10 BABYMETAL Legends - Legend X & Epilogue


METAL RESISTANCE, the culmination of 10 years

The Final Chapter of METAL RESISTANCE 「10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN」(Nippon Budokan)

2020年10月に結成10周年を迎え、「10 BABYMETAL YEARS」というアニバーサリーイヤーがスタートした。「10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN」は、そのアニバーサリーイヤーの期間中に開催された日本武道館10公演のことである。開催日程は、2021年1月19・20日、2月16・17・19・20日、3月15・16日、4月14・15日の全10公演。

そして、METAL RESISTANCE 全10章の最後の戦いとなる最終章でもあった。






日本武道館も同じくDYSTOPIA によって支配され、ソーシャルディスタンスという新たなルールによって、これまでのLEGENDとはまったく異なる環境、条件を突きつけられた。アリーナは客席を取り除き、巨大なステージへと変貌させた。そして、スタンド席に入場できるのはSavior Maskを付けた選ばれし者に限り、さらに声を発することを禁じた。

闘いの前から圧倒的に形勢不利な状況にあり、全10公演の初日を迎える直前まで、世の事態は刻一刻と変化を続け、State of emergencyによって予定されていた内容の変更を余儀なくされるなど、ギリギリの攻防戦が繰り広げられていた。



誰もが経験したことのない未曽有の事態の中で、東京の、そして日本のど真ん中に位置するメモリアルな場所で、新たな伝説の幕開け、METAL RESISTANCE最終章の最初の扉が開かれた。

Savior Mask をつけた勇者たちが360度囲むスタンド、面積いっぱいにステージが張り巡らされたアリーナ、この日の日本武道館は、 そこに人はいるのだが、異様なくらい静寂な空間だった。これまでのBABYMETALのライブで感じたことのない張り詰めた空気が漂う中、催眠術に落ちるように漆黒の世界へと誘われ、ストーリームービーが始まった。

DYSTOPIAによってこの世は破壊され、メタルの叫び、すなわち我々の声は奪われた。しかし、ここにいる我々が心をひとつにできれば、 奪われたメタルの叫び、すなわち我々の声は、キツネ様の力によってよみがえり、“再生”されることが告げられた。

舞台となる荒廃した世界の中で、ペストマスクを被り、たいまつのあかりとともに“再生”への祈りをささげるかのごとく、荒々しくも荘厳な儀式「IN THE NAME OF」が始まった。高らかに吹き上がる炎の火柱と祈りの太鼓のリズムが響き渡り、失われた我々の声と失われかけていたメタルのハートが戻ってきたのだ。

360度に張り巡らされたLEDスクリーンのステージ、そして中央に鎮座するLEDタワーによって生み出される立体的な空間の中でパフォーマンスが繰り広げられる。まさに現在の DYSTOPIAの世界を象徴するような「Distortion (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)」では、武道館が真っ赤な世界へと変化し、これまで「Wow wow」とオーディエンスが声に出してきた部分も、キツネ様の力によって“再生”された。あっという間にラストソング「イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ」まで駆け抜けると、METAL RESISTANCEの終幕を告げる"十音の鐘”、最初の鐘が鳴り響いたのであった。

「10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN」も回を重ね、METAL RESISTANCE最終公演となる10公演目にもなると、我々もオーディエンスもニューノーマルと呼ばれるスタイルに適応し、変化と進化を繰り返しながら、アップデートを重ねてきた。





歪んだ世界の中で BABYMETALは









再びこの聖地 BUDOKANに集結し


"シン化”した「BABYMETAL DEATH」の調べとともに、BABYMETALを再生させる儀式が始まった。

バラバラになってしまった数々のMETAL RESISTANCEの記憶がリビルドされていく映像とともに、赤く染まった死の海から、目を閉じたまま磔になったメンバーが現れる。LEDタワーに映し出される、壊れかけたBABYMETALのロゴが再生していく姿とシンクロするように、メンバーのBABYMETALの記憶もよみがえっていく。METAL RESISTANCEを象徴する戦いの狼煙が火柱となってあがると、「イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ」のイントロとともに、再生した BABYMETALが颯爽と登場した。

「ギミチョコ!!」「ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング」「メギツネ」「KARATE」「ヘドバンギャー!!」など、長年METAL RESISTANCEを彩ってきた楽曲に加え、MOAMETALと子ギツネたちによってリビルドされた「GJ!」、「NO RAIN, NO RAINBOW」 ではDYSTOPIAの雨に打たれて壊れてしまったメタルの鍵盤が再生するストーリーをSU-METALが幻想的に魅了した。

いよいよ10年間の METAL RESISTANCEを締めくくる、ラストソング「Road of Resistance」が訪れた。

合戦の狼煙が上がり、ステージをぐるりと囲む十音の銅鑼が現れると、「遂にこの瞬間が来たのだ」と熱い思いが込み上げてきた。 途中、演奏が止まると、スタンドにいた同志の心の声、惜しくもその場に居合わせることができなかった同志の心の声、そして10年間のMETAL RESISTANCEの蓄積によって再生された声、それら全ての鋼鉄の魂の叫びがひとつとなって、「Wow wow」と聖地・日本武道館に鳴り響いた。


「We are!」「BABYMETAL!」



最後の十音の鐘の音が日本武道館に響き渡り、METAL RESISTANCE 全10章は終結した。

In October 2020, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of BABYMETAL’s formation, beginning an anniversary year called “10 BABYMETAL YEARS”. “10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN” consisted of 10 shows held at the Budokan during this anniversary year. The dates were January 19 & 20, February 16, 17, 19, & 20, March 15 & 16, and April 14 & 15 in 2021. 

It was also the final chapter - the last battle of all 10 chapters of Metal Resistance.

In 2020, this world had become Dystopia. 

Conventional wisdom had collapsed, and what had been taken for granted was no longer the case. However, we did not stop moving forward. No matter how much time passes, the “road without a path” will continue forever, so long as we choose to keep walking. 

This was our 10th anniversary. Originally, everyone would have dreamed of such an anniversary year for BABYMETAL, receiving overflowing blessings from all over the world, touring and returning gratitude to the fans. However, whether it was fate or destiny - who could have imagined that such a harsh ordeal would be awaiting at the end? 

The final battle was upon us, even before the live performance had begun.

After the 2014 Legend, we returned to the holy ground of the Budokan. Even though it was the same Budokan, it looked very different. 

It had also fallen under control of Dystopia, with new rules of social distancing, and an environment and conditions completely different from the previous Legend. The arena was transformed into a huge stage, as seats were removed. Only the chosen ones wearing Savior Masks were allowed to enter the stands, and they were forbidden to speak. 

The situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable before the battle, and even until the first day, the worldwide situation was changing by the minute, and the State of Emergency forced changes in the scheduled shows, while we fought right at the boundaries.

Looking back, we’ve faced many difficulties in the past. No matter how daunting the mountain before us, we’ve never been afraid, we’ve never run away, we’ve always believed in ourselves, and we’ve always pushed forward. We decided to unite our minds and go all-in.

(NOTE: When interviewed In Hedoban #28 about the then-upcoming 10 Budokan concerts, both Su and Moa expressed their strong determination to see the shows through, using them as an opportunity to express gratitude to the fans, and unleash the energy accumulated over the past year.) 

(NOTE: some restrictions included in the State of Emergency in Japan included a 5,000 person maximum capacity in the Budokan, and a 8:30pm curfew, which may have led to the shows being shortened) 

10 BABYMETAL Budokan

On January 19, the time had finally come. 

In the midst of an unprecedented situation that no one had experienced before, the first door of Metal Resistance’s final chapter opened up, and we kicked off the beginning of a new Legend in this memorial venue, located in the middle of Tokyo, Japan. 

The stage was surrounded in 360-degrees by brave fans wearing Savior Masks, and the stage took up much of the arena. But on this day, the Budokan was an unusually quiet place. In the midst of a performance more tense than I’d ever felt in any of BABYMETAL’s previous shows, we were hypnotized into a jet-black world, and the story movie began.

The world had been destroyed by Dystopia, and the cry of metal - our voice - had been taken from us. However, we were told that if we, the people here, could unite our hearts, our stolen metal screams would be revived and “reborn” by the power of the Fox God. 

In the devastated world of the stage, wearing plague masks and with the lighting of the torches, the wild yet solemn ceremony “IN THE NAME OF” began, as if praying for rebirth. As the pillars of fire and the rhythm of the drums echoed in the air, our lost voices and nearly wiped out metal hearts returned.

The performance unfolded in the three-dimensional space created by the 360-degree LED screen on the stage and tower in the center. In “Distortion”, which symbolized the current world of Dystopia, the Budokan was transformed into a bright red world, and the part of the song where the audience had been chanting “Wow wow” was also “replaced” by the power of the Fox God. In no time at all, we arrived at the last song “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”, and the first of 10 gongs symbolizing the end of Metal Resistance was struck.

Revisiting and reinforcing the “10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN” shows over the course of multiple performances, when we arrived at the 10th show - the final show of Metal Resistance - we and the audience had grown accustomed to “new normal”, which had been continuously updated with change and evolution.

Metal Resistance Final Episode

On April 15, the final battle began. 

The story of destruction and rebirth set forth in this final performance was as follows. 

“A Story of Destruction and Rebirth

The world turned into DYSTOPIA in an instant.

In the distorted world, Babymetal was deprived of the soul of metal,

and the numerous memories of METAL RESISTANCE were sealed.

But we will not give up.

On that day, at that time, and in that place,

the metal souls who have fought the 10 years of METAL RESISTANCE

will gather again in this sacred place, BUDOKAN,

to revive BABYMETAL.”

The ritual to rebirth BABYMETAL started with the sound of “BABYMETAL DEATH”, which had been “shin-ified”. 

(NOTE: in Japanese, the word “shin” can have many meanings, including “new”, “god”, “truth”, “rebirth”, and it cannot be determined based purely on the pronunciation which meaning is correct... as the name is spelled without kanji, the “correct” meaning is intentionally ambiguous.)

With countless images from Metal Resistance - that had once been torn apart - flashing before us, the crucified girls appeared from the crimson sea of death with their eyes closed. Their memories of BABYMETAL were brought back as if in synchronization with the broken BABYMETAL logo being rebuilt in the LED tower. As the beacon of battle symbolizing Metal Resistance was lit, it rose as a pillar of fire and the revived BABYMETAL appeared with the intro to “Ijime, Dame, Zettai”.

In addition to songs like “Gimme Choco!!”, “Doki Doki ☆ Morning”, Megitsune”, “KARATE”, Headbanger!!” that had painted the tapestry of Metal Resistance for many years, “GJ!” was rebuilt by MOAMETAL and the baby foxes, while SU-METAL performed the story of the rebirth of the metal keyboard once broken by the rain of Dystopia in “No Rain, No Rainbow” in a fascinating, fantastical performance. 

Finally, the last song “Road of Resistance” brought about a close to the 10 years of Metal Resistance. 

As the smoke of battle rose, and ten gongs surrounding the stage rose, my heart grew hot upon seeing this moment finally arriving. Halfway through the performance, when the band cut out, the hearts of the comrades in the stands, the voices of those who regrettably could not attend, and the voices accumulated through Metal Resistance over the past 10 years - these cries of metal souls became one, and “Wow wow” rang out in the holy ground of the Budokan.

The girls struck the 10 gongs surrounding the stage one by one, tracing the 360-degree stands as they headed for the final gong. 

“We are!” “BABYMETAL!” 

These words, which had been repeated so many times before, would now reside within our hearts.

“3! 2! 1!”

The sound of the final gong echoed in the Budokan, and the 10 chapters of Metal Resistance had come to an end.

10 BABYMETAL Budokan


What must be changed, and what must not be changed


リスクを抱えながらも日本武道館に足を運び、この10公演をともにつくってくれたスタンド席のファンに対して、そして10年間のMETAL RESISTANCEをともに歩んでくれた勇者たちに対して、1人でも多く、1秒でも長く、メンバーから感謝の気持ちを伝えてほしい、そんな気持ちだった。我々THE FOX GOD CREWをはじめ、表側には出てこないがBABYMETALを裏で支えているすべての同志の気持ちをメンバーに託したのだ。


最新が最強で最高の BABYMETALであれ!




だが、BABYMETALはこれまでも「道なき道」を突き進んできた。どんなに困難なことがあろうとも、最善を尽くすのがBABYMETALなんじゃないだろうかと。この状況を言いわけとして使うのではなく、パフォーマンスもステージセットも演出も、これまでのライブと同じ熱量で、いや、それ以上に熱く、常に最新が最強で最高の BABYMETALであれ!という気持ちで臨んだのだ。


その上で、10周年という記念すべき節目の LEGENDを、メンバー、チーム、ファン、同じ船に乗り、ともに歩んできた同志が欠けることなく、みんなで作りたいという思いがあった。ギリギリまでやらないという選択肢もあっただろうし、BABYMETALにとってはかなりハードな決断となった。もし、もう一方の決断を選択していたら、今ごろはどうなっていたのだろうか。そして、少しでもタイミングがズレていたら、全10公演を完走することはできなかったかもしれない。

最後の鐘の音が鳴り響いてから数カ月が経ち、まだまだ厳しい状況が続く中、「10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN」を完走した今だからこそ、全10公演を無事に終えられたことが何よりだったと感じている。そして、リスクを背負いながらも、一緒に闘ってくれたメンバー、チーム、ファン、携わっていただいたすべての皆さんに、改めて感謝の気持ちを述べたい。



Throughout the 10 shows, an outer bridge could be seen wrapping around the octagonal stage in the middle of the venue. The girls rotated 360-degrees for each song, or even during a song, giving their best performance to reach everyone in the audience. The center stage area alone may have been sufficient in this regard. However, I decided to build an additional bridge stage further around the center stage. 

I wanted the girls to be able to express their gratitude to as many fans as possible, for as long as possible - to the fans in the stands that came to the Budokan despite the risks and had helped create these 10 shows together, and to the brave people who had walked with us through 10 years of Metal Resistance. Those were my feelings. We, the Fox God Crew, and all the comrades who have been supporting BABYMETAL behind-the-scenes entrusted our sentiments to the girls. 

The girls only visited the bridge stage once at the very end, on the final day. Taking into account the distance between the artists and the audience, the utmost priority was doing the best we could to reduce that sense of distance. It was something we had to change. This is another example of the luxury in BABYMETAL’s unshakeable and targeted focus. As you may have guessed, under the circumstances of Dystopia, it may have seemed like a waste of money at first glance. But the Fox God didn’t care about that even to the very end, and there are things that are more important than money that must not be changed.

Let BABYMETAL be stronger than ever! 

As with our journey so far, everything seems to have been guided by the Fox God. There really is such a thing as fate. 

On the occasion of our 10th anniversary, we had the following messages to spread: “10th anniversary! 10 concerts at the Budokan! Ring the 10 gongs!” With the help of everyone, we were able to make these miraculous 10 concerts happen, which were quite challenging to schedule and put together. 

In light of the world situation, there were plans to cancel or postpone the event. 

However, BABYMETAL has been pushing forward down this “road without a path” - I believe that no matter how difficult the situation, we’ll always do our best. Rather than use the circumstances as an excuse, we went into the performance, stage set, and direction with the same amount of passion - or even more than usual - knowing that BABYMETAL must be stronger than ever.

“Let’s go!”

On top of that, we wanted to create a Legend for the 10th anniversary, together with the girls, the team, the fans - everyone who’d been in the same boat, moving forward together. We could have chosen to pull out until the last minute, and it would have been a difficult decision. If we had made that choice, I wonder what may have happened by now. If the timing had been even a little bit off, we might not have been able to complete all ten concerts.

A few months have passed since the last gong was struck, and the situation is still challenging. But now that we’ve completed “10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN”, the best thing about it is that we were able to finish all 10 shows safely, and without incident. I’d like to express my gratitude once again to the girls, the team, the fans, and all the people who have been involved in this project, who fought alongside us despite the risks we took. 

And I believe that BABYMETAL really is being watched over by the Fox God.

“Thank you, our Metal Resistance”.

BABYMETAL greeting the crowd at 10 BABYMETAL Budokan


これにてこの『10 BABYMETAL LEGENDS』も最後のページとなった。









改めて「リアルとファンタジーの融合」とはよく言ったものだと感じる。10年もの間、METAL RESISTANCEという壮大な物語が現実世界で繰り広げられる中、数々の LEGENDが生まれた。そのLEGENDは、やがて伝説から神話へ、そしてLIVING LEGENDへと変わるのだ。 


ひらめきを大切にし、自分と仲間を信じることができるメタルのハート、そのすべての夢が BABYMETAL、そしてLEGENDの始まりである。

己の成長とともに、脱皮を繰り返しながら、STAY METALし続けられるか?






それは“Only the FOX GOD knows”ということだ。

2021年8月某日 KOBAMETAL

This is the last page of “10 BABYMETAL Legends”. 

I’ve been writing down ideas that come to mind in a notepad on a daily basis, and while writing this book, it occurred to me to go back through my notes from the past 10 years.

  • Female Fox = Megitsune

  • Gods descending from foreign lands

  • Light Side

  • Dark Side

  • All-star Gathering

  • Dystopia

  • Living Legend...

“Ah! I found this note! And that one too!” so many things had come true, including things that I had completely forgotten about - it was a bit frightening, like a book of prophecy had become one of apocalypse! 

Once again, I feel the truth of a saying that I enjoy using:“fusion of reality and fantasy”. For 10 years, as the epic story of Metal Resistance has unfolded in the real world, many Legends have been born. These Legends will eventually transform from Legends to Myths in Living Legends.

Follow the signs of the Fox God, trust your instincts, and surrender to them. 

The heart of metal that values inspiration and believes in itself and its friends - all these dreams are the beginning of BABYMETAL and Legend.

Can we continue to STAY METAL, repeatedly shedding our skin as we grow? 

Will we be able to keep our pure and passionate hearts without being baffled by the noise of the world? 

Unfortunately, this is not the Book of Revelations.

But might there be a hint of it, even just a little? 

Who knows? 

There’s only one thing I can tell you.


One day in August, 2021


BABYMETAL created LEGEND after LEGEND in the past 10 years.

Their metal spirits will continue to transcend time and space and shine forever.

After some time, a LEGEND becomes a MYTH which eventually becomes a


What lies ahead is something only the FOX GOD knows.

BABYMETAL as babies
BABYMETAL as adults

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Additional credits: Capable-Paramedic (Editing), Velox (Photos)


  1. Wow. The whole book translated? How phenomenon!

    1. Let's just hope the publisher doesn't find out :)


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