shock to hear the live music that I forgot to run momentarily because it was so absorbing. That’s when I knew I wanted to do more live performances with the Kami Band.
From that moment on, BABYMETAL launched its story to the next level, guided by the sound of the Kami Band.
SU-METAL: When dancing and singing, I think it feels quite nice to have thumping sounds when you want to express power. How should I describe it… it felt like breaking a barrier to go up a level in strength.
Booming popularity, and the combined feeling of standing on a stage of dreams and the beginning of battle.
In 2014, the first album BABYMETAL was released, and you also performed at the Budokan. Even to an outside observer, those appear to be major turning points.
SU-METAL「『BABYMETAL』 ができた時に、すっごい面白いことになったなって思ったんですよね。それこそ、なんじゃこりゃ!だし、これが一枚のアルバムになるんだ!っていう。私たち”ギミチョコ!!”を初めて披露する数日前まで、デモテープの曲だと思っていたんですよ。Aメロの《あたたたたた》とか、デモな感じだと思ってレコーディングしていて。でも、気づいたら振り付けが入っているし『え?これが完成形なの?』って。そういう面白さもあったんじゃないかなって。今でも“ギミチョコ!!”はいちばん、BABYMETALの曲では知られていて。このアルバムの頃もそうだし、その前の期間もそうですけれど、BABYMETALを作っていく段階だったと思うので、それがすごく楽しくて。新たな音楽を作っている感覚がありましたね」
SU-METAL: When production for BABYMETAL was completed, I thought it turned out to be quite funny - we actually made an entire album that would make people go “What the heck is this?” Until a couple days before the debut of “Gimme Choco!!”, we’d thought it was a song for a demo. In particular, “Atatatatata” in the verse felt quite like a demo as we were recording. But then we found it was already choreographed, and finally realized that this was an actual song. That was really interesting. Even now, “Gimme Choco!!” is still the most well-known BABYMETAL song. I think we were still building BABYMETAL when we made this album, so it was really fun. It felt like we were really making totally new music.
MOAMETAL: For me, it wasn’t a dream come true. I thought of it as just the beginning, rather than the goal. So with the release of BABYMETAL, I wanted to use it as a calling card, going to as many places as possible to spread this music of ours. Of course, I had been putting a lot of effort into our activities before then as well, but it was around this time that I started to feel more strongly about BABYMETAL. I started to think that I wanted to go to many places as “BABYMETAL”.
There’s a mix of realism and fantasy when it comes to BABYMETAL. There was the fantasy story led by the Fox God, but at the same time, there were the lives, growth, and dreams of the three of you, and all of this was happening simultaneously. How did you think about your own dreams when you were actually between the fantasy world and the real world?
SU-METAL: I’ve loved singing ever since I was a little girl, and my dream has always been to become a singer. The view I saw standing upon the stage of the Budokan was something I’d dreamed of before, with the cheers of the audience raining down from above, and the spotlight falling upon me. I thought, “Oh, my dream actually came true”.
So for SU-METAL it really was dreams and reality becoming intertwined.
The view may have been something you’d dreamed of, but the music and expression you were doing must have been beyond your wildest dreams.
SU-METAL: Indeed!
Regardless, you knew that your dream had come true.
SU-METAL: I’d say so. I had no sense of hesitation about singing metal. Moreover, the venue was full of hype, with a distinctive metal feeling. I wouldn’t have felt the same sense of adrenaline if I’d been singing ballads. So maybe it was different from the music I enjoyed as a child, but I preferred this.
MOAMETAL: I didn’t have any personal dreams at the time. That’s why achieving the goals everyone had for BABYMETAL became my purpose in life.
By “everyone”, you’re including the staff in addition to the three of you?
MOAMETAL: Yes, I am. We set high goals, so overcoming them kept us busy. I was focused on succeeding, one task at a time.
In hindsight, it might seem that success on a large scale was inevitable. But to return to the early days, you rapidly got through to the people you needed to reach. You’d already completed a fair number of performances, but did your growing popularity feel like a matter of course, or somewhat of a surprise?
SU-METAL: Of course, we were surprised to see that many of the comments on the Youtube video of “Gimme Choco!!” were in languages that we didn’t know, and more from people overseas than in Japanese - but honestly, we didn’t feel like we’d made it big yet.
MOAMETAL: Yeah. Even now, I don’t feel like we’re that popular. People don’t recognize me at all on the street! I don’t really feel like a celebrity.
Though you didn’t feel like stars, you felt that your message and music were reaching people.
MOAMETAL: I think so. When I see the audience enjoying a show, I feel that our message is getting through, even though I don’t feel like a star.
SU-METAL: Yeah. That said, We hadn’t been abroad yet at the time, so I wondered if they actually existed?
MOAMETAL 「ファンの人がね」
MOAMETAL: International fans, that is.
You thought that maybe they only existed on the internet (laughs).
SU-METAL 「そう。私はBABYMETALで初めて海外に行ったぐらいだったので、そもそも海外ってテレビの中の世界というか。架空の世界、みたいな感じがしていたんですよね」
SU-METAL: Yeah! I went overseas for the first time with BABYMETAL, and before that, the world just felt like a fictional place you saw on TV.
BABYMETAL on their first trip abroad (Singapore) in 2012
BABYMETAL becoming “known around the world”, embodying the spirit of metal
●それからワールドツアーをするようになって、ソニスフィアにも出演し、ウェンブリーアリーナ公演もありました。セカンドアルバム『METAL RESISTANCE』にも、その時期のBABYMETALが詰まっていると思います。この時期は、どういう転機とをして捉えていますか?
From here, you began doing world tours, performing at Sonisphere and Wembley Arena. I think your second album Metal Resistance is also emblematic of BABYMETAL of that time. What kind of turning point would you consider this period?
SU-METAL「今考えれば、よくソニスフィアに立ったなって思うんですよ。当時、何も知らなかったからこそできたっていうか。それこそ、『海外、わーい!』みたいな(笑)。99%ぐらいのお客さんが私たちのことを知らない、むしろ嫌いな方もいたんじゃないかなっていう場所だということを、ライブがはじまってから知るっていう。でも、どうにかするしかないから、どうにかする。そうすると、お客さんの『意外と面白いじゃん』って反応が伝わってくる。それで『あ、私たちは、海外という今までまったく知らなかった世界でも、ちゃんと受け入れられるんだ』って。実際に手が上がって、波みたいな感じで広がっていくのを見て、音楽が届いたんだなあっていうのを実感することができたんですよね。あとは『METAL RESISTANCE』の"Road of Resistance”を初めて披露させていただいたのが、イギリスのブリクストンのライ ブで。それが、海外ツアーを回って半年たったぐらいの時期だったんですけど、それまで、ずっとアウェイな状況で、私たちのことを知らない方たちの前でライブをしていて。でもあのライブは、結構みなさん、私たちのことを知ってくださっているというか、私たちのことを観たくて来てくださっている方が多くて、本当にすごく温かくて、その中で披露したんです。半年かけて、これだけの方がBABYMETALを観に来てくれるようになったんだって。さらに、《進め 道なき道でも》っていう歌詞もありますけど、私たちは道なき道を進むんだ、BABYMETALは道を作っていくんだって。ほんとに、この曲でRESISTANCEしていくんだっていう今後の決意みたいなものを固めることができて。この経験があったから、次の年も海外ツアーを回ることができたなって思っていますね」
SU-METAL: When I think about it, I wonder how we were able to stand upon the stage at Sonisphere. I think it was possible because we didn’t know anything at the time. I was just like, “Yay, we’re traveling overseas!” (laughs) It wasn’t until we started our show that we fully realized that 99% of the people there didn’t know us, and some of them might even dislike us. But we had no intention of retreating, so… we just went and did it, somehow. Then we began to sense the audience was responding, like “this is unexpected, but fun!” That’s when I found that it was possible for us to be accepted even overseas; in a world I had no idea existed. I understood that our music had reached them, seeing their raised hands spread like a wave. Also, the first time we performed “Road of Resistance” was at a show in Brixton. That was about half a year after our overseas tour, and until then, we had been performing in front of people who didn’t know us. But at that concert, there were a lot of fans that came to see us, and it was a very welcoming atmosphere. It was after this 6-month process that many people began coming specifically to see BABYMETAL perform. One of our lyrics says, “Go forward, even down this path without a road”. That’s exactly what BABYMETAL has been doing. The song solidified our determination to create the RESISTANCE from then on. I’d say it’s because of this experience that we were able to tour overseas the next year.
MOAMETAL 「ファーストアルバムの『BABYMETAL』に関しては、Kawaiiとメタルの融合で、どっちかっていうとKawaiiの要素が強かったんですけど、『METAL RESISTANCE』は、その時の私たちができるメタルの要素を詰め込んで作ったんです。この時期にやっとメタルっていうものに挑戦できるようになった気がします。ソニスフィアに関しても、メタルをこんな小さい私たちがやって受け入れられるのかな、とか不安もあったんですけど、メタルの精神で乗り越えた感じがしますね」
MOAMETAL: Our first album BABYMETAL was a fusion of kawaii and metal, leaning more towards the kawaii side. In contrast, METAL RESISTANCE was made using all the metal elements we could muster at the time. At that point, we’d barely managed to challenge the meaning of “metal”. At Sonisphere, we were afraid if we could be accepted as little kids performing metal, but I feel like we overcame these concerns using the spirit of metal.
Sonisphere was the stage where you witnessed a change - or rather, where you made it happen through sheer desperate tenacity. As you say, it’s a place where you realized that something would change if you performed as BABYMETAL with pure metal spirit. Did you feel a sense of accomplishment in this regard?
SU-METAL: We did. When I think back upon it, what we pulled off at Sonisphere gave us a lot of confidence. I don’t think I’ll ever feel discouraged, no matter how far from home we are. It was at Sonisphere that we became confident in our own music.
It was around this time that you started to express the spirituality and message of metal.
SU-METAL: I’d say that’s right. I felt like we were being tested on the tour. A lot of people were like, “Let’s see what these BABYMETAL kids are made of.” We don’t make a mockery of metal at all - in fact, we respect it - so we were very excited about delivering something proper.
I think it was amazing in two ways. First is the awesomeness that BABYMETAL has been facing its audience seriously and sincerely, and the other is the strength to take on the audience’s challenge. It wouldn’t be possible to win over metalheads unless you have the power of singing, dancing, and pure energy of life, and you pulled it off during this period.
SU-METAL: I don’t think we really thought too much about it. Things just developed naturally as we performed.
So maybe you didn’t have the time to step back and realize that you were gradually transforming, and couldn’t really view it as an objective outside observer?
SU-METAL: We didn’t have either the luxury of realizing it ourselves or viewing things objectively. Every overseas show of ours is posted on YouTube! So we always have to be better than last time… though no one says it explicitly, I feel obligated to ensure that the newest performance is the strongest one. That’s just how things naturally developed.
I don’t know if there are many people in those circumstances who would have been able to perform like that. But it was quite something to see how you responded to it.
SU-METAL: Well, this is the kind of environment we were raised in.
I think it’s tough to do it over and over again abroad where you don’t feel the same sense of safety, but you’ve been able to overcome the circumstances regardless.
MOAMETAL: Yes, we just kept working on each challenge before us, and by the time we realized it, we’d done it. Looking back now, it was a time of tremendous change, but I hadn’t noticed at the moment. I was just thinking that I had grown up somewhat.
Did Wembley feel like a goal? Did it feel like the beginning of something else?
SU-METAL「ウェンブリーアリーナは、”THE ONE” の時、スクリーンに日本の中継会場が映っていて。日本と今ここにいる人たちが、私たちの音楽でつながるっていう。会場でもみなさん、いろんな国のフラッグを掲げてくださっていて。場所はイギリスでしたけど、いろんな国から来てくださっていたので。BABYMETALは、日本語で歌っているのに、なぜか海外のファ ンの方が多くて。私たちの音楽は言語を超えて届いているし、それによって世界をつなげるっていう感覚を初めて味わって、すごく感動しました。でも、そこがゴールだと思ったわけではなくて、ある意味で通過点だったのかもしれないです」
SU-METAL: During “THE ONE” at Wembley Arena, there was a live broadcast with Japan on the screen, connecting Japan with the people in the venue through our music. Fans were holding up flags from various countries! Although we were in the UK, people had come from all over the world. BABYMETAL sings in Japanese, but for some reason, we have many international fans. Wembley was the first time I truly felt our music reached beyond languages to connect the world, and I was really moved. However, I didn’t think of it as a goal, but more like a checkpoint.
MOAMETAL: At the Wembley Arena concert, I realized my shortcomings. As soon as it was over, all the things I couldn’t do came out one after another. I think that’s when I started to reflect on many things. It was a checkpoint for BABYMETAL, but for me, it was a good turning point.
Your way of thinking has changed a lot compared to MOAMETAL of the early days.
MOAMETAL: Oh, really? (laughs) I’ve been growing up little by little, and I’ve become able to see BABYMETAL properly now, but back then I was still a kid (laughs).
SU-METAL: After Wembley, MOAMETAL and YUIMETAL hugged each other, crying. The staff and I thought they were overcome with emotion because of how far they’d come and how hard they’d worked, but in reality they were very frustrated! I was unable to understand the reason, even though I should have, because we were supposed to be standing on the stage together as one. “Huh? They’re actually disappointed in themselves? Why?” But they were able to understand each other even without words. It’s like they’re twins. I envied the way they were able to communicate (laughs).
MOAMETAL: (laughs)
Did MOAMETAL observe changes in SU-METAL?
MOAMETAL: I was too close to SU-METAL, listening to her sing live throughout the tour. So I hadn’t noticed at the time, but when I listen to the albums now, I realize how much she has grown up.
SU-METAL「あと、3人の関係性としては、子どもの頃の2歳差って結構大きかったんですけど、少しずつ年齢差が埋まってきていて。それまでは、私がふたりを引っ張らなきゃ、ふたりを守らなきゃって思っていたのが、このぐらいの時期から、それこそアウェイな場所のライブにいきなり3人で立たされるので、自分を信じるしかないというか、自分たちを信じるしかない。団結力が高まったのか、アイコンタクトだけでお互いが何を考えているのか、なんとなく わかるようになっていくんです。ライブ中も、少しずつだけど頼れるようになってきたし、しっかりしてきたなって思っていましたね」
SU-METAL: As for the relationship between the three of us, two years’ difference felt fairly large when we were still kids, but the gap narrowed gradually as we grew up. I used to think I had to lead and protect them. But during this period of time, we found ourselves performing on stages far from home, so I had to believe in myself; or rather, we had to believe in ourselves. Thanks to our growing solidarity, we had reached the point where we could understand each other’s thoughts through eye contact alone. I remember thinking to myself during a show how they were growing more and more reliable and solid.
Having achieved a goal, looking upon BABYMETAL’s coming future
In 2016, there was Tokyo Dome, and shows with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Guns n’ Roses, and KOЯN. It’s like everything was going right for you during this time.
SU-METAL「まず、東京ドーム公演が発表されたのが、2015年の冬頃のライブで。その時は、東京ドームなんて無理でしょ、っていうのが正直な感想でした。それから、半年ツアーを回って東京ドームを目指しているうちに、それまでは『BABYMETAL?なんじゃそれ』っていう反応だったのが、『BABYMETAL、面白いことやってる子たちだよね。知ってる!』ってなっていって。だから、その半年間をかけて、 東京ドームを近くに感じるようになったっていうか。結果的に、東京ドーム公演は結構楽しめていました」
SU-METAL: Our show at Tokyo Dome was announced at the conclusion of the Trilogy at Yokohama towards the end of 2015. To be honest, upon hearing the news, I felt it was impossible. But during the six months of touring leading up to Tokyo Dome, the audience’s response changed from “BABYMETAL? Who?” to “I know BABYMETAL, they’re the girls who do interesting music!” So over the course of half a year, Tokyo Dome started to feel closer and more familiar. As a result, I was able to enjoy this concert very much.
MOAMETAL: We learned of Tokyo Dome the same time the audience did. I was astonished at what an amazing stage we would be standing upon, but once we got there, it felt surprisingly small. Though it was a two-day show with completely different setlists, I wanted to do even more. I enjoyed it so much that I thought it was a pity we only did two performances, but I realized this wasn’t the end goal - rather, we should aim even higher.
SU-METAL: It took us half a year to finish this race, so it felt like crossing the finish line. But I also realized that this wasn’t the end goal for BABYMETAL.
It’s similar to what you said earlier about not feeling like you are stars. I think the fact that Tokyo Dome was merely a checkpoint for you is unique to BABYMETAL.
SU-METAL: (laughs)
●要するに、ひとつひとつ達成してみないとわからないわけですよね。たぶん、はじまった時には”Road of Resistance”が生まれることも”THE ONE”が生まれることもわからなかったかもしれないけれど、導かれていったらその曲が生まれて、そこがまたはじまりになって、次の場所を指し示すっていうことの繰り返しですね。
In short, you don’t know what you’re going to achieve, until you complete your goals one by one. Maybe when you started, you didn’t know that you’d create “Road of Resistance” or “THE ONE”, but these songs were born from your path, becoming a new beginning pointing towards the next stage.
SU-METAL: That’s right. We’d originally booked Tokyo Dome for one day, but the second day unexpectedly opened up for us all of a sudden. Luck was on our side (laughs). After that, we were able to go on tour with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, because they happened to come see us perform at Fuji Rock.
MOAMETAL 「そう考えると、この時期にいろんな人に出会えてますね。こうやってサポートアクトをさせてもらう機会なんて、なかなかないじゃないですか。今考えると、すごい人たちと一緒に回ったんだなって思いますし」
MOAMETAL: If you put it that way, we really met a lot of people during this period. It’s not often that you get the chance to do support acts like this. We’ve really been able to meet some pretty amazing people.
SU-METAL: After our part was over, we got to see these big name bands perform. It was quite a luxury and very fun (laughs). But at the same time, we learned different things through these support shows, compared to our own solo concerts or away-from-home festivals. Even if they’re many times older than us, these bands are really energetic! And behind the scenes, everyone was really kind to us, and the staff got along well. It made me want to become that kind of person.
It’s astonishing, isn’t it? You’re of different ages from different countries, but all connected at the core. I guess that’s where the mutual respect came from.
SU-METAL「私たちなんか、すごく年下なのに、リスペクトを持って接してくださって。レッチリさんとツアーを回った時に、 最終日に一緒に楽曲をやろうよってなって、そうしたら私たちの曲を練習しているのが聴こえてくるんですよ、毎日。そこまでしてくれるのが本当に嬉しかったですね。お互いをリスペクトできる関係って、本当に素敵だと思います」
SU-METAL: They treated us with respect even though we were young children. When we toured with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, we decided to play a song together on the last day of the tour, and we could hear them practicing our song every day. I was really happy that they were willing to go that far for us. I think it’s really nice to have a relationship built on mutual respect.
A fantasy-oriented concept idol group might have reached a form of completion, while a group that exists only in reality might have enjoyed a sense of accomplishment from completing the Tokyo Dome show. But BABYMETAL is a group that combines both fantasy and reality, walking down a road without a path. That may be why this turned out to be merely a point of passage.
MOAMETAL: I really think that’s true. Maybe if we were just an artist aiming to reach the Tokyo Dome, we wouldn’t have been allowed to do support acts. I wanted to aim higher, and I really believe in our music, so I wanted to spread it more widely. Also, I’m guessing it was because we had improved our performances to the level where we were wanted as supporting acts, and it made me happy that we were finally getting recognition for the hard work we’d put in before.
SU-METAL: Our goals were never something like performing at the Tokyo Dome, but rather, as we jokingly declared in the early days: “Conquering the world”, and “Establishing a genre called BABYMETAL”. That is, we wanted to leave our mark on history.
MOAMETAL: Like in textbooks.
SU-METAL: We did say we wanted to be immortalized in textbooks (laughs).
MOAMETAL: We got a bit carried away!
SU-METAL 「そう。でも『もしかしたら』って思えてしまうというか、ちょっと現実っぽくなってきた感じもして」
SU-METAL: Right. But I couldn’t help feeling like it seemed to be happening somehow, or that at least part of it was actually becoming true.
SU-METAL 「東京ドームの頃に、自分たちが『あれ? 世界で知られはじめているぞ?BABYMETALってジャンルが認識されはじめているぞ?』ってことを実感してしまって。それまで、本当にふざけて言っていた夢物語が、ちょっとリアルになったっていうか」
SU-METAL: Around Tokyo Dome, we thought to ourselves, “Eh? Are we becoming known around the world? Is BABYMETAL finally becoming recognized as a genre?” It’d been a daydream we joked about before, but it began turning into reality a bit back then.
In that sense, it was probably during this period that dreams started to become true.
MOAMETAL: I’d say so.
SU-METAL: We’re not quite there yet, though (laughs).
Overcoming their greatest crisis and its new challenges
●この時期YUIMETALが体調不良になって「LEGEND - S - 洗礼の儀 -」はふたりでやって。そしてYUIMETALが抜けてしまう。ダークサイドと呼ばれるこの時期は、BABYMETALにとって明らかな転機だったと思うんだけど、それぞれにとってどんな時期だったんでしょうか?
YUIMETAL was ill during this period, so the two of you performed “LEGEND S - Baptism XX” together. And then YUIMETAL departed from the group. This period known as the “Dark Side” must have been a clear turning point for BABYMETAL - what was it like for each of you?
SU-METAL: It was the first time I stopped to think about the meaning of BABYMETAL. We’d been pushing forward too hard, and it was only at this time that I realized BABYMETAL had been around for 8 years (laughs). But regarding YUIMETAL’s departure… at first, it was said that she was unable to go on tour?
SU-METAL 「『LEGEND - S -』が終わって、春からのツアーを回れないかもしれないっていう話になって。BABYMETALとしてツアーを回るべきなのか、そうじゃないのか。回るとしたら、どんなBABYMETALとして回るべきなのか。とか、いろいろ考えて。初めてくらいじゃない?がっつり話し合ったの。5月からはじまったツアーでは、ファンの方にその告知をしていなかったので、初日の公演で、なんて言うんだろうな、みんなどうしたらいいかわからない、みたいな。聞きたいことはたくさんあるし、ショックを受けているけれど、ここにSU-METALとMOAMETALがいるから盛り上げなければいけないんだって ......そんなふうに、みんなの心がもやもやしているのが丸見えなんだけど、一生懸命に盛り上げようと頑張ってくれている感じ。そういうのが、ありがたかった、すごくありがたかったんですけど、その優しさが心に刺さった。やっぱり、YUIMETALってすごく大きな存在だったこともその時に感じたし。逆にふたりじゃダメなのかなって不安に思ったし。BABYMETALって、 もしかしてキャラクター性で愛されていたのかなとか。もちろん、それはすごく大きな要素なんですけど、自分たちのパフォーマンスじゃダメなのかなって、自信をなくして、ツアーを回れるのかどうか不安になってしまったんですけど。その時にMOAMETALとも話をして。でも、そのツアーで回っていたのが、アメリカの田舎町とかが多かったので、YUIMETALを知ってくださっている方よりは、はじめましての方が多かったんです。だから、この時のBABYMETALの形で初めて出会えた方には、私たちのパフォーマンスが刺さっていて、楽曲が面白いっていう反応を得ることができて。ちゃんと自分たちのパフォーマンス力はついていたんだ、パフォーマンスだけでも自分たちは人に届けられるものを得ていたんだって学ぶことができたんです。YUIMETALの存在の大きさを感じたと同時に、自分たちが今まで身につけていたパフォーマンス力を認識できましたね」
SU-METAL: After “LEGEND S”, we were told she probably wouldn’t be able to accompany us on our tour in spring. Should we go on tour as BABYMETAL or not? If so, what kind of BABYMETAL should we tour as? We put a lot of thought into it. It was the first time that we discussed it seriously and thoroughly, right? We hadn’t made any announcement to the fans prior to that May tour, so at the first show, how should I put it… the audience seemed to be at a loss. They must have had so many questions and were in shock, while still feeling like they wanted to liven up the show for the sake of the two of us… I could clearly see their thoughts and feelings - uncertain, but encouraging themselves for our sake. I was grateful for that; so very grateful. However, this sympathy and kindness really pierced me in my heart.
I was struck once more how essential YUIMETAL had been, and worried if the two of us remaining could pull through without her. I wondered if maybe BABYMETAL was loved more as mascot-like meme characters? I’m never going to deny that this aspect was part of our appeal, but I felt a bit disappointed that our performance itself wouldn’t be accepted, and wondered if we were worthy of going on tour. I talked a lot about this with MOAMETAL. But the tour was mostly in the rural regions of America, so there were more people that were entirely new to us, compared to those that knew YUIMETAL. So for those that met BABYMETAL for the first time in this form, the feedback was that our performance left an impact on them and the songs were interesting. We saw that our ability to perform had improved, and found we were able to deliver something to the audience based on the merits of the show itself. We felt how immense YUIMETAL’s presence had been, but we also realized we’d been able to improve to the point where we could complete shows in her absence.
MOAMETAL「今思い返しても、いちばん戻りたくない時期だなと思いますね。でも、『LEGEND - S -』はすごく幸せでした。SU-METALが、それまでプライベートでもなかなか広島に帰れていなかったのを知っていたので、一緒に帰ってこれたのがすごく嬉しかったし。この頃はSU-METALと話し合いをすることが多くて。ふたりでご飯に行くことも多かったので、そんなSU-METALを一緒にお祝いできることが、すごく嬉しかったです。だからこそ、ああいう状況になってしまって、私自身すごく悔しかったし、ライブをやるかやらないかっていう話が、前日かな?にあって。でも、やらないっていう選択肢はなかった。SU-METALのお祝いは、その時にしかできないし、私たちは常に変わり続ける存在なんだから、今やらなきゃどうするんだって。SU-METALも同じ気持ちだったので、広島公演の時は決意が固まっていましたね。ふたりだとしても、私たちはやってやるんだっていう。その公演を乗り越えられたからこそ、ダークサイドになっても、めげずにいられたのかなって。でも、ダークサイドって、ほんっとに辛い時期だったんですよね。今まで応援してくれていたファンの人たちを、初めて怖いと思ったんですよ。たぶん、BABYMETALを愛してくれていたがゆえに、形を変えてしまったことで、私たちとしては全然裏切ってはいないんですけど、お客さんからしたら裏切ったように思われたかもしれないので、苦しかったです、すごく。あと私自身は、4人体制でライブを行って、センターに立つことが多かったので、その重圧も感じたんです。自分の目の前にお客さんしかいなくて。でも、SU-METALは普段こういう気持ちでステージに立っているんだってわかったし、体制が変わったことで自分のパフォーマンス力をもっと上げなきゃってことに気がついたし、ちゃんとダンスと向き合えるようになった。この時期は、戻りたくはないけれど、なきゃいけない時期だったと今は思います」
MOAMETAL: The period called the “Dark Side” is a time that I never want to return to. On the other hand, I felt so happy about “LEGEND S”, because I knew that SU-METAL hadn’t been able to return to Hiroshima even on a personal basis, and I enjoyed accompanying her back to her hometown. During this time, I had many chances to talk to her and catch meals together, and I was overjoyed to be present during her celebration. That’s why I thought it was so regrettable that things ended up the way they did. We talked the day before about whether the show would go on. But to me, canceling was never an option. There was no way we could waste this opportunity to celebrate SU-METAL’s birthday. We’ve always been changing and adjusting to circumstances as needed, so how could we give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? SU-METAL felt the same way, and this stiffened our determination to carry out the Hiroshima concert. We were going to do it, even if it was just the two of us. Perhaps it’s because we overcame the odds at that performance, that we were able to persevere and not give up during the Dark Side.
But the Dark Side was still really tough for me. For the first time, I was scared of the fans that had always been supporting us. Maybe they loved BABYMETAL so much in the past that they might see the change in formation and appearance as a betrayal, even though that wasn’t our intention at all. That was the toughest thing for me. Also, I often stood in the center of a four-person formation, and that was challenging. All I could see was the audience in front of me. But it was thanks to this experience that I was able to understand the pressure facing SU-METAL, that I had to improve my ability to perform in the face of varied formations, and to take dancing more seriously. I don’t want to go back to those days, but it was indispensable to my growth. That’s what I think of it now.
I guess it all comes down to the question: “What is BABYMETAL?” The formation is important, but what’s even more important is that you couldn’t back down. Retreating wasn’t an option, and you kept taking to the stage even if you didn’t know if this was really BABYMETAL. As a result of these efforts to stand tall, I guess you found the core of BABYMETAL, beyond its external form.
MOAMETAL: We’d been doing this for 8 years, so we’d already established ourselves what BABYMETAL “should” look like. I myself didn’t know which one was right, as we performed in various different formations during the Dark Side. But after discussing with SU-METAL, I realized that BABYMETAL was interesting because we did things differently. So now I wonder why we were so obsessed with the external form and appearance. So long as we had BABYMETAL’s metal spirit, the core would never change, and I now think we should have been more confident in that.
SU-METAL「フェスのオファーとかがあって、私たちは求められているわけで、それを断る選択肢はなかったんですよ。でも、私は、年々変わることを恐れはじめていたんじゃないかなって。BABYMETALはこうであるべきだっていう発想に、自分たちもなってしまっていた。でも、この時期だからひとつ殻を破れたっていうか。BABYMETALをぶち壊したっていうか(笑)。ふたりともYUIMETALの穴を自分が埋めなきゃって思っていて、すごく頑張るんだけど、今までより距離が離れてしまったから、お互いが何を考えているかわからない。そこで話し合いをはじめたりとか。結構ね、 失敗して、それを改善しようとして、見えてっていう。それはすごくあったよね」
SU-METAL: Festivals kept sending us invitations despite the circumstances, and there was no way we would decline. But I noticed that we’d gradually become afraid of change as the years went by. Before we knew it, we’d been constrained by the notion of “what BABYMETAL ought to be”. It might be because of this period that we were able to break free from the previous framework, and were able to “destroy BABYMETAL” (laughs). We both tried very hard to fill the hole left by YUIMETAL’s absence on our own, but unfortunately, it was harder to grasp what the other was thinking because of the increased distance between our positions. So we began to talk and communicate more - we’d make mistakes, try to improve on them, and see how it worked. That happened a lot.
We all cherished the period when YUIMETAL was there, and it’ll never be forgotten. But ultimately, BABYMETAL in this new era has continued to bring us great fun both as music and entertainment. That really impresses me.
SU-METAL: On a related note, “Distortion” was actually supposed to make its debut at Hiroshima. It was written before the Dark Side, exploring the world collapsing and dystopia. So we had already considered breaking BABYMETAL down, hadn’t we? It’s almost as if it was a prophecy.
MOAMETAL: It really does!
SU-METAL: Now I’m scared.
It’s quite amazing that you persevered, but BABYMETAL doesn’t quit, does it?
SU-METAL: We want to challenge ourselves, I suppose - wondering if we can pull it off.
MOAMETAL: I really love this music. Maybe there’s something in us that tells us we shouldn’t let it go, like it’s a world heritage site (laughs).
SU-METAL: A conservation activity (laughs).
MOAMETAL「それだね。 環境保全しています」
MOAMETAL: That’s it! We’re protecting the environment.
新たなBABYMETALの 快進撃、そしてこれから
Transforming and steadily advancing towards the future
●そこから、アベンジャーズが参加する新たな形式でのライブをはじめて、『METAL GALAXY』という作品を出して、現在につながっているわけですけど。こういう新しいBABYMETALになれたことを、どう思っているんでしょうか?
After the Dark Side period, you began performing in a new format with the addition of the Avengers, releasing Metal Galaxy. How do you feel about becoming this new BABYMETAL?
SU-METAL「それこそさっきの話になっちゃうんですけど、BABYMETALってもともと変なことをやっていたグループだよねっていうことで、1回BABYMETALを壊すなかで『METAL GALAXY』っていうアルバムができたんですよ。もう無茶苦茶じゃないですか、曲を見たら。これはメタルと呼んでいいのだろうか?っていう曲ばかりで。でも、あれを無事に作ることができたのは、本当にたくさんの方のサポートがあったからなんですよね。いろんな方とコラボさせていただいて、BABYMETALの新たな可能性を広げてもらえた。あとは、アベンジャーズ、西の神の方々との出会いもあって。BABYMETALを1回壊したことによって、新たな出会いが生まれたんです。『METAL GALAXY』の収録曲は、本当にいろんなジャンルの曲があって。ダンスや歌の表現も、すごく幅が広がったんですね。だから、最初はすごく大変だったし、どうやって歌ったらいいのか全然わからなかったけれど、ライブをしていく中でこの曲ってこういう曲なんだって気づけていって。フォーラム公演も、この曲はこう見せたいとか、こういうふうにやっていきたいっていうのを、新たなひとつのチームになったことでできたなって」
SU-METAL: That’s exactly what I was talking about earlier. We decided that BABYMETAL started as a group that did things differently, so we made Metal Galaxy to break down BABYMETAL. The songs are quite outrageous, aren’t they? We wondered if we could even call it metal? But we were able to make this album thanks to the support of so many people. We were able to collaborate with many artists, and it opened up new possibilities for BABYMETAL. Also, there was the addition of the Avengers and the Kami Band from the West. By breaking down BABYMETAL in this way, new encounters were born. The songs in Metal Galaxy are from various different genres, and the way to express them through dancing and singing varies a lot from song to song. So it was quite difficult at first, and I didn’t know how to sing them properly, but through the course of performing them live, I gradually figured out the core essence of each one. By the time we arrived at The Forum concert following a long tour, our newly unified team was now able to prepare in advance how we wanted to express or perform each song afresh.
MOAMETAL「2019年6月の横浜アリーナ公演で、3人体制でライブをやったんですけど、その時の歓声がすごくて。お客さんはこの姿を待っていたんだなって思えたし、久しぶりに笑顔を見たような気がして、すごく嬉しかったんです。でも同時に『BABYMETALが戻ってきた!』みたいな意見に、私はすごく違和感を感じて。『戻ってきたじゃないんだけどな』って思った時に、もっとパフォーマンス力を上げなければいけないって気づいたんですよ。戻ったんじゃなくて進化しているわけで、今の形が私たちは最強だと思っているのに、過去と比べられるのはめちゃくちゃ悔しかった。成長してきたつもりだったけど、まだ足りないんだなって気がついたんですね。それから1ヶ月半くらいアメリカツアーを回って、それがすごくハードだったんです。あれだけ密に長いツアーを回って、しかも最後のほうにフォーラムのライブがあって。私たちの中ではチャレンジだったんですけど、横浜アリーナ公演でもっと大きくならなきゃいけないって気づけたから、その悔しさをバネに回れていたところはあります。そうやっているうちに、気づいたら『METAL GALAXY』が発売されていたんですよ。目の前のことを乗り越えることに必死すぎて、気づいたら目標が達成されているっていうのが、久しぶりの感覚だったので、なんか懐かしいなって思いました」
MOAMETAL: At Yokohama Arena in June 2019, we performed in a three-member formation, and the cheers were deafening. It really showed me how the audience had been waiting and hoping to see us in this form, and seeing those smiles for the first time in a while made me really happy. However, I felt that the people saying “BABYMETAL is back!” were wrong. In my mind, we weren’t just “back”! I had faced the realization that I needed to improve my ability to perform, and after all that, we hadn’t just gotten back to where we were before, but had rather evolved. I believed we had become stronger than before, and it was really frustrating to be compared with our past. I wanted to be better than before, but I learned that I hadn’t surpassed my past yet, in the eyes of the audience. After that, we toured the U.S. for about a month and a half, and that was really tough. It was such a long and dense tour, with the concert at The Forum towards the end. It was challenging, but we knew we had to improve more after Yokohama, so we were able to use that frustration as a springboard. In the meantime, Metal Galaxy had been released before I’d really noticed. I had been so driven to overcome the obstacle before me, that I hadn’t even noticed that we’d already accomplished a goal. It was the first time this had happened in a while, and gave me a sense of nostalgia.
●要するに、フォルムはBABYMETALらしい形に戻っても、グラストンベリーの”Shani Shanti Shanti”の反応がまさにそうだけど、違うんですよね。危機を乗り越えたBABYMETALは、たくさんの引き出しを持つグループになっていて。音楽も万華鏡のように広がっていて。それがアルバムとして表現されているのが 『METAL GALAXY』だと思う。作品が導いている印象が強いですね。
In other words, even though you appeared to be similar to the earlier BABYMETAL in appearance, it wasn’t the same, as exemplified by the audience’s surprisingly enthusiastic response to “Shanti Shanti Shanti” at Glastonbury compared to Japan, to bring up an example. BABYMETAL had overcome a crisis, turning into a group that could utilize many elements in its shows, with music varied like a kaleidoscope. I feel that Metal Galaxy is an album that expresses the evolution of BABYMETAL, and I was very impressed that it was led by the music itself.
MOAMETAL「このアルバムが完成した時に『あれ、BABYMETALってこんななんだ』って、私自身も思ったんですよ。いい意味で変化して、いろんな吸収をしてできた楽曲が揃ったので、この時期のBABYMETALらしさが詰められたと思いますね。『METAL GALAXY』の制作を通じて、私たちの頑張りが他のアーティストさんにも認めてもらえたんだって実感できて嬉しかったです」
MOAMETAL: When the album was completed, I thought to myself, “Oh, so this is what BABYMETAL is at the moment!” We had changed in a good way, absorbing many different things, and the new songs were the end result. So I’d say the album embodies what BABYMETAL was during this time. Also, I was happy to find our hard work being recognized, as other artists were willing to collaborate with us to produce Metal Galaxy.
SU-METAL: At the Legend Metal Galaxy concerts in January 2020, we performed completely different setlists on the first and second day. The first day featured the Eastern Kamis, and the second day featured the Western Kamis. I don’t think there’s any other Japanese artist that would do that.
Probably not!
SU-METAL 「『METAL GALAXY』のテーマでもあった、SUN&MOONは、ひとつの物事に対する二面性ですけど――同じ曲を聴いても、かっこいいと思う人もいれば、かわいいと思う人もいるじゃないですか。BABYMETALもそうだと思うんです。かわいいと思う人もいれば、かっこいいと思う人もいる。いろんなものの見方が自由なんじゃないかっていうところから、『METAL GALAXY』っていうアルバムができているんですよね。2日間、幕張のステージに立ちながら、私もこれは同じアーティストのライブなのか?って思うぐらい、お客さんの反応も全然違うし、もちろんやっている曲も違うっていう。神バンドのサウンドも、1日目と2日目で全然違う。BABYMETALってこんな引き出しがあったんだって、アルバムが発売された時よりもあのライブで感じました。『こんな面白い曲たちがあるんだ、BABYMETALに』って」
SU-METAL: The SUN & MOON - which was the theme of Metal Galaxy - explores the duality of a single thing. Some people might think a song is cool, while others might find it cute. It’s the same when it comes to BABYMETAL overall. The album Metal Galaxy was created from the idea that people are free to see things in different ways. During the two days at Makuhari Messe, I wondered if it was the same artist performing - the audience’s reaction was completely different, the Kami Band was different, and the setlist was also completely different! BABYMETAL has a wide variety of songs, and this concert highlighted this very clearly to me, more so than when the album was released. “Ah, BABYMETAL has such interesting songs” I thought.
The best-of album is also a big milestone, as everything you’ve done has come to fruition. You said that the relationship between you started with music and performance - what is it now?
SU-METAL 「この関係性を説明するのが、本当に難しくて。数年前まで妹みたいだなって思っていたんですけど、もうパートナーなんですよね(笑)。変な意味じゃなくて。MOAMETALは、私が持っていないものを全部持っているし、性格もたぶん対照的だと思うんです。それをお互いに知っている。自分ができないこと、相手ができることを知っているから、そこは任せきっています」
SU-METAL: It’s really hard to explain our relationship. Until a few years ago, I thought of her more like a younger sister, but now she’s become my partner (laughs). I don’t mean that in a strange way. MOAMETAL is good at everything I’m not, and our personalities are polar opposites. We’re both well aware of this; I know what I’m not good at and what she’s good at, so I leave those things up to her.
MOAMETAL: It’s as if I were in charge of housework while SU-METAL goes out to work (laughs). There’s a distinct role sharing in our relationship, much like you’d find in a family. I honestly don’t know when being together like this started to feel like the most natural thing in the world. During COVID, even though I couldn’t see her at all, I never felt like we’d been truly separated, because we’re already family, and the pandemic helped me recognize this once more.
(NOTE:” Housework” versus “Going out to work” is a commonly - if outdated - stereotypical but commonly recognized division of roles for married men and women in Japan. While Moa may be using this phrasing merely as an analogy to describe how they each have different roles in the group, it is also quite possible that she is well aware of the “married couple” connotation evoked by this description, and in contrast to Su’s statement possibly downplaying this meaning in her answer, Moa may in fact be intentionally/mischievously providing shipping fuel for speculation about the nature of their relationship; it wouldn’t be the first time she has done so.
It should also be noted that in reference to Yui, Su has also referred to her as family before, so this description of their group is fairly consistent.)
You mentioned duality earlier, and this is a theme that’s always existed in BABYMETAL. The duo has somehow become like that as well. You have different values, but complement each other to depict the essence of the group - that’s what I think when I listen to you.
SU-METAL: Even during live performances, MOAMETAL is constantly aware of her surroundings. I’m the type of person who rushes forward and completely loses sight of everything around me, so when I make a mistake, she casually follows my lead (laughs). I could never do what she does, it’s really amazing. I think we can respect each other because we’re complete opposites. While touring, if we feel like we’re struggling, we’ll get together and talk about something silly…
MOAMETAL: It’s rather refreshing.
SU-METAL: As long as the two of us are together, I feel we’ll be alright.
●ROCKIN'ON JAPAN って精神性を語る媒体だと思うんですよね。かつては勝手にBABYMETALをJAPANでどう扱うか難しいと思っていたんですけど、お話を聞いていると、これほど精神性を語るに相応しいグループはいない感じがします。
Rockin’On Japan is a medium that often explores artists’ thoughts behind-the-scenes. For a while, we’d presumed it might be difficult for BABYMETAL to discuss this aspect with our magazine. But after hearing what you’ve talked about today, I’ve come to think that when it comes to exploring further beneath the surface, you’re the most suitable group.
SU-METAL: We definitely have a lot of experience when it comes to live performances. I’m sure there are many others as well, but we’ve learned so much from each one, since the environment is completely different in each country.The temperature, the humidity, the feel of the floor, the reaction of the audience, the sound - it’s all different, and I’m confident that our mental strength is reinforced through each experience. I’m not sure how many other groups approach every single performance like it’s their first.
This interview covering the past 10 years has made me marvel once more at people who take their music and lives so seriously. Last of all, I’d like you to talk about the future of BABYMETAL - at least, as much as you can reveal.
SU-METAL: We’ve reached the 10-year anniversary, but I don’t want to leave out any of the fans and staff that have supported us over the past 10 years, or MOAMETAL standing by my side now. It really is a miracle. I mentioned earlier that we really are blessed with luck, and I think that BABYMETAL is still here now because of you. That’s why I’d like to take this opportunity on the eve of our 10th anniversary to say “thank you.” Unfortunately, it’s difficult for us to return the favor through live performances. That’s why we decided to release a special album, and tell our stories. As you said earlier, it’s funny how every single song has guided our path forward at some point in time. I’ve alway wondered why BABYMETAL’s songs are able to do so. I have memories of each song linked to a specific concert, so every time I listen to a song, I can recall scenes from the corresponding show. Of course, this album also serves as our calling card for those that are listening to us for the first time, telling you what kind of group BABYMETAL is. But for those of you that have been supporting us for a long time, as you listen to the songs, I’ll think you’ll find it contains all of BABYMETAL’s 10 years. At any rate, we wanted to return the favor to our fans through this album.
Also, we’ve decided to perform once more at the Budokan - it really is a special place for us. I mentioned earlier that we’ve experienced so many things through our concerts, and I think the Budokan was the first time I’d felt this so strongly. I didn’t have the time to enjoy myself at the time, but pulled it off somehow. And then, we went overseas! That’s why I think of the Budokan like an airport where everyone came to see us off. Now we’ve returned to this special venue,and find ourselves faced with the challenge of 10 shows (laughs). It wouldn’t be like BABYMETAL if we didn’t challenge ourselves! During this period of time where we haven’t been able to perform, we’ve built up all kinds of energy within us, and it’s made me realize how important live shows are for letting it all out! So in closing, I want to see everyone so much. I want to perform, and I’m really looking forward to returning to the Budokan. I want this series of shows to be one where we can gather safely and let out all the stress and other things that have built up. Together, let’s make BABYMETAL’s 10th anniversary the best one possible!
MOAMETAL「まず、ベスト盤に関しては、話をしていても思ったんですけど、今までのBABYMETALの10年間が詰まっているんですよね。だから、最初はベストアルバムが10曲って少ないなって思ったんですけど、この10曲で十分足りるぐらい、ほんとに私たちの思いと歴史が詰まっているので、BABYMETALを知らない人は、まずこのアルバムを聴いてほしいなって思いました。それに、今までのBABYMETALを知っている人も、たぶん曲を聴くことで、昔のことが思い出せるんですよ。私も実際、アルバムを聴き返してみて、あんなことあったなって思い出せたので、聴いてもらって、一緒にBABYMETALの今までを思い出してほしいですね。そして武道館に関しては、まずコロナで、予定していたアジアツアーとかがなくなってしまって、本当に先が見えない状況だったんですよね。だから、すごく苦しかったし。武道館10公演を発表できたことが、本当に幸せだと思います。やっぱり先はまだ見えないし、開催できるかはキツネの神様しか知らないけれど、この発表自体が何か少しでも希望の光になればいいと思うし、開催できた時には やっとみなさんに会えるので、今からワクワクしてしょうがないです。無事に開催できて、みんなで同じ時間を共有したいと思うので、それまではとにかく元気にいてほしいっていうのが、私の願いです」
MOAMETAL: First of all, something I thought of as we were talking about the Best Album is that it’s filled with the past 10 years of BABYMETAL’s progress. As such, although I felt that 10 songs were a bit insufficient for a Best Album, it really is filled with our thoughts and history, so I hope people who aren’t familiar with BABYMETAL might listen to this one first. For those that know us well, you can probably bring back past memories by listening to these songs! That’s what it did for me, so please listen to it and relive BABYMETAL’s past with us.
Moving on to the Budokan, we found ourselves at a loss and were heartbroken about COVID canceling the Asia tour, so it’s really fortunate that we could announce these 10 shows at the Budokan. Though things are still a bit uncertain, and only the Fox God knows if we’ll be able to pull it off successfully, I hope the announcement itself will become a ray of hope, even if just a bit. I can’t help but feel excited now, because I’ll finally be able to see everyone there. I hope it’ll go safely and smoothly, and that we can share some time together - so be sure to stay safe until then!
There are so many different ways to listen to music nowadays, and it feels very BABYMETAL-like to highlight your core through a best-of album. As for the Budokan, it feels like holding 10 shows there might be impossible for someone that wasn’t BABYMETAL. I hope it will be held safely!
MOAMETAL: Definitely.
I’m sure all the fans feel the same way, and I’m personally looking forward to it as well!
SU-METAL・MOAMETAL「ありがとう ございます!」
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Thank you very much!
Additional credits
Capable-Paramedic (Editing)
Batteria (Scans)
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