2023 Hedoban Vol.39 Interview
This is an unofficial fan translation of an interview originally featured in Hedoban Magazine Vol.39, issued April 6, 2023. The original magazine can be purchased here.
Text: Naoyuki Umezawa 梅沢直幸(Hedoban Magazine Editor-in-Chief)
封印解除発表から幕張2デイズまでの心境、BABYMETALとしては約3年ぶりの声出し解禁となった幕張2デイズを振り返って、コンセプト・アルバム『THE OTHER ONE』へのそれぞれの捉え方と推し曲、そして「新しいBABYMETAL」についてまで、これでもかと語ってくれた! 文字数にして26000字強! ほぼノーカット掲載!
In this interview, SU-METAL and MOAMETAL share their thoughts, ranging from the lifting of the seal, the unsealing concert at Makuhari 2023, their respective view on the concept album THE OTHER ONE, their favorite songs, and “the new BABYMETAL”, in 26,000 words almost entirely uncut!
We hope you will enjoy this relaxed and unburdened interview that’s only possible “because it’s Hedoban”.
なぜ、2人のトークをほぼそのままの形で誌面に載せたのか······ 。それは、今の2人の関係性こそが、封印解除に大きくつながっているからに他ならない。『ヘドバン』は断言する。このインタビューから滲み出てくる2人の関係性があったからこそ、結成10年周年を迎えることができた。封印期間中でもお互いポジティヴな感情で過ごせて、封印解除ができた。そして······ 2人のこの関係性があったからこそ、「新しいBABYMETAL」の扉を2人で一緒に開くことができたのだと。
Why did we choose to print this discussion in its uncut original form? It’s because in Hedoban’s opinion, there is nothing more important than understanding their relationship, which drives everything they do. It was this relationship that forged their determination to reach the 10-year anniversary, and it is a relationship that grew only more positive during the seal, which made it possible for them to unseal and continue forward to open the door towards “the new BABYMETAL” together.

SU-METAL & MOAMETAL 編集長、ご無沙汰してます!
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: Editor-in-chief, it’s been such a long time!
Likewise (laughs). I’m glad to see that you’re as cheerful as ever. It’s been about two and a half years since the last Hedoban interview with the two of you.
MOAMETAL: No way!?
SU-METAL 2年半も!そんな経つんだ!
SU-METAL: Two and a half years! It’s really been that long?
――(『ヘドバン』Vol. 28の表紙を見せつつ)前回がこのときだからね。
(shows them the cover of Hedoban Vol.28 from 2020) This was the last time.
MOAMETAL ひとりずつ、かなり長く答えたときだ。
MOAMETAL: We talked a lot in those solo interviews.
(NOTE: the respective interviews with Su & Moa in Hedoban #28 have been fully fan-translated)
――それでもって、2人一緒にインタビューするのは、それこそ3年ぶりくらいかな。『METAL GALAXY』(2019年)のときに2人で一緒にやって以来。
On that note, it’s been about 3 years since the three of us talked together as well, for the release of Metal Galaxy (2019).
MOAMETAL: 3 years ago!?
SU-METAL たしかに、(『ヘドバン』では)ひとりずつインタビューしてる印象があるね。
SU-METAL: That’s right, I recall our last interview with Hedoban was separate.
Cover of Hedoban Vol.24
(Note: the interview with Su & Moa together in Hedoban #24 has been fully fan-translated)
First up, I have a report about Hedoban Magazine itself. Following in BABYMETAL’s footsteps, and in large part thanks to you, Hedoban is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year!
SU-METAL おめでとうございます!
SU-METAL: Congratulations!
MOAMETAL 一緒に成長してきましたからね!
MOAMETAL: We grew up together!
Haha, it’s nothing like that. In comparison to you, we’re just barely scraping by somehow.
MOAMETAL 『ヘドバン』がないとBABYMETALは困りますよ。
MOAMETAL: BABYMETAL would have struggled if it weren’t for Hedoban’s help.
【封印期間、そして幕張2デイズを振り返って】 CHAPTER-1
CHAPTER 1: Looking back upon the seal and the Makuhari concerts
Thanks again for your kind remarks. To begin this interview, it’s been about two weeks since THE OTHER ONE concerts at Makuhari. Do you feel some sort of lingering afterglow in your mind and body?
MOAMETAL 余韻は······私はもうなくなってしまいました。
MOAMETAL: For me… the afterglow is all gone by now.
SU-METAL 嘘っ!?(笑)
SU-METAL: For real!? (laughs)
MOAMETAL 何か、夢の中だったみたいな感じがしてて···。
MOAMETAL: It kind of all feels like it was all a dream…
SU-METAL あ、その感覚はわかるなぁ。
SU-METAL: Ah, I know what you mean.
MOAMETAL いまだにライヴをやった感じがしていないかも。ライヴ中は、お客さんがすごく喜んでる顔が見えてめちゃめちゃ幸せだなって思ったけど、今はもう次のことを考えてるし。SU-METALはどう?
MOAMETAL: It still doesn’t feel like we completed a concert. I was so happy to see the fan’s happy faces during the show, but now I’m already fully focused on the next one. How about SU-METAL?
SU-METAL 私、結構浸っているタイプかも(笑)。それこそ、ライヴが終わって2、3日くらいは「あー、ライヴだったな~」と思って浸っていて、そうこうしているうちに「METAL KINGDOM」のMVが公開されて、「あ、こんな感じだったな~」と思って、また浸ってる(笑)。
SU-METAL: I think I’m the kind of person that soaks it up and relishes in the feeling for quite a bit. (laughs) For about 2 or 3 days afterwards, I just kept thinking to myself, “Wow, that was quite a show!” Then the MV for “METAL KINGDOM” was released, and I thought “Ohhh, so that’s what it looked like” and it all came rushing back to me once more (laughs).
――「METAL KINGDOM」のMVは完全にライヴ映像だけど、改めて観てどうだった? あのオープニングのシーンとか。
The MV for “METAL KINGDOM” used live footage from the shows. How did it feel to see those scenes again, such as that epic opening?
SU-METAL やっぱり、実際にステージに立っていても全体像がちゃんと見えてなかった部分があったので、「あ、こんなことになってたんだな〜」とか思いながら観てました。飛んでたドローンたちが大活躍してくれて、めちゃくちゃカッコいい映像になってるし。
SU-METAL: Standing on the stage, we couldn’t see the whole scene ourselves, so while watching the video, I kept thinking “Ah, so that’s what this was about”. The drones flying all over the place did a great job at capturing amazing footage.
MOAMETAL それは私も思った!映像で観たら、すっごいカッコよかった。
MOAMETAL: I thought the same thing! It was so cool.
I see - the stage was too immense for the two of you to truly grasp while performing.
MOAMETAL もちろん、説明してはもらっていたし、イメージはしてたけど、ステージ全体は見えなかったかな。
MOAMETAL: Of course, they’d described it to us so I had a vague idea what it would be like, but I couldn’t physically see the entire stage myself.
SU-METAL それこそ、MOAMETALの登場シーンとかは、私は見れてなかったので。
SU-METAL: That’s why I wasn’t actually able to see MOAMETAL’s entrance scene.
Ah yes, it would be impossible for you to see her from that far away.
SU-METAL そう。本当に真逆にいたので。なので、「METAL KINGDOM」のMVを観て「おっ、(MOAMETAL)カッコいい」って思ったり。
SU-METAL: Yes, I was all the way at the other end of the venue. So when I saw the MV, I thought to myself “Wow, she’s so cool!”.
MOAMETAL いやいやいや(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Oh, please! (laughs).
In the opening scene, both of you were seated upon thrones.
SU-METAL 最初は2人とも座ってました。
SU-METAL: Yes, it began with both of us seated.
MOAMETAL オープニングのときは、ですね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Just during the opening though (laughs).
And then as soon as the song started, MOAMETAL had suddenly teleported to the other side of the venue…
MOAMETAL 私がイリュージョンで消えて、別のところから現れましたからね!
MOAMETAL: I disappeared and reappeared - it was quite the illusion!
SU-METAL 魔法だね(笑)。
SU-METAL: It was magic (laughs).
MOAMETAL そう。あれは、イリュージョン······私のマジック。そう書いてください。
MOAMETAL: Yes, it was an illusion… I have “magic powers”. Please be sure to write it that way.
As you wish (laughs). What were your thoughts on Makuhari as a concert-
MOAMETAL 1年9ヵ月ぶりらしいですよ。
MOAMETAL: -it’d been 1 year and 9 months since the last show?
SU-METAL あー、武道館からもう2年ぐらいになるんだね······。
SU-METAL: Ah yes, it has been about 2 years since the Budokan in 2021…
How did the two of you feel upon learning that the seal would finally be broken at Makuhari Messe?
SU-METAL 正直、なかなか実感が湧きにくかった部分があったんです。もちろん、ライヴに向けての準備も進めていたんですけど、封印期間中も世を忍ぶ仮の姿でMOAMETALと一緒にダンスの練習とかはしていたので、すごい久しぶり!っていう感覚は全然なくて。でも、10月に封印解除の告知があって、ファンの方々からの反響を聞いたときに、「あ、こんなに待ってくれる人がいるんだ!」っていうのはすごく思いました。2年くらいお休みというか······封印していたので、何ていうんだろう······私たちのことを忘れられてもしょうがないっていう思いもあったんですよ。
SU-METAL: To be honest, it didn’t really hit me that much. Of course, we had already begun rehearsing before the unsealing announcement itself, but also, MOAMETAL and I had also been practicing dance on our own while “in disguise as regular people” during the seal. So it didn’t actually feel like it had been ages since our last show. But when we saw the fan response to the unsealing announcement in October, I thought “Wow, there are that many people waiting for our return?” Since we’d been on hiatus - ah, I mean “sealed” - for about 2 years… how should I put it… well, I had thought it wouldn’t have been surprising if everyone had forgotten about us.
You really believed that!?
SU-METAL 思ってました。だから、ファンの方々からそういう反応があって、改めて「こんなに待ってくれてる人がいるんだったら、頑張らなきゃっ!」てなりましたね。
SU-METAL: I really did. Receiving such an unexpectedly welcoming response from our fans really told me that I had to do my best to repay their loyalty.
This gap between what BABYMETAL thought, and what the fans thought is quite remarkable… some fans had been worrying “What will happen to BABYMETAL!?” all this time throughout the seal. I think the desire for BABYMETAL’s return only grew stronger day by day. So to hear SU-METAL say you thought you’d be forgotten… the fans would surely respond in unison, “There’s no way we would ever forget, what is wrong with you?!”
SU-METAL: (laughs)
MOAMETAL 今までも、他のグループに比べると結構休む期間とかがあったと思うんですよね。でも、今回はコロナ禍というのもあったけど、2年ぐらい何もやらないと、やっぱりファンの方は心配になりますよね······。
MOAMETAL: In comparison to other groups, we have had quite a few periods of inactivity. But this time around there was COVID, and under the circumstances, if you’re inactive for 2 years, it’s understandable that fans will start to worry…
Well, the history of BABYMETAL is one where fans go through the stages of worry, anxiety, relief, and joy over and over again (laughs).
MOAMETAL 間違いないです(笑)。それもあって、ファンの方は今回の封印もやっぱり不安だったとは思うんですけど、私たちは結構プラス思考で封印していたんです。だから、ファンの方々との温度差はかなりあったなとは思います。「なんで封印しちゃったの!?」とか「解散なんじゃない!?」みたいな話とかも、耳にはしてたので。
MOAMETAL: No doubt (laughs). I think that’s why fans were anxious about the sealing, even though we saw this decision very positively. There was definitely quite a difference in feeling between us and the fans regarding this. I heard that people were asking “Why did they seal away?” or “Are they disbanding!?”.
SU-METAL 今回のタイミングでの封印には他にも理由があって。自分たちが10年間は走りきるっていうことを、5年ぐらい前から決めてたんです。
SU-METAL: There were other reasons affecting the timing of the seal. We’d decided to do so about 5 years before it happened, when we resolved to complete 10 years.
I see!
SU-METAL はい。正直、いろんなことがあったんですよ。それこそ、自分の中で100%納得できる状態じゃないなって思いながらも、様々なトライアルをしてた期間もあったり。それでも走りきったっていうのもあって、〝封印〟で活動が止まってしまうという不安よりも、「10年間やったんだ」っていう達成感や、「10年間走りきる」っていう約束を守ったからこそ、次のステップに進めるっていう楽しみの気持ちのほうが大きくて。だから、封印に関しては、次に向けた準備っていう捉え方をしていて。MOAMETALもさっき言ってたけど、封印を、マイナスな捉え方じゃなくてプラスに捉えてたっていう。ファンの方にも「〝封印〟は新しいBABYMETALに生まれ変わるためですよ」っていうことを伝えたかったんですけど、そこまでは伝わってなかったですかね?(笑)
SU-METAL: Yes. To be honest, various factors were involved. There was a period of time where I wasn’t 100% satisfied with how we were doing, and we went through many trials and tribulations. There was a sense of completion rather than anxiety regarding the seal, because it was the result of making it to the 10 year mark, which was a promise we’d made to ourselves. I was more excited to now be able to move on to the next stage, and that’s how I viewed the seal - as preparation for the next step more than anything else. As MOAMETAL said earlier, we didn’t see the seal as a negative, but rather a positive. We wanted to express something like “the seal has been put into place so we can create a reborn BABYMETAL”, but I guess this message wasn’t conveyed very clearly, was it? (laughs)
I must say it probably wasn’t... I think the number of fans that interpreted the seal negatively, thinking “Is BABYMETAL disbanding!?” might have been higher than you would have guessed (laughs). At any rate, it’s clear the two of you weren’t just thinking about the seal in a positive light - rather, it was a crucial period of preparation for the next chapter.
SU-METAL そうです!
SU-METAL: That’s right!
MOAMETAL 実際、封印期間中も本当に何もやっていなかった時期って短期間しかなくて。SU-METALも言ってたけど、それ以外は世を忍ぶ仮の姿で会って一緒に踊ったりとかしたし、次の準備に入ったりしてたから、BABYMETALそのものから離れてる期間って、そんなに長くなかったと思うんですよ。それでもやっぱり、SU-METALにもBABYMETALチームのメンバーにも、しばらく会わないと会いたくなるんです。だから、SU-METALやチームBABYMETALへの感情を再確認できたし、〝封印〟はいい時間でした。離れて気づくってよく言うじゃないですか(笑)。
MOAMETAL: In fact, during the seal, the period of time where we weren’t really doing anything was actually pretty short. As SU-METAL said, we met up and danced together when “disguised as normal people”, and we had also begun preparing for the next stage of the project well in advance, so I really didn’t feel I’d stepped away from BABYMETAL itself for all that long. Even so, I miss SU-METAL and the BABYMETAL team when I don’t get to see them for awhile. So the seal was also good in that it reinforced my feelings for them. You know what they say about seeing things more clearly when you’re separated from it (laughs).
It’s very much like a romantic relationship (laughs).
MOAMETAL (笑)。今までも好きだなって思ってはいたけど、10年間突っ走りすぎて、正直しんどい部分も結構あったんです。それこそ封印前は、これから先の10年を頑張れるかどうかって言われたら、正直言いきれる自信がなくて。もちろん、今もめちゃくちゃ自信があるかと聞かれたら、そこはわからないんです。でも、「(BABYMETALが)好きだな〜」っていう気持ちが、またふつふつと湧き出てきたということは、やっぱりどうしたって離れられないんだなって思ったし、これから先も「あの封印期間があったからこそ、好きだって再確認できたんだ。頑張れることができたんだ」って思えるはずなんです。そういう意味でも、私にとっては(封印期間は)すごくいい時間でしたね。
MOAMETAL: (laughs) I had always known I’d loved them. But during 10 years of continuous sprinting at full speed, there were quite a few really difficult times. Before the seal, I honestly didn’t have the confidence to say whether or not I’d be able to keep it up for another 10 years. Of course, even if you ask me now, I still don’t know how confidently I could answer. But I’ve solidified in my heart that BABYMETAL is something I can’t say goodbye to no matter what. This love was renewed because of the seal, and it’s what motivates me to keep doing my best. In that sense, the seal was great for me.
I suppose both of you view the seal in a very positive way.
SU-METAL & MOAMETAL: That’s right!
Earlier, you said that the seal reinvigorated your love for BABYMETAL. Did it also reinvigorate your desire to experience a BABYMETAL concert once more - the kind where you could see the faces of your fans?
SU-METAL もちろん、そういう気持ちもあったんですけど、やっばりコロナ禍の中で今までのようなBABYMETALのライヴをするのはすごく難しいことだなっていうのはわかっていたので、このタイミングでライヴをやる怖さもあったんです。それこそ、幕張のライヴも本当にギリギリまで声が出せるのかとかが決まっていなかったし。
SU-METAL: Of course that’s something we wanted, but I knew it would be very difficult to create a BABYMETAL show like it used to be before COVID, so the timing of the concert was something I was uneasy about. It wasn’t until the very last minute before Makuhari that we learned the audience would be allowed to shout and cheer freely.
I think it was the day before the concert that the government announced the repeal of the ban on shouting at such events, so long as masks were worn.
SU-METAL そうなんです。ギリギリのタイミングでした。あと、武道館は360度見えるセンター・ステージで、声が出せなくてもお客さんとの距離感をすごく感じやすいんですよ。でも、今回の幕張はオール・スタンディングだったので、〝見せるライヴ〟になってしまうんじゃないかっていうか······そうなったときに、お客さんが冷静な状態でBABYMETALのライヴを観るってことになってしまったらどうしようっていうか。そういうライヴが起こってもおかしくなかったと思うんですよ。でも、オール・スタンディングだから、私たちの気持ちとしては盛り上がってほしい!みたいな矛盾が発生してもおかしくなかったと思っていて。そういう不安はありましたね。
SU-METAL: That’s right, the change was made just in time. Also, the Budokan was a 360-degree center stage, so even though the audience couldn’t shout, it was easier to feel close to them. But this time at Makuhari it was all-standing, so I was afraid it would become the kind of show that you mostly “watch” rather than “participate” in. What would we do if the audience couldn’t get hyped and just watched us calmly? This was certainly a possible outcome… but the audience at an all-standing show needs to be totally hyped! It’s contradictory, and that was something we worried about.
MOAMETAL 私も不安はあったけど、ライヴってアドレナリンとかドーパミンとか出すぎてて、もうめちゃくちゃ楽しいんですよ。だから、ライヴが終わってしまうといつも、もぬけの殻というか、寂しかったですね。
MOAMETAL: I was anxious about it too, but live shows are always so much fun because of the adrenaline and dopamine rush, so I was looking forward to the concert regardless. That’s why I always feel empty and lonely after a show ends.
You’re suddenly brought back to reality.
MOAMETAL すごく物足りなくなるんです。踊っていて、ライヴ中にめっちゃ苦しいなって思うこととかあったけど、すぐに恋しくなってるんですよ、あのキツさが。だから、封印期間中はライヴができなかったり、ファンの方々と会えないのはやっぱり寂しかったし、すごくライヴがしたいなって思ってましたね。
MOAMETAL: It suddenly feels like something is missing. The concerts could be pretty grueling at times, but even those struggles were something I loved. So during the seal, I really missed not being able to perform and see our fans, and I just really wanted to begin doing shows again.
Cheering wasn’t allowed at 10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN. In a sense, the two of you haven’t received cheers for about 3 years.
MOAMETAL 受けてなかったですね······。
MOAMETAL: We really haven’t…
How did it feel to receive the loudest cheers you’d experienced in almost 3 years?
SU-METAL あの瞬間は本っっっ当に凄かったです。一番最初の曲が「METAL KINGDOM」で、曲を作っていく中で、自分の中で「この曲の主人公はこういう感じなんだろうな」みたいなイメージ像を作ってはいたんですけど、あの椅子に座って、扉が開いて、お客さんの「わー!」っていう反応を聞いたときに、「あ、これでこの曲は完成したんだ!」って思ったんですよ。特にあの曲は、お客さんの声とかもすごく重要な要素だったりもするんで。
SU-METAL: That moment was soooo amazing! The first song was “METAL KINGDOM”, and when the song was being written, I had created a mental image of what the protagonist of the song would be feeling. As I sat on the throne and the gates opened, I could hear the audience’s awestruck cheers, and I thought to myself “Ah, now this song is complete!” The fan’s voices are a very important element for this song in particular.
The chorus can be sung together in unison.
SU-METAL そうです。で、自分があの椅子に座って見る景色······みんながいる景色こそが、
「METAL KINGDOM」だったんだっていうのに気づいた瞬間でもありましたね。
SU-METAL: Indeed. And the view I saw from the throne… seeing all the fans out there… in that moment, I finally experienced what “METAL KINGDOM” was all about.
――オープニングで巨大なFOX GATEが開いて、2人があの玉座にどんな気持ちで座っていたのかが非常に気になるんですよ。ライヴ写真で見ると、完全に無心状態で座っている感じなので。
I am quite curious to hear how the two of you felt, sitting on that throne when the huge fox gates opened. Based on the photos, you looked like you were in a state of complete calmness.
SU-METAL (MOAMETALのほうを向きながら)あの椅子、凄かったよね(笑)。
SU-METAL: (Turns to MOAMETAL) Those chairs were awesome, weren’t they? (laughs)
MOAMETAL あれは凄かった。あんなカッコいい椅子に乗って登場できるなんて、ホント幸せですよ。
MOAMETAL: So awesome. I was really happy to be able to make an appearance on such a cool chair.
SU-METAL 座りながら、ちょっとドヤっとしてたかもしれない(笑)。
SU-METAL: I felt pretty smug sitting there (laughs).
(NOTE: Yes, Su & Moa refer to the thrones using the word “椅子 / chair” here, whereas Umezawa uses the word 玉座 / throne)
MOAMETAL そうかも。あと、扉が開いてお客さんの歓声が聞こえた瞬間は、ニヤニヤしてた気はする。心の中で(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Probably! Also, I was totally smirking the moment the gates opened and I heard the audience’s roar. Smirking in my mind only, of course (laughs).
You had to try and maintain a straight face while smirking inside (laughs). Like, “The time has come at last”?
SU-METAL そうそう、ニヤニヤしてた(笑)。それと、今回のライヴの演出って本当にどこから出てくるのかもわからないし、どこが中心なのかもわからないという状態だったから、「お、そこから出てくるんだ!」みたいなところで驚きがあったと思うし、それこそ久しぶりのBABYMETALの姿だったと思うし、いろんな声があったと思うんですよ。どよめきとか、歓声とか。だから、そこもちょっと面白かったです。
SU-METAL: Yeah, it really made me smirk inside (laughs). Also, the show was designed such that you didn’t really know where we’d appear from, or where the center stage was, so I think there was a lot of “Look, they’re over there now!” surprises going on. It was the first time we’d appeared as BABYMETAL in a long time, and I think there were all kinds of responses, whether cheers or confusion. I found that quite interesting.
Also, because I wasn’t able to see all three thrones from the special visitor’s area, I was initially quite skeptical when I read on social media that there were actually three.
MOAMETAL あ、3つ目の玉座は見えなかったんですか!?
MOAMETAL: Ah, you couldn’t see the third throne?
I couldn’t see it at all.
MOAMETAL 実は玉座は3つあったんですよね〜。なぜ3つあったのかは······キツネ様のみぞ知るということです(笑)。
MOAMETAL: There really were three thrones! Why were there three…? Well, “Only The Fox God Knows” (laughs).
SU-METAL: (laughs)
(laughs) MOAMETAL created an illusion by teleporting from the throne to the other side of the venue, to create a scene with the two of you facing one another. What was that like?
MOAMETAL あれは、遠すぎてあまりSU-METALが見えなかったんですよ。たしか、端から端までの距離が100メートルあったのかな?それこそ目を凝らしてSU-METALを見るみたいな感じで。
MOAMETAL: It was so far away that I couldn’t see SU-METAL very well. I think the distance from one end to the other was about 100 meters or so? It was like I had to strain my eyes in order to see her.
Was it really 100 meters long? When did you move to the other side… that was a real illusion.
MOAMETAL そう、めっちゃイリュージョンです!それくらいに離れていたからSU-METALはよく見えなかったけど、イヤモニを通して耳の中ではSU-METALの声が聴こえてるから、めちゃめちゃカッコいいなと思いました。目には見えないオーラがあったし、リハのときには感じなかった〝強さ〟みたいなのが急に出てるから、「あ、SU-METALになったな!」って思いましたね。
MOAMETAL: Yes, a huge illusion! I couldn’t see SU-METAL well because I was so far away from her, but I could hear her voice in my IEMs, and I thought that was pretty cool. There was an invisible aura, a kind of strength that I didn’t feel from her during rehearsal, and suddenly it was like “Ah, she’s transformed into SU-METAL!”
I see, so she’s not SU-METAL yet during rehearsal.
MOAMETAL 全ッ然、SU-METALじゃないですよ(笑)。ライヴで本当のSU-METALに憑依するので。あ、だから憑依したSU-METALからも、ライヴ中は結構、影響受けますね。
MOAMETAL: At that point, she’s not SU-METAL at all (laughs). She becomes possessed and transforms into SU-METAL during the show. Once possessed, she then takes over me too.
Upon seeing her become SU-METAL, you yourself also become MOAMETAL.
MOAMETAL そうかもしれない(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I think so (laughs).
――なるほど、ライヴ中に憑依の連鎖が起きるわけだ。そこはBABYMETALの知られざる〝強さ〟の秘密かもしれないな。そう言われて、SU-METALはどうですか。オープニングから1曲目の「METAL KINGDOM」への流れは。
I see, it’s a chain reaction of possession that happens during the show. That may be the secret behind BABYMETAL’s hidden strength! On that topic, what are SU-METAL’s thoughts? How was the flow from the opening to the first song “METAL KINGDOM”?
SU-METAL 今回はステージが特殊な形だったから、歌っていてちょっと心細い部分というのが実はあったんです。
SU-METAL: The stage setting was quite unusual this time, so I actually felt a bit uneasy while singing.
You’re referring to singing while seated on the throne?
SU-METAL そうです。椅子に座りながら歌うこともあまりなかったし。
SU-METAL: That’s right. I rarely sing while seated.
MOAMETAL ライヴで椅子に座って歌うのって初めてでしょ?
MOAMETAL: It was the first time you’ve ever sung while seated at a show, right?
SU-METAL 初めてかも。だからか、次はお客さんの顔を見ながら歩こうかなとか、どっちを見ようかなとか、とにかくいろんなこと考えていて。
SU-METAL: Maybe so. That’s probably why I was thinking about all sorts of things while sitting there, like where I should look in order to see all the fan’s faces as I began to walk, and stuff like that.
That’s somewhat surprising. Were you feeling nervous?
SU-METAL 緊張は······私の場合は初日は正直、実感が湧いてなくて、全然緊張していなかったんですけど。
SU-METAL: Nervousness… it honestly didn’t feel quite real to me yet on Day 1, so I didn’t feel nervous at all.
In a way, it’s really amazing that you weren’t nervous on the 1st day of a show after such a long time since the last performance.
MOAMETAL 気づいたら「あ、ライヴだわ」みたいになったよね。
MOAMETAL: It was like the show had already begun by the time we’d consciously realized it.
SU-METAL なってたね。逆に、2日目はめっちゃ緊張してた。あんな緊張したライヴは久しぶりっていうか。
SU-METAL: That’s right. Conversely, I was really nervous on Day 2. I hadn’t felt that nervous at a show for such a long time.
MOAMETAL SU-METAL、2日目はめちゃめちゃ緊張してたよね。
MOAMETAL: SU-METAL was totally nervous on Day 2.
Why were you more nervous on Day 2?
SU-METAL 今回、ステージの構成がすごく難しくて。お客さんのこともたくさん見たいんですけど、考えなきゃいけないこともたくさんあって、初日はバタバタして、ライヴの感覚を取り戻すまでに結構な時間がかかって。何ていうんだろうな······ 「2日目でどうにかしなきゃいけない!」みたいな思いが結構強くて、2日目がすごく緊張してしまって。
SU-METAL: The stage setup made things quite difficult. I wanted to see a lot of the audience, but I also had a lot in my mind, so Day 1 sort of went by as a blur, and it took quite a while to feel like I was actually performing at a show again. How should I explain it… it left me feeling somewhat unsatisfied with my performance on Day 1, and I had the feeling that I needed to do something special on Day 2 to make up for it, and that made me really nervous.
Were you able to see the audience’s faces while seated on the throne?
SU-METAL 玉座のほうに向かってライトが当たってたりしてたから、なかなか見るのは難しかったんですけど、お客さん一人ひとりに「METAL KINGDOM」の歌詞をしっかりと届けたいっていう思いがあったので、なるべく見る意識はしてましたね。でも、お客さんの顔がちゃんと見えたのは。やっぱり歩いてるときかな。
SU-METAL: Because the lighting was all directed towards the thrones where we were seated, it was difficult to see the audience. However, I wanted to deliver the lyrics of “METAL KINGDOM” to each and every single person, so I tried to be intentional about seeing every person possible. But I’d say it was only when I began walking that I could actually see everyone clearly.
Did MOAMETAL sense that SU-METAL was more nervous than ever?
MOAMETAL 2日目のオープニングの儀式のときは本当に感じましたね。座ってる姿から緊張してるなって思ったので。そして、その姿を見て私まで緊張してしまって。2日目の最初は結構ドキドキしてました。でも、それは自分が緊張してるっていうより、本当にSU-METALの緊張がうつってるだけなんですけどね(笑)。
MOAMETAL: I could really feel it during the opening ceremony on Day 2 from the way she was sitting. And seeing her nervous made me nervous as well. But it wasn’t so much that I was actually nervous myself, it’s just that I was infected by SU-METAL’s nervousness (laughs).
So there was a chain reaction of nervousness too.
MOAMETAL そのとおり(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Exactly (laughs).
During the Makuhari concert, what was the moment that made you feel “This is a real BABYMETAL show now!”
MOAMETAL 私は「Road of Resistance」かも。
MOAMETAL: For me, it was “Road of Resistance”.
SU-METAL あー、たしかにそうだね。
SU-METAL: Ah, I think so too.
MOAMETAL お客さんが歌ってたところとかだよね。
MOAMETAL: When the crowd was singing along with us.
SU-METAL そうそう!
SU-METAL: Yes, yes!
MOAMETAL BABYMETALの曲って、歌いやすい曲というか、コーラスの部分が多いので、結構お客さんが歌って楽しむライヴじゃないですか。だから「Road of Resistance」のときに、3年ぶりにお客さんの歌声を聴いて······ しかも、あの大人数での大合唱で、それがめちゃめちゃ嬉しかった。
MOAMETAL: BABYMETAL’s songs are easy to sing – or rather, there are a lot of chorus parts, and the audience enjoys singing along. So when we performed “Road of Resistance”, and I heard the audience singing along with us for the first time in 3 years… it made me really happy to experience a huge chorus like that again.
SU-METAL 私も、後半の「イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ」から「Road of Resistance」にかけてですね。あと、1日目はお客さんにとっても声出し初日だったと思うんですよ。BABYMETALのライヴ自体も久しぶりだったのもあるし、ライヴ自体が久しぶりの方も結構いたと思うんです。なので、どれくらい声を出していいのかとか、それこそ周りの方のことも気にしながら声を出していたと思うんですね。あと、私たちも、どの程度までやったらいいのか、ちょっとわからないなっていう迷いもあったりして。そんな探り探りな感じで初日のライヴが始まって、それが2日目の「イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ」や「Road of Resistance」になったときに、マスク越しに歌ったり叫んだりしている人がいっぱいいて。
SU-METAL: My moment was also from the latter portion of the show, from “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” to “Road of Resistance”. I think Day 1 was also the first chance the audience had to regain their voices. It had been such a long time since the last BABYMETAL concert, and I would guess that many people hadn’t been to any show - BABYMETAL or not - in quite some time as well. So I think they were still tentative about how loud they could cheer, and were instinctively waiting to take cues from those around them. We were also feeling a bit unsure about possibly taking things too far. So we began the shows in this sort of exploratory state, but by the time we reached “Ijime, Dame, Zettai” and “Road of Resistance” on Day 2, people were singing and shouting at the top of their lungs through their masks.
It felt like a scene from 3 years ago.
SU-METAL そうです!「これがBABYMETALのライヴだ!帰ってきた!」っていう感じで楽しんでました。幕張のライヴは、ステージの構成上、考えないといけないことが本当にたくさんあったから、ライヴ中も頭をいろんなところに使ったり、神経をいろんなところに働かせないといけなかったんですけど、あの2曲は特に、楽しんでましたね。
SU-METAL: That’s right! The feeling that “at long last, we’re finally having a real BABYMETAL concert” made me quite happy. There were a lot of things to keep track of at Makuhari due to the stage configuration, so my attention was pulled in various directions and I had to control my nerves throughout the show, but I enjoyed those two songs in particular.
Even from the floor, I could tell that the cheers felt a bit unstable or subdued on Day 1.
SU-METAL ですよね(笑)。
SU-METAL: I thought so too. (laughs)
MOAMETAL みんな様子を見ていたんだよ。
MOAMETAL: It’s like they were all still in “wait-and-see” mode.
SU-METAL あとはやっぱり、お客さんの声があって、BABYMETALのライヴって完成すると思うんです。お客さんの歓声を受けて、私たちが常に100%の力でライヴをしていても、それが自然と120%、200%ってどんどん上がっていくというか。お客さんも「負けてらんない!」みたいな感じで、どんどん声が出ていくし。何ていうんだろうな······ 共に楽しんでいるんだけど、共に戦ってるみたいな。そういう相乗効果が生まれるのもBABYMETALのライヴで。だからこそ、我を忘れるくらい楽しくなってしまうんですよね。
SU-METAL: Ultimately, BABYMETAL’s shows are only completed with the addition of the fan’s voices. When they cheer, they naturally take us from 100% to 120%, and then to 200%. This then encourages the fans to match our energy, and they take it up a notch as well. How do I explain it… it’s like we’re having fun together, but we’re also battling each other. That’s the kind of synergy that’s born at a BABYMETAL show, where it’s so much fun you can completely lose yourself in it.
――幕張2日目の「Road of Resistance」での「かかってこいや!!」が、すごく強さがあったんだよね。今のSU-METALの話を聞くと、その強さこそが、〝BABYMETALのライヴ〟が戻ってきた証でもあったのかなと。
You shouted “Bring it on!” during “Road of Resistance” on Day 2 very powerfully. Listening to SU-METAL speak now, I wonder if this strength is a symbol of BABYMETAL’s return.
SU-METAL たしかに、そう言われると、あの言葉が象徴しているかも。
SU-METAL: Indeed, when you put it that way, that phrase was like an announcement to the world that BABYMETAL’s shows had finally returned.
――そして、幕張では『THE OTHER ONE』に収録されている新曲を5曲披露したけど、今までもアルバム出して、新曲初披露みたいなときがあったと思うけど、そういうときって2人はちょっと硬くなる感じ? それとも逆に楽しむほう?
You premiered 5 new songs from THE OTHER ONE at Makuhari. It’s not the first time you’ve premiered songs right after an album release, but generally speaking do you get anxious about premiering new songs, or do you actually enjoy it even more than usual?
SU-METAL 私はちょっと構えちゃうかも。MOAMETALは?
SU-METAL: I do get a bit tense and anxious. How about you, MOAMETAL?
MOAMETAL 全っ然構えない(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Not one bit (laughs).
MOAMETAL’s superpower is to never feel nervous or anxious! Everything seems to come naturally to you (laughs)
MOAMETAL たぶん、めちゃめちゃ踊り込んでるってとこもあるかな。新曲と既存曲の境目がわからなくなるくらいまで踊り込んでいて。だから、いざ新曲を披露するとなったら、自然に身を任せてるかも。
MOAMETAL: It’s probably because of the massive amount of practice that goes into learning the choreography for new songs, to the point where it’s hard to distinguish between new and existing songs in my mind. So when the time goes to debut a new song, I just let my body execute naturally.
You feel totally prepared and ready to go or something like that.
MOAMETAL そう。「お客さんの反応が楽しみだな〜」って思うぐらいで、緊張とかもしない。SU-METALは新曲のときは構えているんだ?
MOAMETAL: That’s right. I don’t really get nervous, but rather I’m more interested in finding out how the audience will react. So SU-METAL tends to feel somewhat anxious when performing songs for the first time?
SU-METAL 構える構える!(笑)私の場合は、レコーディングのときだったり音源で歌ってるときと、バンド・サウンドが入るときとでは曲の雰囲気が変わって、そしてそれをまた披露するっていう形になるんで、ステップが多いからかな。もちろん、バンド・サウンドでもなるべくたくさん歌いこなすようにはしてるんだけど、それがライヴ本番になって、お客さんが入ると全然響きが変わるし。
SU-METAL: Quite anxious! (laughs) For me, a song feels different when we’re recording it, when the instrumentals are added, and when it’s being performed live. Of course, I try to sing it as much as possible together with the band, but the sound is just entirely different when the audience joins in live.
MOAMETAL 生モノだからね。
MOAMETAL: It’s a very organic chemical reaction.
SU-METAL そう。特に新しい曲をやるときは、それを意識してしまうし。それこそ、さっき言っていたオープニングから「METAL KINGDOM」の流れでステージに出てきた瞬間にわかったっていうように、新曲がどんな感じなのかっていうのが、お客さんの前で披露したときに初めてわかるんですよ。だからこそ、楽しみな気持ちもありつつ、ちょっと構えてる部分があるかもしれない。
SU-METAL: Yes! I’m particularly aware of this sensation when it comes to the new songs. As said earlier about that feeling during “METAL KINGDOM”, you only fully understand what a new song means when it’s performed in front of a live audience. That’s why I feel both fully prepared, yet still tense and anxious as we wait to find out what will actually happen.
I see. On the other hand, from SU-METAL’s point of view, how do you see MOAMETAL’s total lack of nerves? Has she always been this way?
SU-METAL (MOAMETALのほうを見ながら)緊張しないのは、昔から変わらないかもしれないね。
SU-METAL: (Looking at MOAMETAL) She’s pretty much always been this way since she was a kid.
SU-METAL MOAMETALが凄いなって思うことが、もうひとつあって。私は、ライヴ前も自分にフォーカスしてしまうんですよ。それで、自分のことで頭がいっぱいになりがちなんだけど、MOAMETALの場合は、すごく人のことを気にかけるタイプというのか······ 自分のやることっていうのがライヴ前の時点で完結しているんです。たとえば、ライヴ中に私に「SU-METALはここだよ」とか言ってくれるし、それはアベンジャーズにもそうで。ちゃんと全部見てるし、見えてるんですよね。だから、「いつの間に自分のことが自分の中で整理ついているんだろう?こんなに難しいセットなのに」って思う。本当に疑問。不思議でならない。
SU-METAL: There’s something else that I think is great about MOAMETAL. Before a show, I tend to focus on what I need to do, and find it difficult to spend energy on helping others. But she’s the type that takes care of other people, while making sure she’s always fully prepared for her own job as well. For instance, during a show, she often directs me or the Avengers to stand in the right place. She’s watching everything on stage and knows where everyone needs to be. So I always wonder how she manages to do it, especially when the stage and setlist is particularly complicated. MOAMETAL’s amazing!
MOAMETAL 自然に身を任せているからですね(笑)
MOAMETAL: It just comes naturally to me and I go with the flow (laughs).
This relationship between the two of you has been going on for quite a while now.
MOAMETAL: 13 years!
It’s been 13 years since you met for the first time!?
Was your relationship always like this, where a totally calm MOAMETAL gives SU-METAL advice throughout the show?
MOAMETAL いやいやいや、昔は全然こんなんじゃない(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Ahaha of course not, it wasn’t like this at all in the past (laughs).
SU-METAL 昔は違ったね(笑)。いつの間にそうなったんだろうね?
SU-METAL: It was different back then (laughs). When did things start to change?
MOAMETAL 2人体制になってより関係性は強くはなったけど。
MOAMETAL: Our relationship strengthened in this way after we became a duo, I think.
SU-METAL でも、元々MOAMETALは性格的にそういうところはあった気がするな。
SU-METAL: That said, I think this has always been a part of MOAMETAL’s personality.
MOAMETAL あー、そうかもしれない。
MOAMETAL: Ah yes, I’d say that’s true.
SU-METAL でも、ライヴ・パフォーマンスの中でそれができるようになっていったのは、本当に2人体制になってからかもね。
SU-METAL: But it was really only after we became a duo that we became able to do it during live performances as well.
MOAMETAL そうだね。昔はめちゃくちゃSU-METALはお姉ちゃんだと思ってたし。
MOAMETAL: That’s right. I used to think of SU-METAL as a mature and reliable big sister.
SU-METAL たしかに(笑)。
SU-METAL: Indeed (laughs).
MOAMETAL なんか······昔はSU-METALのことを完璧人間だと思いすぎていたかもしれない。小さい頃の2歳の年の差って結構大きくて。めちゃめちゃお姉ちゃんだと思ってたし、結構甘えてた部分もあったし、頼りすぎてたと思う。だけど、18歳ぐらいのときから、SU-METALのこともよく考えるようになって。そこから、いろいろ話すようになったんですよ。リハーサルの帰りとか、それこそツアーのときとか。それで、話してみたらめちゃめちゃ子供だなって思うことがあって。
MOAMETAL: It’s like… I used to think of SU-METAL as a “perfect human being” a bit too much in the past. When we were kids, the 2 year age difference felt very substantial. I looked up to her very much, and I was sometimes quite dependent on her, relying on her a lot. But when I turned 18 or so, I started thinking about SU-METAL a lot, and that’s also when we started talking about a lot of different things, during rehearsals or on tour, for example. And as we talked, I discovered her childlike innocence, in a sense.
SU-METAL えーー(笑)。
SU-METAL: Ahh~~~ (laughs)
MOAMETAL (笑)。すごく素直だなって思ったり、めっちゃ頼りないじゃん!って思ったりとか。そういうことが増えて、私は「SU-METALをずっと支えたいな」って思うようになりました。
MOAMETAL: (laughs) She’s so straightforwardly honest to herself, and totally unreliable sometimes! As more and more incidents like this started to add up, I began to think “I want to support SU-METAL forever”.
SU-METAL それ、逆転したんだよ!(笑)
SU-METAL: The tables have turned! (laughs)
MOAMETAL そうかもしれない。考え方とかもすごく似ていたので、SU-METALの気持ちがめっちゃわかるな!っていう部分とかも多くなっていって。それで、気づいたらこんな関係になってましたね。
MOAMETAL: Probably so! We have very similar ways of thinking, so I understand SU-METAL’s feelings very well, and before we knew it, things between us developed into what you see today.
It’s interesting to learn that the relationship between SU-METAL and MOAMETAL sort of reversed naturally, but it may also be an important aspect of BABYMETAL’s history. In other words, after becoming a duo, MOAMETAL’s sense of responsibility increased.
MOAMETAL たぶん、そう。そして、お互いに頼るところは頼って、いいバランスが取れてると思います。
MOAMETAL: Probably, yes. I think we’ve got a good balance, and can rely on one another.
So the current level of closeness is ideal?
SU-METAL ベストかもしれないな。
SU-METAL: I’d say so, yes.
MOAMETAL ここ5年ぐらいは、めちゃめちゃいい関係性ができてる。
MOAMETAL: Our relationship has been quite ideal for the past 5 years or so.
I know that sometimes people in bands or comedy duos will work together for many years on stage, but never actually get along or hang out together outside of work. That’s not the case at all for you?
MOAMETAL 全ッ然ない!仲良くなかったら、封印が解けてないと思う。
MOAMETAL: Not at all! We wouldn’t have unsealed if we didn’t genuinely get along.
SU-METAL それは私も本当にそうだと思う。
SU-METAL: I totally agree.
MOAMETAL 今は2人ですごくよく話してます。「本当に仲良くて良かったね」って。
MOAMETAL: The two of us talk a lot nowadays, and marvel at how nice it is that we’re so compatible with one another.
SU-METAL たぶん、性格は本当に真逆なんですよ。で、お互いに足りないところが違っていて、苦手なことと得意なことが真逆だし、それこそ歯車が噛み合うようになっているというか。しかも、お互いにそれがわかってるんですよ。何も言わなくてもわかるからっていうところで補い合ってる。だから、すっごい居心地が良くて。感覚としては本当に家族なんですよね。
SU-METAL: Our personalities are polar opposites. We’re lacking in different areas, and our weaknesses and strengths are completely reversed, and so our gears fit together perfectly in that way. Moreover, we understand each other, so we can support and compensate for the other instinctively without having to say it. That’s why we’re so comfortable together, it’s really like a family.
MOAMETAL 私はSU-METALと離れてるときに、改めて家族だなって思ったかも。
MOAMETAL: This time away from SU-METAL solidified that feeling.
SU-METAL それ、あるよね。
SU-METAL: That it did.
MOAMETAL SU-METALがそばにいて当たり前すぎたから、物足りないというか......何かが欠けてる感じ(笑)。だからか、久しぶりに会っても、全然久しぶりな感じがしなかった。そのときに本当に家族だなと思いましたね。
MOAMETAL: I kind of took it for granted when SU-METAL was by my side, and so without her, it felt like something essential for me was missing (laughs). Maybe that’s why even when we hadn’t seen each other in a while, it really didn’t feel like that much time had passed. That’s when I really felt like we were like a family.
That’s really good to hear.
――そろそろ3月24日に発売されるコンセプト・アルバム『THE OTHER ONE』についての質問をしていきたいのだけど······コンセプト・アルバムっていう位置づけのアルバムじゃないですか。実際に2人にとっても過去の3枚と今回のアルバムとは、ちょっと意味合いが違うというか、今までの3枚のオリジナル・アルバムとは別物っていう意識は強いのかな?
I'd like to ask you about the new concept album THE OTHER ONE released on March 24. Does this album have a different meaning for the two of you compared to the past 3 mainline albums?
SU-METAL そうですね。まずBABYMETALが「METAL RESISTANCE」というシーズンを10年間走り続けてきて、今はまだ次のステージに向かうための移行期間であるというのがあって。だから、『THE OTHER ONE』の物語は、BABYMETALの外伝的な感じというか、もうひとつのBABYMETALの物語っていう扱いなんです。BABYMETALの本ストーリーではないという。世界観的にもそうなのかなって。曲調的にも、今回は神話が元になっていたりとか、新たな曲の作り方をしているので。
SU-METAL: It does. First of all, BABYMETAL had been fighting the “METAL RESISTANCE” for the past 10 years, and right now we’re still in a transition period moving on to the next stage. So the story of THE OTHER ONE is more a “gaiden”, or a side story of BABYMETAL. It’s not the main story, and I think that concept is at the core of this album. The songs are based on mythology, and we’re using a new style of songwriting this time around.
Each song has its own individual theme.
MOAMETAL テーマありき、みたいな楽曲とアルバムです。
MOAMETAL: Yes, each one is built around a theme, as is the album overall.
SU-METAL そして、歌詞もすごい考えさせられる歌詞なんですよね。
SU-METAL: Also, the lyrics are much more thought-provoking.
That’s true, the lyrics are very different from BABYMETAL’s previous songs.
SU-METAL そう。私自身の中で考えさせられる歌詞だなっていう思いがあって、いまだにつかめないんですよね。何回聴いても、「この曲って結局なんなんだろう」っていうか、わからないことが多くて。たとえば、「Mirror Mirror」の歌詞というのは、自分はいろんな人から見られているけど、他人から見る姿っていうのは、自分本人にはわからないと思うじゃないですか。でも、本人にとって自分を見ることができるのが唯一、鏡の中だけで。そして、それって本当の自分なのかと。じゃあ、本当の自分ってどこにいるんだっていう、考え始めたらちょっと頭が混乱してわからなくなってしまうようなテーマが結構多くて。でも、それって本当は答えがないのかもしれないし、人によって解釈も変わるし。それこそ、今はいろんな情報があふれていて、これが正解なように見えるけど、「それって本当に真実なの!?正解なの!?」っていう、強いメッセージも入っているんじゃないかなとも思うし。そういう風に考えることができるアルバムを作れたことは、BABYMETALとして新たなチャレンジだなって思いますね。
SU-METAL: Right. The lyrics still make me think, and I haven’t fully grasped them yet. No matter how many times you listen to them, you might still wonder what they’re ultimately about. For example, the lyrics of “Mirror Mirror” talk about how you might be seen by many people, but you don’t really know what it is they see. The only way you can see your own image is in a mirror, but you wonder if that person in the mirror is your true self. There are many themes that can confuse you as you start thinking about them. But there may not really be a single correct answer to these questions, and it can be interpreted differently by different people. There’s so much information out there nowadays that purports to be the truth, but it’s hard to tell what's real or not, and what the right answers may be. I think that’s one of the strong messages of the album. It’s a new challenge for BABYMETAL to create an album that encourages listeners to think about things in this way.
――たしかに、歌詞も今までのアルバムとは異質というか、遊びがないよね。SU-METALは歌詞がいまだにつかみにくいアルバムと言ってたけど、MOAMETALは『THE OTHER ONE』に収録されているそれぞれの楽曲の歌詞に関しては、どう思う?
Indeed, the lyrics are different from the previous albums - notably, there isn’t really any playfulness in the lyrics this time. SU-METAL said that the lyrics for the songs on THE OTHER ONE are hard for her to grasp - what are MOAMETAL’s thoughts?
MOAMETAL アルバム全体的にめちゃめちゃメッセージ性が強いなって、最近思うようになりましたね。聴いたときは、曲そのものに引っ張られていたので、重たい雰囲気······ダークなイメージが集まってる10曲だなと思っていて。めっちゃ似てる10曲だなと思ったんですよ。でも一つひとつ歌詞を見ながら聴いてくと、「ああ、なるほど!」みたいになる部分があったりとか、人によっていろんな捉え方ができるんだろうなって思うから、逆にみんなの意見を聞いてみたいです。
MOAMETAL: I’ve recently come to think that every song throughout this album has a distinct message. On first listen, my attention was drawn towards the songs themselves - or rather their melodies - and I could feel the heavier atmosphere, as a collection of 10 songs with darker imagery. So they felt quite consistent as a whole in this regard. But as I studied the lyrics more closely for each different song, there would be parts where I’d stop and think “Ah, I get it now!” I think they can be interpreted in many different ways, and I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions.
It’s true that the previous albums were very colorful, with explosive change-ups in many songs… I’d agree that comparatively speaking, the new album sounded a bit darker and jarring at first.
MOAMETAL 今までのは基本的に明るかったのが、急にダーク感強めですからね。
MOAMETAL: The previous albums all felt pretty bright and cheerful, and this one suddenly created a darker feel.
There aren’t quite as many “what the heck is this!?” moments on the album that catch you completely off guard compared to before.
MOAMETAL 意表を突く曲は「METALIZM」ぐらいかな。特にSU-METALの声が。
MOAMETAL: I’d say the only song that’s totally out of left field is “METALIZM”. SU-METAL’s voice, in particular.
――たしかに「METALIZM」はそうかも。ただ、前作でいうと「PA PA YA!! (feat. F.HERO)」的なアッパーな感じともちょっと違うしね。
Ah yes, “METALIZM” does feel different. However, it’s also a bit different from the bright and exultant atmosphere of something like “PA PA YA!!” from the previous album.
SU-METAL 明らかにアッパーですって曲はないかもしれないですね。どこかに必ずダークさは残ってるっていうか。
SU-METAL: There might not be a song that’s entirely bright and optimistic, as each one has a darker side or feeling hidden within it.
So that’s what SU-METAL meant by the word “side story”.
SU-METAL そういうことですね。
SU-METAL: That’s what I was getting at.
Listening to the full album, it feels like SU-METAL’s vocal technique has reached a new level…
MOAMETAL それは間違いないです。ウチのSU-METALは上の域に行きました。
MOAMETAL: Without a doubt. Our SU-METAL has ascended to the next level.
SU-METAL フフフ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Heh heh (laughs).
From MOAMETAL’s point of view, what are your thoughts on SU-METAL’s vocals on this album?
MOAMETAL SU-METALのヴォーカルで判断すると、みんなやっぱり「METALIZM」に注目すると思うんですよね。
MOAMETAL: When it comes to SU-METAL’s vocals, I think everyone will be focused on “METALIZM” in particular.
That’s true, I was just about to ask about “METALIZM” myself.
MOAMETAL ですよね。でも、「METALIZM」だけじゃないですよ、ウチのSU-METALは!
MOAMETAL: Right? But it’s not just “METALIZM”, our SU-METAL’s leveled up in every song!
“Our SU-METAL”, you say (laughs).
SU-METAL: (laughs)
MOAMETAL SU-METALはめちゃめちゃ振り幅広いですよ!ってことを言いたいのです。
MOAMETAL: What I’m trying to say is that SU-METAL is ridiculously versatile!
I see, that’s beyond doubt!
(NOTE: Moa uses the word ウチ = 内 ≒ 身内, which is a phrase typically reserved for family, relatives, or an intimate group or team. We’ve translated it as “our”, but knowing the context may help readers understand why Editor-in-Chief Umezawa laughed at Moa using this word to refer to Su)
MOAMETAL あとは、「MAYA」の語りですよ!
MOAMETAL: Also, I want to talk about the narrative part in “MAYA”.
Ah, the part in English.
MOAMETAL そうです。英語での語りです。あれ、いいですね。「MAYA」もかなり聴いてます。あの語りはカッコいい!
MOAMETAL: Yes, the part in English. It works really well, doesn’t it? I listen to “MAYA” a lot myself. The narrative is very cool.
(Moa is referring to this section in “MAYA”: “How would you know the difference between
the virtual world and the real world? Maybe what you see with your eyes is all an illusion.”)
SU-METAL, when MOAMETAL says “our SU-METAL", it almost feels like a parent complimenting her child.
SU-METAL MOAMETALさんにプロモーションしていただいてありがたいです(笑)。特に今回は、神話がモチーフになっていたりとか、テーマが結構深いので、私はその物語の主人公になった気持ちでよく歌を歌ったりしてます。そういう意味では、声の使い分けがしやすかったかもしれないです。
SU-METAL: I’m grateful that MOAMETAL-san promotes my vocals so passionately (laughs). I often sing songs as if I were the main character of the story, particularly since the themes in this album are quite deep, with mythological motifs. In that sense, it was probably easier for me to create different voices for different songs.
(NOTE: Su adds “-san” to Moa’s name here, which is a term of politeness normally reserved for those who are senior/elder to you, to match Editor-in-Chief Umezawa’s referring to Moa as a parent complimenting Su as if she were her child)
Which songs did you find particularly difficult to record?
SU-METAL 「Light and Darkness」とかは、かなり高音のサビが続くし、休憩もないし、あと結構歌詞が強いので、その歌詞に負けないように歌いましたね、しかも、歌詞が求め続けてるんですよね。だから緩められないというか······ そういう難しさはあるなって思いました。私はどちらかっていうと、なりきり型というか、さっきも話していたみたいに憑依系みたいな感じなので、そういうつもりで歌おうとすると、自分の声が追いつかないことがよくあるんで。
SU-METAL: “Light and Darkness” has a prolonged high-pitch chorus section without a place to rest, and the lyrics are very strong, so I have to sing them in a way that is worthy of its message. Moreover, most of the lyrics have this feeling of “demanding” or “chasing” after something, so I have to maintain that sense of tension throughout the entire song. That’s what makes this song rather difficult. My singing style is one of “total emotional immersion” as if I’m possessed by something, so what happens a lot is that my voice can’t really catch up with what I’m trying to express at first.
It takes a lot of work to be able to effectively sing what you want to express.
SU-METAL そうです。だから、そういう意味で苦労した楽曲となると「Light and Darkness」なのかなと。
SU-METAL: That’s right. So in that sense, “Light and Darkness” is a song I’ve struggled with.
――では、MOAMETALも言っていた、一番最初に聴いた人がまず耳を止めてしまう楽曲「METALIZM」についても聞きたいなと。「METALIZM」はとにかくSU-METALの歌い方が新境地というか、前作でいうと······ 「BxMxC」ともちょっと違うか。
Now I’d like to ask you about the “METALIZM”, which MOAMETAL mentioned earlier. It’s a song that really stops people in their tracks when they listen to it. “METALIZM” is a new frontier in the way SU-METAL sings, albeit in somewhat of a different way than something like “BxMxC” from the previous album.
MOAMETAL 「Shanti (Shanti Shanti)」 辺り?
MOAMETAL: Something closer to “Shanti Shanti Shanti”?
SU-METAL 歌い方的にはそうなるかな。BABYMETALって、結構曲を作ってストックしてあって、レコーディング期間も凄く長くて、何回も何回も録り直しをするんです。「METALIZM」もそれこそ、歌詞が決まる前の何となくのメロディーができた時点で、曲がどういう雰囲気かっていうのを何回も何回も歌って、それで自分の中でイメージを作っていき、こういう歌い方をしたら面白いんじゃないか?みたいなのを探しながら作っていった感じで。
SU-METAL: When it comes to singing style, yes. BABYMETAL has quite a lot of songs in production at any given moment, and they’re recorded over a long period of time. We often re-record many times. For “METALIZM”, upon receiving the rough melody line before the lyrics had been finalized, I tried to grasp the song’s atmosphere by singing it over and over again, gradually building up its image inside my mind, seeking interesting ways to sing it. All of these efforts came together leading to its completion.
I see. So it would appear that the singing style in “METALIZM” is a reflection of SU-METAL’s interpretation and ideas.
SU-METAL そうですね。「METALIZM」を聴いたときのイメージ······自分の感覚でやってます。初めて「METALIZM」を聴いて、「もっとこっちに振ったほうが面白い」とか「もうちょっと抑えてみよう」とか、いろいろと調整しながら、じゃあ、どれくらいのバランスでやったらいいんだろう?みたいなことはしてました。
SU-METAL: I'd say so, yes. I expressed the image that came to my mind in my own way, upon hearing the song. When I heard “METALIZM” for the first time, I made various adjustments thinking “It’ll be more interesting to bring it this way”, or “Hold back a little here”, and I’d ask myself if it felt like the balance was right.
I’m looking forward to seeing how the audience will react to this song when it’s performed live for the first time.
MOAMETAL たしかに。この曲、初披露したらバズるかな(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Indeed. I’m sure it will create quite a buzz when it makes its live debut (laughs).
SU-METAL どんな感じになるんだろうっていうのが、すっごい楽しみ。
SU-METAL: I’m really looking forward to seeing what it’ll be like.
MOAMETAL イメージがまったく想像つかないよね。
MOAMETAL: It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?
The rhythm of “METALIZM” is also unprecedented for a BABYMETAL song, isn’t it?
SU-METAL そうなんですよね。
SU-METAL: That’s right.
MOAMETAL 難しいノリ方だよね。日本じゃあまりない。
MOAMETAL: It’s somewhat difficult to groove to. Quite uncommon for Japanese music.
SU-METAL そうそう。日本だとあまり聴くことがないかもしれない。それこそ、ツアーで海外を回ったときに、海外のお客さんのノリ方を見て、日本のお客さんがそれを真似して、みたいな感じになるのかな。
SU-METAL: Yeah. It’s not common to hear this kind of music in Japan. I wonder if Japanese fans will see how overseas fans groove to the song, and imitate them?
――なるほど。過去にBABYMETALの楽曲はそういう育ち方をしたものもあったよね。そして、『THE OTHER ONE』ではMOAMETALのコーラスがすごくよく聴こえてくるアルバムだなっていう印象があるんだけど、本人はその辺はどう思ってる?
Ah, that makes sense. That’s how it worked for some BABYMETAL songs in the past. I have the impression that MOAMETAL has a more significant vocal part in the choruses in THE OTHER ONE. What are your thoughts on that?
MOAMETAL (照れ臭そうにしながら)いやいやいや······なんか······そうなんですかね!? あまり自覚はしてないんですけどね······。
MOAMETAL: (with an embarrassed expression) No no no, you’re exaggerating my contribution… I’d never really thought about that… well, I guess you’re right? I wasn’t really particularly aware of it myself, though.
――2人体制になって初めてのアルバムだった『METAL GALAXY』のときは、そんなに「あ、MOAMETALの声だな」っていうのを感じなかったのだけど、今回はすごくMOAMETALの声だなって感じるところが多いですよ。
In METAL GALAXY, the first album as a duo, there weren’t many parts where I’d go “Ah, that’s MOAMETAL’s voice!” This time around I could really hear your voice in many parts.
MOAMETAL (照れ臭そうにしながら)いやあ······自分じゃあまりわかってないかも······。でも、「METALIZM」だけは、自分の声がめっちゃ聴こえます。途中のワケわかんない歌詞を歌ってるところ。あそこはめっちゃ自分の声が聴こえるなって思ったけど、他はそんなでもないような······。
MOAMETAL: (continues looking embarrassed) Well… maybe I’m not very aware myself… but I can really only hear my voice super clearly in “METALIZM”. The part in the middle of the song where I sing lyrics (“Metarizūmu zumu zumu”). That part’s pretty clear, but not so much otherwise.
SU-METAL MOAMETAL、まだそんなにアルバム聴いてないんじゃない?(笑)
SU-METAL: MOAMETAL, you haven’t really listened to the album that much yet, have you? (laughs)
――SU-METALは今回の『THE OTHER ONE』でのMOAMETALのコーラスはどう思ってますか。
What are SU-METAL’s thoughts regarding MOAMETAL’s chorus parts in THE OTHER ONE this time around?
SU-METAL 今までは、コーラスっていうよりかは、結構合いの手みたいなことが多かったと思うんですよ。歌ってるっていうパートがあまりなかった印象があって。でもね、ウチのMOAMETALは歌が上手いんですよ。
SU-METAL: Until now, she’s mostly been doing “ainote” shouting sections rather than the chorus. There haven’t been that many singing parts, in my recollection. But our MOAMETAL is a great singer.
(NOTE: Su uses the same “our” as Moa did earlier)
MOAMETAL (笑)。褒められた!でも、そうなのかな···?
MOAMETAL: (laughs) Aha, you’re too kind. But… are you being serious?
SU-METAL そう!しかも、ダンスしながら歌ってるのが、本当に凄いと思ってる。
SU-METAL: I am! And I think it’s really great that you can sing while dancing.
MOAMETAL いやいやいや。あなたのように全部は歌えないですから、私は。あなたこそ、本当に凄いよ。
MOAMETAL: Oh, you’re just being nice, I can’t sing everything like you can. You’re the one that’s really amazing.
(NOTE: Unusually for her, Moa uses the personal pronouns あなた (you) and 私 (I) here. Typically, these pronouns are omitted when they speak of one another, or they use their -METAL names. Usage of such pronouns can create a sense of “formality” or “respectful distance”, and as such this word choice may have been intended to reflect a sense of respect when talking about this aspect of Su)
What’s MOAMETAL’s secret behind singing chorus parts on this album so successfully?
MOAMETAL 秘訣ですか!? 頑張るのみ(笑)。
MOAMETAL: Secret tips? I just do my best, that’s all it is (laughs).
MOAMETAL BABYMETALの楽曲って、基本的にめちゃめちゃキーが高いなって思っていて。SU-METALのキーに合わせて作った曲は、全部高いんですよ。私はSU-METALに比べたら声が低い方なので、ハモリとかになるとめちゃくちゃ高くて。もうね、必死です!
MOAMETAL: BABYMETAL’s music tends to be fairly high-pitched, more aligned with SU-METAL’s voice. My vocal range is lower than hers, so when I do harmony parts, they tend to be pretty high in my range. It’s quite a struggle for me to reach those notes!
SU-METAL そうだね(笑)。
SU-METAL: Indeed (laughs).
MOAMETAL 必死に食らいつく!なので、下パートだけ任せて下さい!くらいかなと。
MOAMETAL: It’s a desperate struggle to reach those notes! So it’s just like “please give me vocal parts with a lower pitch”.
So the secret to singing the chorus is “do it desperately”. (laughs)
MOAMETAL そのとおり。〝必死さ〟だけです!
MOAMETAL: That’s right, it’s all about “desperation”! (laughs)
SU-METAL: (laughs)
【初めての作詞について】 CHAPTER-3
CHAPTER 3: Regarding the first time writing lyrics
――そして、『THE OTHER ONE』の話題のひとつとして、「Divine Attack - 神撃 -」ではSU-METALが初めて歌詞を書いています。SU-METALは元々歌詞を書き留めたりはしていたの?
Something special about THE OTHER ONE is the fact that SU-METAL wrote lyrics for the first time in “Divine Attack”. Did you have a regular habit of writing and collecting material to build lyrics?
SU-METAL ちゃんと書いたのは、今回が初めてですね。
SU-METAL: It’s the first time I’ve done so seriously.
――「Divine Attack - 神撃 -」に関しては、こういうテーマで書いてほしいって言われて、そのテーマに沿って書いたの?
Were you asked to write lyrics following a specific theme for “Divine Attack”, and did you follow it?
SU-METAL そうですね。今回は全曲が神話が元になっていて、この曲にももちろん神話があって。で、メロディーみたいなものも何となくあったんですね。それで、それに合わせて歌詞を作っていくっていう感じだったんです。
SU-METAL: Yes. For this album, the songs are based on mythology, and this song is no exception. There was the rough framework of a melody, so I wrote the lyrics to go along with it.
It’s the first time you’ve sung lyrics you wrote yourself, right? How did it feel?
SU-METAL 何ていうんだろうな······自分で歌詞を書いて、その歌詞を自分で歌って、それをレコーディングしたときに、言葉だけが綺麗でも駄目なんだなって思ったんですよね。自分の声にマッチしてるか?とか、このメロディー・ラインにキレイに乗ってるか?とか、背景のサウンドにキレイにハマってるか?とか、いろんなことを考えて曲は作られているんだなっていうのが、改めて勉強になりましたね。
SU-METAL: How should I explain it… After singing lyrics I’d written myself, I realized it’s not enough for the words to be beautiful or flowery. Does it match my voice? Does it go well with the melody? Does it fit with the instrumentals? I experienced for myself how songs have to be written taking many things into account.
You started to get a clearer picture of BABYMETAL’s songwriting process.
SU-METAL わかってきましたね。あとは、改めて自分の声を分析することができたんです。伸ばす音のときに、「こういう音は苦手なんだな」とかも知ることができたりして、結構面白かったですね。
SU-METAL: I’m beginning to understand it, yes. It also helped me analyze my voice again. It was quite interesting to find “Oh, I struggle with this kind of note if I stretch the sound out”, and stuff like that.
You discovered various things through the process of writing your own lyrics.
SU-METAL ありました。歌詞に関してのアドバイスも、アドバイスというよりは、とりあえずレコーディングして、それを聴いてみて、「どういう風に聴こえる?」っていう感じだったんですね。それで、「じゃあ、ここはまだ響きが弱い感じがするから······」とか、「ここは、もうちょっとうしろのリズムが立ったほうが面白いから書き直します」って言ったり。そういうのを何度も何度もやらせてもらったので、その中で自分の気づきがすごく多くあって。とにかく、やっていて面白かったですね。
SU-METAL: I did. When it came to seeking advice and feedback about the lyrics, what I did instead was record myself singing it, and then listen to it to discuss how it sounded. For example, “it doesn’t have a strong enough sound here” or “in this part, I’ll rewrite some phrases so the rhythm in the background can stand out more clearly”, and so on. Working in this way over and over again helped me notice many things. Overall, it was quite an interesting experience.
Do you want to try writing more?
SU-METAL それは······どうなんですかね(笑)。時間があったらかな。
SU-METAL: Hmm… (laughs) Maybe if I’ve got the time.
Is MOAMETAL interested in writing lyrics?
MOAMETAL: Of course!
Ah! That’s right, you already wrote lyrics for “Song 4”.
MOAMETAL はい(笑)。ただ、あれは歌詞を書いたと言っていいのかどうか······。
MOAMETAL: Yup (laughs). I just don’t know if I can really say I wrote “lyrics” for that one…
SU-METAL 「4の歌」は、普段適当に歌っていたものが、気づいたら曲になってたからね(笑)。
SU-METAL: “Song 4” was something that you two would randomly sing together, and before we knew it, the team had turned it into a song (laughs).
MOAMETAL: Yeah (laughs).
Is it possible we’ll see “lyrics by MOAMETAL" in the future?
MOAMETAL これはですね······めちゃめちゃキツネ様次第ですけど、提出してみますね。でも、作詞をやりたい気持ちはありますよ。
MOAMETAL: Well… that’s up to the Fox God. I’ll be sure to let them know. But yes, I do want to write lyrics.
Ah, really?
MOAMETAL あります。でも、さっきのSU-METALの歌詞作り······スパルタさ、無言の圧みたいな話を聞いてたら······。
MOAMETAL: I do. But listening to SU-METAL talk about lyric writing… it sounds very spartan, creating an unspoken pressure…
SU-METAL そんなぁ(笑)。
SU-METAL: Ha, you’re exaggerating (laughs).
Ah, the bar has been raised after hearing her talk about the process (laughs).
MOAMETAL ハードル高すぎ。まあでも、ちょっと相談してみます。キツネ様に。
MOAMETAL: It’s quite a high bar. But yeah, I’ll talk to the Fox God about it.
Is SU-METAL interested in what MOAMETAL might write?
SU-METAL いや、絶対に面白そう!
SU-METAL: Oh, most definitely!
MOAMETAL 「唐揚げ食べたい~」みたいな歌とかできちゃうかもよ。
MOAMETAL: Maybe we’ll have a song singing about “I want to eat fried chicken~"
That’s basically “Song 4” all over again (laughs).
MOAMETAL きっと、そんな歌ばっかりになります。覚悟しておいてください。
MOAMETAL: That will always be my style. Prepare yourself!
CHAPTER 4: Recommended songs from THE OTHER ONE
――次に、『THE OTHER ONE』の2人それぞれの推し曲を教えてもらえればと。
Next, I was wondering if you could tell me which songs each of you would recommend from THE OTHER ONE.
MOAMETAL 難しいなぁ。私は、結構キャッチーなメロが好きなんで、「Monochrome」かな?歌詞を読んでるとダークだなって思う人もいると思うんですけど、めちゃめちゃメロがキャッチーだから、二面性というか······それがBABYMETALらしさでもあるので、そのBABYMETALらしさがちりばめられてる楽曲かなって思います。「Monochrome」は唯一聴いてるかも。あ、SU-METALごめんね。「Divine Attack - 神撃 - 」ももちろん聴いてるよ。
MOAMETAL: Hm, that’s difficult. I have a preference for catchy melodies, so maybe “Monochrome”? Some might think the lyrics are dark, but the melody is quite the earworm, so I think there’s a duality to the song that’s characteristic of BABYMETAL. “Monochrome” is the one that I regularly listen to. Oh, sorry SU-METAL, of course I also regularly listen to “Divine Attack”.
SU-METAL 全然大丈夫(笑)。「Divine Attack - 神撃 - 」は振りがハードだからね。
SU-METAL: It’s totally fine if you don’t listen to it (laughs). “Divine Attack” has some pretty tough choreography so I get it.
MOAMETAL そうあの曲の振りは相当にハード。だから聴いて······ますよ(笑)
MOAMETAL: Yes, the choreography goes quite hard indeed. So I… definitely… totally listen to it… a lot, yeah (laughs)
You definitely don’t listen to it regularly (laughs). “Monochrome” made its live debut at Makuhari, right? That’s the song where SU-METAL asked everyone to take our their phones and turn on their lights.
SU-METAL そう、「Monochrome」ですね。
SU-METAL: Ah yes, that was during “Monochrome”.
Is this the first time SU-METAL has asked the audience to do that?
SU-METAL たしかにそうかも。
SU-METAL: Hm, I think so.
MOAMETAL: Perhaps during “KARATE” before?
SU-METAL やってたかな?「THE ONE」とかも、海外ではちょっとやったりとかしてたけど、日本では初めてかも。
SU-METAL: Hm, maybe? I recall doing it during “THE ONE” overseas, but I think it was the first time in Japan.
MOAMETAL そうだ、英語では言ってたかも。あとは、コルセットが光るとかだったからね。
MOAMETAL: That’s right, I remember you asking the audience in English while overseas. Besides that, in Japan there was the time with the glowing neck braces.
SU-METAL そうだった(笑)。
SU-METAL: That’s right (laughs).
MOAMETAL 自動的に光ってくれたから、「スマホを出して」みたいなことはなかったかも。
MOAMETAL: Those lit up automatically, so you didn’t need to say something like “take your phones out”.
Yes, at shows like Tokyo Dome, the neck braces glowed.
(NOTE: glowing wearables had been used at several shows before, such as at like Tokyo Dome, Legend S, and Legend M)
“Take out your camera lights!” is something foreign artists do fairly regularly, but how did it feel to see the venue light up that way in “Monochrome”?
MOAMETAL めちゃめちゃキレイでしたね。なんか海外のライヴハウス規模では見てたけど、あれだけたくさんの人がライトを点けてくれると、本当に光の海みたいで、すごいキレイだなって思いました。SU-METALも喜んでたんで。その姿が可愛くて、私も嬉しくなってしまいました(笑)。
MOAMETAL: It was so pretty! We’d done it at some shows overseas at smaller venues, but when the fans turned on their lights at Makuhari, it was like a huge sea of light, and so very beautiful. SU-METAL really loved it, and it made me happy to see her cute reaction (laughs).
SU-METAL 「良かった······伝わって!」って安心して。最初は伝わらないもどかしさとかもあったし、新たな取り組みだったので、どれくらいの人が参加してくれるんだろうっていうのもあって、だからこそ、伝わったときは本当に嬉しかったし、あの中で歌うのはすごく気持ちよかったです。もちろん、うしろのほうにいるお客さんの姿まで結構見えてるとはいえ、なかなか存在を感じにくいところとかもあって。特に「Monochrome」とかは、最初はライティングがステージにフォーカスされていて、お客さんは結構暗くてっていうところが多くて。
SU-METAL: I was so relieved they understood what we were trying to do. At first, the response was a bit tentative and delayed, so we were initially worried that the message might not be getting through, since it was a new thing, and we wondered how many people would join in. That’s why it made me really happy to see everyone do it, and it was a great feeling to sing in that environment. Of course, I could technically see the fans at the back of the venue, but it was initially hard to feel their presence. For “Monochrome” in particular, the lighting is focused on the stage at first, so the audience areas are quite dark in many places of the arena.
The stage concept for “Monochrome” was literally monochrome, reflected in the lighting choices.
SU-METAL そうなんですよ。だから、お客さんのところが真っ暗で。お客さんが見えないから、ちょっと心細い感じで曲が始まって、あのタイミングでうしろまでブワーってスマホのライトが点いたから、「みんなここにいる!みんながいてくれている!」っていうのが、あの光によってわかったんです。
SU-METAL: That’s right. So much of the audience was in total darkness. I couldn’t see them, so I felt a little uneasy at first when the song started, and that moment when all the phones turned on, I could really feel “everyone is here with us!” since I could finally see them via their lights.
SU-METAL, you have a nice way of expressing yourself in a way that makes fans feel warm and fuzzy inside when they hear you talk.
SU-METAL (笑)。ひとつの光はすごく小さいかもしれないけど、やっぱりあれだけの規模になるとすごくキレイな光になって。その光に包まれて歌えるっていうのが、すごく幸せだなって思って歌ってました。
SU-METAL: (laughs) A single light may be small, but on a large scale all together, they become something beautiful. It made me really happy to sing surrounded by all those lights.
Singing in a sea of light is quite a thing for a vocalist!
SU-METAL 本当に。そして、あの光の数がお客さんの数なわけじゃないですか。そこも含めて幸せでした。
SU-METAL: It really is. The number of lights equaled the number of fans. That was also part of what made me happy.
――では、そんなSU-METALの『THE OTHER ONE』の推し曲は?
So, what song from THE OTHER ONE would SU-METAL recommend?
SU-METAL さっき、「Mirror Mirror」の話をしてしまったんでアレなんですけど、やっぱり「Mirror Mirror」が一番好きなんですよね。何ていうのかな······ 歌詞のメッセージ的なものも『THE OTHER ONE』のアルバムを表してるんじゃないかなって思うし、〝もうひとつのBABYMETAL〟っていうところさえも表現しているような気がして。それを言語を分けて表現しているっていうのが、面白いポイントだなって思ってます。リアルな世界のサビの部分とかは、結構のびのびと自由に歌ってる感じなんだけど、それを鏡の中で英語でボソボソ言って?覗いている自分がいるといった、表と裏の感じがいいです。あと、MOAMETALのコーラスというか、合いの手みたいな感じで入っているところとかも好きで。曲の雰囲気も、一見キラキラ輝いている鏡のように見えるんだけど、何か歪んでそうな雰囲気が出てるっていう。そこも表の世界と裏の世界な感じがするし。「Mirror Mirror」そのものが、すごくBABYMETALらしいというか、BABYMETALそのもののような曲なんじゃないかなって思ってます。そういう要素も含めて、一番好きな曲です。
SU-METAL: I hate to sound like a broken record since we already talked about “Mirror Mirror” earlier, but I’d still say that it’s my favorite from the album. What can I say about it… the lyrics represent THE OTHER ONE as an album, and I think it also expresses the feeling of “another BABYMETAL” quite well. I think the expression in different languages is also quite interesting. The chorus talking about the “real world” is sung in a rather free and spontaneous way, but the part talking about seeing yourself in the mirror is whispered in English, and it creates a back and forth feeling that I enjoy. I like MOAMETAL’s chorus - or rather, where her part actually sounds like “ainote”. At first glance, the atmosphere of the song appears like a shining mirror, but there’s something distorted about it. There’s the feeling of the world you see, and the world within. I think “Mirror Mirror” is quite a BABYMETAL-like song, or rather, a song that reminds you of BABYMETAL itself. Taking all that into account, it’s my favorite song.
――なるほど。となると、「Mirror Mirror」は、それこそ『THE OTHER ONE』を代表するような曲かもしれないよね。
I see. So “Mirror Mirror” can represent THE OTHER ONE overall as an album.
SU-METAL 私もそうだと思います。
SU-METAL: Yes, that’s what I think.
【3年ぶりの海外ツアー】 CHAPTER-5
CHAPTER 5: The first overseas tour in 3 years
――そして、『THE OTHER ONE」が発売されて、4月1日と2日の日本でのライヴが終わると、いよいよ約1ヵ月以上に及ぶ欧州ツアーが始まるじゃないですか。しかも、盟友というか兄貴分的存在なSABATONとのツアーで。
Following the release of THE OTHER ONE and the conclusion of the April shows in Japan, you’ll begin a European tour that will last for more than a month. And you’ll be touring with your allies - or rather, your big brothers - SABATON.
MOAMETAL 本ッ当に待望の海外です。
MOAMETAL: It’s definitely a long-awaited overseas tour.
This European tour includes a performance at London’s Wembley Arena on April 15. You know, the first ever concert by a Japanese artist at Wembley Arena was also in April (April 2, 2016).
SU-METAL そうだ! あのときも4月だ!
SU-METAL: Ah! That was in April too!
So in a sense, it’s sort of like a triumphant return, isn’t it? London is your second home, a place of memories that made you legends. Do you both remember Wembley from 7 years ago?
MOAMETAL ちょっと待って、7年前!?
MOAMETAL: Hold on, 7 years ago!?
SU-METAL 嘘!(笑)
SU-METAL: No way! (laughs)
MOAMETAL 東京ドームより前だ!
MOAMETAL: Before Tokyo Dome!
SU-METAL 2016年だ。
SU-METAL: Ah, in 2016.
――2nd『METAL RESISTANCE』発売に伴うツアーの幕開けを飾った公演ですよ。あれから7年も経っているんですよ。自分も調べて驚いたんだけど。
It was the show that kicked off the METAL RESISTANCE release tour. It’s been 7 years since then! I was quite surprised when I looked it up.
MOAMETAL 怖い······。
MOAMETAL: So scary…
SU-METAL あれが7年前って怖いよね······。
SU-METAL: It’s been 7 years already… frightening indeed.
MOAMETAL 時の流れを強烈に感じます。
MOAMETAL: The passage of time is hitting me hard.
What does SU-METAL recall from the London concerts?
SU-METAL ロンドンは毎回、新しいことが動き出すタイミングで絶対に行っているっていうイメージがあって。それこそO2ブリクストンだったり、ウェンブリーだったり、すべて新しいことが始まるときに行く場所になってるんですよ。これはわざとじゃなくて、本当に気づいたらそうなってたっていう。ロンドンにはそういう巡り合せがあるのかなと。
SU-METAL: Whenever something new is about to start, the image of going to London comes to my mind. For example, O2 Brixton, Wembley, and other venues were places we’d go when something new was about to begin. I wouldn’t say it was intentional, but it just so happened by the time we’d noticed. Things just worked out that way.
London - or rather, the UK as a whole.
SU-METAL そうです。グラストンベリーやソニスフィアとかのフェスもそうだし。
SU-METAL: Yes. Glastonbury, Sonisphere, and other festivals.
This tour with SABATON will also start in the UK.
SU-METAL そうですね。「METAL RESISTANCE」が終了して、また新たなBABYMETALがスタートするタイミングなので、それで約3年ぶりに海外ツアーがまたイギリスで始まるっていうのが、運命的というか······巡り合せがすごくいいですよね。だから、イギリスに行くと「ただいま」って言いたくなるくらいで。ファンの方もすごく温かいし、アウェーのフェスもたくさん経験してきたんですけど、それでもロンドンというかイギリスは、ホーム感がある場所なんですよね。だから、SABATONさんのサポートとはいえ、イギリスでライヴをやるときは「帰ってきたよ!」って言いたいですね。
SU-METAL: That’s right. It’s a great coincidence that “METAL RESISTANCE” has now ended, and a new BABYMETAL is beginning. So perhaps it’s fate that our next overseas tour will be starting again in the UK, after 3 years. When I’m there, I just want to tell them “We’re home”. The fans are very warm and welcoming, and although I’ve experienced many away festivals, London - or the UK as a whole, is still a place that feels most like home for us. So even though we’re supporting SABATON, when we perform in the UK, “We’re finally back!” is something we want to say to the fans.
The tour with SABATON will last for over a month. It’s been a long time since BABYMETAL has been on such a packed tour.
MOAMETAL 1ヵ月で20何公演あるのは本当に久しぶりですね。たしかに、かなり詰まってる。でも、SABATONさんの労力の使い方を考えたら全然大丈夫ですよ。だって、SABATONさんが主役のツアーだから。
MOAMETAL: It’s been a really long time since we’ve had 20-something shows in a month. Definitely a packed schedule. But we have much less to worry about, considering how much more work Sabaton is putting into the tour as the headliner.
――そうか、あくまで今回はスペシャル・ゲストだからね。でもさ、BRING ME THE HORIZON とSABATONっていう、両方ともメタルではあるけど、ある意味まったくタイプの違うバンドとライヴができるって、BABYMETAL最大の強みのひとつだと思うのよ。
I suppose so, since you’re their special guest. But you know, I think one of BABYMETAL’s greatest strengths is the ability to perform with groups from Bring Me The Horizon to SABATON, who are both metal bands, but in a sense, completely different.
MOAMETAL それは、編集長の言うとおりかも。
MOAMETAL: It is indeed as Mr. Editor-in-Chief says.
SU-METAL たしかに、そう言われると凄いことですよね。
SU-METAL: Now that you mention it, that is rather unusual!
MOAMETAL METALLICAもやったし、レッチリもやったしね。何でですかね?私でも不思議です(笑)。あと、実はSU-METALがSABATONのファンなんです。
MOAMETAL: We supported Metallica, and also the Red Hot Chili Peppers. How did we pull that off? Even I wonder sometimes (laughs). Did you know that SU-METAL is a SABATON fangirl?
Ah, is that right!
SU-METAL そうです(笑)。ツアーが決まったときから、もう楽しみすぎて。今も考えるとワクワクします。元々、「META!メタ太郎」とか「Oh! MAJINAI (feat. Joakim Brodén)」みたいな、BABYMETALがSABATONさんをリスペクトして作ってる曲が、めちゃくちゃ好きなんですよ。ということは、SABATONさんの曲もきっと好きなんだろうなとは思っていたんですけど、今はもう好きすぎて(笑)。なので、SABATONさんとのライヴが決まってから、普通にファンとして聴いてます。
SU-METAL: It’s true (laughs). I’ve been over the moon with joy about this tour ever since it was decided. I’m already so hyped just thinking about it. I really enjoyed songs like “META TARO" and “Oh! MAJINAI”, which are sort of homages to SABATON ‘s style. So I figured that I’d enjoy their musical style as well, but now I’ve become a true fan of the group (laughs). Ever since the tour with SABATON was decided, I’ve been listening to their music just as a fan.
I’m surprised that SU-METAL loves SABATON that much.
SU-METAL もう、SABATONさんとのツアーが本当に楽しみで仕方ないんです。このまま4月までずっと聴いてたら、本当に大ファンになっちゃいそうで······。
SU-METAL: I’m so looking forward to touring with them. If I keep listening to their music all the way to April, I’m really going to become a total fangirl.
MOAMETAL ヨアキム兄さんに会ったら緊張してそうだね。
MOAMETAL: You’re going to be really nervous meeting big brother Joakim-san.
SU-METAL そう!緊張してさ、ちょっとパフォーマンスに影響が出そうだから。
SU-METAL: Yes! I might be so nervous that it’ll affect my performance a little bit.
For real? (laughs)
SU-METAL そうなんですよ······。
SU-METAL: I think so…
MOAMETAL SU-METAL、ちょっと抑え気味でいかないと。
MOAMETAL: SU-METAL, you need to dial it back a notch.
SU-METAL わかった。ちょっと抑えとく(笑)。
SU-METAL: I know, I’ll try and restrain myself (laughs).
MOAMETAL それがいいと思うな(笑)。
MOAMETAL: That’s much better (laughs).
SU-METAL’s been listening to SABATON. What has MOAMETAL been listening to?
MOAMETAL (テーブルの上にあった『ヘドバン』Vol. 38を指差しながら)私、最近はこれです。
MOAMETAL: (points to Hedoban Vol.38 sitting on the table) This is what I’ve been listening to recently.
No way, MÅNESKIN!?
MOAMETAL MÅNESKINが好きで、めっちゃ聴いてます。夏に、初めてMÄNESKINが日本でライヴをしているのを観たんです。今まで曲は知っていたけど、ライヴを観たことがなくて。だから、調べたこともなかったんですけど、ライヴを観たらめちゃめちゃ虜にされて。
MOAMETAL: I like MÅNESKIN and listen to them a lot. I saw them perform in Japan for the first time last summer. I knew their songs, but I’d never seen them live, so I hadn’t really learned that much about them, but after seeing them perform, I was totally captivated.
(NOTE: MÅNESKIN performed at Summer Sonic Osaka in 2022. It seems quite likely that Moa was there…)
This is quite unexpected.
MOAMETAL しかも、調べたら年下か、同い年しかいないんですよね。
MOAMETAL: And I looked it up and found they are all younger or the same age as me.
That’s right, I was just about to mention that the members are all from MOAMETAL’s generation.
MOAMETAL そうなんですよ!それが本当にビックリして。そんな自分と同世代とか年下の人たちが、世界で頑張っている姿を見て、めちゃめちゃ奮い立たされて。
MOAMETAL: Yes, I was really surprised! Seeing people my own age and younger doing so well in the world inspires me tremendously.
Ah, you’re inspired by MÅNESKIN!
MOAMETAL めちゃめちゃ受けましたね。聴くたびにカッコいいな~と思ってます。あとは··· ··· サバプロも聴いてますね。
MOAMETAL: Very much so. Every time I listen to them I think “ah, they’re so cool~”. Also… I listen to Sabapro.
――Survive Said The Prophet?
Survive Said The Prophet?
MOAMETAL’s taste is now totally in rock mode.
MOAMETAL そうなんです。入りました。特にMÅNESKINで入りましたね。
MOAMETAL: That’s right, I’m totally into rock nowadays, particularly MÅNESKIN
Sabapro seemed like a natural choice, but MÅNESKIN was somewhat surprising.
MOAMETAL: Oh, really?
I could never have imagined it. But hey, maybe someday you’ll be on the same stage at a festival or something?
MOAMETAL 本当かなぁ。フェスで会うこともまだないので。
MOAMETAL: Hopefully! We haven’t met up at festivals yet.
Well, I am quite certain BABYMETAL will encounter them when you start playing at festivals.
MOAMETAL 会えたら嬉しいなぁ。MÅNESKINには会ってみたい。
MOAMETAL: It would make me really happy. I really want to meet MÅNESKIN!
Well, our time is running short, so let’s move to the last round of questions. You’ll be performing at Pia Arena MM in April, but I was wondering if you could each tell me about what you’re looking forward to in this overseas tour starting in Europe.
MOAMETAL えっとじゃあ、この度は······ 。
MOAMETAL: Well then, I’d like to take this momentous occasion as an opportunity to say…
This momentous occasion!? (laughs)
SU-METAL そこから始まるの?(笑)
SU-METAL: You’re starting with an actual speech? (laughs)
MOAMETAL 『ヘドバン』のBABYMETALの記事をお読みくださり、皆様ありがとうございます。久しぶりの海外公演の前にぴあアリーナも用意されていて、今まで封印期間で会えてなかった分、これからたくさん会える機会が増えてくると思うので、私たちも皆さんに会えるのがとても楽しみです。そして、〝私たちなりのBABYMETAL〟をこれからも届け続けていくことを約束するので、見守ってくれると嬉しいです。では、SU-METALどうぞ。
MOAMETAL: … that it is with greatest appreciation that I say “thank you all for reading about BABYMETAL in Hedoban Magazine”. We’re looking forward to seeing you all at Pia Arena before our first overseas tour in a long time, and we’re sure that we’ll have many more opportunities to meet you, now that we have unsealed. We promise to continue to bring you “our own BABYMETAL”, so I’d appreciate it if you were willing to continue watching over us as you always have. Your turn, SU-METAL.
SU-METAL ありがとうございます(笑)。そうですね、まずは、4月のぴあアリーナ公演が待っているんですけども、そこから10年間活動してきたBABYMETAL、そして「METAL RESISTANCE」を経て、また〝新たなBABYMETAL〟として、生まれ変わるつもりで今は準備を進めています。なので、まずは〝新たなBABYMETAL〟の姿を楽しみにしていただければなと。それは4月のライヴで明らかになるので、お楽しみにっていうことです。それと、新曲がたくさん増えてきて、私は本当にライヴを通してお客さんと共に曲を作っていくのが自分の使命だと思っているので、まずはこの曲たちを育てていきたいし、久しぶりの海外公演をイギリスで、しかもSABATONさんと一緒に始められるっていうことが、本当に光栄に思ってるし、また〝SABATON × BABYMETAL〟みたいな、面白い何かが出せたらすごく楽しいんじゃないかなと。
SU-METAL: Thank you very much for that intro (laughs). Well, first of all, following 10 years of BABYMETAL activities and “METAL RESISTANCE”, we will be reborn as the “new BABYMETAL” at the Pia Arena MM concert in April, so I hope you can first look forward to seeing the “new BABYMETAL”. All will become clear at the April concert, so please look forward to it. We have a number of new songs now, and it’s our mission to complete these songs together at concerts with the fans, so above all else I’m looking forward to doing that. Also, it’s quite an honor to kick off our first overseas performance in a long time starting in the UK once more, particularly with SABATON. It’d be a lot of fun to make something cool happen between this collaboration together.
Ah, it’s like a collaboration, isn’t it?
SU-METAL そうです!あと、〝BABYMETALの道〟を貫いてきているのが、BABYMETALの今までのやり方だと思うし、これからもそこは変わらないでいたいし、これからも〝BABYMETALの道〟を信じて前に進み続けるので、見守っていただけたら嬉しいです。
SU-METAL: Exactly! We’ve been blazing our own “BABYMETAL Path” thus far, and will continue following it moving forward, so it would make me really happy if you could continue to watch over us as we take on these challenges in the BABYMETAL way.
Thank you very much. There’s one other thing I forgot to ask. I know that you’ll be touring overseas more and more now, but are there any countries you’d like to visit in particular? Like a country you haven’t visited before.
MOAMETAL 私は絶ッ対にアジアに行きたいですね。
MOAMETAL: I definitely want to go to Asia.
I see. Because COVID canceled the Asia tour.
MOAMETAL そうなんです。あのときアジアの国々に行けなかったことが残念で仕方なくて。封印期間中もそれがすごい気になっていたんですよ。だから、アジア・ツアーはやりたくてしょうがないです。
MOAMETAL: Indeed. I was so disappointed that we couldn’t go to the Asian countries at that time. It really stayed on my mind during the seal. That’s why I want to do an Asia tour above all.
How about SU-METAL?
SU-METAL 私、行ってみたい国としては、南米のほうかな。
SU-METAL: I’d like to go to South America.
Even further south than Mexico?
SU-METAL そうです!2015年にメキシコでライヴをやったじゃないですか。あのライヴは本当にカオスだったというか······ カオスすぎて!だから、あのカオスを超えるカオスにまだ出会ってないっていうか。
SU-METAL: Yes! We played a show in Mexico in 2015. That show was… so chaotic, wasn’t it? I haven’t experienced a show that’s surpassed that level of chaos since then.
(NOTE: recall in Hedoban #28 how Mexico left quite the impression on Su!)
I see. So you need to go even further south. If you do a concert in Brazil, it might very well exceed the chaos of Mexico.
SU-METAL ですよね。何ていうか······ BABYMETALの新たな扉を開くのって、海外のお客さんの捉え方だったり、ノリ方だったりっていうのがあると思っていて。その中でも、メキシコのお客さんの自由さが凄くて。いい意味で「BABYMETALの音楽を聴いてくれてるのかな?こっちでライヴやってますよ」って言いたいぐらい、自由だったんですよ。それがもう面白いし、衝撃的すぎて。だから、今はあのライヴの光景をまた見てみたいっていう感じです。
SU-METAL: I’d certainly hope so! I think it opens new doors for us, seeing the way BABYMETAL is perceived by foreign audiences, and how they groove to the music. The freedom of the audience in Mexico was amazing. In a good way, it was almost like I could say “Uh guys, we’re in the middle of a concert right now, are you even listening to the music”; that’s how free and uninhibited they seemed. It was so interesting and shocking! So now I want to see a show like that again.
If you go to South America, it could open a new door for BABYMETAL, or rather SU-METAL.
SU-METAL そうですよね。そのカオスな反応を見て、自分の音楽との向き合い方がまた変わるんじゃないかなって思うんですよね。あと、南米ってメタルが熱いというのも聞いたことがあるんですよ。
SU-METAL: I believe so, yes. I imagine that experiencing such chaotic reactions to our performance would ignite new possibilities within me for creating music. Also, I’ve heard that metal is quite a thing in South America.
Huge metal festivals in Brazil can get crowds of about 100,000 people.
SU-METAL そうなんだ!
SU-METAL: Right?
SU-METAL その熱気と陽気な感じがミックスしたときに、BABYMETALのライヴはどうなるんだろうって考えるとゾクゾクします。
SU-METAL: I get chills thinking about what BABYMETAL’s concerts there would be like, when all that heat and joviality is mixed together.
One of the keys to unlocking the next door for BABYMETAL is in South America.
SU-METAL そうだと思います!
SU-METAL: Definitely!
Additional Credits: Capable-Paramedic (editing, transcription)